Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 80 . THE annual festival was held at the Masonio , Sunderland , on the 8 th inat . There was a numerous gathering of brethren and visitors . The W . M . elect ( Bro . T . Gibbons ) was presented for installation by Bro . T . Elwin P . M . to Bro . H . J . Tarnball P . M . P . P . J . W ., who performed the ceremony in an able and impressive
manner . The W . M . invested his Officers : —Bros . Br . Piercey I . P . M ., Todd 8 . W ., Bigham J . W ., Elwin P . M . Treasurer , Atkinson P . M . Secretary , Walker 3 . D ., Robertson J . D ., Buckley I . G ., Wilson P . M . Assistant Seoretary , Grieve P . M . Tyler , Peake Organist . The annual banquet was held at the Grand Hotel , Bridge Street .
MOIRA LODGE , No . 92 . THE annual festival of this Lodge was held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on Friday , the 11 th inst ., and in the presence of a numerous company . Brother Fearfield W . M . elect was duly installed with the customary formalities . The other Officers being Bros . Greiner I . P . M ., TweedieS . W ., E . Greiner J . W ., Wilkinson P . M . Treasurer , Gonld P . M . Seoretary , Tweedie S . D ., Mitchell J . D ., Noakes P . M . Steward , Rev . B . I . Woodhouse Ohap . I . G . There were also
present Bros . Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., P . M ., Noakea P . M ., Mortimer P . M ., AuldjoP . M ., Pringle P . M ., Tweedie P . M ., Bohm P . M ., Andrew P . M ., Shorter P . M ., Manrongh and Davis , together with the following visitors : —Bros . Sandeman P . Dist . G . M . Bengal , Fenn President of the Board of General Purposes , Gooding P . G . D ., Catler , Q . O ., 6 . O ., Speth Secretary 2076 , Astle 2224 , Hallett W . M . 2224 , Riobarda P . M .
1584 , Kylands P . G . Steward W . M . 2076 , Chapman W . M . 2190 , Macaire 44 ( S . C . ) , Brannon P . M . 394 , Jones 259 , Smith P . M . 279 , Beid P . M . 142 , Barr 1669 , Gardner 2309 , Hooker 1670 , Mnssared W . M . 2264 , Lennox Browne Vice-Pres . Board of General Purposes , Gardiner 1150 , Bentham 60 ( I . G . ) , Bennett 172 , Chatterton 698 , Handlow 181 , and Orwin W . M . 1491 . At the banquet , whioh followed
the meeting , Bros . Sandeman and Fenn responded for the Grand Officers , and the toast of the evening , "The Memory of Earl Moira , the Patron of the Lodge , was proposed by Bro . Wilkinson , in a strain of eloquence whioh wholly forbids any feeble attempt at reproduction in these columns . After the applause had subsided , Bro . Greiner rose and said : One of the most pleasing tasks that an outgoing
Master bos to perform is that of introducing the new Master to the brethren of the Lodge , and to the visitors who grace our banquet by their presence , and of proposing bis health on tbia auspicious occasion . This duty is a specially pleasing one to me to-day , because the brother who has just been placed into the chair of the Moira Lodge is in every respeot a Mason , and a man who has shown the greatest
aptitude and capacity , and who will know how to do his duty to the satisfaction of every one . I am sore you will not accuse me of having " drawn the long bow " in what I have jnafc said when I have recited to you all I have been able to learn respecting him , and there are no doubt lots of other oreditable things which I onght to mention . Taking his Masonio career first , I find that he was admitted into
this , his Mother Lodge , in October 1886 , aud in due conrso ho took his second and third degrees . I may here mention that our W . M . lives near Nottingham , and consequently his regular attendances svt our Lodge meetings have entailed no inconsiderable expenditure of time and money on his part . He persevered through all the varions offices with trne Masonio zeal np to J . W . in onr Lodge , and on onr
Bro . Tweedie the S . W . expressing a wish to remain in his chair for another year , wo have had the privilege of electing Bro . Fearfield to the highest honour that it is in the power of the Lodge to give . Evidently Masonry impregnated onr worthy brother from the very start so thoroughly that in the following year he took the bold step of founding a Lodge of his own , namely , the Fearfield Lodge , No . 2224 ,
in his district , and served as W . M . of the same in 1888 . He is further a member of the ancient St . Alban ' s Lodge , No . 29 , and this year he was appointed Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . for Derbyshire . Next , as to bis private career , he received his education at Manchester and Belper , and later on we find him doing good work at the Moravian School in Neuwied , Germany , where he spent a few years . Originally ,
