Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 . —The resrular meeting was held on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., afc Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen , street . Bros . G . II . Shervill P . G . S . W . M ., J . T . Robbins S . W ., Lindoner J . W ., Wingham P . M . Treas ., J . Dyto P . M . Sec , Hodson S . D ., M . D . Loewenstark J . D ., Wynne I . G ., G . Deaton ; P . M . ' s Bros . 11 . Dicketts , I . J . Wilson , Welch and Bley . The Lodpco was opened ,
and minntes confirmed . A candidate for tho third degree was raised by tho W . M . Bro . J . Dyto P . M . and Secretary read a certi . ficato from the Lodge of Instruction , No . 25 , certifying tho thorough proficiency of tbe S . W . in working the various degrees , to the entire satisfaction of the brethren present . This boing the night for election of tho W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler , Bros . J . T . Robbins was
unanimously elected W . M ., Wingham P . M . re-elected Treasurer , and Radford Tyler . A sum of £ 2 was voted to a distressed brother of the Lodge . A sum of £ 5 was voted to the R . W . Little Memorial Fund . The Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided in Bro . Best's usual stylo , superintended by Bro . E . Dawkins . Grace having- been said , the W . M .
proposed tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . With that of tho Right Worshipful tho D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , was associated the name of Bro . Douglass W . M . 23 , Grand Steward of tho year . Bro . Hodson S . D . hero sang a capital song , and then Bro . Douglass returned thanks . Bro . Wingham P . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., who had discharged his duty in every way , and all
regretted he had to leave the chair . Tho W . M . said , from what had fallen from Bro . Wingham he was assured tho members conld give him credit for his good wishes for their Lodgo , that holds so exalted a position in tho Craft . Ho had to thank the Officers , who , during his year , had rendered him every assistance . Tho toast of tho Visitors was responded to by Bro . II . M . Levy P . M .
188 . Tho W . M . thou proposed the toast of tho Masonic Charities , to which Bro . F . Binckes P . G . S ., See . R . M . Institution for Boys , in his usual powerful and eloquent manner replied . Bro . Welch returned thanks for the Past Masters , and then tho health of tho Treas . and Seo . was given . They were each posts of honour , aud the members might be congratulated iu having two such excellent Officers . Bro . J .
Dyte , in responding , -was proud to say he had been a member of tbo Lodge for twenty-seven years , nine of Avhich he had hold the post of Secretary ; although the duties of that office wore not light , yet ho performed them with feelings of great pleasure . In conjunction with tho Treasurer , ifc was his Avish thoy might arrange everything for the comfort of the Lodge . Bro . Wingham also replied . The W . M . then proposed the toast of tho W . M . elect . Bro . Robbins , in a
very excellent speech , responded . The toasts of the Wardens , Officers , and Tyler were given , and after a very agreeable and harmonious evening the brethren separated . The visitors wero Bro . F . Binckes P . G . S ., J . Cutbush P . P . D . C . Herts , E . Douglass "W . M . 23 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The Lodge of Instruction attached to this Lodge meets every Friday evening , at 8 o ' clock , at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —Afc Bro . Maidwell ' s , the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., on Thursday evening last . Present—Bros . Biddle W . M ., Moss S . W ., Maidwell J . W ., Norden S . D ., Lake J . D ., Grammer I . G . and Hon . Secretary , Webb Preceptor , and other brethren . After tbe ceremonies of
initiation and passing , five guineas were voted from the Lodge Funds to Bro . Maidwell's list for the Girls' School . Also ono guinea towards the Christmas Entertainment of the aged Freemasons at Croydon , after which the Lodge was closed . Bro . Maidwell will work the ceremony of Installation in this Lodge next Thursday evening , at 7 . 30 , The attendance of brethren is requested .
Anchor and Hope Lodge , No . 37 . —A meeting was held on Monday last , afc tho Church Institute , Boltou . Present—Bros . James Brown W . M ., Samuel Crowther S . W ., Johnson Mills J . W ., J . D . Porteous Sec , E . Garstang S . D ., J . Bootle J . D ., J . Robinson I . G ., J . W . Roiley Tyler ; also Bros . G . P . Brockbank P . P . G . D ., Freeman , Newton , aud James Walker . Tho minutes of last meeting were
confirmed . A communication was read from Prov . G . Sec , respecting Festival of Benevolent Institution . Bro . Crowther volunteered to act ; as Steward , along Avith Bro . Newton , who had previously sent in his name . Bro . Crowther was elected W . M . for the ensuing year . The members agreed to hold St . John ' s Festival on the first Monday in January 1879 . Bros . Garstang and Robiuson were appointed auditors . Lodge closed at 7 p . m . and the brethern adjourned to . tea .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —At the Old Rodney's Head , 12 Old-street , Goswell-roatl , on Monday , the 9 th instant . Present—Bros . Wing W . M ., Symons S . W ., W . Rowley J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Hallam sen . S . D ., Pearcy J . D ., Alford I . G . ; also Broa . J . MiUiugtou , Isaac ; Gyer , aud others . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . J . Millington acting as can .
