Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LODGE OF PERSEVERANCE, No. 1743. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF PERSEVERANCE, No. 1743. Page 1 of 1 Article FATAL TERMINATION TO A MASONIC MEETING. Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
thereto . Other toasts followed in . due coarse , and these comprised The Masonic Institutions , coupled with the nam <> of Bro . Junes Terry , the Past Masters , the Officers , and , finally that of the Ty ler . An interesting selection of music was given during the evening under t-lie direction of Bio . J . A . Brown , the following being a list of the
pieces chosen : —National Anthem ; Part Song , " God bless the Prince of Wales , " Richards ; "The Sentry ' s Song , " ( Iolanthe ) , Sullivan , p . F . Bevan ; Glee , " Haste ye , Soft Gales , " Martin ; Song ,
" Sally i « Our Alley , " Bro . J . A . Brown ; Sons , "Once Again , Sul-Jivan , Bro . Dalzell ; Glee , "Come , Gentle Zephyr , " Horsley ; Glee , " How Sweet , How Fresh , " Paxton ; Part Song , " Beware , " Hutton ; Finale , " Little Byngo , " Mackenzie .
Lodge Of Perseverance, No. 1743.
THERE was a large gathering ** , on Saturday last , of members and visitors at the meeting of the above excellent L > dge , on the occasion of the installation of Bro . C . H . Reed as W . M . for tho en ^ u . ing year . Lodge was opened at the Imperial Hotel , Holborn Viaduct , at 4 p . m ., with a good attendance of officers and brethren ; VV . Bro .
Leins P . M . and Treasurer acting as W . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . W . H . Mallindinia . Amongst the brethren present during the evening were Bros . Reed S . W ., Mitchell J . W ., Smith S . D ., Fox J . D ., Salter I . G ., Lovell D . C , C . E . Ferrv P . M . Secretary . John
L . Mather P . M ., Kearney P . M ., Bade P . M ., J . B . Wall P . M .. Phillips , Draper , O ' Brien , Broad , Coxham , Park , Meaby , Lonsdale , Wells , Bridsrman , Bohers , Wainwright , Belhomtne , Clements , John Stait , Tasker , Timme , W . J . Wall , W . Thompson , Ac , and Visitors : Bros . D . Reed P . M . 1457 , James Stevens P . M . 72012161426 , W . G . Jennings
1580 , J . Lawrence 1326 , J . Hobson 1608 , G . Gut-rbock 173 . 0 . W
Monle 795 , E . Bryant 1541 , W . Wright 1572 , S . Johnson 1297 , and \ V . Honeyball 1681 . The minntes of the previous regular meeting , and of an emergency meeting held in May last , having b sen read and approved , the report of the Andit Committee was l-eceived and adopted . A ballot having been taken for Mr . James Stait , of Brook
Street , Grosvenor Square , and the same declared clear , that gentleman was introduced , and initiated into the Order by Bro . Leins , with perfect ceremony . Tbe W . M . elect being an old friend and one of the many initiates of John L . Mather P . M ., that distinguished brother , at the request of the candidate and the P . M . ' s of the Lodge ,
undertook the ceremony of inst illition , and Bro . Reed having been duly presented , was placed in the chair of K . S . by him . It goes without saying that nothing was wanting in the performance of the interest
ing and important ceremony as conducted by so expert and thoroughly practised a master of Masonic ritual as Bro . Mather , and the congratulations offered to the newly installed Master and to himself were earnest and well deserved . The W . M . appointed his Officers as
follows , viz .:-Bro . J . Mitchell S . W ., W . Smith J . W ., L . A . Leins P . M . Treasurer , C . E . Ferry P . M . Secretary , 0 . J . Fox S . D ., J . Salter J . D ., T . Lovell I . G ., W . Squire D . C , A . R . Chatnberlayne Asst . D . C , A . E . Clements S ., John Stait Assist . S ., and — Lane Tyler . The addresses to Master , Wardens , ancl Brethren , after the
investitures were completed , were admirabl y delivered by Bro . Mather . In the course of the routine business which followed , the proposed testimonial from Lodges and individual brethren to Bro . Fredk . Binckes , Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , was discussed , a id a motion was made for a donation towards that object from the
Lodge funds , but it . appearing that , in the opinion of a largo majority of the members the stun named was hardly snch as comported with the dignity and position of the Lodgo , it was resolved to consider the matter further at tho ensuing meeting , with a view to arrange for a larger grant from the collective body , irrespective of individual
donations promised by several then present . Bro . Mather very effectivel y set forth Bro . B nckes' great services to the Craffc generally , and to the several Charities of the Order , more particularly to that of the Boys' School , and his remarks were received with earnest attention and met with read y assent . We anticipate that the Lodge
of Perseverance will be well represented on the subscription list whenever that may be forthcoming . After "hearty good wishes " from the numerous visitors , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , bountifully provided , and served iu admirable manner under the personal superintendence of Bro .