he was taught the profession of an engineer , bat on the death of his father he took to his business , and I am happy to inform yon om W . M . has , by his energy , managed to so greatly improve tha t business , that he is now the owner of the largest warp crochet lace manufactory in the world . When the County Counoila came into existence a few years ago he was elected without a contest , four gentlemen
retiring in his favour , and almost immediately after , that body elected him a County Alderman for Nottinghamshire , whioh proud position he still holds . This shows the high esteem onr brother enjoys in the neighbourhood . Bnt the record of onr W . M . does not stop here . Besides being a member of some of the leading clubs in London , and other Societies tbo numerous to mention , he is also Captain and in
command of the Ilkeston and Long Eaton Company of the 1 st Volunteer Battalion of the Sherwood Foresters Derbyshire Regiment , and doubtless if ever this country requires his services in the field " he will be there or thereabouts . " With all these qualifications and this very satisfactory record , need I say more than congratulate the Moira Lodge upon having such a Master . I therefore call upon yon to
drink the health of the W . M . in hampers , and be good enough to join me in wishing him the best of health and prosperity , and a successful year of office in the Moira Lodge . The W . M . having made a suitable response , other toasts followed , and the brethren separated at a late hoar , carrying away with them a grateful sense of the hospitality of the Moira Lodge , and a most agreeable recollection of tho rich musical treat whioh had been provided for them .
BRITISH UNION LODGE , No . 114 . THE anniversary meeting was held at the Masonio Hall , Ipswioh , on Thursday , tho 3 rd instant , when Bro . Hay ward P . M . 516 P . P . G . R . Suffolk was installed as the Worshipful Master of this Lodge , the ceremony being impressively performed by Brother Sir J . B . Monckton P . G . W . or England P . P . G . S . W . The Officers and members of the Lodge present were the W . M . Bro . Peter do L . LongPJI .
P . G . D . of England , Bros . Casley P . M . I . P . M . P . P . G . J . W ., Palmer HUB . Bac . S . W . P . G . Organist , Penraven J . W ., Boby P . M . P . G . S . B . England Treasurer , Grimsey P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Secretary , Tempest S . D ., Bead J . D ., Asbwin I . G ., Wainwright Steward , Colchester P . M .
P . P . G . S . D ., B . K . Caslev P . M . P . G . Treasurer , Legge-Oarrie P . M . 929 , Tidbnry P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., Miller Jan . P . M . P . P . G . P ., South , Jones , Flower , Grirawood , Gibb , and Cotman . The Visitors present inolnded Bros . Lord Eloho , M . P ., 357 , Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . W .,
Fraser P . M . 376 P . P . G . S . D ., Vans W . M . 650 , Ward P . M . 650 P . P . G . B ..
Cheston 99 P . G . D . and G . S . of Suffolk , Horvey P . P . G . J . W ., J . Terry P . G . S . B ., Stow 376 , Elkington 376 , Took P . M . 516 , Leeoh W . M . 376 , Hardwiok W . M . 959 , Atkinson P . M . 376 , Beid 376 , Bird 376 , Oapt . W . Barnard , R . N ., 120 ( Scotland ) , Ayraard 376 , Rev . Canon Bui . Btrode Chaplain 376 , Whitehead W . M .-eloot 225 , Sleigh 376 . At the conclusion of tho installation ceremony , the Worshipfal Master
appointed the Officers for the ensuing year , as follows : —Bros . Peter de Lande Loog P . G . D . P . M . 114 I . P . M ., Ponraven S . W ., Tempest J . W ., Sanderson P . G . Chaplain England P . M . 114 Chaplain , Boby P . G . S . B . England P . P . G . S . W . Suffolk P . M . 114 Treasurer , Grimsey P . G . J . W . Suffolk P . M . 114 Seoretary , Read S . D ., Ashwin J . D ., Casley P . P . G . J . W . P . M . 114 Dir . of Cers ., Palmer Mas . Bao . P . P . G . O . Suffolk
Organist , Wainwright I . G ., Bead Senior Steward , Wainwright Junior Steward , Goald Tyler . The Lodge was then closed in anoient form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting ^ room , where the installation festival was held , the newly-installed W . M . Bro . 0 . 6 . Hayward presidod . The banquet ovor , the Worshipfal Master gave the toasts of " Tho
Queen , " " H . B . H . The Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., " " The Most Worshipfal Pro Grand Master the Earl of Lathom , the Bight Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , and the Grand Offioers present and past , " " The Right Worshipful Lord Henniker P . G . M ., the V . W . Rev . C . J . Martyn P . G . Chaplain D . P . G . M . Suffolk , and the Offioers of tho Pro . vinoial Grand Lodge past and present , " the last two toasts being
