Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2
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Notices Of Meetings.
H . Horner , A . Walter , W . N . Sparks , H . Forss , W . Hawes , W . Thomas , W . H . Mackenrot , C . Braithwaite , Ac . ; Bro . C . T . Speight P . M . P . G . Tyler Surrey Tyler . The minutes of the previous regular meeting wero read and oonfirmed . Tho Secretary read a statement of tho Benevolent and Lodge Funds , which was most satisfactory . Lodge was advanced , and Bros . S . Allen and R . Lines having proved their
profioieuoy , were entrusted , and afterwards raised to the rank of Master Masons . The cer ' emony was rendered very effectively , to the appropriate accompaniment of Bro . Seddon the Organist . At its conclusion , Bros . W . H . Maokenrot and C . Braithwaite were in attendance , nnd were duly passed to the degree of Follow Craft . The W . M . having received the usual greetings , Lodge was closed , and the
brethren partook of refreshment provided by the host , Bro . A . Walter , in hia nsual porfect manner . The regular toasts were honoured , and tho brethren spent an agreeable hour together , interspersed with songs , & o . We are glad to find tho Lodge of Instruction moots every Tueaday evening at eight ; the working is very good , and Lodge room comfortable .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —On 7 th
November , at the Star and Garter , Kew . Present—Bros . C . E . Botley W . M ., Gomm S . W ., Franckel J . W ., Blasby S . D ., Youens J . D ., Becket I . G ., Tucker Treas ., Gunner H . S ., Goss P . M ., Acworth , Dorey , Maton , Wyville , & o . Lodgo was opened in due form . Minntes of last meeting were read , confirmed , and signed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Wyville candidate , and the W . M . delivered the oharge of that degreo . Bros . Wyville and Maton
answered questions leading to socond degree , and retired . Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Gomm worked the ceremony of passing , with Bro . Acworth as candidate . Lodgo was opened in third degroo and closed to first , when Bro . Botley again took tho chair , and a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded him for his working . A sum of money was votod to a distressed Brother . Bro . Gomm was elected W . M . for tho next meeting . Lodge was then closed aud tho meeting adjourned .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth ' s Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 11 th November . Present—Bros . Polak W . M ., Wardoll S . W ., Williams J . W ., Hand S . D ., Christian J . D ., Smyth I . G ., J . Lorkiu Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor j also Bros . Baker , Johnson , Clarke , Woodding , Collins , Weige , C . Lorkin , Dallas , Carr , and others . The
Lodge was opened in due form , and minntes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Clarke , a candidate for the second degree , was interrogated and entrusted . Lodgo was than opened in the second degree , and Bro . Clarke was passed . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favonr of Bro . Weige . Bro . Clarke was entrusted .
Lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Clarke was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Bro . J . Lorkin gave the traditional history . Bro . 0 . Lorkin worked the third section of the lecture . The Lodge was regularly closed to first degree . Bro . War . dell was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appoiuted his Officers in rotation . Lodge was closed in duo form .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , Tuesday , 11 th November . Bros . Smith W . M ., P . M . Myers S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Barker S . D ., Rawe J . D ., Norman I . G ., Worsley Seoretary , P . M . Musto Preceptor . The Lodge was formally opened , and tbe minutes read . Bro . Holloway haviug answered tho necessary questions , the Lodge opened in tho second
degree , when tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Bro . Pavitt worked the 1 st seotion of the lecture , Johnson 2 nd , Pavitt 3 rd , and Myers 4 th and 5 th , assisted by the brethren . Tho Lodge closed to the first . Bro . P . M . Myers was unanimously electod to fill tho chair next week , when the ceremony of raising will be rehearsed ; this will
be an incentive for those who can attend , Bro . Myers being a disciple of our esteemed Bro . T . J . Barnes , whose working is much appreciated at the East End . There will doubtless be a very full attendance . The following brethren were also present—Bros . Pavitt , Brownson , -Hollo way , Watkins , Legg , White , Sadler , Keable , and Andrews .