Begbie , the Manager of the Imperial Hotel , who was , throughout , assiduous in his attention to each guest , and thereby considerabl y added to their individual enjoyment . Viands and wines were of the best quality , and fu'l ju .-tice WJIS done alike to cuisine aud cellar . Thu tonst li-t WHS a full one , eompiising the usual Loyal an I Masonic
'" asts . aa well as others special to tho occasion . The W . M . was apt if Ins allusions to the "' hippy , peaceful , and gloriotui reign" of our J'ificiotis Queen ; the " genial encouragement" given to the Craft b y the M . W . G . M . ; and the " yrand p . ogress" made by lb' ! Oidt-r under tlie governance of t ' te Pro Grand Mister and the p . sfc ami present
Officers of United Grand Lodge . His own health was propose I by ' •ho acting I . P . M ., Bro . E trie , who spoke of the W . M . as " a good " . 'ii a "O ' . id lathe , and a good Mason , " whom he hurl known for some ixt . er . tn years pas as thoroughly deserving all the compliments and congratulations which conld b ¦ paid to him , whvther within or
withont the Lodge . In response to a general call Bro . James Stevens -t-M . h-re recited Dr . Itnb Morris's celebrated poem , "Masons ' 0 w « , and icceived , what must have gratified him exceedingl y , a l ! ' " ty tribute cf satisfaction for his performance . In response to the a » t in hid honourthe WMexpressed his thanks to lhe members
^ , .. ' ? Lod ge for having conferred npon him '' the highest honour it asm their power to bestow , " which to him was enhanced b y the II f i ! l ° k"" ^ rec'eiveil their unanimous vote for his elevation . i " ,, ' * hat ho scarcel y deserved all the encomiums which "ad been rwisnofl r , r . v , ;„ u ., i . u „ „ u „„ ...,,:.. u . . i „ i . ;* ' < ! .,.. „ l ^„ n .
' justif y thorn whilst discharging the duties of his new position . h ° . VV | , a fc ,, o youngeHt of the founders of lhe Lodge , " bar one . " w ); ,. bv i ? | V lied ttlat position , and he hopod to see tbat " one" selected 7 l e . jod ge as his successor , and when he should give place to him
Lodge Of Perseverance, No. 1743.
ho might have proved himself worth y of the like enthusiasm with which they receive I him now . Tbe W r « hi pfnl M IH ' » '< I lu-i . v . to his successor had reference to a unanimous feeling in the Lodge that Bro . C . E . Ferry Past Master and present Secretary , the only
'' fonnder" who has has not yet been Master of the Lodge , and fir whom all present Officers desire to give place , should I e ei . os .-n f •>¦ tha * . offico at the next p"riod of election . The heal h < -f 'h initiate , Bro . Jame- * St n't , who bad been proposed by his br tin r , John St' » t Assistant Steward ,
" And , which was strange , the one so like the other , As conld not be distinguished but by names , " was next given from the chair , the Worshipful Master remarking that his evident ability to understand and app . eo i a'e fhn oerenrvny he n d gone through gave evidence of an ear est desue to become a worthy
Craftsman . Bro . Mather rend red tbe " E . A . P . " song in big botionr , and Br > . James Stait expressed his acknowledgments and thanks f . « r the happiness the evening ' s proceedings had aff . rded him , his hop * that he might enjoy many pleasant hours in the L'tdge . and his assurance that he would never disgrace the ancient Order , but wonld ,
l > k * = > " his twin brother" had alreadv done , do his best in it- * interest- * The Visitors receive 1 a cord al welcome b'th individually and collectively , the W . M . assuring them that their presence added greatly to the general pleasure , and calling on Bros . Jame-t Stevens and S . Johnson t > resp nd . The former brother de-tire 1 to give place to
Bro . D . Reed P . G . D . Essex , the fa-her of the W . M , who , being present , be thought wonld naturdly wish to address the brethren . Th 8 Bro . Reed did briefly , but very earnes ly , and the ot > er brethren named made effective responses . The Installing Master , Bro . J . L . Mather , who is also an honorary member of the Lodge , in responding
to the toast in his honour , expressed the pleasure which his " labour of love" had given him , and his satisfaction that he had had the opportunity of placing iu the chair of the Perseverance Lodge one of his own initiates . The remaining toasts were the Past Masters , the Treasurer and Secretary , and the Officers , all of which were forcibly
proposed by the W . M . and respectively acknowledged , with appropriate remarks . The proceedings were enlivened by the musical efforts of several talented brethren , amongst whom were conspicuous
Bros . Bryant , Tasker , Johnson , and Holmes ; and a lengthened sitting evidenced the fnll enjoyment of the happy assembly , until the Tyler ' s toast gave the inevitable signal for general separation until next regular meeting .
