Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St Peter ' s Chapter Rose Croix . —A meeting was held at the Church Institute , Bolton , on Saturday , the 30 th Novem . ber , nt four o ' clock in the afternoon . Present—111 . Bro . Thos . Entwisle 30 ° as M . W . S ., James Hall 1 st General , Thomas Clarke 2 nd General' Thomas Mitchell Recorder , A . Middleton C . of G ., J . Thompson R ., W . Rome G . M .. J . W . Roiley Equerry , J . C . Lnut , J . T .
Richardson , J . M . Sinclair , L . M . Simonson , James Uorrocks , Geo . Ferguson , W . A . Bvrom ; also G . P . Brockbank 3 l ° , R . Harwood 30 ° , T . Morris 18 ° , Past M ! W . S . of the Chapter . The minutes of tho former meeting having been confirmed , tho following brethren wore balloted for and elected : —Bro . Peter Staton , Bro . John Armstrong , and Bro . W . F . Vino . The actio '' M . W . S . announced to the brethren that the
M . W . S . ( Bro . Reginald Young ) had been ordered by his medical adviser to spend the winter mouths in the South of France , in consequence of his precarious state of health , and had requested him to discharge the duties in his enforced absence . The brethren expressed their deep sympathy with Bro . Young in his affliction , and an earnest -wish for a speedv restoration to bis wontod health and
spirits . Bro . Vines having been obligated in the customary manner in the preliminary degrees , forwarded a petition , which was favourably received , aud he was thereupon introduced to the Chapter , presided over by 111 . Bro . Brockbank 31 ° , and 111 . Bro . Harwood 30 o respectively at tho first and second points , and duly perfected j as a Rose Croix Mason , the duties of Raphael being discharged by Bro . J . E . Hall , and the organ presided over by Bro . J . C . Lnnt . Opened
on the 3 rd point by Bro . Entwisle , when the newly obligated brother was admittied , and the customary forms observed . At the con- j elusion of business , tbo brethren adjourned to tbo Commercial Hotel , ' where banqnet was served and presided over by Bro . Entwisle i 30 ° , supported by tho brethren who attended the Chapter . The cua- j tomary toasts wero proposed and responded to , and after a most . enjoyable evening , the brethren retired at an early hour . i
Duke of Connaught Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1524 ., —Held at tho Havelock Tavern , Albion-road , Dalston , on the 11 th inst . Present—Bros . T . Cull 1416 W . M ., G . Davis 1 G 7 S . W ., J . Yeomans 167 J . W ., S . T . Byng S . D ., J . Sparrow J . D ., Cuthbert 4 Kil . S . C . I . G ., Fieldwick Preceptor , G . Ferrar Treas . and Sec . pro tem ; also Bros . VV . H . Conghtrey 73 , Mash 73 , Spencer 73 , P . Dickinson
P . M . 129 S , J . VV . Wright 129 S , Sparrow I . G . 1743 , F . G . Chant 193 , G . Cooper 1288 , W . S . Lee J . W . 1201 , W . Rowley S . D . 917 , Brown 1607 , McMillan 1365 , McDowell 918 , VV . Ferrar 1437 , R . A . Olley , J . Lorkin 192 , Giller 1607 , C . Ollev , G . Saul S . W . 1201 , G . H . Hunter J . W . 1298 , VV . H . Lee P . M . 975 , " J . A . Powell J . W . 186 . After prelimiuaries , tho Fifteen Sections were worked by Bro . T . Cull W . M .,
assisted by the following brethren : —Bros . J . Cuthbert , Yeomans , Rowley , Sparrow , Wright , Davis , Byng ; Brown , Dickinson , G . Saul , W . S . Lee , F . G . Chant ; G . H . Hunter , J . A . Powell , Sparrow . Bro . Hunter was elected a member of this Lodgo of Instruction . A vote of tbauks was passed , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes , to
