Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2
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Notices Of Meetings.
of initiation for tho benefit of Messrs . Ford , Cairn and Temple , in a very able manner . The Lodge was then opened in the second degree , and the "W . M . elect was presented . The Lodge being opened in the third degree , the S . W ., Bro . J . Carnaby , was installed W . M . for flip ensuing year by the outgoing W . M ., Bro . Shaves , in a highly creditable manner , which crave great satisfaction to all present . Tho officers
appointed are as follow : —Bros . Bennett S . W ., Seniles . T . W .. Linn S . D ., Fisher J . D ., Evans D . C ., D . Shaboe P . G . C . M . Chaplain , Delve ? I . G ., Grant Tyler . P . M . Carter was appointed Steward to act at the forthcoming : ceremony of installation of M . W . G . M . tho Princo of Wales . A P . M . ' s joAvel was voted to tho outgoing W . M . At tho close of tho
Lodge tho brethren adjourned , and partook of an excellent banquet provided by Bro . F . J . Deacon , whore the usual loyal and Masonic Toasts were given and responded to with great enthusiasm . Among the numerous visitors we noticed Bros . If . Hollis P . M . 107 , IT . Mav W . M . 212 , Schofield P . M ., Marfleefc W . M , " Stability" P . M . and Treasurer 1382 , and S . Finch 217 .
Great City Lodge , No . 1426 . —An Emergency Meeting of this Lodsro was held on Saturday , tho 20 fh instant , at , tho Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street , London , when tho Right Hon . the Lord Mayor , Brother David H . Stone , honoured the members with a visit . Amongst the brethren assembled on this interesting occasion wore Colonel Burdett Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , Sir Albert
Woods ( Garter ) , Samnel Tomkins Grand Treasurer , John Hcrvev Grand Secretary , J . 0 . Parkinson Grand Junior Deacon , R . W . Little Provincial Grand Secretary for Middlesex and Secretary of the Girls' School , Sir . J . Bennett , G . H . Boss Provincial Grand Treasurer for Middlesex , John Savage Past Grand Deacon , F . Binckes Secretary to tho Boys' School , J . Terry Secretar y to the Royal Masonic
Benevolent Institution , T . Ford LP M . Rifle Lodge , Edinburgh , Conrad C . Dumas Past Assistant-Director of Ceremonies , J . A . Rneker President of tho Colonial Board , John B . Monckton Town Clerk of the City of London , and President of the Board of General Purposes , the Rev . J . E Cox LL . D . Past Grand Chaplain , T Fenn Assistant-Director of Ceremonies and Secretary of tho Prince of Wales Lodge .
tho Rev . R . J . Simpson Past Grand Chaplain , George Pnyno W . M . Grand Master ' s Lodge , Jacob Naton Grand Lodge of America , & c . & o . At a quarter before fivo o ' clock the Lodge was opened , Bro . N . B . Headon presiding , Bro . Townend ( tho Worshinfnl Master elect ) occupying the S . W . ' s chair , and Bro . Seex that of J . W ., James Stevens T . P . M ., Rev . R . J . Simpson Chaplain , J . Freeman Treasurer , Edward
Moody Secretary , J . Stanway S . D ., Blackie J . D ., Catchpole I . G ., and T . Preston D . C . The W . M . then initiated three gentlemen into the Order , working the ceremony in a very satisfactory manner . On the arrival of tho Lord Mayor and Mr . Sheriff Ellis , which took place at half-past 6 o ' clock , tho brethren all rose and gave their distinguished visitors an enthusiastic reception . The business of the evening was
then proceeded with , after which the W . M . said ho had a motion to submit to the Lodge , which was a most pleasing one to him , and which he was sure the brethren would unanimously agree to , and that was that their worthy brother , David Stone P . M . of tho Grand Master ' s Lodge , "No . 1 , and Right Hon . theLord Mayor of London , should be invited to become an honorary member of the Great City Lodge .
