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from tho brethren , and he felt sure that tho toast he gave would be equally as loyally responded to . To Bro . Finch was entrusted the sixth toast on the list , aud in proposing it he felfc sure ifc would be warmly received by every member of the Lodge , aud every visitor round the board . Tho prosperity of their province he attributed to the noble chief who was at their head , and to the highly capable
and efficient staff that composed the Prov . G . L . Officers of Cheshire . Such a body of brethren reflect credit on the Order , and add lustre to tho individual Lodges from which they are accredited . Honoured as they wero by the presence of many worthy and distinguished Prov . Grand Officers , he felt regret in not having Bro . J . P . Piatt among the company , for to him St . John's Lodge was greatly indebted .
He also regretted that Bro . Dr . Beales had been compelled to leave by an early train . Ho called on the brethren to drink to the health of tho Deputy Prov . G . M ., and tho other Officers of Prov . G . L . Bro . Beresford was tho first to reply , and was followed b y Bros . Colonel Wilkinson and Chetham . The W . M . gavo the Sister Prov . Grand Lodges , which was responded to by Bro . J . Chapman , for
Prov . Grand Lodge of Devon , nnd Bro . Harden , for East Lancashire . Bro . Colonel Wilkinson proposed tho next toast , and in doing so , said he really felt that ifc ought to havo been placed in more able hands . Yet ho felfc a great deal of pleasure , and a certain identity with the toast , as he badj watched the great progress made by Bro . Harrison in the Lodge , and the fidelity with which he had performed every office
committed to his charge ; that night ho had reaped tho benefit of his former labours , in being inducted intotho-higbest office in tho Lodge , a position all must look to from first to last with every degree of respect . Ho felt ho was proposing tho health of a brother worthy and capable of filling tho chair of the Lodge , and he know that the W . M . would do his work as thoroughly and efficiently in his present
post as he had in the minor offices . He then gave them the health of the Worshipful Master , which was drunk with enthusiasm , the brethren honouring him with 21 guns . Bro . Balfe sang " Three times Three . " Tbe W . Master expressed his sincere thanks for the kind manner in which his health had been proposed and received , also for the honour conferred on him in being entrusted
with the high position of Master for tho ensuing year . lie deeply felt tho great responsibility , and would have accepted the office with diffidence were he not certain of discharging its duties in the same manner ho had those offices which were tho stepping stones to thit . He was also sure of tho cordial co-operation of the brethren , whether they were in or out of office , and that strengthened him in the work
to bo done . Tho W . M . proposed the health of the I . P . M ., which was received with Masonic fire , and was followed by tho glee , " Fill , Boys , and drink about . " The I . P . M . acknowledged the honour done him by the brethren , at the banquet , in the Lodge room , and during his year of office . Bro . Beresford was entrusted with the toast of the visiting brethren , to which ho did ample justice , extending a
cordial greeting to all . Glee , " King Canute . " Tho toast was most gratefully acknowledged by many visitors , and the next , put from the chair , was the P . M . ' s of St . John ' s Lodge ; this the W . M . proposed very cordially . Our musical brethren sang , " Let fortune smile or frown , " and P . M . Schofield replied on behalf of tho P . M . ' s . In proposing the health of the newly elected Officers , the W . M . felt sure ,
with good P . M . 's and good Officers , the affairs of tbe Lodge must prosper . The Master of a Lodge felt somewhat like the Captain of a good ship , which , well-officered and well-manned , was a pleasure to command , he felt the good old ship , St . John ' s was well Officered and manned for the next year , as ho hoped it would ever be . Glee : " Our Ship now goes , " Tbe toast was responded to by Bros . J . W ., Secretary , and the other Officers . After which , Bro . Fiuch gavo tbo Masonio
Chanties , which was ably proposed , and was responded to by Bro . Ilardon . Bro . J . W ., by request of the W . M ., gavo the Sister Lodges of Stockport , which was replied to by Bro . Chetham , and the glee "Life ' s a Bumper" ushered in the time for the Tyler ' s toast . Tbo pleasant proceedings terminated by the Musical Brethren singing < ' To our next Merry Meeting . " We regret we have beeu compelled to abreviate our report , as our space is again crowded .
Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145 . —The installation meeting of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , tho 10 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Qneen-street . Comp . E . Moody Z ., E . H . Thiellay II ., Venn J ., J . Boyd P . Z . Treas ., G . S . States P . Z . S . E ., Hasletfc P . S ., and P . Z . ' s T . Bull and II . Dicketts , with a goodly attendance of members and Visitors . Tbe Chapter was epened and
the minutes were confirmed . Comp . E . H . Thiellay was installed by Comp . T . Bnll P . Z . into the chair , in a very efficient manner . The H . and J ., Comps . Cox and Venn , were installed by Comp . J . Boyd P . Z . perfectly and impressively . Comp . J . Boyd was invested Treasurer , G . S . States S . E ., Haslett S . N ., Biggs P . S . Thero wero several names on the agenda paper for exaltation . Bro . Woodliffo No . 87 , and Rov . Bro . Fraser P . G . Chaplain , Ireland , were exalted into R . A . Masonry ,
the ceremony being perfectly worked . A very elegant P . Z . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Z ., Comp . E . Moody , for the admirable manner he had discharged his duties in tho chair during his year of office . This having been suitably acknowledged , the Chapter was closed , and the Companions partook of a very excellent banquet and dessert , pi-. vitled by Bro . Best , Comp . E . Dawkins superintending . The Z . proposed the usual Loyal and R . A . Toasts . Among the Visitors were Comps . Eev . P . M . Holden , H . Dubois , & c , & e .
Sincerity Chapter , No . 174 . —The regular convocation was held on Thursday , the oth inst ., at 'the Cheshire Cheese , Crutchedfriars . Comps . J . Terry P . Z . as M . E . Z ., G . Huggetfc H ., Rawley P . Z . as J ., W . C . Barlow P . Z . Treas ., A . Leins S . E ., Davey S . N .
Bowyer P . S ., Verry Janitor ; P . Z . ' s John Newton , Cook , Rawley and Bnlmer . The Chapter was opened and minntes confirmed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Bros . H . Bond No . 174 and James No . 05 . unanimously in their favour . The latter brother was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry by Comp . J . Terry P . Z . Comp . Perceval
announced his intention to serve as Steward afc tho Anniversary Festival of the Girls' School . A letter was read from tho M . E . Z ., regretting he was unable to bo present , on account of illness . A sum of 2 ls was voted to the inmates of tho R . M . Institution towards their annual entertainment . Chapter was then closed until the first Thursday in March . The Companions partook of a good and
substantial banquet provided by Comp . J . Wright . Companion J . Terry genially presided , and gave the Loyal and R . A . Toasts . In proposing tho health of tho newly-exalted Companion , who bad been introduced by Companion Leins , Comp . Terry remarked he was one whom they all respected . After a reply from Comp . James , Comp . Newton P . Z . rose with feelings of pleasure , at the samo time with diffidoucs , to
propose the toast of the evening ; tho haalth of tho acting Z ., Comp . James Terry . Tho exultee of the evening had spoken of how beautifully tho ceremony had been rendered by thoir worthy Companion ; he could speak of him from his youth upwards . But this was not necessary , as all knew his qualities . . Personally , he ( Comp . Newton ) trusted it might be many a long day ere Comp . Terry was
absent ; itwas always a red letter day when he was present . Theacting Z . regretted tho absence of tho M . E . Z . on the present occasion . Some years since the Companions met but seven in number ; now , he was pleased to say , thoy were a numerous assemblage . Ho and Comp . Newton bad known each other from boyhood , and though afc tbe present time he had other engagements , it was to him a source of great
pleasure to be among his old friends , aud ho hoped tho association might bo continued for many years . Tho health of tho H . and J . was given , and then tho M . E . Z . proposed the health of the Visitors , Comp . II . M . Levy replying . With the toast of tbe P . Z . ' s was associated tho name of Comp . John Newton . Comp . Leins acknowledged the
honour that was paid the Officers , and he was followed by Comp . E . Bowyer . Comp . Brown then camo in for a dno meed of praise , and then tho Janitor was summoned . A very agreeable evening was passed , and Comp . J . Wright , the worthy host , was most assiduous in ministering to the comfort of tho guests .