Bro . Cull , for tho able way in which he had worked tho Fifteen Sec . tions . A vote of thanks was also passed to the brethren of the Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , who had assisted in working the sections . Nothing further offering , the Lodgo was closed and adjonrned to Wednesday , 18 th iust .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1602 . —At the Crown and Woolpack , St . John-street-road , on Tuesday . Bro . Read W . M ., W . Rowley S . W ., Pelikan J . W ., Fenner acting Preceptor , Osborue Secretary , Hallam sen . S . D ., Crosbie J . D ., J . Millington I . G . ; also Bros . Hyland , Wood , Ross , Arkell , Hallam jun ., T . Goode , Green , Isaac , & c . Preliminaries duly regarded , the ceremony
of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Ross acting as candidate . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Green being candidate . Bro . Hallam jun . worked the third section of the first lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . J . Crosbie , Treasurer of the Kingsland Lodge , No . 1093 , was elected a member . Bro . VV . Rowley was appointed to preside next Tuesday evening .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611—Ou Monday last thero was a very good muster of this Lodgo at the Queen ' s Hotel , York , Bro . J . S . Cnmberland W . M . presiding , supported by Bros . T . B . Whytehead I . P . M ., T . Cooper P . M ., Geo . Balmford P . M . and Treasurer , aud tho whole of tbe Officers , as well as a namber of brethren . A candidate having been successfully ballotted for , Bro . VV . J . Girling was raised
to the third degree by the I . P . M . It was decided to form a Masonic Literary and Archceological Society in connection with tho Lodge , aud a committee was appointed to make all arrangements for the same before the fine weather , when expeditions will be mado to places of interest Bro . T . B . Whytehead presented to the Lodgo Dr . Mackay ' s Lexicon of Freemasonry , and a copy of the Memorial Volume of the Banquet to the American Pilgrims at Freemasons '
Hall . The W . M . mado a few remarks on the working of the Lodge , and said bis aim would be to bring it up to the best pitch , following the " Emulation " working in London . A very pleasant evening was afterwards spent , tho toast list being enlivened bv songs , & c . A letter of thanks was read from the Pilgrims of Mary Commandery Philadelphia , thanking tho Eboracum Lodge for the splendid reception given them in July last .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 .-The weekly meeting was held nt the Feathers , Ealing , on Thursday , the 5 th ir . stai . t . Present—Bro . Fisher W . M . ( in the absence of Bro ! Porter , who was detained by private business ) , Bros . Wells S . W ., Jones J . W ., Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , Gasson S . D ., Dyer J . D ., Day I . G .: Bros . Webb , Clarke , Stephens , Seward , and others . After
preliminaries , the W . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of initiation , Bro . Clark candidate . Bro . Webb was instructed iu tho usual questions leading to the second degree , and tho Lodge having beeu opened up , tho ceremon y of passing was rehearsed . Bro . Wells was appointed W . M . for the meeting on the 19 th instant . This boiirr the one preceding the regular Lodge , it is understood that the W . M . aud tho Officers of 1612 will fill their respective position . « , when it is hoped there Avill bo a good muster of the brethren .
Kingsland Lodge , No . 1693 . —This thriving Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , tho 3 rd instant , at Bro . Fysh's , tho . Tollv Farmor « , Sontliirato-rnatl . Present—Bros . A . H . Trewinnard W . M .. II . P . Isaac S . W ., J ! Unes Hawkins J . W ., C . K . Killick sen . P . M . Secretary , A . W . Fenner S . D ., H . Hall J . D ., C . A . Western D . C , J . Thompson A . D . C ., W . Burtle I . G ., H . Opperman W . S ., C . K .
