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i WViHWUESSBttl fH (^ wJA * . ramcCTn i^^^^^^^^a SATURDAY . 19 TH DECEMBER 1891 .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire
THE annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held on the 10 th instant , at the Masonic Hall , Derby , and was numerously attended . Bro . Okeover D . P . G . M . presided , in the unavoidable absence of the P . G . M . Bro . the Marquis of Hartington , and was '
supported by Bros . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., P . G . M . of Middlesex ; Terry Secretary of the Eoyal Masonio Benevolent Institution , J . B . Ooulson P . P . S . G . W . as D . P . G . M ., Thomas Cox P . P . G . S . W ., Sir John Smith P . P . G . S . W ., Marsden P . P . G . S . W ., Abraham Woodiwias
P . P . G . S . W ., Percy Wallis P . P . G . S . W ., Ward P . P . S . G . W ., Thomas Boe , M . P ., P . P . G . Treasurer , and a great many other members of Provincial Grand Lodge . The Officers
were in their places , and all the Lodges in the Province were well represented . The . written reports of the Worshipful Masters were more than usually satisfactory , indicating as they did harmonious working aud financial stability . It was noteworthy that the claims of the
great Charities of the Order had been recognised m an exceedingly liberal spirit . The report of the Masonic Hall Committee was presented by Bro . Sir John Smith , and contained mention of sundry steps designed to promote the comfort of the brethren .
It was unanimously adopted . Bro . Wallis , in tho unavoidable absence , through indisposition of Bro . Wright , submitted the Charity Committee ' s report , which bore testimony to tbo large amount of zeal whioh had been displayed by the brethren in connection
with the cause so dear to the Mason's heart . No fewer than thirty-one Stewards had worked for the Boys' and Girls ' Schools , and had taken up an aggregate of nearly £ 1000 . Three candidates from Derbyshire had been , moreover
elected as pupils in tho Schools . Subsequently Bro . Wallis drew attention to tho desirableness of improving the present system of conducting charity work in the Province , and moved the annexed resolution : —
'That bye-law No . 51 be rescinded , and that a new one be adopted in lieu thereof , as follows : —There shall be a committee , to be called the Charity Committee , consisting of the Provincial Grand Master , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the Provincial Grand Treasurer , the
Provincial Grand Secretary , a number of brethren , not exceeding ten , to be elected from time to time , by , and as Provincial Grand Lodge shall determine , and also a representative to be elected annually by each Lodge , to be called the Charity Representative . This Brother shall bring the claims of tho Masonic Charitable Institutions
periodically before his Lodge , collect the voting papers of the brethren , and forward them to the Chairman or Provincial Grand Secretary as early as possible after issue ; he shall also furnish the same authority with a copy of the list of each Steward from his Lodge as soon
as possible after any Festival . The committee shall hold a general meeting of its members at least once in every year , and shall present at each Provincial Grand Lodge a report of its proceedings . "
This was seconded by Bro . W . H . Marsden , supported by Brother Henry George , who detailed the successful working of a like scheme in Nottinghamshire , and carried .
Bro . Cooper P . M ., after presenting a favourable report from the Audit Committee , proposed tho election of Bro . Thomas R . Gee , P . M . of the Arboretam Lodge , as Provincial Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . This was seconded by Bro . Sir John Smith , and carried with acclamation .
