Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week
1773—Albert Victor , Town Hall , Pendleton General Lodgo of Instrnction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-strect , Huildersfield R . A . S 37—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall . Ripon R . A . —General Chapter of Improvement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at 5 . 30 M . M . 123—Callender , Derby Hotel , Bury , Lancashire . R . C—Talbot , Freemason ' s Hall , Sheffield K . T . —Jacques do Molay , Masonic Hall , Liverpool .
198—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1621—Ecclcston , Grosvonor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 308—Princo Georgo , Private Rooms , Bottoms , Eastwood 146-1—Erasmus Wilson , Pior Hotel , Greenhitho
Notices Of Meetings.
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —Held at Bro . Butt ' s , tbe New Market Hotel , West Smithfield , on Monday , the 10 th instant . Present—Bros . Pelikan WM ., Fox S . W ., Halle J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Gibbs S . D ., McCulloch J . D ., Gnsh I . G . ; also Bros . Swales , Lamplough , Main , Glad-well , & c . After preliminaries , Lodge was advanced to the second degree , and Bro . Fenner worked
the first , and Bro . Gush the second section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge being resumed to the first , Bro . McCulloch gavo proofs of proficiency , and was entrusted . Lodgo was resumed to the second degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . McCulloch acting as candidate . Bro . Gnsh worked the third , Bro .
Tolmie the fourth section , assisted by the brethren . On tbe resumption of the Lodge , Bros . McCulloch of the Alexandra Palace Lodge 1541 , Lnmplough , and John Main of the New Concord Lodge 813 , were elected members . Bro . Fox was duly appointed W . M . for the next meeting , after which Lodge was closed , and adjourned .
Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 55 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 11 th November , at Bro . Bond's , Bedford Hotel , Southampton-buildings , W . C . Present—Bros . Lister W . M ., Hallam S . W ., Tate J . W ., Abell S . D ., Gilrath J . D ., T . B . Dodson I . G . ; Past Masters Bro . John Bingemann Preceptor . Lodge was opened in
dne form , and the minutes of tho preceding meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Bingemann waspassed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture were worked by Bro . Abell . Bro . Hallam was nnanimonsly elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodgo was closed and adjourned to Tuesday , the 18 th , at 7 p . m .
London Masonic Club Lodge of Instruction , No . 58 . —A meeting was held on Friday , 7 th November , at the London Masonic Club , 101 Queen Victoria-street , B . C . Present—Bros . C . E . Barnett W . M ., C . J . Hogg ( Treas . ) S . W ., J . D . Langton ( Sec . ) J . W ., Brittnin Deacon , J . S . Fraser Preceptor , W . W . Williams I . G ., Bro . Fillnn , & c . Lodgo was opened iu the first degree , and tho
Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting , which were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Fillan acting as candidate . Tho J . W . here vacated his chair in favonr of Bro . Fillan . Bro . J . D . Langton , a candidato for tho second degree , answered the usnal questions . The Lodge was opened in the second , and Bro . Langton was passed to the degree of F . C . The Lodge was
then resumed . Tbe Secretary stated that he had received information to ths effect that the Committee of the Club had made arrangements by which the members of this Lodge of Instrnction could enjoy tho benefits of membership of Club on advantageous terms . Bro . J . D . Langton proposed , and Bro . J . S . Fraser seconded , a proposition ,
which was carried unanimously , that this offer bo accepted , and that the thanks of tho Lodge of Instrnction be presented to the Committee of the Club for their kindness in the matter . Bro . Hogg was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting . Lodgo was thon closed .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —At Bro Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 11 th November . Present—Bros . Solomons W . M ., Lay S . W ., Moss J . W ., Shadier , Maidwell , Hollands , Ellis , West , Daniel , King , Chicken , Poole , Caton , Pilson , & . O . The W . M . worked the three ceremonies in a very able manner , and a vote of thanks was recorded on tho minntes , it beinc
the first time that he had ocenpied the chair at this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Ellis , of No . 1017 , was elected a member . Bro . Lay was appointed W . M . for Tuesday , the 25 th inst . Tho Annual Supper will take place on Tnesday , 18 th November , when Bro . Daniel , W . M . of the mother Lodge , will preside . A large gathering of tho members is expected .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —On Wednesday last , at the Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street . Present—Bros . H . J . Lardner W . M ., Walter James S . W ., John E . Fells J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , Thomas B . Biddle S . D ., George L . Walker Preceptor , A . Valentino I . G ., W . J . Ramsay and Alfred Ellis . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of previous
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Ramsay was a candidate for passing , and the W . M . went through the ceremony in a very effective manner . The live sections were worked perfectly and fully by the W . M . and Bro . Ellis , assisted by the brethren , producing a feeling of satisfaction to all present . The next time the second degree is to be rehearsed we hope to find the Lodge better attended . Bro . S . W . was elected W . M . for the next meeting . >
Notices Of Meetings.