responded to by Bros . Sir J . B . Monokton and Charles Cheston respectively . Bro . Peter de L . Long proposed " The Installing Master , " Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton , whom he said they would all cor . dially thank for the charming exposition he had given that night of Masonio work . Bro . Sir J . B . Monokton responded in appropriate terms , observing in the conrse of his remarks that he believed he hod
installed some half-dozen , more or less , Masters of the British Union Lodge , while the present Master would be the 110 th he had installed in various Lodges . He rejoiced with them in the prosperity of the British Union Lodge , which was seoond to none in the kingdom . Bro . Peter de L . Long , in giving the toast of the evening , " The Worshiofnl Masrer , " said he thought the Lodge was extremely
fortunate in securing a brother as Worshipful Mister who bad the real interests of Masonry at hoart , and who would thoroughly uphold tha dignity of the Lodgo . That night an almost uniqau incident had occurred in tha Loclae , GO far as his recollection went , in the fact that a son of the Worshipful Master had baen initiated into tha Craft . A greater proof of tho allegiance and loyalty of the
Worshipful Master ho held could not be given . He asked them to drink with him to the health and prosperity of the Worshipfal Master in his year of office . The toast was reoeivod with fall Masonio honours , and the Worshipfui Master , in response , said there was an old saying that a man constrained against his will is of the same opinion still , and he was convinced that ho oagbfc not to have been Master of the
Lodge . They ought to have chosen a Master from one of their on . ginal brethren , and he would have liked to have seen their S . W . in the chair , but tho S . W . did not wish to fill it . Last year a deputation of Past Masters nsked him to take the chair , but he refused . They came again thio year , and upon their persuasion he was forced to say " Yes . " still he thought they had got the wrong
man in the right place ; bnt has he had been placed in this position he wonld try to be the right man in the rignt place for the future . He would do his doty as the Master of the British Union Lodge to the best of his ability , knowing perfeotly well that any shortcomings on his part would be met by his brother offioers . He thanked them , in conclusion , most heartily for the honour conferred npon him , for
he considered it a great honour to be elected Master of the British Union Lodge—one of the grandest Lodges in the Province of Suffolk . The W . M . next proposed " The Masonio Charities , " coupled with the name of Bro . Terry , who responded . Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton , in submitting tho toast of the newly initiated brothers—Henry Clarke inn ., J . S . Corder , G . W . Horsfield , aud Percy Hayward—observed
that he had three sons and one son-in-law initiated , and within the last few weeks ho bad been blessed with a grandson , whom , he hoped if spared , to sea initiated also . The newly initiated brethren appropriately rospondod . Tho toa 3 t of " The Visitors " was associated with the namett of Bros . II . E . Loeoh and J . Hardwick , who acknowledged tbo complirneut . " The Past Masters , " " The Officers of the Lodge , " aud " Tho Tyler ' s toast concluded the toast list .
rjnHE installation of Bro . Normnntou took place aud the St . John ' fl i Festival was celebrated on Wednesday , the 9 tli inst . Present—Bros . Duckworth W . M ., Guthrio I . P . M ., Normanton S . W ., Bramwell J W Eov . Phillip Hiiins P . M . Chaplain , ClifFe P . M . Socrotnry , Bn ^ oall S . D ., Drety J . D ., Moxfiold P . M . 1057 P . P . G . Org . ChRshire Organist , Eldershaw P . M . Dir . of Cers ., Watson I . G . ; I' . M . 's Martin-Thomas P . G . J . D ., Baguall P . P . G . S . D ., Mullock , Shorrock , Aldrednud
FUNERALS properly carried oat and personally attended in London and Country , by Bro . G-. A . HUTTOlf , 17 Mewcaatla Street , Strand , W . C . Monuments erected . Valuations made .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 80 . THE annual festival was held at the Masonio , Sunderland , on the 8 th inat . There was a numerous gathering of brethren and visitors . The W . M . elect ( Bro . T . Gibbons ) was presented for installation by Bro . T . Elwin P . M . to Bro . H . J . Tarnball P . M . P . P . J . W ., who performed the ceremony in an able and impressive
manner . The W . M . invested his Officers : —Bros . Br . Piercey I . P . M ., Todd 8 . W ., Bigham J . W ., Elwin P . M . Treasurer , Atkinson P . M . Secretary , Walker 3 . D ., Robertson J . D ., Buckley I . G ., Wilson P . M . Assistant Seoretary , Grieve P . M . Tyler , Peake Organist . The annual banquet was held at the Grand Hotel , Bridge Street .
