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business of his regular Lodge , would feel the same amount of pleasure in drinking his health as he did , and all would agree with him that tho more they saw of Bro Stephens the better they would likehim . Bro Stephens thanked tho A ico President for tho flattering terms in which he had proposed his health , and also for the hearty manner in which tho company present responded ; he had always endeavoured to
conduct the business of tho Lodge over which ho had tho honour to preside during tho present year to tho best of his ability , and feltgratcful for the kindly expressions he had received from its members since tho timo he first occupied tho chair ; ho also experienced much pleasure in coming hero to-night , and was pleased to seo so many of tho Past Masters and other friends around him . Tho President next gave the
A'ico President ; the high esteem with which he was regarded by the brethren , and tho willingness ho afc all times evinced in prosecutin'r anything for the benefit of Freemasonry mado him so popnlar amongst them that ho would not go info tho history of his many good qualities , but would ask the brethreu to unite with him in drinking his good health . Bro . P . M . Mailer was grateful for the kind
expressions ho had received from the brethren that night , he took great interest in tho Lodge of Instruction , of tho funds of which he was the custodian , and had much pleasure in stating , after sending a goodly amount up to tho Charities , he had still a balance in hand . It would always bo his study to promote tho welfare of tho Lodge . Bro . J . II . Thompson P . M . then rose and said he had permission
from tho President to propose tlie next toast , it was the health of Bro . Driseol ! the lato Sec . It afforded him a double pleasure on that occasion , inasmuch as he had , in addition to proposing his health , another pleasing duty to perform . The members ho was sure would all regret the retirement of Bro . Driscoll from his post , which he had filled from the formation of the Lodge ; aa for himself all tho Masonic knowledge
he possessed was obtained under the ablo tuition of Bro . Driscoll , and he had now the pleasure to present him with a slighttestimonial as a mark of tho esteem in which hois held by tho brethren of tho Lodgo of Instruction . Addressing Bro . Driscoll , ho presented him with a handsome eight day clock , subscribed for by the brethren , ' and trusted bo might live manv veats to bo
occasionally amongst them . Bro . Driscoll , after thanking Bro . Thompson and the brethren for the handsome present they had made him , which would always be regarded by him far above its intrinsic value , said ho was ono of the founders of the Lodge , nnd up to the present bad acted in tbo dual capacity of Preceptor and Secretary , and had certainly taken great pains to impart that knowledge to young
members which is so calculated to make them good Masons , and his exertions had not been in vain : in fact , he felt almost diffident in precoptoring now in thoir presence , for some of them knew as much or oven more than bo did ; ho bad pupils in whom he felt justly proud , and in retiring from his po ? t , which ho rJid through pressure of business , it gavo him groat pleasure to seo that two of his pupils
would fill tho offices ho had just vacated , Bros . Thompson and Garrod having been respectively appointed Preceptt r and Secretary . Tho President then gave tho Masonic Charities , coupling the name of Bro . Garrod tho Secretary to the Second Tottenham , Edmonton and Enfield Charitable Association . Bro . Garrod was happy to say that the Charities were a great feature in Freemasonry , and after explaining
the objects of these Associations , said the one in which he was particularly interested was a great succsss , for it numbered upwards of seventy members , and in the short space of eight months ho bad collected £ 130 . ITe thanked tho brethren for tho support thoy had given . The health of the visitors having been proposed and responded to by Mr . Fuller and Dr . Hall—the latter gentleman stating he
was particularly acquainted with ono of the Institutions mentioned by the Secretary , he meant tho Boys School , which was in their immediate neighbourhood ; he had had occasion to visit it ever since it had been founded , and could safely say not only was it an honour to Freemasonry , but a credit to a nation . Thus terminated a very pleasant evening .
Eoyal Alfred Lodgo of Instruction , No . 780 . —On Oth December , afc the Star and Garter , Kew . In tho temporary absence of Bro . Costelow , Bro . Roe took tho chair , supported by tho following officers : —Bros . Goss I . P . M . 780 S . W ., Gomm J . W ., Blasby S . D ., Botley ( who received a cordial greeting upon his recovery after a serious illness ) J , D ., Gunner I . G . Thero were also present Bros . Tucker , Skinner , Beckett , MeGee 154 I . C ., and ( later on ) Bro .
