Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
given that a Lodge of Instruction be formed in connection with the Lodge , and a committee be appointed for the purpose of carrying ont the same . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a capital banquet provided by Bro . Nicoll . The acting W . M . gav the usual toasts . Bro . E . P . Albert returned thanks for the Grand Officers , J . De Solla fortho P . M . ' s , Bro . Gnlliford for tho Officers , and Bro . S . Lazarus P . G . W . Wilts for the Visitors , who were Bros . Lee 185 , Leng 1507 , Diespecker 73 , Mickleburgh 1425 , and Webb 382 .
Capper Lodge , No . 1076 . —At a regular meeting of this Lodge , Bro . T . Day W . M ., Bros . Simpson , Morgan , Smith and Jolliff were raised to tho sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . Ball was passed to the second degree , and Mr . Down was initiated . Notice of motion , by Bro . S . Levy , after a very warm discussion , was not carried . The Lodge then adjourned , the brethren partaking of refreshments together . Some capital songs wero snng by Bros . Batt , J Henderson P . M ., and Sherwin , Organist .
Burdett Coutts Lodge , No . 1278—This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 16 th of March , at the Approach Tavern , Victoria Park . Present—Bros . W . J . Crutch W . M ., Wm . Toye S . W ., C . K . Crouch J . W ., G . Ward Verry Secretary , Jas . Terry P . M . Treasurer , A . Lazarus S . D ., W . T . Christian J . D ., J . J . Berry as I . G ., W . Gilchrist Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Henry Llovd and J .
Ashburner . Visitors—Bros . J . Starkey , Geo . Brookes , Capt . M . A . Coles R . E ., N . J . Evans , J . McCutcheon , James Bishop , W . W . Morgan , & o . The Lodge was opened with the customary formalities . Bros . J . Aiken and H . Fairbank were examined as to their proficiency , and then passed to the second degree . Mr . Geo . Peall and Dr . Edward John Adams were then ballotted for as candidates for initiation , and
the result being satisfactory , they were introduced and the ceremony was performed by the W . M . Bro . Cratch did his work in a most creditable manner , and the Burdett Coutts Lodge repute for excellency •will be -well sustained while he fills the chair . Several communications were read and discussed , and the W . M . announced his intention to act as Steward at the Festival for the Royal Masonic
Institution for Boys in June next . The Lodge was then closed . After a short interval , supper was served , the W . M . presiding . On the removal of the cloth , the usual toasts were briefly proposed . In addressing the initiates , Bro . Crutch told them they might expect to be brought into contact with many of those friends with whom they had so long been associated , and expressed a hope that they might
attain the proud position he now had the honour to occupy . Bros . Peall and Adams acknowledged the compliment paid them , and hoped they might prove to be good and sincere Masons . Bro . Terry next gave the health of tho W . M ., and referred to the fact that he had not been able to work the ceremony of raising on this occasion , consequent upon Bro . Evans not being present . From the way in which he had
performed the ceremonies of initiation and passing , he was sure that the third degree would bo well done , and he hoped that on tho next occasion Bro . Crutch would have the opportunity he so much desired . Bro . Terry conclnded his remarks by saying he was convinced that the members of the Lodge had before them a prosperous and successful year . Bro . Crutch thanked the brethren , it was gratifying to
learn the esteem in which he was held , and he hoped that his conduct dnring the period he held office wonld meet tho approbation of the Lodpo . Tho toast of the Past Masters brought forth somo genial remarks from Bro . Terry , who referred to their prosperous condition , and spoke of tho W . M . ' s kindness in presenting tho admirable portrait of their noble patroness , the Baroness Bnrdett Coutts . The
Past Masters would he was sure do all in their power to nphold tho honour of the name the Lodge bore . Bro . Lloyd followed , and referred totheannoucementthat has already appeared in those columns that Bro . Terry would rehearse the ceremonies of consecration and installation in their Lodge of Instruction on the 31 st inst . Bro . Ashburner , after thanking the brethren for the way they had received
his name , expressed a desire to be allowed to supplement the gift of Bro . Crutch by offering for the acceptance of the Lodge copies ot the elegant photographs which had been taken of the Bible and chairs which had been presented by Baroness Burdett Coutts . The remaining toasts were done full honour to , and that of the Tyler
brought a pleasant evening to a close . Some capital songs and recitations were given , Bro . Aitken ' s rendering of Eliza Cook ' s beautiful poem on Charity , and the Grave Scene from Hamlet deserving special commendation , while Bros . Wallington and Fairbank ' s vocal efforts gave equal satisfaction .
