Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
are not sufficiently commodious , and the committee appointed will report thereon . The Lodgo was then closed .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . — Tin-Lodge held its weekly meeting on Wednesday last , at Bro . Boll's Masons' Hall Tavern , E . C . Present—Bros . Ttirqtuind W . M ., V , i ^' S . W ., AbeU J . W ., J . Constable Treasurer , F . Croaker S . D ., ToltiV Steward , Walker T . G .. Christopher Tyler ; P . M . Bro . E . Gntthel '
Preceptor . Visitors—Bros . Thompson and Ellis . Business—Tho 3 rd degree was worked by the W . M . in his usual eloquent style , to the intense satisfaction of all present , he also worked the wliolo of the sections of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Reed was elected W . M . for tho following week , tho meeting consisted of upwards of twenty . threo brethren .
Bank of England Lodge , " No . 263 . —Met at tho Albion Tavern , on Thursday , tho 13 th inst . Owing to the inclemency of tho weather and other causes , there was not a very fnll muster . The Provincial Grand Organist of Middlesex was tho only visitor . No business , other than tho disposal of tho votes to tho Charities , came before tho meeting .
Union Lodge , No . 332 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge ¦ was held on Monday , the 17 th instant , at 170 Buchanan-street , when Bro . McKirdy R . W . M . initiated ono gentleman and raised a brother to tho snblimo degree .
Clyde Lodge , No . 408 . — This Lodge held an emergency meeting on Friday , the 14 th instant , for tho purpose of initiating gentlemen into tho Order . Tho work was well performed by the R . W . M ., Bro . Harper . Tho third degree was afterwards conferred on a brother of this Lodgo , and on ono for tho Lodge Kilwinning , No . 4 , for which Bro . R . Front , of No . 4 , returned thanks .
Frederick Chapter of Unity , No . 452 . —Having removed its quarters from Sutton , met at Croydon , on Tuesday , tho 18 th April . Bro . E . J . Harty was exalted . Most excellent Comp . James Glaishor performed tho ceremony with that solemnity and efficiency which is so well known . Comp . Baber was installed into the chair of Z ., and the proceedings terminated with a banquet and social enjoyment .
Polish . National Lodge , No . 534— On Thursday , the 13 th instant , the Installation meeting of this Lodge was largely attended by members and visitors , amongst others Bros . Hyde Pnllen P . S . G . B ., J . B . Sorrell W . M . 170 , F . Sumner Knyvott W . M . 1494 , Sergert P . M ., and several others . Tho Lodge having being opened , the W . M ., Bro . W . G . Moore , proceeded to raise Bro . W . Cronehcr , after which tho
Lodge was resumed to tho 2 nd degree , when Bro . F . Rath S . W . was presented to the W . M . for installation , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Moore in a masterly manner , calling forth unanimous expressions of approval from tho brethren . Messrs . Brown , Hnsledou and Jones wero afterwards initiated by tho W . M ., and no other business offering the Lodgo was duly closed , and tho brethren adjourned
to a banquet , presided over by tho W . M ., Bro . Rath . Tho usual loyal and customary toasts having being responded to , the health of the W . M . was proposed by tho I . P . M ., aud very cordially responded to by the brethren , the W . M . acknowledging the compliment in very graceful terms . The health of the Initiates was acknowledged by Bro .
Brown . The W . M . then proposed tho health of Bro . Moore , the I . P . M ., and commented upon the able and impressive manner in which he had performed the ceremony of Installation . Bro . Moore , in responding , referred to the prosperous condition of the Lodge , and wished for tho W . M . tho same measure of success which had attended
him during his year of office . Bro . Hyde Pnllen P . G . S . B . and other visitors responded to the toast of tho Visitors , expressing their favourable opinion of tho working of tho Lodge generally . The health of the Officers was then proposed , auel the Tyler ' s toast having been duly honoured , the brethren separated , after tho enjoyment of an exceedingly pleasant evening .
