Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
"We shall be greatly obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the kingdom would favour us with a copy of their summonses each time of issue .
SATURDAY , 27 th MARCH . 121 ) 7—West Kent , Forest Hill , Sydenham . 1102—AVbaruclifl ' e , Rose and Crown Hotel , Peristolic , Yorks . MONDAY , 29 th MARCH .
71 )—Pythngorian , Ship Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich . It . A . lbS—Joppa , Album Tavern , Aldersgate-strcet . ( 12—Social , Queen ' s Hotel , Manchester , 302—Charity , Masonic Hall , Bradford . TUESDAY , 30 th MARCH .
Ill—faith , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . M , 30—Eclectic ( Installation ) freemasons' Hall , Hartlepool .
ht ) S—Temperance in tho East , s Newby I'lacc , Poplar . li ) 3—Integrity , Frccmnson ' s Hull , Manchester . 301—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Leeds . 1 ( 183—Townley , Parker , Stag Inn , Bradford , near Manchester . 1219—Stangeways , Dog and Partridge Hotel , Fen net-street , Manchester . 12 S 3—Eylmru , Soweruy Bridge . R . A . 253—Amphibious , Freemasons' Hall , Hcckmondwike . R . A . 3 S 7—Moravian , Masonic Hall , Shipley . R , A . 135—Mount Lebanon , Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street .
10—west-minster and Keystone , Freemasons' Hall . 27—Egyptian , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . ¦ 15—Strong Man , Masons' Halt , Masons' -aveuao , Basinghall-strcet . 227—Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leaclenluill-street . 231—St . Andrews , Freemasons' Hall . 551—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney .
7-12—Crystal Palace , Star ami Garter , Kew Bridge . M 22—Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' Hall . 1155—Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lcwisham-road . 117 S—Pertect Ashlar , Gregorian Anns , liermondscy . lll-j—Prince Leopold , Lord Stanlej-, Sandringham-road , Kin"slaial R . A . 2—St . James ' , Freemasons' Hull . " ° R . A . 0—Moriah , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-strcet .
21—> eu-castle-on-T . VTie , Freemasons' Hall , Ncwcastle-on-Tyne 31—United Industrious , Guildhall , Cantei-buvy . US—Union , Council Chambers , Chiche .-ter . ¦ 11—Royal Cumberland , Masonic Hall , Hath , lln—Royal Cambrian , Bush Hotel , Mertlivr Tydli ! 2 sil—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Leeds . :: 00—Minerva , l'itt ami Nelson Hotel , Ashton-iiuder-Lvno 1 ¦ '¦ ¦ -
• JIT \ tv .. i .: i :... 1 ...... .. tr . n . . . . . . . .. ) uv .. 317—Affability , Freemasons' Hall , Alanehe .-ter . 50 !)—Tecs , Masons ' -court , Stocktou-on-Tees . 531—St . He . en ' s , Masonic Hall , Hartlepool . ' 971—Pentalpha , Freemasons' Hall , Bradford 1012—Prince of Wales , Derby Hotel , Bury . 1115—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Acci-ing ' ton . 1239—Wentworth , Freemasons' Hall , SheflicliI
1301—Olive Union , Masonic Hall , lianks-stn- 't ! loruri-4 lc 1379—Marquis of Ripon , Masonic Hull , DaWim ' toti ' "" 1513—Friendly , King's Head , Banisley , Yorks " 1501-Red Hose of Lancaster , Swan Hotel , Padiham , near Burnley . 31 . MS— Hose and Thistle , Freemasons' Hall , Bolton R . A . 273—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Iludderslielil R . A . 5 S 1—Rectitude , Corporation Hotel , Opciishaw n ' e-ir AI-incliP «) or R . A . 1211-Scarboro' , Station Hotel , Upper Soothili , uear Baticv Yorks ,
/ 00—t lorence Nightingale , Masonic Hall , William-street AVoohvich 800-IIonisey , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ' " 00 luiai ' If , , -n ' V . ^ ° IHV "'? ' 1 e M' !' , l" : i ) n A ^ l" « i , UaU ' s Pond-road . R . A . 2 o 9—Prince ot Wales , AVillis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . H—Friendship , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester
219—Prudence , Jfasouic Hall , Todmorden . 212—St . George ' s , Town Hall , Uoncuster . 306—Alfred , 23 Albion-strcet , Leeds . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Huddcrsfield 837—De Gray and Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon . Yorks 1230-Barnard , Barnard Castle . ' K . T . 10— Royal Kent , Masonic Hall , Newcastle 31 . 159—Starkie , Reil Lion Hotel , Accriugton .
