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S * IE GOTTD APPLICATION . OCTOBERELECTION.1886. TO THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS OP THE | icrmrllllasffiruliTstitutiaiTfar€nxh, Your "Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited on behalf of LILIANGERTRUDEBAWLINGS, ( Aired 9 } Years ) , Whose father , Bro . A LFRED C HARLES R AAVLINGS , Into of 78 Church Street , Edgware Road , was initiated in tho St . Lnkn ' s Lodgp , No . 141 , in 1879 , and continued a subscribing member till December 1 S 8-1-. He wns elected W M . of that Lorlge , but daring his term of office a loner illnoss ensued , which resulted in his death . Bro . A . C . R AAVLINGS died in Deeember 1881 ., leaving a wife and four children totall y unprovided for . He was a Life Governor to tho Girls' School . THE CASE IS STRONGLY BECO . UMEyDED BY TFTE ST . LUKE'S LODGE , No . 14 4 . ALSO BY THE FOLLOWING BRETHREN : — * T . "W . AIT . W P . "M . and P . Z . 733 , 2 i ) Victoria ; * A SAUJTOKKS A , D . C . lit , IC Rylston Road , Road , Kilburn . j Walham Green , S . W . H . 0 . BALL P . M . 1-lr-t , 5 * Rormig"h Road , S . E . , * H . SHKHWIIKOOKS 1561 , 131 Shirland Road , * H . BARHAMT . G 144 , 1 Queenhithe , R . C . j St . Peter ' s Park . R . BAUH ' -M P . M . 1 » , 1 Queenhithe , E . C . j * , Tonjf Srur . Kv , St . iVcofcs , Hants . Hr . Cox , P . M . Ill , 3 Michael ' s Grove , G . D . SKKOGS P . M . Ill , 28 Kingsland High Promnton , S . W . Street , N . * P . CouonLAPf W . M . HI , Royal Military : * T . Sumr 7 . *' . 3 , 21 Maryland Road , Harrow Rd . Asylum , Chelsea , S . AV . * J . STKVKNS 1135 , 1 Green Street , Harrow * H C DRTIS , 1125 , 63 Carlisle Street , Camden Road , N . W . Street , N . W . * E . P . STORK P . M . 22 , Mavday Villa , Bartholo"W" C DHTIS W . S . 733 , 112 LissonGrove , N . W . mow Villas , Kentish town , N . W . Jon * W . DAWSON P . M . 144 , Carrington Villa , R . , T . TIYLOK P . M . IU . 27 Chancery Lane . Hereward Road . Tootincr , S . W . J . TODD P . M . Ill , Tho Mount , Frindsbnry , * A . DORVEM , 701 Parr ' s Head , Kin ? Street , ' Hochestcr . Camden Town . ; * W . H . TUCKER Org . Ill , 5 Langton Street , * W . J . FORSCUTT J . W . IU , 13 Rupert Street . W . . S . W . * J . L . HtrMH J . D . Mt , 229 Brompton Road , S . W . J . G . VNIIK P . M . Treas . lit , 5 Maida Vale , W . F . T . C . KEE - P . M . & Sec . 1120 , Thorncroft , : Taos . WAITK P . M . Ill , Potterne , near Devizes , Auarustns Road , Go'dhawk Road , W . I * 0 . D . WARD S . W . 144 , 132 Upper Thames P . K IRKT ! P . M . 1 U . 51 Grove Place . Brompton , i Street , K . C . * E . K NIGHT HI , 7 Milnor ' s Mews , Princess j J . WEI / FORD P . M . 733 , Home Farm , Willesden . Street , Kdgware Road . i * F . WinmufGHAM 144 , 60 Church Street , * H . MANX jun . S . D . It I , 19 Cornhill , E . C . I Edgware Road . J * . M APLES P . M . 1 ( 4 , 175 Upper Rich- ' * W . Fi . WILSON- A . W . S . Itt , 62 Gore Road , Vicmond Road , Putney , S . W . ! toria Park , E . THOS . MARKLAND P . M . IU , 38 Melnoth Place , > ' E . WITTS , P . M Sec . 922 , 2 Pountney Road Walham Green , S . W . Lavender Hill , S . W . Proxies will he thankfully received by those marked with an asterisk , or by MRS . EAWLINGS , 73 Chnrch Street , Edgware Road , W . |
