Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article The Theatres, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article The Theatres, &c. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
WHITE ROSE OF YORK LODGE , No . 2491 . TWO years ago this Lodge was consecrated by the Right Hon . William Lawies Jackson , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of the Province , and Bro . John Hunt P . M . P . P . G . D ., & c , was duly installed as first Worshipful Master and principal Founder . Some time ago the members resolved to
show their appreciation of Bro . Hunt ' s valuable services to the Lodge , and on Friday , 3 rd inst ., at their regular meeting , presented him with his portrait in oil to be hung in the Lodge Room and a replica in oil for himself . Brother Joseph Jackman I . P . M . presented the portrait in Lodge , and alluded to the signal services rendered bv Brother Hunt in founding and establishing the Lodge , and to his ready and efficient help on all occasions .
The replica was presented by the Worshipful Master Bro . C . F . Brindley in suitable and feeling terms . Bro . Hunt warmly thanked the Brethren , and took the opportunity of briefly reviewing the history of the Lodge .
SINCERITY LODGE , No . 35 . THE annual election meeting was held on Monday , 6 th inst ., at the Town Hall , Stonehouse , under the presidency of Bro . H . W . Mayne W . M ., when Bro . G . H . Clark was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . John Parker Treasurer ( re-elected ) for the year 1896 .
The only Royal Ark Mariners Lodge existing in the Three Towns is attached to Sincerity , and the same evening the installation was ably performed by Bros . George Dunsterville , F . M .. H . Somerville , and A . Trout . Bro . J . Parker is the now W . C . N .
The Auditor ' s report showed a very satisfactory balance in the hands of the Treasurer . It was resolved that the usual joint annual dinner be held at the Masonic Hall , Princess Square , on the 2 nd March next .
DUNCOMBE LODGE , No . 438 . THE annual meeting was held on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Kingsbridge , when Bro . G . Hooper was installed W . M . by Bro . J . R . Lord P . P . G . J . W ., assisted by Bros . Rev . T . 0 . Lewis , J . R . Gill , and H . W .
Thomas . After the Lodge business the Brethren adjourned to the King ' s Arms Hotel , where the banquet was admirably served by Bro . Thomas . The usual toasts was honoured .
Mrs . L . T . Meade , whose novels , " A Medicine Lady , " " In an Iron Grip , " & c , have been so successful , will contribute a new sensational serial to " Cassell's Saturday Journal , " commencing in the issue of 15 th inst .
Reports Of Meetings.
Mr . Gissing's new book , " The Paying Guest , " which is a new departure from his usual style , was published on Monday , the 6 th inst ., as a volume in Cassell's "Pocket Library . " Originally intended for publication in December , it was postponed in order that simultaneous publication in the United States might be conveniently arranged .
It is an open secret that Stepniak collaborated with Hesba Stretton in the production of " The Highway of Sorrow . " This work , which has met with a very wide welcome in this country , is a novel based on the sufferings of the " Stundists , " a religious body in Russia which have suffered greatly from religious persecution . The book has already been reprinted to meet the continuous demand .
At the present crisis it may be of interest to know how Canada , unaided by a British bayonet or a British shilling , mobilised her volunteers , and in an incredibly short time crushed a rising of French half-breeds and Indians in her vast territory . That she would act with similar energy in the event of an unprovoked invasion of her soil by a foreign enemy , is to be expected from her past history in 1775-1812 . The story of the last revolt of Riel is told in Cassell ' s " Battles of the Nineteenth Century , " parts XL and XII ., by General Strange , who commanded a column during the campaign .
Wide-spread ignorance seems to prevail on the subject of Private Inquiry Offices . Everyone hears about them , many make use of them ; but few know how extensive are their ramifications , how varied the range of matters with which they are concerned . With the object of throwing light on this subiect an important series of articles , entitled "Private Inauirv Offices
Unmasked : The Revelations of a Professional Spy , " is to commence in " Cassell ' s Saturday Journal" for 15 th January . These papers have been specially prepared by a Private Detective of great experience ; and , at th Q writer promises , while doing full justice to honest and skilful inquiry agents to explain the methods of those who , in the guise of confidential adviser batten on credulous clients , some interesting disclosures may be expected .