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Hold at Bro . Fysh's , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday , tho 8 th inst . Present—Bros . Carr W . M ., C . Lorkin S . W ., Valentine J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , n . Hall S . D ., W . Williams J . D ., Yates I . G . ; also Bros . Defriez , Ha'lam son ., Spencer , W . Burtlo , Kidder , Willison , Giller , J . Lorkin , Slaiter , D . Moss , E . H . Williams , Lardner ,
Halford Treasurer , Ac . All necessary formalities were duly observed , and then Bro . Defriez answered the questions leading to the second degreo . That Brother being but an E . A ., was called upon to retire . Tho Lodge was advanced , and tho ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Giller acting as candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked the second section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed and
the ceremony of miation rehearsed , Bro . Defriez acting as candidate . Bro . Moss worked tho fourth section of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . C . Lorkin was elected to preside at next meeting , A vote of thanks was awarded the W . M . for the efficient manner he had conducted the business of tho ovening , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
St . Michael ' s Lodge , No . 211 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate . street , Bros . Alfred Withers W . M ., W . RadclitTe S . W ., Dr . Waters J . W ., W . W . Morgan Sec , Usher Back Deacon , F . J . Hontsch I . G ., T . C . Speight P . M . Tyler ; P . M . 's Alfred Green , Charles Greenwood Treasurer . Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed .
The ballot was in favonr of Mr . Edwin Thring , who was proposed and seconded by Bros . Peirco and W . Radcliffe . Bro . C . Skipp answered the questions leading to the second degree , nnd was entrusted . Lodge opened in tho second degree , and the W . M . performed the ceremony in a very careful and impressive manner . Lodge wa 3 resumed to the first degree , and the candidate was introduced and
initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . After the transaction of routine business , and the proposal of a candidate for initiation , to be ballotted for at next meoting , Lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards partook of refreshments , and discussed several matters of general interest . During the evening it was suggested that in January the members give an entertainment wherein the ladies might participate .
East Surrey Lodge of Concord , No . 463 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon , on Thursday , 6 th November . The Lodge was opened by Bro . C . H . Woodward P . M . and Hon . Seo ., who read a cablegram from tho W . M . Bro . Georpe Yaxley , dated frrnn Boston , America , with hearty good wishes . The actinsr W . M . was siiDDortcd bv Bros . W . Sharn P . M .
acting as S . W ., J . S . Streeter J . W ., John Hooko S . D ., Byron Ridge J . D ., Herbert Saxelby I . G ., J . K . Pitt Assist . I . G ., Past Masters G . Prico Treasurer , J . Close I . P . M ., Dosell , Podmore , Dickin , and about thirty brethren of the Lodere . Visitors—Tho Depnty Prov . G . M . of Surrey Rev . C . H . A ' rnold , Lieut . Clay of the Macdonald Lodge , and Henry of tho Jernsalem . Tho acting W . M . invited the Depnty Prov
G . M . to assume tho chair of K . S . and perform the ceremonies of tho evening , thinking it wonld be a very agreeable change to the brethren present , and magnificently did the Kev . Brother acqnrt himself in initating Mr . John Hartley , mevehvvnt , of Yokohama and London , into tho mysteries of tho Order . This Brr . tlier is now on his way t >> tho East , where v .-c hope ho may get further light . Bro . Arnold
also passed a Brother to tho second degree , and , as a climax , raised Brother Albert Kahn to the sublime degree of Master Mason . On resuming the Lodge to the first degreee the Deputy Prov . Grand Master said he had a most pleasing duty to perform ; ho had been commissioned by the Prov . Grand Master ( General Brownrigg ) to offer to the W . M . of this Lodge the purple collar of
Grand Superintendent of Works for Surrey , which had become vacant since tho Prov . Grand Lodge was held at Redbill , in July last ; and as Bro . Woodward had informed him that the W . M . would most gladly accept that honour , ho ( tho Deputy Prov . G . Master ) should then and there invest Bro . Woodward , as representing the W . M ., with the collar of that office ; and that tho W . M . ( Bro . Yaxley )
might consider himself as fully invested in the person of Bro Woodward as if he had received it himself . A very cordial and unanimous vote of thanks was accorded to the Depnty Prov . Grand Master , who was sainted with the honours due to his rank , and the Lodge was closed in due form ; but not until the Depnty Grand Master bad expressed a wish that it might bo recorded on the
minutes of the Lodge his high appreciation of the manner in which every Officer , down to and including the I . G ., had done their work that evening . The brethren then adjourned to a recherchi banquet , provided by Bro . Marge ! ts , and presided over by Bro . Woodward P . M . aud Hon . Secretary , the Deputy Prov . Grand Master having to leave , to attend an installation meeting of an old and valued friend
in London . A most enjoyable evening was spent , tho speeches being short and appropriate , and interspersed with excellent vocal efforts on tho part of somo of tho brethren , accompanied by Bro . Rhodes , with Iris usual proficiency , on tho pianoforte . Tho thanks of tho members of the Lodge are due to Bro . Woodward for tho entertainment he provided them . The meeting will long bo remembered by all who were present .