Creaton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1791 . —On Thura
day , 9 . h inst ., at the Wheat she if Hotel , Goldhawk-road , W . Bros . A . Cavers W . M ., Craggs S . W ., E . Austin J . W ., Chalfont P . M . Secretary , Breitbart S . D ., D . Stroud J . D ., Sims P . M . I . G ., Spiegel P . M . ; Whittle , Stonnil , Marsh , Jno . Divies ( Preceptor ) . After Lodge had been formally opened , the minutes vrem read and confirmed .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Marsh ( B A . ) candidate . This brother answered the questions leading to the second degree . The fourth and fifth sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . D ivies ( Preceptor ) , assisted by the brethren ; Bro . Craggs was elected W . M . for next meeting .
Oothe 16 th inst ., Bros . Craggs W . M ., Williams S . W ., Austin J . W ., Ch . Ifont P . M . Secretary , Burton P . M . S . D , Purdue P . M . J D ., Whittle I . G . P . M . 's Bro . " . Spiegel , Sims , Josey , Davis Preceptor ; Bros Jennings , Stonhill , Cavers , Lir . field , Love , Breitbart , Burbrook , W . W . Williams , Head , & c . After preliminaries , the ceremony of
initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Jennings candidate . Lodge was called off aud on , and then opened in the second degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Stonhill candidate . Lodge resumed , and Bro . Burbrook , of the Grenadiers Lodge , No . 66 , was elected a member . Bro . Williams was appointed W . M . for the next meeting .
Fatal Termination To A Masonic Meeting.
MR . G . P . WVATT , the Camberwell coroner , held an inquest ft the Duke of Albany , Geilatly-road , Nuuhead , on Wednesday , on the body of Mr . Clement Bayley Cheese , 39 , lately residing at 31 Bousfijld-road , Kunhead , who died on Monday . Mrs . Emma Cheese , residing at the above address , identified the body as that of her hn-band . His life was in-u-ed . On Saturday la ^ -t he went
to a Masonic meeting at Clieshunfc , and at ui ^ ht was bTtu . 'ht home in an line > n » cious state . He never again became sensible , and died at half-past two on Monday afternoon . . Mr . Cha-les Gompertz , r siding at . 123 Ri . hnioncl-ro * . d , Putney , deposed that on Saturday last he went to Che .-ihunD with a party of gentlemen , of
whom the deceis- 'd was one . After dining they r tinned from Cheshunt iu waggonettes to the railway station at W . 1 ham . To reach the platform they had to go down a flight of some twenty s airs , where the deceased suddenly pitched forward and Ml to > he bottom , striking his head on the floor . The train coming up ar that
moment , ho was put into a carriage and taken to Liverpoo .- -tre't . ITe was there seen by a surgeon , aud conveyed home in a cab .. Witness was satisfied that tho occurr-n-e was accidental . Dr . iMt'Kenney , of Lausanne-road , -tared that h'l Wis called in on Saturday night to see the deceased . Tt'ere was a wound over t ' - 'fl
riahfc eye and some bruises on t ie legs , ti'C- > e injuries having appilvntly been caused by a fall . In witness ' s opinion the cause of death was the rupture of a blood vessel en the brain , which was the result of a fall . After some discussion amongst the jury , the < oio > er bnefly summed np the case , aud a verdict of accidental death was returned .