ENGRA VINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest House in London . The largest Selection of all tho host Pictures on view . —GEO . REES , 115 Strand , near Waterloo Bridge . Established 30 years . ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest Honse in London . —Sir F . Leigh aan's , P . R . A ., "Wedded , " 'Day Dreams , " " Winrlin" the Skein , " " Viola , " " Morotta , " & c , at 21 s . " The Music Lesson . " A few artists' proofs only . ENGRAVIN GS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest House in London . All Briton Riviere Engravings and Etchings on view—Sympathy , His Only Friend , Night Watch , Poachers , Cave Canein , and many others . ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES . —Jnsfc Published , a fine engraving ; , "The Day of Reckoning , " by Waller . Prints will bo 21 s . Artists ' proofs are now at a premium , two or three only left . ENGRAVINGS—GEO . REES , Cheapest House in London . — Large assortment of Engravings and Etchings , from ns to 10 s each . Our new Design Book for Frames , with instruction for making , 6 stamps . ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest Honse in London . — Job Lots , "Six" of Landseer for 21 s . Also Ansdell Sets of Six Shoot- ing , 15 s Ditto Stalking , 15 s . —GEO . REES , 115 Strand . __ ^ i
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BIRKBECK BAN K . — Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS , renavable or demand . TWO ner CENT . INTEREST on CURRENT ACCOUNTS calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The Bank undertakes for its Customers , free of Charge , the custody of Deeds , Writings , and other Securities and Valuables ; tho collection of Bills of Exchange , Dividends , and Coupons -, and the purchase and sale of Stocks , Shares , and Annuities . Inters of f ' redit and Circular Notes issued . THE BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , post free , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager .
The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , with imrner » tv ^ 08 Session and no Rent to pay . Apply at the "" ife of the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 Southampto n Buddings , Chancery Lane . HOW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OF LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER Bi ii- ' ^ immediate possession , either for 0 ,. !" g or Gardening purposes . Apply at the ice of tho BtMCBiicK FBUEHOLD LAND SOCIETY as above . Jhe BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full parti-Ul ars , on application . FtlANUiS RAVENSCROFT , Manager .
W " AIFS AND ST It AYS , CHCKKLY Hu » h n TROM THS CHESS BOJIID , by Captain Ch »« : . Kennedy , Vice-President of the British uess * Association . lwoM i W . W . AtoKftiff . JHormea Hill , N .
RIPPINGILLE'S PATENT PRIZE MEDAL OIL COOKING STOVES . THE ONLY PfiKFEl'T Oil STOVES DI . 4 DE . 5 - Tlicy will Hoist , B ;» ke , Boil , Stew , > * j . «* ? Stfimi , Vry , Tua .-t , itc . in tho mosb * WT cluaulv , economical and- successful L Bf ^ nmnner - jf « "s »* l i ^ t ^ ST UMH received I'lphest awarcU d £ L ^~ ' ^ l / "tTiL — wherovt-r I'Xliibiteil , proving them V ** Sp" ** 4 r $ "^ Tipfi Tho 33 « . »* «! l stoves iu tlie ? , , wri i „ « WUI-I < I . * " § " _ 5 ^ " " " "Vf" MkY To be obtaiiind o : all Ironmonffers j ^ ** - "" llf > | unci lam dealer .- ' . fer- * * - •" '~ % & ¥ ^ n ? 2 £ - ~ - ~ . vi rj ' Ask for KIPl'ISGILLE'S and take no other . Full illiisti'iit . ert prico list , with tho narno of pur nearest aproiit , .-mil complete guide to cookery , forwarded free on application to : The Albion Lamp Company , Birmingham .
OT- . TT . ^ THE GREAT REMEDY .BLAIR'SFORGOUT, RHEUM <\ TIS ! V ! , SCIATICA , AND LUMBAGO . ^'•i -r-. ---i-1 L i Tho excruciating pain is -Lf J j J s 1 ' ; quickly relieved and cured >^ >•w JL j in a few days by this cele - brated Medicine . ! These Pillsroquireno ros-1 traitit of diet during thoir use . and are certain to pro-^^ vent the disease attacking TITT T O anV vital P artjtrXJjXJO . Sold by all Chemists at ls ljd and 2 s 9 d per box .
Estimates given for every description of PRINTING and STATIONERY on application to W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , LONDON . N . Account Books of the Best Quality .
