Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 →
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Reports Of Meetings.
We shall be pleased to receive particulars of Masonic meetings for insertion in our columns , and where desired will endeavour to send a representaiive to report Lodge or other proceedings .
ROTHESAY LODGE , No . 1687 .
ON New Year ' s Day the Brethren met at 4-30 in the Rothesay Room , at the Frascati , Oxford Street , under the presidency of Brother A . E . Clements W . M . The Lodge being duly opened and the minutes read , the W . M . proceeded to raise Bros . Bulter , Thompson , and Mackenzie . The Lodge being resumed to the second degree , Bros . Duck and Ladle were passed , after which the Lodge was resumed to the first , when Messrs . Muller , Simpson , and Watling Tnava inifcin . f . Affl
Brother J . W . Murrell , of the Fellowship Lodge , No . 2535 , managing director of the Frascati Restaurant , was admitted as a joining member . The whole of the Officers deserve the highest praise for the very creditable manner in which they performed their respective duties . On the W . M . rising for the second time , he informed the Brethren that a communication had been received from Bro . McLeod , through Brother P . M . Adams , on the subject of the proposed Scholarship Fund in connection with the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and in a brief manner he explained the
scheme , and warmly urged the Brethren to give it their most earnest sympathy , stating that he hoped , should the Lodge entertain the appeal that would be made , that they would do so in a manner that would be creditable to the Rothesay Lodge , which already bore such a good name for its warm support of all the Institutions . The W . M . then read the circular , and Bro . P . M . Adams further explained the object . It may be stated that Brother Adams is one of the promoters of the scheme , and having expounded its origin and object , he expressed the hope that the Lodge would contribute the sum of twenty guineas to the Fund .
Bro . Bolton S . W . proposed that the sum of twenty guineas be given from the Lodge funds , and Brother P . M . Valeriani the worthy and zealous Secretary seconded , stating that although the Lodge had already voted thirty guineas to the Charities since the W . M . was installed in October last , yet he was proud to be permitted the privilege of seconding this further contribution , making fifty guineas in all . The proposition was carried unanimously .
Brother Adams returned thanks , and the Lodge then adjourned to refreshment , which was much appreciated . Bros . W . H . Elliott P . M . Tredegar Lodge , Bro . A . E . Solomon J . W . of Lees Lodge , and Bro . Mantell responded to the toast of the visitors . The Brethren brought their very creditable meeting to a close , trusting that other Lodges might begin the New Year by copying their example in the cause of Charity .
UPTON LODGE , No . 1227 . ON the 6 th inst ., at the Great Eastern Hotel , Bro . Jeffery W . M ., Peters S . W ., H . Hyde J . W ., P . M . Free Treas ., Carroll Assist . Sec , Past Masters Smith , Schmidt , Gildersleeve , S . Toye ; Feistal S . D ., Burton J . D ., Butcher I . G ., and about twenty others .
Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Scharer being candidate . The W . M . gave the antient charge . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Levy candidate .
A T the Northampton Arms , Goswell Road , E . C , on Friday of last week , J \_ Bro . H , J . Collier in the chair , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , after which the W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Brother A . Humphreys , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Bro . Collier then returned to the chair and , after the transaction of
further business , Bro . C . Weeden P . M . Preceptor , in a very eloquent and able manner , on behalf of the Lodge of Instruction , presented Bro . Dr . W . J . Hunter P . M . and Treasurer with a very handsome diamond ring , as a mark of respect and esteem for him as a man , and to celebrate his elevation for the second time into the chair of the Mother Lodge .
A vote of thanks having been passed to Bro . Collier for the efficient manner in which he fulfilled the duties of W . M . for the first time , the Lodge was adjourned until the 10 th inst .
CITADEL LODGE , No . 1897 .
ON Friday , 3 rd inst ., at the Farleigh Hotel , Amhurst Road , Bros . Fred Kebbell W . M ., H . J . Calley S . W ., J . Abrahams J . W ., F . Dunstan P . M . P . A . G . D . C . Middx . Preceptor , Harry Willsmer Sec , T . I . Bird P . M . P . Z . Treasurer , I . P . Cohen P . M . S . D ., T . Jackson J . D ., Johnson I . G ., Witte , Keighley , Davison P . M ., Geo . Clark P . M ., and Harding P . M . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed and the antient charge delivered bv the W . M .. Bro . Keiehlev candidate .