Confidence Lodge , No . 193 , —The installation meeting waa held on Monday , tbo 9 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , FUet-streefc , in the new and commodious room . Bro . Henry Leah W . M . in the ohair . Bros . Biddell S . W ., Footit J . W ., Warne P . M . Treasurer , J . Shakell P . M . Secretary , James S . D ., Lemicro J . D ., Hall I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Reed I . P . M ., King , H . Webb , Kershaw , Burt , S . Webb , and a
numerous attendance of tho brethren and visitors . The Lodge was opened , and minutes were confirmed . Bro . Reed P . M ., by the courtesy of tho W . M ., passed Bros . J . Williams and Collins to the second degree . Bro . Biddell S . W . and W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge ; a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and he was duly installed into the chair by Bro . S . Webb . At the conclusion of the ceremony ,
Bro . Webb was warmly congratulated by the brethren and visitors . The W . M . invested the following as his Officers : —Bros . Footit S . W ., James J . W ., Warne P . M . Treasurer , Shakell Secretary , Lemiere S . D ., Fells J . D ., Smith I . G ., S . Webb P . M . D . C , II . Webb W . S ., Riley Tyler . Tbe several appointments seemed to givo great satisfaction . Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to banquet and
dessert , provided by Bro . F . Clemow . The W . M ., after grace had been said , proposed tho usual toasts . Bro . H . Leah I . P . M . proposed the health of tho W . M . This toast , he was sure , would meet with their approbation . He ( Bro . Leah ) had , during his year , received assistance from every Officer , and tho W . M . who bad just been invested had never been absent . This augured well for the future of
tho Lodge , and tho success that must accrue will be due to the W . M ., who can and will do his duty . Bro . S . Webb P . M . then artistically sang , " When time has bereft me . " The W . M . replied ; having been elected W . M . of tho Lodge , all he could do to deserve their approbation he woi' . ld endeavour to accomplish . With the health of the Visitors was associated the name of Bro . E . Gottheil P . M . 141 , to
whom the W . M . was indebted for tho Masouic knowledge he possessed . Bro . Gottheil acknowledged the kind remarks of the W . M ., and gracefully thanked him and the members of the Lodge for tho kindness they had shown the numerous body of Visitors . Tho next toast given was the health of tho P . M . ' s , and in proposing it the W . M . was pleased to speak of their various
qualifications . He wonld couple with tbo toast ; tho name of Bro . H . Leah , to whom he had great pleasure in presenting a jewel unanimously voted to him at their last meeting . Bro . Leah thanked the P . M . ' s for tho assistance they had given him personally . All present had seen what Bro . S . Webb had done in the installation ceremony . As for Bro . Road , when he ( the speaker ) had been unavoidably absent
Bro . Read has always beeu ready to render assistance , aud this he would do for any W . M . He thanked them for their valuable gift ; he felt it to bo au honour to be a Past Master of tbe Lodge iu which he was initiated . Bro . S . Webb said , as the oldest P . M . ho had been pleased to perform tho ceremony of installation , but the W . M . had had valuable assistance in the Confidence Lodgo of Instruction , of
which Bro . Gottheil is tho able Preceptor ; the W . M . would show his proficiency in his new capacity . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Officers . Ho knew they would emulate the example of thoso who had preceded them . After a song from Bro . Read , Bro . Footit responded , and he was followed by Bros . James and Shakell . Tho Tyler ' s toast was then given , and the brethren separated . The
Visitors were—Bros . Clarke J . W . 1051 , W . H . Cunningham W . M . 22 , H . Rymel ! S . W . 206 , VV . Rowley 171 , G . Vanghan , F . H . Clemow , J . Larkin No . 3 , E . Gottheil P . M . 141 , Thompson 1693 , Appleton 861 , Stoke 1364 , Slaton P . M . 1287 , Bcanchamp 167 , Western 1693 , T . Butt 907 , AVoodward 548 , Griggs 1216 , Greenwood 749 , A . Macpherson , J . Dorton P . M . 1076 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Wednesday , the 11 th December , afc Bio . Seaton ' s , Rnilwav Tavern , Feucbnreh-street . Present—Bros W . M . Medcalf W . M ., Thos . B . Biddlo S . W ., R . A . Morgan J . W . ' J . K . Pitt Sec , E . Gottheil Preceptor and Treasurer , J . E . Fells 8 . D
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
from tho brethren , and he felt sure that tho toast he gave would be equally as loyally responded to . To Bro . Finch was entrusted the sixth toast on the list , aud in proposing it he felfc sure ifc would be warmly received by every member of the Lodge , aud every visitor round the board . Tho prosperity of their province he attributed to the noble chief who was at their head , and to the highly capable
and efficient staff that composed the Prov . G . L . Officers of Cheshire . Such a body of brethren reflect credit on the Order , and add lustre to tho individual Lodges from which they are accredited . Honoured as they wero by the presence of many worthy and distinguished Prov . Grand Officers , he felt regret in not having Bro . J . P . Piatt among the company , for to him St . John's Lodge was greatly indebted .
