Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK Page 1 of 2 Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week
We shall be obliged if tbe Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meetings , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
170—Manchester , Yorkshire Grey , Londou St ., Tottenham Court "Rd ., at S . ( In ) 1275— -Star , Five Hells , loo New Cross Road , U . K ., at 7 , ( Instrnction ) 1329—Sphinx . Surrey Masonie Hall , Oamborwoll , S . K . 1361—Kail of Zetland , Royal Edwar ' , Triaugl . i , Hackney , at 7 . ( Instruction ) lt > 21—Eeelesmn , Crown and Anc or , 79 Kbury Street , S . W * ., afc 7 . ( lust )
1707—Kensington , Courtiield Hotel , Earl ' s Court , S . W . 2012—( 'hiswirk , Windsor Castle Hotel , King Street , Hammersmith , at 7 . 30 . ( In ) Sinai Chapter ot * Imnrovement , Union , Air Street , Regent Street , VV ., at 3 It . A . S 20—l , ily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , it 8 . ( Improvement ) M . M . 251—Tenterden Anderton's Hotel , fleet Street M . M . 357—Chiswick , Star and Carter Hoto \ Kew Bridge
U 0—Grove , Sun IL tel , Kingston 811—Yarborough , Royal Pavilion , . Brighton 155 ti—Addiscombe , Haresvood House , High Street , Croydon . 1597—Mitsgnivo , Angol and Crown Hotol , Staines 2035—lieamnoiit , Royal Hotel , Kirkburton R . A . GS—Royal Clarence , Freemasons' Hill , Park Street , Bristol B . A . 2048—Henry Levander , Railway Hotel , Harrow M . M . 1-1—Prince Edward ' s . Station Hotel , Stanstiold , Todmorden
22—Loughborough , Gauden Hotel , Clapham , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 45—Strong Man , Excise Taveru , Old Broad Street , B . C ., at 7 ( Instruction ) 174— Sincerity , Railway Tavern , Railway Place , Fenchurch Street , at 7 . ( In ) * 180—St . James ' s Union , Union Tavorn , Air-street , VV ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 212—Euphrates , Mother Red Cap , High Street , Camden Town , at 8 . ( Inst ) . ~ 648—Wellington , "White Swan , High-street , Deptford , at 8 ( Instruction ) ^ 20—Panmure , Balhnm Hotel , Balham . S 01—City of'London , Guildhall Tavorn , Gresham-street , B . C . 975—Rose of Denmark , Gauden Hotel , Clapham Road Station , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst )
1425—Hyde Park , Porchester Hotel , Loinster Place , Cleveland Gardens , at 8 ( In ) 1489—Marquess of Ripon , Queen ' s Hotel , Victoria Park , at 7 . 30 ( In ) 1507—Metropolitan , The Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement , K . C , at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1585—Royal Commemoration , Railway Hotel , High Street , Putney , at 8 . ( In . ) 1 « 08—Kilburn , 46 South Molton Street , Oxford Street , VV ., at 8 . ( Inst . )
1 () 23—West Smithfield , Neu Market Hotel , King Street , Srmthheld , at 7 ( In . ) 1 ( 193—Kingsland , Cock Tavorn , Highbury , N ., at 8 . 30 ( Instructiou ) lf > 91—St . Ambrose , Baron ' s Court Hotel , West Kensington . ( Instruction ) 1901—Selwyn , Fast Dulwich Hotel , East Dulwich . ( Instruction ) 1910— Shadwell Gierke , Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill 2060—La France , 68 Regent Street , VV .
! 77—Freedom , Clarendon Hotel , Gravesend ( 236—York , Masonic Hall , York 1 . 331—Phoenix Public Room , Truro L 359—Peace and Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton r 382—Royal Union , Public Rooms , Uxbridge I ' 424—Borough , Half Moom Hotel , Gateshead
1466—Merit , George Hotel , Stamford Baron , Northampton 1 * 22—St . Cuthberga , Masonic HaU , Wimborne 823—Kverton , Masonic Hall , Liveroool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 627—St . John , Masonie Temple , Halifax-road , Dewsbury 925—Bedford Masonic Hidl , Now Street , Birmingham 934—Merit , Derby Hotol , Whitetiold 985—Alexandra . Masonic Hall , Holbeach .