The Great City Lodge No . 1426 . —On Saturday last the members of this Lodge met at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . This being the last regular meeting of the season , there was a very large attendance . The business commenced at two o ' clock , with the nsual preliminaries . Bro . Edward Moody P . M . occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . N . B . Headon I . P . M ., Jas . Stevens
P . M ., J . Seex S . W ., R . Stanway J . W ., Blackie S . D ., F . T . Keeble J . D ., J . Freeman I . G ., Amor D . C , Rev . R . J . Simpson Chaplain , Steadman Tyler . Thero were also present amongst the visitors , Bros . T . S . Carter , CW . Noehmer , Wilkie , Leopold R . Mills , A . Coduer , C . Jeekels , D . Green , Samuel Poynter , Geo . Allcot , J . Brockman , Henry John , Geo . Bisset , N . D . Partridge , Botterill , W . Rickwood , W . W . Morgan , & c .
After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , the ceremony of raising was performed , Bros . W yler , Royd , Roberts , Boote , Sampson White , and De Leliva being the candidates for the sublime degree . This ceremony was most carefully and impressively performed by Bro . E . Moody , and all the candidates evinced their appreciation of the
manner in which it was conducted . The working tools having been fully explained the Lodge was closed in this degree , and afterwards resumed to the first . Bro . J . Hamilton Townend , the W . M . of the Lidgc . who had been prevented from attending in the early part of the day , now took the chair , and the ballot was taken for Mr . William
Styles . This proved favourable , and the candidate being present he was dnly initiated , tbe ceremony being conducted by Bro . Townend , while Bro . Headon explained the working tools of the degree . The next bnsiness on the paper was the election of the W . M ., and this re . suited in Bro . John Seex , the Senior Warden , being unanimously chosen . Considering that tbe Great City Lodge now numbers on its
roll of members over 100 brethren , this must be most gratifying to Bro . Seex , and we add our hearty congratulations to those which were showered upon him by those who were present . The W . M . elect , in a few well chosen remarks , acknowledged the kindness the brethren had exhibited in electing him . Bro . Freeman , who , since the formation of the Lodg , had acted in the capacity of Treasurer , now rose and said he
had last year expressed a wish that the members wonld relieve liim of tho cares of his office , and appoint one of thn Past Masters to fill the post ; ho hoped that dne consideration wonld be given to this re . quest , which ho now reiterated . After some little discussion it was proposed that Bro . Headon be appointed , but this being a matter wherein it was necessarv that tho ballot should bo used , that course
was adopted , and resulted in tho unanimous election of the Immediate Past Master . Bro . Headon acknowledged the honour paid him , and hoped tho Lodgo would continue to onjoy the same amount of pros , perity as had hitherto attended its career . Bro . Steadman was re . elected Tyler . The appointment of auditors resulted in the selection of Bros . Hartley , Stamp , and Measures . A sum of £ 2 was voted from
the Samaritan Fund of the Lodge for the widow of a deceased brother of the Panmure Lodge . Bro . Headon gave notice of motion , which will be seconded by Bro . Seex , that the Lodge present their late Treasurer , Bro . Freeman , with a Past Treasurer ' s jewel , this to be considered at the next meeting . Tho names of threo gentlemen as candidates were then handed in , and the Lodgo was closed . A
banquet followed , which was ably served in the large Hall of the Cannonstreet Hotol , and to which ample justice was done . At its conclusion Bro . Townend proposed the nsual toasts . He was greatly pleased to know that Her Majesty had , dnring the past few weeks , issued from her retirement , and he hoped sho would allow her subjects to see her as in times gone by ; if what she had lately done could be taken as
an earnest of what she intended in the future , he was sure the most exacting conld have no cause to complain . This toast was most heartily received , and was followed by tho National Anthem . To the health of the M . W . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Bro . Townend said : The visit of the Prince would cement tho bonds of union between our Indian subjects and the people of this country . Wo all
