Article EBORACUM LODGE, No. 1611. ← Page 2 of 2 Article POLISH NATIONAL LODGE, No. 534. Page 1 of 2 Article POLISH NATIONAL LODGE, No. 534. Page 1 of 2 →
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Eboracum Lodge, No. 1611.
this Lodge is famous . Bro . 0 . Marshall ( Organist ) ably presided at tho pianoforte , whilst appropriate solos , glees and part songs were delivered , in splendid style , by Bros . J . S . Cumberland , J . E . Wilkinson , Marshall and Davies . The toast lists of the Eboracum Lodge havo always beon works of art , but on this occasion all previous attempts have been eclipsed by tho noble style in which the card was
prepared . In view of tho special musical character of the Lodgo meetings , and the fact that the W . M . is one of the leading pianists in the North of England , and a professor of music , tho toast list was bordered with musical staves , containing stanzas of Masonic songs , whilst after each toast camo a few of the initial bars of some appropriate piece of music . On tho first page was a humorous sketch ,
suggestive of hearty good wishes to tho W . M ., whoso name was produced in musical notation . We understand that the design , which was carried ont by Messrs . Adamson and Sons , lithographers , York , has been registered , and that any profits arising from the sauio will be dovoted to tho Masonic Charities . No doubt many Lodges will adopt a toast list which is at onco so elegant and' appropriate , and thereby benefit , to somo extent , the great cause of the Order .
Polish National Lodge, No. 534.
A REGULAR meoting was held on Thursday , 13 th instant , at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincoln's Inn-fields , Present—J . Aspinall W . M ., Dr . Jagielsky S . W ., Corry Jackson J . W ., William Paas P . M . Sec , Lancaster S . D ., Smith J . D ., Bieling D . C , RiintzI . G ., Beckett P . M . Tyler ; Past Masters Bros . Ebner , Diosy , and J . H . Cnmmings . Visitors—Bros . Saegert P . M . Wellington 548 , D . McGill 319 , Thane 657 , W . W . Morgan Sec 211 . The Lodgo was
opened , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Herbert Tibbitts , M . D . ( formerly of this Lodge ) , proposed by Bro . W . Paas P . M . and Secretary , seconded by Bro . Nowakowski P . M . and Treasurer ; and for Bro . Alexander Jamieson , West Kent Lod-. ro No . 1297 , proposed by Bro . Dulan , seconded by Bro . Smith J . D . The result was unanimous in each
case , and laterin the evening Bro . Jamieson took his seat as a membei of the Lodge . The next business on the paper was to ballot for Mr . Edward Forbes Day , who was proposed by Bro . Runtz I . G ., and seconded by the S . D . Bro . Lancaster . In this case also the result was satisfactory . Lodge was advanced a degree , and Bro . Aspcy was examined as to tho proficiency he had made in tho science ; he
reflected credit on thoso brethren who had undertaken to impart the necessary instruction , and was entrusted by the W . M . Ho then retired temporarily , and tho Lodge was prepared for , and opeued iu tho third degree , when tho candidato was introduced , and raised to the sublime degree . It has been the custom for tho Officers of the Polish National Lodge to meet together at short
intervals for the purposes of instruction ; as a consequence , the work hero is always well done—in fact , no member of tho Lodge can hope to get forward in office if ho does not show an interest in the duties he has to fultil . Bro . Aspinall has always paid dne regard to this exemplary rule , and his working on this occasion was everything that could be desired . Routine business followed , and an appeal from an
old and distressed member was brought under the consideration of the brethren by Bro . Secretary Paas . After a brief discussion , £ 5 was voted from the Charity Fund of the-Lodge . This completed the business of the day , and Lodge was closed . The brethren partook of a well-served banquet , and , on the removal of the cloth Bro . Aspinall proceeded with the toasts . As the time was fast fleeting , tho W . M .
