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Notices Of Meetings.
ford ( installing master ) . A portrait of tho M . W . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was presented to the Lodge by Bro . Paul Fruh J . D . on his retirement from office .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday , tho 12 th of April , at the Masonic Hall , Rending . Present—Bros . E . Margrett S . W . actitig W . M ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Sec . acting S . W ., A . Welch J . W ., J . Newman Steward acting Sec , J . T . Btrimsom Treas . and acting J . D ., W . G . Flanagan S . D ., J . Early Danks I . G ., W . Hemmings Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . G . Chancellor ,
J . T . Brown . Members Bros . Robinson , Simonds , Hnkins , White , Bailey , Blackwoll , Phillips , and Rolfe . Visitors Bros . J . F . Brown Temperance 739 , Heathcote Pythagoras 447 , formerly v > 54 . Business —The Secretary read a letter from tho W . M ., stating that ho was unavoidably absent on urgent business . Tho S . W . opened the Lodgo in tho first degree . The minutes of the last regular Ledge and joint
Lodge of Emergency with that of 414 , were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Lieut .-Col . Heathcote as a joining member , who was declared to be unanimously elected , and was admitted as a member . Bro . F . W . White being a candidate to be passed to the second degree , answered , in a very satisfactory manner , the usual questions , and retired to bo prepared . The S . W . vacated tho chair
in favour of the Secretary , who opened the Lodge in the second degree , and passed Bro . White to tho degree of Follow Craft . Bro . T . Simonds being a candidate to be raised to the third degree , replied satisfactorily to tho usual questions , and retired to bo prepared . Tho Lodgo was opened in the third degree , when tho Secretary vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Brown P . M ., who raised Bro . Simonds to
tho sublime degree of M . M . in bis usual correct and impressive manner . The Lodgo was resumed to the second degree . The Lodgo was resumed to the first degree . The S . W ., Bro . Margrett , proposed and tho acting W . M . seconded , " That this Lodge do join with the Lodge of Union , 414 , in providing accommodation for tho forthcoming Provincial Grand Lodge iu May , and that a sum not exceeding a
moiety of five pounds be applied from the funds of tho Lodge for that purpose , " which was carried . Tho Secretary was requested to read a letter from the Chaplain , asking for vote of money by the Lodge to be applied to the fund of his Stewardship at the approaching Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The acting W . M . stated that a vote had already been passed for a second forty guineas to the
Institution , but tho payment of it was deferred in consequence of tho insufficiency of funds ; bnt now , from the balance sheet to December 1875 ( of which each brother has had n copy ) , which showed a surplus of £ 53 odd , with about £ 25 subscriptions due at Christmas last unpaid , he thought it an excellent opportunity to vote tho required amount to make the W . M . for the time being a Vice-President , which would bo thirty instead of forty guineas . The Provincial
Grand Lodgo having apportioned ten guineas of their Charity fund to tho Grey Friars Lotlge , Bro . Chancellor P . M ., Provincial Grand Treasurer , seconded tho proposition . A long discussion ensued ; amendments wero proposed , but not seconded , when it was put to the vote , and declared to bo carried . Tho S . W ., Bro . Margrett , protested against tho vote , and desired that his protest may bo recorded on the minutes . Tho labours of tho evening being ended , tho Lodge was closed according to ancient form .
Macdonald Lodge , No . 1216 . —This Lodgo met at tho Head Quarters of the 1 st Surrey Rifles , at Camberwcll , on the evening of Thursday , tho 13 th inst ., when there were present : — Bros . J . Hcpbnru Hastio W . M ., M . S . Larlham S . W ., James Stevens P . M . as J . W ., J . W . Carncll S . D ., 0 . Fountain J . D ., P . Cozens Org ., W . C . Hale I . G ., also P . M . ' s Bros . W . J . Messenger , G . Waterall , S .