didate . Bro . Pearcy work u the first and second . Bro . Isaac tho third , Bro . Hallam sen . the fourth , Bro . Tolmie the fifth and last section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge resumed . Bro . Symons was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A well-deserved vote ol thanks was awarded to Bro . Oyer for repairing tho VV . M . ' s pedestal . Lodge was closed , and the meeting adjourned until Monday at eight o ' clock .
Ancient Ebor Preceptory , No . 101 , K . T . — The regular meeting of this Preceptory was held at York , on Tuesday evening . E . Sir Knt . T . B . Whytfhcnd I ' . E . P ., G . Capt . of Ona-da Eng . presided , and was supported by E . Sir Knts . T . Cooper and VV . Lawton , and Sir Knts . J . S . Cumberland , Geo . Simpson , G . H . Simpson , J .
Ward , and others . A ballot was taken for Comp . M . Millington , of tho Paradise Chapter No . 139 , as a candidate , which proved successful , and Lord Skelmersdale , Gt . Prior of England , Colonel S . H . Gierke , Gfc . Sub . Prior of England , and Colonel VV . J . B . Macleod-Mooro wero elected honorary members of th >> Preceptory , on tho proposition of Sir Knt . Whytehead , seconded by the E . P . Sir Knt . Valentine , tho
former remarking that tho labours of Colonel Maclood-Mooro in tho cause of tho Order , its literature and history , were worthy of all honour . Comp . Millington was then received and installed a Knight of the Order of tho Temple . A guinea from tho Benevolent Fund was ordered to be placed on tho list of E . Sir Knt . T . Cooper for the Masouic Benevolent Institution . Several communications wero read
from E . Sir Knt . Meyor , Grand Recorder of Pennsylvania , convoying thanks from the Mary Commandery , Philadelphia , to the Ancient ; Ebor Preceptory , for tho magnificent reception accorded by them to the Pilgrims when in York last July , and stating that tho eminent Preceptor for tho time being of tho Ancient Ebor Preceptorv had boon elected an
honorary member of Mary Commandery . Sir Knight ; J . S . Cumberland Marshal was elected to tho chair of E . P . for the coming year , and E . Sir Knight T . Cooper P . E . P . was re-elected Treasurer . Sir Knight J . Ward presented to tho Preceptory a large and handsome mahogany dining table , for which ho received tho thanks of tha Preceptory , which was then closed in ancient form .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 104 . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was hold at Ashtou House , Greek-street , Stockport , on Mondav , tho 9 th inst . Present—Bros . James Kirk W . M ., Walter Schofield I . P . M ., W . Harrison S . W ., J . Swindells J . W ., VV . Bradley as Sec , W . W . Shelmerdine Treas ., Henry Collier S . D ., Wm . Booth J . D ., D . Stevens S . S ., II . Mather J . S ., T . B . Birch I . G ., G-o . Balfe
Orgst ., J . Meadows Tyler . Past Masters Bros . J . Beresford P . P . S . G . D ., Lieut .-Colonel Wilkinson P . P . S . G . D ., H . Finch , W . Schofield ; Bras . T . Torkington , T . Burrows , John Bell , M . B . Sutton , Jas . P . Wooley , J . Fox , T . Taylor , J . Wood , Geo . Nayler , T . Haslam , Henry Seol , T . VV . Stanley , & o ., and manv Visitors , aiuoug whom we noticed Bros . J . C . Chetham P . M . 322 " P . P . G S . B ., Dr . R . Boales P . M . 537
P . P . G . J . W ., J . Chapman P . M . 189 P . P . J . G . D . Devonshire , E . Hardou P . M . 1030 Prov . S . G . D . E . Lancashire , T . Smith P . M . 1126 P . P . J . G . D ., W . Vaughan W . M . 1030 , W . Slade W . M . 1052 , R . E . Johnson P . M . 1052 , G . H . Sharp W . M . 993 , W . Parker W . M . elect 993 , T . Wilkinson I . P . M . 1126 , E . Edmondson 287 , VV . Alcock 322 , W . Dean P . M . 287 , J . Leigh S . W . 237 , F . 0 . Eutwood 313 S . O .,
Jas . Slack P . M . 323 , Jno . Slack P . M . 323 ; a Spanish brother from Lodge Wisdom , Barcelona , whoso name Ave could nofc gather , S . M . Davies , FJIEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , & O . The minutes of last regular meeting and of Lodge of Emergency having been ratified , Bro . P . M . Finch read letters of apology for non-attendance from Bros . J . P . Piatt P . P . G . W ., J . Wood P . P . G . R ., F . Jackson Prov . G .