HOTELS,ETC, E RIX HAM . DEVON—Queen ' s Hotel . First Class Family and Commercial House . CHARLES ATKINS , Proprietor . / 1 ARLISLE—Bush Hotel . V SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor . TjlALING—Feathers Hotol . EASTBOC 1 . . 5—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of ua and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor . HAVERFORDWEST . —Queen ' s Family and Commercial Uotel . BEN . M . DAVIES Proprietor , KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation for Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BRILL Proprietor . MILFORD HAVEN—Lord Nelson Hotel . T . PALMER Proprietor . RICHMOND—Station Hotol , adjoins tho Railway Station . Every accommodation for Large or Small Parties . JOHN MUNRO , Proprietor . QANDWICH—Bell Familv and Commercial Hotel ( O Good Stabling . J . J . FILMER Proprietor .
Now ready , Crown Svo , clotli , lettered , 3 s Gd ; by post , 3 s ! kl . CHIPS from a ROUGU ASHLAR , a Discourse on the Ititual and Ceremonial of Freemasonry . By Bro . JAMES STEV-BSS P . M . P . Z . "Ought to bo in the hands of every Mason . " " Useful and valuable in tho highest degree . " Bro . RICIIAKD Tititii . vo , Publisher , o 5 Warner Street , Greal . Dover Street , S . J !< .
Bro . A . OLDROYU ^ Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , "SYitli nny nautv in rais «« l letters . / "IAN be obtained direct from fche Maker , \ j at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . ^ Will take * wi 5 * r .- " * '" .- "" -- ^ SSyisr Price a name of * 4 s ^ ? e ^ 'iS 4 ^ 5 r « No . 8 2 / 0 ... 0 letter * ml n r . -vii ? . r , v ; w 4 *? jSf ,, 5 3 / 0 ... 12 „ M^SSSS•'«^» V— - _ ¦*?? ,, 7 A / 0 ... ^ t ^ ~ W- " ,, 9 5 / 0 ... A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian ( Jigars , nnd Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 3 fil HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , B .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sunsex County Journal , Uoi . erviitivo oviran . for fche district . Largest and mostiiitluential circulation . The Naval Paper oi ' the 1 ' rincipalNaval Arsenals . Bee " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Kveriing , One Penny , Saturday Twopence . Chief Offices : —15-1 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . IIor . DKODK X Sorfs , Proprietors . Branch OiIice . < at ( Jhichester and Gosport . Agencies in all i . iio principal towns iu the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Ollice not later chan Tuesday Mornings anil Friday Afternoons .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
S * IE GOTTD APPLICATION . OCTOBERELECTION.1886. TO THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS OP THE | icrmrllllasffiruliTstitutiaiTfar€nxh, Your "Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited on behalf of LILIANGERTRUDEBAWLINGS, ( Aired 9 } Years ) , Whose father , Bro . A LFRED C HARLES R AAVLINGS , Into of 78 Church Street , Edgware Road , was initiated in tho St . Lnkn ' s Lodgp , No . 141 , in 1879 , and continued a subscribing member till December 1 S 8-1-. He wns elected W M . of that Lorlge , but daring his term of office a loner illnoss ensued , which resulted in his death . Bro . A . C . R AAVLINGS died in Deeember 1881 ., leaving a wife and four children totall y unprovided for . He was a Life Governor to tho Girls' School . THE CASE IS STRONGLY BECO . UMEyDED BY TFTE ST . LUKE'S LODGE , No . 14 4 . ALSO BY THE FOLLOWING BRETHREN : — * T . "W . AIT . W P . "M . and P . Z . 733 , 2 i ) Victoria ; * A SAUJTOKKS A , D . C . lit , IC Rylston Road , Road , Kilburn . j Walham Green , S . W . H . 0 . BALL P . M . 1-lr-t , 5 * Rormig"h Road , S . E . , * H . SHKHWIIKOOKS 1561 , 131 Shirland Road , * H . BARHAMT . G 144 , 1 Queenhithe , R . C . j St . Peter ' s Park . R . BAUH ' -M P . M . 1 » , 1 Queenhithe , E . C . j * , Tonjf Srur . Kv , St . iVcofcs , Hants . Hr . Cox , P . M . Ill , 3 Michael ' s Grove , G . D . SKKOGS P . M . Ill , 28 Kingsland High Promnton , S . W . Street , N . * P . CouonLAPf W . M . HI , Royal Military : * T . Sumr 7 . *' . 3 , 21 Maryland Road , Harrow Rd . Asylum , Chelsea , S . AV . * J . STKVKNS 1135 , 1 Green Street , Harrow * H C DRTIS , 1125 , 63 Carlisle Street , Camden Road , N . W . Street , N . W . * E . P . STORK P . M . 