Article G. LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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G. Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
diction of this Grand Lodgo for the purpose of providing a fitting and suitable wedding present to H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , who has so recently accepted hig h rank in the Degree , to mark at once the appreciation of Mark Masters of the honour conferred on them , and
as a substantial proof of the sincerity of their congratulations on so interesting and auspicious an event as the marriage of His Eoyal Highness . Lodges and individual members are invited to contribute , in amounts not exceeding £ 10 . The M . W . the Grand Mark Master has
headed the list with that amount . We must congratulate our brethren of the Mark Degree on the opportunities thus afforded them of expressing their feelings , both to Her Majesty tho Queen and also to their newly appointed Past Grand Master , and we trust the gift which will
be presented to the latter will be in every way worthy the body from which it emanates , and that His Royal Highness may have reason to look upon it as one of the most sincere of the many tangible proofs of esteem he will doubtless receive .
Royal Arch.
CONSECRATION OF THE ECCLESTON CHAPTER , No . 1624 . IN chronicling the establishment of this new Chapter we are naturally led to refer to the progress of the Lodge to which it may trace its parentage . The Eccleston Lodge was consecrated on the 16 th August 1876 , consequently it is now in the sixth year of its existence , during which time it may be credited with an
uninterrupted career of prosperity . The first W . M . was Bro . H . A . Hunt , a gentleman who' had identified himself with the building and establishment of the Grosvenor Club ; and it may incidentally be mentioned that to the members of this clnb may be traced the formation of the Lodge itself . Bro . Hyde Pullen acted as Consecrating Officer , and that worthy Craftsman had the able assistance
of Bro . the Rev . Ambrose Hall , now Grand Chaplain of England , and the late Bro . John Coutts P . G . P ., who filled the chair of S . W ., while Bro . Verity , at that time W . M . of the Ebury Lodge , officiated as Junior Warden . As a matter of course , it was naturally to be expected that application shonld in due time be made for a Warrant for a Chapter , and on the prayer of Comps . W . Vincent Past
Master 1624 , H . J . Johnson Senior Deacon 1624 , J . G . Fisher W M 1624 , C . Tayler J . W . 1624 , A . W . Beckham Secretary 1624 , I . Isaacs Treasnrer 1624 , J . Carter P . M . 1624 , H . Bond S . W . 1314 , J . Wyer P . M . 1314 , C . Pulman P . M . 720—this was duly granted by the Most Excellent the Grand Zernbbabel , His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , and to the Grand Scribe E . Most Excellent Companion Col . Shadwell H . Gierke was entrusted the dnty of consecrating the
Chapter . The ceremony took place on Monday last , at the Free , masons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , where Col . Gierke was assisted by M . E . Companion Captain N . G . Philips P . G . S . N ., who filled the chair of H ., and M . E . Companion Ambrose Hall Grand Assist . Soj ., who acted as J . The Companions assembled in the Anteroom at 3 . 30 p . m ., when the Principals entered the Chapter Room , and opened the Chapter . The Companions of the new Chapter were then arranged , and the Consecrating Officer addressed them on tha
nature of the meeting , and called on the S . E . to state the wishes of the Companions , and the proceedings they had taken with respect to the formation of the Chapter . The acting S . E . addressed the Princi pals on the nature of the duties they were about to undertake , and the Consecrating Officer instructed the acting S . E . to read the petition and Charter . The Companions having signified their approval of the Officers nominated in the Charter , the Rev . Comp . Hall dehvered the following oration : —
COMPANIONS , —I to-day approach with pleasure the task ( if I may so call it ) of assisting to add to the Eccleston Lod ge a Royal Arch Chapter , to be called after its name ; and I can but congratulate yon npon attaching so glorious an adjunct to your numerous and distinguished body , whereby , step by step , yon will be led on to tho development of those Masonic mysteries prefigured in onr Craft degrees , and to the unfoklinjr of many obscure shadows of thn o-renh
truths opened out in this fcrnly sublime Order . It is a degree which , in my opinion , should be coupled with every Lodgo in the land , and I trust that many will follow your example , so that as years roll on we fifty see the star which in our Masonic Calendar marks a Chapter as Belonging to a Lodgo not so thinly scattered as now , but adorning
ne respective numbers of many moro of the Lodges already on the register of the Grand Lodge of England . I am the more gratified at filling the honourable chair of Joshna on nis interesting occasion because it carries my mind back to a Jirnu day in m ? recollection , when , in the capacity of Consefon ir aplain ' 1 hful the opportunity of addressing you at the nmiation of the Eccleston Lodge ( some five or six years a ^ o ) , and * ° : } committed yon to the caro and guidance of the Great Archi .
