Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATIONOFH.R.H.THEPRINCEOFWALES. ^ ' . MI . ii ^ WA © HIS EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , KG ., g ^ rp . ^ pUr , Most Worshipful Grand Master , & o ., & c , having been graciously ffl y | . ^ V ^ ksfisW ^ R . pleased to accept tho special Dedication , iM & WW 0 W p ? -A- SPLEITIIID ff \ «HISTORICALSTEELMAV8NGlf| ^^/ W iSW $ 0 p WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED , M ^/ P ^ lt \ S ^ M W ^ Jaf ^ v OT ™ E / Irf ^ wf \ ^ gp l l l ^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , / " W \ Mifeiffifl IN THE EOYAL ALBEBT HALL , <^§ fe ^ ,, ^^^ gg |§|^ W " By B RO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ^ ^^^^^^ P ^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to be made to tho ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET LONDON , W .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF ENGLAND AND WALES AJfD THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . THE RT , HON . THE EARL OF LIMERICK , M . W . GRAND MARK MASTER MASON . THE RT . HON . LORD SKELMERSDALE , R . W . DEPUTY GRAND MARK MASTER MASON . A MOVEABLE GRAND LODGE will bo hold at Freemasons ' Hull , Turk-street , Uristol , on Friday , tho 2 Mi inst ., at Hull-past Three 0 clock precisely . The 1 ' r ivinciiil Grand Lodge of Bristol will ho constituted in duo form , lira V .. A . !•' . l ' mviar . will he insiallrdas K . W . 1 ' rovincial Grand Mark Muster Mason of liristol , hy the M . W . G . M . M . M . Tin : iirlii-. es in the book of Constitution liaviiitr reference to the attendance 01 Grand lMirers do not , apply to this in- etine ; . A bnnqr . ci wil In- pr videdat the AltmtsiKi " 't- 'uvern , at Half-past Five o ' clock , . tickets , los lid each , i , eluding Ues-ert and U ' aitois . It is particularly requested that Tickels for the Banquet ho implied for from lire . Uir . Li . iM Hom ; i . s , Hoso Villa , Stapleton-road , Uristol , nut later tlmu Monday , the 2-lth instant . By command , Orrrrr ,: 2 Tied Lion Square , FREDERICK ISINOKKS , P . G . J . W . Holborn , London , \\ . 0 . Grand Xrcrctun / .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION roR ACED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . IN compliance with n requisition received in accordance with rule S , a Special General Meeting of tho Governors and Subscribers of tints institution will he held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , ou i ues'iai , the tif . th day of April 18 / ii , at Throe o ' clock in tho afternoon precisely , to consider the propriety of altering Law IV ' ., page 12 of the Hides anil Regulations hy substituting the figures , tlO for . fc . 'MJ ; and Law IV ., page 13 , by substituting the figures . r . 32 for £ 28 , and further to consider any proposition or motion which may then be brought forward to carry into effect tho proposed alterations . Omen : -IFBKKMASO . VS' HALL , By order , London , W . C , lbth April 137 li . JAMES TERRY , rjccretarif .
THELONDONMASONICCLUB. THE CLUB PBE 1 YII 3 ES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARK NOIV BEING FITTED UP , AND WILL SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION , now pa value , is available to 1 st . May Is ,,, I , I ,, i is lixed : '„—!; :: : is for Town Members , i . e ., Members residiu " within twenty miles of the Club , and Id lis ( 1 . 1 for cV . untv .- -Members , without entrance fee . Members incur no UaUi ' . u v hovoiul their subserip tion . None but Freem- ^ on- ; aro eligible for Membership . THE NEXT ELECTION OP MEIvIBEItS will be held ou 27 th April , alter wbvb i '' '' i it is ardic ' i-alod that it -, vdl be ne ; . ' . ssary to min ¦ c an Entrance iVe , and ialso the Annual , Si : i . 'scri [) Lioiii , —upwards i of alio . ltrethreii having already joined . EOBMS EOIt APPLICATION for Memhcr .-hip inry be obtained IVom I tee secretary , at the Ollire- of tho Lu . vno-V iuso . vtc CLUB CU . 'U'ANY I Li-MiTi-. u , : i 7 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . I , IOIIN A . LATIfBURY , Hn-nHn / . |
. A . HVEOlNrTJ ^ LEiTT . A L WOBK . ! NOW IN PHEPAKATION . j TTISTOEYOF EVJ-JIiY LODGE [ . 'XDKH TJIK G 1 JAXD LODGE ! X . L of FU : ¦;(¦; AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND , i li'iil be . EtHitii I , '/ it i' ! .. /; , ! , / ,, ! , ! ,,, / Crund Ot / irrr . Iu a work of this maij-niutde , the kind co-operalion ,, [ ' ail Brethren who are in \ possession of facts not generally known , will bo invaluable , and thankiuuy : acknowledged . ' SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C . I
UNITED GRAND LODGE OP ANCIENT , FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . rnUE GKAND FESTIVAL will bo held on Wednesday , 26 th April J _ 1870 , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London . Tickets may bo obtain d of the Grand Stewards , but no tickets will bo issued after I o ' clock on the day preceding tlio Festival . Dinner at half-past six o ' clock precisely . Tho musical arrangements will be under tho direction of Bro . Ktihc , G . Org ; Brethren must appear in full Masonic Craft Clothing . CHARLES J . MORGAN , Hon , S' : c . Hoard of Grand Steaards .
