Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KINGSTON—JAMAICA. Page 1 of 1
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Our Weekly Budget.
supported tbo amendment ) , Lord Selborne , the Marquis of Bath , tho Marquis of Ripon , Lord Northbrook , nnd Lord Card well . In support of tlie Government , the speakers wero the Lord Chancellor , Lord Jersey , Lord Midleton , the
Marquis of Salisbury , and the Earl of Beaconstield . The House divided at half-past 2 o ' clock , -when the votes for tho original resolution-were 201 , and against it C 5 , showing a majority for the Government of 130 .
In the House of Commons on Priday Mr . vvlutbrcad gave notice of a vote of censure on the Government . On Monday , tho debate was opened by Mr . Whitbread , who , in the course of a long speech , maintained that the hostility of the Ameer Shere Ali had been provoked by the attempt
of the Government to force him to receive a British mission . Mr . E . Stanhope contested this conclusion , and insisted that tho reception of a Russian mission at Cabal , and the endeavours of the Ameer to excite the border tribes against us , rendered it absolutely necessary to adopt decisive
measures . Mr . Trevelyan , Mr . Chamberlain , and Mr . W . E . Forster spoke against the Government , and Mr . Ridley and Mr . Marten in support . The debate was then adjourned . On Tuesday , the debate was resumed by Lord J . Manners , Avho was followed by Mr . Gladstone . The succeeding
speakers were Sir R . Peel and Lord G . Hamilton , in support of the Government , and SirC . DilkeandMr . Leatham , who approved tho vote of censure . The debate was again
adjourned . The sitting on Wednesday was very short . On Thursday , in reply to Sir W . Harcourt , the Chancellor of the Exchequer said that tho Government had been led to believe that tho Russian mission at Cabul had been
Avithdrawn , but they had since learnt that such Avas not the fact . The Government did not intend to acquiesce in Russian influence at Cabul in any form . The adjourned debate Avas renewed by Mr . Grant-Duff , who Avas replied
to by Mr . Bourke . The subsequent speakers Avere Mr . O'Shaughnessy , Lord W . Hay , Mr . A . G . Hardy , Mr . Foljambe , Mr . C . B . Denison , Mr . Rylands , Sir J . Hay , Mr . Goschen , and Captain Nolan . The debate was again adjourned .
Cabinet Councils were held on Friday , Monday , and Thursday , all the Ministers being present upon each
. In consequence of adverse rumours , Avhich caused a run upon the Bank , the directors of the West of England bank , Avhose head office is at Bristol , on Monday , issued a notice of suspension , but intimate their conviction that the assets will be fully adequate to meet all liabilities .
The success of General Roberts at the Piewar Pass appears to have "been complete . The guns and ammunition captured and the dispersion of the Afghan troops indicate the destruction of all obstructive poAver on the eastern side of the Shutargardan Pass , towards Avhich General Roberts
is directing his march . In the meantime , preparations are being made for hutting the troops in the Kuram Valley . The cold has become very severe , and the native troops are rather sickly , but the Europeans are all healthy . General Biddulph is about to occupy the Khojak Pass . General
SteAvart has arrived at Quetta , and his division is at the Bolan Pass . A reply from the Ameer Shere Ali to the Viceroy ' s ultimatum has been received , dated 19 thNovember , in which he complains of his independence being threatened , denies unfriendly intentions , and offers to receive at Cabul
a small and temporary mission . There has been a change of Ministry at Constantinople , and Kberedine Pasha has been appointed Grand Vizier . The official explanation of the change is a desire to promote the extension of administrative reforms to all parts of the Empire , and to
arrange the existing political difficulties pressing upon the Porte . The French Chamber of Deputies on Saturday , by 338 votes against 49 . annulled the election of the Due Decazes . On Tuesday the Chamber , contrary to the recommendation of the Committee , annulled , by 239 votes
against 205 , the election of Baron Reille , a Bonapartist . After a protracted debate , turning chiefly upon points of domestic politics , the Italian Chamber on Wednesday , by a majority of 74 , rejected a vote of confidence in the Cairoli Ministry , Avhich has since resigned . A neAV Cabinet , under Signor Depretis , is expected to assume office .