1030—Egerton , George Hotel , Wellington Road , Heaton Noma , noarStockpor t 1037— Portland , Portland HaU , Portland 1141—Mid Sussex , King ' s Arms Hotel , Horsham 1170—St . George , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 1199—Agriculture , Honey Hall , Congresbury 1208—Corinthian , Roynl ' l ' otel , Pier , Dover 144 !)—Royal Military , Mnsonic Hall , Canterbury , afc 8 . ( Instruction ) 1502—Israel , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1909—Carnarvon , Masonic Hall , Nottingham
R . A . 40—Emulation , Castlo Hotel , Hastings R . A . 139—Paradise , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . R . A . 3 i 5—rcrsDvci-a-ifo , Old Bull Hotel , Blackburn R . A . 482—St . Jnmes , New Inn , Hnndsworth R . A . 557—Vnllctorl , Masonic Hall , Callington , Cornwall R . A . 731—Londesborough , Masonic Hall , Dullield H . A . 779—St . Augustine , Town Hnll , AsUby-dc-la-Zouch M . M . 141—Skelmersdale , Pitt and Nelson Hotel , Ashton-uudei ' -Lyno K . T . 39—J ' earnley , Masonic Hall , Dewsbury
Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at t 56—( Jo ' . iHMUitionul , Bedford Hotel , Houtnamptou-bldgs ., Holborn , at 7 ( Inst ) Ho—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , K . C , at 7 . ( Instruction ) MI— -Faith , Victoria Chambers Restaurant , Victoria Street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Inst ) 177—Domatic . Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . M ( instruction ) 188—Joppa , Champion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 551—yarborough , l-ireou Dragon , Stepney ( Instruction )
704—Camden , Guildhall Tavern . Gresham-street E . O . 7 fi 3—i ' niiee Frederick VVilaam , Eagle Tavern , Clifton Road , Maida Hill , at 8 ( liiniructioui 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 ( Instruetion ) 857—St . Murk , Surrey Masonic H ; i , ll , U , i : u ) jr > v * jU , a . i * l . ' 8 h 0 — I •; 11 •ii u . a i ., -,.-aei .- . ii . um , i ' i tvuciii-i < j , tti , i . 'alston at , 8 ( Instruction ) I Sfil—Finsbury , King ' s Head , Tliroadniaudlo Street , K . C , at 7 . ( Ins ,,, action ) I
I" !;—Wands-.. orth , East Hill Hotel , Alma Road , Wan ! s , vorr , b . ( luMrtnjtiou ) ! l- ' i 21—Kmbletiintie , lieu Lion , ¥ <> --k Struct , til . James ' s Spur .. ' , S . W ., at s ( In . ) . ! 1 :. »)—Fri : i / - . ' ., Livena . ml Aim ? , o aiiiiii ^ i ' owu , at / .. JO v in . aJraetH ) Uj j 1 Hi —Rn . nl Ariiiiir , Rock Tavern , lJa . tter .-ea Park Road , aid . ( Instruction ) i 1 i . ^ l—Konuinelou , Tlie llai-ih , iveimington . ^ la . ^ ruction ) 1 J 20—Karl Spencer , Swan Hotel , B . utjrsja ) M Ji'tilgj 1 a , — . u ,, uni . ¦ i geiiiii "! , Tliriu Stags , n-uu-. j ; tu Rua . t , S . VV ., at 3 ( Inst ) iii
11 . 1— .- biig ! : i , CI a ; n . ) , [ , Aluersgato Street , „ . t , , i lu-itrilenuu ) j . 117 _—llt ! i !> a ., ' I'l . ia .-, ; On ,.-, n .-,, . Vjrin 'V UJUVM . I ( Instruction ) l ' -IO—Chaucer , Did A biti > Hart , tinroagli H' rn Street , at ¦) . ( Instruction ; K ) 95—Aow Finsbury Park , Cock Tavern , IvL . r . ut . ir . / j lay .,- ^ e . v l'li-.-iourj , Piiri , U'iin > oi , voo , t I'lvcai , a'iusonry Park , at 8 ( Lust ) . 1 , 07—hit anur , Iru-. a . teru , i ; roait-oueui ,-.-. > Liiio , u a ,.- ) , i-iiverpooi-street , 0 . 30 ( tnst ) 19 t 9—Brixton , Prince Regent Duivvien-roa . i , n , ast Brixton , ai , J . llnstruction ) I
Mi tt . puliljin { ' ! ,,-ipi . ei-ol lir . 'provi ; m : mr , Whit : ; Hart , Cannon Str . ; Ct , ii . lO . i R . A . 7 U-1-Camden , The Moorgate , 15 Finsbury Pavement , K . C , at 8 ( Inst ; ' R . A . 933—Doric , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , CO . | R . A . l ; ji ,. ")—elainon , White Hart Tavern , Glapt-. m , ao 8 . ( Instruction ) ' ! R . A . ltiul— VVaudeiers , Freemasons' Hall , W . C I R . A . Iul 2 —Karl of Carnarvon , i . aaloroke Hall , Xottiug Hill , W ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) M . M . 2 u 8—Prince Leopold , Anderton ' s U ., tel , Fleet-street , CO .
213—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Tue . itre-si . reet , . Vorvviou 2 il— -Vierclianl ..--, -Masonic tlan , Oivorpool ( lus r-icti nu 248—True Luveamt Unity , Freemasons' Hail , Brtxham , Devon 384—St . David , Masonic Rooms , Bangor . 118—Monturia , Mechanics' Institute , Hanley
Diary For The Week
452—Frederick of Unity , Freemasons' Hall , 105 High Street , Croydon 403— East Surrey of Concord , King ' s Arras Hotel , Croydon , at 7 . 45 . ( Inst . ) 007— Alliance , Masonic Hall , Liverpool % t -Bute . Masonic HaU , 9 Working-street , Cardiff . 1000— Tregullow , Masonic Rooms , St . Day , Scorrior , Cornwall 1052—Callender , Masonic Rooms , King Street , Manchester 10 S 9—De Shurlnnd , Fountain Hotel , Sheorness .
