Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE THEATRES, AMUSEMENTS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article THE THEATRES, AMUSEMENTS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article THE THEATRES, AMUSEMENTS, &c. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
&ftACCIDENTSAVOIDEDj ^ A \ BY USING J fgmfTHESAFETYHOUSEHOLD! faffASTEPS. { A § = / = fm \\ Frio * & ° d particulars on application LL-r- -fPm , ' , ,- \\ * ° *^ Manufacturers , | Cr/!w\VIGOE&00. JEwaJ / ^^ 49 SOUTHAMPTON EOW , ^ P ^ tff LONDON , W . C .
By Her Majesty's Boyal letters Patent . METROPOLITAN STEAMCARPETBEATING WORKS. By Patent Machinery . J . KNIGHT , Proprietor . These Machines are of the Latest Improvements and are protected by Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent , and are the only Machines of their class iu England . CARPETS BEATEN for the TRADE . Vans Collect and Deliver Free in London daily . "Works andOmce : MITRE FARM , SCRUBBS LANE , KENSAL GREEN , W . Price List on Application . Established 1817 .
i PriceOneShilling, | Free by Po 3 t on raeeipt of 24- Halfpenny Stamps OCCASIONALPAPERS ON THEHISTORYOFFREEMASONRY. Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELYIDERB W ORKS , HERMES HILL , PBNTQNVILLS , N . AND BY OBDER OP ALL BOOKSELLERS .
in THE PSOB XildVE "S""PROBLEMA"SHIRT. wSS ( PATENTED ) . /flUftjlGTZJLJPl&JLlSr, HP7DENMAHSTREET, ' PyjlLONDONBRIDGE,S.E. Nothing tends so much to mar one ' s appearance in Evening Dress aa a Front struggling to eteapa from the Waistcoat . This Shirt effectually solves that problem . FREEMASONS , M . P . ' a , and all who dress well , will bo convinced of this after a trial , and aootbtt shirk will bo worn by thera , either in tho morning or the evening . SEND for FORM for SELF-MEASUREMENT .
HOTELS,ETC. — -: o : — ' . ' ..- " .. ¦ . , .,. riARLISLE—Bush Hotel . "HAIiING—FeathersHotel , ,,,, EABTBOTJRNR —Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . 1 A . TAYLOR Proprietor . EAST MOLESBY . —Castte Hotel , Hampton Court Station . Specimen Menus , witfe Tariff , on application .. . ' " ,..,,. JOHNMAYQ Proprietor ^ HA"V'BRPOBDWB 8 T .- ; Quaen ' s , Fa rily and Commercial Hotel . ¦* . ¦ " " *'"" BEN . M . DAYIBS Proprietor . MILFORD HAYEN .--i . ord Nelson Hotel . ... , ' T . PALMER Proprietpr *; RICHMOND — Station Hotel , ' adjoins the Railway Station . Every accommodation f 0 r Large or Small Parties . , h ,,., , ..,, 3 ,.,- ^ gjs SANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel . UooUStablinsr .- ,. n : ci ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ 3 . 3 FILMER Proprietor . "fTTEST COWES — Gloucester and Qlobe W Hotels . G . A . MDR 8 ELL . Proprietor . ¦¦ . ¦' . . . ' : ¦ ¦ .. : ; J « - - - — - - - ¦ - —¦¦ .- ¦» - . *¦¦¦¦¦ - . ••¦¦ . ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ . ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ - - - ¦¦
n BTiATTyfiTHE GREAT BEMEDY FOR GOUT , A ^ r ^ TTm RHEUMATISM , QO UT SCIATICA . LUMBAGO , and NEURALGIA . AT 3 TD These celebrated Pills continue their high reputation in public esteem as one of ¦ a .... aaB BMIA the greatest discoveries of DULIIHJITIP the present age . nnLUIHfl I 111 T * 16 ? require so restraint iiHHWiiiii . aw of diet dnrtag their use , and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital — - , — ,. — . —* part . Sold by all Chemists ' pTT j T . g at Is ljd ana 2 s 9 d per box .