( Cheers . ) Bro . Townend ' secondcd tho motion , and alluded totbegratif ying fact that tho Right Hon . the Lord Mayor ' s name Avas to bo found on the original petition for the granting of a warrant for the Great Cit y Lodge . The motion was put , and unanimously agreed to . Tho Lord Mayor returned thanks for the great honour which the Lodge had conferred upon him , expressing his intention to be there as often
as his engagements would permit , and said he had no doubt the Lodge wonld maintain the foremost place in the City of London . Tho Lodge being closed , tho brethren , with their visitors , adjourned to tho Large Banquetting Hall , where a grand banquet had been prepared , which was enlivened by the Band of tho Grenadier Guards , under tho able conductorship of Bro . Dan . Godfrey . At its conclusion
the following toasts were given : — " Tho Health of Tfer Majesty tho Queen ; " " His Roval Highness tho Princo of Wales M . W . G . M . ;" " Tho Right Worshipful Pro Grand Master the Earl of Carnavon KG . " ably responded toby Col . Burdett . "The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , Lord Skelmersdale , and tho rest of the Graud Officers , Past and Present , " was next given and responded to . Brother
tho Rev . R . J . Simpson , in proposing the health of tho Worshipful Master , referred in the highest terms to that brother ' s true Masonic feeling and admirable Masonic working . The toast was responded to in the most enthusiastic manner , and Avith the " Great City " firing . The Worshipful Master in reply , said : I thank yon most cordially for tho hearty and fraternal manner in which von
have been pleased to respond to this toast , and I am deeply sensible of tho honour you havo done me . Having had occasion so often to acknowledge your manifold kindness towards me , I am at a loss , to-night , to find fresh words to express my thanks ; suffice it now to say that whatever I have been able to do for our Lodge has been to mo a labour of love ; and I assure you I feel more than requited to
witness the great success and prosperity of the Lodge , and to receive from you so many tokens of your esteem and regard . Bro . J . C . Parkinson G . J . D . next proposed "Prosperity to the Great City Lodge , " and coupled with the toast tho name of Bro . J . Stevens , the I . P . M . Ho spoke in glowing terms of tho association of Freemasonry with the history of the City , and referred to the
prosperity that must onsno while the Craft is supported by the distinguished men it now numbers amongst its followers . Bro . James Stevens briefly acknowledged tho compliment paid him . The Worshipful Master , in giving tho next toast , "Tho Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of London , Brother David Henry Stone , " said their distinguished brother had been one with . hem in sympathv
and spirit from the inception of the Great Oitv Lodge , and the petition for the charter , Which ho had then the honour to be the guardian of , bore his signature . From a variety ef circumstances , and no doubt from the great pressure of other engagements , he was unable to identify himself with them at the formation of the Lodgea , cirenmstance which they then conld hardly regret , for had ifc been
Notices Of Meetings.
otherwise they shonld not havo had the privilege that night of enrolling him as a member and entertaining him as their guest . They felt that ho had conferred a great honour upon them by accepting an honorary membership in the year of his mayoralty , and they trusted that they might have many opportnnies of welcoming Mm amongst them . The Lord Mavor thanked tho brethren for
the compliment paid to him , and for the kind reception they had given him . Although ho might say ho was an old Mason , he was afraid he had been rather a negligent one , and had not stuck to the Craft as he ought to have done , hut under tho influence of the cordial reception they had given to him ho was undergoing a kind of revival . He began to feel again that the respect and esteem of his
brother Masons was a thing worth living for , and he felt that the brethren had claims upon him . He believed that they wero moving in most ovontfnl times , for they had elected tho Prince of Wales , the heir to the Throne , as Grand Master ; and he might call that another revival . It was some years ago since a member of the roval family AVIS Grand Master , and tho accession of His Roval
Highness at this time was an ovont most significant , when tho great contest was going on between darkness and light , for Popery and the Pope himself were determined to put down freedom and goodwill ; but tho Prince of Wales and this country wero equally determined that light shonld prevail , and that everything that was good and graceful should be put forward and stand before mankind . In
conclusion , ho said ho felt sure that the Great Citv Lodge was destined to become one of tho leading powers in Freemasonry . "The Sheriffs" wore proposed by Bro . Hutton , and responded to by Bro . Ellis . Bro . ITcrvey proposed "Tho Visitors , " responded to by Bro . Monckton ; and "The Chanties " by Bro . Savage ; responded to by Bro . Reicker . Bro . Sheriff Shaw was prevented from attending by indisposition .