1270—Warren , Queen s Hotel , Birkenhead , Cheshire 1325—Stanley , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1427—Percy . Masonie Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle 1170—Chiltern , Town Hall , Dunstable 1173—Bootle , 1-16 Berry-street , Bootle , at 6 ( Instruction ) 1534 -Concord , Georgo Hotel , Prestwich
1551—Charity , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham 1570—Prince Arthur , 140 North Hill Street , Liverpool 1726—Gordon , Assembly Room , Bognor > 70 l— Kleanor Cross , Masonic Hall , Abington-stroot , Northampton 19 tl—St . Augustine ' s , Shrewsbury Arms Hotel , Rugeley 2045—Wharton , Willesden
R . A . 4 ' —Royal Cumberland , Masonic Hall , Old Orchard Street , Bath R . A . SO—St . John ' s , Masonic Hall , Park Terrace , Sunderland R . A . 419—St . Peter , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton R . A . 510—St . Martin ' s , Masonic Hall , Liskeard R . A . 091—Oakley , Masonic Hall Church Street , Basingstoke R . A . 1151—Unity , Town Hall , Tywardreaih , Cornwall M . M . — Lebanon , Masonic Hall , Liverpool M . M . —York , Masonic Hall , Duncombe Street , York M . M . 260—Amherst , Masonic Hall , Sandgate
WEDNESDAY . 22 nd SEPTEMBER . Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons * Hall , W . C , at 6 3—Fidelity , Alfred , Roman Road , Barnsbury , at 8 ( Instructiou ) 30—United Mariners ' , The Lugard , Peckham , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruetion ) 72—Royal Jubilee , 1 Bell Yard , Fleet Street , W . O , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 73—Mount Loin -ion , Windsor Castlo , Southwark Bridge Road , at 8 . ( tnst ) 193— -Oonlidonce , He . culos Tavern , LoadouhaU-s . rejt , a , 7 . Uustrneciou )
228—UuitedStreugth , The Hopo , SUuhopa Street , Regent ' s Park , 8 ( Last . ) 533—La Tolerance , Portland Hotel , Gro . it Portland Street , at 8 ( lust ) 720—Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ! 753 -Prince Frederick William , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood 781—Merchant , Navy , Silver Taveru , Burdett-road , K . ( Instruction ) tj /!»_ Whittington , Rod Lion , Poppin ' s-co irt . Fieuo-. trjec , *& a ( Instruction ) 902—Burgoyne , Goose and Gridiron , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , at 7 . ( Inst . )
1056— Victoria ,, Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C . 128 -Finsbury Park , Cock Tavern , Hignom-y , at 8 ( Instruction ) i . r / S—Peckham , Lord Wellington Hotel , 516 Old Kont-road , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1521— Duke of Connaught , Royal Edward . Mare-stroot , Hackuay . atd ( Inst ) 1601—Ra / ensbourne , Georgo Inn , Lewisham , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction )
160 : -Warderers , Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Vict n-iaSi ., S . VV ., at 7 . 30 ( la ) 1 K 62—Bear .-insfield , Chequers , Marsh Scoot , Walthamstow , at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) l 6 gi _ Londesborough , Berkeley A 'ms , John Street , May Pair , ar , S . ( Instruct ) 1022—Barl of Lathom , Station Hotel , Camber . veil Mew fti-nl , S . H " ., at 8 . ( Le .. ) 2021—Queen's Westminster , 79 Eb-iry Street , S . VV ., at 7 . 45 . ( Instruction )
R . A . 177 —Domatic . Union Tavorn , A r-street , Regent-st ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) R . A . 720—Piinmnre , Goose and Gridiron , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , at 7 . ( mat . ) M . M . —Thistle , Freemasons' Ta / ern , W . C , at 8 . ( Instruction ; 32—St . George , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool 220—Harmonv , Garston Hotel , Garston , Lancashire 724—Derby , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 972—St . Aiigustir . . Masonic Hall , Canterbury . ( Instructiou )
1039—St . John , Georgo Hotol , Lichneld 1255— lundas , II u- she Mnsonic Templo , Plymouth ! 2 ( i — Nop .,, ic , Ma ¦ -. Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . ( Instruction ) 1392—Egerton , St . 'ley Arms Hotel , Stanley street , Bury , Lancashire 1511—Alexandra , Hornsea , Hull ( lintruc-wu ) 1033—Avon , Freemasons' Hall . Manchester 1723—St . George , Commercial Hotel , Town Hail-squaro , Bolton lOfjT—jeacon Court , Ghuzee Fort Hotol , New Brompton , Kent '