The Installation Ceremony will be rehearsed at the Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhallstreet , on Tnesday evening next , at seven p . m ., when the support of the Craft is earnestly invited .
Eoyal Chapter , No . 207 , Prov . 1 . —At a Quarterly Convocation , holil on 21 th October , at tbo Friendly Hall , Present—M . E . Comps . C . II . Davia P . Z ., D . Banted P . II . pro tem , ( P . Z . of tbe Phronix ) , 11 . Langley ( P . Z . ) J . pro tem , J . Ward S . E ., G . Campbell Treasurer , D . Alberga P . S . pro tem , Jones and Leon Assist . S . ' s ,
T . Garsia S . N . protein ; also M . E . Comps . J . Garsia P . Z . of tbo Royal , Dias P . Z . of tbo Glenlyon , L . C . Hollar J . of tbe Phuouix , and several members aud visitors of sister Chapters . Two candidates wore exalted . According to tbo Bye Laws tho Companions proceeded to tho election of Officers for tho ensuing year , with the following result : —M . E . Comps . Langley P . Z . Z . ( this Companion
has held this office twice previously ) , Andrews II ., G . Sergeant J ., A . 11 . Jones S . E ., T . Garsia S . N ., E . X . Leon P . S ., G . Campbell Treas . ( re-elected ) , G . Magnus Janitor ( vc-elected ) . Tho Companions then elected M . E . Comps . Langley , Davis and Garsia as Life Members , in consideration of their valuable services in connection
with the formation of this Chapter . M . E . Comp . D . Earned P . Z . of the Phcenix Chapter was elected an honorary member of this Chapter . Tlie same honour was likewise conferred on M . E . Comp . Sherlock . After routine business , the Companions retired for light refreshments . Tbe usual toasts wero proposed and heartily responded to .
Phcenix Lodge , No . 914 , Prov . 6 . —The monthly ordinary meeting was held at Port Royal , on 7 th November , presided over by Bros . G . P . Myers W . M ., J . Tyndall S . W ., J . Hall J . W ., & c , & c , and a goodly number of members and visitors ( the latter , we suppose , being due to the presence in tho harbour of five vessels of war ) . There wero four joining members elected , five candidates initiated , two candidates passed , and three raised . The several
degrees were ably worked by tho Master , assisted by the I . P . M . Bro . L . C . Hollar . The members of this Lodgo having unanimously passed a resolution asking the Worshipful Master to import a Past Master ' s jewel , to be presented to tho Wor . L . C . Hollar , as a reward of merit for tho indefatigable services rendered , a Committee was appointed to prepare an address , and to present the same . Tho jewel having arrived , tho Committee presented the following address : —
" Port ltoyal , 7 th November 1878 . " To the Worshipful Luke Cole Hollar I . P . M . Phoenix Lodge , Port Koyal , No . 914 , Prov . No . 6 . —Worshipful Sir and Brother , —We , the committee appointed by tho members of the Phcenix Lodge , Port Eoyal , No . 914 , Prov . No . 6 , of Free and Accepted Masons , desire to testify our regard aud esteem for you , and therefore take advantage to
bear this testimony to your many good qualities , and the very efficient manner in which you havo discharged the dutios assigned to you as Secretary and Master . During your connection with us , your conduct , always regulated by true Masouic principles , your zeal for the welfare of our Ancient Order , your exertions to promote the harmony
and brotherly love which have always characterised the Craft , and tho ability and caro with which you have filled the important offices to which you havo been called , havo won our esteem and regard . AVe beg your acceptance of tho accompanying Past Master ' s jewel , as a tribute and reward of merit for tho indefatigable services
rendered . Wishing yon every happiness this world can afford , and a hope that the G . A . O . T . U . will abundantly bless yon , to smooth your steps in tho rugged paths of this life , and , finally , to bring you to that world where all will be peace and love . We remain , Worshipful Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally ,
W . H . RUTHERFORD . EGBERT DE PASS SEN . JOHN TVNDALL M . D ., R . N . " After which the Master placed on the breast of Bro . Hollar the jewel , amid hearty applause . Bro . Hollar made the following reply : —
