Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LOMBARDDEPOSITBANKLIMITED, Nos . 43 & U LOMBARD STREET , CITY , & Nos . 277 & 279 REGENT STREET , W . Established 1869 . RECEIVES DEPOSITS , on demand , 5 per cent . ; subject to notico , 10 per cent . Opens current accounts . Supplies cheque-books . Investors are invited to examine this now and improved system , that insures a high rate of interest with perfect security . ... TO BORROWERS—It offers pre-ominent advantage for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal , publicity , sureties , or feea . Prospectus and balance sheets free . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . Abridged Opinions of the Press on the Lombard Deposit Bank Limited , WEEKLY DISPATCH . — " The class who cannot bank eminently a popular bank , and offers advantages with the houses that are in the ascendant have a which are at once unusual and solid . " pleasant alternative—they can put their money in M ONETARY AND MERCANTILE GAZETTE . — " Wo the Lombard Deposit Bank and sleep in peace , aaVe been asked by an intending investor to peruse knowing that their money is safe and that the bank the prospectus and balanco sheet of the Lombard may be depended on . " Bank ( Limited ) , and having done so , wo must WEEKLY TIMES . — " They had faith in the Building admit that it appears to present advantages of no Society , which had been a success , as it promised ordinary character , and which are particularly to be , and they believed in the Lombard Bank . worthy of the attention of tho provident and The event proved that their belief was well thoughtful . We have groat pleasure in assuring founded . " borrowers that they will find it an honest , bond-fido NEWS OF THE WOULD . — "The Lombard Deposit source for obtaining advances on securities . It Bank , which was established in 1869 , is now strong further enhances our pleasure in directing a horand sturdy on its feet , with a promise of a halo and rower to this genuine source , kuowing the many hearty old age . " traps that are advertised every day to catch and TnK COURIER . — " The directors do not come plunder the unwary by ft class pretending to lend before tho public as a company which has no past money on modorate terms , with a view of getting by which to estimate the future , and whose present fees . " existence gives no certain tost of the future . On EAST L ONDON O BSERVER . — " Tho great banks , as the contrary , it has a successful past and a a mattor of course , monopolise tho lion ' s share of flourishing present . Tho progress already mado by business , but thero are others willing to do a quiet the Lombard Bank mnst be highly gratifying to all hit sure ' trade . Amongst such is the Lombard interested in it . " Deposit Bank . " SUNDAY TIMES . — "Everybody is mutually bene- WEST LONDON ADVERTISER . — " If anybody is in fitted , and every one co-operates , thus one of the search of a respectable banking concern with whom fundamental principles of political economy is ' tney may wish to have money dealings , we can recognised and acted upon with prominent ( Urect them to the Lombard Deposit Bank , L msnecess . " hard-street , and at the West-end , in Regent-street . THE HOUR . — " Experience has proved that thero TDO m ! m with money with which ho wishes to doal is almost no limit to the succoss of companies such hns his choice . Ho may put his money in tho bank as this , which conduct their business on sound on deposit , and receive moderate , sound , real , and principles , and the Lombard has been fortunate m snr 0 interest ; or he may Purchase a share and exersecuring a good list of trustees and directors . " ciso his r ^ t ^ shareholder . " CHRISTIAN GLOBE . — "The Lombard Bank is Tn „ HOUR . — " Tho success which attended the qualified to suit the convenience of a large class of operations of the Lombard Bnildintr Society , estabpeople , unable to avail themselves of the advan- lisned in i 869 > has suggested to the promoters tho tagos offered by larger establishments . plfm of institutinga deposit bank . Likeother banks , DAJLY CHRONICLE . — " The principles on which it the Lombard Deposit Bank will endeavour to mako is bated are just and equitable , and its management monoy by borrowing and lending j hut it will do economical . , _ , „ ,. . both on terms much more favourable for its cus-LONDON MIRROR . — "The Lombard Bank is an out- tomers , and will deal in much smaller amounts growth of the Lombard Building Society , which has than is usual . Shares in the Lombard Bank may been established as a company since 1869 , and has h 0 applied for with confidence , more than fulfilled the expectations of its share- CHRISTUN GLOBE . — "Based upon sound cornholders , mercial principles , the success