tt . A . 225— "it . Luke ' s , Freemasons Hall , Soanc Street , Ipswich R . A . 258—Am millions , Freemasons' Hall , HuuKmuudwiKa R . A . COO—Segoutium , Carnarvon Castle , Carnarvon M . M . — . Northumberland and Berwick , Masonic Hall , Mapla-strcet , Newcastlo M . M . 19—Jb ' owko , Freemasons' Hall , Leicester
House Committee , Girls' School , Battersea Rise , at i 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , K . C , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) OS—prosperity , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , B . C . 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street , Lambotb , at 8 ( Instruction ) lit—St . Luke , White Hart , Kiug ' s-road , Chelsea , at 7 . 30 . ( Instucoiou ) 117— f iidtice , Brown Boar , High Street , Deptford , at 8 . ( I'isnruructioni 435—Salisbury . Union Taveru . Air-street , Regent-street , VV ., at 8 . ( Inst . )
507—United Pilgrims , Bridge House Hotel , Lmdou Bridge 701— Camden , Lincoln ' s tun Restaurant , 305 High ti injoni , it 7 ( C / istructiori ) 719—Belgrave , The Cla-onco , Aldersgate Street , K . C ( instruction ) 751—Higti Crois , Coacli n , ri'l IIorsos , unvir l'i , t : mn , ia , 1 ¦ las . ruction ) 700—Willinm Preston , City Terminus Hotol , Canuon- ^ troet , B . C . 879—Southwark , Sir Garnet Wolseley , Warndou St ., Kjtuertutne New Rd . ( In . ) 901—City of London , Jamaica , Coffee House , Commit , at 6 . 30 . ( instruction )
1158—Soutlioru Star , Plieasaut , Staugatj , vV-nr ,-ni , nf ,. ) r- 'i . MLigd ) M 4 ^ usC . J 1278—Burdett Coutts , Swan Tavern , BeourjuJ Green Road , u * ., 8 . ( Instruction ) 1300—St . John , Three Cro ' . ms Tavern , Mile liad Roil , K . ( Instruction ) 133 a—Stockwell . Cook 'Cavern , Kennington-road , u , b 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1421—Langthorne , Swa . n Hotel , Stratford 1420—Tho Great City , viasous dm . > Uso u' Ave 1113 , 3 . C , at ¦! . 1 ) ( Cm !) 155-i— u 1 ioumuigtiti , Piiimerstoa Arms , Grosvenor Pack , Oa aojrwe-il , at 8 ( In . )
1563—The City of Westminster , Regent Masonic Hall , Air Street , VV . mo ^—sir H iign vh dleir . ou , White Horse l ' avern , Liverpool Rjad ( corner of Theberton Street ) N ., > . > . 1 . 1 m-jtmutioJ . 1012—Wo 4 Mi , idle . •!::, I ' - 'l II tel , Ka . iug , a , 8 . ([ astniutiou ) I in I , —Covent ' iard-. Mi , ' rit u ion . vV , . it 8 . 1 unuMijti . ui 1022—Rose , . Stirliu . r 'astle H . > tol , CimcU Saver ,, Jin ij ' . voll . ( I'Htructiori ) .: — I ' r-i ie . ' -ir , We'linr o 1 \ ruts , •V-dnug- ' , > n . { , 1 . , ., ,-j j v , . ' ! , at , 7 3 J . ( Init . )
Ki 5 S—Skelnieisdale , Surrey Masonie Hall , Ca-uberwell , S . K . 10 / , —i .. uirtoo , Wu to Uin , Aocuurcn Ui . m , , 'J . C , at o .-ij . llnstruction ) 1077—I ' riniuler-i , ¦ 'Id . * ' -iMs . i ,.. ! in t . iv ., So . I , ia ' r ..,:. J . ori-c ) 1 VJU , au . » ( Init ) C It — Royal Savoy . Von- ; su -e ' trey , Lou ion afreet , W ., at i ( la . traction ) w ' sil —Creiitoii . \/ ' heal shoai ! a . a-rn . . lol loa vk I , 1 . I , Snepuords Bush , ( lust ) KslC—Vict jria Park , Qui en ' s iloi . ei , Victoria Park R jad lli . jii—outangatu , Itauway Hotel , . ' iu . ' . d jau . iga , te , at 7 . M . ( Instruction )
R . A . 157—BiKll ' ord , Freemason , ' riall , W . C . ti .. i . i . <>—I ' r . iice t ' reuerii ; k WibMiu , Iwrds Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( In . ) tt . A . 1471— . N ' ortn Louuou , Alwyne Castle 1 ' aver ¦ , St . Paul ' s Road , Cauoubury , at 8 . ( tie-i . riiei . ioit . M . M . 118—Northumberland , Mu . > otia' Hall , Basiugltall-street
78—Imperial George , Asshet . on Arms Hotel , Mid lie-ton , [ I'luctw hire 2 ' 3—Ai . cem Un on Mas uio tlali , Liverp , ol ilnstracttuu ) 348—ht . John , Bull ' s Head Inn , liradsu i . vg . ito , Bntou 6114—Howiisture , Miinuinu Hall , Liverp j 11 781—Wellington , Pun ic Rooms , Pars otrec , Deal 935—llarmouy , Freemasons' Hail , SaUotvt