The first and second sections of the lecture were worked by Brothers Dunstan , and G . Clark Past Masters . A meeting of the Masonic Charities Association was afterwards held , the President Brother Dunstan presiding . Four ballots were taken , the successful members being Bros . Smallbones , Clark , Kessler and Ginder .
UNION LODGE , No . 52 . MASONS assembled in strong numbers at the rooms of the Masonic Association , St . Giles ' s Street , Norwich , on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., to see Bro . Edmund Reeve installed as W . M . That unueual interest was taken in the proceedings was proved by tho fact that no fewer than thirty-one Past Masters put in an appearance , a number that may safely be chronicled as a
Reports Of Meetings.
record . The ceremony was performed exceedingly well by Brothers T . J . Compton and Hamon le Strange P . G . D . D . P . G . M ., Bro . R . P . Noverre carrying out the duties of D . C . in aood stvle .
At eight o ' clock the Brethren sat down to a banquet , the menu being a choice and varied one . The loyal toasts were appropriately given , and were met with the enthusiasm usually accorded by Masons . Replying for the Grand Lodge of Norfolk , Bro . le Strange mentioned that H . R . H . the Prince of Wales had consented to attend a meeting intended to be held shortly for a special object .
At the instance of Sir Kenneth Kemp , the health of the newly-installed Master Bro . Reeve was drunk with marked cordiality . Answering the good wishes expressed on all hands for a successful year of office , Bro . Reeve said it would be his endeavour to maintain the prestige of the Lodge , and to do all in his power to promote that love and harmony which should at all times characterise Freemasonry .
ST . MARTIN LODGE , No . 98 .
THE installation of Bro . Thomas Saunders S . W . took place on the 19 th ult ., in the Lodge Room , Town Hall , Burslem . There was a very large attendance , amongst the visitors being the Deputy P . G . M . Lieut .-Colonel Bindley P . G . D . England . The installation ceremony was performed by the retiring W . M . Brother
Jas . Beech , who conducted the whole of the work in a highly creditable manner , and drew from the D . P . G . M . many complimentary remarks when . he addressed the Brethren .
After the business of the Lodge was completed the Brethren adjourned to the Magistrates' Room , which had been tastefully decorated for the occasion , and partook of a sumptuous banquet , prepared by Brother Amson , of the Leonard .
The D . P . G . M ., in responding to the toast of Grand Lodge Officers Present and Past , expressed his satisfaction at the way the work had been done by all engaged , and stated his intention of paying another visit at an early date so as to have an opportunity of examining with the Secretary the minute books of the oldest Lodge in the Province , which he was convinced would be most interesting .
THE annual installation meeting was held on Thursday , 2 nd inst ., at Merthyr , Bro . D . A . Thomas , M . P ., W . M . There was a large attendance of members of the Lodge and visiting Brothren . Bro . W . R . Harris was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The annual banquet was served at the Castle Hotel , where a recherche dinner was provided by Bro . Sarvis , the host .
A VERY large number of the members met at the Green Dragon Hotel , Hereford , on Thursday , 2 nd inst ., to celebrate the annual festival of the Lodge and to instal Bro . W . Cecil Gethen as Worshipful Master for the ensuing twelve months , the installation ceremony being performed by the retiring Master Brother E . Stephens , and Past Masters T . Smith and W . Earle .
The Brethren , numbering nearly sixty , subsequently dined together , when the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
MARQUIS OF GRANBY LODGE , No . 124 . THE installation took place on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Durham . Bro . Supt . Burrell was installed as W . M . for the year , and the Officers were afterwards appointed .
AMITY LODGE , No . 137 .
ON Wednesday , 1 st inst ., the annual gathering took place at the Masonic Hall , Poole , when Bro . A . C . Chapin was installed W . M ., and afterwards invested the Officers for the ensuing year . The Brethren subsequently sat down to a banquet at the London Hotel , the catering being entrusted to Bro . Hodges .
HARMONY LODGE , No . 156 .
