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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Price os 6 d , Crown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS REPRINTED FBOM "THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . " LIST OF THE PORTRAITS . 1 . OCR LITERARY B ROTHER . 17 . Tun CHRISTIAN MINISTER . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON . 18 . THE MYSTIC . 3 . THE MAN OP ENERGY . ll » . A MODEL M ASON . i . FATHER TIME . 20 . A CHIP FROM JOPPA 5 . A CORNER STONE . 21 . A PILLAR OP MASONRY . fi . THE CRAFISUAN . 22 . BAY . VRD . 7 . TUE GOWNSMAN . | 2 . 1 . A RIGHT HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTERN STAR . ' 21 . OUR CITIZE-J BROTHEB . 9 . THE KNIGHT ERRANT . 25 . AN AULK PRECEPTOR . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . 20 . AN ANCIENT BRITON . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIER . 28 . THE FATHER OP THE LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN . 2 ii . A SHINING LIGHT . 11 . OUR HERCULES . . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE . 31 . THE MARINER . 10 . THE CHURCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIER OP FORTUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . "A scries of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of somo of the principal Masonic worthies of tho day . They are well written , ami though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private life , and in Masonic society will bo welcomed as an interesting series of word paintings of members of the Craft . —Standard . " Wc do not remember to have read any similar scries of sketches which surpass this in merit . " —Zand and Water . " The hook will he of great interest to Masons , containing as it does pen-andink sketches of the most distinguished men among them , and giving somo considerable information on matters Masouic , from various points of view . "Lloyd ' s Xfciexpapei : "Admirably written , being freo from what arc too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . " —Sunday Times . "' J . ( 1 . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never ho itating to 'hit off' a weakness whec ho finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at tho samo timo ho never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with tho Craft or iu the service of tho public out of doors . Tho sketches aro lively reading . "—City 1 'rcss . "This is a neat bunk . Tho Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . VV . J . Hughan * Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . Wo commend the book as wiit . li of a ulaco in every Masonic library . "— Voice of Masonry . " in . o- ui'icli literary ability , and is a valuable addition to tho few works we have in Masonic hiograph . v . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " The book ought to be iu every well arranged Masonic Library . "—New York Courier . " We raluo tho work , nnd heartily thank Bro . Morgan for our copy . "Masonic Jewel . " The portraits consist of a series of what wo call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent iu all the noblo undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren wo find Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( ' Our Hercules , ' whoso herculean efforts iu behalf of thoso blessed institutions , the charities of English Masons , havo a world-wide reputation , which will live long after the zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' "—New York Square . " Tho stylo of the author is pleasing , and tho quality of his productions highly complimontay to his ability as a writer . " —Masonic Advocate . " It is a valuable contribution to English current lite autre . "—Masonic Itcciew . " They belong to a kind of writing which has come to be amongst the most popular reading of the dny The types aro as general as thoy aro graphic . Tho salient , characteristics aro seized with an easy power , and happily hit off in felicitous phrase "—Sheffield Post . ' Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with somo pithy common sense remarks . "—Cushel Gazette . " Cleverly aud agreeably sketched , and the work altogether forms a valuable addition to Masonic literature . "—Hyde Newt , "Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of tho worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Veal , Wulmc . r and Sandwich Mercury . "Tho members of the Craft will take it a .-an acceptable addition to their biographical literature . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They are written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . "—Jew * Chronicle . " Should have a very largo sa \ c . "—Kingsbridi / e Gazette . " Theso sketches are drawn w th sparkling ability . ' —Mitnffshirc Seporlcr . " We must sincerely congratulate the author on the success of his endeavour t aim at liiithl ' itl portraiture , while there is an entire absence of what mi "lit givo offence to the most sensitive mind . "—Folkestone lixpress . "A very acceptable contribution to tho history of tho Order . The volume has our warmest commendation . "—Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no littlo humour , and embellished with many a deft stroke of good natural satire . "—Figaro . "The inquiring Brother who may wish to know something of tho strength and beauty of tho principles of Masonry , will iind a pleasure in scanning the characteristic pictures in this book . " — The Srii / home A ' eum . "There is a piquancy in the ready off-hand dash that lends much zest to tho subject , imu bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—Hebrew Leader . " J-her ? „ can ho no doubt that tho writer has produced a series of Portraits which will be a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout the world . —Surrey Comet . "Will bo found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to the Masonic world . "—BtmKhl ' ress . " Calculated to raiso'tho Order—if that bo possible—in tho estimation of its members , it not of-thc outer world . " —Trotcbridi / r and North Wilts Adoertiser - . "Written" in a spirited , racy style , and conveying , in as clear a manner as possible * 'a counterfeit presentment' of some of tho rulers of the Craft . "JutexeStanaara , London : W . W . MORGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent freo by post , direct from the Office , G 7 Barbican .