a^^^^^pi^^a 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
FTYHE Queen is still enjoying Tier lioliday at CoTmrg , and JL has received the visit of tho Emperor William , who arrived on Tuesday afternoon . Nor , in spite of the dismal anticipations of the loyal Mr . Anderson , have we as yet heard of the British Constitution having fallen out of gear by reason of her Majesty ' s absence . Perhaps it may be a
consolation to the honourable member for Glasgow , however , to know that the Queen started on her return journey on Wednesday , and will reach Windsor this afternoon ; while his Royal Hig hness the Prince of Wales is slowl y making his way home from his Indian tour ; that he has
already reached and been heartil y received at Gibraltar , and that grand preparations arc being made at Portsmouth and in London to give him a splendid and cordial welcome on his reaching England . At Gibraltar , his reception was magnificent , and differed so far from all previous receptions
that among those who greeted him was one of his brothers , his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught . In other respects his visit to Gibraltar resembled his visits to other
cities and towns . There were , of course , royal salutes , dinners , balls , banquets , illuminations , and the like . One only feature deserves particular notice . The Prince laid tho foundation-stone of the New Market with the nsual
Masonic ceremonial , in the presence of a largo and enthusiastic crowd of spectators , and expressed himself highly gratified at meeting so many of the brethren en so interesting an occasion . It is arranged that tho Prime shall visit Seville and Madrid , to which latter cit y he has
been invited by the young king Alfonso . He was to start ou Thursday , accompanied by his brother , the Duke of Connaught , who is to return to England with him , and thence will reach Lisbon on the 1 st proximo . As regards the
collection of animals which his Royal Highness made in India , preparations are already being made for their reception at the Zoological Gardens . They number , it is reported , somewhere about 150 , and include elephants , tigers , leopards , bears , two wild dogs and a wild cat , an
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATIONOFH.R.H.THEPRINCEOFWALES. ^ ' . MI . ii ^ WA © HIS EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , KG ., g ^ rp . ^ pUr , Most Worshipful Grand Master , & o ., & c , having been graciously ffl y | . ^ V ^ ksfisW ^ R . pleased to accept tho special Dedication , iM & WW 0 W p ? -A- SPLEITIIID ff \ «HISTORICALSTEELMAV8NGlf| ^^/ W iSW $ 0 p WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED , M ^/ P ^ lt \ S ^ M W ^ Jaf ^ v OT ™ E / Irf ^ wf \ ^ gp l l l ^ ROYAL INSTALLATION ON THE 28 TH OF APRIL LAST , / " W \ Mifeiffifl IN THE EOYAL ALBEBT HALL , <^§ fe ^ ,, ^^^ gg |§|^ W " By B RO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . W . No . 1201 . ^ ^^^^^^ P ^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to be made to tho ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET LONDON , W .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS OF ENGLAND AND WALES AJfD THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . THE RT , HON . THE EARL OF LIMERICK , M . W . GRAND MARK MASTER MASON . THE RT . HON . LORD SKELMERSDALE , R . W . DEPUTY GRAND MARK MASTER MASON . A MOVEABLE GRAND LODGE will bo hold at Freemasons ' Hull , Turk-street , Uristol , on Friday , tho 2 Mi inst ., at Hull-past Three 0 clock precisely . The 1 ' r ivinciiil Grand Lodge of Bristol will ho constituted in duo form , lira V .. A . !•' . l ' mviar . will he insiallrdas K . W . 1 ' rovincial Grand Mark Muster Mason of liristol , hy the M . W . G . M . M . M . Tin : iirlii-. es in the book of Constitution liaviiitr reference to the attendance 01 Grand lMirers do not , apply to this in- etine ; . A bnnqr . ci wil In- pr videdat the AltmtsiKi " 't- 'uvern , at Half-past Five o ' clock , . tickets , los lid each , i , eluding Ues-ert and U ' aitois . It is particularly requested that Tickels for the Banquet ho implied for from lire . Uir . Li . iM Hom ; i . s , Hoso Villa , Stapleton-road , Uristol , nut later tlmu Monday , the 2-lth instant . By command , Orrrrr ,: 2 Tied Lion Square , FREDERICK ISINOKKS , P . G . J . W . Holborn , London , \\ . 0 . Grand Xrcrctun / .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION roR ACED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . IN compliance with n requisition received in accordance with rule S , a Special General Meeting of tho Governors and Subscribers of tints institution will he held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , ou i ues'iai , the tif . th day of April 18 / ii , at Throe o ' clock in tho afternoon precisely , to consider the propriety of altering Law IV ' ., page 12 of the Hides anil Regulations hy substituting the figures , tlO for . fc . 'MJ ; and Law IV ., page 13 , by substituting the figures . r . 32 for £ 28 , and further to consider any proposition or motion which may then be brought forward to carry into effect tho proposed alterations . Omen : -IFBKKMASO . VS' HALL , By order , London , W . C , lbth April 137 li . JAMES TERRY , rjccretarif .