W.EAGLESTONE, 132 GREAT COLLEGE STREET ¦ ' ¦ •¦ : •¦ :. ' , ' ¦ . / I- ' ' << ¦ -.. " . ¦¦'¦ ' ! v ; "> LONDON , JT . W . SHOPSPRINGBLINDS From £ 3 Os Od . NEW VENETIAN BLINDS , ; 4 DC 1 PER FOOT Old Venetian Blinds Fainted , Taped and Corded , 2 id per foot .
The Theatres, Amusements, &C.
BOTAIi ENGLISH OPEBA .-Every evening , at 8 , THE BASOCHE . Matinee to-day , at 2 . HAYMABKET . —Every evening , THE DANOING GIRL . Matinee to-day . at 2 .
ADELFHI . —Every evening , at 7-45 , THE TRUMPET CALL . CBITBBIOIT .-Every evening , BRIGHTON . To-day , Matinee at 2 ' 45 . PBINCESS'S . —This evening , at 8 , AFTER DARK . On Monday , ALONE IN LONDON .
STBAWD . —Every evening , at 8 * 45 , THE LATE LAMENTED . Preceded by , at 8 , BACK IN FIVE MINUTES . SAVOY . —Every evening at 8 * 30 , THE NAUTOH GIRL . At 7 ' 40 , CAPTAIN BILLY . Matinee today , at 2 * 30 .
GAIETY . —This evening , THE SECOND EDITION OF JOAN OF ARO . On Christmas Eve , CINDER-ELLEN . COMEDY . —Every evening , at 9 , GODPAPA . At 8 * 15 . ROSABEL . Mating to-day , at 3 . -
PBIJSTCEOFWAIiE S ' . —Every evening , at 8 « 46 , MISS DEOIMA . Preceded by . at 7 * 40 , THE PRANCING Q 1 RL .
The Theatres, Amusements, &C.
JjYRlC—On Wednesday , New Cornto Opera , THE MOUNTEBANK . GLOBE . — Every evening , at 9 , GLORIANA . At 8 * 15 , TWO IN THE BUSH . Matinee to-day , at 3 . TEBBY'S . —Every evening , at 8 , THE TIMES . Matinee to-day , at 2 * 30 .
NEW OLYMPIC . —Every evening , at 8 * 16 , A ROYAL DIVORCE . Preceded by a Farce . Matinees on Saturday , Monday , Wednesday . GABBICK . —This evening , SCHOOL .
ST . JAMES'S . —Every evening , LORD ANERLEY . OPERA COMIQUE . —Every evening , at 8 * 60 . THE ROAD TO RUIN . Preceded by . at 8 . THE QUEEN'S ROOM . Matin & e to-day .
VAUDEVILLE . —On Tuesday , THE HONOURABLE HERBERT . AVENUE . —Every Evening , at 8 * 30 , THE CRUSADERS . Matinee to-day , at 3 .
COUBT . —Every evening , at 8 , GOOD FOR NOTHING . At 9 , A COMMISSION . At 10 . A PANTOMIME REHEARSAL .
The Theatres, Amusements, &C.
GBAND . —Thls evening , RIP VAN WINKLE . ' SXTBBET . —This evening , at 7 46 PATE ANDFORTUNE . , : ;; •; PAVIXiIOlT . —This evening , at 7 * 45 , THE ¦ MIDDLEMAN . ' ' '— - "' . '' ' -i . ^ . u ^ : S T A WD ABD .-Tb-night , THE MOHAWK MINSTRELS .
CBTSTAI . PAIiAOE .-To-day , SHILLING SATURDAY At 8 , GRAND EVENING PROMENADE CONCERT . Daily—PANORAMA Toboggan Slide , Aquarium , Picture Gallery , 4 c .
MOOHB AND BURGESS MINSTBELS , St . James ' s Hall .--Every evening at 8 ; Mondays , Wednesdays , and Saturdays , at 3 and 8 . MOHAWK MUSTSTBELS . Agricultural Hall , On Boxing Day .
E MP IB E . —Every evening , at 8 , Variety Entertainment , Two Grand Ballets , 4 c . B 07 AL AQTTABITJM .-Open at 12 ; close at 11 * 30 . Constant round of amusements .
