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The Egyptian Ritual Of The Book Of The Dead.
cycle , or mutation of the earth s elliptic , which was at tho most favourable position for man's development somewhere about twenty thousand years n . C , and at the least favourable about ' JoQO years B . C ., which is the period speculatively assigned for a cyclical deluge in Central Asia . The equal period was about four thousand years H . C , aud from this age the ancient nations have transmitted an
historic consciousness , as if the invention of a mode of recording thought dates from this time . The study of language , aud the records of historical knowledge , point to the cradle of man as being placed on the highlands of Central Aaia , bounded by the Altai , tho Ararat , ancl the Caucasus , in a region whence branched the Oxus and Jaxartis eastward , and the
Euphrates ancl Tigris westward . Thence departed east the worldly husbandman Cain , after slaying his spiritual brother , theshepherd Abel , tho one offering an animate , the other an inanimate sacrifice , and typical still of warring Eastern sects . This first emigration founded the Turanian nations and family of languages , of Avhich the Chinese is the representative brand , an ancient monosyllabic tongue , of which each
Avord represents an idea , and each idea is represented by a hieroglyphical picture . From another emigrant tribe proceeded the Chamitic Egyptian , who carried his spoken language but one step further before it became petrified upon the banks of the Nile , with its attendant hieroglyphics ; as also the Semitic race , which proceeded another step in advance , when it became staid by an alphabet of
Phoenician origin ; whilst the Japhetic race overran the earth , and transmitted the modern languages of Europe . In all probability the Chamites and Semites continued together for some centuries after separation from the primitive home ; this appears necessary to account for the relative state of the two languages . From the most remote time tho Zend Avesta , and the Vedas , have
recorded the fact of some catastrophe which produced a cyclical deluge in Central Asia , in the region of the Aral and the Caspian , and which so changed tho original temperature to extreme cold that the remaining tribes wero compelled to separate in search of a more suitable climate . From the first separation proceeded an Accadian race who peopled
the Chaldean region , until some great tyrant was expelled by the Biblical Nimroil , who founded a dynasty of Kings of a worldrenowned empire . The substratum of his kingdom is shown to be Scythian , or Turanian , but at a later time included at least three different languages . This dynasty in tnm , after making great progress in Astronomy and Astrology , succumbed about 2200
years u . c . to Median followers of the system of the great Baetro-Aryan reformer , Zoroaster , whose opponents established Brahminism , Here it is to be observed that all nations of Aryan descent have a tradition of a great natural catastrophe , whilst tho same is absent amongst the Turanian and Chamitic races , whilst , had we the means of separating tho historical elements , we might perhaps find that the
Semitic version proceeded from the Median conquerors of Babylon , for the sacred volume is not intended to teach Science , but the ways of God and moral truth . Iu a similar way the Aryan Buddhists have introduced the Flood traditions into the religions of China . This brief preface will enable you to comprehend the general unity of religious ideas which we find amongst all nations . From the ancient cradle of our race tho branching tribes carried Avith them an
identical religion , which Avas more or less developed by them , according to their receptive capacities , which are perhaps influenced iu a greater degree by climate than we are aware of . The ancient cosmogonies all begin with tho Mnndane egg . The Chinese representation is divided by the line of beauty into male and female halves . At the beginning all things were in universal chaos , nntil ,
by the operation of the two principles , the grosser parts coagulated to form earth , whilst the more etherial part ascended upwards to form the heavens , and man came into being as the offspring of these two . The Chinese teach the immortality of the Soul in the worship of ancestors and deified sages . They have personified the elements , as Diodorus reports of the Egyptians , and they have , besides , a god of
Avar , a god of letters , and a supreme god , to all of whom the nation offers annual sacrifices through the Emperor , At their funerals they sacrifice a Avhite cock and a black hen , and their coffins are of a most durable nature . The Babylonians taught a cosmogonical system , commencing with chaos , and developing , by a gradual process , to spiritual
consciousness , through : —1 . Time and mind ; 2 . The Dimuirge j 3 . Creator of sun , moon and stars ; 4 . Creator of man , when the God Bel , or El , cuts off his own head , that the Baalim , or Elshini , or generative principle of nature , might mingle his blood with the dust of the earth , that created man might derive from the same essence as Divinity . The myth amongst the Phoenicians takes a different form , for it is a rebellious son that cuts off one of the members of his
father , aud from the deluged earth man arose . In the form used in the mysteries of Lamdthraco two gods murder a third ; whilst the legend of Osiris is so well known that it is almost unnecessary to remind you that Isis never recovered tho generative principle of the murdered aud re-born Osiris , for it became commingled with nature . From these svmbolical myths arose the initiatory ceremony of
circumcision , which the Ilabbis say is incomplete unless blood has been drawn . The Egyptian " Book of the Dead " says " The blood is that Avhich ]) roceeds from the member of the sun whilst he goes along cutting himself . " These bold expressions of youthful language embody the idea of a personal creator of all things , sacrificing his own life that man might
be born with a divine intellect aud comprehension of tho true and the holy . There are some ancient Babylonian legends , recorded iu arrowheaded characters , hundreds of years before the Christian era , in a sort of epic history regulated bv the twelve signs of the Zodiac , or
months of the year ; under the sign of Aquarius , or the rainy month , it is recorded that Izdubur , the Biblical Nirnrod , expelled a tyrannical power , and had an Astrologer of the name of Heabani , re-ident at his court , who was raised to heaven at tho command of the God Hca , tho ruler of Haclos and Ocean and the Pluto of the Greeks , lidubuv
The Egyptian Ritual Of The Book Of The Dead.