Eoyal Arthur Lodge of Instruction , No . 1360 . — It has been deoided to celebrate , on Tuesday next , the re-opening of the Lodge Room , after reoent repairs and improvements , and thus pay a well-deserved compliment to the worthy host , Bro . Joseph
Wright P . M . Bro . Graham , well known to all connected with this Lodge , will exercise his musioal talents in tho courso of the evening . The chair will bo taken by Bro . G . King P . M . Preceptor , and tickets ( 4 s 6 d ) may be had of the Hon . Secretary , Bro . Alfred Withers , 430 King ' s-road , Chelsea .
The Great City Lodge No . 1426 . —Tho first meeting after the installation of the W . M . was hold on Saturday evening , Sth Novembor , at the Cannon-street Hotel . Bro . Blackie W . M . presided ; Bros . Catchpole S . W ., J . W . narnor J . W ., N . B . Headon Treasurer , E . Moody P . M . Sec , Taylor S . D ., Kibble J . D ., Keeblo I . G ., Baber D . C , and Fenwick and Potter Stewards . The following
Visitors were present—Bros , J . Self P . M . 214 nnd P . G . S . W . Essex , W . H . Postans P . M . 34 , J . Eldridge P . M . 167 , D . 11 . Still P . M . 1071 , T . Edmonston W . M . 1669 , G . L . Sanl W . M . 1201 , 0 . J . Perceval W . M . 1 ( 507 , 0 . Forbes S . W . 634 , Scott New York , J . B . Lamb 1695 , W . Earl St . John ' s , T . Youens 1287 , C . Taylor 1765 , T . Eastgate 1563 ,
A . Bakor 1708 , P . Stevens 1326 , D . O'Connor 636 , Medcalfe 1671 . The Lodge having been opened , nnd tho minutes of the last Lodge read and confirmed , Bro . Mogridge and Bro . Stevens of Lodge No . 1326 were examined as to their proficiency in the science . Tho Lodge was opened in the third degree , when the W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Moody the Secretary , who raised his friend Bro . Mog-
Notices Of Meetings.
ridge to tho sublime degree of a M . M . The ceremony having been completed , Bro . J . Stevens took tho chair , and raised his son , of Lodge 1326 , to the third degree ; this degree as well as the former being con . ferred by permission of tho W . M . of No . 1326 . The W . M . thon assumed the chair , and Mr . Edward William Postan * , who had been previously ballotted for , was in dne form initiated into the privileges of ancient Freemasonrv . An alteration in one of the bye-laws was next con .
sidored , and the proposition of Bro . N . B . Headon , seconded by Bro . Freeman , and supported by Bro . Henry Thompson , was put and agreed to , with but two dissentients . The Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a well-furnished banqnet . The usual toasts followed , interspersed with songs , recitations , & c , and the evening was spent in oomplete harmony , whioh was brought to a close at eleven o ' olook .
Eoyal Military Lodge of Instruction , No . 1449 . — A meeting was held on 3 rd November , at the Masonio Hall , Cantorbury . Present : —Bros . H . Miskiu ( Treasurer ) W . M ., T . Blamiers S . W ., J . Coates J . W ., W . Cartor Sec , T . Vautior S . D ., J . Wilson J . D ., H . T . Naylor P . M . D . C , J . T . Hovvarth Steward , W . Price I . G . ; Past Master E . Beer , and Bros . Everson and Kimber . The Lorlgo wa 3 opened in the first degreo , and the minntes of last Lodge of
Instruction were read and oonfirmed . The questions leading from second to third degree wore put by the W . M . to Bro . Vautier , and then the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , the same brother acting as eandi . date . Lodge was lowered to second degree , and tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Lodge was lowered to first degree , and tho questions leading from first to sooond wero put by the W . M . The Lodge was then closed .