Metropolitan Lodge , Mo . 1507 . —This Lodge , the warrant of which was the last , granted bv the late Grand Master , held its meeting at the Metropolitan Club , 260 Pentonville-roatl , on the ISthinst . Bros . Jas . Willing jun . W . M ., Michael S . W ., Williams . T . W ., Rose Treasurer , Tims Secretary , Child S . D ., Kingham J . D ., J . Douglass l . G . and Scales W . S . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes Avere
confirmed . Bros . Trimmings , II . G . Rogers , J . Tims , Halton and Rapkin were raised to tho third degree , and Bro . TCorton was passed to tho 2 nd degree , and Mr . W . Read was ballotted for and initiated , A summer banquet was arranged to tako place at the Ryo House , in July . The W . M ., Bro . J . Willing jun ., was elected to act as Steward to represent the Lodge at tho installation of LT . R . II . the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M . A sum of £ 10 10 s Avas unanimously voted to
purchase a gold Past Master ' s jewel for tho retiring W . M . for his able working , and the high esteem he is hold in by every brother of tho Lodge . Bro . Michael S . W . was unanimously elected W . M ., Bro . Rose Treasurer , and Daley Tyler . Bros . Stiles , Side , and Rapkin were elected auditors . The Lodge was then closed until October , and the brethren partook of a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Cox , the Manager of tho Club . Tho W . M . then proposed tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and tho mention of tho name of H . R . H . the
Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M . Avas received with long and enthusiastic cheers , showing that loyalty and Freemasonry wore , as they should be , " Hand to hand , and heart to heart , " and how gratifying it was to see tho heir to tho throne at tho head of our noblo Order . Ho is one that feels pride as a working Mason , and this great e \ ont will long be remembered in the annals of Freemasonry . Bro . Tims P . M .
and Treasurer , in an eloquent speech , proposed tho toast of tho W . M . Ho said it was gratifying to see so young a Mason so energetic , and the brethren ho had introduced wore a credit to the Order ( cheers ) . Tho W . M ., in reply , said : It was the duty of every Master to use his utmost endeavours for tho good of Freemasonry in general , and his own Lodge iu particular , and ho hoped , at the
expiration of his year of office , he would have the approbation of every brother . Ho then , in proposing the toast of the W . M . elect , Bro . Michael , said , the respect exhibited by the brethren in their unanimous votes in his favour showed that the second Master of this prosperous Lodge was one who—by his working abilities , and tho respect he is hold in by the brethren—was well calculated to fill that important office , and he was sure the W . M . elect would select officers who would assist
him in carrying out every detail to the satisfaction of the Lodge ( cheers ) . Bro . Tubbs , in a suitable speech , returned thanks for the visitors , who wore Bro . Tubbs 1309 , W . Young 203 , Otnniston 202 and IT . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Bro . Read returned thanks for tho toast of tho newly initiated , in a manner that showed he was one in whom the Lodge wonld receive an acquisition . Tho W . M . said he could not
have the honour of proposing the toast of the Past Masters , as tho Lodge had been so young in existence , but they had an old Past Master among them who was a credit to the Craft as a Past Master , and did his duties as Secretary , having occupied a prominent position in Freemasonry in another Lodge . Ho was proud to couple tho toast of P . M . and Secretary Bro . Tims . The toast was replied to in Bro . Tim ' s genial manner . Bro . Rose responded for tho toast of
the Treasurer . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the Junior Officers , remarked that ho was proud of them , for their Masonic abilities , and ho hoped that they would go up in rotation until they filled tho chair ho now had the honour to occupy . Bros . Williams ¦ T . W ., Kingham J . D . and Scales W . S . severally responded . Tho Tyler ' s toast was given , and a very agreeable evening was passed , Bros . Clark , Stiles , Gilbert and Michael contributing to the harmony of the evening .