Dramatic Lodge , No . 571 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodgo was held iu St . Mark ' s Hall , on Wednesday , the 10 th instant . Tho R . W . M . Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , H . W . Jack ' man S . W ., William , Sicvewright J . W ., W . Barbour Tr ., D . Campbell Sec , J . Smyth S . D ., J . B . Hardie Tyler . Tho R . W . M ., in excellent style , initiated Mr . Walter Buchanan into the Order , and afterwards passed Bro . Connol
to the Fellow Craft degree . There were a great many visitors present , including Bros . C . S . Bo Roalartcn of Le Union de la Orient Bosphorns Lodge , John II . Sutclili' of King Solomon Lodgo , Australia , Allan 0 . Wylio P . P . G . S . B . Herts , . lames Adams f > y , Doric , Canada ,, G . Vv " . Wheeler 73 , J . Lauehlan bl , J . Sherlock 2 l !\ J . M . Oliver S . W . 3 ( 10 , J . Boord 41 . 3 , Wm . Phillips R . W . M . o 0 ( 5 , J . Ferguson P . M . 543 , J . Law P . M . o 70 , and Allan C . Bodge SU 9 .
. Dalhousie Lodge , DlO . 380 . —This Lodge held its regular monthly meeting , also the last of tho s asou , on Thursday , the 13 th instant , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Present — Bros . W . H . Wallington W . M ., Smith S . W . ami Worsley J . W . pro tem , White S . D ,, Mason J . D ., Dodson I . G ., Gilchrist Tyler . Lodge opened
in duo form with prayer ; the minutes of tho last Lodge meeting were read and continued . Bros . Colo , Turner and Lipson having answered tho usual questions , were raised to the sublime degree ol M . M . Bro . Silcock was passed to the second degree , after which theinstallation of Bro . H . Dallwood , W . M . elect ( this being tho second time of his occupying tho chair ) was proceeded with , the beautiful
ceremony being rendered by Bro . Wallington * in snch a manner aa , if possible , to exceed any of his previous eHurts ; tho ceremony being riven in a clear and unhesitating stylo , proving tho careful study be-- ¦ towed by Bro . Wallington in committing it to memory . The newly iishillod W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follow : — Bros . Wallington I . P . M . and Treasurer , White S . W ., Dodson J . W .,
bitteU P . M . See ., Seymour Smith Org ., Wiege , S . D ., Worsley J . D ., Diekius I . G ., Seueelo P . M . aud Cheshire Stewards , Cull D . C ., Gilchrist Tyler . Tho report of the Audit Committee was then read ; it diowed the Lodgo to bo in a prosperous condition , thero being a good balance of cash in hand . Lodgo was then closed in duo form , when rhe brethren adjourned to tho banquet , which was served up and
attended to in Bro . Smith s well-known style . Tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given aud responded to most heartily . The [ . P . M . in proposing tho health of tho W . M . observed that he was iu an enviable position on that particular occasion . Bro . Dallwood having previously occupied the chair , it needed no speech of his to inform the brethren of tho many excellent qualities , both socially
uul Masonically , possessed by onr present W . M . Tho health of the P . M . ' s was then proposed , and tho name of Bro . Wallington I . P . M . coupled therewith . Tho W . M . embraced the opportunity—when pre . -tenting him with tho P . M . jewel , as also a testimonial on vellum—to congratulate him on his very successful year of office , also on the able manner in which ho had conducted tho duties of tho Lodgo .
