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ROYAL Masonic Benevolent Institution FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . Grand Patron and President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . Treasurer : —JOHN A . FARNFIBLD , Esq . Bankers :- LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK ( Bloomsbury Branch ) , 214 High Holborn , London , W . O . Upwards of 1520 Annuitants have received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 1842 and 1849 . 200 men and 242 widows are Annuitants at the present time . 30 widows , in addition , are receiving half their late husband ' s annuity . Amount paid Annually in Annuities £ 16 , 264 116 Candidates for next election . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held at the FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . C , ON WEDNESDAY , 26 th FEBRUARY 1896 , Under the distinguished Presidency of THK RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD GEORGE HAMILTON , IYI . P . R . W . Prov . G . M . for Middlesex . Brethren are earnestly solicited to accept the Stewardship upon this most important occasion , and to kindly forward their names as soon as possible , with full particulars , to JAMES TERRY ( V . Pat ., P . G . Swd . B . ) , Secretary . Office—4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . O .
The Freemason ' s Chronicle . A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Published every Saturday , Price 3 d . — : o : — THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , Fleet Works , Burwer Road , New Barnet , on receipt of remittance for the amount . The Terms of Subscription { payable in advance ) are—Twelve Months , post free ... ... £ 0 13 6 Three Months ditto . ... ... ... 0 3 6 Postal Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at the New Barnet Office . Cheques crossed " London and South Western Bank . " Scale of Charges for Advertisements . Per Page ... ... ... ... £ 8 8 0 Back Page ... ... ... ... 10 10 0 Births , Marriages , and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c , single column , 5 s per inch . Double column Advertisements Is per line . Special terms for a series of insertions or special positions on application . Agents , from whom copies can always be had : — Mr . W . F . MORGAN , Rosebery Avenue , E . C . Mr . RITCHIE , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Mr . EDWABD ROBEBTS , 19 Warmer Place , Manchester . Messrs . W . H . SMITH and Son , 183 Strand .
PHOTOGRAPHY . HOGKETT & WHITE , Photographic Printers , POTTEES EOAD , NEW BAENET . NEGATIVES sent to us by Parcels Post , securely packed , receive prompt attention , and Prints in SILVBB , PLATINOTYPE , P . O . P ., giving best obtainable results , forwarded without delay . We are also pleased to answer inquiries , and give information and advice , for which our large experience fully qualifies us . Price Lists on application .
OLD Books and Curiosities relating to Freemasonry , Knights Templars , Rosicrucians or other Secret Societies wanted . Address , W . W . Morgan , New Barnet .
THE PROBLEM ART , a Treatise on how to solve and how to compose Chess Problems . By T . B . Rowland and F . F . Rowland . Second edition , price 2 s 6 d , post free from W . W . Morgan , New Barnet .
gggBg ^ w ^ WiVV . ^^ a ^^^^^^^^ SATUEDAY , 11 TH JANUAEY 1896 .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
THE January Quarterly Court of the supporters of this Institution was held on Thursday , at Freemasons' Hall , Brother J . H . Matthews P . D . G . D . C . in the chair , who was supported by Bros . A . C . and W . H . Spaull , J . M . McLeod , H . Massey , S . J . Attenborough , A . W . Duret , C . H . Malcolm , and C . Pullman .
Brother Hedges , the Secretary of the Institution , read the minutes of the Quarterly Court of 10 th October , and the summaries of minutes of the General Committee meetings . The list of candidates for the election of 9 th April was settled at 31 , and the vacancies in the School for that election , 24 .
A long discussion , initiatied by Bro . Attenborough , arose on the rejection by the Petitions Committee of two girls on the ground that the father of each girl had ceased to be a subscribing member of his Lodge for many years before the birth of the would-be candidate , and on the motion of Bro . Attenborough , seconded by Bro . Duret ( although he did not agree with the proposition ) it was referred back to the General Committee to reconsider the two cases .
The Chairman informed the Court that the 108 th anniversary festival of the Institution would be held on 13 th May , and that the Earl of Yarborough Prov . G . M . of Lincolnshire would preside . The total receipts of the Institution from all sources during the year 1895 was stated to be £ 18 , 248 17 s 4 d .