THE annual meeting was held at Freemasons' Club , Plymouth , on Monday , 6 th inst ., when Bro . G . Widger was installed W . M . The ceremony was most impressively rendered by the retiring W . M . Brother C S . Stebbing , to whom a Past Master's jewel was unanimously voted , in recognition of his devoted services to the Lodge during his year of office . The banquet was fixed for 6 th February , at the Freemasons' Club .
LODGE OF INTEGRITY , No . 163 . nnHB regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , X Manchester , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., Bro . R . Alf . Hepworth W . M . Perhaps the fact of this being the night for electing Officers may have accounted for the excellent attendance of members and visitors , prominent among whom were : —Bros . J . M . H . Blarney I . P . M ., S . Gaskill S . W ., H . A .
Owles J . W ., J . M . Sinclair P . M . P . P . J . G . D . Treas ., Fred Walmsley Sec , John Allen S . D ., H . R . Yates J . D ., J . H . Studd I . G . ; Past Masters : —H . H . . Warburton P . P . S . G . D ., John E . William P . P . G . D . D . C ., Bon Williams , E . Webb , R . L . McMillan , Edward Roberts 1459 ; Bros . Robert Race , William Pearson , J . Grime , H . E . Massie , Geo . Taylor .
Visitors : —Bros . J . W . Millward P . M . 992 P . G . S . of W ., J . T . Trotter J . W . 1459 , Chas . Moss S . D . 815 , W . Harrison J . D . 1588 . After the confirmation of minutes , Bros . A . D . Pixton , Joseph Crookes
Grime , and Geoi'ge Russell Jury were questioned as to proficiency , and ultimately raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the three ceremonies being performed in an excellent manner by Bro . Hepworth W . M . The working tools were presented and explained by Bro . R . Simister P . M .
In the ballot for W . M ., Bro . Samuel Gaskill S . W . was tho unanimous choice of the Brethren . Bro . Sinclair was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Warburton still retains the position of Charity Representative . At the festive board which followed , Loyal and Masonic toasts were varied by songs , recitations , & c , given by Bros . Stott , Owles , J . H . Greenwood , Nuttall , B . and J . E . Williams , ancl E . Roberts .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
We shall be pleased to receive particulars of Masonic meetings for insertion in our columns , and where desired will endeavour to send a representaiive to report Lodge or other proceedings .
ROTHESAY LODGE , No . 1687 .
ON New Year ' s Day the Brethren met at 4-30 in the Rothesay Room , at the Frascati , Oxford Street , under the presidency of Brother A . E . Clements W . M . The Lodge being duly opened and the minutes read , the W . M . proceeded to raise Bros . Bulter , Thompson , and Mackenzie . The Lodge being resumed to the second degree , Bros . Duck and Ladle were passed , after which the Lodge was resumed to the first , when Messrs . Muller , Simpson , and Watling Tnava inifcin . f . Affl
Brother J . W . Murrell , of the Fellowship Lodge , No . 2535 , managing director of the Frascati Restaurant , was admitted as a joining member . The whole of the Officers deserve the highest praise for the very creditable manner in which they performed their respective duties . On the W . M . rising for the second time , he informed the Brethren that a communication had been received from Bro . McLeod , through Brother P . M . Adams , on the subject of the proposed Scholarship Fund in connection with the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and in a brief manner he explained the
scheme , and warmly urged the Brethren to give it their most earnest sympathy , stating that he hoped , should the Lodge entertain the appeal that would be made , that they would do so in a manner that would be creditable to the Rothesay Lodge , which already bore such a good name for its warm support of all the Institutions . The W . M . then read the circular , and Bro . P . M . Adams further explained the object . It may be stated that Brother Adams is one of the promoters of the scheme , and having expounded its origin and object , he expressed the hope that the Lodge would contribute the sum of twenty guineas to the Fund .
Bro . Bolton S . W . proposed that the sum of twenty guineas be given from the Lodge funds , and Brother P . M . Valeriani the worthy and zealous Secretary seconded , stating that although the Lodge had already voted thirty guineas to the Charities since the W . M . was installed in October last , yet he was proud to be permitted the privilege of seconding this further contribution , making fifty guineas in all . The proposition was carried unanimously .