of the Lombard Bank DHAWING-HOOM GAZETTE . — The Lombard Deposit has been such as to warrant the expectations first Bank , started on a basis of established success , entertained of it . By tho business operations of offers various advantages to the public on so obvi- this establishment , all classes may have a banking onsly safe a principle as needs only to be known in account " order to command wide and general acceptance . " TlfK DRAPER . —* 'The Lombard Bank undertakes WEST LONDON OBSERVER . — •It any one has his to lend monev , as well as to receivo money for indoubts respecting the security and stability of build- vestment ; and it appears to us that the calculations ins societies , we have an instance in point which miUio ar 0 such as to give the utmost soundness to will dispel his uneasiness—we allude to the Lombard tho concern and ample security to investors '' Building Society . which has flourished so well , that , TnK REPORTER . — "It is Incoming more and more although not yet in its teens , it has taken unto itself important overy day to the commercial world to a bank , and . flourishes yet more and more . " havc a legitimate and safe channel where temporary CHELSEA NEWS . — " We cannot give better advice accommodation can be secured at a fair but profitto those who wish to know where to deal with a aWo rate on securities not available under the Buildbanking company with feelings of security , than to in „ Societies Acts . With a view of meeting these refer them to this establishment , whose lite thus far requirements tho directors have projected , as a has been so full of vigour and so prosperous . " distinct company , the Lombard Deposit Bn nk Sr . JAMES S CHRONICLE . — " Tho directors of tho ( Limited ) " * Lombard Bank ( Limited ) offer a boon alike to those INVESTORS GUARDIAN . — " Tho safety of tho iWowho are prepared to deposit money at a moderate sltor depends mo- e upon the use which is made of his but secure rate of interest , and to such whom money than upon any other element , and tho Lomcircumstances oblige to have recourse to a loan , the hard Dep sit Bank give 3 that security with a m rconditions of which arc unusually easy and straight- ginai guarantee of a subscribed and paid-up forward . capital " NORTH MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE .- " Tho banking EDUCATIONAL REVIEW .- " This bank is based upon department of the above company appears to us to sound banking principles , and wo see n - reason why te conducted in the spirit of liberality . All the ad- it shona not prove quite as successful as the vantages of a City Bank are to be had without the building society of Which it is an outgrowth . Thu = exorbitant balance usually demanded or expected far the most sanguine anticipation ! have been as a remuneration for keeping the account . " verified " THE BULLIONIST- " There is obviously a large FORESTERS * FREE PRESS .- ' * The Lombard Bank and legitimate field for a sound and useful invest- is managed by gentlemen who have had considerment of capital m this manner . able commercial experience , and who have hitherto SHEFFIELD POST .- " Owing , therefore , to the handled other people ' s money with honour and sound principles upon which it is conducted , we probity , and paid , by a system of strict economy , believe the lomoard Bank to be one of the safest in every investor 10 per cent , per annum . " - onomy ' existence . COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' GAZETTE . — "No doubt INSURANCE RECORD .- " Established on well-tried so promising an institution will be extensively and approved principles ot mutuality and beneficial patronised by commercial men . " co-operation , and has a trustworthy and respectable DRAWING-ROOM GAZETTE .- " Tho Lombard DeD-sit 1 : 9 , of trustees and directors to conduct its affairs . " Bank ( Limited ) offers all the security of the ioint TUB COSMOPOLITAN .- 'The hank has won tho stock system with a much higher rate of i"t ,-rest to confidence of _ its shareholders and now requests tho depositors , and it possesses this great advantage support of the public generally , which we think over the commercial establishments termed ' comay fairly be given and with advantage , since the operative , ' that it has bo-n working steadily and company offers peculiar facilities for the use ot most profitably for six years in connection with the m ° My- _ _ , „ , „ Lombard Building Society , and by economical and ENGINEERING AND BUILDING TIMES .