Killick I . P . M . jun . ; also Bros . W . J . Homblowcr , W . Gurson , G . F . Bohme , C . Millington , VV . White , VV . Fysh , S . J . C . Wolfcon . The Visitors were Bros . A . Wing VV . AT . Strong Man Lodge No . 45 , and R . AV . Roxby Confidence Lodge No . 193 . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes read and confirmed . Bro . C . Millington gave proof of his efficiency , was entrusted , and withdrew . The Lodge was advanced
to the second degree , and Bro . Millington was duly passed . Lodge was closed in the second degree , and Mr . John Kentish was balloted for , duly elected , and formally initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , both ceremonies being performed by the W . M . in a very impressive manner . Iu pursuance of a notice of motion , Bro . Isnacproposed that tho initiation feo be raised to seven guineas . Bro . Opperman proposed
an amendment , that Bro . Isaac's proposition be postponed until tho names of thirty or more subscribing members are on the books ; this was seconded by Bro . VV ' olton , and after a friendly discussion the amendment was put to the Lodgo and was lost . Tho original proposition was then put , and carried , subject to a proviso by Bro . Fenner , that the samo do not take effect until the first meeting in October
next year . Lodge waa then closed , and tho brethren adjourned to refreshment , which was of a substantial though frugal character , and was well served by Bro . Fysh , assisted by Bro . Allardyce . After the usual toasts had been duly honoured , the health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . C . K . Killick jun . in a very short speech , for which the W . M . thanked the brethren , and remarked that as his year of
office progressed , he trusted his efforts to support tho dignity of the chair , and the hononr of the Kingsland Lodgo , would meet with tho approbation of the members . The Initiate ' s was the next toast on the list , and this was heartily honoured . Bro . Kentish replied : He thanked the brethren , and trusted he would nofc prove unworthy of tho honour of being a brother Mason : he would strive to gain a knowledge of
Freemasonry , and so be a credit to the Lodge into which he had that evening been initiated . The Visitors' toast was responded to by Bro . Wing , Avho thanked the brethren for the reception they had given him , and expressed the gratification he felt in finding himself amongst so many that he had the honour of being personally knowu to . Bro . P . M . Killick jun . responded to the P . M . 's toast ; he expressed his heartv good wishes for the future of the Kingsland Lodge . The
Officers' health was replied to by Bro . Isaac ; their desire was to do their best to support the W . M ., and ensure tho prosperity of the Lodge . The evening was made very enjoyable by some excellent singinsr , by Bros . Opperman , Isaac , Fysh , and Wing . Bro . Hawkins favoured the brethren with a recitation . The Tyler's toast brought a very pleasant evening to a conclusion , and tho brethren separated . During the evening a distressed brother applied for relief , and 10 s was voted out of the Lodge Benevolent Fund .
Ancient Carthage Royal Arch Chapter , No . 1717 , at Tunis in North Africa . —A regular meeting of the Chapter was held at the Masouic Hall , Tunis , on Friday , 30 th November , at 4 p . m . Present—M . E . Comps . Broadley , Lenghi , and Dr . Mugnaini Z ., H . and J ., J . H . Stevens acting Scribe E ., G . Pentecost Scribe N ., Dr . Perriui P . S ., P . M . Paleologo and G . B . Cassar Assists ., V . C .
Clement D . of Ceremonies , Dr . Cassanello Registrar , E . Gardelle Steward , and M . Lumbroso acting Janitor . Members-Comps . Barsotti , They , Nurri , Blanch Treas ., & c . Tho Chapter being duly opened in ancient form , Comp . J . H . Stevens ( British Vice Consul ) was elected , aud invested ns E ., on tho resignation of Comp . Pouiller , who preferred to retain his original post of Interpreter to the Chapter , but who was
unfortunately absent from illness . The following candidates wore unanimously elected : —Bros . Dr . N . Davis of Perseveranza Lodge , at Mnrsn Carara in Italy , John Eymonof Carthage an lUtica Lodgo , at Tunis , Denti and Ben Zaincb No . 1717 . Tho four candidates being present , were exalted to the snblime degree . Dr . N . Davis is the wellknown author of * ' Carthage and its Remains , " " The Ruined Cities of
Africa , " & c ., and he conducted for several years , at tho expense of the British Government , extensive excavations ou the site of Ancient Carthage . On the ternination of tho ceremony tho M . E . Z . expressed his pleasure in confer . 'ing tho R . A . degree on BO distinguished an author and old a Mason as Comp . Dr . Davis , who returned thanks to the Chapter in appropriate language . He said his gratification afc
taking the highest d ( groe in English Craft Masonry was consider , ably increased by the fact that he had received it on the site of his old labours , and in a Chapter bearing the name of that famous city , associated with the dearest enterprise of his life . Ho promised to send from Italy a set c ? marble columns to farther adorn the Chapter . M . E . Comp . Broadley expressed the acknowledgments of the assembled Companions . Tho first Principal then alluded to tho loss tbo
Chapter had sustaiuet by tho awfully sudden death of their Janitor , Comp . Henry Howarc Haylock , who had fallen dead in the street on the preceding Friday , and an expression of the regret of tho Chapter was ordered to be i iscribed on the minutes , and the Chapter to remain in mourning iill the end of the current year . Comp . John Eymon was then unanimously elected aud invested as Janitor . The charitable collection 1 aving been made , the Chapter Avas duly closed and adjourned till tho 20 th December ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St Peter ' s Chapter Rose Croix . —A meeting was held at the Church Institute , Bolton , on Saturday , the 30 th Novem . ber , nt four o ' clock in the afternoon . Present—111 . Bro . Thos . Entwisle 30 ° as M . W . S ., James Hall 1 st General , Thomas Clarke 2 nd General' Thomas Mitchell Recorder , A . Middleton C . of G ., J . Thompson R ., W . Rome G . M .. J . W . Roiley Equerry , J . C . Lnut , J . T .