Yarborough Lodge , No . 554 . — The regular meeting of this Lodge vvas held at Bro . Walter's , Green Dragon , Stepney , on the Gth instant . Bro . J . Hansen Thorn opened tbe Lodge shortly after six o ' clock , and was supported by tho following officers and brethren : —Bros . Hugh Cotter I . P . M ., T . S . Taylor
S . W ., E . W . Walter J . W ., J . G . Stevens P . M . Treasurer , G . W . Verry P . M . See ., T . J . Barnes P . M ., J . J . Berry P . M ., J . Hood P . M ., T . W . Tait S . D ., W . Cross J . D ., J . Lincoln I . G ., J . Taylor D . C , G . T . H . Seddon Organist , C . Allen , G . Clark , P . Heitman , S . Allen , C . G . Fardell , R . Lines , T , Russell , A . Symos , E . Rochester , A . Wood
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week
1773—Albert Victor , Town Hall , Pendleton General Lodgo of Instrnction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-strect , Huildersfield R . A . S 37—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall . Ripon R . A . —General Chapter of Improvement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at 5 . 30 M . M . 123—Callender , Derby Hotel , Bury , Lancashire . R . C—Talbot , Freemason ' s Hall , Sheffield K . T . —Jacques do Molay , Masonic Hall , Liverpool .
198—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1621—Ecclcston , Grosvonor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8 308—Princo Georgo , Private Rooms , Bottoms , Eastwood 146-1—Erasmus Wilson , Pior Hotel , Greenhitho
Notices Of Meetings.
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —Held at Bro . Butt ' s , tbe New Market Hotel , West Smithfield , on Monday , the 10 th instant . Present—Bros . Pelikan WM ., Fox S . W ., Halle J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Gibbs S . D ., McCulloch J . D ., Gnsh I . G . ; also Bros . Swales , Lamplough , Main , Glad-well , & c . After preliminaries , Lodge was advanced to the second degree , and Bro . Fenner worked
the first , and Bro . Gush the second section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge being resumed to the first , Bro . McCulloch gavo proofs of proficiency , and was entrusted . Lodgo was resumed to the second degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . McCulloch acting as candidate . Bro . Gnsh worked the third , Bro .
Tolmie the fourth section , assisted by the brethren . On tbe resumption of the Lodge , Bros . McCulloch of the Alexandra Palace Lodge 1541 , Lnmplough , and John Main of the New Concord Lodge 813 , were elected members . Bro . Fox was duly appointed W . M . for the next meeting , after which Lodge was closed , and adjourned .
Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 55 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 11 th November , at Bro . Bond's , Bedford Hotel , Southampton-buildings , W . C . Present—Bros . Lister W . M ., Hallam S . W ., Tate J . W ., Abell S . D ., Gilrath J . D ., T . B . Dodson I . G . ; Past Masters Bro . John Bingemann Preceptor . Lodge was opened in
dne form , and the minutes of tho preceding meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Bingemann waspassed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture were worked by Bro . Abell . Bro . Hallam was nnanimonsly elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodgo was closed and adjourned to Tuesday , the 18 th , at 7 p . m .