- " In these skilful management paying 10 and 12 per cent per times when tho larger institutions arc conducting annum to every investor " business on a dangerous system , inviting enormous CHHUTIAN UNION . — "Tho Lombard Bank of losses and paying scarcely any interest for deposits Deposit , in connection with tho Buildin" Socictv , a society like the Lombard is doing a more scruti- has a separate capital , and invites deposits of £ 10 msmg business which , with care , may bring out the and upwards , and conducts bankin" - business on most satisfactory results / much the same principles as other London banks , CHRISTIAN LNION . — The rates of interest offered but has , no doubt , o special function as rcarrti the on deposits M-C thus much above the ordinary bank- class of business conducted by the building society , ing range . ,, „ ... or , in other words , property investment . " COMMERCIAL 1 UAVELLBES GAZETTE .- " The insti- SHEFFIELD POST .- " Its aim it good , its principles tution has hitherto been worked so economically just , its sphere of operations unlimited its subscrinthateach investor has had 10 per cent , per annum tim * < w . < U mmagement economical . " onhismoiey . iNVtsroRs' GUARDIAN . — " It is a channel which RAILWAY SERVICE GAZETTE . — No doubt so pro- can be safely recommended to those who desire mismg an institution will be extensively patronised something more than a safe 3 per cent " in the railway service . . , a » BUILDERS' WEEKLY REPORTER . — " By avoiding - ^ ' upwards or one hundred provincial newsthe mistakes of its predecessors , is enabled to papers have prononnced the Lombard Companies afford to both investors and borrowers well-nigh to offer , unprecedented advantages . " PADDINGTON TIMES . — "The Lombard Deposit . To the Investor—An honest , judicious , andlucra-Bank is now in its sturdy youth , giving promise of tlve channel , growing up into a still more sturdy manhood . It is To Borrowers—Pre-eminent advantages . OFFICES : —43 AND 44 LOMBARD STREET , CITY , AND 277 AND 279 REGENT STREET , W .
REQUIRED , by a pensioned Sergeant-Major , ( late Royal Artillery ) , some EMPLOYMENT where an intelligent , trustworthy man is required . Ago 40 years . Highest testimonials . J . H ., 3 G Horleyford Road , VauxhaU .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . G . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
THE CITY HAT COMPANY'S NEW STYLES are the L EANING SHAPES for London and the Provinces . ATS afc WHOLESALE ~ PRICES . Unequalled in quality and durability .
piTY HAT COMPANY , 1 AQ AND 110 SHOE LANE X U u ( a few minutes' walk from Farringdon Street Station ) and
EXACTLY EIGHT DOOBS FROM FLEET STREET . This notice will prevent gentlemen from entering the other Hat Shops in Shoe Lane by mistaks .
HATS . —BEST SHAPES , 10 s 6 d and 12 s Gd each , give universal satisfaction . T > EST HATS 21 s ; these are unequalled .
"T ^ O R the BLOOD ia the LIFE . " riLAUKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD KJ MIXTURE . Trade Murk , — " Blood Mixture . " I'lIK GUGAT BLOOD PTJLUH'IEU & RE 8 TOEIKR . For cleansing mid clearing tho blood from all impurities , cannot be too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Hfein Disoases , and Sores of all kinds it is a nover-failim ; and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures [ Ilcorated Sore * on the Mock , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures BlackheadB , or Pimples on tho Face Cures Scurvy Soros , Cures Cancerous Ulw- * , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular SW . -I ' . IIIT * , Clears the Blood fro , a al ' . im ;; ire Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to tho most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sufforors to givo it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottlos , 2 s 6 d each , and in C . ises , containin ? six times the quantity , Us each—audicient ti effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world , or sent to any a ldross on rocoipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F , J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses .
BEST MOUSE IN LONDON FOR CORDIALS , SPIRIT Colouring , Capillaire , and Spruce is 258 High Hblborn , tho old-established Dautzic Stores . —ADAM HILL is the original maker of Ale Spice and Kettle , Syrup of Limes , or Concentrated Lemonade , Syrup of Pine Apple for Rum , Syrup of Grape for Brandy , Honey Cream for Gin ; arid many other useful articles were first introduced to the Spirit Trade by Adam Hill . A printed list , with prices and directions for u ^ o . Order by post .
fAMAR 1 NDIEN ( universally prescribed by the Faculty ) , a laxative , refreshing , and ntcrticateil fruit lozenge , for the immediate relief ana effectual cure of constipation , headache , bile , haemorrhoids , So . Tamar ( unlike pills and tho usual purgatives ) is agreeable to tiuce , and never produces irritation . —2 s fid per box , post free 2 d extra . —E . GRILLON , 31 Colcman-sbieut , London , B . C . ; and of all Chemists .