Flo hoped ho might bo spared many years to bo with thom , to render his valuable assistance . Bro . Wallington briefly returned thanks for the honours tho brethren conferred npon him , and trusted the Lodge would continue to prosper , this ho was sure would bo the case with the aid of such promising officers as tho W . M . had that evening selected . Tho health of tho Visitors was then proposed , thero being several
present . Bro . Driscoe P . M ., a very old Mason , who has on several occasions officiated as Installing Master , responded briefly , thanking tho brethren of tho Dalhousie Lodgo for tho hospitality aud kind . ness ho and other visitors always received at thoir hands . He expressed his great pleasure at seeing a member of tho Lodgo ablo for the future to dispense with his services as Installing Master ; he should ,
however , always feel the same deep interest in their proceedings he hitherto had done . Several excellent songs wore sung , by Bros . Seymour Smith , Farmer , Wiege , Dallwood , Wallington , Worsley , Dod . sou . iVc , and a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close . Tho Tyler's toast being given , the brethren separated until tho meeting iu October next .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , 18 th inst ., at tho Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Bros . Smith W . M ., Perrin S . W ., Cambridge J . W ., Wicgo S . D ., Johrison'I . G ., Wallington Preceptor . Loclgo opened ia first and second degrees ; Bro . Horsloy , having answered the usual questions , was raised to tho sublime degree of Master Mason , tho
ceremony being rendered very impressive by tho W . M . The Preceptor gave tho traditional history , and tho 3 rd Section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Horsloy . Bro . Perriu was unanimously elected W . M . for Tuesday , 2 nd May , next Tuesday being the date for work , ing the 15 sections , when Bro . Pinder will preside . Lodgo closed in duo form .
Strawberry Hill Lodge , No . 946 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., at tho Grotto Hotel , Cross Deep , Twickenham . Bros . J . Hay ward W . M ., Johnson S . W ., Wolgcmuth J . W ., T . Prico S . D ., Nicoll J . D ., W . Platb P . M . Secretary , W . B . Woodman D . C , Cook I . G ., Rohrs S ., and P . M . ' s W . Smeed , Waghorn and Mcllwham . Tho Lodge was opened , aud
the minutes wore confirmed . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed . Bro . Johnson , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to tho Lodge , and installed into the chair by Bro . W . Smeed P . M . P . G . W . Middlesex . The W . M . having been saluted , then invested his officers : —Bros . Wolgcmuth S . W ., T . Prico J . W ., W . Piatt P . M . Secretary , Cook re-appointed S . D ., W . B . Woodman J . D ., Argylo I . G .,
Aston D . C ., Rohrs S ., Riley Tylor . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . W . Smeed P . M . for the able manner he had performed tho ceremony of installation . The audit report was read and adopted . A telegram was received from the R . W . Col . Burdett P . G . M ., regretting his inability to attend , on account of his military duties . Tho W . M . thenin appropriate terms , presentedin the name of tho
, , Lodge , to the retiring W . M . a very elegant gold and artistically designed P . M . jewel , with the following inscription : " Presented to Bro . , T . Hayward P . M . in testimony of the great zeal and ability displayed by him during tho year ho presided as W . M . 12 th April 187 ( 3 . " The Lodgo was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Powell . The W . M . gave the
usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . J . Hayward I . P . M . proposed tho toast of tho W . M ., whom ho characterised as ono able to carry out the requirements of the chair . This was duly responded to , Bros . W . Smeed and Mcllwham returned thanks for tho toast of the P . M . ' s . Bros . Lover J . W . 115 S and S . Jewell 1559 returned
thanks for tho Visitors , who were Bros . J . Wright W . M . New Preston Lodge , Cousins Etonian Lodge 201 ) , and Stevens . The toast of tho Wardens and Officers was given , and responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded a very delightful evening , in spite of tho unpropitious state of tho weather . Bros . W . Smeed , W . Piatt , Mcllwham con . tributed to the harmony .