We have previously availed ourselves of opportunities of referring to the liberality of the members of the Rothesay Lodge in their support of the Charitable Institutions of the Craft , their contributions being alike frequent and continuous , a fact that is evident when we mention that for some time the Lodge has been represented at each of the three Festivals of the year , and on all
occasions the list of the Steward has been headed with a Lodge grant of ten guineas . It will be remembered that on the night of the installation in October last the Worshipful Master undertook to serve a Stewardship for the Boys , and the Senior Warden offered to represent the Benevolent Institution , upon which twenty guineas was voted from the Lodge—ten guineas for each
list—regret being expressed that the Girls School was left out for the time being , although the hope was general that the omission would speedily be rectified , as has since been the case , and the regular grant of ten guineas made from the Lodge . Not content with this splendid record for the current year , however , the members have taken up the cause of the Boys School Scholarship Fund , and have voted twenty guineas in support of it ,
making their total grants so far for the year up to fifty guineasan amount which , particularly in view of the past records of the Lodge , can only be regarded as a most brilliant one . As will be seen from our report elsewhere , this latest amount was voted on
New Year ' s Day , and the Brethren of the Lodge separated thereafter with gratification in the knowledge that they had made a splendid start for 1896—one that may well be held up as a pattern for other Lodges to imitate .
"A Sprig Of Acacia."
THERE was a crowd of some thousands at the funeral , on the 2 nd inst ., of the late Bro . Wiiliam Holland , general manager of the Winter Gardens , Blackpool . The cortege was joined by the Mayor and Corporation and a large number of the
Masons of the town and district , the ceremony at the graveside being conducted with full Masonic rites . A subscription has been organised in Blackpool with a view to erecting a monument to Bro . Holland ' s memory .
BRO . WILLIAM BOND PAUL , of Wearne Wych , near Langport , died at noon on Sunday , in the seventy-ninth year of his age . The deceased had been associated with the town of Langport all his life , and with Stuckey ' s Banking
Company from his youth upwards , for many years as secretary to the directors and manager of the head office of the Company , which position he resigned in 1887 , and retired into private life . He was a member of the Portcullis Lodge , and for several years filled the office of Treasurer thereof .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL Masonic Benevolent Institution FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . Grand Patron and President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . Treasurer : —JOHN A . FARNFIBLD , Esq . Bankers :- LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK ( Bloomsbury Branch ) , 214 High Holborn , London , W . O . Upwards of 1520 Annuitants have received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 1842 and 1849 . 200 men and 242 widows are Annuitants at the present time . 30 widows , in addition , are receiving half their late husband ' s annuity . Amount paid Annually in Annuities £ 16 , 264 116 Candidates for next election . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held at the FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . C , ON WEDNESDAY , 26 th FEBRUARY 1896 , Under the distinguished Presidency of THK RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD GEORGE HAMILTON , IYI . P . R . W . Prov . G . M . for Middlesex . Brethren are earnestly solicited to accept the Stewardship upon this most important occasion , and to kindly forward their names as soon as possible , with full particulars , to JAMES TERRY ( V . Pat ., P . G . Swd . B . ) , Secretary . Office—4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . O .
The Freemason ' s Chronicle . A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Published every Saturday , Price 3 d . — : o : — THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , Fleet Works , Burwer Road , New Barnet , on receipt of remittance for the amount . The Terms of Subscription { payable in advance ) are—Twelve Months , post free ... ... £ 0 13 6 Three Months ditto . ... ... ... 0 3 6 Postal Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at the New Barnet Office . Cheques crossed " London and South Western Bank . " Scale of Charges for Advertisements . Per Page ... ... ... ... £ 8 8 0 Back Page ... ... ... ... 10 10 0 Births , Marriages , and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c , single column , 5 s per inch . Double column Advertisements Is per line . Special terms for a series of insertions or special positions on application . Agents , from whom copies can always be had : — Mr . W . F . MORGAN , Rosebery Avenue , E . C . Mr . RITCHIE , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Mr . EDWABD ROBEBTS , 19 Warmer Place , Manchester . Messrs . W . H . SMITH and Son , 183 Strand .