know that he is a good Mason , and all will drink with heartiness tho health of His Royal Highness . With tho health of the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers past and present , was coupled the name of the Rev . R . J . Simp , son P . G . C . and Chaplain of tho Great City Lodge , and our reverend brother mado a most eloquent reply , in the course of his remarks
saying : He thanked the brethren very much for the kind way in which they had associated him with the toast . Lords Carnarvon and Skelmersdale were well known , both for their private worth and for the way in which they performed their public duty . He was convinced that Freemasonry had a very great future before it . In it wero combined the necessary elements for tho proper government of
mankind , and in it wore contained the right religions principles that should regulate men in all their actions . As the ocean was composed of drops , and the sands but of grains , so the doctrines inculcated would leaven the whole lump . Ho was pleased to see the important position the Great City Lodge was taking iu the City of London , and he trusted the true principles which it advanced would havo a beneficial
influence on themorality of this city . It was deeply to bo regretted that so many men of high position were wanting in the principles which true Masons strive to uphold . He was gratified to know that in this Lodge the question of dining was not mado a paramount consi . deration . He felt that for the brethern he entertained a regard which he conld onlv express as that of Founders' Kin : hitherto he
had been only an honorary member of tho Lodge , he trusted , however , they would gratify him by making him a fnll member , as ho was anxious to enjoy all the benefits which membership would con . fer . The rev . speaker , whose remarks wero listened to with the greatest attention , concluded by saying that "Masonry knows no distinction ; all in its ranks are equal ; it promotes the glory of
T . G . A . O . T . U ., and brings about tho happiness of ourselves . " Bro , Headon next proposed , in a few pertinent remarks , the health of the W . M ., Bro . Townend , who briefly responded , and then gave the health of the Past Masters , which was replied to by Bros . Headon and Jas . Stevens . The initiate of the evening was next honoured , Bro Townend remarking that this was the first occasion , since the
inauguration of the Lodge , that the name of but one Bro . had to be considered in connection with this toast . Bro . Styles acknowledged the compliment . During the evening tho toast of the Visitors brought forth the combined eloquence of that distinguished body , as it is a custom of the Great City Lodge that all present shall respond to any toast with which they may be associated . Space prevents our giving the speeches , and we advise those of our readers who may regret
this decision , to endeavour , on future occasions , when our Great City Brethren meet , to be present to hear this sort of thing for themselves . We can assure them the amusement to be derived from a Spelling Bee is nothing compared to it . Bros . Stevens , Keeble , Hook , Middleton , Clarke and others gave some excellent songs and recitations , and the Tyler ' s toast brought a most enjoyable evening to a close .
Henley Lodge , No . 1472 , North Woolwich . —The installation of Bro . J . Ives , W . M . elect , took place at the Three Crowns Hotel . Bro . B . Brayshaw , the retiring W . M ., performed the ceremony in such an excellent manner that a testimonial was unanimousl y
voted to him by the members of the Lodge . The newly appointed officers were Bros . Steel S . W ., Silver J . W ., Manning S . D ., Turner J . D ., Standfordl . G ., Plume D . C , Elder W . S ., Steadman Tyler . Bro . F . Geller was unanimously elected Treas . and John Henderson Sec The newly elected W . M . then worked the 1 st degree very creditably
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
given that a Lodge of Instruction be formed in connection with the Lodge , and a committee be appointed for the purpose of carrying ont the same . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a capital banquet provided by Bro . Nicoll . The acting W . M . gav the usual toasts . Bro . E . P . Albert returned thanks for the Grand Officers , J . De Solla fortho P . M . ' s , Bro . Gnlliford for tho Officers , and Bro . S . Lazarus P . G . W . Wilts for the Visitors , who were Bros . Lee 185 , Leng 1507 , Diespecker 73 , Mickleburgh 1425 , and Webb 382 .