Costelow . Lodge was regularly opened and advanced to the third degree , when Bro . Roe impressively rehearsed tho ceremony of raising , Bro . Beckett being tho candidate . The brethren were called to refreshment ; upon the resumption of labour the dues were collected , and Bro . Goss was elected AV . M . for next meeting . Lodge was closed with duo observance of ancient custom , aud . adjourned till 13 th inst ., at 7 . 30 p . m .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction No . 860—On Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , Bros . Carr W . M ., Brasted S . W ., J . Lorkin J . W ., Wnrdell S . D ., Christian J . D ., McClean I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Webb , Smyth , Forss , Polak ami others . The W . M . worlced the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Polak candidate . Bro . Webb answered the questions ; the Lodf-e was
opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . Bro . Webb worked the first section of tho Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was opened in tbe third degree , and regular ! v closed to the first . Bro . Giller of Lodge 1607 , and Bro . Bc ' clell o " f Lodpe SCO , were elected members . Proposed b y Bro . AVallington , seconded hy Bro . Dallas , that tho sum of £ 1 Is bo voted from the funds of tt . e Lodgo for the "Old Folks " Christmas festival . Carried unanimously . Bro . Brasted will preside next Tnesday .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —On Wednesday , 11 th December , at Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Popping .
court , Fleet-street , Bro . Tate , of tho Mother Lodge , as AV . M ., supported by Pro Kuill Abell S . W ., Vizzard J . W ., Brown S . D ., Abell I . G ., Long P . M . and Preceptor , and others . After tbo confirmation of tho minutes , Bro . Thompson offered himself as a candidate for passing , and was dnlv entrusted . Tho Lodgo was then opened in the
second degree , and tho ceremony ably performed by the W . M . Tlie whole of tho lecture was worked by tho brethren . On tho resumption of tho Lodge to the first degree , Bro . Jones , of Lodge 862 , was admitted a member , and Bro . Knill Abell was elected AV . M . for ensuing week , when he will rehearse the ceremony of raising .
Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction , No . 1044 . —A meeting was held at tho Spread Eaglo Hotel , Wandsworth , ou AVednosday , tbo 11 th inst , when Bros . F . Reed presided as W . M ., J . Frost as S . W ., and J . J . Holland as J . W . There was only a small attendance of brethren , many members being present at a Committee meeting formed for the purpose of giving a gratuitous dinner to 200 poor women and children on Christmas Day .
Hartington Lodge . No . 1085 , Derby—The Deeembermeeting of this Lodge was held on tho 4 th , at the Derbyshire Masonic Hall . Present—Bro . G . Pipes Prov . Grand Organist W . M ., AV . Heathcote P . P . D of C . I . P . M ., J . 0 . Man ton Hon . Sec . as S . W ., VV . B . Hextall J . W ., M . II . Bobart P . M . P . P . S . G . W . Treas ., W . Buttorfield as S . D ., J . Russell J . D ., C . D . Hart as I . G ., F . Iliffb P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., VV . Naylor P . M . Prov . G . Sec . P . P . S . G . W ., S . Pipes W . M . P . P . S . G . D .,
and a largo number of other members , also numerous visitors , among whom wore Bros . T . Cox P . M . P . P . S . G . W ., and Present Prov , G . Treas ., AV . Bodon W . M . 353 , J . Brown I . P . M . 731 Prov . J . G . D ., and B . Cooper P . M . 787 . Mr . Chas . Osborne received tho benefit of initiation . Bro . Belfield was advanced to tho third degree . The W . M . stated that ho presented tho annual return of the Lodge to the
Prov . G . Lodge held on tho 26 th nit ., aud that the R . W . P . G . M . had been pleased to invest him as tho Prov . Grand Organist for tho ensuing year . Several matters relating to the R . M . B . I ., and other charities , received attention , one result being tho appointment as Charity Steward of Bro . AV . AV . Popplewell to represent tho Lodge afc tho next Festival of tho It . M . B . I . There were two
nominations of candidates , and thero was an unusual amount of other business disposed of , affecting , more particularly , tho internal affairs of the Lodge , the most noticeable question being an increase in tho annual subscription . The brethren after their labours adjourned to the banquet room , there to enjoy a spread , provided in excellent style by Bro . Steele . Bros . Dodd and Hudson contributed somo exquisite music to tho harmonv of the evenina-.