Bro . Gee , who is an old and deservedly popular P . M . of his Lodge , suitably responded , and was very cordially received
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire
Tho Masonic Ball Committee , on tho motion of Bro . Woodiwiss , were re-elected . Tho Prov . Grand Master then prooeeded to appoint and iuvest his Officers for the ensuing year , in tho following order : —
6 . M . Bond Senior Warden T . S . Boden Junior Warden 5 - ^ »^ 0 ndy ) Chaplains Eev . W . P . Drewry j uuupuum . T . R . Geo Treasurer A . W . Slack Registrar W . Naylor Secretary B . Wilka Senior Deacon N . Aahurat Jnnior Deaoon
Whitehead Snpfc . of Works Flint Dir . of Cera . Pike Assist . Dir . of Cert . Holland Kowbofclom Sword Bearer JohnRyley ) Standard Bearers , J . Gladwin . J Neville Cox Organist James Catting Assist . Seoretary Windle Pursuivant J . Fisher Assistant Pursuivant J . Jonos -i
A . Buttenrorth I B . Cooper I Stewards ¦ - - - - W . S . Fisher j . stewards v „ Farnsworth J Lomaa J Thomas Day Tyler At the close of the proceedings the Deputy Provincial Grand Master addressed the brethren . He said he thought they would all agree with him that the reports which had just been read of the various Lodges were eminently satisfactory . They all seemed to show that the Lodges' in the Province had worked in a truly Masonio spirit . They had supported the Charities in some cases with the greatest liberality , and that must be a source of the greatest pleasure to them all . It showed that the Province was
imbued with a proper appreciation of the value , of the Charities , and that they regarded it not merely as a duty , but as a privilege , to assist those who for many years bad done good work in Masonry , but who in later years found distress and trouble come i upon them . ; It was a grand
thing for a man to feel at the close of his life that he had been able to give something of what the great Architect of tho Universe had given him to alleviate the distress of others . He hoped the appeal that had been addressed to them that afternoon by Bro . Terry would be considered by every Lodge in the Province , and that the response would
be such as would gladden tho hearts of them ' all ; As to the affairs of the Province generally , he was glad ^ to say that during the year they had consecrated one new Lodge —the Scarsdale , at Chesterfield . During the previous year the Chanfcrey Lodge was consecrated at Dore , so that
progress was being made . It was very gratifying to himself , and , indeed , to them all , to know that their young Lodges were progressing in such a successful manner ; Referring to the visit of the Queen to Derby , in May last , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master said it would be a
pleasant recollection in their minds as long as they lived . They were all delighted to see the Queen amongst them , performing at her advancing years a duty which , had for its object the alleviation of suffering and sickness . ; That was an object dear to every Mason , but to himself the
pleasure of the occasion wa 3 intensified by the fact that he stood there as the representative of the Masons of Derbyshire , and handed to the Queen in their name an address of welcome and loyalty . Whilst he was speaking of tho Queen his thoughts naturally reverted to the members of
her family . The Prince of Wales , their Grand Master , had had the sympathy of every Mason during the illness of his son , and they were all thankful that' it had apparently pleased the great Architect of the Universe to
place him out of danger . They had heard with pleasure of tho engagement of Prince Albert Victor , and he wonld only say that he hoped his Royal Highness would follow the good Masonic career of his father , and be , like him , a credit to Masonry .
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master next thanked tho brethren for the manner in which tho question of arrears had been dealt with , and concluded by hoping that they would all enjoy a prosperous new year , full of happiness and joy and Masonic harmony .
Tho Deputy Provincial Grand Master afterwards moved a vote of sympathy with Bro . Wright P . P . G . S . W . in his affliction , and thanking him for his past services in the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
i WViHWUESSBttl fH (^ wJA * . ramcCTn i^^^^^^^^a SATURDAY . 19 TH DECEMBER 1891 .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire
THE annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held on the 10 th instant , at the Masonic Hall , Derby , and was numerously attended . Bro . Okeover D . P . G . M . presided , in the unavoidable absence of the P . G . M . Bro . the Marquis of Hartington , and was '
supported by Bros . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., P . G . M . of Middlesex ; Terry Secretary of the Eoyal Masonio Benevolent Institution , J . B . Ooulson P . P . S . G . W . as D . P . G . M ., Thomas Cox P . P . G . S . W ., Sir John Smith P . P . G . S . W ., Marsden P . P . G . S . W ., Abraham Woodiwias
P . P . G . S . W ., Percy Wallis P . P . G . S . W ., Ward P . P . S . G . W ., Thomas Boe , M . P ., P . P . G . Treasurer , and a great many other members of Provincial Grand Lodge . The Officers
were in their places , and all the Lodges in the Province were well represented . The . written reports of the Worshipful Masters were more than usually satisfactory , indicating as they did harmonious working aud financial stability . It was noteworthy that the claims of the
great Charities of the Order had been recognised m an exceedingly liberal spirit . The report of the Masonic Hall Committee was presented by Bro . Sir John Smith , and contained mention of sundry steps designed to promote the comfort of the brethren .
It was unanimously adopted . Bro . Wallis , in tho unavoidable absence , through indisposition of Bro . Wright , submitted the Charity Committee ' s report , which bore testimony to tbo large amount of zeal whioh had been displayed by the brethren in connection
with the cause so dear to the Mason's heart . No fewer than thirty-one Stewards had worked for the Boys' and Girls ' Schools , and had taken up an aggregate of nearly £ 1000 . Three candidates from Derbyshire had been , moreover
elected as pupils in tho Schools . Subsequently Bro . Wallis drew attention to tho desirableness of improving the present system of conducting charity work in the Province , and moved the annexed resolution : —
'That bye-law No . 51 be rescinded , and that a new one be adopted in lieu thereof , as follows : —There shall be a committee , to be called the Charity Committee , consisting of the Provincial Grand Master , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the Provincial Grand Treasurer , the
Provincial Grand Secretary , a number of brethren , not exceeding ten , to be elected from time to time , by , and as Provincial Grand Lodge shall determine , and also a representative to be elected annually by each Lodge , to be called the Charity Representative . This Brother shall bring the claims of tho Masonic Charitable Institutions
periodically before his Lodge , collect the voting papers of the brethren , and forward them to the Chairman or Provincial Grand Secretary as early as possible after issue ; he shall also furnish the same authority with a copy of the list of each Steward from his Lodge as soon
as possible after any Festival . The committee shall hold a general meeting of its members at least once in every year , and shall present at each Provincial Grand Lodge a report of its proceedings . "
This was seconded by Bro . W . H . Marsden , supported by Brother Henry George , who detailed the successful working of a like scheme in Nottinghamshire , and carried .