" To tho Worshipful Master , Past Masters , Officers , and Members . —Worshipful Sirs and Brothers , —It is with extreme delight I receive your kind address , accompanied with your valuable present . Although a few months have passed since I presided over this Lodge , yet to mo it is a sonrco of tho highest gratification to know that the manner in which I havo discharged tbe duties of Secretary and Wor . Master
has met with your approval . It would be egotistic on my part wero I to accord to myself all tbo praise you have thought fit to bestow oa me , but I must here take the opportunity to state that much of the success of our Lodge is due to the indefatigable exertions of the officers of my administration , whose knowledge of the ritual of the several degrees rendered them of great assistance to mo when re . quired . It is with pleasure I can now observe among you not
only an uncommon attention , but a spirit of active emulation , which must result in increased prosperity . I do with all sincerity thank you most heartily for your kind sentiments , and the jewel accompauy-. * it , and hope that the G . A . O . T . U . will long spare onr lives to unite in upholding and supporting our grand and noble institution , and let mo beg that you will accept my unfeigned thanks for your invariable courtesy , prompt attention , and ready obedience to so humble an individual as myself .
I remain , Worshipful Sira and Brothers , Yours fraternaly , LUKE C . HOLI . AU . " Other bnsiness transacted , Lorlse was closed , and tho brethren retired to a supper , when a very pleasant evening was spent . This Lodge has on its roll of members a good many of the officers , & c . of Her
Majesty ' s ships . It . is the only Lodgo available for our brethren of the Navy and Army . A Mark Mason's Lodgo in connection with the Sussex Lodge was held on the Gth November .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
supported tbo amendment ) , Lord Selborne , the Marquis of Bath , tho Marquis of Ripon , Lord Northbrook , nnd Lord Card well . In support of tlie Government , the speakers wero the Lord Chancellor , Lord Jersey , Lord Midleton , the
Marquis of Salisbury , and the Earl of Beaconstield . The House divided at half-past 2 o ' clock , -when the votes for tho original resolution-were 201 , and against it C 5 , showing a majority for the Government of 130 .
In the House of Commons on Priday Mr . vvlutbrcad gave notice of a vote of censure on the Government . On Monday , tho debate was opened by Mr . Whitbread , who , in the course of a long speech , maintained that the hostility of the Ameer Shere Ali had been provoked by the attempt
of the Government to force him to receive a British mission . Mr . E . Stanhope contested this conclusion , and insisted that tho reception of a Russian mission at Cabal , and the endeavours of the Ameer to excite the border tribes against us , rendered it absolutely necessary to adopt decisive
measures . Mr . Trevelyan , Mr . Chamberlain , and Mr . W . E . Forster spoke against the Government , and Mr . Ridley and Mr . Marten in support . The debate was then adjourned . On Tuesday , the debate was resumed by Lord J . Manners , Avho was followed by Mr . Gladstone . The succeeding
speakers were Sir R . Peel and Lord G . Hamilton , in support of the Government , and SirC . DilkeandMr . Leatham , who approved tho vote of censure . The debate was again
adjourned . The sitting on Wednesday was very short . On Thursday , in reply to Sir W . Harcourt , the Chancellor of the Exchequer said that tho Government had been led to believe that tho Russian mission at Cabul had been
Avithdrawn , but they had since learnt that such Avas not the fact . The Government did not intend to acquiesce in Russian influence at Cabul in any form . The adjourned debate Avas renewed by Mr . Grant-Duff , who Avas replied
to by Mr . Bourke . The subsequent speakers Avere Mr . O'Shaughnessy , Lord W . Hay , Mr . A . G . Hardy , Mr . Foljambe , Mr . C . B . Denison , Mr . Rylands , Sir J . Hay , Mr . Goschen , and Captain Nolan . The debate was again adjourned .