takin LJmverse , bidding you God speed in your then now undera sip I tbose wishea bave been , so far as I can see , fulfilled , by indivirt n ? 5 a brother , y anit Y > » " <* I trust an advancement Boval A iTnu th ° Mason ! c wtnes , which will win for you in Your To a T chaPter the success that has accompanied your Lodge . Position * ° gain acce P fc at your hands the prominent and honourable on ot speaking to you once more upon the Nature , Privileges ,
Royal Arch.
and Principles of our Order . It is a responsible task , and one with regard to which difficulties will arise—I mean the difficulty of putting into some new and more interesting form those Masonic duties whioh , in my sacred office , I have so often inculcated , and which you know so well—viz ., the Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty of onr teachings , the Lessons and Symbols which are to animate us , and to bring
ns , heart and mind , closer together in that brotherly union , that mutual equality , which makes all men , high nnd low , rich and poor , alike in tho AU-seeing eye of God . The wisdom of our teaching consists in this , that it represents " Speculative Masonry , " by means of which we apply to our morals the working tools of the skilful artist . The strength represents
Operative Masonry , by which an edifice is erected to the glory of Jehovah ( like your Chapter to-day ) , offering blessings , I trust , to the Companions now and hereafter , till time shall be no more , while beauty is the personification of both limited ; a life-giving power , modelled into a form npon which the eye of the mind can dwell with pleasure , and whioh constitutes a subject for the consideration of every one who
wonld understand the great principles of the Science into which he has been initiated . I will now , Companions , as suitable to this day ' s work , and for yonr edification , make a brief sketch of the characters and deeds of the three ancient worthies that three of you will in future represent in yonr Chapter , viz ., Zernbbabel ,
Haggai , and Joshna . Zernbbabel , we are told , after many difficulties and dangers returned to Jerusalem , having dnring his captivity preserved the mysteries of our Order ; he then immediately erected a temporary tabernacle , and called a Council , presided over by himself , Haggai , and Joshna , when they determined to rebuild the Temple on the foundation of the structure of King Solomon . The
first step was to remove the rubbish of the old Temple , when the important discovery was made , by three sojourners , from whioh originated our Order of the Holy Arch . That discovery and its sacred import you all know . It was Zernbbabel who , when asked by King Darius whether the Power of Wine , Woman , or the King was greatest , made the memorable reply , that the powers of
wine , woman , and the King might be great , but that the power of TRUTH bore the victory above all these . Teaching yon and I that one of the great Principles of our Order is potent above everything . May it flourish in its brig htness in your Chapter , and may the example of Zernbbabel guide the members into all Truth ! Let us next take Haggai . After the return from Babylon , he zealously
encouraged the brethren to rebuild the Temple , and in his ardour for the cause , remonstrated with them for letting it lie in ruins , whilst their own houses were well cared for . He told them that their neglect of God ' s house and God ' s honour , had provoked Him to punish them . Copy him , Companions , in your new edifice , and never allow the name of Jehovah to be lightly spoken , but let his honour be
preserved among you , both by word aud deed . We now come to Joshua , that great High Priest who superintended the reconstruction of the Temple , and who is represented by tho third Principal in our Chapters . His zeal , his energy , his ability to withstand the assaults of Satan is also a bright example , to all assisting to construct this Masonic edifice , for yon will find all these virtues called forth