Brother Adams returned thanks , and the Lodge then adjourned to refreshment , which was much appreciated . Bros . W . H . Elliott P . M . Tredegar Lodge , Bro . A . E . Solomon J . W . of Lees Lodge , and Bro . Mantell responded to the toast of the visitors . The Brethren brought their very creditable meeting to a close , trusting that other Lodges might begin the New Year by copying their example in the cause of Charity .
UPTON LODGE , No . 1227 . ON the 6 th inst ., at the Great Eastern Hotel , Bro . Jeffery W . M ., Peters S . W ., H . Hyde J . W ., P . M . Free Treas ., Carroll Assist . Sec , Past Masters Smith , Schmidt , Gildersleeve , S . Toye ; Feistal S . D ., Burton J . D ., Butcher I . G ., and about twenty others .
Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Scharer being candidate . The W . M . gave the antient charge . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Levy candidate .
A T the Northampton Arms , Goswell Road , E . C , on Friday of last week , J \_ Bro . H , J . Collier in the chair , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , after which the W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Brother A . Humphreys , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Bro . Collier then returned to the chair and , after the transaction of
further business , Bro . C . Weeden P . M . Preceptor , in a very eloquent and able manner , on behalf of the Lodge of Instruction , presented Bro . Dr . W . J . Hunter P . M . and Treasurer with a very handsome diamond ring , as a mark of respect and esteem for him as a man , and to celebrate his elevation for the second time into the chair of the Mother Lodge .
A vote of thanks having been passed to Bro . Collier for the efficient manner in which he fulfilled the duties of W . M . for the first time , the Lodge was adjourned until the 10 th inst .
CITADEL LODGE , No . 1897 .
ON Friday , 3 rd inst ., at the Farleigh Hotel , Amhurst Road , Bros . Fred Kebbell W . M ., H . J . Calley S . W ., J . Abrahams J . W ., F . Dunstan P . M . P . A . G . D . C . Middx . Preceptor , Harry Willsmer Sec , T . I . Bird P . M . P . Z . Treasurer , I . P . Cohen P . M . S . D ., T . Jackson J . D ., Johnson I . G ., Witte , Keighley , Davison P . M ., Geo . Clark P . M ., and Harding P . M . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed and the antient charge delivered bv the W . M .. Bro . Keiehlev candidate .
The first and second sections of the lecture were worked by Brothers Dunstan , and G . Clark Past Masters . A meeting of the Masonic Charities Association was afterwards held , the President Brother Dunstan presiding . Four ballots were taken , the successful members being Bros . Smallbones , Clark , Kessler and Ginder .
UNION LODGE , No . 52 . MASONS assembled in strong numbers at the rooms of the Masonic Association , St . Giles ' s Street , Norwich , on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., to see Bro . Edmund Reeve installed as W . M . That unueual interest was taken in the proceedings was proved by tho fact that no fewer than thirty-one Past Masters put in an appearance , a number that may safely be chronicled as a
Reports Of Meetings.
record . The ceremony was performed exceedingly well by Brothers T . J . Compton and Hamon le Strange P . G . D . D . P . G . M ., Bro . R . P . Noverre carrying out the duties of D . C . in aood stvle .
At eight o ' clock the Brethren sat down to a banquet , the menu being a choice and varied one . The loyal toasts were appropriately given , and were met with the enthusiasm usually accorded by Masons . Replying for the Grand Lodge of Norfolk , Bro . le Strange mentioned that H . R . H . the Prince of Wales had consented to attend a meeting intended to be held shortly for a special object .
At the instance of Sir Kenneth Kemp , the health of the newly-installed Master Bro . Reeve was drunk with marked cordiality . Answering the good wishes expressed on all hands for a successful year of office , Bro . Reeve said it would be his endeavour to maintain the prestige of the Lodge , and to do all in his power to promote that love and harmony which should at all times characterise Freemasonry .
ST . MARTIN LODGE , No . 98 .
THE installation of Bro . Thomas Saunders S . W . took place on the 19 th ult ., in the Lodge Room , Town Hall , Burslem . There was a very large attendance , amongst the visitors being the Deputy P . G . M . Lieut .-Colonel Bindley P . G . D . England . The installation ceremony was performed by the retiring W . M . Brother
Jas . Beech , who conducted the whole of the work in a highly creditable manner , and drew from the D . P . G . M . many complimentary remarks when . he addressed the Brethren .