Richardson , J . M . Sinclair , L . M . Simonson , James Uorrocks , Geo . Ferguson , W . A . Bvrom ; also G . P . Brockbank 3 l ° , R . Harwood 30 ° , T . Morris 18 ° , Past M ! W . S . of the Chapter . The minutes of tho former meeting having been confirmed , tho following brethren wore balloted for and elected : —Bro . Peter Staton , Bro . John Armstrong , and Bro . W . F . Vino . The actio '' M . W . S . announced to the brethren that the
M . W . S . ( Bro . Reginald Young ) had been ordered by his medical adviser to spend the winter mouths in the South of France , in consequence of his precarious state of health , and had requested him to discharge the duties in his enforced absence . The brethren expressed their deep sympathy with Bro . Young in his affliction , and an earnest -wish for a speedv restoration to bis wontod health and
spirits . Bro . Vines having been obligated in the customary manner in the preliminary degrees , forwarded a petition , which was favourably received , aud he was thereupon introduced to the Chapter , presided over by 111 . Bro . Brockbank 31 ° , and 111 . Bro . Harwood 30 o respectively at tho first and second points , and duly perfected j as a Rose Croix Mason , the duties of Raphael being discharged by Bro . J . E . Hall , and the organ presided over by Bro . J . C . Lnnt . Opened
on the 3 rd point by Bro . Entwisle , when the newly obligated brother was admittied , and the customary forms observed . At the con- j elusion of business , tbo brethren adjourned to tbo Commercial Hotel , ' where banqnet was served and presided over by Bro . Entwisle i 30 ° , supported by tho brethren who attended the Chapter . The cua- j tomary toasts wero proposed and responded to , and after a most . enjoyable evening , the brethren retired at an early hour . i
Duke of Connaught Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1524 ., —Held at tho Havelock Tavern , Albion-road , Dalston , on the 11 th inst . Present—Bros . T . Cull 1416 W . M ., G . Davis 1 G 7 S . W ., J . Yeomans 167 J . W ., S . T . Byng S . D ., J . Sparrow J . D ., Cuthbert 4 Kil . S . C . I . G ., Fieldwick Preceptor , G . Ferrar Treas . and Sec . pro tem ; also Bros . VV . H . Conghtrey 73 , Mash 73 , Spencer 73 , P . Dickinson
P . M . 129 S , J . VV . Wright 129 S , Sparrow I . G . 1743 , F . G . Chant 193 , G . Cooper 1288 , W . S . Lee J . W . 1201 , W . Rowley S . D . 917 , Brown 1607 , McMillan 1365 , McDowell 918 , VV . Ferrar 1437 , R . A . Olley , J . Lorkin 192 , Giller 1607 , C . Ollev , G . Saul S . W . 1201 , G . H . Hunter J . W . 1298 , VV . H . Lee P . M . 975 , " J . A . Powell J . W . 186 . After prelimiuaries , tho Fifteen Sections were worked by Bro . T . Cull W . M .,
assisted by the following brethren : —Bros . J . Cuthbert , Yeomans , Rowley , Sparrow , Wright , Davis , Byng ; Brown , Dickinson , G . Saul , W . S . Lee , F . G . Chant ; G . H . Hunter , J . A . Powell , Sparrow . Bro . Hunter was elected a member of this Lodgo of Instruction . A vote of tbauks was passed , and ordered to be recorded on the minutes , to
Bro . Cull , for tho able way in which he had worked tho Fifteen Sec . tions . A vote of thanks was also passed to the brethren of the Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , who had assisted in working the sections . Nothing further offering , the Lodgo was closed and adjonrned to Wednesday , 18 th iust .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1602 . —At the Crown and Woolpack , St . John-street-road , on Tuesday . Bro . Read W . M ., W . Rowley S . W ., Pelikan J . W ., Fenner acting Preceptor , Osborue Secretary , Hallam sen . S . D ., Crosbie J . D ., J . Millington I . G . ; also Bros . Hyland , Wood , Ross , Arkell , Hallam jun ., T . Goode , Green , Isaac , & c . Preliminaries duly regarded , the ceremony