Bro . Cooper P . M ., after presenting a favourable report from the Audit Committee , proposed tho election of Bro . Thomas R . Gee , P . M . of the Arboretam Lodge , as Provincial Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . This was seconded by Bro . Sir John Smith , and carried with acclamation .
Bro . Gee , who is an old and deservedly popular P . M . of his Lodge , suitably responded , and was very cordially received
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire
Tho Masonic Ball Committee , on tho motion of Bro . Woodiwiss , were re-elected . Tho Prov . Grand Master then prooeeded to appoint and iuvest his Officers for the ensuing year , in tho following order : —
6 . M . Bond Senior Warden T . S . Boden Junior Warden 5 - ^ »^ 0 ndy ) Chaplains Eev . W . P . Drewry j uuupuum . T . R . Geo Treasurer A . W . Slack Registrar W . Naylor Secretary B . Wilka Senior Deacon N . Aahurat Jnnior Deaoon
Whitehead Snpfc . of Works Flint Dir . of Cera . Pike Assist . Dir . of Cert . Holland Kowbofclom Sword Bearer JohnRyley ) Standard Bearers , J . Gladwin . J Neville Cox Organist James Catting Assist . Seoretary Windle Pursuivant J . Fisher Assistant Pursuivant J . Jonos -i
A . Buttenrorth I B . Cooper I Stewards ¦ - - - - W . S . Fisher j . stewards v „ Farnsworth J Lomaa J Thomas Day Tyler At the close of the proceedings the Deputy Provincial Grand Master addressed the brethren . He said he thought they would all agree with him that the reports which had just been read of the various Lodges were eminently satisfactory . They all seemed to show that the Lodges' in the Province had worked in a truly Masonio spirit . They had supported the Charities in some cases with the greatest liberality , and that must be a source of the greatest pleasure to them all . It showed that the Province was
imbued with a proper appreciation of the value , of the Charities , and that they regarded it not merely as a duty , but as a privilege , to assist those who for many years bad done good work in Masonry , but who in later years found distress and trouble come i upon them . ; It was a grand
thing for a man to feel at the close of his life that he had been able to give something of what the great Architect of tho Universe had given him to alleviate the distress of others . He hoped the appeal that had been addressed to them that afternoon by Bro . Terry would be considered by every Lodge in the Province , and that the response would
be such as would gladden tho hearts of them ' all ; As to the affairs of the Province generally , he was glad ^ to say that during the year they had consecrated one new Lodge —the Scarsdale , at Chesterfield . During the previous year the Chanfcrey Lodge was consecrated at Dore , so that
progress was being made . It was very gratifying to himself , and , indeed , to them all , to know that their young Lodges were progressing in such a successful manner ; Referring to the visit of the Queen to Derby , in May last , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master said it would be a
pleasant recollection in their minds as long as they lived . They were all delighted to see the Queen amongst them , performing at her advancing years a duty which , had for its object the alleviation of suffering and sickness . ; That was an object dear to every Mason , but to himself the
pleasure of the occasion wa 3 intensified by the fact that he stood there as the representative of the Masons of Derbyshire , and handed to the Queen in their name an address of welcome and loyalty . Whilst he was speaking of tho Queen his thoughts naturally reverted to the members of
her family . The Prince of Wales , their Grand Master , had had the sympathy of every Mason during the illness of his son , and they were all thankful that' it had apparently pleased the great Architect of the Universe to
place him out of danger . They had heard with pleasure of tho engagement of Prince Albert Victor , and he wonld only say that he hoped his Royal Highness would follow the good Masonic career of his father , and be , like him , a credit to Masonry .
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master next thanked tho brethren for the manner in which tho question of arrears had been dealt with , and concluded by hoping that they would all enjoy a prosperous new year , full of happiness and joy and Masonic harmony .
Tho Deputy Provincial Grand Master afterwards moved a vote of sympathy with Bro . Wright P . P . G . S . W . in his affliction , and thanking him for his past services in the