Harrogate aud Claro . bodge , No . 1001 . —This Lodge held its mooting , on llth April , at Harrogate . This being tho annual installation , tho following brethren were placed iu tho chairs : Bros . T . T . Powell W . M ., Geo , Ronton jun . S . W ., M . Perkiu J . W ., J . Stephenson S . D ., M . Bltime J . D . , J . England P . M . B . C ., S . Sugden Steward , A . Hiscoe I . G ., W . Hodgson Tyler , J . II . Matthews Secretary , IL Ackrill P . M . Treasurer , Rev . R . Dyson P . M . Chaplain . Visitors Bros . H . Crooke , Prov . Grand Secretary Durham , Phillips P . M ., Castle .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
are not sufficiently commodious , and the committee appointed will report thereon . The Lodgo was then closed .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . — Tin-Lodge held its weekly meeting on Wednesday last , at Bro . Boll's Masons' Hall Tavern , E . C . Present—Bros . Ttirqtuind W . M ., V , i ^' S . W ., AbeU J . W ., J . Constable Treasurer , F . Croaker S . D ., ToltiV Steward , Walker T . G .. Christopher Tyler ; P . M . Bro . E . Gntthel '
Preceptor . Visitors—Bros . Thompson and Ellis . Business—Tho 3 rd degree was worked by the W . M . in his usual eloquent style , to the intense satisfaction of all present , he also worked the wliolo of the sections of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Reed was elected W . M . for tho following week , tho meeting consisted of upwards of twenty . threo brethren .
Bank of England Lodge , " No . 263 . —Met at tho Albion Tavern , on Thursday , tho 13 th inst . Owing to the inclemency of tho weather and other causes , there was not a very fnll muster . The Provincial Grand Organist of Middlesex was tho only visitor . No business , other than tho disposal of tho votes to tho Charities , came before tho meeting .
Union Lodge , No . 332 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge ¦ was held on Monday , the 17 th instant , at 170 Buchanan-street , when Bro . McKirdy R . W . M . initiated ono gentleman and raised a brother to tho snblimo degree .
Clyde Lodge , No . 408 . — This Lodge held an emergency meeting on Friday , the 14 th instant , for tho purpose of initiating gentlemen into tho Order . Tho work was well performed by the R . W . M ., Bro . Harper . Tho third degree was afterwards conferred on a brother of this Lodgo , and on ono for tho Lodge Kilwinning , No . 4 , for which Bro . R . Front , of No . 4 , returned thanks .
Frederick Chapter of Unity , No . 452 . —Having removed its quarters from Sutton , met at Croydon , on Tuesday , tho 18 th April . Bro . E . J . Harty was exalted . Most excellent Comp . James Glaishor performed tho ceremony with that solemnity and efficiency which is so well known . Comp . Baber was installed into the chair of Z ., and the proceedings terminated with a banquet and social enjoyment .
Polish . National Lodge , No . 534— On Thursday , the 13 th instant , the Installation meeting of this Lodge was largely attended by members and visitors , amongst others Bros . Hyde Pnllen P . S . G . B ., J . B . Sorrell W . M . 170 , F . Sumner Knyvott W . M . 1494 , Sergert P . M ., and several others . Tho Lodge having being opened , the W . M ., Bro . W . G . Moore , proceeded to raise Bro . W . Cronehcr , after which tho
Lodge was resumed to tho 2 nd degree , when Bro . F . Rath S . W . was presented to the W . M . for installation , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Moore in a masterly manner , calling forth unanimous expressions of approval from tho brethren . Messrs . Brown , Hnsledou and Jones wero afterwards initiated by tho W . M ., and no other business offering the Lodgo was duly closed , and tho brethren adjourned
to a banquet , presided over by tho W . M ., Bro . Rath . Tho usual loyal and customary toasts having being responded to , the health of the W . M . was proposed by tho I . P . M ., aud very cordially responded to by the brethren , the W . M . acknowledging the compliment in very graceful terms . The health of the Initiates was acknowledged by Bro .
Brown . The W . M . then proposed tho health of Bro . Moore , the I . P . M ., and commented upon the able and impressive manner in which he had performed the ceremony of Installation . Bro . Moore , in responding , referred to the prosperous condition of the Lodge , and wished for tho W . M . tho same measure of success which had attended
him during his year of office . Bro . Hyde Pnllen P . G . S . B . and other visitors responded to the toast of tho Visitors , expressing their favourable opinion of tho working of tho Lodge generally . The health of the Officers was then proposed , auel the Tyler ' s toast having been duly honoured , the brethren separated , after tho enjoyment of an exceedingly pleasant evening .