H . Wagstatf ; and Bros . Captain A . Styan Treas ., J . J . Curtis Sec , Holland , Golding , Bradley , Jarman , Clay , Edmonstonc , Yonge , Grant , Ac , & c . The Lodge was opened in tho three degrees , and Bro . Yonge was raised as M . M . The Lodgo having been closed down to the 1 st degree , Mr . Christopher T . Dunford was introduced aud initiated . The ceremonies wero performed in a most admirable and
careful manner , and with full musical service , to the expressed delight of the visitors and members . Tho election of W . M . for tho ensuing year then took place , and the unanimous vote of the Lodge was recorded iu favour of Bro . M . S . Larlham ; Bro . Captain Styan was also unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Grant , who , it was observed with regret , looked scarcely recovered from his late
indisposition , was in like manner re-elected Tyler . The W . M . having referred to the flourishing condition of the Lodgo funds , proposed that a sum of 40 guineas be voted in equal moieties to tho Masonic Institutions for Boys and Girls , the respective amounts being placed ou the lists of Bro . Waterall P . M ., who will represent the Lodge at the ensuing Festival of tho Girls' School , and Bro . Wagstaff
P . M ., who will fulfil a similar office at the Boys' School Festival . Tho W . M . ' s proposition was carried nem con . On the proposition of Bro . Stevens P . M ., who spoke on behalf of the P . M . ' s present iu terms of high appreciation of tho eminent services of Bro . Hastie during his year of office , and the perfection with which ho had carried out the ritual of the Order , tho P . M . jewel
of the Lodge , of the value of ten guineas , was unanimously voted for presentation to that worthy brother on his retiring from the chair of K . S . Bro . Wagstaft'P . M . stated that a further life governorship would be constituted during the ensuing week , and that the society formed in connection with the Lodge for promoting the interests of tho Masonic Charities was progressing mostsatisfactorily . Thccommittec for Audit
was next appointed , and tho business terminated . Tho Lodgo was closed with musical service . Refreshment followed labour , and at an early hour the brethren , amongst whom were the following visitors , viz ., Bros . C . G . Cobbam W . M . 957 , E . W . Fisher 700 , Fullager 14 , Greenway 874 , Pennowar 1329 , and Middlemass of the Sphynx Lodge , separated .
Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 19 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bros . Jabez Hogg P . G . D . W . M ., G . Harrison S . W . and W . M . elect , Southwood J . W ., Hollingsworth S . D ., J . S . Ward J . D ., G . King jun . P . M . Secretary , Goodacre I . G ., G . King sen . P . M . D . C , C . J . Speight Tyler , and Bros . Foot , Boeton ,
H . Condy , Mason , Robins , Spender , Salmon , Portway , Hodgkinson , & o . Tho Lodge was opened at half-past three , and tho minutes of the former meeting and emergency were read and confirmed . Letters of apology wero read from several brethren , distinguished in the Order , regretting their inability to bo present . Bros . Mason , Fitch aud Condy were passed to the degree of Fellow
Craft . Bro . Dr . Abbott Smith , late No . 12 , was elected a joining member , and Messrs . Sherward and James wore duly initiated into tho Order , tho ceremonies being rendered by the W . M . in his accustomed perfect and impressive manner . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . Harrison S . W . and W . M . elect was pre . sented to tho Lodgo and installed into tho chair by Bro . G . King jun .
P . M . Tho customary salutes having been given , the W . M . invested his officers : — Bros . Jabez Hogg I . P . M . Treasurer , G . King jun . P . M . Sec , Southwood S . W ., Hollingsworth J . W ., J . S . Ward S . D ., Goodacre J . D ., Spalding I . G ., King P . M . D . C , and Speight Tyler . Tho Installing Master gave the concluding addresses , and was
deservedly complimented at the conclusion of the ceremony . Bro . Seymour Smith conducted tho musical arrangements , and added solemnity to tho proceedings . The report of tho Audit Committee was read and adopted , a sum of £ 10 10 s was placed on tho list of tho S . W ., who is a Steward for the next Anniversary Festival of the Girls' School . A letter of condolence was sent to tho relatives of
a deceased P . M . A notice of motion was given that a committee bo formed to carry out the necessary arrangements for a summer banquet . Tho Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Inns of Court Hotel , where they partook of a banquet , superintended by Bro . D . Sherwell , that gave great satisfaction . Tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given , and the usual speeches of tho Wardens ,
Officers , & c . During the evening the W . M . presented , in the name of tho Lodge , a very elegant P . M . jewel , with suitable inscription , to the retiring W . M ., Bro . Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., in recognition of tho valuable services rendered to tho Lodgo by him during his year of office , and as a slight token of tho great regard and esteem he is held in by every brother in tho Lodge . Bro . lloge ; , in a feeling manner , returned thanks for the gift . The newly initiated brethren , Bros .