Cabinet Councils were held on Friday , Monday , and Thursday , all the Ministers being present upon each
. In consequence of adverse rumours , Avhich caused a run upon the Bank , the directors of the West of England bank , Avhose head office is at Bristol , on Monday , issued a notice of suspension , but intimate their conviction that the assets will be fully adequate to meet all liabilities .
The success of General Roberts at the Piewar Pass appears to have "been complete . The guns and ammunition captured and the dispersion of the Afghan troops indicate the destruction of all obstructive poAver on the eastern side of the Shutargardan Pass , towards Avhich General Roberts
is directing his march . In the meantime , preparations are being made for hutting the troops in the Kuram Valley . The cold has become very severe , and the native troops are rather sickly , but the Europeans are all healthy . General Biddulph is about to occupy the Khojak Pass . General
SteAvart has arrived at Quetta , and his division is at the Bolan Pass . A reply from the Ameer Shere Ali to the Viceroy ' s ultimatum has been received , dated 19 thNovember , in which he complains of his independence being threatened , denies unfriendly intentions , and offers to receive at Cabul
a small and temporary mission . There has been a change of Ministry at Constantinople , and Kberedine Pasha has been appointed Grand Vizier . The official explanation of the change is a desire to promote the extension of administrative reforms to all parts of the Empire , and to
arrange the existing political difficulties pressing upon the Porte . The French Chamber of Deputies on Saturday , by 338 votes against 49 . annulled the election of the Due Decazes . On Tuesday the Chamber , contrary to the recommendation of the Committee , annulled , by 239 votes
against 205 , the election of Baron Reille , a Bonapartist . After a protracted debate , turning chiefly upon points of domestic politics , the Italian Chamber on Wednesday , by a majority of 74 , rejected a vote of confidence in the Cairoli Ministry , Avhich has since resigned . A neAV Cabinet , under Signor Depretis , is expected to assume office .
The Installation Ceremony will be rehearsed at the Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhallstreet , on Tnesday evening next , at seven p . m ., when the support of the Craft is earnestly invited .
Eoyal Chapter , No . 207 , Prov . 1 . —At a Quarterly Convocation , holil on 21 th October , at tbo Friendly Hall , Present—M . E . Comps . C . II . Davia P . Z ., D . Banted P . II . pro tem , ( P . Z . of tbe Phronix ) , 11 . Langley ( P . Z . ) J . pro tem , J . Ward S . E ., G . Campbell Treasurer , D . Alberga P . S . pro tem , Jones and Leon Assist . S . ' s ,
T . Garsia S . N . protein ; also M . E . Comps . J . Garsia P . Z . of tbo Royal , Dias P . Z . of tbo Glenlyon , L . C . Hollar J . of tbe Phuouix , and several members aud visitors of sister Chapters . Two candidates wore exalted . According to tbo Bye Laws tho Companions proceeded to tho election of Officers for tho ensuing year , with the following result : —M . E . Comps . Langley P . Z . Z . ( this Companion
has held this office twice previously ) , Andrews II ., G . Sergeant J ., A . 11 . Jones S . E ., T . Garsia S . N ., E . X . Leon P . S ., G . Campbell Treas . ( re-elected ) , G . Magnus Janitor ( vc-elected ) . Tho Companions then elected M . E . Comps . Langley , Davis and Garsia as Life Members , in consideration of their valuable services in connection
with the formation of this Chapter . M . E . Comp . D . Earned P . Z . of the Phcenix Chapter was elected an honorary member of this Chapter . Tlie same honour was likewise conferred on M . E . Comp . Sherlock . After routine business , the Companions retired for light refreshments . Tbe usual toasts wero proposed and heartily responded to .
