Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
IT is at all limes a pleasuro for us to record tho formation of a new Lodge or chronicle the establishment of a new district or province , and this we have an opportunity of doing to-day . As many of our readers are doubtless aware , the Mark Degree has of late made great advances in the counties of Berkshire and Oxfordshire , and , as a
consequence the brethren now desire to form themselves into a Provincial Grand Lodge , whose Officers shall be appointed from the various Lodges of the district . The Right Hon . the Earl of Jersey has been selected for the important duties of first Provincial Grand Master , and ho will be
regularly installed into that position on Thursday next , the 27 th inst ., at the Foresters' Hall , Beading . The brethren of the Province fraternally invite the attendance of Mark Master Masons to the ceremony , for which Prov . G . Lodge
will be opened at two o ' clock , the preliminary Lodge being close tiled at 1 . 45 . The customary advantages as to reduced fares for brethren attending this meeting are offered by the Great Western Railway Company , who deserve the thanks of the Craft for their universal desire
to add to the popularity of the Masonic gatherings held in the district served by their line . The banquet will be provided in the Town Hall , at four o ' clock , tickets for the same , including wine , being fixed at 15 s each : these may be obtained from Bro . Thomas J . Pulley ( tho acting Prov . Grand Secretary ) , Jesse Terrace , Reading .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Northumberland and Durham will be held at Alnwick on the 4 th of December .
The installation meeting of the Northumberland and Bcnvick Time Immemorial Lodge of Mark Master Masons is fixed to tako place on Wednesday , the 26 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Newcastle-on-Tyne . Bro . Dr . Luke Armstrong is the W . M . elect .
York Mark Lodge ( T . I . )—A meeting of this Lodge was held at York , on Tuesday evening , at the Masonic Hall . In the absence of tho W . M ., Bro . T . 13 . Whytehead P . M . occupied the chair , supported by the following Officers and brethren : —Bros . G . Bahnford P . M ., Rev . W . Valentine S . W ., J . Hollins J . W ., Rev . W . C . Lukis Chaplain , T . J . Wilkinson as Secretary , J . S . Cnmborland M . O ., W . P .
Husband as S . O ., G . Garbntt . T . O ., M . Millington S . D ., A . T . B . Turner J . D ., T . Humphries as I . G ., T . G . Hodson Organist , P . Pearson Tyler ; also Bros . W . M . Briggs , G . Ayro , J . Redfare , C . Blackstone , R . Ware , E . J . De Salis , G . Irving , W . Lackenbary , J . R . Jackson , & c . On the proposal of Bro . T . B . Whytehead , seconded by Bro . Balmford , Bro . A . M . Broadley Prov . G . Mark Master
Mason of Tunis and Malta wa 3 elected an honorary member of the Lodge . Bro . T . D . Smith , of the Eboracum Lodge , was then ad . vanced to the honourable degree of M . M . M . Bro . T . B . Whytehead informed tho brethren that there was every probability of a new Mark Lodge being consecrated in Darlington in December , Bro . J . M . Meek , of the York Mark Lodge , being its principal founder , and that it was hoped that as many brethren as possible would be
present on the occasion . Tho scroll for W . M . then took place , and the S . W . Bro . the llev . W . Valentine was elected , who returned thanks to the Lodge , in a few words . Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M . was elected Treasnrer , and Bro . P . Pearson Tyler . Two Auditors were then appointed . Three candidates for advancement , and a joining member were then proposed , and the Lodge was closed , the brethren afterwards supping together at the Queen ' s Hotel , where tho principal toasts were duly honoured .
Old Kent Mark Lodge of Instruction . —Held at the " Trocadero , " 6 Broad-street-bnildings , on Monday , the 17 th inst ., at 6 . 30 p . m . The following brethren were in attendance , viz ., Bros . WallingtoD , Venn , Moon , J . L . Mather , Date , Pitt , Silvestre , Nicholls , Turqnand Preceptor , and Gimingham Secretary . The minutes of the previous meeting wero read and confirmed ; the Bye-laws regulating the Lodge were agreed , to and ordered to be printed . A portion of
tho ceremony of advancement was then worked by the W . M ., Bro . Turquand acting as candidate , and Bro . Gimingham as Deacon . The same portion of the ceremony was repeated , Bro . Vonn temporarily occupying the chair , with Bro . Pitt as candidate and Bro . Turquand as Deacon . The Officers then resumed their original positions , when Bros . Wallington , Date , Pitt and Nicholls were duly elected members . All Masonic business being ended , tho Lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
Royal Arch.