Lord Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . —A meeting was hold on Friday , the Cth inst ., at tho Lodge-room , St . George ' s Hall , Deal , afc half-past seven o ' clock . Present— 'Bros . Edward Kirby W . M ., John Laggett S . W ., If . J ! . L . Botting J . VV .. T . J . Usher Secretary , Stephen Hinds Treasurer , J . Carpenter S . D ., VV . Oarterficld J . D ., J . Wcstaway Orsnnist , S . Willey I . G ., S . Ilolgate Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . T . J . Usher
P . P . G . R ., T . Ayliu ; P . G . D . C ; Bros . G . Thomson , D . Fraser , H . E . Webb , Geo . Rivers , If . Abram . Tho Lodgo was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A candidate for Freemasonry having been regulaily proposed and seconded at tho previous Loclgo meeting , was balloted for , and tho ballot being found to be unanimous , ho was duly initiated , after which tbe charge was
ably delivered by Bro . S . W . A petition from the widow of the late Bro . J . Cressy Hall ( who was initiated in this Lodge in 1 S 68 , and afterwards joined tho Oak Lodgo , No . ISO , and the Caveac Chapter , No . 176 ) , to the TiOdgo of Benevolence for some assistance , as sho was in great distress , was read and signed by all the brethren present . Rro . Hall was in practice in London as a solicitor at tho time of his
death . Bro . Secretary announced that tho Lodge of Benevolence had granted tho sum of £ 40 to Bro . Trollopo , to assist him in repairing the loss and damage he had sustained b y the hurricane in Octobe ° * last ; and Past Master Ayling stated he had seen Bro . Trollope , who was getting better , and on his behalf desired to thank Grand
Lodge for their very seasonable assistance , and to the brethren of this Lodge for having recommended the prayer of his petition . The Lodgo was then duly closed ; tho meeting adjourned until the third Friday in tho present month , and the brethren afterwards spent a social hour together , separating about eleven o ' clock .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At Bro . Bolton's , Norton Folgate , on Thursday , 5 th December . Present—Bros R . W . Pearcy W . M ., Richmond S . W ., Kent J . W ., Fenner Prceptor , Townsend Sec , Clark S . D ., Hino J . D ., Wostfield I . G ., also Bros .
Crouch , Bolton , Peacock , & c The ceremony of installation was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Bolton candidate . Bro . Fenner worked the second section of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren ; and tbo third , assisted by the W . M . Bro . Richmond was unanimously elected W . M . for next meeting .
Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 . —A meeting was held on tho second Tuesday in December , at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , Warrington , Lancashire . Present—Bros . D . AV . Finney P . M . Prov . G . Steward AV . M ., R . Brierley as S . AV ., Thomas Sutton J . W ., Spencer AVallhead Sec , J . G . Galloway Treas ., T . Hutchinson J . D ., James Hannah I . G ., T . Domvilie Tyler ; Past
Masters Bros . AVoods , Hawkins , Richardson , J . Harding , Edelsten . Bros . Farrington , Cropper , A . F . G . Potter , A . Potter , VV . Taylor , ' T . P . Taylor , AVebstcr , II . Houghton , & c . Visitors—Bros . AV . C . Cooper Prov . G . S . B ., J . B . Young AV . M . elect 148 . After the minntes were read and confirmed , the AV . M . introduced the subject of a new Masonic Hall . A long discussion ensued , after which a committee was appointed to go into the question , and report at a future meeting .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
business of his regular Lodge , would feel the same amount of pleasure in drinking his health as he did , and all would agree with him that tho more they saw of Bro Stephens the better they would likehim . Bro Stephens thanked tho A ico President for tho flattering terms in which he had proposed his health , and also for the hearty manner in which tho company present responded ; he had always endeavoured to
conduct the business of tho Lodge over which ho had tho honour to preside during tho present year to tho best of his ability , and feltgratcful for the kindly expressions he had received from its members since tho timo he first occupied tho chair ; ho also experienced much pleasure in coming hero to-night , and was pleased to seo so many of tho Past Masters and other friends around him . Tho President next gave the
A'ico President ; the high esteem with which he was regarded by the brethren , and tho willingness ho afc all times evinced in prosecutin'r anything for the benefit of Freemasonry mado him so popnlar amongst them that ho would not go info tho history of his many good qualities , but would ask the brethreu to unite with him in drinking his good health . Bro . P . M . Mailer was grateful for the kind
expressions ho had received from the brethren that night , he took great interest in tho Lodge of Instruction , of tho funds of which he was the custodian , and had much pleasure in stating , after sending a goodly amount up to tho Charities , he had still a balance in hand . It would always bo his study to promote tho welfare of tho Lodge . Bro . J . II . Thompson P . M . then rose and said he had permission
from tho President to propose tlie next toast , it was the health of Bro . Driseol ! the lato Sec . It afforded him a double pleasure on that occasion , inasmuch as he had , in addition to proposing his health , another pleasing duty to perform . The members ho was sure would all regret the retirement of Bro . Driscoll from his post , which he had filled from the formation of the Lodge ; aa for himself all tho Masonic knowledge
he possessed was obtained under the ablo tuition of Bro . Driscoll , and he had now the pleasure to present him with a slighttestimonial as a mark of tho esteem in which hois held by tho brethren of tho Lodgo of Instruction . Addressing Bro . Driscoll , ho presented him with a handsome eight day clock , subscribed for by the brethren , ' and trusted bo might live manv veats to bo
occasionally amongst them . Bro . Driscoll , after thanking Bro . Thompson and the brethren for the handsome present they had made him , which would always be regarded by him far above its intrinsic value , said ho was ono of the founders of the Lodge , nnd up to the present bad acted in tbo dual capacity of Preceptor and Secretary , and had certainly taken great pains to impart that knowledge to young
members which is so calculated to make them good Masons , and his exertions had not been in vain : in fact , he felt almost diffident in precoptoring now in thoir presence , for some of them knew as much or oven more than bo did ; ho bad pupils in whom he felt justly proud , and in retiring from his po ? t , which ho rJid through pressure of business , it gavo him groat pleasure to seo that two of his pupils
would fill tho offices ho had just vacated , Bros . Thompson and Garrod having been respectively appointed Preceptt r and Secretary . Tho President then gave tho Masonic Charities , coupling the name of Bro . Garrod tho Secretary to the Second Tottenham , Edmonton and Enfield Charitable Association . Bro . Garrod was happy to say that the Charities were a great feature in Freemasonry , and after explaining
the objects of these Associations , said the one in which he was particularly interested was a great succsss , for it numbered upwards of seventy members , and in the short space of eight months ho bad collected £ 130 . ITe thanked tho brethren for tho support thoy had given . The health of the visitors having been proposed and responded to by Mr . Fuller and Dr . Hall—the latter gentleman stating he
was particularly acquainted with ono of the Institutions mentioned by the Secretary , he meant tho Boys School , which was in their immediate neighbourhood ; he had had occasion to visit it ever since it had been founded , and could safely say not only was it an honour to Freemasonry , but a credit to a nation . Thus terminated a very pleasant evening .
Eoyal Alfred Lodgo of Instruction , No . 780 . —On Oth December , afc the Star and Garter , Kew . In tho temporary absence of Bro . Costelow , Bro . Roe took tho chair , supported by tho following officers : —Bros . Goss I . P . M . 780 S . W ., Gomm J . W ., Blasby S . D ., Botley ( who received a cordial greeting upon his recovery after a serious illness ) J , D ., Gunner I . G . Thero were also present Bros . Tucker , Skinner , Beckett , MeGee 154 I . C ., and ( later on ) Bro .