£ 20 « —TOBACCONISTS CosismsctNG . —An illustrated guide ( 110 pages ) , " H w to Open Besnoctably from £ 10 to C 10 io . " 3 . "Stamps . H . MSTKHS & Co ., Cigar and Tobacco . Vlerehants , 107 ancl 109 Euston Road , London . Wholesale only . Telephone No . 7541 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
thereto . Other toasts followed in . due coarse , and these comprised The Masonic Institutions , coupled with the nam <> of Bro . Junes Terry , the Past Masters , the Officers , and , finally that of the Ty ler . An interesting selection of music was given during the evening under t-lie direction of Bio . J . A . Brown , the following being a list of the
pieces chosen : —National Anthem ; Part Song , " God bless the Prince of Wales , " Richards ; "The Sentry ' s Song , " ( Iolanthe ) , Sullivan , p . F . Bevan ; Glee , " Haste ye , Soft Gales , " Martin ; Song ,
" Sally i « Our Alley , " Bro . J . A . Brown ; Sons , "Once Again , Sul-Jivan , Bro . Dalzell ; Glee , "Come , Gentle Zephyr , " Horsley ; Glee , " How Sweet , How Fresh , " Paxton ; Part Song , " Beware , " Hutton ; Finale , " Little Byngo , " Mackenzie .
Lodge Of Perseverance, No. 1743.
THERE was a large gathering ** , on Saturday last , of members and visitors at the meeting of the above excellent L > dge , on the occasion of the installation of Bro . C . H . Reed as W . M . for tho en ^ u . ing year . Lodge was opened at the Imperial Hotel , Holborn Viaduct , at 4 p . m ., with a good attendance of officers and brethren ; VV . Bro .
Leins P . M . and Treasurer acting as W . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . W . H . Mallindinia . Amongst the brethren present during the evening were Bros . Reed S . W ., Mitchell J . W ., Smith S . D ., Fox J . D ., Salter I . G ., Lovell D . C , C . E . Ferrv P . M . Secretary . John
L . Mather P . M ., Kearney P . M ., Bade P . M ., J . B . Wall P . M .. Phillips , Draper , O ' Brien , Broad , Coxham , Park , Meaby , Lonsdale , Wells , Bridsrman , Bohers , Wainwright , Belhomtne , Clements , John Stait , Tasker , Timme , W . J . Wall , W . Thompson , Ac , and Visitors : Bros . D . Reed P . M . 1457 , James Stevens P . M . 72012161426 , W . G . Jennings
1580 , J . Lawrence 1326 , J . Hobson 1608 , G . Gut-rbock 173 . 0 . W
Monle 795 , E . Bryant 1541 , W . Wright 1572 , S . Johnson 1297 , and \ V . Honeyball 1681 . The minntes of the previous regular meeting , and of an emergency meeting held in May last , having b sen read and approved , the report of the Andit Committee was l-eceived and adopted . A ballot having been taken for Mr . James Stait , of Brook
Street , Grosvenor Square , and the same declared clear , that gentleman was introduced , and initiated into the Order by Bro . Leins , with perfect ceremony . Tbe W . M . elect being an old friend and one of the many initiates of John L . Mather P . M ., that distinguished brother , at the request of the candidate and the P . M . ' s of the Lodge ,
undertook the ceremony of inst illition , and Bro . Reed having been duly presented , was placed in the chair of K . S . by him . It goes without saying that nothing was wanting in the performance of the interest
ing and important ceremony as conducted by so expert and thoroughly practised a master of Masonic ritual as Bro . Mather , and the congratulations offered to the newly installed Master and to himself were earnest and well deserved . The W . M . appointed his Officers as
follows , viz .:-Bro . J . Mitchell S . W ., W . Smith J . W ., L . A . Leins P . M . Treasurer , C . E . Ferry P . M . Secretary , 0 . J . Fox S . D ., J . Salter J . D ., T . Lovell I . G ., W . Squire D . C , A . R . Chatnberlayne Asst . D . C , A . E . Clements S ., John Stait Assist . S ., and — Lane Tyler . The addresses to Master , Wardens , ancl Brethren , after the
investitures were completed , were admirabl y delivered by Bro . Mather . In the course of the routine business which followed , the proposed testimonial from Lodges and individual brethren to Bro . Fredk . Binckes , Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , was discussed , a id a motion was made for a donation towards that object from the
Lodge funds , but it . appearing that , in the opinion of a largo majority of the members the stun named was hardly snch as comported with the dignity and position of the Lodgo , it was resolved to consider the matter further at tho ensuing meeting , with a view to arrange for a larger grant from the collective body , irrespective of individual
donations promised by several then present . Bro . Mather very effectivel y set forth Bro . B nckes' great services to the Craffc generally , and to the several Charities of the Order , more particularly to that of the Boys' School , and his remarks were received with earnest attention and met with read y assent . We anticipate that the Lodge
of Perseverance will be well represented on the subscription list whenever that may be forthcoming . After "hearty good wishes " from the numerous visitors , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , bountifully provided , and served iu admirable manner under the personal superintendence of Bro .