A large muster of Royal Arch Masons took place on Tuesday , llfch inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Carlton Hill , Leeds , under the banner of this Chapter : all the Chapters in Leeds being represented , as well as visitors from York , Bradford , Ac . Amongst the Officers presont were Comps . A . Smith M . E . Z ., G . Cooper H ., R . W . Moore J ., T . Gibson P . Z . S . E ., W . J . Beck P . Z ., S . Stead P . Z ., J . Walker P . Z .,
W . F . Smithson P . Z ., D . R . Glover , R . Wilson , G . B . Scott , J . W . Fowmess , J . W . Ramsden , James Dixon , S . Hurd , R . Kingston , P . Frich , W . Ainslie , and G . H . Heald ; whilst amongst the visitors we observed Comps . A . M . Broadley Z . D . D . G . M . Malta , C . L . Mason P . Z . 304 and Prov . G . H . West York , J . L . Oates P . Z . 304 , J . Monk , man P . Z . S . E . 600 , Seanor Z . 306 , T . B . Whytehead 236 and Z .
Designate 1611 , G . Althorpe J . 600 , A . Hines 163 , C . H . Corbett 304 , J . Churoh 317 , J . M . Hollingworth , No . 1 , Dublin , J . Richardson 204 , C . Eastwood 1212 , J . B . Townsend 304 . The business consisted of the exaltation of Brothers W . L . Jackson , J . P ., J . S . Loe , M . D ., and J . Dobson , M . D . ; and one of the features of tho ovening consisted in the fact that the First Principals of all the Leeds Chapters took part
in the ceremony , in order to give the Companions present an opportunity of comparing the different workings . The differences were very slight , and the ability with which tho exaltations were worked was most remarkable . At the close of the Chapter the Companions met at refreshment , and in the course of the evening E . Companion
Broadley gave a most interesting account of tho Masons' marks and emblems of the Royal Arch discovered amongst the ruins of Ancient Carthage , which greatly impressed those present . He also exhibited an ancient Gnostic gem found amongst the ruins , bearing the figure of a Gnostic Deity , and the word of the Royal Arch in a multitude of combinations , which excited great interest .
Chapter of Elias Ashmole , No . 148 , Warrington . — An emergency Convocation of this Chapter was held at tbe Chapter Rooms , S ankey-street , on Monday , 17 th November . The M . E . Z , Ex-Comp . Johu Bowes P . Z . P . P . G . S . N . Cumberland and Westmore . land was supported by Ex-Comps . D . W . Finney P . Z . as H ., James Jackson J ., P . J . Edelsten P . Z . P . S ., and Comps . Charlton , Starkie , Galloway , C . Skinner , Hannah , Hindley , Domville , & c . The Chapter
having been opened by the Principals , the rest of the Companions were admitted , Bro . Charlton , who was ballotted for and approved at tho last Convocation , was now present , and having been introduced was exalted in duo form according to antient custom , by the M . E . Z ., who also dolivered the mystic lecture . Much interest was manifested in tho ceremony . There being no further business , the Chapter was closed with tho usual solemnities .
Priory Chapter , No . 1000 . —A regular convocation of this Chapter was held on Wednesday , at tho Middleton Hotel , Sonthend , when tho following Companions wero present : —James Willing jun . M . E . Z ., Rev . J . Hatch H ., Pissey J ., Johnson P . Z . Scribe E ., Albert Lucking P . Z . Treasurer , Judd S . N ., Jones 1 st Assistant , Heaton 2 nd Assistant ; P . Z . 's Rev . S . R . Wigram P . G . C ., Phillips
and Wardell ; Comps . Briggs , Beechey , & c . Visitor — Comp . W . W . Morgan . Tho Chapter was formally opened by the Principals , and in due course the minutes of last convocation were read and confirmed . Several letters expressing regret at inability to attend were read , amongst these being one from the can . didate for exaltation , who expressed his appreciation of the honour the Companions had conferred upon him in electing him , and
anticipating the pleasure he should receive in joining them at their next meeting . Routine basiness having been transacted , the Chapter was closed , and the Companions partook of supper . On removal of the cloth , the customary toasts were given with full honours . Comp . Willing presided in right genial fashion , and the time passed most pleasantly . Somo capital songs were sung , by Comp . Phillips and others , and , aided by pleasant chit chat , the time seemed to pass rapidly .