YOUNG'S Arnicatcl Corn and Bunion Plaisters are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excro .-icenccs . Price Od and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Mark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine , Be sure and ask for Young ' s ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LOMBARDDEPOSITBANKLIMITED, Nos . 43 & U LOMBARD STREET , CITY , & Nos . 277 & 279 REGENT STREET , W . Established 1869 . RECEIVES DEPOSITS , on demand , 5 per cent . ; subject to notico , 10 per cent . Opens current accounts . Supplies cheque-books . Investors are invited to examine this now and improved system , that insures a high rate of interest with perfect security . ... TO BORROWERS—It offers pre-ominent advantage for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal , publicity , sureties , or feea . Prospectus and balance sheets free . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . Abridged Opinions of the Press on the Lombard Deposit Bank Limited , WEEKLY DISPATCH . — " The class who cannot bank eminently a popular bank , and offers advantages with the houses that are in the ascendant have a which are at once unusual and solid . " pleasant alternative—they can put their money in M ONETARY AND MERCANTILE GAZETTE . — " Wo the Lombard Deposit Bank and sleep in peace , aaVe been asked by an intending investor to peruse knowing that their money is safe and that the bank the prospectus and balanco sheet of the Lombard may be depended on . " Bank ( Limited ) , and having done so , wo must WEEKLY TIMES . — " They had faith in the Building admit that it appears to present advantages of no Society , which had been a success , as it promised ordinary character , and which are particularly to be , and they believed in the Lombard Bank . worthy of the attention of tho provident and The event proved that their belief was well thoughtful . We have groat pleasure in assuring founded . " borrowers that they will find it an honest , bond-fido NEWS OF THE WOULD . — "The Lombard Deposit source for obtaining advances on securities . It Bank , which was established in 1869 , is now strong further enhances our pleasure in directing a horand sturdy on its feet , with a promise of a halo and rower to this genuine source , kuowing the many hearty old age . " traps that are advertised every day to catch and TnK COURIER . — " The directors do not come plunder the unwary by ft class pretending to lend before tho public as a company which has no past money on modorate terms , with a view of getting by which to estimate the future , and whose present fees . " existence gives no certain tost of the future . On EAST L ONDON O BSERVER . — " Tho great banks , as the contrary , it has a successful past and a a mattor of course , monopolise tho lion ' s share of flourishing present . Tho progress already mado by business , but thero are others willing to do a quiet the Lombard Bank mnst be highly gratifying to all hit sure ' trade . Amongst such is the Lombard interested in it . " Deposit Bank . " SUNDAY TIMES . — "Everybody is mutually bene- WEST LONDON ADVERTISER . — " If anybody is in fitted , and every one co-operates , thus one of the search of a respectable banking concern with whom fundamental principles of political economy is ' tney may wish to have money dealings , we can recognised and acted upon with prominent ( Urect them to the Lombard Deposit Bank , L msnecess . " hard-street , and at the West-end , in Regent-street . THE HOUR . — " Experience has proved that thero TDO m ! m with money with which ho wishes to doal is almost no limit to the succoss of companies such hns his choice . Ho may put his money in tho bank as this , which conduct their business on sound on deposit , and receive moderate , sound , real , and principles , and the Lombard has been fortunate m snr 0 interest ; or he may Purchase a share and exersecuring a good list of trustees and directors . " ciso his r ^ t ^ shareholder . " CHRISTIAN GLOBE . — "The Lombard Bank is Tn „ HOUR . — " Tho success which attended the qualified to suit the convenience of a large class of operations of the Lombard Bnildintr Society , estabpeople , unable to avail themselves of the advan- lisned in i 869 > has suggested to the promoters tho tagos offered by larger establishments . plfm of institutinga deposit bank . Likeother banks , DAJLY CHRONICLE . — " The principles on which it the Lombard Deposit Bank will endeavour to mako is bated are just and equitable , and its management monoy by borrowing and lending j hut it will do economical . , _ , „ ,. . both on terms much more favourable for its cus-LONDON MIRROR . — "The Lombard Bank is an out- tomers , and will deal in much smaller amounts growth of the Lombard Building Society , which has than is usual . Shares in the Lombard Bank may been established as a company since 1869 , and has h 0 applied for with confidence , more than fulfilled the