" A suitable gift from a Master to his Lodge . " KEATLT BOUND IN CLOTH , PEICE 8 s Gd EACH VOLUMES 1 to 7 . London : —W . W . JIOKGA . Y , 67 Eai-btcan , E . C . Sent , CWi .-. gf . Vtiiil . lo any n . ldmss in tho United Kingdom , ' ' ¦ ¦ :: ;; v ( 1 4 'l <> t' Clin , ue ur P . O . O . " l \
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN" STREET . LONDON , W . C . Tho ndinimblc and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment for IM : . A . SO 2 * ZB-A . ZErQTTETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , « c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire manivremcnt has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . Tlie attention of the Masonio Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISHNTJ * : OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES 1 MERFECT IN CONDITION AND O . ITAI . ITY . N . B . —DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR
FISH DINNERS IMPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , and Salad , Served from 12 to i daily—GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE MASONIC SEASON . TO WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SECRETARIES of LODGES . Bro . George Smith ( from Anderton ' s ) will be pleased to supply TAHIFF OF CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & c „ & c . for largo or small parties . Address—GEORGE SMITH , George Tavern , Billingsgate Market .
Freo by Post for 12 Stamps . \ ITER THE TURTLE . — Thirfcy-otio Years' Ministerial Policy XJL a . s set forth at LOUD MAYOR ' DAY UAM ^ ' ETS , from ISIS to 1 S 7 S . Collected by RICIUHU SKYD , F . S . S . London : W . AV . MORGAS 1 , 071 'arbican , E . C .
Price Is 6 d , or sent free by Post for Is Sd in Stamps . PKACTICAL EULES OF ENGLISH SYNTAX ; interspersed with Critical Notes and Explanatory Observations . London : W . W . MORGAN 1 , 07 Barbican , E . C .
LODGE REGALIA . WANTED TO PUECHASE , a Set of Lodge Kegalia complete . Send full particulars to E . DORLING , Walton-on-Naze .
Lodges of Instruction and Chapters of Improvement . CITY K 0 AD , NEAK THE ANGEL , ISLINGTON . 110 BE LET . —A Eoom , most suitable for tbo above purposes , . size 3 ~ > ft . long and 16 ft . wide , with private entrance . Apply by letter to liro . T . 1 ) . SrunoiN , The Sportsman Tavern , 315 City Road .
A GENTLEMAN , aged 33 ( M . M . ) , thoroughly conversant with tho French and German Languages , good and rapid translator , well acquainted with the Continent of Europe , is open for an engagement to act as Traveller , Companion , Courier , or in any other capacity . First class references . Address—Organist , Oilice of FKEESIASON ' S CHBOKICLE , 07 Barbican , E . C .
g ^^^^ ^^^^ g
67 BARBICAN , E . O .
Our Weekly Budget.
