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Morris Memorial Monument.
rendered him eminently sociable and companionable . Affable in manner , transparent in purpose , attractive in speech , and ever ready with incident or illustration " to point a moral or adorn a tale , " spirkling with geuuioo wit
without asperity , a wit diamond-pointed yet sugar-coated , elastic in spirit , fluent of soul , mirth loving and mirth inspiring , his presence exerted a magical inflaence over every circle ho entered , and of which he readily became tho centre of attraction .
Born and edncated in the " land of steady habits , " omployed during the early years of manhood in the Sunny South , thence removimg to Kentuoky as his adopted home , it is a noteworthy fact that his ardent and impressible nature
became readily assimilated to the dominant peculiarities of eaoh respective section of our national domain . As the natural result of this process of assimilation we discover as the underlying basis of his charaoter a triooloured
mosaia of staid conservatism , heroic ardour and impulsive generosity ; and upon this mosaic as a pedestal we find our distinguished craftsman erecting for hinjself a colossal column of personal distinction , beautiful and
symmetrical in design , massive in structure and ornate in finish , combining the strength of the Doric with the beauty of the Corinthian , and carried up in fair , due proportions from base to summit , with chapiter
ornamented with symbolic " lily work , net work and pomegranates , " surmounted with the amaranthian wreath of faith , hope and charity , and duly prepared for the crowning capstone , which shall be placed by the Almighty Architect
himself in a higher and bri ghter sphere , where its proper place shall be assigned it in that " spiritual temple not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . " Suoh , my . brethren , is but a dim , shadowy outline of our own aud
the world ' s Bob Morris , whose memory we have met to-day to honour and to perpetuate . Lesser lights have vanished from the " starry-decked canopy " of Masonry , followed by darkening shadows throughout their respective
orbits , but when this great Masonic light was extinguished , the obscuration was felt all over the Masonic world ; and was not unlike that visited upon the physical world by a total eclipse of tho great luminary of day .
The charaoter of ; our illustrious brother has been . indelibly impressed npon his age and generation , and constitutes one of the noblest themes that Masonry ever gave to fame , and is destined to brighten in lustre as the passing years roll by . But , alas ! alas !
. " Earth's highest station ends in— ' Here he lies ' And ' dnst to dust' concludes her noblest song . " But Bide by side with this sad requiem , as sung by the plantive author of the "Night Thoughts , " we would place
the more cheering sentiment of America ' s own gifted child of song :
" Life is real , life is earnest , And the grave is not its goal : Dust thou art , to dust retnrnest , Was not spoken of the soul . " Nay , verily : and we know of nothing more befitting with which to conclude our humble tribute to the dear
departed than his own farewell lines to a loving brother on his dying couch . "We'll not forget thee , we who stay * To work a little longer here ; Thy name , thy faith , thy love shall lie
^ On memory ' s pages , bright and clear ; ; , , < , - , - And when o ' erwearied by the toil . < . ¦ Of life , our heavy limbs shall be , We'll come and one by ono lie down ¦ - '"' - Upon dear mother earth with thee .
" And there we'll slumber by thy aide , There , reunited ' neath the sod , ' We'll wait , nor doubt in His good time , To feel tha raining . hand of God ,
To bo translated from the earth , This land of sorrow and complaints , To the all . perfect Lodge above , Whose Master is the King of Saints . "
Worshipful Master , Wardens and Brethren of Fortitude Lodge , JVo . 47 : ~ For many years past , and up to the date of his death our distinguished brother was in regular affiliation with your Lodge , and whenever within its jurisdiction was a familiar form in all your assemblies ,
and" Oft honoured with supreme command , Presided o ' er tho Sons of Light . " This " fraternal association has inseparably linked his home Lodge and its locality with his own personal fame and achievements , and rendered both in a pre-eminent
Morris Memorial Monument.