General Committee , Hoys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 1 . * ' * - * }! in £ > ^ V 111 ? Ro r nms . liuttoms , Stunstield . ' 1 1-JS— Irutli , Royal Archer Inn , Manchester
3 I 03 TDAY—129—St . Kentigern , Royal Hotel , Penicuik . TUESDAY-5-Cnnongate and Leith ( L . aud C ) , si ; Constitution-street . TIIURSDAY-97-St . James , St . James Hall , AVritcr's-court . FKIDAY-291-Cclticof Edinburgluiud Leith , Ship Hotel , East Re- 'iste ^ street .
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge of Regularity , Mo . 91 . —An emergency meeting was held at I'l'cutnasons' Hull , Great Queen Street , ' for the purpose of G ir ' w /• ? tCWaid f " rthc inst ! llln 'i <» of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as M . N . G . M . Bro . A \ imperis the W . M . was unanimously elected .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , Mo . 145 .-The above Lodge met on the ' 23 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , Lrus . Purkcea W . M ,, Thielky S . W ., Moult J . W ., J . Boyd P . G . P .
Notices Of Meetings.
Treasurer , G . S . States Secretary , llasletfc S . D ., Hughes J . D ., and P . M . 's J . Last , T . Bull , Ac . The Lodge Avas opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . 1 ' . Hormusjee , It . Cattail and W . P . Daykiu , were passed to the 2 nd degree . Bros . F . H . Hays , G . H . Taylor , H . Brooks , W . Wright , C . Weeks , H . Downing and W . Havre , were raised to tho 3 rd degree . Messrs . J . E . Ryder , E . Randall , W .
Chapman aud W . E . Akhurst were initiated , tho several ceremonies being satisfactorily performed by the W . M . Bro . T . Bull I . P . M proposed , and Bro . John Boyd Secretary P . G . P . seconded , that a summer banquet should take place in July , which was carried . Bro . Boyd then said that many members of the Lodge would not have an opportunity of Avitnessing the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as G . M ., aud he hoped tbe members of the Lodge would
hold a private meeting to do honour to that event . He hoped his Royal Highness might long have health to preside over tho Grafts The Charity Jewel was presented to tho I . P . M ., Bro . T . Bull , he having made himself a Life Governor of the two Masonic Charities . Tho W . M . consented to act as Steward for tho Girls' School , and £ 10 10 s was placed on the list of tho I . G ., who is Steward of the Boys' School . The Lodge lvas then closed and the brethren separated .
Joppa Lodge , Mo . 188 . —A special Lodge of Emergency waa held on the 22 nd inst ., at tho Albion Hotel , Aldersgate Street , City . Bros . S . Hickman W . M ., A . Dodson S . W ., L . Lazarus J . W ., E . P . Albert Secretary , Miller S . D ., A . Anerhaan I . G ., and P . M . ' s J . Abrahams , Hunt , O . Roberts , II . M . Levy , & c . The Lodge was opened , and the W . M . was elected to act as Steward on the
28 th April , for tho installation of H . R . H . as M . W . G . M ., and the sum of £ 5 5 s was given from tho Lodge to present him Avith tho jewel to wear on that occasion , as representative of tho Lodge . It Avas also suggested that a ball should take place , tho proceeds to be given to the Benevolent Fund . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated .
Mew Concord Lodge , Mo . 813 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on the 18 th inst ., at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Bro . T . Bartlett W . M . occupied the chair , supported by tho Wardens , Past Masters and officers . Bros . Smalley and Westfield wore raised to tho sublime degree of Master Masons . Bro . Dunn was passed to tho degree of a Fellow Craft , ancl
Mr . Wright was initiated , the various ceremonies being perfectly rendered " by the W . M . A board of installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . Gabb was presented to the Lodge , aud duly installed by Bro . J . Wilson P . M . and W . M . 25 , in a very able and impressive manner . The W . M . Avas then sainted according to ancient form , and invested his officers as follow , viz . —J . Gallant S . W ., T . J . Cusworth
J . W ., Bros . Sinclair Treasurer , W . II . Main P . M . Secretary , Harper S . D ., Watkinson J . D ., Stear I . G ., Walesby Organist , W . S . Taylor D . C . and George S . The W . M . presented Bro . Bartlett , in the name of the Lodge , with a very elegant solid gold P . M . jewel , with suitable inscription , for the excellent manner in which ho had conducted tho duties of W . M ., and Bro . John Emmons P . G . P ., in tho name of tho
Lodge , presented him with an address handsomely illuminated , framed and glazed ( tho illuminated address Avas the gratuitous workmanship < f Bro . Westfhld , AVIIO had just been raised , of Leyton College , Leyton ) , and Bro . J . Wilson P . M . then , in tho names of the P . M . ' s , officers and brethren , begged his acceptance of a massive silver loving cup , with suitable inscription . Bro . Bartlett was visibly
affected at these marks of esteem and regard , and briefly returned thanks for the valuable gifts . He said he would withhold his acknowledgments nutil a later portion of the evening . It was then announced that Bro . Cusworth J . D . was to be a Steward for the Boys' School . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . H . Gabb . Tho
usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and a very harmonious and delightful evening was passed . There were about 27 visitors , among whom wero Bros . W . Smecd P . P . G . J . W . ( Middlesex ) , Linzell P . G . D . C . ( Middlesex ) , Winkfield P . P . D . C . Berks ancl Bucks , Robins 25 , Hobson P . M ., Painter W . M . 719 , Wingham P . M . 25 , and Burtenshaw P . M . 359 , & c .
Whittington Lodge , Mb . 862 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the loth inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . This being tho last night of the season , probably Avas the cause of so numerous an attendance of tho brethren . Bro . W . Haley W . M . was in the chair , and had the support of Bros . T . Kingston S . W ., W . Walters J . W ., Robert Wentworth Little P . M . P . G . a . ( Middlesex )
and Secretary Girls' School , Secretary , G . i ' ritchard S . D ., W . Walmsley J . D ., and Past Masters W . F . Smith I . P . M ., Jas . Weaver P . M . 1319 P . P . G . O . ( Middlesex ) , F . M . Quilty , W . Hurlstone and W . II . Jones . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed , Tho W . M . passed Bros . Cole and Brown to the second degree . Bro .
Jas . Weaver then took tho chair , and , in his usual perfect manner raised Bro . Holland to the 3 rd degree , giving also tho traditional history and explanation of the tracing board . At the conclusion ho was warmly and deservedly complimented . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . There were several visitors present .
Lodge of Montefiore , Mo . 1017 . —An emergency meeting ! has boon held for tho purpose of electing a Steward to attend at the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , when the W . M ., Bro . Grunebauin , was unanimously elected .
Corinthian Lodge , Mo . 1382 . —The brethren of the above Lod ge met on Wednesday , 17 th March , at the George Hotel , Cubitt Town . This being installation night , the Lodge was called for half-past two . The W . M .., Bro . W . Suayes , presided , aud worked the ceremony
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
"We shall be greatly obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the kingdom would favour us with a copy of their summonses each time of issue .