Sherward and James , each gave the sum of £ 10 10 s to tho Girls ' School , showing that they were fully impressed with tho ceremony , and did not forget that noble attribute , " Charity . " The musical arrangements gave great satisfaction . Bro . S . Smith was assisted by Bro . G . T . Carter . Tho visitors were Bros . J . Green W . M . 27 , Atkins P . M . 27 , G . F . Carter P . M . 143 , Hollis P . M . 167 , H . Massey P . M . 619 , Stewart P . M . 898 , Cleaner 12 , Scars 299 , Richards 733 , Harrison 771 , Braven 1288 , and A . Portbury 1426 .
Hyde Park Lodge , Np . 1425 . —The installation meeting of this young but flourishing Lodge was held on Thursday evening , 13 th April , at Bro . Browning ' s Restaurant , Paddington . Bro . W . F . Savage , who was retiring from the chair , worked tho first part of the installation ceremony , being assisted , in tho latter part , by Bro . Read , and tho whole of the beautiful ceremony was worked in tho
most impressive manner . Ono little episode cannot bo overlooked ; on the appointment of the incoming Master , Bro . John Cruttenden , tho S . W . ' s chair was hold by his brother , H . Cruttenden P . P . G . Sword Bearer of Kent , and tho J . W . ' a chair was held b y his aged father , Bro . John Cruttenden , also a Past Grand Officer of Kent , Bro . John Cruttenden ( tho elder ) is well known in Masonry ,
and it must havo been to him a most pleasing sight to sec his two sons occupying such exalted positions . Later in tho ceremony , the son of tho newly-installed W . M . entered tho Lodge , so that there wero present in the Lodge room three generations of the name of John Cruttenden , a fact , wo believe , almost unprecedented . The officers were invested by the W . M ., viz .: —Bros . Sones S . W ., Gellion
J . W ., Alexander S . D ., John Headon J . D ., Clark I . G ., Craig Principal Steward , Monger re-elected as Tyler . Bro . the Rev . J . Heaton waa re-elected and invested as Chaplain , amidst great acclamation , as were also Bros . Langvidgo and Read , who havo acted respectively as Treasurer and Secretary of the Lodge since its formation . A very elegant P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Master . It had
the following inscription : —" Presented to Bro . W . F . Savage P . M ., for the very ablo manner in which lie has performed the Masonic ceremonies during the time he has beeu W . M . " Tho Lodge being closed , a recherche banquet was put ou tho table , which reflected the greatest credit on Bro . Alsopp and thoso under his direction . The usual Masonic toasts having boon given and replied to , the
brethren separated , after an extremely enjoyable evening . Many visitors were present , and all wore thoroughly pleased with the evening ' s entertainment , all expressed cordial wishes of success to this , which wo have no doubt will prove to be one of tho most flourishing Lodges in tho Craft . Wo congratulate Bro . Cruttenden on the very favourable auspices under which he takes tho management of the Hyde Park Lodge .
Religious And Military Orders Of The Temple And Of St. John.