Treas ., E . H . Griffiths Prov . G . Sec , J . Hibbert P . P . G . J . D ., and others . Some minor details having beeu disposed of , the important event of the day was proceeded with , and to that ; purpose Bro . Bei-esford introduced Bro . VV . Harrison , the W . M . elect , to Bro . H . Finch , for the benefit of installation . The installing Master gavo the
customary address , with the ancient charges . The questions put by the acting Secretary were answered satisfactorily , aud Bro . Harrison was solemnly obligated . The Lodgo vVas now worked up to the third degree , after which Bro . W . Harrison was installed , proclaimed W . M ., and as such received the salutations of tho brethren . In due course the Officers for tho next twelve months wore invested , as follow : —
J . Kirk I . P . M ., H . Collier S . W ., T . Burrows J . W ., W . W . Shelmerdin , for the third time , Treas ., T . Bullock ( re-appointed ) Sec , W . Booth S . D ., G . T . Barrow J . D ., T . B . Birch D . of C , G . Balfe Org ., E . Stevens I . G ., H . VV . Mather S . S ., J . Fox J . S ., J . Meadows Tyler .
The ceremony being so far accomplished , Bro . Finch delivered the addresses , and so brought to a close onoof the most brilliant , succosful , and enjoyable installations , it has been our good fortune to witness . The W . M . presented the I . P . M . with a P . M . ' s jewel , in the name of tho Lodgo , for which Bro . Kirk returned thanks . The W . M . in a very cordial and complimentary manner , proposed a vote of thanks to the
Installing Master , the same to be entered ou tbe minutes . This was seconded by Bro . Col . Wilkinson very heartily , and supported by Bros . Dr . Bcalcs , Beresford and Chapman , each in a most appreciative manner declaring they had never before witnessed an installation ceremony so admirably performed . The vote was put to the Lodge , and carried with applause . Bro . Finch briefly returned thanks .
Wo must certainly congratulate St . John ' s Lodge in having a member —comparatively a young Mason—who has shown so much talent , and made himself so deservedly popular as Bro . Finch ; nor must we omit to mention the musical talent it possesses . The able manner in which tho choral service , which added greatly to the solemnity of tho beautiful ceremony , was carried out , reflected great credit . Tbe
vocalists were Bros . Balfe , Edmondson , Alcock , T . Wilkinson , Kelsall , and W . Booth , with Bro . II . Collier S . W . presiding at tho organ , and Bro . Col . Wilkinson at the piano . Hearty good wishes wero tendered by tho visiting brethren . The labours of the evening being Glided , tho Wor . Master closed the Lodge in duo and antient form . Tho brethren now adjourned to the spacious diniog-hall which forms
a part of the baildiuis in which the Lodge is held , and sat down to a most enjoyable banquet . At its conclusion the Musical Brethren sang ,: Non Nobis Dotnine , " and , tho cloth being removed , th-i W . M . avi ! the toast of Her Most Gracious Majesty tho Queen , which was followed by tho National Anthem . il . ll . II . tbo Princess ol" Wales and tho rest of the Royal Family was next honoured , followed
by a glee . The W . M . now proposed the M . W . Grand Master of Kngland H . R . H . tho Prince of Wale . * and Earl of Chester , and was ' oilowed by Bro . Schofield , who gavo that of tho Pro Grand Master . Deputy Grand Master , and the other Officers of G . L . Past and Present . Glee , " Glorious A-. iollo . " W . Bro . Bores-ford felt it a very rre > ifc honour to propose tbe health of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , Lord de Tabley . Tho former toasts had mot with every cordiality
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 . —The resrular meeting was held on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., afc Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen , street . Bros . G . II . Shervill P . G . S . W . M ., J . T . Robbins S . W ., Lindoner J . W ., Wingham P . M . Treas ., J . Dyto P . M . Sec , Hodson S . D ., M . D . Loewenstark J . D ., Wynne I . G ., G . Deaton ; P . M . ' s Bros . 11 . Dicketts , I . J . Wilson , Welch and Bley . The Lodpco was opened ,
and minntes confirmed . A candidate for tho third degree was raised by tho W . M . Bro . J . Dyto P . M . and Secretary read a certi . ficato from the Lodge of Instruction , No . 25 , certifying tho thorough proficiency of tbe S . W . in working the various degrees , to the entire satisfaction of the brethren present . This boing the night for election of tho W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler , Bros . J . T . Robbins was
unanimously elected W . M ., Wingham P . M . re-elected Treasurer , and Radford Tyler . A sum of £ 2 was voted to a distressed brother of the Lodge . A sum of £ 5 was voted to the R . W . Little Memorial Fund . The Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided in Bro . Best's usual stylo , superintended by Bro . E . Dawkins . Grace having- been said , the W . M .