SATURDAY , 27 th MARCH . 121 ) 7—West Kent , Forest Hill , Sydenham . 1102—AVbaruclifl ' e , Rose and Crown Hotel , Peristolic , Yorks . MONDAY , 29 th MARCH .
71 )—Pythngorian , Ship Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich . It . A . lbS—Joppa , Album Tavern , Aldersgate-strcet . ( 12—Social , Queen ' s Hotel , Manchester , 302—Charity , Masonic Hall , Bradford . TUESDAY , 30 th MARCH .
Ill—faith , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . M , 30—Eclectic ( Installation ) freemasons' Hall , Hartlepool .
ht ) S—Temperance in tho East , s Newby I'lacc , Poplar . li ) 3—Integrity , Frccmnson ' s Hull , Manchester . 301—Philanthropic , Masonic Hall , Leeds . 1 ( 183—Townley , Parker , Stag Inn , Bradford , near Manchester . 1219—Stangeways , Dog and Partridge Hotel , Fen net-street , Manchester . 12 S 3—Eylmru , Soweruy Bridge . R . A . 253—Amphibious , Freemasons' Hall , Hcckmondwike . R . A . 3 S 7—Moravian , Masonic Hall , Shipley . R , A . 135—Mount Lebanon , Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street .
10—west-minster and Keystone , Freemasons' Hall . 27—Egyptian , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . ¦ 15—Strong Man , Masons' Halt , Masons' -aveuao , Basinghall-strcet . 227—Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leaclenluill-street . 231—St . Andrews , Freemasons' Hall . 551—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney .
7-12—Crystal Palace , Star ami Garter , Kew Bridge . M 22—Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' Hall . 1155—Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lcwisham-road . 117 S—Pertect Ashlar , Gregorian Anns , liermondscy . lll-j—Prince Leopold , Lord Stanlej-, Sandringham-road , Kin"slaial R . A . 2—St . James ' , Freemasons' Hull . " ° R . A . 0—Moriah , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-strcet .
21—> eu-castle-on-T . VTie , Freemasons' Hall , Ncwcastle-on-Tyne 31—United Industrious , Guildhall , Cantei-buvy . US—Union , Council Chambers , Chiche .-ter . ¦ 11—Royal Cumberland , Masonic Hall , Hath , lln—Royal Cambrian , Bush Hotel , Mertlivr Tydli ! 2 sil—Fidelity , Masonic Hall , Leeds . :: 00—Minerva , l'itt ami Nelson Hotel , Ashton-iiuder-Lvno 1 ¦ '¦ ¦ -
• JIT \ tv .. i .: i :... 1 ...... .. tr . n . . . . . . . .. ) uv .. 317—Affability , Freemasons' Hall , Alanehe .-ter . 50 !)—Tecs , Masons ' -court , Stocktou-on-Tees . 531—St . He . en ' s , Masonic Hall , Hartlepool . ' 971—Pentalpha , Freemasons' Hall , Bradford 1012—Prince of Wales , Derby Hotel , Bury . 1115—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Acci-ing ' ton . 1239—Wentworth , Freemasons' Hall , SheflicliI
1301—Olive Union , Masonic Hall , lianks-stn- 't ! loruri-4 lc 1379—Marquis of Ripon , Masonic Hull , DaWim ' toti ' "" 1513—Friendly , King's Head , Banisley , Yorks " 1501-Red Hose of Lancaster , Swan Hotel , Padiham , near Burnley . 31 . MS— Hose and Thistle , Freemasons' Hall , Bolton R . A . 273—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Iludderslielil R . A . 5 S 1—Rectitude , Corporation Hotel , Opciishaw n ' e-ir AI-incliP «) or R . A . 1211-Scarboro' , Station Hotel , Upper Soothili , uear Baticv Yorks ,
/ 00—t lorence Nightingale , Masonic Hall , William-street AVoohvich 800-IIonisey , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ' " 00 luiai ' If , , -n ' V . ^ ° IHV "'? ' 1 e M' !' , l" : i ) n A ^ l" « i , UaU ' s Pond-road . R . A . 2 o 9—Prince ot Wales , AVillis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . H—Friendship , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester
219—Prudence , Jfasouic Hall , Todmorden . 212—St . George ' s , Town Hall , Uoncuster . 306—Alfred , 23 Albion-strcet , Leeds . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , Huddcrsfield 837—De Gray and Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon . Yorks 1230-Barnard , Barnard Castle . ' K . T . 10— Royal Kent , Masonic Hall , Newcastle 31 . 159—Starkie , Reil Lion Hotel , Accriugton .