of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Ross acting as candidate . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Green being candidate . Bro . Hallam jun . worked the third section of the first lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . J . Crosbie , Treasurer of the Kingsland Lodge , No . 1093 , was elected a member . Bro . VV . Rowley was appointed to preside next Tuesday evening .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611—Ou Monday last thero was a very good muster of this Lodgo at the Queen ' s Hotel , York , Bro . J . S . Cnmberland W . M . presiding , supported by Bros . T . B . Whytehead I . P . M ., T . Cooper P . M ., Geo . Balmford P . M . and Treasurer , aud tho whole of tbe Officers , as well as a namber of brethren . A candidate having been successfully ballotted for , Bro . VV . J . Girling was raised
to the third degree by the I . P . M . It was decided to form a Masonic Literary and Archceological Society in connection with tho Lodge , aud a committee was appointed to make all arrangements for the same before the fine weather , when expeditions will be mado to places of interest Bro . T . B . Whytehead presented to the Lodgo Dr . Mackay ' s Lexicon of Freemasonry , and a copy of the Memorial Volume of the Banquet to the American Pilgrims at Freemasons '
Hall . The W . M . mado a few remarks on the working of the Lodge , and said bis aim would be to bring it up to the best pitch , following the " Emulation " working in London . A very pleasant evening was afterwards spent , tho toast list being enlivened bv songs , & c . A letter of thanks was read from the Pilgrims of Mary Commandery Philadelphia , thanking tho Eboracum Lodge for the splendid reception given them in July last .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 .-The weekly meeting was held nt the Feathers , Ealing , on Thursday , the 5 th ir . stai . t . Present—Bro . Fisher W . M . ( in the absence of Bro ! Porter , who was detained by private business ) , Bros . Wells S . W ., Jones J . W ., Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , Gasson S . D ., Dyer J . D ., Day I . G .: Bros . Webb , Clarke , Stephens , Seward , and others . After
preliminaries , the W . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of initiation , Bro . Clark candidate . Bro . Webb was instructed iu tho usual questions leading to the second degree , and tho Lodge having beeu opened up , tho ceremon y of passing was rehearsed . Bro . Wells was appointed W . M . for the meeting on the 19 th instant . This boiirr the one preceding the regular Lodge , it is understood that the W . M . aud tho Officers of 1612 will fill their respective position . « , when it is hoped there Avill bo a good muster of the brethren .
Kingsland Lodge , No . 1693 . —This thriving Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , tho 3 rd instant , at Bro . Fysh's , tho . Tollv Farmor « , Sontliirato-rnatl . Present—Bros . A . H . Trewinnard W . M .. II . P . Isaac S . W ., J ! Unes Hawkins J . W ., C . K . Killick sen . P . M . Secretary , A . W . Fenner S . D ., H . Hall J . D ., C . A . Western D . C , J . Thompson A . D . C ., W . Burtle I . G ., H . Opperman W . S ., C . K .