1325—iStnitloy , 214 ill . Homer Street , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1137—Liberty < f Haa / , tine , Uist , g aa ., ilo . u , ' r . l 11 . ' , 9—A .-lioury , . nu-uee on en Hote ., Hyde-road , West Gorton , nr Manchester 15 o . )—l-aiiiiliiliuii , jl . isoinc Hall , 01 / erp > n 1580—Giauuourue , ued Lion it tel , iLutield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instructiou ) itiati—Hotspur , jiusouic Hall , . Vlaple street , Nevvcastle 1892—Wadiuaton , King ' s Armj Hotei , Carsnaitou . , lnst .-uctton )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week
We shall be obliged if tbe Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meetings , & c , as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
170—Manchester , Yorkshire Grey , Londou St ., Tottenham Court "Rd ., at S . ( In ) 1275— -Star , Five Hells , loo New Cross Road , U . K ., at 7 , ( Instrnction ) 1329—Sphinx . Surrey Masonie Hall , Oamborwoll , S . K . 1361—Kail of Zetland , Royal Edwar ' , Triaugl . i , Hackney , at 7 . ( Instruction ) lt > 21—Eeelesmn , Crown and Anc or , 79 Kbury Street , S . W * ., afc 7 . ( lust )
1707—Kensington , Courtiield Hotel , Earl ' s Court , S . W . 2012—( 'hiswirk , Windsor Castle Hotel , King Street , Hammersmith , at 7 . 30 . ( In ) Sinai Chapter ot * Imnrovement , Union , Air Street , Regent Street , VV ., at 3 It . A . S 20—l , ily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , it 8 . ( Improvement ) M . M . 251—Tenterden Anderton's Hotel , fleet Street M . M . 357—Chiswick , Star and Carter Hoto \ Kew Bridge
U 0—Grove , Sun IL tel , Kingston 811—Yarborough , Royal Pavilion , . Brighton 155 ti—Addiscombe , Haresvood House , High Street , Croydon . 1597—Mitsgnivo , Angol and Crown Hotol , Staines 2035—lieamnoiit , Royal Hotel , Kirkburton R . A . GS—Royal Clarence , Freemasons' Hill , Park Street , Bristol B . A . 2048—Henry Levander , Railway Hotel , Harrow M . M . 1-1—Prince Edward ' s . Station Hotel , Stanstiold , Todmorden
22—Loughborough , Gauden Hotel , Clapham , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 45—Strong Man , Excise Taveru , Old Broad Street , B . C ., at 7 ( Instruction ) 174— Sincerity , Railway Tavern , Railway Place , Fenchurch Street , at 7 . ( In ) * 180—St . James ' s Union , Union Tavorn , Air-street , VV ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 212—Euphrates , Mother Red Cap , High Street , Camden Town , at 8 . ( Inst ) . ~ 648—Wellington , "White Swan , High-street , Deptford , at 8 ( Instruction ) ^ 20—Panmure , Balhnm Hotel , Balham . S 01—City of'London , Guildhall Tavorn , Gresham-street , B . C . 975—Rose of Denmark , Gauden Hotel , Clapham Road Station , at 7 . 30 . ( Inst )
1425—Hyde Park , Porchester Hotel , Loinster Place , Cleveland Gardens , at 8 ( In ) 1489—Marquess of Ripon , Queen ' s Hotel , Victoria Park , at 7 . 30 ( In ) 1507—Metropolitan , The Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement , K . C , at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) 1585—Royal Commemoration , Railway Hotel , High Street , Putney , at 8 . ( In . ) 1 « 08—Kilburn , 46 South Molton Street , Oxford Street , VV ., at 8 . ( Inst . )
1 () 23—West Smithfield , Neu Market Hotel , King Street , Srmthheld , at 7 ( In . ) 1 ( 193—Kingsland , Cock Tavorn , Highbury , N ., at 8 . 30 ( Instructiou ) lf > 91—St . Ambrose , Baron ' s Court Hotel , West Kensington . ( Instruction ) 1901—Selwyn , Fast Dulwich Hotel , East Dulwich . ( Instruction ) 1910— Shadwell Gierke , Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill 2060—La France , 68 Regent Street , VV .
! 77—Freedom , Clarendon Hotel , Gravesend ( 236—York , Masonic Hall , York 1 . 331—Phoenix Public Room , Truro L 359—Peace and Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton r 382—Royal Union , Public Rooms , Uxbridge I ' 424—Borough , Half Moom Hotel , Gateshead
1466—Merit , George Hotel , Stamford Baron , Northampton 1 * 22—St . Cuthberga , Masonic HaU , Wimborne 823—Kverton , Masonic Hall , Liveroool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 627—St . John , Masonie Temple , Halifax-road , Dewsbury 925—Bedford Masonic Hidl , Now Street , Birmingham 934—Merit , Derby Hotol , Whitetiold 985—Alexandra . Masonic Hall , Holbeach .