MOIRA LODGE , No . 92 . THE annual festival of this Lodge was held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on Friday , the 11 th inst ., and in the presence of a numerous company . Brother Fearfield W . M . elect was duly installed with the customary formalities . The other Officers being Bros . Greiner I . P . M ., TweedieS . W ., E . Greiner J . W ., Wilkinson P . M . Treasurer , Gonld P . M . Seoretary , Tweedie S . D ., Mitchell J . D ., Noakes P . M . Steward , Rev . B . I . Woodhouse Ohap . I . G . There were also
present Bros . Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., P . M ., Noakea P . M ., Mortimer P . M ., AuldjoP . M ., Pringle P . M ., Tweedie P . M ., Bohm P . M ., Andrew P . M ., Shorter P . M ., Manrongh and Davis , together with the following visitors : —Bros . Sandeman P . Dist . G . M . Bengal , Fenn President of the Board of General Purposes , Gooding P . G . D ., Catler , Q . O ., 6 . O ., Speth Secretary 2076 , Astle 2224 , Hallett W . M . 2224 , Riobarda P . M .
1584 , Kylands P . G . Steward W . M . 2076 , Chapman W . M . 2190 , Macaire 44 ( S . C . ) , Brannon P . M . 394 , Jones 259 , Smith P . M . 279 , Beid P . M . 142 , Barr 1669 , Gardner 2309 , Hooker 1670 , Mnssared W . M . 2264 , Lennox Browne Vice-Pres . Board of General Purposes , Gardiner 1150 , Bentham 60 ( I . G . ) , Bennett 172 , Chatterton 698 , Handlow 181 , and Orwin W . M . 1491 . At the banquet , whioh followed
the meeting , Bros . Sandeman and Fenn responded for the Grand Officers , and the toast of the evening , "The Memory of Earl Moira , the Patron of the Lodge , was proposed by Bro . Wilkinson , in a strain of eloquence whioh wholly forbids any feeble attempt at reproduction in these columns . After the applause had subsided , Bro . Greiner rose and said : One of the most pleasing tasks that an outgoing
Master bos to perform is that of introducing the new Master to the brethren of the Lodge , and to the visitors who grace our banquet by their presence , and of proposing bis health on tbia auspicious occasion . This duty is a specially pleasing one to me to-day , because the brother who has just been placed into the chair of the Moira Lodge is in every respeot a Mason , and a man who has shown the greatest
aptitude and capacity , and who will know how to do his duty to the satisfaction of every one . I am sore you will not accuse me of having " drawn the long bow " in what I have jnafc said when I have recited to you all I have been able to learn respecting him , and there are no doubt lots of other oreditable things which I onght to mention . Taking his Masonio career first , I find that he was admitted into
this , his Mother Lodge , in October 1886 , aud in due conrso ho took his second and third degrees . I may here mention that our W . M . lives near Nottingham , and consequently his regular attendances svt our Lodge meetings have entailed no inconsiderable expenditure of time and money on his part . He persevered through all the varions offices with trne Masonio zeal np to J . W . in onr Lodge , and on onr
Bro . Tweedie the S . W . expressing a wish to remain in his chair for another year , wo have had the privilege of electing Bro . Fearfield to the highest honour that it is in the power of the Lodge to give . Evidently Masonry impregnated onr worthy brother from the very start so thoroughly that in the following year he took the bold step of founding a Lodge of his own , namely , the Fearfield Lodge , No . 2224 ,
in his district , and served as W . M . of the same in 1888 . He is further a member of the ancient St . Alban ' s Lodge , No . 29 , and this year he was appointed Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . for Derbyshire . Next , as to bis private career , he received his education at Manchester and Belper , and later on we find him doing good work at the Moravian School in Neuwied , Germany , where he spent a few years . Originally ,
he was taught the profession of an engineer , bat on the death of his father he took to his business , and I am happy to inform yon om W . M . has , by his energy , managed to so greatly improve tha t business , that he is now the owner of the largest warp crochet lace manufactory in the world . When the County Counoila came into existence a few years ago he was elected without a contest , four gentlemen