Killick I . P . M . jun . ; also Bros . W . J . Homblowcr , W . Gurson , G . F . Bohme , C . Millington , VV . White , VV . Fysh , S . J . C . Wolfcon . The Visitors were Bros . A . Wing VV . AT . Strong Man Lodge No . 45 , and R . AV . Roxby Confidence Lodge No . 193 . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes read and confirmed . Bro . C . Millington gave proof of his efficiency , was entrusted , and withdrew . The Lodge was advanced
to the second degree , and Bro . Millington was duly passed . Lodge was closed in the second degree , and Mr . John Kentish was balloted for , duly elected , and formally initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , both ceremonies being performed by the W . M . in a very impressive manner . Iu pursuance of a notice of motion , Bro . Isnacproposed that tho initiation feo be raised to seven guineas . Bro . Opperman proposed
an amendment , that Bro . Isaac's proposition be postponed until tho names of thirty or more subscribing members are on the books ; this was seconded by Bro . VV ' olton , and after a friendly discussion the amendment was put to the Lodgo and was lost . Tho original proposition was then put , and carried , subject to a proviso by Bro . Fenner , that the samo do not take effect until the first meeting in October
next year . Lodge waa then closed , and tho brethren adjourned to refreshment , which was of a substantial though frugal character , and was well served by Bro . Fysh , assisted by Bro . Allardyce . After the usual toasts had been duly honoured , the health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . C . K . Killick jun . in a very short speech , for which the W . M . thanked the brethren , and remarked that as his year of
office progressed , he trusted his efforts to support tho dignity of the chair , and the hononr of the Kingsland Lodgo , would meet with tho approbation of the members . The Initiate ' s was the next toast on the list , and this was heartily honoured . Bro . Kentish replied : He thanked the brethren , and trusted he would nofc prove unworthy of tho honour of being a brother Mason : he would strive to gain a knowledge of
Freemasonry , and so be a credit to the Lodge into which he had that evening been initiated . The Visitors' toast was responded to by Bro . Wing , Avho thanked the brethren for the reception they had given him , and expressed the gratification he felt in finding himself amongst so many that he had the honour of being personally knowu to . Bro . P . M . Killick jun . responded to the P . M . 's toast ; he expressed his heartv good wishes for the future of the Kingsland Lodge . The
Officers' health was replied to by Bro . Isaac ; their desire was to do their best to support the W . M ., and ensure tho prosperity of the Lodge . The evening was made very enjoyable by some excellent singinsr , by Bros . Opperman , Isaac , Fysh , and Wing . Bro . Hawkins favoured the brethren with a recitation . The Tyler's toast brought a very pleasant evening to a conclusion , and tho brethren separated . During the evening a distressed brother applied for relief , and 10 s was voted out of the Lodge Benevolent Fund .
Ancient Carthage Royal Arch Chapter , No . 1717 , at Tunis in North Africa . —A regular meeting of the Chapter was held at the Masouic Hall , Tunis , on Friday , 30 th November , at 4 p . m . Present—M . E . Comps . Broadley , Lenghi , and Dr . Mugnaini Z ., H . and J ., J . H . Stevens acting Scribe E ., G . Pentecost Scribe N ., Dr . Perriui P . S ., P . M . Paleologo and G . B . Cassar Assists ., V . C .
Clement D . of Ceremonies , Dr . Cassanello Registrar , E . Gardelle Steward , and M . Lumbroso acting Janitor . Members-Comps . Barsotti , They , Nurri , Blanch Treas ., & c . Tho Chapter being duly opened in ancient form , Comp . J . H . Stevens ( British Vice Consul ) was elected , aud invested ns E ., on tho resignation of Comp . Pouiller , who preferred to retain his original post of Interpreter to the Chapter , but who was
unfortunately absent from illness . The following candidates wore unanimously elected : —Bros . Dr . N . Davis of Perseveranza Lodge , at Mnrsn Carara in Italy , John Eymonof Carthage an lUtica Lodgo , at Tunis , Denti and Ben Zaincb No . 1717 . Tho four candidates being present , were exalted to the snblime degree . Dr . N . Davis is the wellknown author of * ' Carthage and its Remains , " " The Ruined Cities of
Africa , " & c ., and he conducted for several years , at tho expense of the British Government , extensive excavations ou the site of Ancient Carthage . On the ternination of tho ceremony tho M . E . Z . expressed his pleasure in confer . 'ing tho R . A . degree on BO distinguished an author and old a Mason as Comp . Dr . Davis , who returned thanks to the Chapter in appropriate language . He said his gratification afc
taking the highest d ( groe in English Craft Masonry was consider , ably increased by the fact that he had received it on the site of his old labours , and in a Chapter bearing the name of that famous city , associated with the dearest enterprise of his life . Ho promised to send from Italy a set c ? marble columns to farther adorn the Chapter . M . E . Comp . Broadley expressed the acknowledgments of the assembled Companions . Tho first Principal then alluded to tho loss tbo
Chapter had sustaiuet by tho awfully sudden death of their Janitor , Comp . Henry Howarc Haylock , who had fallen dead in the street on the preceding Friday , and an expression of the regret of tho Chapter was ordered to be i iscribed on the minutes , and the Chapter to remain in mourning iill the end of the current year . Comp . John Eymon was then unanimously elected aud invested as Janitor . The charitable collection 1 aving been made , the Chapter Avas duly closed and adjourned till tho 20 th December ,