1030—Egerton , George Hotel , Wellington Road , Heaton Noma , noarStockpor t 1037— Portland , Portland HaU , Portland 1141—Mid Sussex , King ' s Arms Hotel , Horsham 1170—St . George , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester 1199—Agriculture , Honey Hall , Congresbury 1208—Corinthian , Roynl ' l ' otel , Pier , Dover 144 !)—Royal Military , Mnsonic Hall , Canterbury , afc 8 . ( Instruction ) 1502—Israel , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1909—Carnarvon , Masonic Hall , Nottingham
R . A . 40—Emulation , Castlo Hotel , Hastings R . A . 139—Paradise , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . R . A . 3 i 5—rcrsDvci-a-ifo , Old Bull Hotel , Blackburn R . A . 482—St . Jnmes , New Inn , Hnndsworth R . A . 557—Vnllctorl , Masonic Hall , Callington , Cornwall R . A . 731—Londesborough , Masonic Hall , Dullield H . A . 779—St . Augustine , Town Hnll , AsUby-dc-la-Zouch M . M . 141—Skelmersdale , Pitt and Nelson Hotel , Ashton-uudei ' -Lyno K . T . 39—J ' earnley , Masonic Hall , Dewsbury
Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at t 56—( Jo ' . iHMUitionul , Bedford Hotel , Houtnamptou-bldgs ., Holborn , at 7 ( Inst ) Ho—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , K . C , at 7 . ( Instruction ) MI— -Faith , Victoria Chambers Restaurant , Victoria Street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Inst ) 177—Domatic . Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . M ( instruction ) 188—Joppa , Champion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 551—yarborough , l-ireou Dragon , Stepney ( Instruction )
704—Camden , Guildhall Tavern . Gresham-street E . O . 7 fi 3—i ' niiee Frederick VVilaam , Eagle Tavern , Clifton Road , Maida Hill , at 8 ( liiniructioui 820—Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . 30 ( Instruetion ) 857—St . Murk , Surrey Masonic H ; i , ll , U , i : u ) jr > v * jU , a . i * l . ' 8 h 0 — I •; 11 •ii u . a i ., -,.-aei .- . ii . um , i ' i tvuciii-i < j , tti , i . 'alston at , 8 ( Instruction ) I Sfil—Finsbury , King ' s Head , Tliroadniaudlo Street , K . C , at 7 . ( Ins ,,, action ) I
I" !;—Wands-.. orth , East Hill Hotel , Alma Road , Wan ! s , vorr , b . ( luMrtnjtiou ) ! l- ' i 21—Kmbletiintie , lieu Lion , ¥ <> --k Struct , til . James ' s Spur .. ' , S . W ., at s ( In . ) . ! 1 :. »)—Fri : i / - . ' ., Livena . ml Aim ? , o aiiiiii ^ i ' owu , at / .. JO v in . aJraetH ) Uj j 1 Hi —Rn . nl Ariiiiir , Rock Tavern , lJa . tter .-ea Park Road , aid . ( Instruction ) i 1 i . ^ l—Konuinelou , Tlie llai-ih , iveimington . ^ la . ^ ruction ) 1 J 20—Karl Spencer , Swan Hotel , B . utjrsja ) M Ji'tilgj 1 a , — . u ,, uni . ¦ i geiiiii "! , Tliriu Stags , n-uu-. j ; tu Rua . t , S . VV ., at 3 ( Inst ) iii
11 . 1— .- biig ! : i , CI a ; n . ) , [ , Aluersgato Street , „ . t , , i lu-itrilenuu ) j . 117 _—llt ! i !> a ., ' I'l . ia .-, ; On ,.-, n .-,, . Vjrin 'V UJUVM . I ( Instruction ) l ' -IO—Chaucer , Did A biti > Hart , tinroagli H' rn Street , at ¦) . ( Instruction ; K ) 95—Aow Finsbury Park , Cock Tavern , IvL . r . ut . ir . / j lay .,- ^ e . v l'li-.-iourj , Piiri , U'iin > oi , voo , t I'lvcai , a'iusonry Park , at 8 ( Lust ) . 1 , 07—hit anur , Iru-. a . teru , i ; roait-oueui ,-.-. > Liiio , u a ,.- ) , i-iiverpooi-street , 0 . 30 ( tnst ) 19 t 9—Brixton , Prince Regent Duivvien-roa . i , n , ast Brixton , ai , J . llnstruction ) I
Mi tt . puliljin { ' ! ,,-ipi . ei-ol lir . 'provi ; m : mr , Whit : ; Hart , Cannon Str . ; Ct , ii . lO . i R . A . 7 U-1-Camden , The Moorgate , 15 Finsbury Pavement , K . C , at 8 ( Inst ; ' R . A . 933—Doric , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , CO . | R . A . l ; ji ,. ")—elainon , White Hart Tavern , Glapt-. m , ao 8 . ( Instruction ) ' ! R . A . ltiul— VVaudeiers , Freemasons' Hall , W . C I R . A . Iul 2 —Karl of Carnarvon , i . aaloroke Hall , Xottiug Hill , W ., at 8 . ( Inst . ) M . M . 2 u 8—Prince Leopold , Anderton ' s U ., tel , Fleet-street , CO .
213—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Tue . itre-si . reet , . Vorvviou 2 il— -Vierclianl ..--, -Masonic tlan , Oivorpool ( lus r-icti nu 248—True Luveamt Unity , Freemasons' Hail , Brtxham , Devon 384—St . David , Masonic Rooms , Bangor . 118—Monturia , Mechanics' Institute , Hanley
Diary For The Week
452—Frederick of Unity , Freemasons' Hall , 105 High Street , Croydon 403— East Surrey of Concord , King ' s Arras Hotel , Croydon , at 7 . 45 . ( Inst . ) 007— Alliance , Masonic Hall , Liverpool % t -Bute . Masonic HaU , 9 Working-street , Cardiff . 1000— Tregullow , Masonic Rooms , St . Day , Scorrior , Cornwall 1052—Callender , Masonic Rooms , King Street , Manchester 10 S 9—De Shurlnnd , Fountain Hotel , Sheorness .