Dramatic Lodge , No . 571 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodgo was held iu St . Mark ' s Hall , on Wednesday , the 10 th instant . Tho R . W . M . Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , H . W . Jack ' man S . W ., William , Sicvewright J . W ., W . Barbour Tr ., D . Campbell Sec , J . Smyth S . D ., J . B . Hardie Tyler . Tho R . W . M ., in excellent style , initiated Mr . Walter Buchanan into the Order , and afterwards passed Bro . Connol
to the Fellow Craft degree . There were a great many visitors present , including Bros . C . S . Bo Roalartcn of Le Union de la Orient Bosphorns Lodge , John II . Sutclili' of King Solomon Lodgo , Australia , Allan 0 . Wylio P . P . G . S . B . Herts , . lames Adams f > y , Doric , Canada ,, G . Vv " . Wheeler 73 , J . Lauehlan bl , J . Sherlock 2 l !\ J . M . Oliver S . W . 3 ( 10 , J . Boord 41 . 3 , Wm . Phillips R . W . M . o 0 ( 5 , J . Ferguson P . M . 543 , J . Law P . M . o 70 , and Allan C . Bodge SU 9 .
. Dalhousie Lodge , DlO . 380 . —This Lodge held its regular monthly meeting , also the last of tho s asou , on Thursday , the 13 th instant , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Present — Bros . W . H . Wallington W . M ., Smith S . W . ami Worsley J . W . pro tem , White S . D ,, Mason J . D ., Dodson I . G ., Gilchrist Tyler . Lodge opened
in duo form with prayer ; the minutes of tho last Lodge meeting were read and continued . Bros . Colo , Turner and Lipson having answered tho usual questions , were raised to the sublime degree ol M . M . Bro . Silcock was passed to the second degree , after which theinstallation of Bro . H . Dallwood , W . M . elect ( this being tho second time of his occupying tho chair ) was proceeded with , the beautiful
ceremony being rendered by Bro . Wallington * in snch a manner aa , if possible , to exceed any of his previous eHurts ; tho ceremony being riven in a clear and unhesitating stylo , proving tho careful study be-- ¦ towed by Bro . Wallington in committing it to memory . The newly iishillod W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follow : — Bros . Wallington I . P . M . and Treasurer , White S . W ., Dodson J . W .,
bitteU P . M . See ., Seymour Smith Org ., Wiege , S . D ., Worsley J . D ., Diekius I . G ., Seueelo P . M . aud Cheshire Stewards , Cull D . C ., Gilchrist Tyler . Tho report of the Audit Committee was then read ; it diowed the Lodgo to bo in a prosperous condition , thero being a good balance of cash in hand . Lodgo was then closed in duo form , when rhe brethren adjourned to tho banquet , which was served up and
attended to in Bro . Smith s well-known style . Tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given aud responded to most heartily . The [ . P . M . in proposing tho health of tho W . M . observed that he was iu an enviable position on that particular occasion . Bro . Dallwood having previously occupied the chair , it needed no speech of his to inform the brethren of tho many excellent qualities , both socially
uul Masonically , possessed by onr present W . M . Tho health of the P . M . ' s was then proposed , and tho name of Bro . Wallington I . P . M . coupled therewith . Tho W . M . embraced the opportunity—when pre . -tenting him with tho P . M . jewel , as also a testimonial on vellum—to congratulate him on his very successful year of office , also on the able manner in which ho had conducted tho duties of tho Lodgo .