advocated and followed out a course of brevity in the speeches . The loyal toasts were fully honoured , and then Bro . Ebner proposed the health of the W . M . It was his proud pleasure to do so . He had to congratulate Bro . Aspinall on two events—the one on seeing him in his present exalted position ; the other on his having to preside over a body of brethren who bad so nobly exemplified the spirit of charity
with which thoy were imbued . At this stage of the proceedings , Bros . Gordon , Gardner , Riintz , and Forster favoured the company with a glee , which they rendered in admirable fashion , and the W . M . rose to reply . This he did most gracefully , and then gave tho health of the I . P . M ., who , during his year , had conducted the business of the Lodge manfully and without fear or favour . After a dramatic
reading by Bro . W . W . Morgan , Bro . Ebuer replied , and then the W . M . gave the toast of the Past Masters . He regretted the absence of tho Treasurer ; tho worthy Secretary , Bro . Paas , who had been somewhat out of health lately , had likewise left them at an early period of the evening . However , ou this occasion they were favoured with the company of one of their Past
Masters , whose absence—caused by ill-health—the members had ever regretted . He referred to Bro . P . M . Diosy , with whose name he would associate the toast . Bro . P . M . Diosy teudered bis sincere thanks for the very distinguished honour they had paid him . As the W . M . had said , he had been in ill health , and had been compelled to absent himself for a time . Freemasonry works
wonders , but it is not in the power of Frcemascmry to withstand the ravages timo makes as age creeps on . However , thongh absent his sympathies wero always with the Lodge , and it afforded him infinite gratification at meeting them , and he trusted his health would permit his being with them more frequently than during tho last two years . Bro . Denham favoured tho hrethren with a song , and then the
joining members were complimented . Other toasts followed in quick succession , tho Visitors received a cordial greeting , and the candidate of tho evening lor tho third degree was invested with the dis . tinguishing jeivol of the Lodge—the Polish White Eagle , a decoration that carries with it special privileges . Tho proceedings , which throughout were characterised with every spirit of geniality , were brought to a closo with the Tyler ' d toast .
Polish National Lodge, No. 534.
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —The annual banquet was given at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Heroules Tavern , Leadenhallstreet , on Tuesday . The formal opening and closing of the Lodge was carried out , with the following brethren present : —Bros . Daniel W . M ., Chicken S . W ., King J . W ., Hollands Sec , Caton I . G ., Roberts , Moss , Leins , Morgan , Watkins , Maidwell , Brown , Pilson , Henson , Speight ,
Quay , Ratcliffe , Butler , Sewell , Barber , Coe , Valentine , Kearney , Jones , Clavers . Bro . Maidwell , who it is acknowledged always caters well , on this occasion surpassed himself , and it must have been intensely gratifying to him to know that bis efforts wero so well appreciated . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . Daniel proposed the Loyal toasts , which he briefly but pertinently commended to the
brethren . Bro . Brown , tbe Worshipful Master of tho Mother Lodgo , proposed the health of the President of the evening . Of all tho toasts proposed in a Lodge of Freemasons not one was moro easy than the health of the W . M . On this occasion he had to offer for their acceptance a toast in honour of one who was always ready to impart the knowledge he had acquired . Bro . Daniels was a competent
instructor , and he had much pleasure in proposing tho toast . Bro . Daniels thanked the brethren : he had the welfaro of the Prosperity Lodge at heart . He was the oldest member present , and he trusted he might bo with them on many future occasions . He took a deep interest in the Lodge of Instruction , and would always exert himself for its welfare . Before he sat down he would call upon them to drink
" Prosperity to the Lodge of Instruction , " and with the toast ho would conple the names of the Secretary and Treasurer . Bro . Daniels referred in high terms of praise to the exertions of Bro . Hollands , and in speaking of Bro . Maidwell , complimented him on the success that attended his efforts to minister to their comforts . After a reading by oneof theguests . Bro . Hollands rose . He was proud of being Secretary of
such a Lodge of Instruction . He scarcely knew how long , but he thought it was between eleven or twelve years . It was their custom only to work ceremonies , and this arrangement was of great advantage to those young Officers who desired to make themselves perfect in their dnties . The members might congratulate themselves that the gatherings were attended by so many Past Masters ; this in itself