1270—Warren , Queen s Hotel , Birkenhead , Cheshire 1325—Stanley , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1427—Percy . Masonie Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle 1170—Chiltern , Town Hall , Dunstable 1173—Bootle , 1-16 Berry-street , Bootle , at 6 ( Instruction ) 1534 -Concord , Georgo Hotel , Prestwich
1551—Charity , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham 1570—Prince Arthur , 140 North Hill Street , Liverpool 1726—Gordon , Assembly Room , Bognor > 70 l— Kleanor Cross , Masonic Hall , Abington-stroot , Northampton 19 tl—St . Augustine ' s , Shrewsbury Arms Hotel , Rugeley 2045—Wharton , Willesden
R . A . 4 ' —Royal Cumberland , Masonic Hall , Old Orchard Street , Bath R . A . SO—St . John ' s , Masonic Hall , Park Terrace , Sunderland R . A . 419—St . Peter , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton R . A . 510—St . Martin ' s , Masonic Hall , Liskeard R . A . 091—Oakley , Masonic Hall Church Street , Basingstoke R . A . 1151—Unity , Town Hall , Tywardreaih , Cornwall M . M . — Lebanon , Masonic Hall , Liverpool M . M . —York , Masonic Hall , Duncombe Street , York M . M . 260—Amherst , Masonic Hall , Sandgate
WEDNESDAY . 22 nd SEPTEMBER . Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons * Hall , W . C , at 6 3—Fidelity , Alfred , Roman Road , Barnsbury , at 8 ( Instructiou ) 30—United Mariners ' , The Lugard , Peckham , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruetion ) 72—Royal Jubilee , 1 Bell Yard , Fleet Street , W . O , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 73—Mount Loin -ion , Windsor Castlo , Southwark Bridge Road , at 8 . ( tnst ) 193— -Oonlidonce , He . culos Tavern , LoadouhaU-s . rejt , a , 7 . Uustrneciou )
228—UuitedStreugth , The Hopo , SUuhopa Street , Regent ' s Park , 8 ( Last . ) 533—La Tolerance , Portland Hotel , Gro . it Portland Street , at 8 ( lust ) 720—Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ! 753 -Prince Frederick William , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood 781—Merchant , Navy , Silver Taveru , Burdett-road , K . ( Instruction ) tj /!»_ Whittington , Rod Lion , Poppin ' s-co irt . Fieuo-. trjec , *& a ( Instruction ) 902—Burgoyne , Goose and Gridiron , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , at 7 . ( Inst . )
1056— Victoria ,, Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C . 128 -Finsbury Park , Cock Tavern , Hignom-y , at 8 ( Instruction ) i . r / S—Peckham , Lord Wellington Hotel , 516 Old Kont-road , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1521— Duke of Connaught , Royal Edward . Mare-stroot , Hackuay . atd ( Inst ) 1601—Ra / ensbourne , Georgo Inn , Lewisham , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction )
160 : -Warderers , Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Vict n-iaSi ., S . VV ., at 7 . 30 ( la ) 1 K 62—Bear .-insfield , Chequers , Marsh Scoot , Walthamstow , at 7 . 30 ( Inst . ) l 6 gi _ Londesborough , Berkeley A 'ms , John Street , May Pair , ar , S . ( Instruct ) 1022—Barl of Lathom , Station Hotel , Camber . veil Mew fti-nl , S . H " ., at 8 . ( Le .. ) 2021—Queen's Westminster , 79 Eb-iry Street , S . VV ., at 7 . 45 . ( Instruction )
R . A . 177 —Domatic . Union Tavorn , A r-street , Regent-st ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) R . A . 720—Piinmnre , Goose and Gridiron , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , at 7 . ( mat . ) M . M . —Thistle , Freemasons' Ta / ern , W . C , at 8 . ( Instruction ; 32—St . George , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool 220—Harmonv , Garston Hotel , Garston , Lancashire 724—Derby , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 972—St . Aiigustir . . Masonic Hall , Canterbury . ( Instructiou )
1039—St . John , Georgo Hotol , Lichneld 1255— lundas , II u- she Mnsonic Templo , Plymouth ! 2 ( i — Nop .,, ic , Ma ¦ -. Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . ( Instruction ) 1392—Egerton , St . 'ley Arms Hotel , Stanley street , Bury , Lancashire 1511—Alexandra , Hornsea , Hull ( lintruc-wu ) 1033—Avon , Freemasons' Hall . Manchester 1723—St . George , Commercial Hotel , Town Hail-squaro , Bolton lOfjT—jeacon Court , Ghuzee Fort Hotol , New Brompton , Kent '