General Committee , Hoys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 1 . * ' * - * }! in £ > ^ V 111 ? Ro r nms . liuttoms , Stunstield . ' 1 1-JS— Irutli , Royal Archer Inn , Manchester
3 I 03 TDAY—129—St . Kentigern , Royal Hotel , Penicuik . TUESDAY-5-Cnnongate and Leith ( L . aud C ) , si ; Constitution-street . TIIURSDAY-97-St . James , St . James Hall , AVritcr's-court . FKIDAY-291-Cclticof Edinburgluiud Leith , Ship Hotel , East Re- 'iste ^ street .
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge of Regularity , Mo . 91 . —An emergency meeting was held at I'l'cutnasons' Hull , Great Queen Street , ' for the purpose of G ir ' w /• ? tCWaid f " rthc inst ! llln 'i <» of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as M . N . G . M . Bro . A \ imperis the W . M . was unanimously elected .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , Mo . 145 .-The above Lodge met on the ' 23 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , Lrus . Purkcea W . M ,, Thielky S . W ., Moult J . W ., J . Boyd P . G . P .
Notices Of Meetings.
Treasurer , G . S . States Secretary , llasletfc S . D ., Hughes J . D ., and P . M . 's J . Last , T . Bull , Ac . The Lodge Avas opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . 1 ' . Hormusjee , It . Cattail and W . P . Daykiu , were passed to the 2 nd degree . Bros . F . H . Hays , G . H . Taylor , H . Brooks , W . Wright , C . Weeks , H . Downing and W . Havre , were raised to tho 3 rd degree . Messrs . J . E . Ryder , E . Randall , W .
Chapman aud W . E . Akhurst were initiated , tho several ceremonies being satisfactorily performed by the W . M . Bro . T . Bull I . P . M proposed , and Bro . John Boyd Secretary P . G . P . seconded , that a summer banquet should take place in July , which was carried . Bro . Boyd then said that many members of the Lodge would not have an opportunity of Avitnessing the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as G . M ., aud he hoped tbe members of the Lodge would
hold a private meeting to do honour to that event . He hoped his Royal Highness might long have health to preside over tho Grafts The Charity Jewel was presented to tho I . P . M ., Bro . T . Bull , he having made himself a Life Governor of the two Masonic Charities . Tho W . M . consented to act as Steward for tho Girls' School , and £ 10 10 s was placed on the list of tho I . G ., who is Steward of the Boys' School . The Lodge lvas then closed and the brethren separated .
Joppa Lodge , Mo . 188 . —A special Lodge of Emergency waa held on the 22 nd inst ., at tho Albion Hotel , Aldersgate Street , City . Bros . S . Hickman W . M ., A . Dodson S . W ., L . Lazarus J . W ., E . P . Albert Secretary , Miller S . D ., A . Anerhaan I . G ., and P . M . ' s J . Abrahams , Hunt , O . Roberts , II . M . Levy , & c . The Lodge was opened , and the W . M . was elected to act as Steward on the
28 th April , for tho installation of H . R . H . as M . W . G . M ., and the sum of £ 5 5 s was given from tho Lodge to present him Avith tho jewel to wear on that occasion , as representative of tho Lodge . It Avas also suggested that a ball should take place , tho proceeds to be given to the Benevolent Fund . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated .
Mew Concord Lodge , Mo . 813 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on the 18 th inst ., at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Bro . T . Bartlett W . M . occupied the chair , supported by tho Wardens , Past Masters and officers . Bros . Smalley and Westfield wore raised to tho sublime degree of Master Masons . Bro . Dunn was passed to tho degree of a Fellow Craft , ancl
Mr . Wright was initiated , the various ceremonies being perfectly rendered " by the W . M . A board of installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . Gabb was presented to the Lodge , aud duly installed by Bro . J . Wilson P . M . and W . M . 25 , in a very able and impressive manner . The W . M . Avas then sainted according to ancient form , and invested his officers as follow , viz . —J . Gallant S . W ., T . J . Cusworth
J . W ., Bros . Sinclair Treasurer , W . II . Main P . M . Secretary , Harper S . D ., Watkinson J . D ., Stear I . G ., Walesby Organist , W . S . Taylor D . C . and George S . The W . M . presented Bro . Bartlett , in the name of the Lodge , with a very elegant solid gold P . M . jewel , with suitable inscription , for the excellent manner in which ho had conducted tho duties of W . M ., and Bro . John Emmons P . G . P ., in tho name of tho
Lodge , presented him with an address handsomely illuminated , framed and glazed ( tho illuminated address Avas the gratuitous workmanship < f Bro . Westfhld , AVIIO had just been raised , of Leyton College , Leyton ) , and Bro . J . Wilson P . M . then , in tho names of the P . M . ' s , officers and brethren , begged his acceptance of a massive silver loving cup , with suitable inscription . Bro . Bartlett was visibly
affected at these marks of esteem and regard , and briefly returned thanks for the valuable gifts . He said he would withhold his acknowledgments nutil a later portion of the evening . It was then announced that Bro . Cusworth J . D . was to be a Steward for the Boys' School . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . H . Gabb . Tho
usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and a very harmonious and delightful evening was passed . There were about 27 visitors , among whom wero Bros . W . Smecd P . P . G . J . W . ( Middlesex ) , Linzell P . G . D . C . ( Middlesex ) , Winkfield P . P . D . C . Berks ancl Bucks , Robins 25 , Hobson P . M ., Painter W . M . 719 , Wingham P . M . 25 , and Burtenshaw P . M . 359 , & c .
Whittington Lodge , Mb . 862 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the loth inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . This being tho last night of the season , probably Avas the cause of so numerous an attendance of tho brethren . Bro . W . Haley W . M . was in the chair , and had the support of Bros . T . Kingston S . W ., W . Walters J . W ., Robert Wentworth Little P . M . P . G . a . ( Middlesex )
and Secretary Girls' School , Secretary , G . i ' ritchard S . D ., W . Walmsley J . D ., and Past Masters W . F . Smith I . P . M ., Jas . Weaver P . M . 1319 P . P . G . O . ( Middlesex ) , F . M . Quilty , W . Hurlstone and W . II . Jones . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed , Tho W . M . passed Bros . Cole and Brown to the second degree . Bro .
Jas . Weaver then took tho chair , and , in his usual perfect manner raised Bro . Holland to the 3 rd degree , giving also tho traditional history and explanation of the tracing board . At the conclusion ho was warmly and deservedly complimented . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . There were several visitors present .
Lodge of Montefiore , Mo . 1017 . —An emergency meeting ! has boon held for tho purpose of electing a Steward to attend at the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , when the W . M ., Bro . Grunebauin , was unanimously elected .
Corinthian Lodge , Mo . 1382 . —The brethren of the above Lod ge met on Wednesday , 17 th March , at the George Hotel , Cubitt Town . This being installation night , the Lodge was called for half-past two . The W . M .., Bro . W . Suayes , presided , aud worked the ceremony