was a guarantee that the instruction imparted was sound . He thanked all for the way his name had been received . Bro . Maidwell , after acknowledging the compliment paid him , spoke in high terms of tho charitable proclivities of the Lodge , and assured the members any service he could render them they might command him for . The pleasures of tho evening wero sustained by some capital songs—Bros . Butler , Moss , Speight , Valentine and others rendering good service .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at the King anil Qneen , Norton Folgate , E . C , on Thursday , 20 th inst . Bros . Powell W . M ., Hine S . W ., Legg J . W ., Andrews S . D ., Fenner Preceptor , W . Allbrecht Sec , Gieseke I . G . ; also Bros . Trewinnard , Bromet , Bronkhurst , and Richard de Friez . Usnal formalities were duly observed . Bro . Fenner answered the Questions leading from
second to third degree , and then the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Tho Lodge was resumed to tho first degree . Bro . Fenner worked the first and second sections of tho Lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Bronkhurst Excelsior Lodge 1155 , and R . de Friez Kinuisland Lodge 1 G 93 , were elected members of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Hine was appointed to preside at the next meeting , after which the Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , the Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , E ., on Tuesday , 18 th inst . Bros . Myers P . M . W . M ., Johnson S . W ., Barker J . W ., Smith S . D ., Holloway J . D ., Watkins I . G ., Worsley Secretary ; also Bros . Andrews , Bailey , Pavitt , Keable , Norman , Witherstone , Carter , White , Sadler , & c . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge
opened in the second degree , when Bro . Bailey answered the necessary questions leading to the third , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The W . M . worked the first section of the lecture , Bro . Andrews the second and third , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge closed down to the first , when Bro . Witherstone J . W . 1278 was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Johnson was appointed W . M . for Tuesday , 2 nd December . An unanimous vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes to the W . M . for the excellent
and beautiful manner in which he had worked the ceremony , all the brethren being highly gratified . The W . M ., in thanking the brethren , said he was pleased to be received so well amongst them ; he should endeavour to attend every Tuesday . The Lodge then closed in due form . On Tuesday next , being the fourth Tuesday , sections only will bo worked ; Bro . Musto will bo the W . M ., Myers S . W ., Andrews J . W ., and Cundick I . P . M .
Eoyal Arthur Lodge of Instruction , No . 1360 . —The re-opening of the Lodge Room at Bro . Wright ' s , the Prince ' s Head , Battersea Park , was celebrated on Tuesday last , when between fifty and sixty brethren sat down , under the presidency of Bro . George King , tho Preceptor . Bro . Bruncker , the W . M . of the Mother Lodge , and P . M . Pulsford respectively filled the chairs of Senior and Junior
Warden . Ample justice was done the good things provided , and energetic measures were successfully taken for the enjoyment of those assembled . Ono feature of the proceedings we record with pleasure . Bro . Alfred Withers , W . M . of No . 211 , referred to the case of" Bro . Dr . Daniel Ace , D . D ., with whose misfortunes he deeply sympathised . The brethren responded , and a sum of 32 s was the outcome of Bro . Withers ' s appeal .
The Eoyal Hanover Lodge , Ho . 1777 . —This Lodge held au emergency meeting afc their new quarters , the Albany Hotel ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Eboracum Lodge, No. 1611.
this Lodge is famous . Bro . 0 . Marshall ( Organist ) ably presided at tho pianoforte , whilst appropriate solos , glees and part songs were delivered , in splendid style , by Bros . J . S . Cumberland , J . E . Wilkinson , Marshall and Davies . The toast lists of the Eboracum Lodge havo always beon works of art , but on this occasion all previous attempts have been eclipsed by tho noble style in which the card was
prepared . In view of tho special musical character of the Lodgo meetings , and the fact that the W . M . is one of the leading pianists in the North of England , and a professor of music , tho toast list was bordered with musical staves , containing stanzas of Masonic songs , whilst after each toast camo a few of the initial bars of some appropriate piece of music . On tho first page was a humorous sketch ,
suggestive of hearty good wishes to tho W . M ., whoso name was produced in musical notation . We understand that the design , which was carried ont by Messrs . Adamson and Sons , lithographers , York , has been registered , and that any profits arising from the sauio will be dovoted to tho Masonic Charities . No doubt many Lodges will adopt a toast list which is at onco so elegant and' appropriate , and thereby benefit , to somo extent , the great cause of the Order .
Polish National Lodge, No. 534.