Flo hoped ho might bo spared many years to bo with thom , to render his valuable assistance . Bro . Wallington briefly returned thanks for the honours tho brethren conferred npon him , and trusted the Lodge would continue to prosper , this ho was sure would bo the case with the aid of such promising officers as tho W . M . had that evening selected . Tho health of tho Visitors was then proposed , thero being several
present . Bro . Driscoe P . M ., a very old Mason , who has on several occasions officiated as Installing Master , responded briefly , thanking tho brethren of tho Dalhousie Lodgo for tho hospitality aud kind . ness ho and other visitors always received at thoir hands . He expressed his great pleasure at seeing a member of tho Lodgo ablo for the future to dispense with his services as Installing Master ; he should ,
however , always feel the same deep interest in their proceedings he hitherto had done . Several excellent songs wore sung , by Bros . Seymour Smith , Farmer , Wiege , Dallwood , Wallington , Worsley , Dod . sou . iVc , and a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close . Tho Tyler's toast being given , the brethren separated until tho meeting iu October next .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , 18 th inst ., at tho Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Bros . Smith W . M ., Perrin S . W ., Cambridge J . W ., Wicgo S . D ., Johrison'I . G ., Wallington Preceptor . Loclgo opened ia first and second degrees ; Bro . Horsloy , having answered the usual questions , was raised to tho sublime degree of Master Mason , tho
ceremony being rendered very impressive by tho W . M . The Preceptor gave tho traditional history , and tho 3 rd Section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Horsloy . Bro . Perriu was unanimously elected W . M . for Tuesday , 2 nd May , next Tuesday being the date for work , ing the 15 sections , when Bro . Pinder will preside . Lodgo closed in duo form .
Strawberry Hill Lodge , No . 946 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., at tho Grotto Hotel , Cross Deep , Twickenham . Bros . J . Hay ward W . M ., Johnson S . W ., Wolgcmuth J . W ., T . Prico S . D ., Nicoll J . D ., W . Platb P . M . Secretary , W . B . Woodman D . C , Cook I . G ., Rohrs S ., and P . M . ' s W . Smeed , Waghorn and Mcllwham . Tho Lodge was opened , aud
the minutes wore confirmed . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed . Bro . Johnson , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to tho Lodge , and installed into the chair by Bro . W . Smeed P . M . P . G . W . Middlesex . The W . M . having been saluted , then invested his officers : —Bros . Wolgcmuth S . W ., T . Prico J . W ., W . Piatt P . M . Secretary , Cook re-appointed S . D ., W . B . Woodman J . D ., Argylo I . G .,
Aston D . C ., Rohrs S ., Riley Tylor . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . W . Smeed P . M . for the able manner he had performed tho ceremony of installation . The audit report was read and adopted . A telegram was received from the R . W . Col . Burdett P . G . M ., regretting his inability to attend , on account of his military duties . Tho W . M . thenin appropriate terms , presentedin the name of tho
, , Lodge , to the retiring W . M . a very elegant gold and artistically designed P . M . jewel , with the following inscription : " Presented to Bro . , T . Hayward P . M . in testimony of the great zeal and ability displayed by him during tho year ho presided as W . M . 12 th April 187 ( 3 . " The Lodgo was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Powell . The W . M . gave the
usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . J . Hayward I . P . M . proposed tho toast of tho W . M ., whom ho characterised as ono able to carry out the requirements of the chair . This was duly responded to , Bros . W . Smeed and Mcllwham returned thanks for tho toast of the P . M . ' s . Bros . Lover J . W . 115 S and S . Jewell 1559 returned
thanks for tho Visitors , who were Bros . J . Wright W . M . New Preston Lodge , Cousins Etonian Lodge 201 ) , and Stevens . The toast of tho Wardens and Officers was given , and responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded a very delightful evening , in spite of tho unpropitious state of tho weather . Bros . W . Smeed , W . Piatt , Mcllwham con . tributed to the harmony .
Harrogate aud Claro . bodge , No . 1001 . —This Lodge held its mooting , on llth April , at Harrogate . This being tho annual installation , tho following brethren were placed iu tho chairs : Bros . T . T . Powell W . M ., Geo , Ronton jun . S . W ., M . Perkiu J . W ., J . Stephenson S . D ., M . Bltime J . D . , J . England P . M . B . C ., S . Sugden Steward , A . Hiscoe I . G ., W . Hodgson Tyler , J . II . Matthews Secretary , IL Ackrill P . M . Treasurer , Rev . R . Dyson P . M . Chaplain . Visitors Bros . H . Crooke , Prov . Grand Secretary Durham , Phillips P . M ., Castle .