THELONDONMASONICCLUB. THE CLUB PBE 1 YII 3 ES , SITUATE 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , ARK NOIV BEING FITTED UP , AND WILL SHORTLY BE OPENED TO THE MEMBERS . THE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION , now pa value , is available to 1 st . May Is ,,, I , I ,, i is lixed : '„—!; :: : is for Town Members , i . e ., Members residiu " within twenty miles of the Club , and Id lis ( 1 . 1 for cV . untv .- -Members , without entrance fee . Members incur no UaUi ' . u v hovoiul their subserip tion . None but Freem- ^ on- ; aro eligible for Membership . THE NEXT ELECTION OP MEIvIBEItS will be held ou 27 th April , alter wbvb i '' '' i it is ardic ' i-alod that it -, vdl be ne ; . ' . ssary to min ¦ c an Entrance iVe , and ialso the Annual , Si : i . 'scri [) Lioiii , —upwards i of alio . ltrethreii having already joined . EOBMS EOIt APPLICATION for Memhcr .-hip inry be obtained IVom I tee secretary , at the Ollire- of tho Lu . vno-V iuso . vtc CLUB CU . 'U'ANY I Li-MiTi-. u , : i 7 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . I , IOIIN A . LATIfBURY , Hn-nHn / . |
. A . HVEOlNrTJ ^ LEiTT . A L WOBK . ! NOW IN PHEPAKATION . j TTISTOEYOF EVJ-JIiY LODGE [ . 'XDKH TJIK G 1 JAXD LODGE ! X . L of FU : ¦;(¦; AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND , i li'iil be . EtHitii I , '/ it i' ! .. /; , ! , / ,, ! , ! ,,, / Crund Ot / irrr . Iu a work of this maij-niutde , the kind co-operalion ,, [ ' ail Brethren who are in \ possession of facts not generally known , will bo invaluable , and thankiuuy : acknowledged . ' SPENCER AND CO ., 23 a GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C . I
UNITED GRAND LODGE OP ANCIENT , FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . rnUE GKAND FESTIVAL will bo held on Wednesday , 26 th April J _ 1870 , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London . Tickets may bo obtain d of the Grand Stewards , but no tickets will bo issued after I o ' clock on the day preceding tlio Festival . Dinner at half-past six o ' clock precisely . Tho musical arrangements will be under tho direction of Bro . Ktihc , G . Org ; Brethren must appear in full Masonic Craft Clothing . CHARLES J . MORGAN , Hon , S' : c . Hoard of Grand Steaards .
a^^^^^pi^^a 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
FTYHE Queen is still enjoying Tier lioliday at CoTmrg , and JL has received the visit of tho Emperor William , who arrived on Tuesday afternoon . Nor , in spite of the dismal anticipations of the loyal Mr . Anderson , have we as yet heard of the British Constitution having fallen out of gear by reason of her Majesty ' s absence . Perhaps it may be a
consolation to the honourable member for Glasgow , however , to know that the Queen started on her return journey on Wednesday , and will reach Windsor this afternoon ; while his Royal Hig hness the Prince of Wales is slowl y making his way home from his Indian tour ; that he has
already reached and been heartil y received at Gibraltar , and that grand preparations arc being made at Portsmouth and in London to give him a splendid and cordial welcome on his reaching England . At Gibraltar , his reception was magnificent , and differed so far from all previous receptions
that among those who greeted him was one of his brothers , his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught . In other respects his visit to Gibraltar resembled his visits to other
cities and towns . There were , of course , royal salutes , dinners , balls , banquets , illuminations , and the like . One only feature deserves particular notice . The Prince laid tho foundation-stone of the New Market with the nsual
Masonic ceremonial , in the presence of a largo and enthusiastic crowd of spectators , and expressed himself highly gratified at meeting so many of the brethren en so interesting an occasion . It is arranged that tho Prime shall visit Seville and Madrid , to which latter cit y he has
been invited by the young king Alfonso . He was to start ou Thursday , accompanied by his brother , the Duke of Connaught , who is to return to England with him , and thence will reach Lisbon on the 1 st proximo . As regards the
collection of animals which his Royal Highness made in India , preparations are already being made for their reception at the Zoological Gardens . They number , it is reported , somewhere about 150 , and include elephants , tigers , leopards , bears , two wild dogs and a wild cat , an