London Masonic Club Lodge of Instruction , No . 58 . —A meeting was held on Friday , 7 th November , at the London Masonic Club , 101 Queen Victoria-street , B . C . Present—Bros . C . E . Barnett W . M ., C . J . Hogg ( Treas . ) S . W ., J . D . Langton ( Sec . ) J . W ., Brittnin Deacon , J . S . Fraser Preceptor , W . W . Williams I . G ., Bro . Fillnn , & c . Lodgo was opened iu the first degree , and tho
Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting , which were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Fillan acting as candidate . Tho J . W . here vacated his chair in favonr of Bro . Fillan . Bro . J . D . Langton , a candidato for tho second degree , answered the usnal questions . The Lodge was opened in the second , and Bro . Langton was passed to the degree of F . C . The Lodge was
then resumed . Tbe Secretary stated that he had received information to ths effect that the Committee of the Club had made arrangements by which the members of this Lodge of Instrnction could enjoy tho benefits of membership of Club on advantageous terms . Bro . J . D . Langton proposed , and Bro . J . S . Fraser seconded , a proposition ,
which was carried unanimously , that this offer bo accepted , and that the thanks of tho Lodge of Instrnction be presented to the Committee of the Club for their kindness in the matter . Bro . Hogg was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting . Lodgo was thon closed .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —At Bro Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 11 th November . Present—Bros . Solomons W . M ., Lay S . W ., Moss J . W ., Shadier , Maidwell , Hollands , Ellis , West , Daniel , King , Chicken , Poole , Caton , Pilson , & . O . The W . M . worked the three ceremonies in a very able manner , and a vote of thanks was recorded on tho minntes , it beinc
the first time that he had ocenpied the chair at this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Ellis , of No . 1017 , was elected a member . Bro . Lay was appointed W . M . for Tuesday , the 25 th inst . Tho Annual Supper will take place on Tnesday , 18 th November , when Bro . Daniel , W . M . of the mother Lodge , will preside . A large gathering of tho members is expected .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —On Wednesday last , at the Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street . Present—Bros . H . J . Lardner W . M ., Walter James S . W ., John E . Fells J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , Thomas B . Biddle S . D ., George L . Walker Preceptor , A . Valentino I . G ., W . J . Ramsay and Alfred Ellis . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of previous
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Ramsay was a candidate for passing , and the W . M . went through the ceremony in a very effective manner . The live sections were worked perfectly and fully by the W . M . and Bro . Ellis , assisted by the brethren , producing a feeling of satisfaction to all present . The next time the second degree is to be rehearsed we hope to find the Lodge better attended . Bro . S . W . was elected W . M . for the next meeting . >
Notices Of Meetings.
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Hold at Bro . Fysh's , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday , tho 8 th inst . Present—Bros . Carr W . M ., C . Lorkin S . W ., Valentine J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , n . Hall S . D ., W . Williams J . D ., Yates I . G . ; also Bros . Defriez , Ha'lam son ., Spencer , W . Burtlo , Kidder , Willison , Giller , J . Lorkin , Slaiter , D . Moss , E . H . Williams , Lardner ,
Halford Treasurer , Ac . All necessary formalities were duly observed , and then Bro . Defriez answered the questions leading to the second degreo . That Brother being but an E . A ., was called upon to retire . Tho Lodge was advanced , and tho ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Giller acting as candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked the second section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed and
the ceremony of miation rehearsed , Bro . Defriez acting as candidate . Bro . Moss worked tho fourth section of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . C . Lorkin was elected to preside at next meeting , A vote of thanks was awarded the W . M . for the efficient manner he had conducted the business of tho ovening , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
St . Michael ' s Lodge , No . 211 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate . street , Bros . Alfred Withers W . M ., W . RadclitTe S . W ., Dr . Waters J . W ., W . W . Morgan Sec , Usher Back Deacon , F . J . Hontsch I . G ., T . C . Speight P . M . Tyler ; P . M . 's Alfred Green , Charles Greenwood Treasurer . Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed .
The ballot was in favonr of Mr . Edwin Thring , who was proposed and seconded by Bros . Peirco and W . Radcliffe . Bro . C . Skipp answered the questions leading to the second degree , nnd was entrusted . Lodge opened in tho second degree , and the W . M . performed the ceremony in a very careful and impressive manner . Lodge wa 3 resumed to the first degree , and the candidate was introduced and
initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . After the transaction of routine business , and the proposal of a candidate for initiation , to be ballotted for at next meoting , Lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards partook of refreshments , and discussed several matters of general interest . During the evening it was suggested that in January the members give an entertainment wherein the ladies might participate .
East Surrey Lodge of Concord , No . 463 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon , on Thursday , 6 th November . The Lodge was opened by Bro . C . H . Woodward P . M . and Hon . Seo ., who read a cablegram from tho W . M . Bro . Georpe Yaxley , dated frrnn Boston , America , with hearty good wishes . The actinsr W . M . was siiDDortcd bv Bros . W . Sharn P . M .
acting as S . W ., J . S . Streeter J . W ., John Hooko S . D ., Byron Ridge J . D ., Herbert Saxelby I . G ., J . K . Pitt Assist . I . G ., Past Masters G . Prico Treasurer , J . Close I . P . M ., Dosell , Podmore , Dickin , and about thirty brethren of the Lodere . Visitors—Tho Depnty Prov . G . M . of Surrey Rev . C . H . A ' rnold , Lieut . Clay of the Macdonald Lodge , and Henry of tho Jernsalem . Tho acting W . M . invited the Depnty Prov
G . M . to assume tho chair of K . S . and perform the ceremonies of tho evening , thinking it wonld be a very agreeable change to the brethren present , and magnificently did the Kev . Brother acqnrt himself in initating Mr . John Hartley , mevehvvnt , of Yokohama and London , into tho mysteries of tho Order . This Brr . tlier is now on his way t >> tho East , where v .-c hope ho may get further light . Bro . Arnold
also passed a Brother to tho second degree , and , as a climax , raised Brother Albert Kahn to the sublime degree of Master Mason . On resuming the Lodge to the first degreee the Deputy Prov . Grand Master said he had a most pleasing duty to perform ; ho had been commissioned by the Prov . Grand Master ( General Brownrigg ) to offer to the W . M . of this Lodge the purple collar of
Grand Superintendent of Works for Surrey , which had become vacant since tho Prov . Grand Lodge was held at Redbill , in July last ; and as Bro . Woodward had informed him that the W . M . would most gladly accept that honour , ho ( tho Deputy Prov . G . Master ) should then and there invest Bro . Woodward , as representing the W . M ., with the collar of that office ; and that tho W . M . ( Bro . Yaxley )
might consider himself as fully invested in the person of Bro Woodward as if he had received it himself . A very cordial and unanimous vote of thanks was accorded to the Depnty Prov . Grand Master , who was sainted with the honours due to his rank , and the Lodge was closed in due form ; but not until the Depnty Grand Master bad expressed a wish that it might bo recorded on the
minutes of the Lodge his high appreciation of the manner in which every Officer , down to and including the I . G ., had done their work that evening . The brethren then adjourned to a recherchi banquet , provided by Bro . Marge ! ts , and presided over by Bro . Woodward P . M . aud Hon . Secretary , the Deputy Prov . Grand Master having to leave , to attend an installation meeting of an old and valued friend
in London . A most enjoyable evening was spent , tho speeches being short and appropriate , and interspersed with excellent vocal efforts on tho part of somo of tho brethren , accompanied by Bro . Rhodes , with Iris usual proficiency , on tho pianoforte . Tho thanks of tho members of the Lodge are due to Bro . Woodward for tho entertainment he provided them . The meeting will long bo remembered by all who were present .
Yarborough Lodge , No . 554 . — The regular meeting of this Lodge vvas held at Bro . Walter's , Green Dragon , Stepney , on the Gth instant . Bro . J . Hansen Thorn opened tbe Lodge shortly after six o ' clock , and was supported by tho following officers and brethren : —Bros . Hugh Cotter I . P . M ., T . S . Taylor
S . W ., E . W . Walter J . W ., J . G . Stevens P . M . Treasurer , G . W . Verry P . M . See ., T . J . Barnes P . M ., J . J . Berry P . M ., J . Hood P . M ., T . W . Tait S . D ., W . Cross J . D ., J . Lincoln I . G ., J . Taylor D . C , G . T . H . Seddon Organist , C . Allen , G . Clark , P . Heitman , S . Allen , C . G . Fardell , R . Lines , T , Russell , A . Symos , E . Rochester , A . Wood