proposed tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . With that of tho Right Worshipful tho D . G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , was associated the name of Bro . Douglass W . M . 23 , Grand Steward of tho year . Bro . Hodson S . D . hero sang a capital song , and then Bro . Douglass returned thanks . Bro . Wingham P . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., who had discharged his duty in every way , and all
regretted he had to leave the chair . Tho W . M . said , from what had fallen from Bro . Wingham he was assured tho members conld give him credit for his good wishes for their Lodgo , that holds so exalted a position in tho Craft . Ho had to thank the Officers , who , during his year , had rendered him every assistance . Tho toast of tho Visitors was responded to by Bro . II . M . Levy P . M .
188 . Tho W . M . thou proposed the toast of tho Masonic Charities , to which Bro . F . Binckes P . G . S ., See . R . M . Institution for Boys , in his usual powerful and eloquent manner replied . Bro . Welch returned thanks for the Past Masters , and then tho health of tho Treas . and Seo . was given . They were each posts of honour , aud the members might be congratulated iu having two such excellent Officers . Bro . J .
Dyte , in responding , -was proud to say he had been a member of tbo Lodge for twenty-seven years , nine of Avhich he had hold the post of Secretary ; although the duties of that office wore not light , yet ho performed them with feelings of great pleasure . In conjunction with tho Treasurer , ifc was his Avish thoy might arrange everything for the comfort of the Lodge . Bro . Wingham also replied . The W . M . then proposed the toast of tho W . M . elect . Bro . Robbins , in a
very excellent speech , responded . The toasts of the Wardens , Officers , and Tyler were given , and after a very agreeable and harmonious evening the brethren separated . The visitors wero Bro . F . Binckes P . G . S ., J . Cutbush P . P . D . C . Herts , E . Douglass "W . M . 23 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The Lodge of Instruction attached to this Lodge meets every Friday evening , at 8 o ' clock , at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —Afc Bro . Maidwell ' s , the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., on Thursday evening last . Present—Bros . Biddle W . M ., Moss S . W ., Maidwell J . W ., Norden S . D ., Lake J . D ., Grammer I . G . and Hon . Secretary , Webb Preceptor , and other brethren . After tbe ceremonies of
initiation and passing , five guineas were voted from the Lodge Funds to Bro . Maidwell's list for the Girls' School . Also ono guinea towards the Christmas Entertainment of the aged Freemasons at Croydon , after which the Lodge was closed . Bro . Maidwell will work the ceremony of Installation in this Lodge next Thursday evening , at 7 . 30 , The attendance of brethren is requested .
Anchor and Hope Lodge , No . 37 . —A meeting was held on Monday last , afc tho Church Institute , Boltou . Present—Bros . James Brown W . M ., Samuel Crowther S . W ., Johnson Mills J . W ., J . D . Porteous Sec , E . Garstang S . D ., J . Bootle J . D ., J . Robinson I . G ., J . W . Roiley Tyler ; also Bros . G . P . Brockbank P . P . G . D ., Freeman , Newton , aud James Walker . Tho minutes of last meeting were
confirmed . A communication was read from Prov . G . Sec , respecting Festival of Benevolent Institution . Bro . Crowther volunteered to act ; as Steward , along Avith Bro . Newton , who had previously sent in his name . Bro . Crowther was elected W . M . for the ensuing year . The members agreed to hold St . John ' s Festival on the first Monday in January 1879 . Bros . Garstang and Robiuson were appointed auditors . Lodge closed at 7 p . m . and the brethern adjourned to . tea .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —At the Old Rodney's Head , 12 Old-street , Goswell-roatl , on Monday , the 9 th instant . Present—Bros . Wing W . M ., Symons S . W ., W . Rowley J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Hallam sen . S . D ., Pearcy J . D ., Alford I . G . ; also Broa . J . MiUiugtou , Isaac ; Gyer , aud others . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . J . Millington acting as can .