Begbie , the Manager of the Imperial Hotel , who was , throughout , assiduous in his attention to each guest , and thereby considerabl y added to their individual enjoyment . Viands and wines were of the best quality , and fu'l ju .-tice WJIS done alike to cuisine aud cellar . Thu tonst li-t WHS a full one , eompiising the usual Loyal an I Masonic
'" asts . aa well as others special to tho occasion . The W . M . was apt if Ins allusions to the "' hippy , peaceful , and gloriotui reign" of our J'ificiotis Queen ; the " genial encouragement" given to the Craft b y the M . W . G . M . ; and the " yrand p . ogress" made by lb' ! Oidt-r under tlie governance of t ' te Pro Grand Mister and the p . sfc ami present
Officers of United Grand Lodge . His own health was propose I by ' •ho acting I . P . M ., Bro . E trie , who spoke of the W . M . as " a good " . 'ii a "O ' . id lathe , and a good Mason , " whom he hurl known for some ixt . er . tn years pas as thoroughly deserving all the compliments and congratulations which conld b ¦ paid to him , whvther within or
withont the Lodge . In response to a general call Bro . James Stevens -t-M . h-re recited Dr . Itnb Morris's celebrated poem , "Masons ' 0 w « , and icceived , what must have gratified him exceedingl y , a l ! ' " ty tribute cf satisfaction for his performance . In response to the a » t in hid honourthe WMexpressed his thanks to lhe members
^ , .. ' ? Lod ge for having conferred npon him '' the highest honour it asm their power to bestow , " which to him was enhanced b y the II f i ! l ° k"" ^ rec'eiveil their unanimous vote for his elevation . i " ,, ' * hat ho scarcel y deserved all the encomiums which "ad been rwisnofl r , r . v , ;„ u ., i . u „ „ u „„ ...,,:.. u . . i „ i . ;* ' < ! .,.. „ l ^„ n .
' justif y thorn whilst discharging the duties of his new position . h ° . VV | , a fc ,, o youngeHt of the founders of lhe Lodge , " bar one . " w ); ,. bv i ? | V lied ttlat position , and he hopod to see tbat " one" selected 7 l e . jod ge as his successor , and when he should give place to him
Lodge Of Perseverance, No. 1743.
ho might have proved himself worth y of the like enthusiasm with which they receive I him now . Tbe W r « hi pfnl M IH ' » '< I lu-i . v . to his successor had reference to a unanimous feeling in the Lodge that Bro . C . E . Ferry Past Master and present Secretary , the only
'' fonnder" who has has not yet been Master of the Lodge , and fir whom all present Officers desire to give place , should I e ei . os .-n f •>¦ tha * . offico at the next p"riod of election . The heal h < -f 'h initiate , Bro . Jame- * St n't , who bad been proposed by his br tin r , John St' » t Assistant Steward ,
" And , which was strange , the one so like the other , As conld not be distinguished but by names , " was next given from the chair , the Worshipful Master remarking that his evident ability to understand and app . eo i a'e fhn oerenrvny he n d gone through gave evidence of an ear est desue to become a worthy
Craftsman . Bro . Mather rend red tbe " E . A . P . " song in big botionr , and Br > . James Stait expressed his acknowledgments and thanks f . « r the happiness the evening ' s proceedings had aff . rded him , his hop * that he might enjoy many pleasant hours in the L'tdge . and his assurance that he would never disgrace the ancient Order , but wonld ,
l > k * = > " his twin brother" had alreadv done , do his best in it- * interest- * The Visitors receive 1 a cord al welcome b'th individually and collectively , the W . M . assuring them that their presence added greatly to the general pleasure , and calling on Bros . Jame-t Stevens and S . Johnson t > resp nd . The former brother de-tire 1 to give place to
Bro . D . Reed P . G . D . Essex , the fa-her of the W . M , who , being present , be thought wonld naturdly wish to address the brethren . Th 8 Bro . Reed did briefly , but very earnes ly , and the ot > er brethren named made effective responses . The Installing Master , Bro . J . L . Mather , who is also an honorary member of the Lodge , in responding
to the toast in his honour , expressed the pleasure which his " labour of love" had given him , and his satisfaction that he had had the opportunity of placing iu the chair of the Perseverance Lodge one of his own initiates . The remaining toasts were the Past Masters , the Treasurer and Secretary , and the Officers , all of which were forcibly
proposed by the W . M . and respectively acknowledged , with appropriate remarks . The proceedings were enlivened by the musical efforts of several talented brethren , amongst whom were conspicuous
Bros . Bryant , Tasker , Johnson , and Holmes ; and a lengthened sitting evidenced the fnll enjoyment of the happy assembly , until the Tyler ' s toast gave the inevitable signal for general separation until next regular meeting .