A National Great Priory , presided over by the Earl of Limerick , will bo held in ample form at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet , on Friday , the 12 th inst ., at 3 o ' clock . On the conclusion of business , a Priory of the' Order of Malta will be opened , under the banner of the Holy Palestine Preceptory , into which such Knights may be admitted who shall have signified their desire before the 9 th inst ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
ford ( installing master ) . A portrait of tho M . W . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was presented to the Lodge by Bro . Paul Fruh J . D . on his retirement from office .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —This Lodge hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday , tho 12 th of April , at the Masonic Hall , Rending . Present—Bros . E . Margrett S . W . actitig W . M ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Sec . acting S . W ., A . Welch J . W ., J . Newman Steward acting Sec , J . T . Btrimsom Treas . and acting J . D ., W . G . Flanagan S . D ., J . Early Danks I . G ., W . Hemmings Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . G . Chancellor ,
J . T . Brown . Members Bros . Robinson , Simonds , Hnkins , White , Bailey , Blackwoll , Phillips , and Rolfe . Visitors Bros . J . F . Brown Temperance 739 , Heathcote Pythagoras 447 , formerly v > 54 . Business —The Secretary read a letter from tho W . M ., stating that ho was unavoidably absent on urgent business . Tho S . W . opened the Lodgo in tho first degree . The minutes of the last regular Ledge and joint
Lodge of Emergency with that of 414 , were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Lieut .-Col . Heathcote as a joining member , who was declared to be unanimously elected , and was admitted as a member . Bro . F . W . White being a candidate to be passed to the second degree , answered , in a very satisfactory manner , the usual questions , and retired to bo prepared . The S . W . vacated tho chair
in favour of the Secretary , who opened the Lodge in the second degree , and passed Bro . White to tho degree of Follow Craft . Bro . T . Simonds being a candidate to be raised to the third degree , replied satisfactorily to tho usual questions , and retired to bo prepared . Tho Lodgo was opened in the third degree , when tho Secretary vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Brown P . M ., who raised Bro . Simonds to
tho sublime degree of M . M . in bis usual correct and impressive manner . The Lodgo was resumed to the second degree . The Lodgo was resumed to the first degree . The S . W ., Bro . Margrett , proposed and tho acting W . M . seconded , " That this Lodge do join with the Lodge of Union , 414 , in providing accommodation for tho forthcoming Provincial Grand Lodge iu May , and that a sum not exceeding a
moiety of five pounds be applied from the funds of tho Lodge for that purpose , " which was carried . Tho Secretary was requested to read a letter from the Chaplain , asking for vote of money by the Lodge to be applied to the fund of his Stewardship at the approaching Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The acting W . M . stated that a vote had already been passed for a second forty guineas to the
Institution , but tho payment of it was deferred in consequence of tho insufficiency of funds ; bnt now , from the balance sheet to December 1875 ( of which each brother has had n copy ) , which showed a surplus of £ 53 odd , with about £ 25 subscriptions due at Christmas last unpaid , he thought it an excellent opportunity to vote tho required amount to make the W . M . for the time being a Vice-President , which would bo thirty instead of forty guineas . The Provincial
Grand Lodgo having apportioned ten guineas of their Charity fund to tho Grey Friars Lotlge , Bro . Chancellor P . M ., Provincial Grand Treasurer , seconded tho proposition . A long discussion ensued ; amendments wero proposed , but not seconded , when it was put to the vote , and declared to bo carried . Tho S . W ., Bro . Margrett , protested against tho vote , and desired that his protest may bo recorded on the minutes . Tho labours of tho evening being ended , tho Lodge was closed according to ancient form .
Macdonald Lodge , No . 1216 . —This Lodgo met at tho Head Quarters of the 1 st Surrey Rifles , at Camberwcll , on the evening of Thursday , tho 13 th inst ., when there were present : — Bros . J . Hcpbnru Hastio W . M ., M . S . Larlham S . W ., James Stevens P . M . as J . W ., J . W . Carncll S . D ., 0 . Fountain J . D ., P . Cozens Org ., W . C . Hale I . G ., also P . M . ' s Bros . W . J . Messenger , G . Waterall , S .