Costelow . Lodge was regularly opened and advanced to the third degree , when Bro . Roe impressively rehearsed tho ceremony of raising , Bro . Beckett being tho candidate . The brethren were called to refreshment ; upon the resumption of labour the dues were collected , and Bro . Goss was elected AV . M . for next meeting . Lodge was closed with duo observance of ancient custom , aud . adjourned till 13 th inst ., at 7 . 30 p . m .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction No . 860—On Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , Bros . Carr W . M ., Brasted S . W ., J . Lorkin J . W ., Wnrdell S . D ., Christian J . D ., McClean I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Webb , Smyth , Forss , Polak ami others . The W . M . worlced the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Polak candidate . Bro . Webb answered the questions ; the Lodf-e was
opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . Bro . Webb worked the first section of tho Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was opened in tbe third degree , and regular ! v closed to the first . Bro . Giller of Lodge 1607 , and Bro . Bc ' clell o " f Lodpe SCO , were elected members . Proposed b y Bro . AVallington , seconded hy Bro . Dallas , that tho sum of £ 1 Is bo voted from the funds of tt . e Lodgo for the "Old Folks " Christmas festival . Carried unanimously . Bro . Brasted will preside next Tnesday .
Whittington Lodge of Instruction , No . 862 . —On Wednesday , 11 th December , at Bro . Hyde ' s , Red Lion , Popping .
court , Fleet-street , Bro . Tate , of tho Mother Lodge , as AV . M ., supported by Pro Kuill Abell S . W ., Vizzard J . W ., Brown S . D ., Abell I . G ., Long P . M . and Preceptor , and others . After tbo confirmation of tho minutes , Bro . Thompson offered himself as a candidate for passing , and was dnlv entrusted . Tho Lodgo was then opened in the
second degree , and tho ceremony ably performed by the W . M . Tlie whole of tho lecture was worked by tho brethren . On tho resumption of tho Lodge to the first degree , Bro . Jones , of Lodge 862 , was admitted a member , and Bro . Knill Abell was elected AV . M . for ensuing week , when he will rehearse the ceremony of raising .
Wandsworth Lodge of Instruction , No . 1044 . —A meeting was held at tho Spread Eaglo Hotel , Wandsworth , ou AVednosday , tbo 11 th inst , when Bros . F . Reed presided as W . M ., J . Frost as S . W ., and J . J . Holland as J . W . There was only a small attendance of brethren , many members being present at a Committee meeting formed for the purpose of giving a gratuitous dinner to 200 poor women and children on Christmas Day .
Hartington Lodge . No . 1085 , Derby—The Deeembermeeting of this Lodge was held on tho 4 th , at the Derbyshire Masonic Hall . Present—Bro . G . Pipes Prov . Grand Organist W . M ., AV . Heathcote P . P . D of C . I . P . M ., J . 0 . Man ton Hon . Sec . as S . W ., VV . B . Hextall J . W ., M . II . Bobart P . M . P . P . S . G . W . Treas ., W . Buttorfield as S . D ., J . Russell J . D ., C . D . Hart as I . G ., F . Iliffb P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., VV . Naylor P . M . Prov . G . Sec . P . P . S . G . W ., S . Pipes W . M . P . P . S . G . D .,
and a largo number of other members , also numerous visitors , among whom wore Bros . T . Cox P . M . P . P . S . G . W ., and Present Prov , G . Treas ., AV . Bodon W . M . 353 , J . Brown I . P . M . 731 Prov . J . G . D ., and B . Cooper P . M . 787 . Mr . Chas . Osborne received tho benefit of initiation . Bro . Belfield was advanced to tho third degree . The W . M . stated that ho presented tho annual return of the Lodge to the
Prov . G . Lodge held on tho 26 th nit ., aud that the R . W . P . G . M . had been pleased to invest him as tho Prov . Grand Organist for tho ensuing year . Several matters relating to the R . M . B . I ., and other charities , received attention , one result being tho appointment as Charity Steward of Bro . AV . AV . Popplewell to represent tho Lodge afc tho next Festival of tho It . M . B . I . There were two
nominations of candidates , and thero was an unusual amount of other business disposed of , affecting , more particularly , tho internal affairs of the Lodge , the most noticeable question being an increase in tho annual subscription . The brethren after their labours adjourned to the banquet room , there to enjoy a spread , provided in excellent style by Bro . Steele . Bros . Dodd and Hudson contributed somo exquisite music to tho harmonv of the evenina-.
