Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 3 Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. Page 2 of 3 →
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Our Weekly Budget.
tions Bill -was read a second time , and the Appellate Jurisdiction and Epping Forest Bills a third time . A long discussion , originated by Viscount Halifax , then followed on the " Indian Tariff , " the gradual reduction and ultimate abandonment of certain import duties on cotton
goods , forming the text ot the noble Viscount s speech . Among the speakers were the Marquis of Salisbury , Secretary of State for India , the Duke of Argyll , the Lord Chancellor , Lords Lawrence and Winmarleigh , and Earls
Grey , Carnarvon , and Granville . After a few words from the Duke of Richmond , the subject dropped . On Thursday , the Judicature of Ireland Bill was introduced by the Lord Chancellor , and received a first reading .
In the House of Commons , on Friday , after the usual array of questions had been asked and answered , Sir J . Lubbock proposed a motion relative to the Education Code , but it was negatived after a long discussion , in which Mr . Forster and Viscount Sandon took part . A long debate
then followed on the present condition of our Merchant Seamen . The subject was introduced by Mr . T . Brassey , his ultimate object being the establishment of a Sailors ' Pension Fund . Shortly after , the House went into Committee of Supply , when several votes were agreed to . Tbe
Navy Estimates occupied the greater part of Monday s sitting , but before going into Committee , a motion of Mr . Bentinck to the effect that a Civilian should not preside at the Board of Admiralty , was negatived by 261 to 18 . Mr . Reed then raised a discussion as to the present state of our Iron-clad Fleet . The House then resolved itself into
Committee , and Mr . Hunt moved the first vote of the Navy Estimates , in a long and exhaustive speech . Mr . Goschen , as an ex-First Lord , had some remarks to offer , and other speakers having expressed their views , the vote of 60 , 000 men and boys and 14 , 000 marines was agreed to ,
as , likewise , another vote for the wages of the men . On Tuesday , Mr . C S . Reade brought forward a motion on the subject of Contagious Diseases among Cattle , his aim being to secure uniformity of action throughout the United Kingdom in dealing "with these terrible diseases . The long and
instructive debate which followed was concluded by Viscount Sandon , who urged the House to leave the action of the Government unfettered , announcing that the President was most earnestly watching the state of our cattle and cattle traffic throughout the country . To this appeal the
House listened with favour , and the motion of Mr . Reade , as well as an amendment thereto by Mr . W . W . Beach , were both withdrawn . On Wednesday , Mr . M'Laren moved the second reading of the Church Rates Scotland Abolition Bill , but was defeated by 210 to 155 . On Thursday , the
whole of the sitting was occupied in discussing an amendment by the Marquis of Hartington to the motion for going into Committee on the Royal Titles Bill . An attempt to adjourn the debate was defeated by 324 to 132 , the result of the debate being that the amendment was defeated by 305 to 200 . Majority for the Government 105 .
Friday last being the thirteenth anniversary of the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales , the event was celebrated by the Court Tradesmen by a ball , after the manner followed during the past ten years . The Princess of Wales and her children the same day left Marlborough
House for Windsor Castle , where Her Royal Highness will remain on a brief visit to her Majesty prior to the latter ' s journey to Germany , which is arranged to come off shortly . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales has at length completed his
Indian tour , and is now on his return home . He will visit Malta and Gibraltar enroute , and will also make a stay of a few days at Lisbon , as the gu ^ st of the King of Portugal . Preparations are also being made at Oporto in the event of his His Royil Highness visiting that important city .
On Monday , a Grand Fancy Dress Ball was held in S :. Patrick ' s Hall at Dublin Castle . The Viceroy , His Grace of Abercorn , appeared as Charles I ., and Lady Georgina Hamilton as l . zabeth of Austria , Queen of Charles IX . of France . The Duke ' s household were Cavaliers and
dames of the period , while the ladies of the Court appeared in costumes of" the time of Mary Stuart . There wero five character quadrilles , including a Shakespearian , a Venetian , and an Eastern Question Quadrille , in each of which the
ladies and gentlemen appeared in appropriate costumes . All wore fancy dresses with the exception of the Lord Mayor , the Judges , and the Officers of the Garrison . The scene was a mosb brilliant one , and the ball passed off with the greatest eclat . It is no news , of course , that our old friend the Clerk of the Weather has been behaving very badly during the last
Our Weekly Budget.