ALHAHSBA . —Every evening , at 8 , Variety Entertainment . jTwo Grand Ballets . Ac .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
&ftACCIDENTSAVOIDEDj ^ A \ BY USING J fgmfTHESAFETYHOUSEHOLD! faffASTEPS. { A § = / = fm \\ Frio * & ° d particulars on application LL-r- -fPm , ' , ,- \\ * ° *^ Manufacturers , | Cr/!w\VIGOE&00. JEwaJ / ^^ 49 SOUTHAMPTON EOW , ^ P ^ tff LONDON , W . C .
By Her Majesty's Boyal letters Patent . METROPOLITAN STEAMCARPETBEATING WORKS. By Patent Machinery . J . KNIGHT , Proprietor . These Machines are of the Latest Improvements and are protected by Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent , and are the only Machines of their class iu England . CARPETS BEATEN for the TRADE . Vans Collect and Deliver Free in London daily . "Works andOmce : MITRE FARM , SCRUBBS LANE , KENSAL GREEN , W . Price List on Application . Established 1817 .
i PriceOneShilling, | Free by Po 3 t on raeeipt of 24- Halfpenny Stamps OCCASIONALPAPERS ON THEHISTORYOFFREEMASONRY. Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELYIDERB W ORKS , HERMES HILL , PBNTQNVILLS , N . AND BY OBDER OP ALL BOOKSELLERS .
in THE PSOB XildVE "S""PROBLEMA"SHIRT. wSS ( PATENTED ) . /flUftjlGTZJLJPl&JLlSr, HP7DENMAHSTREET, ' PyjlLONDONBRIDGE,S.E. Nothing tends so much to mar one ' s appearance in Evening Dress aa a Front struggling to eteapa from the Waistcoat . This Shirt effectually solves that problem . FREEMASONS , M . P . ' a , and all who dress well , will bo convinced of this after a trial , and aootbtt shirk will bo worn by thera , either in tho morning or the evening . SEND for FORM for SELF-MEASUREMENT .
HOTELS,ETC. — -: o : — ' . ' ..- " .. ¦ . , .,. riARLISLE—Bush Hotel . "HAIiING—FeathersHotel , ,,,, EABTBOTJRNR —Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . 1 A . TAYLOR Proprietor . EAST MOLESBY . —Castte Hotel , Hampton Court Station . Specimen Menus , witfe Tariff , on application .. . ' " ,..,,. JOHNMAYQ Proprietor ^ HA"V'BRPOBDWB 8 T .- ; Quaen ' s , Fa rily and Commercial Hotel . ¦* . ¦ " " *'"" BEN . M . DAYIBS Proprietor . MILFORD HAYEN .--i . ord Nelson Hotel . ... , ' T . PALMER Proprietpr *; RICHMOND — Station Hotel , ' adjoins the Railway Station . Every accommodation f 0 r Large or Small Parties . , h ,,., , ..,, 3 ,.,- ^ gjs SANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel . UooUStablinsr .- ,. n : ci ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ 3 . 3 FILMER Proprietor . "fTTEST COWES — Gloucester and Qlobe W Hotels . G . A . MDR 8 ELL . Proprietor . ¦¦ . ¦' . . . ' : ¦ ¦ .. : ; J « - - - — - - - ¦ - —¦¦ .- ¦» - . *¦¦¦¦¦ - . ••¦¦ . ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ . ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ - - - ¦¦
n BTiATTyfiTHE GREAT BEMEDY FOR GOUT , A ^ r ^ TTm RHEUMATISM , QO UT SCIATICA . LUMBAGO , and NEURALGIA . AT 3 TD These celebrated Pills continue their high reputation in public esteem as one of ¦ a .... aaB BMIA the greatest discoveries of DULIIHJITIP the present age . nnLUIHfl I 111 T * 16 ? require so restraint iiHHWiiiii . aw of diet dnrtag their use , and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital — - , — ,. — . —* part . Sold by all Chemists ' pTT j T . g at Is ljd ana 2 s 9 d per box .