degree historic and illustrious in tho annals of Kentuck y Freemasonry . This local interest has now been greatly increased and intensified by tho erection of his mausnlemu in your midst . As Mount Vernon and Mont ' ccllo , ns Ashland and the Hermitago have been rendered hallowed
and famous for ever by tho associations which cluster around the hononred tombs of thoir patriotic doad , thns attracting the hero and stateman of every land to inv homage at their shrines , so , in the providence ot God your
own Lagrange , as the homo of Bob . Morris while living , and the site of his sepulchre , now dead , ia destiuod to become a Masonic Mecca , to which the pilgrim craftsman of every clime and nationality will oft repair with , a zeal not less ardent than that which loads tho devoted Moslem
to worship at the shrine of his fiery prophet . 'Tis mee ^ therefore , that into your hands as a special trust , we should commit to-day the future guardianship of our Bob Morris Memorial ; and as the attracting magnet which is to render this hallowed spot the rallying place of tho " gcod and
true , " for generations yet to come , we adjure you to preserve it with jealous care in all its pristine purity and beanty . Suffer no vandal feet to invade its sacred precints
no vandal hand to mutilate its marble , to erase one line or obliterate one letter whioh Masonio love has traced upon it . Accept this mausoleum as your special legacy from that rich inheritance of renown whioh has been bequeathed by
a sainted member of your Lodge to the Fraternity at large . Guard it from injury , proteot it from desecration , and , as far as possible , shield the sacred shrine from the influence of " time ' s corroding tooth and oblivious wing , " that it may long continue to perpetuate "one of the few , immortal names that were not born to die . " Brethren of Fortitude Lodge : —Another and a holier truBt is also committed to your considerate protection and care . There is yet in your midst a living legacy of the distinguished dead , in the person of that venerable * matron who has so long and worthily worn his honoured name and
shared with him all the trials and triumphs of his most eventful life . With stricken heart , from , which have vanished the cherished hopes of life , she still lingers on the shores of time , awaiting a glorious re-union with the loved and lost beyond the swelling tide . We most
affectionately commend her and her household to your fraternal sympathies , to your unfaltering filial love . As you venerate and love the memory of him from whom in life you also took sweet counsel , and with whom you also enjoyed an ennobling companionship , see to it , brethren
that the evening of her days shall be tranquil and serene , free from care and full of brotherly endearment . And when in the providence of God , she , too , shall be called
from earth away , and you shall have assembled' as a "Lodge of sorrow" to commemorate her worth , forget not , we entreat you , the honours due to her self-sacrificing spirit / which alone rendered possible the life-long labours of
her husband for the Craft . With bowed heads and sorrowing hearts bear her gently and lovingly to this consecrated spot and deposit her venerable form by his side . 'Tis meet that she who stood by his side at the altar of their wedded love in the pride of her early womanhood , who has so heroically stood by his side in maternal grace and
dignity , and nobly withstood the turmoil o £ life , should also rest by his side in the silent chamber of deathj there to await the archangel ' s , trumpet call which- shall summon them to meet again in blissful reunion , and aajinmortal guests at the " marriage supper of the lamb "^ Voiceof Masonry . ¦ : ¦¦ ' . i :.-.: ! -rji ^';; -MA /^ vjiih ^ u-iVj
The following extracts , set side by side , of the . instructions respectively given to Garibaldi and : tho <; Pririce of Wales , on their investiture as Grand Masters Of Freemasonry ( 33 rd degree ) have a peculiar significance . of their own : ¦ > ; :
To Garibaldi . ToH . H . H . - Masonry , being simply the Oar rituals will prove to yon Revolution in act , a permanent how Freemasonry tends to inconspiracy against political and spire in all the purest morality , religious despotism , does riot to recommend . obedience to the
trick itself out with absurd laws , fidelity to rulers , \ tho zaal decorations , through which and devotion of philanthropy , Princes and Priests play in and , in a word , to teaob . all the public the parts they have stolen domestic and" social virtues , and usurped . . • • Man . . . . Masonry sets ont to
is at tho same time God , Pontiff make of a man a being essenand King in himself . " Iree- tially believing , by virtue and masonry is therefore the God , goodness . the Pontiff , and the King of :: ' —Tablet , Humanity ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Morris Memorial Monument.
rendered him eminently sociable and companionable . Affable in manner , transparent in purpose , attractive in speech , and ever ready with incident or illustration " to point a moral or adorn a tale , " spirkling with geuuioo wit
without asperity , a wit diamond-pointed yet sugar-coated , elastic in spirit , fluent of soul , mirth loving and mirth inspiring , his presence exerted a magical inflaence over every circle ho entered , and of which he readily became tho centre of attraction .