PHYSICAL STHF . XOTII is a finality held , and justly so , in high estimation . The consciousness of being in the possession of health and sti-oriL'th , in it elf enn-Inccs to energy in ov r . v way , but how much is it . abused , in this artificial lit ' " i-elead ? howmanycauses are at , work to undermine the-tinniest cous'ifufiori ? r , ifo in the present , day , in this country , is too fast , we nil live , too fast , wo travel too fast , we ea » too fast , and , to carry out the idea , we wor ' . z too fast , also . The results of this aro obvious to all observers , and need not , bo entered into further . Holloway ' s Pills and Ointment arc the best remedies extant , for restoring damaged nerve force .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
of initiation for tho benefit of Messrs . Ford , Cairn and Temple , in a very able manner . The Lodge was then opened in the second degree , and the "W . M . elect was presented . The Lodge being opened in the third degree , the S . W ., Bro . J . Carnaby , was installed W . M . for flip ensuing year by the outgoing W . M ., Bro . Shaves , in a highly creditable manner , which crave great satisfaction to all present . Tho officers
appointed are as follow : —Bros . Bennett S . W ., Seniles . T . W .. Linn S . D ., Fisher J . D ., Evans D . C ., D . Shaboe P . G . C . M . Chaplain , Delve ? I . G ., Grant Tyler . P . M . Carter was appointed Steward to act at the forthcoming : ceremony of installation of M . W . G . M . tho Princo of Wales . A P . M . ' s joAvel was voted to tho outgoing W . M . At tho close of tho
Lodge tho brethren adjourned , and partook of an excellent banquet provided by Bro . F . J . Deacon , whore the usual loyal and Masonic Toasts were given and responded to with great enthusiasm . Among the numerous visitors we noticed Bros . If . Hollis P . M . 107 , IT . Mav W . M . 212 , Schofield P . M ., Marfleefc W . M , " Stability" P . M . and Treasurer 1382 , and S . Finch 217 .
Great City Lodge , No . 1426 . —An Emergency Meeting of this Lodsro was held on Saturday , tho 20 fh instant , at , tho Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street , London , when tho Right Hon . the Lord Mayor , Brother David H . Stone , honoured the members with a visit . Amongst the brethren assembled on this interesting occasion wore Colonel Burdett Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , Sir Albert
Woods ( Garter ) , Samnel Tomkins Grand Treasurer , John Hcrvev Grand Secretary , J . 0 . Parkinson Grand Junior Deacon , R . W . Little Provincial Grand Secretary for Middlesex and Secretary of the Girls' School , Sir . J . Bennett , G . H . Boss Provincial Grand Treasurer for Middlesex , John Savage Past Grand Deacon , F . Binckes Secretary to tho Boys' School , J . Terry Secretar y to the Royal Masonic
Benevolent Institution , T . Ford LP M . Rifle Lodge , Edinburgh , Conrad C . Dumas Past Assistant-Director of Ceremonies , J . A . Rneker President of tho Colonial Board , John B . Monckton Town Clerk of the City of London , and President of the Board of General Purposes , the Rev . J . E Cox LL . D . Past Grand Chaplain , T Fenn Assistant-Director of Ceremonies and Secretary of tho Prince of Wales Lodge .
tho Rev . R . J . Simpson Past Grand Chaplain , George Pnyno W . M . Grand Master ' s Lodge , Jacob Naton Grand Lodge of America , & c . & o . At a quarter before fivo o ' clock the Lodge was opened , Bro . N . B . Headon presiding , Bro . Townend ( tho Worshinfnl Master elect ) occupying the S . W . ' s chair , and Bro . Seex that of J . W ., James Stevens T . P . M ., Rev . R . J . Simpson Chaplain , J . Freeman Treasurer , Edward
Moody Secretary , J . Stanway S . D ., Blackie J . D ., Catchpole I . G ., and T . Preston D . C . The W . M . then initiated three gentlemen into the Order , working the ceremony in a very satisfactory manner . On the arrival of tho Lord Mayor and Mr . Sheriff Ellis , which took place at half-past 6 o ' clock , tho brethren all rose and gave their distinguished visitors an enthusiastic reception . The business of the evening was
then proceeded with , after which the W . M . said ho had a motion to submit to the Lodge , which was a most pleasing one to him , and which he was sure the brethren would unanimously agree to , and that was that their worthy brother , David Stone P . M . of tho Grand Master ' s Lodge , "No . 1 , and Right Hon . theLord Mayor of London , should be invited to become an honorary member of the Great City Lodge .