W.EAGLESTONE, 132 GREAT COLLEGE STREET ¦ ' ¦ •¦ : •¦ :. ' , ' ¦ . / I- ' ' << ¦ -.. " . ¦¦'¦ ' ! v ; "> LONDON , JT . W . SHOPSPRINGBLINDS From £ 3 Os Od . NEW VENETIAN BLINDS , ; 4 DC 1 PER FOOT Old Venetian Blinds Fainted , Taped and Corded , 2 id per foot .
The Theatres, Amusements, &C.
BOTAIi ENGLISH OPEBA .-Every evening , at 8 , THE BASOCHE . Matinee to-day , at 2 . HAYMABKET . —Every evening , THE DANOING GIRL . Matinee to-day . at 2 .
ADELFHI . —Every evening , at 7-45 , THE TRUMPET CALL . CBITBBIOIT .-Every evening , BRIGHTON . To-day , Matinee at 2 ' 45 . PBINCESS'S . —This evening , at 8 , AFTER DARK . On Monday , ALONE IN LONDON .
STBAWD . —Every evening , at 8 * 45 , THE LATE LAMENTED . Preceded by , at 8 , BACK IN FIVE MINUTES . SAVOY . —Every evening at 8 * 30 , THE NAUTOH GIRL . At 7 ' 40 , CAPTAIN BILLY . Matinee today , at 2 * 30 .
GAIETY . —This evening , THE SECOND EDITION OF JOAN OF ARO . On Christmas Eve , CINDER-ELLEN . COMEDY . —Every evening , at 9 , GODPAPA . At 8 * 15 . ROSABEL . Mating to-day , at 3 . -
PBIJSTCEOFWAIiE S ' . —Every evening , at 8 « 46 , MISS DEOIMA . Preceded by . at 7 * 40 , THE PRANCING Q 1 RL .
The Theatres, Amusements, &C.
JjYRlC—On Wednesday , New Cornto Opera , THE MOUNTEBANK . GLOBE . — Every evening , at 9 , GLORIANA . At 8 * 15 , TWO IN THE BUSH . Matinee to-day , at 3 . TEBBY'S . —Every evening , at 8 , THE TIMES . Matinee to-day , at 2 * 30 .
NEW OLYMPIC . —Every evening , at 8 * 16 , A ROYAL DIVORCE . Preceded by a Farce . Matinees on Saturday , Monday , Wednesday . GABBICK . —This evening , SCHOOL .
ST . JAMES'S . —Every evening , LORD ANERLEY . OPERA COMIQUE . —Every evening , at 8 * 60 . THE ROAD TO RUIN . Preceded by . at 8 . THE QUEEN'S ROOM . Matin & e to-day .
VAUDEVILLE . —On Tuesday , THE HONOURABLE HERBERT . AVENUE . —Every Evening , at 8 * 30 , THE CRUSADERS . Matinee to-day , at 3 .
COUBT . —Every evening , at 8 , GOOD FOR NOTHING . At 9 , A COMMISSION . At 10 . A PANTOMIME REHEARSAL .
The Theatres, Amusements, &C.
GBAND . —Thls evening , RIP VAN WINKLE . ' SXTBBET . —This evening , at 7 46 PATE ANDFORTUNE . , : ;; •; PAVIXiIOlT . —This evening , at 7 * 45 , THE ¦ MIDDLEMAN . ' ' '— - "' . '' ' -i . ^ . u ^ : S T A WD ABD .-Tb-night , THE MOHAWK MINSTRELS .
CBTSTAI . PAIiAOE .-To-day , SHILLING SATURDAY At 8 , GRAND EVENING PROMENADE CONCERT . Daily—PANORAMA Toboggan Slide , Aquarium , Picture Gallery , 4 c .
MOOHB AND BURGESS MINSTBELS , St . James ' s Hall .--Every evening at 8 ; Mondays , Wednesdays , and Saturdays , at 3 and 8 . MOHAWK MUSTSTBELS . Agricultural Hall , On Boxing Day .
E MP IB E . —Every evening , at 8 , Variety Entertainment , Two Grand Ballets , 4 c . B 07 AL AQTTABITJM .-Open at 12 ; close at 11 * 30 . Constant round of amusements .
ALHAHSBA . —Every evening , at 8 , Variety Entertainment . jTwo Grand Ballets . Ac .