expectations of its share- CHRISTUN GLOBE . — "Based upon sound cornholders , mercial principles , the success of the Lombard Bank DHAWING-HOOM GAZETTE . — The Lombard Deposit has been such as to warrant the expectations first Bank , started on a basis of established success , entertained of it . By tho business operations of offers various advantages to the public on so obvi- this establishment , all classes may have a banking onsly safe a principle as needs only to be known in account " order to command wide and general acceptance . " TlfK DRAPER . —* 'The Lombard Bank undertakes WEST LONDON OBSERVER . — •It any one has his to lend monev , as well as to receivo money for indoubts respecting the security and stability of build- vestment ; and it appears to us that the calculations ins societies , we have an instance in point which miUio ar 0 such as to give the utmost soundness to will dispel his uneasiness—we allude to the Lombard tho concern and ample security to investors '' Building Society . which has flourished so well , that , TnK REPORTER . — "It is Incoming more and more although not yet in its teens , it has taken unto itself important overy day to the commercial world to a bank , and . flourishes yet more and more . " havc a legitimate and safe channel where temporary CHELSEA NEWS . — " We cannot give better advice accommodation can be secured at a fair but profitto those who wish to know where to deal with a aWo rate on securities not available under the Buildbanking company with feelings of security , than to in „ Societies Acts . With a view of meeting these refer them to this establishment , whose lite thus far requirements tho directors have projected , as a has been so full of vigour and so prosperous . " distinct company , the Lombard Deposit Bn nk Sr . JAMES S CHRONICLE . — " Tho directors of tho ( Limited ) " * Lombard Bank ( Limited ) offer a boon alike to those INVESTORS GUARDIAN . — " Tho safety of tho iWowho are prepared to deposit money at a moderate sltor depends mo- e upon the use which is made of his but secure rate of interest , and to such whom money than upon any other element , and tho Lomcircumstances oblige to have recourse to a loan , the hard Dep sit Bank give 3 that security with a m rconditions of which arc unusually easy and straight- ginai guarantee of a subscribed and paid-up forward . capital " NORTH MIDDLESEX CHRONICLE .- " Tho banking EDUCATIONAL REVIEW .- " This bank is based upon department of the above company appears to us to sound banking principles , and wo see n - reason why te conducted in the spirit of liberality . All the ad- it shona not prove quite as successful as the vantages of a City Bank are to be had without the building society of Which it is an outgrowth . Thu = exorbitant balance usually demanded or expected far the most sanguine anticipation ! have been as a remuneration for keeping the account . " verified " THE BULLIONIST- " There is obviously a large FORESTERS * FREE PRESS .- ' * The Lombard Bank and legitimate field for a sound and useful invest- is managed by gentlemen who have had considerment of capital m this manner . able commercial experience , and who have hitherto SHEFFIELD POST .- " Owing , therefore , to the handled other people ' s money with honour and sound principles upon which it is conducted , we probity , and paid , by a system of strict economy , believe the lomoard Bank to be one of the safest in every investor 10 per cent , per annum . " - onomy ' existence . COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' GAZETTE . — "No doubt INSURANCE RECORD .- " Established on well-tried so promising an institution will be extensively and approved principles ot mutuality and beneficial patronised by commercial men . " co-operation , and has a trustworthy and respectable DRAWING-ROOM GAZETTE .- " Tho Lombard DeD-sit 1 : 9 , of trustees and directors to conduct its affairs . " Bank ( Limited ) offers all the security of the ioint TUB COSMOPOLITAN .- 'The hank has won tho stock system with a much higher rate of i"t ,-rest to confidence of _ its shareholders and now requests tho depositors , and it possesses this great advantage support of the public generally , which we think over the commercial establishments termed ' comay fairly be given and with advantage , since the operative , ' that it has bo-n working steadily and company offers peculiar facilities for the use ot most profitably for six years in connection with the m ° My- _ _ , „ , „ Lombard Building Society , and by economical and ENGINEERING AND BUILDING TIMES .