few days . On Sunday , there visited us ono of the most tremendous storms which have occurred—shall we say , in the memory of the oldest inhabitant ?—at all events , for some time past . Very serious damage is reported along the coast and in different parts of the country . The valley
of the Thames about Windsor is again submerged , and on the south side of London , adjoining the banks of the river , considerable injury has been done to property , though , happily , no lives are reported to have been lost . Close by the Angel , Islington , an unfortunate stableman , who was
driving an omnibus to the stables , had his head almost severed from his body by a telegraph wire , which a short time before had been blown down . Tho Empress of Austria , too , was delayed some three hours on her return journey from Windsor , whither she had gone on a short visit to tho
Queen , by reason of the telegraph poles having been blown across the rails . High winds have since prevailed , more or less , throughout the country , and hundreds of shipping are reported as being detained by stress of weather at all the
ports along the coast . We cannot say if the old proverb about March coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb will be completely verified . The lion-like aspect of the month has been fully verified , but as to its lamb-like retirement , that remains to be seen .
On Tuesday , the forty Christ ' s Hospital Boys , on the Royal Foundation of King Charles II ., repaired to Windsor for the purpose of having their charts and drawings inspected by Her Majesty , according to annual custom . The Boys were accompanied by Mr . Allcroft , the Treasurer , the
Rev . Sir E . G . Moon , and the Rev . H . G . Watkins , Governors , the Rev . G . C . Bell , Head Master , the Rev . T . J . Potter , Head Mathematical Master , and Mr . H . Watts Mason , Head Drawing Master . H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge , the President of the School , was likewise present .
Luncheon was served to the Masters and Boys in the dining room , after which the Queen , accompanied by the Princess of Wales and Princess Beatrice , and attended by the ladies and gentlemen of her household , entered the corridor shortly before 3 p . m ., and after the presentation of the
school authorities in attendance , inspected the charts and drawings , which were laid before Her Majesty by each boy separately . Her Majesty was greatly pleased with the evidence of the Boys' ability , and the inspection over , the latter returned to town by train .
The Lord Mayor presided on Wednesday evening , at the annual festival of the British Home for Incurables , held at Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . This institution was formed some fourteen years ago , and has for Patroness H . R . H . the Princess of Wales . Since its foundation , 147 patients have
been admitted within its walls , and 246 annuitants have been elected with annuities for the remainder of their lives . Beyond , however , about £ 1000 per annum , the interest of
invested funds , the House is entirely dependent on charity , some £ 9000 having to be raised to meet the requirements of the institution . The usual toasts marked the occasion , and the appeal of the evening resulted in a subscription of £ 1 , 165 .
Weston , the great American long-distance walker , failed to achieve the task he had essayed , namely to walk 500 miles in six days . He covered the enormous distance of 450 miles within the specified time , and considering that he rested a little over six hours per day , he walked an
average throughout of eighteen hours per day at the rate of four and a quarter miles per hour . This is the most astounding feat of pedestrianism we have yet read of , and it is just possible that , had Weston allowed himself a longer respite after his previous feat of walking 275 miles in 75
hours , he might have succeeded on this occasion , The attendance at the Agricultural Hall during the last two days was very considerable , there being present each day over ten thousand people . Weston , of course , was loudly cheered on completing the 450 miles .