Marquess of Eipon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . —At the Pembnry Tavern , Anihnrst-road , Hackney , on Monday . Present—Bros . Aspinall W . M ., Garrod S . W ., McMillan J . W ., Cox S . D ., Goddard J . D ., Martin I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , C . Lorkin Preceptor ; also Bros . MoDowell , Dallas , Trewianard , Dufrosne , Slaiter , Bluut , Hildreth , Jones , Westfield , Jacob , Oox , and others . After prelimi .
naries , Bro . Jones was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The Lodge was resumed to tho first degree , and oalled from labour to refreshment . After resuming its Masonio duties , Bro . Dallas 860 and Bro . Dnfresne of 1698 wero elected members . Bro . Garrod was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . McMillan then resumed
tho chair , and presented Bro . Slaiter with a Chapter jewel , in rocog nition of valuable services rendered during his Secretaryship . Bro , Slaiter responded in graceful terms , thanking the brethron for their kindness in making him the presentation . Lodgo was closed in duo form .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — At a meeting held at the Feathers Hotol , Ealing , on Thursday , 6 th inst ., there wero present : —Bros . C . E . Botley W . M ., C . E . Portor S . W ., J . Green J . W ., J . Wells S . D ., A . Jones J . D ., Le Grys I . G ., Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor ; also Bros . H . Kasner , Wheeler Lodge No . 1310 , and H . Stephens . The Lodgo was opened in duo
form , and tho nunnto 3 of tho previous meoting wore read , oonfirmed , and signed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , and delivered the charge , Bro . H . E . Tucker candidate . Bro . H . E . Tucker took the cha r , and tho Lodgo was opened in tho second degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . 0 . E . Botley candidate . The Lodge was closed in tho second degree . Bro . Tucker alluded to the death of Bro . H . Day , of West Middlesex
Lodge , No . 1612 , and the Secretary was unanimously requested to write and convey to Mrs . H . Day an expression of the deep sympathy of the brethren with her in her bereavement . A cordial vote of thanks was unanimously tendered to the W . M . for the ablo manner in which he had conducted tho duties during tho ovening , this being the first occasion on which he had filled tho chair . Bro . Porter was elected W . M . for next meeting , and the Lodgo was closed in ancient form .
Beaconsfield Lodge , No . 1662 . —The regular meeting of this Lodgo was held at tbe Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , on Tuesday , 4 th inst . Bros . T . Franklin WM ., F . Hallows S . W ., T . Upward J . W ., J . Piuder P . M . Sec , J . H . Cambridge P . M . S . D ., C . B . Carter J . D ., G . Ciarkel . G ., J . H . Wildnsh Steward . Tbo Lodge was opened , and the minute 3 of the former meeting were read and
confirmed . Bro . J . II . Cambridge P . M . 15 and 1662 was elected to act a 3 Treasurer until tho next regular period of election , and Bro . Thomas appointed Tyler . The election of a joining brother was postponed until a fnturc occasion , in consequence of his non-arrival . The W . M . then , at the request of the W . M . of tho Star Lodge , 1275 , proceeded to pass Bro . J . E . Somervillo to tho second degree . A notice of motion by Bro . Piuder P . M . to alter two of tho bye-laws
was unanimously agreed to . Tho Lodgo was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a light repast , to which ample justico was done . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts having been disposed of , the proceedings closed shortly before eleven o ' clock . Visitors—Bros . F . Paterson Gladsmuir Lodge 1385 P . P . G . O . Herts , Edward Braine P . M . Islington Lodge 1171 , J . IT . Hiscox J . D . Hemming Lodge 1512 , L . W . Williams Stur Lodgo 1275 , and J . E . Soinerville Star Lodge 1275 .