( Cheers . ) Bro . Townend ' secondcd tho motion , and alluded totbegratif ying fact that tho Right Hon . the Lord Mayor ' s name Avas to bo found on the original petition for the granting of a warrant for the Great Cit y Lodge . The motion was put , and unanimously agreed to . Tho Lord Mayor returned thanks for the great honour which the Lodge had conferred upon him , expressing his intention to be there as often
as his engagements would permit , and said he had no doubt the Lodge wonld maintain the foremost place in the City of London . Tho Lodge being closed , tho brethren , with their visitors , adjourned to tho Large Banquetting Hall , where a grand banquet had been prepared , which was enlivened by the Band of tho Grenadier Guards , under tho able conductorship of Bro . Dan . Godfrey . At its conclusion
the following toasts were given : — " Tho Health of Tfer Majesty tho Queen ; " " His Roval Highness tho Princo of Wales M . W . G . M . ;" " Tho Right Worshipful Pro Grand Master the Earl of Carnavon KG . " ably responded toby Col . Burdett . "The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , Lord Skelmersdale , and tho rest of the Graud Officers , Past and Present , " was next given and responded to . Brother
tho Rev . R . J . Simpson , in proposing the health of tho Worshipful Master , referred in the highest terms to that brother ' s true Masonic feeling and admirable Masonic working . The toast was responded to in the most enthusiastic manner , and Avith the " Great City " firing . The Worshipful Master in reply , said : I thank yon most cordially for tho hearty and fraternal manner in which von
have been pleased to respond to this toast , and I am deeply sensible of tho honour you havo done me . Having had occasion so often to acknowledge your manifold kindness towards me , I am at a loss , to-night , to find fresh words to express my thanks ; suffice it now to say that whatever I have been able to do for our Lodge has been to mo a labour of love ; and I assure you I feel more than requited to
witness the great success and prosperity of the Lodge , and to receive from you so many tokens of your esteem and regard . Bro . J . C . Parkinson G . J . D . next proposed "Prosperity to the Great City Lodge , " and coupled with the toast tho name of Bro . J . Stevens , the I . P . M . Ho spoke in glowing terms of tho association of Freemasonry with the history of the City , and referred to the
prosperity that must onsno while the Craft is supported by the distinguished men it now numbers amongst its followers . Bro . James Stevens briefly acknowledged tho compliment paid him . The Worshipful Master , in giving tho next toast , "Tho Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of London , Brother David Henry Stone , " said their distinguished brother had been one with . hem in sympathv
and spirit from the inception of the Great Oitv Lodge , and the petition for the charter , Which ho had then the honour to be the guardian of , bore his signature . From a variety ef circumstances , and no doubt from the great pressure of other engagements , he was unable to identify himself with them at the formation of the Lodgea , cirenmstance which they then conld hardly regret , for had ifc been
Notices Of Meetings.
otherwise they shonld not havo had the privilege that night of enrolling him as a member and entertaining him as their guest . They felt that ho had conferred a great honour upon them by accepting an honorary membership in the year of his mayoralty , and they trusted that they might have many opportnnies of welcoming Mm amongst them . The Lord Mavor thanked tho brethren for
the compliment paid to him , and for the kind reception they had given him . Although ho might say ho was an old Mason , he was afraid he had been rather a negligent one , and had not stuck to the Craft as he ought to have done , hut under tho influence of the cordial reception they had given to him ho was undergoing a kind of revival . He began to feel again that the respect and esteem of his
brother Masons was a thing worth living for , and he felt that the brethren had claims upon him . He believed that they wero moving in most ovontfnl times , for they had elected tho Prince of Wales , the heir to the Throne , as Grand Master ; and he might call that another revival . It was some years ago since a member of the roval family AVIS Grand Master , and tho accession of His Roval
Highness at this time was an ovont most significant , when tho great contest was going on between darkness and light , for Popery and the Pope himself were determined to put down freedom and goodwill ; but tho Prince of Wales and this country wero equally determined that light shonld prevail , and that everything that was good and graceful should be put forward and stand before mankind . In
conclusion , ho said ho felt sure that the Great Citv Lodge was destined to become one of tho leading powers in Freemasonry . "The Sheriffs" wore proposed by Bro . Hutton , and responded to by Bro . Ellis . Bro . ITcrvey proposed "Tho Visitors , " responded to by Bro . Monckton ; and "The Chanties " by Bro . Savage ; responded to by Bro . Reicker . Bro . Sheriff Shaw was prevented from attending by indisposition .