Capper Lodge , No . 1076 . —At a regular meeting of this Lodge , Bro . T . Day W . M ., Bros . Simpson , Morgan , Smith and Jolliff were raised to tho sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . Ball was passed to the second degree , and Mr . Down was initiated . Notice of motion , by Bro . S . Levy , after a very warm discussion , was not carried . The Lodge then adjourned , the brethren partaking of refreshments together . Some capital songs wero snng by Bros . Batt , J Henderson P . M ., and Sherwin , Organist .
Burdett Coutts Lodge , No . 1278—This Lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 16 th of March , at the Approach Tavern , Victoria Park . Present—Bros . W . J . Crutch W . M ., Wm . Toye S . W ., C . K . Crouch J . W ., G . Ward Verry Secretary , Jas . Terry P . M . Treasurer , A . Lazarus S . D ., W . T . Christian J . D ., J . J . Berry as I . G ., W . Gilchrist Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Henry Llovd and J .
Ashburner . Visitors—Bros . J . Starkey , Geo . Brookes , Capt . M . A . Coles R . E ., N . J . Evans , J . McCutcheon , James Bishop , W . W . Morgan , & o . The Lodge was opened with the customary formalities . Bros . J . Aiken and H . Fairbank were examined as to their proficiency , and then passed to the second degree . Mr . Geo . Peall and Dr . Edward John Adams were then ballotted for as candidates for initiation , and
the result being satisfactory , they were introduced and the ceremony was performed by the W . M . Bro . Cratch did his work in a most creditable manner , and the Burdett Coutts Lodge repute for excellency •will be -well sustained while he fills the chair . Several communications were read and discussed , and the W . M . announced his intention to act as Steward at the Festival for the Royal Masonic
Institution for Boys in June next . The Lodge was then closed . After a short interval , supper was served , the W . M . presiding . On the removal of the cloth , the usual toasts were briefly proposed . In addressing the initiates , Bro . Crutch told them they might expect to be brought into contact with many of those friends with whom they had so long been associated , and expressed a hope that they might
attain the proud position he now had the honour to occupy . Bros . Peall and Adams acknowledged the compliment paid them , and hoped they might prove to be good and sincere Masons . Bro . Terry next gave the health of tho W . M ., and referred to the fact that he had not been able to work the ceremony of raising on this occasion , consequent upon Bro . Evans not being present . From the way in which he had
performed the ceremonies of initiation and passing , he was sure that the third degree would bo well done , and he hoped that on tho next occasion Bro . Crutch would have the opportunity he so much desired . Bro . Terry conclnded his remarks by saying he was convinced that the members of the Lodge had before them a prosperous and successful year . Bro . Crutch thanked the brethren , it was gratifying to
learn the esteem in which he was held , and he hoped that his conduct dnring the period he held office wonld meet tho approbation of the Lodpo . Tho toast of the Past Masters brought forth somo genial remarks from Bro . Terry , who referred to their prosperous condition , and spoke of tho W . M . ' s kindness in presenting tho admirable portrait of their noble patroness , the Baroness Bnrdett Coutts . The
Past Masters would he was sure do all in their power to nphold tho honour of the name the Lodge bore . Bro . Lloyd followed , and referred totheannoucementthat has already appeared in those columns that Bro . Terry would rehearse the ceremonies of consecration and installation in their Lodge of Instruction on the 31 st inst . Bro . Ashburner , after thanking the brethren for the way they had received
his name , expressed a desire to be allowed to supplement the gift of Bro . Crutch by offering for the acceptance of the Lodge copies ot the elegant photographs which had been taken of the Bible and chairs which had been presented by Baroness Burdett Coutts . The remaining toasts were done full honour to , and that of the Tyler
brought a pleasant evening to a close . Some capital songs and recitations were given , Bro . Aitken ' s rendering of Eliza Cook ' s beautiful poem on Charity , and the Grave Scene from Hamlet deserving special commendation , while Bros . Wallington and Fairbank ' s vocal efforts gave equal satisfaction .