HOLLOWIY ' H OrjfTMiwr AJTD Puts . —Female Complaints . —On tho mothers of England devolves much and serious responsibility in eeenring for thoir daughters robust health ; frequently , alas ! thoughtlessly , sacrificed hy culpablo bashfnlness at a particular period of lifo , when all important changes tako place in tho female constitution , upon the management of which depend fnturo
happmess or misery . Holloway s P 1 II 3 , especially if aided with tho Ointment , havo the happiest effect in establishing thoso functions , upon tho duo performance of which health and even life itself depend . Motlier and daughter may stifely use these powerful deobstruent remedies without consulting any ono . Universally adopted as the ono grand remedy for female complaints , these Pills never fail , never weaken tho system , and always bring about the desired result .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
H . Horner , A . Walter , W . N . Sparks , H . Forss , W . Hawes , W . Thomas , W . H . Mackenrot , C . Braithwaite , Ac . ; Bro . C . T . Speight P . M . P . G . Tyler Surrey Tyler . The minutes of the previous regular meeting wero read and oonfirmed . Tho Secretary read a statement of tho Benevolent and Lodge Funds , which was most satisfactory . Lodge was advanced , and Bros . S . Allen and R . Lines having proved their
profioieuoy , were entrusted , and afterwards raised to the rank of Master Masons . The cer ' emony was rendered very effectively , to the appropriate accompaniment of Bro . Seddon the Organist . At its conclusion , Bros . W . H . Maokenrot and C . Braithwaite were in attendance , nnd were duly passed to the degree of Follow Craft . The W . M . having received the usual greetings , Lodge was closed , and the
brethren partook of refreshment provided by the host , Bro . A . Walter , in hia nsual porfect manner . The regular toasts were honoured , and tho brethren spent an agreeable hour together , interspersed with songs , & o . We are glad to find tho Lodge of Instruction moots every Tueaday evening at eight ; the working is very good , and Lodge room comfortable .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —On 7 th
November , at the Star and Garter , Kew . Present—Bros . C . E . Botley W . M ., Gomm S . W ., Franckel J . W ., Blasby S . D ., Youens J . D ., Becket I . G ., Tucker Treas ., Gunner H . S ., Goss P . M ., Acworth , Dorey , Maton , Wyville , & o . Lodgo was opened in due form . Minntes of last meeting were read , confirmed , and signed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Wyville candidate , and the W . M . delivered the oharge of that degreo . Bros . Wyville and Maton
answered questions leading to socond degree , and retired . Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Gomm worked the ceremony of passing , with Bro . Acworth as candidate . Lodgo was opened in third degroo and closed to first , when Bro . Botley again took tho chair , and a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded him for his working . A sum of money was votod to a distressed Brother . Bro . Gomm was elected W . M . for tho next meeting . Lodge was then closed aud tho meeting adjourned .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Smyth ' s Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 11 th November . Present—Bros . Polak W . M ., Wardoll S . W ., Williams J . W ., Hand S . D ., Christian J . D ., Smyth I . G ., J . Lorkiu Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor j also Bros . Baker , Johnson , Clarke , Woodding , Collins , Weige , C . Lorkin , Dallas , Carr , and others . The
Lodge was opened in due form , and minntes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Clarke , a candidate for the second degree , was interrogated and entrusted . Lodgo was than opened in the second degree , and Bro . Clarke was passed . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favonr of Bro . Weige . Bro . Clarke was entrusted .
Lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Clarke was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Bro . J . Lorkin gave the traditional history . Bro . 0 . Lorkin worked the third section of the lecture . The Lodge was regularly closed to first degree . Bro . War . dell was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appoiuted his Officers in rotation . Lodge was closed in duo form .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , Tuesday , 11 th November . Bros . Smith W . M ., P . M . Myers S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Barker S . D ., Rawe J . D ., Norman I . G ., Worsley Seoretary , P . M . Musto Preceptor . The Lodge was formally opened , and tbe minutes read . Bro . Holloway haviug answered tho necessary questions , the Lodge opened in tho second
degree , when tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Bro . Pavitt worked the 1 st seotion of the lecture , Johnson 2 nd , Pavitt 3 rd , and Myers 4 th and 5 th , assisted by the brethren . Tho Lodge closed to the first . Bro . P . M . Myers was unanimously electod to fill tho chair next week , when the ceremony of raising will be rehearsed ; this will
be an incentive for those who can attend , Bro . Myers being a disciple of our esteemed Bro . T . J . Barnes , whose working is much appreciated at the East End . There will doubtless be a very full attendance . The following brethren were also present—Bros . Pavitt , Brownson , -Hollo way , Watkins , Legg , White , Sadler , Keable , and Andrews .