ON Friday , at Windsor , the Queen presented new colours to the 2 nd . Battalion of the 4 th . Regiment of Infantry , which is under orders for the Cape of Good Hope . The Princo of Wales attended the Cattle Show at Islington on Monday , and on Thursday paid a visit to the Empress Eugenie at Chislehurst . The Duchess of
Edinburgh , with hor . iiI " "on arrived afc Clarence House on Sunday from Ger _ uau . .... c o-rand Duei !^ ** ^ P Hesse has been attacked » vi * -h diphtheria at Darmstadt , but tlie last bulletin speaks favourably . In the House of Lords on Monday Lord Cranbrook
moved a resolution to charge the expenses of the Af ghan war upon the Indian revenues , and gave an explanation of the causes Ilia ! " liacl led to the outbreak of hostilities . Lord Halifax moved an amendment disapproving the policy of the Ministry , which he declared to be a reversal of tlie
policy pursued by all preceding Governments . Lord LaAvrence , the Earl of Derby , and Lord Carnarvon denied the justice of tho Avar . The Dnke of Somerset took an opposite view , and Lord Napier and Efctrick also supported the Government . Tlie debate was then adjourned . On Tuesday night ihe debate was resumed by Earl Grev ( who
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Price os 6 d , Crown Svo , cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS REPRINTED FBOM "THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . " LIST OF THE PORTRAITS . 1 . OCR LITERARY B ROTHER . 17 . Tun CHRISTIAN MINISTER . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON . 18 . THE MYSTIC . 3 . THE MAN OP ENERGY . ll » . A MODEL M ASON . i . FATHER TIME . 20 . A CHIP FROM JOPPA 5 . A CORNER STONE . 21 . A PILLAR OP MASONRY . fi . THE CRAFISUAN . 22 . BAY . VRD . 7 . TUE GOWNSMAN . | 2 . 1 . A RIGHT HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTERN STAR . ' 21 . OUR CITIZE-J BROTHEB . 9 . THE KNIGHT ERRANT . 25 . AN AULK PRECEPTOR . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN . 20 . AN ANCIENT BRITON . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIER . 28 . THE FATHER OP THE LODGE . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN . 2 ii . A SHINING LIGHT . 11 . OUR HERCULES . . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE . 31 . THE MARINER . 10 . THE CHURCHMAN . 32 . A SOLDIER OP FORTUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . "A scries of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of somo of the principal Masonic worthies of tho day . They are well written , ami though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private life , and in Masonic society will bo welcomed as an interesting series of word paintings of members of the Craft . —Standard . " Wc do not remember to have read any similar scries of sketches which surpass this in merit . " —Zand and Water . " The hook will he of great interest to Masons , containing as it does pen-andink sketches of the most distinguished men among them , and giving somo considerable information on matters Masouic , from various points of view . "Lloyd ' s Xfciexpapei : "Admirably written , being freo from what arc too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . " —Sunday Times . "' J . ( 1 . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never ho itating to 'hit off' a weakness whec ho finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at tho samo timo ho never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , either in connexion with tho Craft or iu the service of tho public out of doors . Tho sketches aro lively reading . "—City 1 'rcss . "This is a neat bunk . Tho Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . VV . J . Hughan * Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . Wo commend the book as wiit . li of a ulaco in every Masonic library . "— Voice of Masonry . " in . o- ui'icli literary ability , and is a valuable addition to tho few works we have in Masonic hiograph . v . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " The book ought to be iu every well arranged Masonic Library . "—New York Courier . " We raluo tho work , nnd heartily thank Bro . Morgan for our copy . "Masonic Jewel . " The portraits consist of a series of what wo call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent iu all the noblo undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren wo find Bro . Fred . Binckes , ( ' Our Hercules , ' whoso herculean efforts iu behalf of thoso blessed institutions , the charities of English Masons , havo a world-wide reputation , which will live long after the zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' "—New York Square . " Tho stylo of the author is pleasing , and tho quality of his productions highly complimontay to his ability as a writer . " —Masonic Advocate . " It is a valuable contribution to English current lite autre . "—Masonic Itcciew . " They belong to a kind of writing which has come to be amongst the most popular reading of the dny The types aro as general as thoy aro graphic . Tho salient , characteristics aro seized with an easy power , and happily hit off in felicitous phrase "—Sheffield Post . ' Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with somo pithy common sense remarks . "—Cushel Gazette . " Cleverly aud agreeably sketched , and the work altogether forms a valuable addition to Masonic literature . "—Hyde Newt , "Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of tho worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Veal , Wulmc . r and Sandwich Mercury . "Tho members of the Craft will take it a .-an acceptable addition to their biographical literature . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They are written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . "—Jew * Chronicle . " Should have a very largo sa \ c . "—Kingsbridi / e Gazette . " Theso sketches are drawn w th sparkling ability . ' —Mitnffshirc Seporlcr . " We must sincerely congratulate the author on the success of his endeavour t aim at liiithl ' itl portraiture , while there is an entire absence of what mi "lit givo offence to the most sensitive mind . "—Folkestone lixpress . "A very acceptable contribution to tho history of tho Order . The volume has our warmest commendation . "—Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no littlo humour , and embellished with many a deft stroke of good natural satire . "—Figaro . "The inquiring Brother who may wish to know something of tho strength and beauty of tho principles of Masonry , will iind a pleasure in scanning the characteristic pictures in this book . " — The Srii / home A ' eum . "There is a piquancy in the ready off-hand dash that lends much zest to tho subject , imu bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—Hebrew Leader . " J-her ? „ can ho no doubt that tho writer has produced a series of Portraits which will be a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout the world . —Surrey Comet . "Will bo found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to the Masonic world . "—BtmKhl ' ress . " Calculated to raiso'tho Order—if that bo possible—in tho estimation of its members , it not of-thc outer world . " —Trotcbridi / r and North Wilts Adoertiser - . "Written" in a spirited , racy style , and conveying , in as clear a manner as possible * 'a counterfeit presentment' of some of tho rulers of the Craft . "JutexeStanaara , London : W . W . MORGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or will be sent freo by post , direct from the Office , G 7 Barbican .