The Great City Lodge No . 1426 . —On Saturday last the members of this Lodge met at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . This being the last regular meeting of the season , there was a very large attendance . The business commenced at two o ' clock , with the nsual preliminaries . Bro . Edward Moody P . M . occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . N . B . Headon I . P . M ., Jas . Stevens
P . M ., J . Seex S . W ., R . Stanway J . W ., Blackie S . D ., F . T . Keeble J . D ., J . Freeman I . G ., Amor D . C , Rev . R . J . Simpson Chaplain , Steadman Tyler . Thero were also present amongst the visitors , Bros . T . S . Carter , CW . Noehmer , Wilkie , Leopold R . Mills , A . Coduer , C . Jeekels , D . Green , Samuel Poynter , Geo . Allcot , J . Brockman , Henry John , Geo . Bisset , N . D . Partridge , Botterill , W . Rickwood , W . W . Morgan , & c .
After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , the ceremony of raising was performed , Bros . W yler , Royd , Roberts , Boote , Sampson White , and De Leliva being the candidates for the sublime degree . This ceremony was most carefully and impressively performed by Bro . E . Moody , and all the candidates evinced their appreciation of the
manner in which it was conducted . The working tools having been fully explained the Lodge was closed in this degree , and afterwards resumed to the first . Bro . J . Hamilton Townend , the W . M . of the Lidgc . who had been prevented from attending in the early part of the day , now took the chair , and the ballot was taken for Mr . William
Styles . This proved favourable , and the candidate being present he was dnly initiated , tbe ceremony being conducted by Bro . Townend , while Bro . Headon explained the working tools of the degree . The next bnsiness on the paper was the election of the W . M ., and this re . suited in Bro . John Seex , the Senior Warden , being unanimously chosen . Considering that tbe Great City Lodge now numbers on its
roll of members over 100 brethren , this must be most gratifying to Bro . Seex , and we add our hearty congratulations to those which were showered upon him by those who were present . The W . M . elect , in a few well chosen remarks , acknowledged the kindness the brethren had exhibited in electing him . Bro . Freeman , who , since the formation of the Lodg , had acted in the capacity of Treasurer , now rose and said he
had last year expressed a wish that the members wonld relieve liim of tho cares of his office , and appoint one of thn Past Masters to fill the post ; ho hoped that dne consideration wonld be given to this re . quest , which ho now reiterated . After some little discussion it was proposed that Bro . Headon be appointed , but this being a matter wherein it was necessarv that tho ballot should bo used , that course
was adopted , and resulted in tho unanimous election of the Immediate Past Master . Bro . Headon acknowledged the honour paid him , and hoped tho Lodgo would continue to onjoy the same amount of pros , perity as had hitherto attended its career . Bro . Steadman was re . elected Tyler . The appointment of auditors resulted in the selection of Bros . Hartley , Stamp , and Measures . A sum of £ 2 was voted from
the Samaritan Fund of the Lodge for the widow of a deceased brother of the Panmure Lodge . Bro . Headon gave notice of motion , which will be seconded by Bro . Seex , that the Lodge present their late Treasurer , Bro . Freeman , with a Past Treasurer ' s jewel , this to be considered at the next meeting . Tho names of threo gentlemen as candidates were then handed in , and the Lodgo was closed . A
banquet followed , which was ably served in the large Hall of the Cannonstreet Hotol , and to which ample justice was done . At its conclusion Bro . Townend proposed the nsual toasts . He was greatly pleased to know that Her Majesty had , dnring the past few weeks , issued from her retirement , and he hoped sho would allow her subjects to see her as in times gone by ; if what she had lately done could be taken as