He also regretted that Bro . Dr . Beales had been compelled to leave by an early train . Ho called on the brethren to drink to the health of tho Deputy Prov . G . M ., and tho other Officers of Prov . G . L . Bro . Beresford was tho first to reply , and was followed b y Bros . Colonel Wilkinson and Chetham . The W . M . gavo the Sister Prov . Grand Lodges , which was responded to by Bro . J . Chapman , for
Prov . Grand Lodge of Devon , nnd Bro . Harden , for East Lancashire . Bro . Colonel Wilkinson proposed tho next toast , and in doing so , said he really felt that ifc ought to havo been placed in more able hands . Yet ho felfc a great deal of pleasure , and a certain identity with the toast , as he badj watched the great progress made by Bro . Harrison in the Lodge , and the fidelity with which he had performed every office
committed to his charge ; that night ho had reaped tho benefit of his former labours , in being inducted intotho-higbest office in tho Lodge , a position all must look to from first to last with every degree of respect . Ho felt ho was proposing tho health of a brother worthy and capable of filling tho chair of the Lodge , and he know that the W . M . would do his work as thoroughly and efficiently in his present
post as he had in the minor offices . He then gave them the health of the Worshipful Master , which was drunk with enthusiasm , the brethren honouring him with 21 guns . Bro . Balfe sang " Three times Three . " Tbe W . Master expressed his sincere thanks for the kind manner in which his health had been proposed and received , also for the honour conferred on him in being entrusted
with the high position of Master for tho ensuing year . lie deeply felt tho great responsibility , and would have accepted the office with diffidence were he not certain of discharging its duties in the same manner ho had those offices which were tho stepping stones to thit . He was also sure of tho cordial co-operation of the brethren , whether they were in or out of office , and that strengthened him in the work
to bo done . Tho W . M . proposed the health of the I . P . M ., which was received with Masonic fire , and was followed by tho glee , " Fill , Boys , and drink about . " The I . P . M . acknowledged the honour done him by the brethren , at the banquet , in the Lodge room , and during his year of office . Bro . Beresford was entrusted with the toast of the visiting brethren , to which ho did ample justice , extending a
cordial greeting to all . Glee , " King Canute . " Tho toast was most gratefully acknowledged by many visitors , and the next , put from the chair , was the P . M . ' s of St . John ' s Lodge ; this the W . M . proposed very cordially . Our musical brethren sang , " Let fortune smile or frown , " and P . M . Schofield replied on behalf of tho P . M . ' s . In proposing the health of the newly elected Officers , the W . M . felt sure ,
with good P . M . 's and good Officers , the affairs of tbe Lodge must prosper . The Master of a Lodge felt somewhat like the Captain of a good ship , which , well-officered and well-manned , was a pleasure to command , he felt the good old ship , St . John ' s was well Officered and manned for the next year , as ho hoped it would ever be . Glee : " Our Ship now goes , " Tbe toast was responded to by Bros . J . W ., Secretary , and the other Officers . After which , Bro . Fiuch gavo tbo Masonio
Chanties , which was ably proposed , and was responded to by Bro . Ilardon . Bro . J . W ., by request of the W . M ., gavo the Sister Lodges of Stockport , which was replied to by Bro . Chetham , and the glee "Life ' s a Bumper" ushered in the time for the Tyler ' s toast . Tbo pleasant proceedings terminated by the Musical Brethren singing < ' To our next Merry Meeting . " We regret we have beeu compelled to abreviate our report , as our space is again crowded .
Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145 . —The installation meeting of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , tho 10 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Qneen-street . Comp . E . Moody Z ., E . H . Thiellay II ., Venn J ., J . Boyd P . Z . Treas ., G . S . States P . Z . S . E ., Hasletfc P . S ., and P . Z . ' s T . Bull and II . Dicketts , with a goodly attendance of members and Visitors . Tbe Chapter was epened and
the minutes were confirmed . Comp . E . H . Thiellay was installed by Comp . T . Bnll P . Z . into the chair , in a very efficient manner . The H . and J ., Comps . Cox and Venn , were installed by Comp . J . Boyd P . Z . perfectly and impressively . Comp . J . Boyd was invested Treasurer , G . S . States S . E ., Haslett S . N ., Biggs P . S . Thero wero several names on the agenda paper for exaltation . Bro . Woodliffo No . 87 , and Rov . Bro . Fraser P . G . Chaplain , Ireland , were exalted into R . A . Masonry ,
the ceremony being perfectly worked . A very elegant P . Z . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Z ., Comp . E . Moody , for the admirable manner he had discharged his duties in tho chair during his year of office . This having been suitably acknowledged , the Chapter was closed , and the Companions partook of a very excellent banquet and dessert , pi-. vitled by Bro . Best , Comp . E . Dawkins superintending . The Z . proposed the usual Loyal and R . A . Toasts . Among the Visitors were Comps . Eev . P . M . Holden , H . Dubois , & c , & e .
Sincerity Chapter , No . 174 . —The regular convocation was held on Thursday , the oth inst ., at 'the Cheshire Cheese , Crutchedfriars . Comps . J . Terry P . Z . as M . E . Z ., G . Huggetfc H ., Rawley P . Z . as J ., W . C . Barlow P . Z . Treas ., A . Leins S . E ., Davey S . N .
Bowyer P . S ., Verry Janitor ; P . Z . ' s John Newton , Cook , Rawley and Bnlmer . The Chapter was opened and minntes confirmed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Bros . H . Bond No . 174 and James No . 05 . unanimously in their favour . The latter brother was duly exalted into R . A . Masonry by Comp . J . Terry P . Z . Comp . Perceval
announced his intention to serve as Steward afc tho Anniversary Festival of the Girls' School . A letter was read from tho M . E . Z ., regretting he was unable to bo present , on account of illness . A sum of 2 ls was voted to the inmates of tho R . M . Institution towards their annual entertainment . Chapter was then closed until the first Thursday in March . The Companions partook of a good and
substantial banquet provided by Comp . J . Wright . Companion J . Terry genially presided , and gave the Loyal and R . A . Toasts . In proposing tho health of tho newly-exalted Companion , who bad been introduced by Companion Leins , Comp . Terry remarked he was one whom they all respected . After a reply from Comp . James , Comp . Newton P . Z . rose with feelings of pleasure , at the samo time with diffidoucs , to
propose the toast of the evening ; tho haalth of tho acting Z ., Comp . James Terry . Tho exultee of the evening had spoken of how beautifully tho ceremony had been rendered by thoir worthy Companion ; he could speak of him from his youth upwards . But this was not necessary , as all knew his qualities . . Personally , he ( Comp . Newton ) trusted it might be many a long day ere Comp . Terry was
absent ; itwas always a red letter day when he was present . Theacting Z . regretted tho absence of tho M . E . Z . on the present occasion . Some years since the Companions met but seven in number ; now , he was pleased to say , thoy were a numerous assemblage . Ho and Comp . Newton bad known each other from boyhood , and though afc tbe present time he had other engagements , it was to him a source of great
pleasure to be among his old friends , aud ho hoped tho association might bo continued for many years . Tho health of tho H . and J . was given , and then tho M . E . Z . proposed the health of the Visitors , Comp . II . M . Levy replying . With the toast of tbe P . Z . ' s was associated tho name of Comp . John Newton . Comp . Leins acknowledged the
honour that was paid the Officers , and he was followed by Comp . E . Bowyer . Comp . Brown then camo in for a dno meed of praise , and then tho Janitor was summoned . A very agreeable evening was passed , and Comp . J . Wright , the worthy host , was most assiduous in ministering to the comfort of tho guests .