didate . Bro . Pearcy work u the first and second . Bro . Isaac tho third , Bro . Hallam sen . the fourth , Bro . Tolmie the fifth and last section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge resumed . Bro . Symons was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A well-deserved vote ol thanks was awarded to Bro . Oyer for repairing tho VV . M . ' s pedestal . Lodge was closed , and the meeting adjourned until Monday at eight o ' clock .
Ancient Ebor Preceptory , No . 101 , K . T . — The regular meeting of this Preceptory was held at York , on Tuesday evening . E . Sir Knt . T . B . Whytfhcnd I ' . E . P ., G . Capt . of Ona-da Eng . presided , and was supported by E . Sir Knts . T . Cooper and VV . Lawton , and Sir Knts . J . S . Cumberland , Geo . Simpson , G . H . Simpson , J .
Ward , and others . A ballot was taken for Comp . M . Millington , of tho Paradise Chapter No . 139 , as a candidate , which proved successful , and Lord Skelmersdale , Gt . Prior of England , Colonel S . H . Gierke , Gfc . Sub . Prior of England , and Colonel VV . J . B . Macleod-Mooro wero elected honorary members of th >> Preceptory , on tho proposition of Sir Knt . Whytehead , seconded by the E . P . Sir Knt . Valentine , tho
former remarking that tho labours of Colonel Maclood-Mooro in tho cause of tho Order , its literature and history , were worthy of all honour . Comp . Millington was then received and installed a Knight of the Order of tho Temple . A guinea from tho Benevolent Fund was ordered to be placed on tho list of E . Sir Knt . T . Cooper for the Masouic Benevolent Institution . Several communications wero read
from E . Sir Knt . Meyor , Grand Recorder of Pennsylvania , convoying thanks from the Mary Commandery , Philadelphia , to the Ancient ; Ebor Preceptory , for tho magnificent reception accorded by them to the Pilgrims when in York last July , and stating that tho eminent Preceptor for tho time being of tho Ancient Ebor Preceptorv had boon elected an
honorary member of Mary Commandery . Sir Knight ; J . S . Cumberland Marshal was elected to tho chair of E . P . for the coming year , and E . Sir Knight T . Cooper P . E . P . was re-elected Treasurer . Sir Knight J . Ward presented to tho Preceptory a large and handsome mahogany dining table , for which ho received tho thanks of tha Preceptory , which was then closed in ancient form .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 104 . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was hold at Ashtou House , Greek-street , Stockport , on Mondav , tho 9 th inst . Present—Bros . James Kirk W . M ., Walter Schofield I . P . M ., W . Harrison S . W ., J . Swindells J . W ., VV . Bradley as Sec , W . W . Shelmerdine Treas ., Henry Collier S . D ., Wm . Booth J . D ., D . Stevens S . S ., II . Mather J . S ., T . B . Birch I . G ., G-o . Balfe
Orgst ., J . Meadows Tyler . Past Masters Bros . J . Beresford P . P . S . G . D ., Lieut .-Colonel Wilkinson P . P . S . G . D ., H . Finch , W . Schofield ; Bras . T . Torkington , T . Burrows , John Bell , M . B . Sutton , Jas . P . Wooley , J . Fox , T . Taylor , J . Wood , Geo . Nayler , T . Haslam , Henry Seol , T . VV . Stanley , & o ., and manv Visitors , aiuoug whom we noticed Bros . J . C . Chetham P . M . 322 " P . P . G S . B ., Dr . R . Boales P . M . 537
P . P . G . J . W ., J . Chapman P . M . 189 P . P . J . G . D . Devonshire , E . Hardou P . M . 1030 Prov . S . G . D . E . Lancashire , T . Smith P . M . 1126 P . P . J . G . D ., W . Vaughan W . M . 1030 , W . Slade W . M . 1052 , R . E . Johnson P . M . 1052 , G . H . Sharp W . M . 993 , W . Parker W . M . elect 993 , T . Wilkinson I . P . M . 1126 , E . Edmondson 287 , VV . Alcock 322 , W . Dean P . M . 287 , J . Leigh S . W . 237 , F . 0 . Eutwood 313 S . O .,
Jas . Slack P . M . 323 , Jno . Slack P . M . 323 ; a Spanish brother from Lodge Wisdom , Barcelona , whoso name Ave could nofc gather , S . M . Davies , FJIEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , & O . The minutes of last regular meeting and of Lodge of Emergency having been ratified , Bro . P . M . Finch read letters of apology for non-attendance from Bros . J . P . Piatt P . P . G . W ., J . Wood P . P . G . R ., F . Jackson Prov . G .