H . Wagstatf ; and Bros . Captain A . Styan Treas ., J . J . Curtis Sec , Holland , Golding , Bradley , Jarman , Clay , Edmonstonc , Yonge , Grant , Ac , & c . The Lodge was opened in tho three degrees , and Bro . Yonge was raised as M . M . The Lodgo having been closed down to the 1 st degree , Mr . Christopher T . Dunford was introduced aud initiated . The ceremonies wero performed in a most admirable and
careful manner , and with full musical service , to the expressed delight of the visitors and members . Tho election of W . M . for tho ensuing year then took place , and the unanimous vote of the Lodge was recorded iu favour of Bro . M . S . Larlham ; Bro . Captain Styan was also unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Grant , who , it was observed with regret , looked scarcely recovered from his late
indisposition , was in like manner re-elected Tyler . The W . M . having referred to the flourishing condition of the Lodgo funds , proposed that a sum of 40 guineas be voted in equal moieties to tho Masonic Institutions for Boys and Girls , the respective amounts being placed ou the lists of Bro . Waterall P . M ., who will represent the Lodge at the ensuing Festival of tho Girls' School , and Bro . Wagstaff
P . M ., who will fulfil a similar office at the Boys' School Festival . Tho W . M . ' s proposition was carried nem con . On the proposition of Bro . Stevens P . M ., who spoke on behalf of the P . M . ' s present iu terms of high appreciation of tho eminent services of Bro . Hastie during his year of office , and the perfection with which ho had carried out the ritual of the Order , tho P . M . jewel
of the Lodge , of the value of ten guineas , was unanimously voted for presentation to that worthy brother on his retiring from the chair of K . S . Bro . Wagstaft'P . M . stated that a further life governorship would be constituted during the ensuing week , and that the society formed in connection with the Lodge for promoting the interests of tho Masonic Charities was progressing mostsatisfactorily . Thccommittec for Audit
was next appointed , and tho business terminated . Tho Lodgo was closed with musical service . Refreshment followed labour , and at an early hour the brethren , amongst whom were the following visitors , viz ., Bros . C . G . Cobbam W . M . 957 , E . W . Fisher 700 , Fullager 14 , Greenway 874 , Pennowar 1329 , and Middlemass of the Sphynx Lodge , separated .
Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , 19 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bros . Jabez Hogg P . G . D . W . M ., G . Harrison S . W . and W . M . elect , Southwood J . W ., Hollingsworth S . D ., J . S . Ward J . D ., G . King jun . P . M . Secretary , Goodacre I . G ., G . King sen . P . M . D . C , C . J . Speight Tyler , and Bros . Foot , Boeton ,
H . Condy , Mason , Robins , Spender , Salmon , Portway , Hodgkinson , & o . Tho Lodge was opened at half-past three , and tho minutes of the former meeting and emergency were read and confirmed . Letters of apology wero read from several brethren , distinguished in the Order , regretting their inability to bo present . Bros . Mason , Fitch aud Condy were passed to the degree of Fellow
Craft . Bro . Dr . Abbott Smith , late No . 12 , was elected a joining member , and Messrs . Sherward and James wore duly initiated into tho Order , tho ceremonies being rendered by the W . M . in his accustomed perfect and impressive manner . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . Harrison S . W . and W . M . elect was pre . sented to tho Lodgo and installed into tho chair by Bro . G . King jun .
P . M . Tho customary salutes having been given , the W . M . invested his officers : — Bros . Jabez Hogg I . P . M . Treasurer , G . King jun . P . M . Sec , Southwood S . W ., Hollingsworth J . W ., J . S . Ward S . D ., Goodacre J . D ., Spalding I . G ., King P . M . D . C , and Speight Tyler . Tho Installing Master gave the concluding addresses , and was
deservedly complimented at the conclusion of the ceremony . Bro . Seymour Smith conducted tho musical arrangements , and added solemnity to tho proceedings . The report of tho Audit Committee was read and adopted , a sum of £ 10 10 s was placed on tho list of tho S . W ., who is a Steward for the next Anniversary Festival of the Girls' School . A letter of condolence was sent to tho relatives of
a deceased P . M . A notice of motion was given that a committee bo formed to carry out the necessary arrangements for a summer banquet . Tho Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Inns of Court Hotel , where they partook of a banquet , superintended by Bro . D . Sherwell , that gave great satisfaction . Tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given , and the usual speeches of tho Wardens ,
Officers , & c . During the evening the W . M . presented , in the name of tho Lodge , a very elegant P . M . jewel , with suitable inscription , to the retiring W . M ., Bro . Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., in recognition of tho valuable services rendered to tho Lodgo by him during his year of office , and as a slight token of tho great regard and esteem he is held in by every brother in tho Lodge . Bro . lloge ; , in a feeling manner , returned thanks for the gift . The newly initiated brethren , Bros .