Born and edncated in the " land of steady habits , " omployed during the early years of manhood in the Sunny South , thence removimg to Kentuoky as his adopted home , it is a noteworthy fact that his ardent and impressible nature
became readily assimilated to the dominant peculiarities of eaoh respective section of our national domain . As the natural result of this process of assimilation we discover as the underlying basis of his charaoter a triooloured
mosaia of staid conservatism , heroic ardour and impulsive generosity ; and upon this mosaic as a pedestal we find our distinguished craftsman erecting for hinjself a colossal column of personal distinction , beautiful and
symmetrical in design , massive in structure and ornate in finish , combining the strength of the Doric with the beauty of the Corinthian , and carried up in fair , due proportions from base to summit , with chapiter
ornamented with symbolic " lily work , net work and pomegranates , " surmounted with the amaranthian wreath of faith , hope and charity , and duly prepared for the crowning capstone , which shall be placed by the Almighty Architect
himself in a higher and bri ghter sphere , where its proper place shall be assigned it in that " spiritual temple not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . " Suoh , my . brethren , is but a dim , shadowy outline of our own aud
the world ' s Bob Morris , whose memory we have met to-day to honour and to perpetuate . Lesser lights have vanished from the " starry-decked canopy " of Masonry , followed by darkening shadows throughout their respective
orbits , but when this great Masonic light was extinguished , the obscuration was felt all over the Masonic world ; and was not unlike that visited upon the physical world by a total eclipse of tho great luminary of day .
The charaoter of ; our illustrious brother has been . indelibly impressed npon his age and generation , and constitutes one of the noblest themes that Masonry ever gave to fame , and is destined to brighten in lustre as the passing years roll by . But , alas ! alas !
. " Earth's highest station ends in— ' Here he lies ' And ' dnst to dust' concludes her noblest song . " But Bide by side with this sad requiem , as sung by the plantive author of the "Night Thoughts , " we would place
the more cheering sentiment of America ' s own gifted child of song :
" Life is real , life is earnest , And the grave is not its goal : Dust thou art , to dust retnrnest , Was not spoken of the soul . " Nay , verily : and we know of nothing more befitting with which to conclude our humble tribute to the dear
departed than his own farewell lines to a loving brother on his dying couch . "We'll not forget thee , we who stay * To work a little longer here ; Thy name , thy faith , thy love shall lie
^ On memory ' s pages , bright and clear ; ; , , < , - , - And when o ' erwearied by the toil . < . ¦ Of life , our heavy limbs shall be , We'll come and one by ono lie down ¦ - '"' - Upon dear mother earth with thee .
" And there we'll slumber by thy aide , There , reunited ' neath the sod , ' We'll wait , nor doubt in His good time , To feel tha raining . hand of God ,
To bo translated from the earth , This land of sorrow and complaints , To the all . perfect Lodge above , Whose Master is the King of Saints . "
Worshipful Master , Wardens and Brethren of Fortitude Lodge , JVo . 47 : ~ For many years past , and up to the date of his death our distinguished brother was in regular affiliation with your Lodge , and whenever within its jurisdiction was a familiar form in all your assemblies ,
and" Oft honoured with supreme command , Presided o ' er tho Sons of Light . " This " fraternal association has inseparably linked his home Lodge and its locality with his own personal fame and achievements , and rendered both in a pre-eminent
Morris Memorial Monument.