White Sewing Machines ARE STILL THE BEST . MACHINES ^^^ gJjL ^ lilliL NEW TERMS M ^ J ^^^^ A YEARS ' OF IfSliSluyP *^ WARRANTY . 3 , 000 Agencies in Great Britain , and more wanted . WRITE FOR PRICE LISTS . WHITE SEWING MACHINE Co ., 48 Holborn Viaduct , London , E . C .
Candidates for the Institutions . Announcements are inserted under this head at the rate of five shillings per inch , to appear each week from the time the ballot papers are issued up to the day of election , for cash with order . — : o : — BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited on behalf of BRO . THOMAS J . MAIDWELL , Aged 64 . Formerly Licensed Victualler , who has served three Stewardships , and is himself and family of five Life Governors of all the Masonic Institutions . The case is most earnestly recommended and strongly supported . Address T . J . Maidwell P . M . 27 P . Z . 1549 P . G . S . B . Middlesex , 81 Greenwood Road , Dalston , N . B .
The Theatres, &C.
The Theatres , & c .
Drury Lane . —Daily at 1-30 and 7 30 , Cinderella . Covent Garden . —Fancy Dress Ball , 15 th January . Lyceum . —Every afternoon at 2 , Robinson Crusoe . On Wednesday 15 th , Michael and His Lost Angel . Princess ' s . —7-45 , A Dark Secret . G lobe . —8 , The Journey's End . 9 , Charley's Aunt . Matinee , Saturday , 3 .
Prince of Wales' . —7-35 , A Woman's Caprice . 815 , Gentleman Joe . Matinee , Saturday , 2-30 . Gaiety . —8 , The Shop Girl . Matinee , Saturday , 2 . Criterion . —8-30 , The Squire of Dames . Matinee , Saturday , 3 . Terry ' s . —8 , An Old Garden . 8-50 , The Strange Adventures of Miss Brown . Matinee , Wt duesday
and Saturday , 3 . Garrick . —8 , Tho Interview . 8-20 , The Professor's Love Story . Matinee , Wednesday an Saturday , 2-30 . Avenue . —8 . A Highland Legacy 8 ' 50 , Mrs . Ponderbury ' s Past . Matinee , Saturday , 3 . Daly ' s—8-15 , Second edition of An Artist ' s Model . Matinee , Saturday .
Vaudeville . —8-30 , Memfield ' s Ghost . 9 , The New Boy . ( Last day . ) Comedy . —8 , Gaffer Jarge . 9 , The Late Mr . Castello . Matinee , Saturday , 3 . Haymarket . —8-30 , Trilby . Matinee , Wednesday and Saturday , 2-30 . Lyric . —The Sign of the Cross .
Savoy . — 7-50 , After all . 8-30 , The Mikado . Matinee , Wednesday and Saturday , 2-30 . Opera Comique . —8 , Madame . 9 ' 45 , A Model Trilby . Matinee , Saturday , 2-30 . Strand . —8-15 , A Happy Pair . 8-50 , Niobe . Matinee , Wednesday and Saturday , 3 . Adelphi . —8 , One of the best . Matinee , Saturday , 2 .
Shaftesbury . —8 , Jeremy Diddler . 8-30 , A Woman ' s reason . Matinee , Saturday , 2-45 . St . James's . —8 , The Prisoner of Zenda . Matinee , Saturday , 2 . Court . —8 . Second edition of All Abrosd-Royalty .-8 , Kitty Clive—Actress . 840 , The Chili Widow . Matinee , Saturday , 2-30 .
Olympic . —7-30 , Cheer , Boys , Cheer ! Matinee , Wednesday and Saturday , 1-30 . Parkhurst . —7-45 , Dick Whittington and his Cat . Alhambra . —7-50 , Variety Entertainment . Two Grand Ballets . 8-35 , Lochinvar . 1020 , Blue Beard . Empire . — Variety Entertainment . Two Grand Ballets . 8 , On Brighton Pier . 10-25 , Faust .