Sherward and James , each gave the sum of £ 10 10 s to tho Girls ' School , showing that they were fully impressed with tho ceremony , and did not forget that noble attribute , " Charity . " The musical arrangements gave great satisfaction . Bro . S . Smith was assisted by Bro . G . T . Carter . Tho visitors were Bros . J . Green W . M . 27 , Atkins P . M . 27 , G . F . Carter P . M . 143 , Hollis P . M . 167 , H . Massey P . M . 619 , Stewart P . M . 898 , Cleaner 12 , Scars 299 , Richards 733 , Harrison 771 , Braven 1288 , and A . Portbury 1426 .
Hyde Park Lodge , Np . 1425 . —The installation meeting of this young but flourishing Lodge was held on Thursday evening , 13 th April , at Bro . Browning ' s Restaurant , Paddington . Bro . W . F . Savage , who was retiring from the chair , worked tho first part of the installation ceremony , being assisted , in tho latter part , by Bro . Read , and tho whole of the beautiful ceremony was worked in tho
most impressive manner . Ono little episode cannot bo overlooked ; on the appointment of the incoming Master , Bro . John Cruttenden , tho S . W . ' s chair was hold by his brother , H . Cruttenden P . P . G . Sword Bearer of Kent , and tho J . W . ' a chair was held b y his aged father , Bro . John Cruttenden , also a Past Grand Officer of Kent , Bro . John Cruttenden ( tho elder ) is well known in Masonry ,
and it must havo been to him a most pleasing sight to sec his two sons occupying such exalted positions . Later in tho ceremony , the son of tho newly-installed W . M . entered tho Lodge , so that there wero present in the Lodge room three generations of the name of John Cruttenden , a fact , wo believe , almost unprecedented . The officers were invested by the W . M ., viz .: —Bros . Sones S . W ., Gellion
J . W ., Alexander S . D ., John Headon J . D ., Clark I . G ., Craig Principal Steward , Monger re-elected as Tyler . Bro . the Rev . J . Heaton waa re-elected and invested as Chaplain , amidst great acclamation , as were also Bros . Langvidgo and Read , who havo acted respectively as Treasurer and Secretary of the Lodge since its formation . A very elegant P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Master . It had
the following inscription : —" Presented to Bro . W . F . Savage P . M ., for the very ablo manner in which lie has performed the Masonic ceremonies during the time he has beeu W . M . " Tho Lodge being closed , a recherche banquet was put ou tho table , which reflected the greatest credit on Bro . Alsopp and thoso under his direction . The usual Masonic toasts having boon given and replied to , the
brethren separated , after an extremely enjoyable evening . Many visitors were present , and all wore thoroughly pleased with the evening ' s entertainment , all expressed cordial wishes of success to this , which wo have no doubt will prove to be one of tho most flourishing Lodges in tho Craft . Wo congratulate Bro . Cruttenden on the very favourable auspices under which he takes tho management of the Hyde Park Lodge .
Religious And Military Orders Of The Temple And Of St. John.
A National Great Priory , presided over by the Earl of Limerick , will bo held in ample form at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet , on Friday , the 12 th inst ., at 3 o ' clock . On the conclusion of business , a Priory of the' Order of Malta will be opened , under the banner of the Holy Palestine Preceptory , into which such Knights may be admitted who shall have signified their desire before the 9 th inst ,