being sick , repaired to the sea coast , where he met tie ngod saint Hasisadra , the Biblical Noah , from whom In received the account of tho deluge and the " secrets of purification , " aud these legends aro as old as 2000 years i ; . c . There is also found recorded there tho account of the fall of man , aud the rebellion amongst the gods , in a fuller history than that of Genesis . Under tho sign of Virgo it is
recorded that Queen Ishtar sought her dead husband iu Hades , whither ho had departed " to bo like the gods , " or , in the words of Scripture , " ho Avas not , for God took him . " On entering tho realm of spirits Ishtar had to pass through seven gates . Within the first the crown was taken from her head , in the second the earrings from her ears , in tho third the precious stones from hor head , in the fourth the
gems from her forehead , in the fifth tho girdle from her waist , in the sixth the golden rings from her hands and feet , iu tho seventh the last garment from her body . Beyond tho tomb arose the soul to new life , where wealth was naught , worth alone esteemed ; virtue was honoured , rank and wealth despised . The region of the blessed was named Samn , and presided over by the Supreme God Ana , whilst
Ifea presided over Arolli or Ifell . Tho seven gates , and tho descent into Hades , prevailed in the Egyptian mysteries , and wero symbolised by the Pleides , the seven planets , the seven worlds , aud the seven steps of tho throno of God ; they wei * e common to the Mythraic mysteries of seven caverns and seven degrees ; they are found iu the Brahminical doctrine of tho
seven lower and seven upper worlds , to which two others are added as tho residence of divinity , against whom an evil principle is continually contending . A planet was devoted to each day of the week , Saturday , the old Sabbath , being Saturius day , and a universal holiday . It is , however , in Egypt , to which wo now entirely turn , that Ave
hud the most perfect information in regard to the old religions , because of the care with which they are recorded to havo preserved ancient tradition , and because of the great antiquity of their manuscript aud monumental records , which providence has preserved to us for our instruction . This extraordinary race had a thoroughly developed religions
system 5000 years ago , at which time Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt into a single empire , and embodied a hieroglyphical representation of seven great cosmogonical and psychical deities whose worship had prevailed in the twenty-six Nomes of that already ancient country . This great Emperor , tho descendant of a race of prophets , priests and kings , built the Temple of Memphis , aud
advanced the worship of Heseri and Isis in the whole united empire . We learn from monumental sources , which are now as easily read as Greek inscriptions , that Pthah and Neith ( who as first cause havo other names ) , produced Ea ( or Helios ) , the life-giving property of the solar orb , which again produces Agathedasmon ( spirit , Kneph ) . After this , Chronos ( Saturn ) and Nu ( Rhea ) , representing time and
space , and the primal waters , necessary for the development of things , produced Heseri and Isis , Set ( Seth or Typhon ) ancl Nephthys ; and they , Horns , Anubis , ancl Ifermes , or Thoth , who as " the eighth , " or revealing God , makes known the others to mankind . Diodorus treats four of these gods as personifications of the four elements , by which initiates in the mysteries of Isis were tried and proved before reception .