retiring in his favour , and almost immediately after , that body elected him a County Alderman for Nottinghamshire , whioh proud position he still holds . This shows the high esteem onr brother enjoys in the neighbourhood . Bnt the record of onr W . M . does not stop here . Besides being a member of some of the leading clubs in London , and other Societies tbo numerous to mention , he is also Captain and in
command of the Ilkeston and Long Eaton Company of the 1 st Volunteer Battalion of the Sherwood Foresters Derbyshire Regiment , and doubtless if ever this country requires his services in the field " he will be there or thereabouts . " With all these qualifications and this very satisfactory record , need I say more than congratulate the Moira Lodge upon having such a Master . I therefore call upon yon to
drink the health of the W . M . in hampers , and be good enough to join me in wishing him the best of health and prosperity , and a successful year of office in the Moira Lodge . The W . M . having made a suitable response , other toasts followed , and the brethren separated at a late hoar , carrying away with them a grateful sense of the hospitality of the Moira Lodge , and a most agreeable recollection of tho rich musical treat whioh had been provided for them .
BRITISH UNION LODGE , No . 114 . THE anniversary meeting was held at the Masonio Hall , Ipswioh , on Thursday , tho 3 rd instant , when Bro . Hay ward P . M . 516 P . P . G . R . Suffolk was installed as the Worshipful Master of this Lodge , the ceremony being impressively performed by Brother Sir J . B . Monckton P . G . W . or England P . P . G . S . W . The Officers and members of the Lodge present were the W . M . Bro . Peter do L . LongPJI .
P . G . D . of England , Bros . Casley P . M . I . P . M . P . P . G . J . W ., Palmer HUB . Bac . S . W . P . G . Organist , Penraven J . W ., Boby P . M . P . G . S . B . England Treasurer , Grimsey P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Secretary , Tempest S . D ., Bead J . D ., Asbwin I . G ., Wainwright Steward , Colchester P . M .
P . P . G . S . D ., B . K . Caslev P . M . P . G . Treasurer , Legge-Oarrie P . M . 929 , Tidbnry P . M . P . P . G . S . B ., Miller Jan . P . M . P . P . G . P ., South , Jones , Flower , Grirawood , Gibb , and Cotman . The Visitors present inolnded Bros . Lord Eloho , M . P ., 357 , Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . W .,
Fraser P . M . 376 P . P . G . S . D ., Vans W . M . 650 , Ward P . M . 650 P . P . G . B ..
Cheston 99 P . G . D . and G . S . of Suffolk , Horvey P . P . G . J . W ., J . Terry P . G . S . B ., Stow 376 , Elkington 376 , Took P . M . 516 , Leeoh W . M . 376 , Hardwiok W . M . 959 , Atkinson P . M . 376 , Beid 376 , Bird 376 , Oapt . W . Barnard , R . N ., 120 ( Scotland ) , Ayraard 376 , Rev . Canon Bui . Btrode Chaplain 376 , Whitehead W . M .-eloot 225 , Sleigh 376 . At the conclusion of tho installation ceremony , the Worshipfal Master
appointed the Officers for the ensuing year , as follows : —Bros . Peter de Lande Loog P . G . D . P . M . 114 I . P . M ., Ponraven S . W ., Tempest J . W ., Sanderson P . G . Chaplain England P . M . 114 Chaplain , Boby P . G . S . B . England P . P . G . S . W . Suffolk P . M . 114 Treasurer , Grimsey P . G . J . W . Suffolk P . M . 114 Seoretary , Read S . D ., Ashwin J . D ., Casley P . P . G . J . W . P . M . 114 Dir . of Cers ., Palmer Mas . Bao . P . P . G . O . Suffolk
Organist , Wainwright I . G ., Bead Senior Steward , Wainwright Junior Steward , Goald Tyler . The Lodge was then closed in anoient form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting ^ room , where the installation festival was held , the newly-installed W . M . Bro . 0 . 6 . Hayward presidod . The banquet ovor , the Worshipfal Master gave the toasts of " Tho
Queen , " " H . B . H . The Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., " " The Most Worshipfal Pro Grand Master the Earl of Lathom , the Bight Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , and the Grand Offioers present and past , " " The Right Worshipful Lord Henniker P . G . M ., the V . W . Rev . C . J . Martyn P . G . Chaplain D . P . G . M . Suffolk , and the Offioers of tho Pro . vinoial Grand Lodge past and present , " the last two toasts being