as years go on if you would make your work to-day worthy of the builders , a work to be looked upon by the outer world with respect and veneration . And now , Companions , a word of advice from an old Mason—as to steering the vessel you launch to-day safely on its future voyage . Bemember what the solemn doctrines of Freemasonry teach you ,
think npon the high morality it inculcates , and be especially careful in the choice of yonr " shipmates , " for all ia lost if the barque is not manned by brethren good and true ; choose those only who come recommended by some well-known brother for their amiable qualities , for their moral worth , and from their desire to make their lives beneficial to their brethren . And , for yourselves , bear in mind that
you have one day to give an account to Jehovah . Remember , too , the wants of others , help the weak , and even deny yourselves to comfort thoso that are in sorrow ; above all , nse every effort to support the three noble Charities of the Order—the Boys' School , the Girls ' School , and the Royal Benevolent Institntion for the Aged ; " so shall you have a good reward in the day of necessity . "
In conclusion , Companions , receive my hearty good wishes . May yonr work prosper ! To which end never forget the glorious light into which you have been initiated . Study the Sacred Law , regulate your lives by God ' s precepts , fulfil the three great moral duties yon owe to God , to your neighbour , and yourselves ; to God , by reverencing His name ; to your neighbour , by acting on the Square ;
and to yourselves , by using God's gifts , and not abusing them . So shall you journey on in brotherly unity , with one faith and one hope . After life ' s few years are o ' er , meet in the Grand Lodge above , your spirits clothed with immortality ! Comp . Hall ' s address was listened to with rapt attention , and being delivered as it was with onr Rev . Companion ' s wonted fervour ,
created a deep impression on his hearers . Tho ceremony was then completed , tho -whole cf ifc being conducted in an eminently satisfactory manner , Comp . Frank Richardson P . G . A . S . ably fulfilling the duties of Master of the Ceremonies , while the musical portion of the day's proceedings was conducted by Comp . J . I . Cantle , who had the assistance of Comps . Seymour-Smith and Arthur Thomas . Comp .
William Vincent P . M . 1624 , the M . E . Z . designate , was then installed by Col . Shadwell Gierke , who also placed Comp . H . J . Johnson P . M . 1791 into the chair of Haggai , and Companion John G . Fisher Worshipful Master 1624 into that of Joshna . The Companions below the respective chairs were then admitted , and the investiture of Officers was proceeded with . The Treasurer , and Scribes
E . and N . were balloted for , Comps . 1 . Isaacs , A . W . Beckham and N . J . Wyer being respectively appointed . Comp . J . C . Tayler was likewise elected , and invested as Principal Sojourner , and Comp . Church was chosen as Janitor . Tho M . E . Z . was very happy iu the selection of words with which he addressed his Officers , and in speaking to Bro . Beckham made graceful allusion to the eminent
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
G. Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
diction of this Grand Lodgo for the purpose of providing a fitting and suitable wedding present to H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , who has so recently accepted hig h rank in the Degree , to mark at once the appreciation of Mark Masters of the honour conferred on them , and
as a substantial proof of the sincerity of their congratulations on so interesting and auspicious an event as the marriage of His Eoyal Highness . Lodges and individual members are invited to contribute , in amounts not exceeding £ 10 . The M . W . the Grand Mark Master has
headed the list with that amount . We must congratulate our brethren of the Mark Degree on the opportunities thus afforded them of expressing their feelings , both to Her Majesty tho Queen and also to their newly appointed Past Grand Master , and we trust the gift which will
be presented to the latter will be in every way worthy the body from which it emanates , and that His Royal Highness may have reason to look upon it as one of the most sincere of the many tangible proofs of esteem he will doubtless receive .
Royal Arch.