After the business of the Lodge was completed the Brethren adjourned to the Magistrates' Room , which had been tastefully decorated for the occasion , and partook of a sumptuous banquet , prepared by Brother Amson , of the Leonard .
The D . P . G . M ., in responding to the toast of Grand Lodge Officers Present and Past , expressed his satisfaction at the way the work had been done by all engaged , and stated his intention of paying another visit at an early date so as to have an opportunity of examining with the Secretary the minute books of the oldest Lodge in the Province , which he was convinced would be most interesting .
THE annual installation meeting was held on Thursday , 2 nd inst ., at Merthyr , Bro . D . A . Thomas , M . P ., W . M . There was a large attendance of members of the Lodge and visiting Brothren . Bro . W . R . Harris was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The annual banquet was served at the Castle Hotel , where a recherche dinner was provided by Bro . Sarvis , the host .
A VERY large number of the members met at the Green Dragon Hotel , Hereford , on Thursday , 2 nd inst ., to celebrate the annual festival of the Lodge and to instal Bro . W . Cecil Gethen as Worshipful Master for the ensuing twelve months , the installation ceremony being performed by the retiring Master Brother E . Stephens , and Past Masters T . Smith and W . Earle .
The Brethren , numbering nearly sixty , subsequently dined together , when the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
MARQUIS OF GRANBY LODGE , No . 124 . THE installation took place on Tuesday , 7 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Durham . Bro . Supt . Burrell was installed as W . M . for the year , and the Officers were afterwards appointed .
AMITY LODGE , No . 137 .
ON Wednesday , 1 st inst ., the annual gathering took place at the Masonic Hall , Poole , when Bro . A . C . Chapin was installed W . M ., and afterwards invested the Officers for the ensuing year . The Brethren subsequently sat down to a banquet at the London Hotel , the catering being entrusted to Bro . Hodges .
HARMONY LODGE , No . 156 .
THE annual meeting was held at Freemasons' Club , Plymouth , on Monday , 6 th inst ., when Bro . G . Widger was installed W . M . The ceremony was most impressively rendered by the retiring W . M . Brother C S . Stebbing , to whom a Past Master's jewel was unanimously voted , in recognition of his devoted services to the Lodge during his year of office . The banquet was fixed for 6 th February , at the Freemasons' Club .
LODGE OF INTEGRITY , No . 163 . nnHB regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , X Manchester , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., Bro . R . Alf . Hepworth W . M . Perhaps the fact of this being the night for electing Officers may have accounted for the excellent attendance of members and visitors , prominent among whom were : —Bros . J . M . H . Blarney I . P . M ., S . Gaskill S . W ., H . A .
Owles J . W ., J . M . Sinclair P . M . P . P . J . G . D . Treas ., Fred Walmsley Sec , John Allen S . D ., H . R . Yates J . D ., J . H . Studd I . G . ; Past Masters : —H . H . . Warburton P . P . S . G . D ., John E . William P . P . G . D . D . C ., Bon Williams , E . Webb , R . L . McMillan , Edward Roberts 1459 ; Bros . Robert Race , William Pearson , J . Grime , H . E . Massie , Geo . Taylor .
Visitors : —Bros . J . W . Millward P . M . 992 P . G . S . of W ., J . T . Trotter J . W . 1459 , Chas . Moss S . D . 815 , W . Harrison J . D . 1588 . After the confirmation of minutes , Bros . A . D . Pixton , Joseph Crookes
Grime , and Geoi'ge Russell Jury were questioned as to proficiency , and ultimately raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the three ceremonies being performed in an excellent manner by Bro . Hepworth W . M . The working tools were presented and explained by Bro . R . Simister P . M .
In the ballot for W . M ., Bro . Samuel Gaskill S . W . was tho unanimous choice of the Brethren . Bro . Sinclair was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Warburton still retains the position of Charity Representative . At the festive board which followed , Loyal and Masonic toasts were varied by songs , recitations , & c , given by Bros . Stott , Owles , J . H . Greenwood , Nuttall , B . and J . E . Williams , ancl E . Roberts .