Phcenix Lodge , No . 914 , Prov . 6 . —The monthly ordinary meeting was held at Port Royal , on 7 th November , presided over by Bros . G . P . Myers W . M ., J . Tyndall S . W ., J . Hall J . W ., & c , & c , and a goodly number of members and visitors ( the latter , we suppose , being due to the presence in tho harbour of five vessels of war ) . There wero four joining members elected , five candidates initiated , two candidates passed , and three raised . The several
degrees were ably worked by tho Master , assisted by the I . P . M . Bro . L . C . Hollar . The members of this Lodgo having unanimously passed a resolution asking the Worshipful Master to import a Past Master ' s jewel , to be presented to tho Wor . L . C . Hollar , as a reward of merit for tho indefatigable services rendered , a Committee was appointed to prepare an address , and to present the same . Tho jewel having arrived , tho Committee presented the following address : —
" Port ltoyal , 7 th November 1878 . " To the Worshipful Luke Cole Hollar I . P . M . Phoenix Lodge , Port Koyal , No . 914 , Prov . No . 6 . —Worshipful Sir and Brother , —We , the committee appointed by tho members of the Phcenix Lodge , Port Eoyal , No . 914 , Prov . No . 6 , of Free and Accepted Masons , desire to testify our regard aud esteem for you , and therefore take advantage to
bear this testimony to your many good qualities , and the very efficient manner in which you havo discharged the dutios assigned to you as Secretary and Master . During your connection with us , your conduct , always regulated by true Masouic principles , your zeal for the welfare of our Ancient Order , your exertions to promote the harmony
and brotherly love which have always characterised the Craft , and tho ability and caro with which you have filled the important offices to which you havo been called , havo won our esteem and regard . AVe beg your acceptance of tho accompanying Past Master ' s jewel , as a tribute and reward of merit for tho indefatigable services
rendered . Wishing yon every happiness this world can afford , and a hope that the G . A . O . T . U . will abundantly bless yon , to smooth your steps in tho rugged paths of this life , and , finally , to bring you to that world where all will be peace and love . We remain , Worshipful Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally ,
W . H . RUTHERFORD . EGBERT DE PASS SEN . JOHN TVNDALL M . D ., R . N . " After which the Master placed on the breast of Bro . Hollar the jewel , amid hearty applause . Bro . Hollar made the following reply : —
" To tho Worshipful Master , Past Masters , Officers , and Members . —Worshipful Sirs and Brothers , —It is with extreme delight I receive your kind address , accompanied with your valuable present . Although a few months have passed since I presided over this Lodge , yet to mo it is a sonrco of tho highest gratification to know that the manner in which I havo discharged tbe duties of Secretary and Wor . Master
has met with your approval . It would be egotistic on my part wero I to accord to myself all tbo praise you have thought fit to bestow oa me , but I must here take the opportunity to state that much of the success of our Lodge is due to the indefatigable exertions of the officers of my administration , whose knowledge of the ritual of the several degrees rendered them of great assistance to mo when re . quired . It is with pleasure I can now observe among you not
only an uncommon attention , but a spirit of active emulation , which must result in increased prosperity . I do with all sincerity thank you most heartily for your kind sentiments , and the jewel accompauy-. * it , and hope that the G . A . O . T . U . will long spare onr lives to unite in upholding and supporting our grand and noble institution , and let mo beg that you will accept my unfeigned thanks for your invariable courtesy , prompt attention , and ready obedience to so humble an individual as myself .
I remain , Worshipful Sira and Brothers , Yours fraternaly , LUKE C . HOLI . AU . " Other bnsiness transacted , Lorlse was closed , and tho brethren retired to a supper , when a very pleasant evening was spent . This Lodge has on its roll of members a good many of the officers , & c . of Her
Majesty ' s ships . It . is the only Lodgo available for our brethren of the Navy and Army . A Mark Mason's Lodgo in connection with the Sussex Lodge was held on the Gth November .