The Theatres, &C.
Palace . —7-45 , Variety Entertainment , Tableaux Vivants , & c . Matinee , Saturday , 2-15 . Oxford . —7-30 , Variety Entertainment . Matinee , Saturday , 2-30 . Royal . —7-30 , Variety Company . Saturday , 2-30 . Crystal Palace . —Varied attractions daily . Royal Aquarium . —Open at 10 ; close at 11-30 .
Constant Amusement . Tivoli . —7 - 30 , Variety Entertainment . Saturday , 2-30 also . Egyptian Hall . —3 and 8 , Mr . Maskelyne ' s Magical Entertainment . Moore and Burgess Minstrels . —St . James's Hall . Monday , Wednesday , and Saturday , 3 . Madame Tussaud's ( Baker Street ) . —Open daily .
» f | 0 YAL CYCLE NW x DEPOSITORY AND HIDING SCHOOLS , 81 EUSTON RD ., .. ( Facing the Midland Grand Hotel . ) "Ladies and Gentlemen taught Diding Daily in the Royal Schools . Largest and Best in London . Open daily from 8 a . m . till 9 p . m . TERMS :-10 / 6 TILL PERFECT . LISTS FREE BY POST . BICYCLES & TRICYCLES Bought for Cash , in any condition . Largest Depot for New and Second-hand Machines in the World Old Machines Altered , Eepaired , or taken in part payment and part exchange for new . Utmost value allowed . Auction Sales every "Wednesday , at 1 o ' clock . From " Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News , " 25 th May 1805 : — "The Duke nnd Duchess of York , with Princess Christian of Srhlesvig-Holstehi , on Wednesday afternoon visited TUB ROYAL CrcLf HIDING Scnoots , 81 EUSTOK ROAD , The Royal Visitor' were shown over the Vmildings by the Mimager , Mr . Brnwu , : md before departiug expressed themselves most pleased with the clever cyclu-mlhig of some of tho young ladies . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
WHITE ROSE OF YORK LODGE , No . 2491 . TWO years ago this Lodge was consecrated by the Right Hon . William Lawies Jackson , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of the Province , and Bro . John Hunt P . M . P . P . G . D ., & c , was duly installed as first Worshipful Master and principal Founder . Some time ago the members resolved to
show their appreciation of Bro . Hunt ' s valuable services to the Lodge , and on Friday , 3 rd inst ., at their regular meeting , presented him with his portrait in oil to be hung in the Lodge Room and a replica in oil for himself . Brother Joseph Jackman I . P . M . presented the portrait in Lodge , and alluded to the signal services rendered bv Brother Hunt in founding and establishing the Lodge , and to his ready and efficient help on all occasions .
The replica was presented by the Worshipful Master Bro . C . F . Brindley in suitable and feeling terms . Bro . Hunt warmly thanked the Brethren , and took the opportunity of briefly reviewing the history of the Lodge .
SINCERITY LODGE , No . 35 . THE annual election meeting was held on Monday , 6 th inst ., at the Town Hall , Stonehouse , under the presidency of Bro . H . W . Mayne W . M ., when Bro . G . H . Clark was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . John Parker Treasurer ( re-elected ) for the year 1896 .
The only Royal Ark Mariners Lodge existing in the Three Towns is attached to Sincerity , and the same evening the installation was ably performed by Bros . George Dunsterville , F . M .. H . Somerville , and A . Trout . Bro . J . Parker is the now W . C . N .
The Auditor ' s report showed a very satisfactory balance in the hands of the Treasurer . It was resolved that the usual joint annual dinner be held at the Masonic Hall , Princess Square , on the 2 nd March next .
DUNCOMBE LODGE , No . 438 . THE annual meeting was held on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Kingsbridge , when Bro . G . Hooper was installed W . M . by Bro . J . R . Lord P . P . G . J . W ., assisted by Bros . Rev . T . 0 . Lewis , J . R . Gill , and H . W .