The Athletic world is beginning to * assume its wonted activity . First and foremost in interest among coming events is the Oxford and Cambridge Boat lct . ee , which , as wc have announced before , is fixed for the 8 th prox . As accounts of the doings on the Cam and Isis appear daily in
tho newspapers , our readers , of course , are sufficiently posted in the work that has been done , and the respective chances of the two crews . The Inter-University Sports are fixed to come off about the same time as the Boat Race , and the
Amateur Champion Sports will likewise be held then . Both these fixtures come off at Lillie Bridge , and we should advise any of our readers who may have a taste for athleticism to take an opportunity of attending OB , at least ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
tions Bill -was read a second time , and the Appellate Jurisdiction and Epping Forest Bills a third time . A long discussion , originated by Viscount Halifax , then followed on the " Indian Tariff , " the gradual reduction and ultimate abandonment of certain import duties on cotton
goods , forming the text ot the noble Viscount s speech . Among the speakers were the Marquis of Salisbury , Secretary of State for India , the Duke of Argyll , the Lord Chancellor , Lords Lawrence and Winmarleigh , and Earls
Grey , Carnarvon , and Granville . After a few words from the Duke of Richmond , the subject dropped . On Thursday , the Judicature of Ireland Bill was introduced by the Lord Chancellor , and received a first reading .
In the House of Commons , on Friday , after the usual array of questions had been asked and answered , Sir J . Lubbock proposed a motion relative to the Education Code , but it was negatived after a long discussion , in which Mr . Forster and Viscount Sandon took part . A long debate
then followed on the present condition of our Merchant Seamen . The subject was introduced by Mr . T . Brassey , his ultimate object being the establishment of a Sailors ' Pension Fund . Shortly after , the House went into Committee of Supply , when several votes were agreed to . Tbe
Navy Estimates occupied the greater part of Monday s sitting , but before going into Committee , a motion of Mr . Bentinck to the effect that a Civilian should not preside at the Board of Admiralty , was negatived by 261 to 18 . Mr . Reed then raised a discussion as to the present state of our Iron-clad Fleet . The House then resolved itself into
Committee , and Mr . Hunt moved the first vote of the Navy Estimates , in a long and exhaustive speech . Mr . Goschen , as an ex-First Lord , had some remarks to offer , and other speakers having expressed their views , the vote of 60 , 000 men and boys and 14 , 000 marines was agreed to ,
as , likewise , another vote for the wages of the men . On Tuesday , Mr . C S . Reade brought forward a motion on the subject of Contagious Diseases among Cattle , his aim being to secure uniformity of action throughout the United Kingdom in dealing "with these terrible diseases . The long and
instructive debate which followed was concluded by Viscount Sandon , who urged the House to leave the action of the Government unfettered , announcing that the President was most earnestly watching the state of our cattle and cattle traffic throughout the country . To this appeal the
House listened with favour , and the motion of Mr . Reade , as well as an amendment thereto by Mr . W . W . Beach , were both withdrawn . On Wednesday , Mr . M'Laren moved the second reading of the Church Rates Scotland Abolition Bill , but was defeated by 210 to 155 . On Thursday , the
whole of the sitting was occupied in discussing an amendment by the Marquis of Hartington to the motion for going into Committee on the Royal Titles Bill . An attempt to adjourn the debate was defeated by 324 to 132 , the result of the debate being that the amendment was defeated by 305 to 200 . Majority for the Government 105 .
Friday last being the thirteenth anniversary of the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales , the event was celebrated by the Court Tradesmen by a ball , after the manner followed during the past ten years . The Princess of Wales and her children the same day left Marlborough
House for Windsor Castle , where Her Royal Highness will remain on a brief visit to her Majesty prior to the latter ' s journey to Germany , which is arranged to come off shortly . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales has at length completed his
Indian tour , and is now on his return home . He will visit Malta and Gibraltar enroute , and will also make a stay of a few days at Lisbon , as the gu ^ st of the King of Portugal . Preparations are also being made at Oporto in the event of his His Royil Highness visiting that important city .
On Monday , a Grand Fancy Dress Ball was held in S :. Patrick ' s Hall at Dublin Castle . The Viceroy , His Grace of Abercorn , appeared as Charles I ., and Lady Georgina Hamilton as l . zabeth of Austria , Queen of Charles IX . of France . The Duke ' s household were Cavaliers and
dames of the period , while the ladies of the Court appeared in costumes of" the time of Mary Stuart . There wero five character quadrilles , including a Shakespearian , a Venetian , and an Eastern Question Quadrille , in each of which the
ladies and gentlemen appeared in appropriate costumes . All wore fancy dresses with the exception of the Lord Mayor , the Judges , and the Officers of the Garrison . The scene was a mosb brilliant one , and the ball passed off with the greatest eclat . It is no news , of course , that our old friend the Clerk of the Weather has been behaving very badly during the last
Our Weekly Budget.