responded to by Bros . Sir J . B . Monokton and Charles Cheston respectively . Bro . Peter de L . Long proposed " The Installing Master , " Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton , whom he said they would all cor . dially thank for the charming exposition he had given that night of Masonio work . Bro . Sir J . B . Monokton responded in appropriate terms , observing in the conrse of his remarks that he believed he hod
installed some half-dozen , more or less , Masters of the British Union Lodge , while the present Master would be the 110 th he had installed in various Lodges . He rejoiced with them in the prosperity of the British Union Lodge , which was seoond to none in the kingdom . Bro . Peter de L . Long , in giving the toast of the evening , " The Worshiofnl Masrer , " said he thought the Lodge was extremely
fortunate in securing a brother as Worshipful Mister who bad the real interests of Masonry at hoart , and who would thoroughly uphold tha dignity of the Lodgo . That night an almost uniqau incident had occurred in tha Loclae , GO far as his recollection went , in the fact that a son of the Worshipful Master had baen initiated into tha Craft . A greater proof of tho allegiance and loyalty of the
Worshipful Master ho held could not be given . He asked them to drink with him to the health and prosperity of the Worshipfal Master in his year of office . The toast was reoeivod with fall Masonio honours , and the Worshipfui Master , in response , said there was an old saying that a man constrained against his will is of the same opinion still , and he was convinced that ho oagbfc not to have been Master of the
Lodge . They ought to have chosen a Master from one of their on . ginal brethren , and he would have liked to have seen their S . W . in the chair , but tho S . W . did not wish to fill it . Last year a deputation of Past Masters nsked him to take the chair , but he refused . They came again thio year , and upon their persuasion he was forced to say " Yes . " still he thought they had got the wrong
man in the right place ; bnt has he had been placed in this position he wonld try to be the right man in the rignt place for the future . He would do his doty as the Master of the British Union Lodge to the best of his ability , knowing perfeotly well that any shortcomings on his part would be met by his brother offioers . He thanked them , in conclusion , most heartily for the honour conferred npon him , for
he considered it a great honour to be elected Master of the British Union Lodge—one of the grandest Lodges in the Province of Suffolk . The W . M . next proposed " The Masonio Charities , " coupled with the name of Bro . Terry , who responded . Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton , in submitting tho toast of the newly initiated brothers—Henry Clarke inn ., J . S . Corder , G . W . Horsfield , aud Percy Hayward—observed
that he had three sons and one son-in-law initiated , and within the last few weeks ho bad been blessed with a grandson , whom , he hoped if spared , to sea initiated also . The newly initiated brethren appropriately rospondod . Tho toa 3 t of " The Visitors " was associated with the namett of Bros . II . E . Loeoh and J . Hardwick , who acknowledged tbo complirneut . " The Past Masters , " " The Officers of the Lodge , " aud " Tho Tyler ' s toast concluded the toast list .
rjnHE installation of Bro . Normnntou took place aud the St . John ' fl i Festival was celebrated on Wednesday , the 9 tli inst . Present—Bros . Duckworth W . M ., Guthrio I . P . M ., Normanton S . W ., Bramwell J W Eov . Phillip Hiiins P . M . Chaplain , ClifFe P . M . Socrotnry , Bn ^ oall S . D ., Drety J . D ., Moxfiold P . M . 1057 P . P . G . Org . ChRshire Organist , Eldershaw P . M . Dir . of Cers ., Watson I . G . ; I' . M . 's Martin-Thomas P . G . J . D ., Baguall P . P . G . S . D ., Mullock , Shorrock , Aldrednud
FUNERALS properly carried oat and personally attended in London and Country , by Bro . G-. A . HUTTOlf , 17 Mewcaatla Street , Strand , W . C . Monuments erected . Valuations made .