Creaton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1791 . —On Thura
day , 9 . h inst ., at the Wheat she if Hotel , Goldhawk-road , W . Bros . A . Cavers W . M ., Craggs S . W ., E . Austin J . W ., Chalfont P . M . Secretary , Breitbart S . D ., D . Stroud J . D ., Sims P . M . I . G ., Spiegel P . M . ; Whittle , Stonnil , Marsh , Jno . Divies ( Preceptor ) . After Lodge had been formally opened , the minutes vrem read and confirmed .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Marsh ( B A . ) candidate . This brother answered the questions leading to the second degree . The fourth and fifth sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . D ivies ( Preceptor ) , assisted by the brethren ; Bro . Craggs was elected W . M . for next meeting .
Oothe 16 th inst ., Bros . Craggs W . M ., Williams S . W ., Austin J . W ., Ch . Ifont P . M . Secretary , Burton P . M . S . D , Purdue P . M . J D ., Whittle I . G . P . M . 's Bro . " . Spiegel , Sims , Josey , Davis Preceptor ; Bros Jennings , Stonhill , Cavers , Lir . field , Love , Breitbart , Burbrook , W . W . Williams , Head , & c . After preliminaries , the ceremony of
initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Jennings candidate . Lodge was called off aud on , and then opened in the second degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Stonhill candidate . Lodge resumed , and Bro . Burbrook , of the Grenadiers Lodge , No . 66 , was elected a member . Bro . Williams was appointed W . M . for the next meeting .
Fatal Termination To A Masonic Meeting.
MR . G . P . WVATT , the Camberwell coroner , held an inquest ft the Duke of Albany , Geilatly-road , Nuuhead , on Wednesday , on the body of Mr . Clement Bayley Cheese , 39 , lately residing at 31 Bousfijld-road , Kunhead , who died on Monday . Mrs . Emma Cheese , residing at the above address , identified the body as that of her hn-band . His life was in-u-ed . On Saturday la ^ -t he went
to a Masonic meeting at Clieshunfc , and at ui ^ ht was bTtu . 'ht home in an line > n » cious state . He never again became sensible , and died at half-past two on Monday afternoon . . Mr . Cha-les Gompertz , r siding at . 123 Ri . hnioncl-ro * . d , Putney , deposed that on Saturday last he went to Che .-ihunD with a party of gentlemen , of
whom the deceis- 'd was one . After dining they r tinned from Cheshunt iu waggonettes to the railway station at W . 1 ham . To reach the platform they had to go down a flight of some twenty s airs , where the deceased suddenly pitched forward and Ml to > he bottom , striking his head on the floor . The train coming up ar that
moment , ho was put into a carriage and taken to Liverpoo .- -tre't . ITe was there seen by a surgeon , aud conveyed home in a cab .. Witness was satisfied that tho occurr-n-e was accidental . Dr . iMt'Kenney , of Lausanne-road , -tared that h'l Wis called in on Saturday night to see the deceased . Tt'ere was a wound over t ' - 'fl
riahfc eye and some bruises on t ie legs , ti'C- > e injuries having appilvntly been caused by a fall . In witness ' s opinion the cause of death was the rupture of a blood vessel en the brain , which was the result of a fall . After some discussion amongst the jury , the < oio > er bnefly summed np the case , aud a verdict of accidental death was returned .
£ 20 « —TOBACCONISTS CosismsctNG . —An illustrated guide ( 110 pages ) , " H w to Open Besnoctably from £ 10 to C 10 io . " 3 . "Stamps . H . MSTKHS & Co ., Cigar and Tobacco . Vlerehants , 107 ancl 109 Euston Road , London . Wholesale only . Telephone No . 7541 .