A REGULAR meoting was held on Thursday , 13 th instant , at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincoln's Inn-fields , Present—J . Aspinall W . M ., Dr . Jagielsky S . W ., Corry Jackson J . W ., William Paas P . M . Sec , Lancaster S . D ., Smith J . D ., Bieling D . C , RiintzI . G ., Beckett P . M . Tyler ; Past Masters Bros . Ebner , Diosy , and J . H . Cnmmings . Visitors—Bros . Saegert P . M . Wellington 548 , D . McGill 319 , Thane 657 , W . W . Morgan Sec 211 . The Lodgo was
opened , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Herbert Tibbitts , M . D . ( formerly of this Lodge ) , proposed by Bro . W . Paas P . M . and Secretary , seconded by Bro . Nowakowski P . M . and Treasurer ; and for Bro . Alexander Jamieson , West Kent Lod-. ro No . 1297 , proposed by Bro . Dulan , seconded by Bro . Smith J . D . The result was unanimous in each
case , and laterin the evening Bro . Jamieson took his seat as a membei of the Lodge . The next business on the paper was to ballot for Mr . Edward Forbes Day , who was proposed by Bro . Runtz I . G ., and seconded by the S . D . Bro . Lancaster . In this case also the result was satisfactory . Lodge was advanced a degree , and Bro . Aspcy was examined as to tho proficiency he had made in tho science ; he
reflected credit on thoso brethren who had undertaken to impart the necessary instruction , and was entrusted by the W . M . Ho then retired temporarily , and tho Lodge was prepared for , and opeued iu tho third degree , when tho candidato was introduced , and raised to the sublime degree . It has been the custom for tho Officers of the Polish National Lodge to meet together at short
intervals for the purposes of instruction ; as a consequence , the work hero is always well done—in fact , no member of tho Lodge can hope to get forward in office if ho does not show an interest in the duties he has to fultil . Bro . Aspinall has always paid dne regard to this exemplary rule , and his working on this occasion was everything that could be desired . Routine business followed , and an appeal from an
old and distressed member was brought under the consideration of the brethren by Bro . Secretary Paas . After a brief discussion , £ 5 was voted from the Charity Fund of the-Lodge . This completed the business of the day , and Lodge was closed . The brethren partook of a well-served banquet , and , on the removal of the cloth Bro . Aspinall proceeded with the toasts . As the time was fast fleeting , tho W . M .
advocated and followed out a course of brevity in the speeches . The loyal toasts were fully honoured , and then Bro . Ebner proposed the health of the W . M . It was his proud pleasure to do so . He had to congratulate Bro . Aspinall on two events—the one on seeing him in his present exalted position ; the other on his having to preside over a body of brethren who bad so nobly exemplified the spirit of charity
with which thoy were imbued . At this stage of the proceedings , Bros . Gordon , Gardner , Riintz , and Forster favoured the company with a glee , which they rendered in admirable fashion , and the W . M . rose to reply . This he did most gracefully , and then gave tho health of the I . P . M ., who , during his year , had conducted the business of the Lodge manfully and without fear or favour . After a dramatic
reading by Bro . W . W . Morgan , Bro . Ebuer replied , and then the W . M . gave the toast of the Past Masters . He regretted the absence of tho Treasurer ; tho worthy Secretary , Bro . Paas , who had been somewhat out of health lately , had likewise left them at an early period of the evening . However , ou this occasion they were favoured with the company of one of their Past
Masters , whose absence—caused by ill-health—the members had ever regretted . He referred to Bro . P . M . Diosy , with whose name he would associate the toast . Bro . P . M . Diosy teudered bis sincere thanks for the very distinguished honour they had paid him . As the W . M . had said , he had been in ill health , and had been compelled to absent himself for a time . Freemasonry works
wonders , but it is not in the power of Frcemascmry to withstand the ravages timo makes as age creeps on . However , thongh absent his sympathies wero always with the Lodge , and it afforded him infinite gratification at meeting them , and he trusted his health would permit his being with them more frequently than during tho last two years . Bro . Denham favoured tho hrethren with a song , and then the
joining members were complimented . Other toasts followed in quick succession , tho Visitors received a cordial greeting , and the candidate of tho evening lor tho third degree was invested with the dis . tinguishing jeivol of the Lodge—the Polish White Eagle , a decoration that carries with it special privileges . Tho proceedings , which throughout were characterised with every spirit of geniality , were brought to a closo with the Tyler ' d toast .
Polish National Lodge, No. 534.