" A suitable gift from a Master to his Lodge . " KEATLT BOUND IN CLOTH , PEICE 8 s Gd EACH VOLUMES 1 to 7 . London : —W . W . JIOKGA . Y , 67 Eai-btcan , E . C . Sent , CWi .-. gf . Vtiiil . lo any n . ldmss in tho United Kingdom , ' ' ¦ ¦ :: ;; v ( 1 4 'l <> t' Clin , ue ur P . O . O . " l \
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN" STREET . LONDON , W . C . Tho ndinimblc and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establishment for IM : . A . SO 2 * ZB-A . ZErQTTETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , « c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire manivremcnt has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . Tlie attention of the Masonio Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISHNTJ * : OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES 1 MERFECT IN CONDITION AND O . ITAI . ITY . N . B . —DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR
FISH DINNERS IMPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , and Salad , Served from 12 to i daily—GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE MASONIC SEASON . TO WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SECRETARIES of LODGES . Bro . George Smith ( from Anderton ' s ) will be pleased to supply TAHIFF OF CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & c „ & c . for largo or small parties . Address—GEORGE SMITH , George Tavern , Billingsgate Market .
Freo by Post for 12 Stamps . \ ITER THE TURTLE . — Thirfcy-otio Years' Ministerial Policy XJL a . s set forth at LOUD MAYOR ' DAY UAM ^ ' ETS , from ISIS to 1 S 7 S . Collected by RICIUHU SKYD , F . S . S . London : W . AV . MORGAS 1 , 071 'arbican , E . C .
Price Is 6 d , or sent free by Post for Is Sd in Stamps . PKACTICAL EULES OF ENGLISH SYNTAX ; interspersed with Critical Notes and Explanatory Observations . London : W . W . MORGAN 1 , 07 Barbican , E . C .
LODGE REGALIA . WANTED TO PUECHASE , a Set of Lodge Kegalia complete . Send full particulars to E . DORLING , Walton-on-Naze .
Lodges of Instruction and Chapters of Improvement . CITY K 0 AD , NEAK THE ANGEL , ISLINGTON . 110 BE LET . —A Eoom , most suitable for tbo above purposes , . size 3 ~ > ft . long and 16 ft . wide , with private entrance . Apply by letter to liro . T . 1 ) . SrunoiN , The Sportsman Tavern , 315 City Road .
A GENTLEMAN , aged 33 ( M . M . ) , thoroughly conversant with tho French and German Languages , good and rapid translator , well acquainted with the Continent of Europe , is open for an engagement to act as Traveller , Companion , Courier , or in any other capacity . First class references . Address—Organist , Oilice of FKEESIASON ' S CHBOKICLE , 07 Barbican , E . C .
g ^^^^ ^^^^ g
67 BARBICAN , E . O .
Our Weekly Budget.
ON Friday , at Windsor , the Queen presented new colours to the 2 nd . Battalion of the 4 th . Regiment of Infantry , which is under orders for the Cape of Good Hope . The Princo of Wales attended the Cattle Show at Islington on Monday , and on Thursday paid a visit to the Empress Eugenie at Chislehurst . The Duchess of
Edinburgh , with hor . iiI " "on arrived afc Clarence House on Sunday from Ger _ uau . .... c o-rand Duei !^ ** ^ P Hesse has been attacked » vi * -h diphtheria at Darmstadt , but tlie last bulletin speaks favourably . In the House of Lords on Monday Lord Cranbrook
moved a resolution to charge the expenses of the Af ghan war upon the Indian revenues , and gave an explanation of the causes Ilia ! " liacl led to the outbreak of hostilities . Lord Halifax moved an amendment disapproving the policy of the Ministry , which he declared to be a reversal of tlie
policy pursued by all preceding Governments . Lord LaAvrence , the Earl of Derby , and Lord Carnarvon denied the justice of tho Avar . The Dnke of Somerset took an opposite view , and Lord Napier and Efctrick also supported the Government . Tlie debate was then adjourned . On Tuesday night ihe debate was resumed by Earl Grev ( who