North London Chapter of Improvement . —The weekly meeting was held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Thursday evening , 13 th November . Comps . Brown Z ., Isaac H ., Griggs J ., Hunter P . S ., Halford Treas ., Osborn S . E ., Pearcy S . N . ; also Comps . Cusworth , Edmonds , Greenfield and Somers . The minutes of the last Convocation having been read and confirmed , the ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Greenfield 1602 acting as candidate .
Comp . Mather , the Preceptor , and Comp . Brown were elected honorary members , and a vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes to Comp . Brown for the excellent , able , and efficient manner ho had conducted the duties of First Principal that evening , for the ( irst timo in this Chapter of Improvement . The Officers for the next meeting were then appointed , aud the Chapter adjourned until Thursday evoning , 20 th November , at 8 o ' clock .
The Freemasons of Exeter entertained Major Chard at a banquet on Friday , and presented him with an address , a copy of which was forwarded him when he was in Zululand . Previous to his departure for the Cape Major Chard , whilst stationed at Exeter , was initiated a member of the St . George ' s Lodge , the members of which , on the receipt of the Rorko's Drift news , sent him a fraternal greeting , and
expressed pleasure at seeing the acknowledgment his services has met with by his promotion and his decoration with the Victoria Cross . The terms of the greeting were embodied in an illuminated address now handed to him . Major Chard expressed the pleasure he experienced when he at the Cape received the kind expressions of hia brethren of the Craft , and acknowledged hia indebtedness to them for their great kindness . Standard ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
IT is at all limes a pleasuro for us to record tho formation of a new Lodge or chronicle the establishment of a new district or province , and this we have an opportunity of doing to-day . As many of our readers are doubtless aware , the Mark Degree has of late made great advances in the counties of Berkshire and Oxfordshire , and , as a
consequence the brethren now desire to form themselves into a Provincial Grand Lodge , whose Officers shall be appointed from the various Lodges of the district . The Right Hon . the Earl of Jersey has been selected for the important duties of first Provincial Grand Master , and ho will be
regularly installed into that position on Thursday next , the 27 th inst ., at the Foresters' Hall , Beading . The brethren of the Province fraternally invite the attendance of Mark Master Masons to the ceremony , for which Prov . G . Lodge
will be opened at two o ' clock , the preliminary Lodge being close tiled at 1 . 45 . The customary advantages as to reduced fares for brethren attending this meeting are offered by the Great Western Railway Company , who deserve the thanks of the Craft for their universal desire
to add to the popularity of the Masonic gatherings held in the district served by their line . The banquet will be provided in the Town Hall , at four o ' clock , tickets for the same , including wine , being fixed at 15 s each : these may be obtained from Bro . Thomas J . Pulley ( tho acting Prov . Grand Secretary ) , Jesse Terrace , Reading .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Northumberland and Durham will be held at Alnwick on the 4 th of December .
The installation meeting of the Northumberland and Bcnvick Time Immemorial Lodge of Mark Master Masons is fixed to tako place on Wednesday , the 26 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Newcastle-on-Tyne . Bro . Dr . Luke Armstrong is the W . M . elect .
York Mark Lodge ( T . I . )—A meeting of this Lodge was held at York , on Tuesday evening , at the Masonic Hall . In the absence of tho W . M ., Bro . T . 13 . Whytehead P . M . occupied the chair , supported by the following Officers and brethren : —Bros . G . Bahnford P . M ., Rev . W . Valentine S . W ., J . Hollins J . W ., Rev . W . C . Lukis Chaplain , T . J . Wilkinson as Secretary , J . S . Cnmborland M . O ., W . P .