Metropolitan Lodge , Mo . 1507 . —This Lodge , the warrant of which was the last , granted bv the late Grand Master , held its meeting at the Metropolitan Club , 260 Pentonville-roatl , on the ISthinst . Bros . Jas . Willing jun . W . M ., Michael S . W ., Williams . T . W ., Rose Treasurer , Tims Secretary , Child S . D ., Kingham J . D ., J . Douglass l . G . and Scales W . S . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes Avere
confirmed . Bros . Trimmings , II . G . Rogers , J . Tims , Halton and Rapkin were raised to tho third degree , and Bro . TCorton was passed to tho 2 nd degree , and Mr . W . Read was ballotted for and initiated , A summer banquet was arranged to tako place at the Ryo House , in July . The W . M ., Bro . J . Willing jun ., was elected to act as Steward to represent the Lodge at tho installation of LT . R . II . the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M . A sum of £ 10 10 s Avas unanimously voted to
purchase a gold Past Master ' s jewel for tho retiring W . M . for his able working , and the high esteem he is hold in by every brother of tho Lodge . Bro . Michael S . W . was unanimously elected W . M ., Bro . Rose Treasurer , and Daley Tyler . Bros . Stiles , Side , and Rapkin were elected auditors . The Lodge was then closed until October , and the brethren partook of a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Cox , the Manager of tho Club . Tho W . M . then proposed tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and tho mention of tho name of H . R . H . the
Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M . Avas received with long and enthusiastic cheers , showing that loyalty and Freemasonry wore , as they should be , " Hand to hand , and heart to heart , " and how gratifying it was to see tho heir to tho throne at tho head of our noblo Order . Ho is one that feels pride as a working Mason , and this great e \ ont will long be remembered in the annals of Freemasonry . Bro . Tims P . M .
and Treasurer , in an eloquent speech , proposed tho toast of tho W . M . Ho said it was gratifying to see so young a Mason so energetic , and the brethren ho had introduced wore a credit to the Order ( cheers ) . Tho W . M ., in reply , said : It was the duty of every Master to use his utmost endeavours for tho good of Freemasonry in general , and his own Lodge iu particular , and ho hoped , at the
expiration of his year of office , he would have the approbation of every brother . Ho then , in proposing the toast of the W . M . elect , Bro . Michael , said , the respect exhibited by the brethren in their unanimous votes in his favour showed that the second Master of this prosperous Lodge was one who—by his working abilities , and tho respect he is hold in by the brethren—was well calculated to fill that important office , and he was sure the W . M . elect would select officers who would assist
him in carrying out every detail to the satisfaction of the Lodge ( cheers ) . Bro . Tubbs , in a suitable speech , returned thanks for the visitors , who wore Bro . Tubbs 1309 , W . Young 203 , Otnniston 202 and IT . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Bro . Read returned thanks for tho toast of tho newly initiated , in a manner that showed he was one in whom the Lodge wonld receive an acquisition . Tho W . M . said he could not
have the honour of proposing the toast of the Past Masters , as tho Lodge had been so young in existence , but they had an old Past Master among them who was a credit to the Craft as a Past Master , and did his duties as Secretary , having occupied a prominent position in Freemasonry in another Lodge . Ho was proud to couple tho toast of P . M . and Secretary Bro . Tims . The toast was replied to in Bro . Tim ' s genial manner . Bro . Rose responded for tho toast of
the Treasurer . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the Junior Officers , remarked that ho was proud of them , for their Masonic abilities , and ho hoped that they would go up in rotation until they filled tho chair ho now had the honour to occupy . Bros . Williams ¦ T . W ., Kingham J . D . and Scales W . S . severally responded . Tho Tyler ' s toast was given , and a very agreeable evening was passed , Bros . Clark , Stiles , Gilbert and Michael contributing to the harmony of the evening .
PHYSICAL STHF . XOTII is a finality held , and justly so , in high estimation . The consciousness of being in the possession of health and sti-oriL'th , in it elf enn-Inccs to energy in ov r . v way , but how much is it . abused , in this artificial lit ' " i-elead ? howmanycauses are at , work to undermine the-tinniest cous'ifufiori ? r , ifo in the present , day , in this country , is too fast , we nil live , too fast , wo travel too fast , we ea » too fast , and , to carry out the idea , we wor ' . z too fast , also . The results of this aro obvious to all observers , and need not , bo entered into further . Holloway ' s Pills and Ointment arc the best remedies extant , for restoring damaged nerve force .