PHOTOGRAPHY . HOGKETT & WHITE , Photographic Printers , POTTEES EOAD , NEW BAENET . NEGATIVES sent to us by Parcels Post , securely packed , receive prompt attention , and Prints in SILVBB , PLATINOTYPE , P . O . P ., giving best obtainable results , forwarded without delay . We are also pleased to answer inquiries , and give information and advice , for which our large experience fully qualifies us . Price Lists on application .
OLD Books and Curiosities relating to Freemasonry , Knights Templars , Rosicrucians or other Secret Societies wanted . Address , W . W . Morgan , New Barnet .
THE PROBLEM ART , a Treatise on how to solve and how to compose Chess Problems . By T . B . Rowland and F . F . Rowland . Second edition , price 2 s 6 d , post free from W . W . Morgan , New Barnet .
gggBg ^ w ^ WiVV . ^^ a ^^^^^^^^ SATUEDAY , 11 TH JANUAEY 1896 .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
THE January Quarterly Court of the supporters of this Institution was held on Thursday , at Freemasons' Hall , Brother J . H . Matthews P . D . G . D . C . in the chair , who was supported by Bros . A . C . and W . H . Spaull , J . M . McLeod , H . Massey , S . J . Attenborough , A . W . Duret , C . H . Malcolm , and C . Pullman .
Brother Hedges , the Secretary of the Institution , read the minutes of the Quarterly Court of 10 th October , and the summaries of minutes of the General Committee meetings . The list of candidates for the election of 9 th April was settled at 31 , and the vacancies in the School for that election , 24 .
A long discussion , initiatied by Bro . Attenborough , arose on the rejection by the Petitions Committee of two girls on the ground that the father of each girl had ceased to be a subscribing member of his Lodge for many years before the birth of the would-be candidate , and on the motion of Bro . Attenborough , seconded by Bro . Duret ( although he did not agree with the proposition ) it was referred back to the General Committee to reconsider the two cases .
The Chairman informed the Court that the 108 th anniversary festival of the Institution would be held on 13 th May , and that the Earl of Yarborough Prov . G . M . of Lincolnshire would preside . The total receipts of the Institution from all sources during the year 1895 was stated to be £ 18 , 248 17 s 4 d .
We have previously availed ourselves of opportunities of referring to the liberality of the members of the Rothesay Lodge in their support of the Charitable Institutions of the Craft , their contributions being alike frequent and continuous , a fact that is evident when we mention that for some time the Lodge has been represented at each of the three Festivals of the year , and on all
occasions the list of the Steward has been headed with a Lodge grant of ten guineas . It will be remembered that on the night of the installation in October last the Worshipful Master undertook to serve a Stewardship for the Boys , and the Senior Warden offered to represent the Benevolent Institution , upon which twenty guineas was voted from the Lodge—ten guineas for each
list—regret being expressed that the Girls School was left out for the time being , although the hope was general that the omission would speedily be rectified , as has since been the case , and the regular grant of ten guineas made from the Lodge . Not content with this splendid record for the current year , however , the members have taken up the cause of the Boys School Scholarship Fund , and have voted twenty guineas in support of it ,
making their total grants so far for the year up to fifty guineasan amount which , particularly in view of the past records of the Lodge , can only be regarded as a most brilliant one . As will be seen from our report elsewhere , this latest amount was voted on
New Year ' s Day , and the Brethren of the Lodge separated thereafter with gratification in the knowledge that they had made a splendid start for 1896—one that may well be held up as a pattern for other Lodges to imitate .
"A Sprig Of Acacia."
THERE was a crowd of some thousands at the funeral , on the 2 nd inst ., of the late Bro . Wiiliam Holland , general manager of the Winter Gardens , Blackpool . The cortege was joined by the Mayor and Corporation and a large number of the
Masons of the town and district , the ceremony at the graveside being conducted with full Masonic rites . A subscription has been organised in Blackpool with a view to erecting a monument to Bro . Holland ' s memory .
BRO . WILLIAM BOND PAUL , of Wearne Wych , near Langport , died at noon on Sunday , in the seventy-ninth year of his age . The deceased had been associated with the town of Langport all his life , and with Stuckey ' s Banking
Company from his youth upwards , for many years as secretary to the directors and manager of the head office of the Company , which position he resigned in 1887 , and retired into private life . He was a member of the Portcullis Lodge , and for several years filled the office of Treasurer thereof .