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —The annual banquet was given at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Heroules Tavern , Leadenhallstreet , on Tuesday . The formal opening and closing of the Lodge was carried out , with the following brethren present : —Bros . Daniel W . M ., Chicken S . W ., King J . W ., Hollands Sec , Caton I . G ., Roberts , Moss , Leins , Morgan , Watkins , Maidwell , Brown , Pilson , Henson , Speight ,
Quay , Ratcliffe , Butler , Sewell , Barber , Coe , Valentine , Kearney , Jones , Clavers . Bro . Maidwell , who it is acknowledged always caters well , on this occasion surpassed himself , and it must have been intensely gratifying to him to know that bis efforts wero so well appreciated . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . Daniel proposed the Loyal toasts , which he briefly but pertinently commended to the
brethren . Bro . Brown , tbe Worshipful Master of tho Mother Lodgo , proposed the health of the President of the evening . Of all tho toasts proposed in a Lodge of Freemasons not one was moro easy than the health of the W . M . On this occasion he had to offer for their acceptance a toast in honour of one who was always ready to impart the knowledge he had acquired . Bro . Daniels was a competent
instructor , and he had much pleasure in proposing tho toast . Bro . Daniels thanked the brethren : he had the welfaro of the Prosperity Lodge at heart . He was the oldest member present , and he trusted he might bo with them on many future occasions . He took a deep interest in the Lodge of Instruction , and would always exert himself for its welfare . Before he sat down he would call upon them to drink
" Prosperity to the Lodge of Instruction , " and with the toast ho would conple the names of the Secretary and Treasurer . Bro . Daniels referred in high terms of praise to the exertions of Bro . Hollands , and in speaking of Bro . Maidwell , complimented him on the success that attended his efforts to minister to their comforts . After a reading by oneof theguests . Bro . Hollands rose . He was proud of being Secretary of
such a Lodge of Instruction . He scarcely knew how long , but he thought it was between eleven or twelve years . It was their custom only to work ceremonies , and this arrangement was of great advantage to those young Officers who desired to make themselves perfect in their dnties . The members might congratulate themselves that the gatherings were attended by so many Past Masters ; this in itself
was a guarantee that the instruction imparted was sound . He thanked all for the way his name had been received . Bro . Maidwell , after acknowledging the compliment paid him , spoke in high terms of tho charitable proclivities of the Lodge , and assured the members any service he could render them they might command him for . The pleasures of tho evening wero sustained by some capital songs—Bros . Butler , Moss , Speight , Valentine and others rendering good service .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at the King anil Qneen , Norton Folgate , E . C , on Thursday , 20 th inst . Bros . Powell W . M ., Hine S . W ., Legg J . W ., Andrews S . D ., Fenner Preceptor , W . Allbrecht Sec , Gieseke I . G . ; also Bros . Trewinnard , Bromet , Bronkhurst , and Richard de Friez . Usnal formalities were duly observed . Bro . Fenner answered the Questions leading from
second to third degree , and then the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . Tho Lodge was resumed to tho first degree . Bro . Fenner worked the first and second sections of tho Lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Bronkhurst Excelsior Lodge 1155 , and R . de Friez Kinuisland Lodge 1 G 93 , were elected members of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Hine was appointed to preside at the next meeting , after which the Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , the Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , E ., on Tuesday , 18 th inst . Bros . Myers P . M . W . M ., Johnson S . W ., Barker J . W ., Smith S . D ., Holloway J . D ., Watkins I . G ., Worsley Secretary ; also Bros . Andrews , Bailey , Pavitt , Keable , Norman , Witherstone , Carter , White , Sadler , & c . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge
opened in the second degree , when Bro . Bailey answered the necessary questions leading to the third , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The W . M . worked the first section of the lecture , Bro . Andrews the second and third , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge closed down to the first , when Bro . Witherstone J . W . 1278 was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Johnson was appointed W . M . for Tuesday , 2 nd December . An unanimous vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes to the W . M . for the excellent
and beautiful manner in which he had worked the ceremony , all the brethren being highly gratified . The W . M ., in thanking the brethren , said he was pleased to be received so well amongst them ; he should endeavour to attend every Tuesday . The Lodge then closed in due form . On Tuesday next , being the fourth Tuesday , sections only will bo worked ; Bro . Musto will bo the W . M ., Myers S . W ., Andrews J . W ., and Cundick I . P . M .
Eoyal Arthur Lodge of Instruction , No . 1360 . —The re-opening of the Lodge Room at Bro . Wright ' s , the Prince ' s Head , Battersea Park , was celebrated on Tuesday last , when between fifty and sixty brethren sat down , under the presidency of Bro . George King , tho Preceptor . Bro . Bruncker , the W . M . of the Mother Lodge , and P . M . Pulsford respectively filled the chairs of Senior and Junior
Warden . Ample justice was done the good things provided , and energetic measures were successfully taken for the enjoyment of those assembled . Ono feature of the proceedings we record with pleasure . Bro . Alfred Withers , W . M . of No . 211 , referred to the case of" Bro . Dr . Daniel Ace , D . D ., with whose misfortunes he deeply sympathised . The brethren responded , and a sum of 32 s was the outcome of Bro . Withers ' s appeal .
The Eoyal Hanover Lodge , Ho . 1777 . —This Lodge held au emergency meeting afc their new quarters , the Albany Hotel ,