Lord Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . —A meeting was hold on Friday , the Cth inst ., at tho Lodge-room , St . George ' s Hall , Deal , afc half-past seven o ' clock . Present— 'Bros . Edward Kirby W . M ., John Laggett S . W ., If . J ! . L . Botting J . VV .. T . J . Usher Secretary , Stephen Hinds Treasurer , J . Carpenter S . D ., VV . Oarterficld J . D ., J . Wcstaway Orsnnist , S . Willey I . G ., S . Ilolgate Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . T . J . Usher
P . P . G . R ., T . Ayliu ; P . G . D . C ; Bros . G . Thomson , D . Fraser , H . E . Webb , Geo . Rivers , If . Abram . Tho Lodgo was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A candidate for Freemasonry having been regulaily proposed and seconded at tho previous Loclgo meeting , was balloted for , and tho ballot being found to be unanimous , ho was duly initiated , after which tbe charge was
ably delivered by Bro . S . W . A petition from the widow of the late Bro . J . Cressy Hall ( who was initiated in this Lodge in 1 S 68 , and afterwards joined tho Oak Lodgo , No . ISO , and the Caveac Chapter , No . 176 ) , to the TiOdgo of Benevolence for some assistance , as sho was in great distress , was read and signed by all the brethren present . Rro . Hall was in practice in London as a solicitor at tho time of his
death . Bro . Secretary announced that tho Lodge of Benevolence had granted tho sum of £ 40 to Bro . Trollopo , to assist him in repairing the loss and damage he had sustained b y the hurricane in Octobe ° * last ; and Past Master Ayling stated he had seen Bro . Trollope , who was getting better , and on his behalf desired to thank Grand
Lodge for their very seasonable assistance , and to the brethren of this Lodge for having recommended the prayer of his petition . The Lodgo was then duly closed ; tho meeting adjourned until the third Friday in tho present month , and the brethren afterwards spent a social hour together , separating about eleven o ' clock .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At Bro . Bolton's , Norton Folgate , on Thursday , 5 th December . Present—Bros R . W . Pearcy W . M ., Richmond S . W ., Kent J . W ., Fenner Prceptor , Townsend Sec , Clark S . D ., Hino J . D ., Wostfield I . G ., also Bros .
Crouch , Bolton , Peacock , & c The ceremony of installation was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Bolton candidate . Bro . Fenner worked the second section of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren ; and tbo third , assisted by the W . M . Bro . Richmond was unanimously elected W . M . for next meeting .
Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 . —A meeting was held on tho second Tuesday in December , at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , Warrington , Lancashire . Present—Bros . D . AV . Finney P . M . Prov . G . Steward AV . M ., R . Brierley as S . AV ., Thomas Sutton J . W ., Spencer AVallhead Sec , J . G . Galloway Treas ., T . Hutchinson J . D ., James Hannah I . G ., T . Domvilie Tyler ; Past
Masters Bros . AVoods , Hawkins , Richardson , J . Harding , Edelsten . Bros . Farrington , Cropper , A . F . G . Potter , A . Potter , VV . Taylor , ' T . P . Taylor , AVebstcr , II . Houghton , & c . Visitors—Bros . AV . C . Cooper Prov . G . S . B ., J . B . Young AV . M . elect 148 . After the minntes were read and confirmed , the AV . M . introduced the subject of a new Masonic Hall . A long discussion ensued , after which a committee was appointed to go into the question , and report at a future meeting .