few days . On Sunday , there visited us ono of the most tremendous storms which have occurred—shall we say , in the memory of the oldest inhabitant ?—at all events , for some time past . Very serious damage is reported along the coast and in different parts of the country . The valley
of the Thames about Windsor is again submerged , and on the south side of London , adjoining the banks of the river , considerable injury has been done to property , though , happily , no lives are reported to have been lost . Close by the Angel , Islington , an unfortunate stableman , who was
driving an omnibus to the stables , had his head almost severed from his body by a telegraph wire , which a short time before had been blown down . Tho Empress of Austria , too , was delayed some three hours on her return journey from Windsor , whither she had gone on a short visit to tho
Queen , by reason of the telegraph poles having been blown across the rails . High winds have since prevailed , more or less , throughout the country , and hundreds of shipping are reported as being detained by stress of weather at all the
ports along the coast . We cannot say if the old proverb about March coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb will be completely verified . The lion-like aspect of the month has been fully verified , but as to its lamb-like retirement , that remains to be seen .
On Tuesday , the forty Christ ' s Hospital Boys , on the Royal Foundation of King Charles II ., repaired to Windsor for the purpose of having their charts and drawings inspected by Her Majesty , according to annual custom . The Boys were accompanied by Mr . Allcroft , the Treasurer , the
Rev . Sir E . G . Moon , and the Rev . H . G . Watkins , Governors , the Rev . G . C . Bell , Head Master , the Rev . T . J . Potter , Head Mathematical Master , and Mr . H . Watts Mason , Head Drawing Master . H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge , the President of the School , was likewise present .
Luncheon was served to the Masters and Boys in the dining room , after which the Queen , accompanied by the Princess of Wales and Princess Beatrice , and attended by the ladies and gentlemen of her household , entered the corridor shortly before 3 p . m ., and after the presentation of the
school authorities in attendance , inspected the charts and drawings , which were laid before Her Majesty by each boy separately . Her Majesty was greatly pleased with the evidence of the Boys' ability , and the inspection over , the latter returned to town by train .
The Lord Mayor presided on Wednesday evening , at the annual festival of the British Home for Incurables , held at Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . This institution was formed some fourteen years ago , and has for Patroness H . R . H . the Princess of Wales . Since its foundation , 147 patients have
been admitted within its walls , and 246 annuitants have been elected with annuities for the remainder of their lives . Beyond , however , about £ 1000 per annum , the interest of
invested funds , the House is entirely dependent on charity , some £ 9000 having to be raised to meet the requirements of the institution . The usual toasts marked the occasion , and the appeal of the evening resulted in a subscription of £ 1 , 165 .
Weston , the great American long-distance walker , failed to achieve the task he had essayed , namely to walk 500 miles in six days . He covered the enormous distance of 450 miles within the specified time , and considering that he rested a little over six hours per day , he walked an
average throughout of eighteen hours per day at the rate of four and a quarter miles per hour . This is the most astounding feat of pedestrianism we have yet read of , and it is just possible that , had Weston allowed himself a longer respite after his previous feat of walking 275 miles in 75
hours , he might have succeeded on this occasion , The attendance at the Agricultural Hall during the last two days was very considerable , there being present each day over ten thousand people . Weston , of course , was loudly cheered on completing the 450 miles .
The Athletic world is beginning to * assume its wonted activity . First and foremost in interest among coming events is the Oxford and Cambridge Boat lct . ee , which , as wc have announced before , is fixed for the 8 th prox . As accounts of the doings on the Cam and Isis appear daily in
tho newspapers , our readers , of course , are sufficiently posted in the work that has been done , and the respective chances of the two crews . The Inter-University Sports are fixed to come off about the same time as the Boat Race , and the
Amateur Champion Sports will likewise be held then . Both these fixtures come off at Lillie Bridge , and we should advise any of our readers who may have a taste for athleticism to take an opportunity of attending OB , at least ,