Eoyal Arthur Lodge of Instruction , No . 1360 . — It has been deoided to celebrate , on Tuesday next , the re-opening of the Lodge Room , after reoent repairs and improvements , and thus pay a well-deserved compliment to the worthy host , Bro . Joseph
Wright P . M . Bro . Graham , well known to all connected with this Lodge , will exercise his musioal talents in tho courso of the evening . The chair will bo taken by Bro . G . King P . M . Preceptor , and tickets ( 4 s 6 d ) may be had of the Hon . Secretary , Bro . Alfred Withers , 430 King ' s-road , Chelsea .
The Great City Lodge No . 1426 . —Tho first meeting after the installation of the W . M . was hold on Saturday evening , Sth Novembor , at the Cannon-street Hotel . Bro . Blackie W . M . presided ; Bros . Catchpole S . W ., J . W . narnor J . W ., N . B . Headon Treasurer , E . Moody P . M . Sec , Taylor S . D ., Kibble J . D ., Keeblo I . G ., Baber D . C , and Fenwick and Potter Stewards . The following
Visitors were present—Bros , J . Self P . M . 214 nnd P . G . S . W . Essex , W . H . Postans P . M . 34 , J . Eldridge P . M . 167 , D . 11 . Still P . M . 1071 , T . Edmonston W . M . 1669 , G . L . Sanl W . M . 1201 , 0 . J . Perceval W . M . 1 ( 507 , 0 . Forbes S . W . 634 , Scott New York , J . B . Lamb 1695 , W . Earl St . John ' s , T . Youens 1287 , C . Taylor 1765 , T . Eastgate 1563 ,
A . Bakor 1708 , P . Stevens 1326 , D . O'Connor 636 , Medcalfe 1671 . The Lodge having been opened , nnd tho minutes of the last Lodge read and confirmed , Bro . Mogridge and Bro . Stevens of Lodge No . 1326 were examined as to their proficiency in the science . Tho Lodge was opened in the third degree , when the W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Moody the Secretary , who raised his friend Bro . Mog-
Notices Of Meetings.
ridge to tho sublime degree of a M . M . The ceremony having been completed , Bro . J . Stevens took tho chair , and raised his son , of Lodge 1326 , to the third degree ; this degree as well as the former being con . ferred by permission of tho W . M . of No . 1326 . The W . M . thon assumed the chair , and Mr . Edward William Postan * , who had been previously ballotted for , was in dne form initiated into the privileges of ancient Freemasonrv . An alteration in one of the bye-laws was next con .
sidored , and the proposition of Bro . N . B . Headon , seconded by Bro . Freeman , and supported by Bro . Henry Thompson , was put and agreed to , with but two dissentients . The Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a well-furnished banqnet . The usual toasts followed , interspersed with songs , recitations , & c , and the evening was spent in oomplete harmony , whioh was brought to a close at eleven o ' olook .
Eoyal Military Lodge of Instruction , No . 1449 . — A meeting was held on 3 rd November , at the Masonio Hall , Cantorbury . Present : —Bros . H . Miskiu ( Treasurer ) W . M ., T . Blamiers S . W ., J . Coates J . W ., W . Cartor Sec , T . Vautior S . D ., J . Wilson J . D ., H . T . Naylor P . M . D . C , J . T . Hovvarth Steward , W . Price I . G . ; Past Master E . Beer , and Bros . Everson and Kimber . The Lorlgo wa 3 opened in the first degreo , and the minntes of last Lodge of
Instruction were read and oonfirmed . The questions leading from second to third degree wore put by the W . M . to Bro . Vautier , and then the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , the same brother acting as eandi . date . Lodge was lowered to second degree , and tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Lodge was lowered to first degree , and tho questions leading from first to sooond wero put by the W . M . The Lodge was then closed .