Husband as S . O ., G . Garbntt . T . O ., M . Millington S . D ., A . T . B . Turner J . D ., T . Humphries as I . G ., T . G . Hodson Organist , P . Pearson Tyler ; also Bros . W . M . Briggs , G . Ayro , J . Redfare , C . Blackstone , R . Ware , E . J . De Salis , G . Irving , W . Lackenbary , J . R . Jackson , & c . On the proposal of Bro . T . B . Whytehead , seconded by Bro . Balmford , Bro . A . M . Broadley Prov . G . Mark Master
Mason of Tunis and Malta wa 3 elected an honorary member of the Lodge . Bro . T . D . Smith , of the Eboracum Lodge , was then ad . vanced to the honourable degree of M . M . M . Bro . T . B . Whytehead informed tho brethren that there was every probability of a new Mark Lodge being consecrated in Darlington in December , Bro . J . M . Meek , of the York Mark Lodge , being its principal founder , and that it was hoped that as many brethren as possible would be
present on the occasion . Tho scroll for W . M . then took place , and the S . W . Bro . the llev . W . Valentine was elected , who returned thanks to the Lodge , in a few words . Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M . was elected Treasnrer , and Bro . P . Pearson Tyler . Two Auditors were then appointed . Three candidates for advancement , and a joining member were then proposed , and the Lodge was closed , the brethren afterwards supping together at the Queen ' s Hotel , where tho principal toasts were duly honoured .
Old Kent Mark Lodge of Instruction . —Held at the " Trocadero , " 6 Broad-street-bnildings , on Monday , the 17 th inst ., at 6 . 30 p . m . The following brethren were in attendance , viz ., Bros . WallingtoD , Venn , Moon , J . L . Mather , Date , Pitt , Silvestre , Nicholls , Turqnand Preceptor , and Gimingham Secretary . The minutes of the previous meeting wero read and confirmed ; the Bye-laws regulating the Lodge were agreed , to and ordered to be printed . A portion of
tho ceremony of advancement was then worked by the W . M ., Bro . Turquand acting as candidate , and Bro . Gimingham as Deacon . The same portion of the ceremony was repeated , Bro . Vonn temporarily occupying the chair , with Bro . Pitt as candidate and Bro . Turquand as Deacon . The Officers then resumed their original positions , when Bros . Wallington , Date , Pitt and Nicholls were duly elected members . All Masonic business being ended , tho Lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
Royal Arch.
A large muster of Royal Arch Masons took place on Tuesday , llfch inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Carlton Hill , Leeds , under the banner of this Chapter : all the Chapters in Leeds being represented , as well as visitors from York , Bradford , Ac . Amongst the Officers presont were Comps . A . Smith M . E . Z ., G . Cooper H ., R . W . Moore J ., T . Gibson P . Z . S . E ., W . J . Beck P . Z ., S . Stead P . Z ., J . Walker P . Z .,
W . F . Smithson P . Z ., D . R . Glover , R . Wilson , G . B . Scott , J . W . Fowmess , J . W . Ramsden , James Dixon , S . Hurd , R . Kingston , P . Frich , W . Ainslie , and G . H . Heald ; whilst amongst the visitors we observed Comps . A . M . Broadley Z . D . D . G . M . Malta , C . L . Mason P . Z . 304 and Prov . G . H . West York , J . L . Oates P . Z . 304 , J . Monk , man P . Z . S . E . 600 , Seanor Z . 306 , T . B . Whytehead 236 and Z .
Designate 1611 , G . Althorpe J . 600 , A . Hines 163 , C . H . Corbett 304 , J . Churoh 317 , J . M . Hollingworth , No . 1 , Dublin , J . Richardson 204 , C . Eastwood 1212 , J . B . Townsend 304 . The business consisted of the exaltation of Brothers W . L . Jackson , J . P ., J . S . Loe , M . D ., and J . Dobson , M . D . ; and one of the features of tho ovening consisted in the fact that the First Principals of all the Leeds Chapters took part
in the ceremony , in order to give the Companions present an opportunity of comparing the different workings . The differences were very slight , and the ability with which tho exaltations were worked was most remarkable . At the close of the Chapter the Companions met at refreshment , and in the course of the evening E . Companion
Broadley gave a most interesting account of tho Masons' marks and emblems of the Royal Arch discovered amongst the ruins of Ancient Carthage , which greatly impressed those present . He also exhibited an ancient Gnostic gem found amongst the ruins , bearing the figure of a Gnostic Deity , and the word of the Royal Arch in a multitude of combinations , which excited great interest .