Thomas . After the Lodge business the Brethren adjourned to the King ' s Arms Hotel , where the banquet was admirably served by Bro . Thomas . The usual toasts was honoured .
Mrs . L . T . Meade , whose novels , " A Medicine Lady , " " In an Iron Grip , " & c , have been so successful , will contribute a new sensational serial to " Cassell's Saturday Journal , " commencing in the issue of 15 th inst .
Reports Of Meetings.
Mr . Gissing's new book , " The Paying Guest , " which is a new departure from his usual style , was published on Monday , the 6 th inst ., as a volume in Cassell's "Pocket Library . " Originally intended for publication in December , it was postponed in order that simultaneous publication in the United States might be conveniently arranged .
It is an open secret that Stepniak collaborated with Hesba Stretton in the production of " The Highway of Sorrow . " This work , which has met with a very wide welcome in this country , is a novel based on the sufferings of the " Stundists , " a religious body in Russia which have suffered greatly from religious persecution . The book has already been reprinted to meet the continuous demand .
At the present crisis it may be of interest to know how Canada , unaided by a British bayonet or a British shilling , mobilised her volunteers , and in an incredibly short time crushed a rising of French half-breeds and Indians in her vast territory . That she would act with similar energy in the event of an unprovoked invasion of her soil by a foreign enemy , is to be expected from her past history in 1775-1812 . The story of the last revolt of Riel is told in Cassell ' s " Battles of the Nineteenth Century , " parts XL and XII ., by General Strange , who commanded a column during the campaign .
Wide-spread ignorance seems to prevail on the subject of Private Inquiry Offices . Everyone hears about them , many make use of them ; but few know how extensive are their ramifications , how varied the range of matters with which they are concerned . With the object of throwing light on this subiect an important series of articles , entitled "Private Inauirv Offices
Unmasked : The Revelations of a Professional Spy , " is to commence in " Cassell ' s Saturday Journal" for 15 th January . These papers have been specially prepared by a Private Detective of great experience ; and , at th Q writer promises , while doing full justice to honest and skilful inquiry agents to explain the methods of those who , in the guise of confidential adviser batten on credulous clients , some interesting disclosures may be expected .
White Sewing Machines ARE STILL THE BEST . MACHINES ^^^ gJjL ^ lilliL NEW TERMS M ^ J ^^^^ A YEARS ' OF IfSliSluyP *^ WARRANTY . 3 , 000 Agencies in Great Britain , and more wanted . WRITE FOR PRICE LISTS . WHITE SEWING MACHINE Co ., 48 Holborn Viaduct , London , E . C .
Candidates for the Institutions . Announcements are inserted under this head at the rate of five shillings per inch , to appear each week from the time the ballot papers are issued up to the day of election , for cash with order . — : o : — BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited on behalf of BRO . THOMAS J . MAIDWELL , Aged 64 . Formerly Licensed Victualler , who has served three Stewardships , and is himself and family of five Life Governors of all the Masonic Institutions . The case is most earnestly recommended and strongly supported . Address T . J . Maidwell P . M . 27 P . Z . 1549 P . G . S . B . Middlesex , 81 Greenwood Road , Dalston , N . B .
The Theatres, &C.
The Theatres , & c .
Drury Lane . —Daily at 1-30 and 7 30 , Cinderella . Covent Garden . —Fancy Dress Ball , 15 th January . Lyceum . —Every afternoon at 2 , Robinson Crusoe . On Wednesday 15 th , Michael and His Lost Angel . Princess ' s . —7-45 , A Dark Secret . G lobe . —8 , The Journey's End . 9 , Charley's Aunt . Matinee , Saturday , 3 .