tt . A . 225— "it . Luke ' s , Freemasons Hall , Soanc Street , Ipswich R . A . 258—Am millions , Freemasons' Hall , HuuKmuudwiKa R . A . COO—Segoutium , Carnarvon Castle , Carnarvon M . M . — . Northumberland and Berwick , Masonic Hall , Mapla-strcet , Newcastlo M . M . 19—Jb ' owko , Freemasons' Hall , Leicester
House Committee , Girls' School , Battersea Rise , at i 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , K . C , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) OS—prosperity , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , B . C . 87—Vitruvian , White Hart , College-street , Lambotb , at 8 ( Instruction ) lit—St . Luke , White Hart , Kiug ' s-road , Chelsea , at 7 . 30 . ( Instucoiou ) 117— f iidtice , Brown Boar , High Street , Deptford , at 8 . ( I'isnruructioni 435—Salisbury . Union Taveru . Air-street , Regent-street , VV ., at 8 . ( Inst . )
507—United Pilgrims , Bridge House Hotel , Lmdou Bridge 701— Camden , Lincoln ' s tun Restaurant , 305 High ti injoni , it 7 ( C / istructiori ) 719—Belgrave , The Cla-onco , Aldersgate Street , K . C ( instruction ) 751—Higti Crois , Coacli n , ri'l IIorsos , unvir l'i , t : mn , ia , 1 ¦ las . ruction ) 700—Willinm Preston , City Terminus Hotol , Canuon- ^ troet , B . C . 879—Southwark , Sir Garnet Wolseley , Warndou St ., Kjtuertutne New Rd . ( In . ) 901—City of London , Jamaica , Coffee House , Commit , at 6 . 30 . ( instruction )
1158—Soutlioru Star , Plieasaut , Staugatj , vV-nr ,-ni , nf ,. ) r- 'i . MLigd ) M 4 ^ usC . J 1278—Burdett Coutts , Swan Tavern , BeourjuJ Green Road , u * ., 8 . ( Instruction ) 1300—St . John , Three Cro ' . ms Tavern , Mile liad Roil , K . ( Instruction ) 133 a—Stockwell . Cook 'Cavern , Kennington-road , u , b 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1421—Langthorne , Swa . n Hotel , Stratford 1420—Tho Great City , viasous dm . > Uso u' Ave 1113 , 3 . C , at ¦! . 1 ) ( Cm !) 155-i— u 1 ioumuigtiti , Piiimerstoa Arms , Grosvenor Pack , Oa aojrwe-il , at 8 ( In . )
1563—The City of Westminster , Regent Masonic Hall , Air Street , VV . mo ^—sir H iign vh dleir . ou , White Horse l ' avern , Liverpool Rjad ( corner of Theberton Street ) N ., > . > . 1 . 1 m-jtmutioJ . 1012—Wo 4 Mi , idle . •!::, I ' - 'l II tel , Ka . iug , a , 8 . ([ astniutiou ) I in I , —Covent ' iard-. Mi , ' rit u ion . vV , . it 8 . 1 unuMijti . ui 1022—Rose , . Stirliu . r 'astle H . > tol , CimcU Saver ,, Jin ij ' . voll . ( I'Htructiori ) .: — I ' r-i ie . ' -ir , We'linr o 1 \ ruts , •V-dnug- ' , > n . { , 1 . , ., ,-j j v , . ' ! , at , 7 3 J . ( Init . )
Ki 5 S—Skelnieisdale , Surrey Masonie Hall , Ca-uberwell , S . K . 10 / , —i .. uirtoo , Wu to Uin , Aocuurcn Ui . m , , 'J . C , at o .-ij . llnstruction ) 1077—I ' riniuler-i , ¦ 'Id . * ' -iMs . i ,.. ! in t . iv ., So . I , ia ' r ..,:. J . ori-c ) 1 VJU , au . » ( Init ) C It — Royal Savoy . Von- ; su -e ' trey , Lou ion afreet , W ., at i ( la . traction ) w ' sil —Creiitoii . \/ ' heal shoai ! a . a-rn . . lol loa vk I , 1 . I , Snepuords Bush , ( lust ) KslC—Vict jria Park , Qui en ' s iloi . ei , Victoria Park R jad lli . jii—outangatu , Itauway Hotel , . ' iu . ' . d jau . iga , te , at 7 . M . ( Instruction )
R . A . 157—BiKll ' ord , Freemason , ' riall , W . C . ti .. i . i . <>—I ' r . iice t ' reuerii ; k WibMiu , Iwrds Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( In . ) tt . A . 1471— . N ' ortn Louuou , Alwyne Castle 1 ' aver ¦ , St . Paul ' s Road , Cauoubury , at 8 . ( tie-i . riiei . ioit . M . M . 118—Northumberland , Mu . > otia' Hall , Basiugltall-street
78—Imperial George , Asshet . on Arms Hotel , Mid lie-ton , [ I'luctw hire 2 ' 3—Ai . cem Un on Mas uio tlali , Liverp , ol ilnstracttuu ) 348—ht . John , Bull ' s Head Inn , liradsu i . vg . ito , Bntou 6114—Howiisture , Miinuinu Hall , Liverp j 11 781—Wellington , Pun ic Rooms , Pars otrec , Deal 935—llarmouy , Freemasons' Hail , SaUotvt
1325—iStnitloy , 214 ill . Homer Street , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1137—Liberty < f Haa / , tine , Uist , g aa ., ilo . u , ' r . l 11 . ' , 9—A .-lioury , . nu-uee on en Hote ., Hyde-road , West Gorton , nr Manchester 15 o . )—l-aiiiiliiliuii , jl . isoinc Hall , 01 / erp > n 1580—Giauuourue , ued Lion it tel , iLutield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instructiou ) itiati—Hotspur , jiusouic Hall , . Vlaple street , Nevvcastle 1892—Wadiuaton , King ' s Armj Hotei , Carsnaitou . , lnst .-uctton )