22 , Mavday Villa , Bartholo"W" C DHTIS W . S . 733 , 112 LissonGrove , N . W . mow Villas , Kentish town , N . W . Jon * W . DAWSON P . M . 144 , Carrington Villa , R . , T . TIYLOK P . M . IU . 27 Chancery Lane . Hereward Road . Tootincr , S . W . J . TODD P . M . Ill , Tho Mount , Frindsbnry , * A . DORVEM , 701 Parr ' s Head , Kin ? Street , ' Hochestcr . Camden Town . ; * W . H . TUCKER Org . Ill , 5 Langton Street , * W . J . FORSCUTT J . W . IU , 13 Rupert Street . W . . S . W . * J . L . HtrMH J . D . Mt , 229 Brompton Road , S . W . J . G . VNIIK P . M . Treas . lit , 5 Maida Vale , W . F . T . C . KEE - P . M . & Sec . 1120 , Thorncroft , : Taos . WAITK P . M . Ill , Potterne , near Devizes , Auarustns Road , Go'dhawk Road , W . I * 0 . D . WARD S . W . 144 , 132 Upper Thames P . K IRKT ! P . M . 1 U . 51 Grove Place . Brompton , i Street , K . C . * E . K NIGHT HI , 7 Milnor ' s Mews , Princess j J . WEI / FORD P . M . 733 , Home Farm , Willesden . Street , Kdgware Road . i * F . WinmufGHAM 144 , 60 Church Street , * H . MANX jun . S . D . It I , 19 Cornhill , E . C . I Edgware Road . J * . M APLES P . M . 1 ( 4 , 175 Upper Rich- ' * W . Fi . WILSON- A . W . S . Itt , 62 Gore Road , Vicmond Road , Putney , S . W . ! toria Park , E . THOS . MARKLAND P . M . IU , 38 Melnoth Place , > ' E . WITTS , P . M Sec . 922 , 2 Pountney Road Walham Green , S . W . Lavender Hill , S . W . Proxies will he thankfully received by those marked with an asterisk , or by MRS . EAWLINGS , 73 Chnrch Street , Edgware Road , W . |
ENGRA VINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest House in London . The largest Selection of all tho host Pictures on view . —GEO . REES , 115 Strand , near Waterloo Bridge . Established 30 years . ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest Honse in London . —Sir F . Leigh aan's , P . R . A ., "Wedded , " 'Day Dreams , " " Winrlin" the Skein , " " Viola , " " Morotta , " & c , at 21 s . " The Music Lesson . " A few artists' proofs only . ENGRAVIN GS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest House in London . All Briton Riviere Engravings and Etchings on view—Sympathy , His Only Friend , Night Watch , Poachers , Cave Canein , and many others . ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES . —Jnsfc Published , a fine engraving ; , "The Day of Reckoning , " by Waller . Prints will bo 21 s . Artists ' proofs are now at a premium , two or three only left . ENGRAVINGS—GEO . REES , Cheapest House in London . — Large assortment of Engravings and Etchings , from ns to 10 s each . Our new Design Book for Frames , with instruction for making , 6 stamps . ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest Honse in London . — Job Lots , "Six" of Landseer for 21 s . Also Ansdell Sets of Six Shoot- ing , 15 s Ditto Stalking , 15 s . —GEO . REES , 115 Strand . __ ^ i
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BIRKBECK BAN K . — Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS , renavable or demand . TWO ner CENT . INTEREST on CURRENT ACCOUNTS calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The Bank undertakes for its Customers , free of Charge , the custody of Deeds , Writings , and other Securities and Valuables ; tho collection of Bills of Exchange , Dividends , and Coupons -, and the purchase and sale of Stocks , Shares , and Annuities . Inters of f ' redit and Circular Notes issued . THE BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , post free , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Manager .
The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , with imrner » tv ^ 08 Session and no Rent to pay . Apply at the "" ife of the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 Southampto n Buddings , Chancery Lane . HOW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OF LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER Bi ii- ' ^ immediate possession , either for 0 ,. !" g or Gardening purposes . Apply at the ice of tho BtMCBiicK FBUEHOLD LAND SOCIETY as above . Jhe BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full parti-Ul ars , on application . FtlANUiS RAVENSCROFT , Manager .
W " AIFS AND ST It AYS , CHCKKLY Hu » h n TROM THS CHESS BOJIID , by Captain Ch »« : . Kennedy , Vice-President of the British uess * Association . lwoM i W . W . AtoKftiff . JHormea Hill , N .