CONSECRATION OF THE ECCLESTON CHAPTER , No . 1624 . IN chronicling the establishment of this new Chapter we are naturally led to refer to the progress of the Lodge to which it may trace its parentage . The Eccleston Lodge was consecrated on the 16 th August 1876 , consequently it is now in the sixth year of its existence , during which time it may be credited with an
uninterrupted career of prosperity . The first W . M . was Bro . H . A . Hunt , a gentleman who' had identified himself with the building and establishment of the Grosvenor Club ; and it may incidentally be mentioned that to the members of this clnb may be traced the formation of the Lodge itself . Bro . Hyde Pullen acted as Consecrating Officer , and that worthy Craftsman had the able assistance
of Bro . the Rev . Ambrose Hall , now Grand Chaplain of England , and the late Bro . John Coutts P . G . P ., who filled the chair of S . W ., while Bro . Verity , at that time W . M . of the Ebury Lodge , officiated as Junior Warden . As a matter of course , it was naturally to be expected that application shonld in due time be made for a Warrant for a Chapter , and on the prayer of Comps . W . Vincent Past
Master 1624 , H . J . Johnson Senior Deacon 1624 , J . G . Fisher W M 1624 , C . Tayler J . W . 1624 , A . W . Beckham Secretary 1624 , I . Isaacs Treasnrer 1624 , J . Carter P . M . 1624 , H . Bond S . W . 1314 , J . Wyer P . M . 1314 , C . Pulman P . M . 720—this was duly granted by the Most Excellent the Grand Zernbbabel , His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , and to the Grand Scribe E . Most Excellent Companion Col . Shadwell H . Gierke was entrusted the dnty of consecrating the
Chapter . The ceremony took place on Monday last , at the Free , masons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , where Col . Gierke was assisted by M . E . Companion Captain N . G . Philips P . G . S . N ., who filled the chair of H ., and M . E . Companion Ambrose Hall Grand Assist . Soj ., who acted as J . The Companions assembled in the Anteroom at 3 . 30 p . m ., when the Principals entered the Chapter Room , and opened the Chapter . The Companions of the new Chapter were then arranged , and the Consecrating Officer addressed them on tha
nature of the meeting , and called on the S . E . to state the wishes of the Companions , and the proceedings they had taken with respect to the formation of the Chapter . The acting S . E . addressed the Princi pals on the nature of the duties they were about to undertake , and the Consecrating Officer instructed the acting S . E . to read the petition and Charter . The Companions having signified their approval of the Officers nominated in the Charter , the Rev . Comp . Hall dehvered the following oration : —
COMPANIONS , —I to-day approach with pleasure the task ( if I may so call it ) of assisting to add to the Eccleston Lod ge a Royal Arch Chapter , to be called after its name ; and I can but congratulate yon npon attaching so glorious an adjunct to your numerous and distinguished body , whereby , step by step , yon will be led on to tho development of those Masonic mysteries prefigured in onr Craft degrees , and to the unfoklinjr of many obscure shadows of thn o-renh
truths opened out in this fcrnly sublime Order . It is a degree which , in my opinion , should be coupled with every Lodgo in the land , and I trust that many will follow your example , so that as years roll on we fifty see the star which in our Masonic Calendar marks a Chapter as Belonging to a Lodgo not so thinly scattered as now , but adorning
ne respective numbers of many moro of the Lodges already on the register of the Grand Lodge of England . I am the more gratified at filling the honourable chair of Joshna on nis interesting occasion because it carries my mind back to a Jirnu day in m ? recollection , when , in the capacity of Consefon ir aplain ' 1 hful the opportunity of addressing you at the nmiation of the Eccleston Lodge ( some five or six years a ^ o ) , and * ° : } committed yon to the caro and guidance of the Great Archi .
takin LJmverse , bidding you God speed in your then now undera sip I tbose wishea bave been , so far as I can see , fulfilled , by indivirt n ? 5 a brother , y anit Y > » " <* I trust an advancement Boval A iTnu th ° Mason ! c wtnes , which will win for you in Your To a T chaPter the success that has accompanied your Lodge . Position * ° gain acce P fc at your hands the prominent and honourable on ot speaking to you once more upon the Nature , Privileges ,
Royal Arch.
and Principles of our Order . It is a responsible task , and one with regard to which difficulties will arise—I mean the difficulty of putting into some new and more interesting form those Masonic duties whioh , in my sacred office , I have so often inculcated , and which you know so well—viz ., the Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty of onr teachings , the Lessons and Symbols which are to animate us , and to bring
ns , heart and mind , closer together in that brotherly union , that mutual equality , which makes all men , high nnd low , rich and poor , alike in tho AU-seeing eye of God . The wisdom of our teaching consists in this , that it represents " Speculative Masonry , " by means of which we apply to our morals the working tools of the skilful artist . The strength represents
Operative Masonry , by which an edifice is erected to the glory of Jehovah ( like your Chapter to-day ) , offering blessings , I trust , to the Companions now and hereafter , till time shall be no more , while beauty is the personification of both limited ; a life-giving power , modelled into a form npon which the eye of the mind can dwell with pleasure , and whioh constitutes a subject for the consideration of every one who