Marquess of Eipon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . —At the Pembnry Tavern , Anihnrst-road , Hackney , on Monday . Present—Bros . Aspinall W . M ., Garrod S . W ., McMillan J . W ., Cox S . D ., Goddard J . D ., Martin I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , C . Lorkin Preceptor ; also Bros . MoDowell , Dallas , Trewianard , Dufrosne , Slaiter , Bluut , Hildreth , Jones , Westfield , Jacob , Oox , and others . After prelimi .
naries , Bro . Jones was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The Lodge was resumed to tho first degree , and oalled from labour to refreshment . After resuming its Masonio duties , Bro . Dallas 860 and Bro . Dnfresne of 1698 wero elected members . Bro . Garrod was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . McMillan then resumed
tho chair , and presented Bro . Slaiter with a Chapter jewel , in rocog nition of valuable services rendered during his Secretaryship . Bro , Slaiter responded in graceful terms , thanking the brethron for their kindness in making him the presentation . Lodgo was closed in duo form .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — At a meeting held at the Feathers Hotol , Ealing , on Thursday , 6 th inst ., there wero present : —Bros . C . E . Botley W . M ., C . E . Portor S . W ., J . Green J . W ., J . Wells S . D ., A . Jones J . D ., Le Grys I . G ., Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor ; also Bros . H . Kasner , Wheeler Lodge No . 1310 , and H . Stephens . The Lodgo was opened in duo
form , and tho nunnto 3 of tho previous meoting wore read , oonfirmed , and signed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , and delivered the charge , Bro . H . E . Tucker candidate . Bro . H . E . Tucker took the cha r , and tho Lodgo was opened in tho second degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . 0 . E . Botley candidate . The Lodge was closed in tho second degree . Bro . Tucker alluded to the death of Bro . H . Day , of West Middlesex
Lodge , No . 1612 , and the Secretary was unanimously requested to write and convey to Mrs . H . Day an expression of the deep sympathy of the brethren with her in her bereavement . A cordial vote of thanks was unanimously tendered to the W . M . for the ablo manner in which he had conducted tho duties during tho ovening , this being the first occasion on which he had filled tho chair . Bro . Porter was elected W . M . for next meeting , and the Lodgo was closed in ancient form .
Beaconsfield Lodge , No . 1662 . —The regular meeting of this Lodgo was held at tbe Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , on Tuesday , 4 th inst . Bros . T . Franklin WM ., F . Hallows S . W ., T . Upward J . W ., J . Piuder P . M . Sec , J . H . Cambridge P . M . S . D ., C . B . Carter J . D ., G . Ciarkel . G ., J . H . Wildnsh Steward . Tbo Lodge was opened , and the minute 3 of the former meeting were read and
confirmed . Bro . J . II . Cambridge P . M . 15 and 1662 was elected to act a 3 Treasurer until tho next regular period of election , and Bro . Thomas appointed Tyler . The election of a joining brother was postponed until a fnturc occasion , in consequence of his non-arrival . The W . M . then , at the request of the W . M . of tho Star Lodge , 1275 , proceeded to pass Bro . J . E . Somervillo to tho second degree . A notice of motion by Bro . Piuder P . M . to alter two of tho bye-laws
was unanimously agreed to . Tho Lodgo was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a light repast , to which ample justico was done . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts having been disposed of , the proceedings closed shortly before eleven o ' clock . Visitors—Bros . F . Paterson Gladsmuir Lodge 1385 P . P . G . O . Herts , Edward Braine P . M . Islington Lodge 1171 , J . IT . Hiscox J . D . Hemming Lodge 1512 , L . W . Williams Stur Lodgo 1275 , and J . E . Soinerville Star Lodge 1275 .
HOLLOWIY ' H OrjfTMiwr AJTD Puts . —Female Complaints . —On tho mothers of England devolves much and serious responsibility in eeenring for thoir daughters robust health ; frequently , alas ! thoughtlessly , sacrificed hy culpablo bashfnlness at a particular period of lifo , when all important changes tako place in tho female constitution , upon the management of which depend fnturo
happmess or misery . Holloway s P 1 II 3 , especially if aided with tho Ointment , havo the happiest effect in establishing thoso functions , upon tho duo performance of which health and even life itself depend . Motlier and daughter may stifely use these powerful deobstruent remedies without consulting any ono . Universally adopted as the ono grand remedy for female complaints , these Pills never fail , never weaken tho system , and always bring about the desired result .