- " In these skilful management paying 10 and 12 per cent per times when tho larger institutions arc conducting annum to every investor " business on a dangerous system , inviting enormous CHHUTIAN UNION . — "Tho Lombard Bank of losses and paying scarcely any interest for deposits Deposit , in connection with tho Buildin" Socictv , a society like the Lombard is doing a more scruti- has a separate capital , and invites deposits of £ 10 msmg business which , with care , may bring out the and upwards , and conducts bankin" - business on most satisfactory results / much the same principles as other London banks , CHRISTIAN LNION . — The rates of interest offered but has , no doubt , o special function as rcarrti the on deposits M-C thus much above the ordinary bank- class of business conducted by the building society , ing range . ,, „ ... or , in other words , property investment . " COMMERCIAL 1 UAVELLBES GAZETTE .- " The insti- SHEFFIELD POST .- " Its aim it good , its principles tution has hitherto been worked so economically just , its sphere of operations unlimited its subscrinthateach investor has had 10 per cent , per annum tim * < w . < U mmagement economical . " onhismoiey . iNVtsroRs' GUARDIAN . — " It is a channel which RAILWAY SERVICE GAZETTE . — No doubt so pro- can be safely recommended to those who desire mismg an institution will be extensively patronised something more than a safe 3 per cent " in the railway service . . , a » BUILDERS' WEEKLY REPORTER . — " By avoiding - ^ ' upwards or one hundred provincial newsthe mistakes of its predecessors , is enabled to papers have prononnced the Lombard Companies afford to both investors and borrowers well-nigh to offer , unprecedented advantages . " PADDINGTON TIMES . — "The Lombard Deposit . To the Investor—An honest , judicious , andlucra-Bank is now in its sturdy youth , giving promise of tlve channel , growing up into a still more sturdy manhood . It is To Borrowers—Pre-eminent advantages . OFFICES : —43 AND 44 LOMBARD STREET , CITY , AND 277 AND 279 REGENT STREET , W .
REQUIRED , by a pensioned Sergeant-Major , ( late Royal Artillery ) , some EMPLOYMENT where an intelligent , trustworthy man is required . Ago 40 years . Highest testimonials . J . H ., 3 G Horleyford Road , VauxhaU .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . G . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
THE CITY HAT COMPANY'S NEW STYLES are the L EANING SHAPES for London and the Provinces . ATS afc WHOLESALE ~ PRICES . Unequalled in quality and durability .
piTY HAT COMPANY , 1 AQ AND 110 SHOE LANE X U u ( a few minutes' walk from Farringdon Street Station ) and
EXACTLY EIGHT DOOBS FROM FLEET STREET . This notice will prevent gentlemen from entering the other Hat Shops in Shoe Lane by mistaks .
HATS . —BEST SHAPES , 10 s 6 d and 12 s Gd each , give universal satisfaction . T > EST HATS 21 s ; these are unequalled .
"T ^ O R the BLOOD ia the LIFE . " riLAUKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD KJ MIXTURE . Trade Murk , — " Blood Mixture . " I'lIK GUGAT BLOOD PTJLUH'IEU & RE 8 TOEIKR . For cleansing mid clearing tho blood from all impurities , cannot be too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Hfein Disoases , and Sores of all kinds it is a nover-failim ; and permanent cure . It Cures Old Sores , Cures [ Ilcorated Sore * on the Mock , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures BlackheadB , or Pimples on tho Face Cures Scurvy Soros , Cures Cancerous Ulw- * , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular SW . -I ' . IIIT * , Clears the Blood fro , a al ' . im ;; ire Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to tho most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sufforors to givo it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottlos , 2 s 6 d each , and in C . ises , containin ? six times the quantity , Us each—audicient ti effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world , or sent to any a ldross on rocoipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F , J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses .
BEST MOUSE IN LONDON FOR CORDIALS , SPIRIT Colouring , Capillaire , and Spruce is 258 High Hblborn , tho old-established Dautzic Stores . —ADAM HILL is the original maker of Ale Spice and Kettle , Syrup of Limes , or Concentrated Lemonade , Syrup of Pine Apple for Rum , Syrup of Grape for Brandy , Honey Cream for Gin ; arid many other useful articles were first introduced to the Spirit Trade by Adam Hill . A printed list , with prices and directions for u ^ o . Order by post .
fAMAR 1 NDIEN ( universally prescribed by the Faculty ) , a laxative , refreshing , and ntcrticateil fruit lozenge , for the immediate relief ana effectual cure of constipation , headache , bile , haemorrhoids , So . Tamar ( unlike pills and tho usual purgatives ) is agreeable to tiuce , and never produces irritation . —2 s fid per box , post free 2 d extra . —E . GRILLON , 31 Colcman-sbieut , London , B . C . ; and of all Chemists .
YOUNG'S Arnicatcl Corn and Bunion Plaisters are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excro .-icenccs . Price Od and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Mark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine , Be sure and ask for Young ' s ,