Confidence Lodge , No . 193 , —The installation meeting waa held on Monday , tbo 9 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , FUet-streefc , in the new and commodious room . Bro . Henry Leah W . M . in the ohair . Bros . Biddell S . W ., Footit J . W ., Warne P . M . Treasurer , J . Shakell P . M . Secretary , James S . D ., Lemicro J . D ., Hall I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Reed I . P . M ., King , H . Webb , Kershaw , Burt , S . Webb , and a
numerous attendance of tho brethren and visitors . The Lodge was opened , and minutes were confirmed . Bro . Reed P . M ., by the courtesy of tho W . M ., passed Bros . J . Williams and Collins to the second degree . Bro . Biddell S . W . and W . M . elect was presented to the Lodge ; a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and he was duly installed into the chair by Bro . S . Webb . At the conclusion of the ceremony ,
Bro . Webb was warmly congratulated by the brethren and visitors . The W . M . invested the following as his Officers : —Bros . Footit S . W ., James J . W ., Warne P . M . Treasurer , Shakell Secretary , Lemiere S . D ., Fells J . D ., Smith I . G ., S . Webb P . M . D . C , II . Webb W . S ., Riley Tyler . Tbe several appointments seemed to givo great satisfaction . Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to banquet and
dessert , provided by Bro . F . Clemow . The W . M ., after grace had been said , proposed tho usual toasts . Bro . H . Leah I . P . M . proposed the health of tho W . M . This toast , he was sure , would meet with their approbation . He ( Bro . Leah ) had , during his year , received assistance from every Officer , and tho W . M . who bad just been invested had never been absent . This augured well for the future of
tho Lodge , and tho success that must accrue will be due to the W . M ., who can and will do his duty . Bro . S . Webb P . M . then artistically sang , " When time has bereft me . " The W . M . replied ; having been elected W . M . of tho Lodge , all he could do to deserve their approbation he woi' . ld endeavour to accomplish . With the health of the Visitors was associated the name of Bro . E . Gottheil P . M . 141 , to
whom the W . M . was indebted for tho Masouic knowledge he possessed . Bro . Gottheil acknowledged the kind remarks of the W . M ., and gracefully thanked him and the members of the Lodge for tho kindness they had shown the numerous body of Visitors . Tho next toast given was the health of tho P . M . ' s , and in proposing it the W . M . was pleased to speak of their various
qualifications . He wonld couple with tbo toast ; tho name of Bro . H . Leah , to whom he had great pleasure in presenting a jewel unanimously voted to him at their last meeting . Bro . Leah thanked the P . M . ' s for tho assistance they had given him personally . All present had seen what Bro . S . Webb had done in the installation ceremony . As for Bro . Road , when he ( the speaker ) had been unavoidably absent
Bro . Read has always beeu ready to render assistance , aud this he would do for any W . M . He thanked them for their valuable gift ; he felt it to bo au honour to be a Past Master of tbe Lodge iu which he was initiated . Bro . S . Webb said , as the oldest P . M . ho had been pleased to perform tho ceremony of installation , but the W . M . had had valuable assistance in the Confidence Lodgo of Instruction , of
which Bro . Gottheil is tho able Preceptor ; the W . M . would show his proficiency in his new capacity . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Officers . Ho knew they would emulate the example of thoso who had preceded them . After a song from Bro . Read , Bro . Footit responded , and he was followed by Bros . James and Shakell . Tho Tyler ' s toast was then given , and the brethren separated . The
Visitors were—Bros . Clarke J . W . 1051 , W . H . Cunningham W . M . 22 , H . Rymel ! S . W . 206 , VV . Rowley 171 , G . Vanghan , F . H . Clemow , J . Larkin No . 3 , E . Gottheil P . M . 141 , Thompson 1693 , Appleton 861 , Stoke 1364 , Slaton P . M . 1287 , Bcanchamp 167 , Western 1693 , T . Butt 907 , AVoodward 548 , Griggs 1216 , Greenwood 749 , A . Macpherson , J . Dorton P . M . 1076 , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Wednesday , the 11 th December , afc Bio . Seaton ' s , Rnilwav Tavern , Feucbnreh-street . Present—Bros W . M . Medcalf W . M ., Thos . B . Biddlo S . W ., R . A . Morgan J . W . ' J . K . Pitt Sec , E . Gottheil Preceptor and Treasurer , J . E . Fells 8 . D