RIPPINGILLE'S PATENT PRIZE MEDAL OIL COOKING STOVES . THE ONLY PfiKFEl'T Oil STOVES DI . 4 DE . 5 - Tlicy will Hoist , B ;» ke , Boil , Stew , > * j . «* ? Stfimi , Vry , Tua .-t , itc . in tho mosb * WT cluaulv , economical and- successful L Bf ^ nmnner - jf « "s »* l i ^ t ^ ST UMH received I'lphest awarcU d £ L ^~ ' ^ l / "tTiL — wherovt-r I'Xliibiteil , proving them V ** Sp" ** 4 r $ "^ Tipfi Tho 33 « . »* «! l stoves iu tlie ? , , wri i „ « WUI-I < I . * " § " _ 5 ^ " " " "Vf" MkY To be obtaiiind o : all Ironmonffers j ^ ** - "" llf > | unci lam dealer .- ' . fer- * * - •" '~ % & ¥ ^ n ? 2 £ - ~ - ~ . vi rj ' Ask for KIPl'ISGILLE'S and take no other . Full illiisti'iit . ert prico list , with tho narno of pur nearest aproiit , .-mil complete guide to cookery , forwarded free on application to : The Albion Lamp Company , Birmingham .
OT- . TT . ^ THE GREAT REMEDY .BLAIR'SFORGOUT, RHEUM <\ TIS ! V ! , SCIATICA , AND LUMBAGO . ^'•i -r-. ---i-1 L i Tho excruciating pain is -Lf J j J s 1 ' ; quickly relieved and cured >^ >•w JL j in a few days by this cele - brated Medicine . ! These Pillsroquireno ros-1 traitit of diet during thoir use . and are certain to pro-^^ vent the disease attacking TITT T O anV vital P artjtrXJjXJO . Sold by all Chemists at ls ljd and 2 s 9 d per box .
Estimates given for every description of PRINTING and STATIONERY on application to W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , LONDON . N . Account Books of the Best Quality .
HOTELS,ETC, E RIX HAM . DEVON—Queen ' s Hotel . First Class Family and Commercial House . CHARLES ATKINS , Proprietor . / 1 ARLISLE—Bush Hotel . V SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor . TjlALING—Feathers Hotol . EASTBOC 1 . . 5—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of ua and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor . HAVERFORDWEST . —Queen ' s Family and Commercial Uotel . BEN . M . DAVIES Proprietor , KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation for Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BRILL Proprietor . MILFORD HAVEN—Lord Nelson Hotel . T . PALMER Proprietor . RICHMOND—Station Hotol , adjoins tho Railway Station . Every accommodation for Large or Small Parties . JOHN MUNRO , Proprietor . QANDWICH—Bell Familv and Commercial Hotel ( O Good Stabling . J . J . FILMER Proprietor .
Now ready , Crown Svo , clotli , lettered , 3 s Gd ; by post , 3 s ! kl . CHIPS from a ROUGU ASHLAR , a Discourse on the Ititual and Ceremonial of Freemasonry . By Bro . JAMES STEV-BSS P . M . P . Z . "Ought to bo in the hands of every Mason . " " Useful and valuable in tho highest degree . " Bro . RICIIAKD Tititii . vo , Publisher , o 5 Warner Street , Greal . Dover Street , S . J !< .
Bro . A . OLDROYU ^ Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , "SYitli nny nautv in rais «« l letters . / "IAN be obtained direct from fche Maker , \ j at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . ^ Will take * wi 5 * r .- " * '" .- "" -- ^ SSyisr Price a name of * 4 s ^ ? e ^ 'iS 4 ^ 5 r « No . 8 2 / 0 ... 0 letter * ml n r . -vii ? . r , v ; w 4 *? jSf ,, 5 3 / 0 ... 12 „ M^SSSS•'«^» V— - _ ¦*?? ,, 7 A / 0 ... ^ t ^ ~ W- " ,, 9 5 / 0 ... A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian ( Jigars , nnd Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 3 fil HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , B .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sunsex County Journal , Uoi . erviitivo oviran . for fche district . Largest and mostiiitluential circulation . The Naval Paper oi ' the 1 ' rincipalNaval Arsenals . Bee " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Kveriing , One Penny , Saturday Twopence . Chief Offices : —15-1 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . IIor . DKODK X Sorfs , Proprietors . Branch OiIice . < at ( Jhichester and Gosport . Agencies in all i . iio principal towns iu the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Ollice not later chan Tuesday Mornings anil Friday Afternoons .