degree historic and illustrious in tho annals of Kentuck y Freemasonry . This local interest has now been greatly increased and intensified by tho erection of his mausnlemu in your midst . As Mount Vernon and Mont ' ccllo , ns Ashland and the Hermitago have been rendered hallowed
and famous for ever by tho associations which cluster around the hononred tombs of thoir patriotic doad , thns attracting the hero and stateman of every land to inv homage at their shrines , so , in the providence ot God your
own Lagrange , as the homo of Bob . Morris while living , and the site of his sepulchre , now dead , ia destiuod to become a Masonic Mecca , to which the pilgrim craftsman of every clime and nationality will oft repair with , a zeal not less ardent than that which loads tho devoted Moslem
to worship at the shrine of his fiery prophet . 'Tis mee ^ therefore , that into your hands as a special trust , we should commit to-day the future guardianship of our Bob Morris Memorial ; and as the attracting magnet which is to render this hallowed spot the rallying place of tho " gcod and
true , " for generations yet to come , we adjure you to preserve it with jealous care in all its pristine purity and beanty . Suffer no vandal feet to invade its sacred precints
no vandal hand to mutilate its marble , to erase one line or obliterate one letter whioh Masonio love has traced upon it . Accept this mausoleum as your special legacy from that rich inheritance of renown whioh has been bequeathed by
a sainted member of your Lodge to the Fraternity at large . Guard it from injury , proteot it from desecration , and , as far as possible , shield the sacred shrine from the influence of " time ' s corroding tooth and oblivious wing , " that it may long continue to perpetuate "one of the few , immortal names that were not born to die . " Brethren of Fortitude Lodge : —Another and a holier truBt is also committed to your considerate protection and care . There is yet in your midst a living legacy of the distinguished dead , in the person of that venerable * matron who has so long and worthily worn his honoured name and
shared with him all the trials and triumphs of his most eventful life . With stricken heart , from , which have vanished the cherished hopes of life , she still lingers on the shores of time , awaiting a glorious re-union with the loved and lost beyond the swelling tide . We most
affectionately commend her and her household to your fraternal sympathies , to your unfaltering filial love . As you venerate and love the memory of him from whom in life you also took sweet counsel , and with whom you also enjoyed an ennobling companionship , see to it , brethren
that the evening of her days shall be tranquil and serene , free from care and full of brotherly endearment . And when in the providence of God , she , too , shall be called
from earth away , and you shall have assembled' as a "Lodge of sorrow" to commemorate her worth , forget not , we entreat you , the honours due to her self-sacrificing spirit / which alone rendered possible the life-long labours of
her husband for the Craft . With bowed heads and sorrowing hearts bear her gently and lovingly to this consecrated spot and deposit her venerable form by his side . 'Tis meet that she who stood by his side at the altar of their wedded love in the pride of her early womanhood , who has so heroically stood by his side in maternal grace and
dignity , and nobly withstood the turmoil o £ life , should also rest by his side in the silent chamber of deathj there to await the archangel ' s , trumpet call which- shall summon them to meet again in blissful reunion , and aajinmortal guests at the " marriage supper of the lamb "^ Voiceof Masonry . ¦ : ¦¦ ' . i :.-.: ! -rji ^';; -MA /^ vjiih ^ u-iVj
The following extracts , set side by side , of the . instructions respectively given to Garibaldi and : tho <; Pririce of Wales , on their investiture as Grand Masters Of Freemasonry ( 33 rd degree ) have a peculiar significance . of their own : ¦ > ; :
To Garibaldi . ToH . H . H . - Masonry , being simply the Oar rituals will prove to yon Revolution in act , a permanent how Freemasonry tends to inconspiracy against political and spire in all the purest morality , religious despotism , does riot to recommend . obedience to the
trick itself out with absurd laws , fidelity to rulers , \ tho zaal decorations , through which and devotion of philanthropy , Princes and Priests play in and , in a word , to teaob . all the public the parts they have stolen domestic and" social virtues , and usurped . . • • Man . . . . Masonry sets ont to
is at tho same time God , Pontiff make of a man a being essenand King in himself . " Iree- tially believing , by virtue and masonry is therefore the God , goodness . the Pontiff , and the King of :: ' —Tablet , Humanity ,