Prince of Wales' . —7-35 , A Woman's Caprice . 815 , Gentleman Joe . Matinee , Saturday , 2-30 . Gaiety . —8 , The Shop Girl . Matinee , Saturday , 2 . Criterion . —8-30 , The Squire of Dames . Matinee , Saturday , 3 . Terry ' s . —8 , An Old Garden . 8-50 , The Strange Adventures of Miss Brown . Matinee , Wt duesday
and Saturday , 3 . Garrick . —8 , Tho Interview . 8-20 , The Professor's Love Story . Matinee , Wednesday an Saturday , 2-30 . Avenue . —8 . A Highland Legacy 8 ' 50 , Mrs . Ponderbury ' s Past . Matinee , Saturday , 3 . Daly ' s—8-15 , Second edition of An Artist ' s Model . Matinee , Saturday .
Vaudeville . —8-30 , Memfield ' s Ghost . 9 , The New Boy . ( Last day . ) Comedy . —8 , Gaffer Jarge . 9 , The Late Mr . Castello . Matinee , Saturday , 3 . Haymarket . —8-30 , Trilby . Matinee , Wednesday and Saturday , 2-30 . Lyric . —The Sign of the Cross .
Savoy . — 7-50 , After all . 8-30 , The Mikado . Matinee , Wednesday and Saturday , 2-30 . Opera Comique . —8 , Madame . 9 ' 45 , A Model Trilby . Matinee , Saturday , 2-30 . Strand . —8-15 , A Happy Pair . 8-50 , Niobe . Matinee , Wednesday and Saturday , 3 . Adelphi . —8 , One of the best . Matinee , Saturday , 2 .
Shaftesbury . —8 , Jeremy Diddler . 8-30 , A Woman ' s reason . Matinee , Saturday , 2-45 . St . James's . —8 , The Prisoner of Zenda . Matinee , Saturday , 2 . Court . —8 . Second edition of All Abrosd-Royalty .-8 , Kitty Clive—Actress . 840 , The Chili Widow . Matinee , Saturday , 2-30 .
Olympic . —7-30 , Cheer , Boys , Cheer ! Matinee , Wednesday and Saturday , 1-30 . Parkhurst . —7-45 , Dick Whittington and his Cat . Alhambra . —7-50 , Variety Entertainment . Two Grand Ballets . 8-35 , Lochinvar . 1020 , Blue Beard . Empire . — Variety Entertainment . Two Grand Ballets . 8 , On Brighton Pier . 10-25 , Faust .
The Theatres, &C.
Palace . —7-45 , Variety Entertainment , Tableaux Vivants , & c . Matinee , Saturday , 2-15 . Oxford . —7-30 , Variety Entertainment . Matinee , Saturday , 2-30 . Royal . —7-30 , Variety Company . Saturday , 2-30 . Crystal Palace . —Varied attractions daily . Royal Aquarium . —Open at 10 ; close at 11-30 .
Constant Amusement . Tivoli . —7 - 30 , Variety Entertainment . Saturday , 2-30 also . Egyptian Hall . —3 and 8 , Mr . Maskelyne ' s Magical Entertainment . Moore and Burgess Minstrels . —St . James's Hall . Monday , Wednesday , and Saturday , 3 . Madame Tussaud's ( Baker Street ) . —Open daily .
» f | 0 YAL CYCLE NW x DEPOSITORY AND HIDING SCHOOLS , 81 EUSTON RD ., .. ( Facing the Midland Grand Hotel . ) "Ladies and Gentlemen taught Diding Daily in the Royal Schools . Largest and Best in London . Open daily from 8 a . m . till 9 p . m . TERMS :-10 / 6 TILL PERFECT . LISTS FREE BY POST . BICYCLES & TRICYCLES Bought for Cash , in any condition . Largest Depot for New and Second-hand Machines in the World Old Machines Altered , Eepaired , or taken in part payment and part exchange for new . Utmost value allowed . Auction Sales every "Wednesday , at 1 o ' clock . From " Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News , " 25 th May 1805 : — "The Duke nnd Duchess of York , with Princess Christian of Srhlesvig-Holstehi , on Wednesday afternoon visited TUB ROYAL CrcLf HIDING Scnoots , 81 EUSTOK ROAD , The Royal Visitor' were shown over the Vmildings by the Mimager , Mr . Brnwu , : md before departiug expressed themselves most pleased with the clever cyclu-mlhig of some of tho young ladies . "