Chapter of Elias Ashmole , No . 148 , Warrington . — An emergency Convocation of this Chapter was held at tbe Chapter Rooms , S ankey-street , on Monday , 17 th November . The M . E . Z , Ex-Comp . Johu Bowes P . Z . P . P . G . S . N . Cumberland and Westmore . land was supported by Ex-Comps . D . W . Finney P . Z . as H ., James Jackson J ., P . J . Edelsten P . Z . P . S ., and Comps . Charlton , Starkie , Galloway , C . Skinner , Hannah , Hindley , Domville , & c . The Chapter
having been opened by the Principals , the rest of the Companions were admitted , Bro . Charlton , who was ballotted for and approved at tho last Convocation , was now present , and having been introduced was exalted in duo form according to antient custom , by the M . E . Z ., who also dolivered the mystic lecture . Much interest was manifested in tho ceremony . There being no further business , the Chapter was closed with tho usual solemnities .
Priory Chapter , No . 1000 . —A regular convocation of this Chapter was held on Wednesday , at tho Middleton Hotel , Sonthend , when tho following Companions wero present : —James Willing jun . M . E . Z ., Rev . J . Hatch H ., Pissey J ., Johnson P . Z . Scribe E ., Albert Lucking P . Z . Treasurer , Judd S . N ., Jones 1 st Assistant , Heaton 2 nd Assistant ; P . Z . 's Rev . S . R . Wigram P . G . C ., Phillips
and Wardell ; Comps . Briggs , Beechey , & c . Visitor — Comp . W . W . Morgan . Tho Chapter was formally opened by the Principals , and in due course the minutes of last convocation were read and confirmed . Several letters expressing regret at inability to attend were read , amongst these being one from the can . didate for exaltation , who expressed his appreciation of the honour the Companions had conferred upon him in electing him , and
anticipating the pleasure he should receive in joining them at their next meeting . Routine basiness having been transacted , the Chapter was closed , and the Companions partook of supper . On removal of the cloth , the customary toasts were given with full honours . Comp . Willing presided in right genial fashion , and the time passed most pleasantly . Somo capital songs were sung , by Comp . Phillips and others , and , aided by pleasant chit chat , the time seemed to pass rapidly .
North London Chapter of Improvement . —The weekly meeting was held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Thursday evening , 13 th November . Comps . Brown Z ., Isaac H ., Griggs J ., Hunter P . S ., Halford Treas ., Osborn S . E ., Pearcy S . N . ; also Comps . Cusworth , Edmonds , Greenfield and Somers . The minutes of the last Convocation having been read and confirmed , the ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Greenfield 1602 acting as candidate .
Comp . Mather , the Preceptor , and Comp . Brown were elected honorary members , and a vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes to Comp . Brown for the excellent , able , and efficient manner ho had conducted the duties of First Principal that evening , for the ( irst timo in this Chapter of Improvement . The Officers for the next meeting were then appointed , aud the Chapter adjourned until Thursday evoning , 20 th November , at 8 o ' clock .
The Freemasons of Exeter entertained Major Chard at a banquet on Friday , and presented him with an address , a copy of which was forwarded him when he was in Zululand . Previous to his departure for the Cape Major Chard , whilst stationed at Exeter , was initiated a member of the St . George ' s Lodge , the members of which , on the receipt of the Rorko's Drift news , sent him a fraternal greeting , and
expressed pleasure at seeing the acknowledgment his services has met with by his promotion and his decoration with the Victoria Cross . The terms of the greeting were embodied in an illuminated address now handed to him . Major Chard expressed the pleasure he experienced when he at the Cape received the kind expressions of hia brethren of the Craft , and acknowledged hia indebtedness to them for their great kindness . Standard ,