an earnest of what she intended in the future , he was sure the most exacting conld have no cause to complain . This toast was most heartily received , and was followed by tho National Anthem . To the health of the M . W . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Bro . Townend said : The visit of the Prince would cement tho bonds of union between our Indian subjects and the people of this country . Wo all
know that he is a good Mason , and all will drink with heartiness tho health of His Royal Highness . With tho health of the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers past and present , was coupled the name of the Rev . R . J . Simp , son P . G . C . and Chaplain of tho Great City Lodge , and our reverend brother mado a most eloquent reply , in the course of his remarks
saying : He thanked the brethren very much for the kind way in which they had associated him with the toast . Lords Carnarvon and Skelmersdale were well known , both for their private worth and for the way in which they performed their public duty . He was convinced that Freemasonry had a very great future before it . In it wero combined the necessary elements for tho proper government of
mankind , and in it wore contained the right religions principles that should regulate men in all their actions . As the ocean was composed of drops , and the sands but of grains , so the doctrines inculcated would leaven the whole lump . Ho was pleased to see the important position the Great City Lodge was taking iu the City of London , and he trusted the true principles which it advanced would havo a beneficial
influence on themorality of this city . It was deeply to bo regretted that so many men of high position were wanting in the principles which true Masons strive to uphold . He was gratified to know that in this Lodge the question of dining was not mado a paramount consi . deration . He felt that for the brethern he entertained a regard which he conld onlv express as that of Founders' Kin : hitherto he
had been only an honorary member of tho Lodge , he trusted , however , they would gratify him by making him a fnll member , as ho was anxious to enjoy all the benefits which membership would con . fer . The rev . speaker , whose remarks wero listened to with the greatest attention , concluded by saying that "Masonry knows no distinction ; all in its ranks are equal ; it promotes the glory of
T . G . A . O . T . U ., and brings about tho happiness of ourselves . " Bro , Headon next proposed , in a few pertinent remarks , the health of the W . M ., Bro . Townend , who briefly responded , and then gave the health of the Past Masters , which was replied to by Bros . Headon and Jas . Stevens . The initiate of the evening was next honoured , Bro Townend remarking that this was the first occasion , since the
inauguration of the Lodge , that the name of but one Bro . had to be considered in connection with this toast . Bro . Styles acknowledged the compliment . During the evening tho toast of the Visitors brought forth the combined eloquence of that distinguished body , as it is a custom of the Great City Lodge that all present shall respond to any toast with which they may be associated . Space prevents our giving the speeches , and we advise those of our readers who may regret
this decision , to endeavour , on future occasions , when our Great City Brethren meet , to be present to hear this sort of thing for themselves . We can assure them the amusement to be derived from a Spelling Bee is nothing compared to it . Bros . Stevens , Keeble , Hook , Middleton , Clarke and others gave some excellent songs and recitations , and the Tyler ' s toast brought a most enjoyable evening to a close .
Henley Lodge , No . 1472 , North Woolwich . —The installation of Bro . J . Ives , W . M . elect , took place at the Three Crowns Hotel . Bro . B . Brayshaw , the retiring W . M ., performed the ceremony in such an excellent manner that a testimonial was unanimousl y
voted to him by the members of the Lodge . The newly appointed officers were Bros . Steel S . W ., Silver J . W ., Manning S . D ., Turner J . D ., Standfordl . G ., Plume D . C , Elder W . S ., Steadman Tyler . Bro . F . Geller was unanimously elected Treas . and John Henderson Sec The newly elected W . M . then worked the 1 st degree very creditably