wonld understand the great principles of the Science into which he has been initiated . I will now , Companions , as suitable to this day ' s work , and for yonr edification , make a brief sketch of the characters and deeds of the three ancient worthies that three of you will in future represent in yonr Chapter , viz ., Zernbbabel ,
Haggai , and Joshna . Zernbbabel , we are told , after many difficulties and dangers returned to Jerusalem , having dnring his captivity preserved the mysteries of our Order ; he then immediately erected a temporary tabernacle , and called a Council , presided over by himself , Haggai , and Joshna , when they determined to rebuild the Temple on the foundation of the structure of King Solomon . The
first step was to remove the rubbish of the old Temple , when the important discovery was made , by three sojourners , from whioh originated our Order of the Holy Arch . That discovery and its sacred import you all know . It was Zernbbabel who , when asked by King Darius whether the Power of Wine , Woman , or the King was greatest , made the memorable reply , that the powers of
wine , woman , and the King might be great , but that the power of TRUTH bore the victory above all these . Teaching yon and I that one of the great Principles of our Order is potent above everything . May it flourish in its brig htness in your Chapter , and may the example of Zernbbabel guide the members into all Truth ! Let us next take Haggai . After the return from Babylon , he zealously
encouraged the brethren to rebuild the Temple , and in his ardour for the cause , remonstrated with them for letting it lie in ruins , whilst their own houses were well cared for . He told them that their neglect of God ' s house and God ' s honour , had provoked Him to punish them . Copy him , Companions , in your new edifice , and never allow the name of Jehovah to be lightly spoken , but let his honour be
preserved among you , both by word aud deed . We now come to Joshua , that great High Priest who superintended the reconstruction of the Temple , and who is represented by tho third Principal in our Chapters . His zeal , his energy , his ability to withstand the assaults of Satan is also a bright example , to all assisting to construct this Masonic edifice , for yon will find all these virtues called forth
as years go on if you would make your work to-day worthy of the builders , a work to be looked upon by the outer world with respect and veneration . And now , Companions , a word of advice from an old Mason—as to steering the vessel you launch to-day safely on its future voyage . Bemember what the solemn doctrines of Freemasonry teach you ,
think npon the high morality it inculcates , and be especially careful in the choice of yonr " shipmates , " for all ia lost if the barque is not manned by brethren good and true ; choose those only who come recommended by some well-known brother for their amiable qualities , for their moral worth , and from their desire to make their lives beneficial to their brethren . And , for yourselves , bear in mind that
you have one day to give an account to Jehovah . Remember , too , the wants of others , help the weak , and even deny yourselves to comfort thoso that are in sorrow ; above all , nse every effort to support the three noble Charities of the Order—the Boys' School , the Girls ' School , and the Royal Benevolent Institntion for the Aged ; " so shall you have a good reward in the day of necessity . "
In conclusion , Companions , receive my hearty good wishes . May yonr work prosper ! To which end never forget the glorious light into which you have been initiated . Study the Sacred Law , regulate your lives by God ' s precepts , fulfil the three great moral duties yon owe to God , to your neighbour , and yourselves ; to God , by reverencing His name ; to your neighbour , by acting on the Square ;
and to yourselves , by using God's gifts , and not abusing them . So shall you journey on in brotherly unity , with one faith and one hope . After life ' s few years are o ' er , meet in the Grand Lodge above , your spirits clothed with immortality ! Comp . Hall ' s address was listened to with rapt attention , and being delivered as it was with onr Rev . Companion ' s wonted fervour ,
created a deep impression on his hearers . Tho ceremony was then completed , tho -whole cf ifc being conducted in an eminently satisfactory manner , Comp . Frank Richardson P . G . A . S . ably fulfilling the duties of Master of the Ceremonies , while the musical portion of the day's proceedings was conducted by Comp . J . I . Cantle , who had the assistance of Comps . Seymour-Smith and Arthur Thomas . Comp .
William Vincent P . M . 1624 , the M . E . Z . designate , was then installed by Col . Shadwell Gierke , who also placed Comp . H . J . Johnson P . M . 1791 into the chair of Haggai , and Companion John G . Fisher Worshipful Master 1624 into that of Joshna . The Companions below the respective chairs were then admitted , and the investiture of Officers was proceeded with . The Treasurer , and Scribes
E . and N . were balloted for , Comps . 1 . Isaacs , A . W . Beckham and N . J . Wyer being respectively appointed . Comp . J . C . Tayler was likewise elected , and invested as Principal Sojourner , and Comp . Church was chosen as Janitor . Tho M . E . Z . was very happy iu the selection of words with which he addressed his Officers , and in speaking to Bro . Beckham made graceful allusion to the eminent