Treas ., E . H . Griffiths Prov . G . Sec , J . Hibbert P . P . G . J . D ., and others . Some minor details having beeu disposed of , the important event of the day was proceeded with , and to that ; purpose Bro . Bei-esford introduced Bro . VV . Harrison , the W . M . elect , to Bro . H . Finch , for the benefit of installation . The installing Master gavo the
customary address , with the ancient charges . The questions put by the acting Secretary were answered satisfactorily , aud Bro . Harrison was solemnly obligated . The Lodgo vVas now worked up to the third degree , after which Bro . W . Harrison was installed , proclaimed W . M ., and as such received the salutations of tho brethren . In due course the Officers for tho next twelve months wore invested , as follow : —
J . Kirk I . P . M ., H . Collier S . W ., T . Burrows J . W ., W . W . Shelmerdin , for the third time , Treas ., T . Bullock ( re-appointed ) Sec , W . Booth S . D ., G . T . Barrow J . D ., T . B . Birch D . of C , G . Balfe Org ., E . Stevens I . G ., H . VV . Mather S . S ., J . Fox J . S ., J . Meadows Tyler .
The ceremony being so far accomplished , Bro . Finch delivered the addresses , and so brought to a close onoof the most brilliant , succosful , and enjoyable installations , it has been our good fortune to witness . The W . M . presented the I . P . M . with a P . M . ' s jewel , in the name of tho Lodgo , for which Bro . Kirk returned thanks . The W . M . in a very cordial and complimentary manner , proposed a vote of thanks to the
Installing Master , the same to be entered ou tbe minutes . This was seconded by Bro . Col . Wilkinson very heartily , and supported by Bros . Dr . Bcalcs , Beresford and Chapman , each in a most appreciative manner declaring they had never before witnessed an installation ceremony so admirably performed . The vote was put to the Lodge , and carried with applause . Bro . Finch briefly returned thanks .
Wo must certainly congratulate St . John ' s Lodge in having a member —comparatively a young Mason—who has shown so much talent , and made himself so deservedly popular as Bro . Finch ; nor must we omit to mention the musical talent it possesses . The able manner in which tho choral service , which added greatly to the solemnity of tho beautiful ceremony , was carried out , reflected great credit . Tbe
vocalists were Bros . Balfe , Edmondson , Alcock , T . Wilkinson , Kelsall , and W . Booth , with Bro . II . Collier S . W . presiding at tho organ , and Bro . Col . Wilkinson at the piano . Hearty good wishes wero tendered by tho visiting brethren . The labours of the evening being Glided , tho Wor . Master closed the Lodge in duo and antient form . Tho brethren now adjourned to the spacious diniog-hall which forms
a part of the baildiuis in which the Lodge is held , and sat down to a most enjoyable banquet . At its conclusion the Musical Brethren sang ,: Non Nobis Dotnine , " and , tho cloth being removed , th-i W . M . avi ! the toast of Her Most Gracious Majesty tho Queen , which was followed by tho National Anthem . il . ll . II . tbo Princess ol" Wales and tho rest of the Royal Family was next honoured , followed
by a glee . The W . M . now proposed the M . W . Grand Master of Kngland H . R . H . tho Prince of Wale . * and Earl of Chester , and was ' oilowed by Bro . Schofield , who gavo that of tho Pro Grand Master . Deputy Grand Master , and the other Officers of G . L . Past and Present . Glee , " Glorious A-. iollo . " W . Bro . Bores-ford felt it a very rre > ifc honour to propose tbe health of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , Lord de Tabley . Tho former toasts had mot with every cordiality