AH notion that these gods were deified men has exploded . Heseri or Osiris is believed to be identical with the Phoenician Asar ( Asdar , great—Assyrian Ashur ) , the psychical God , the primitive man-soul , combining the qualities of all the cosmogonical gods , not deified man , but man deified in Osiris ; the Set , or Seth , of tho Semites , Avhose worship became an abomination amongst the Egyptians when
conquered by the Arabians , ancl made tributary to these Ifyksos , or Shepherd Kings , about 1500 years after Menes , aud hence became identified with the spirit of evil . The oldest known copy of the " Book of the Dead , " is about 4500 years of age , but at that date it had ceased to be intelligible to
educated priests without a commentary , which had been gradually extending , aud appears side by side with the text in papyrus and monumental inscriptions of this age ; so that several thousand years more must be , added for the ancient text , which Champollion well describes as a " mythical description of the progress of the human sonl in the future state . "
There are great difficulties in the translation of this book , owing to the mystical and esoterical nature of the subject , and there is evidence that , 5000 years ago , it was asdifficulttothe " wise Egyptians " themselves . Tho 101 st chapter refers to the Orientation of tho coffin , which was to bo so placed that the four winds blew upon its four sides . There are three supplementary chapters , with foreign names , which refer chiefly to the worship of Ammon-Ra , tho " hidden one . "
The principal orders of gods mentioned in the Kitnal , are the Nu , similar or associate gods ; the pu-t , or celestial cycle ; the gods Xetem ; aud the chiefs 0 ' cigct . Different dogmas prevail about the primal or celestial waters ; the principle one is thai , tb / .-y emanated from the Nu or celestial element , or rather from tho sycamore , tho emblem of that goddess . Oue chapter alludes to the building of a
house upon earth , whilst tho vignette refers to the drinking ot the waters of the sycamore of the goddess Nu . Besides the spiritual gods there arc the enemies of the deceased , the Kefti or accusers , the Mil or dead , ancl Vet mes or depraved . Two antagonistic beings appear throughout the llitnal ; Osiris and his triad , the supporters and prototype of the good or justified , and Set or Baba . and his devilsthe evil principle , always endeavouring to subvert the good principle ,
or Osiris and his followers . Physically they are divided into light aud darkness , rymbollca'ly they avc represented by the Sun and tho great dragon Apoplios . The Semitic book of . lob represents . Satan , or the destroyer , as having access to the preserving god , and wandering " to and fro iu the earth , " seeking to tempt and destroy . In the liitual the soul of man would appear to he 'ui uncreated being , but tho breath of life is the especial gift < f Turn , the Setting Sun , iuvi-ible iu darkness , U'lw uu iish'ological pliuso presents ; itself .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Egyptian Ritual Of The Book Of The Dead.
cycle , or mutation of the earth s elliptic , which was at tho most favourable position for man's development somewhere about twenty thousand years n . C , and at the least favourable about ' JoQO years B . C ., which is the period speculatively assigned for a cyclical deluge in Central Asia . The equal period was about four thousand years H . C , aud from this age the ancient nations have transmitted an
historic consciousness , as if the invention of a mode of recording thought dates from this time . The study of language , aud the records of historical knowledge , point to the cradle of man as being placed on the highlands of Central Aaia , bounded by the Altai , tho Ararat , ancl the Caucasus , in a region whence branched the Oxus and Jaxartis eastward , and the
Euphrates ancl Tigris westward . Thence departed east the worldly husbandman Cain , after slaying his spiritual brother , theshepherd Abel , tho one offering an animate , the other an inanimate sacrifice , and typical still of warring Eastern sects . This first emigration founded the Turanian nations and family of languages , of Avhich the Chinese is the representative brand , an ancient monosyllabic tongue , of which each
Avord represents an idea , and each idea is represented by a hieroglyphical picture . From another emigrant tribe proceeded the Chamitic Egyptian , who carried his spoken language but one step further before it became petrified upon the banks of the Nile , with its attendant hieroglyphics ; as also the Semitic race , which proceeded another step in advance , when it became staid by an alphabet of
Phoenician origin ; whilst the Japhetic race overran the earth , and transmitted the modern languages of Europe . In all probability the Chamites and Semites continued together for some centuries after separation from the primitive home ; this appears necessary to account for the relative state of the two languages . From the most remote time tho Zend Avesta , and the Vedas , have
recorded the fact of some catastrophe which produced a cyclical deluge in Central Asia , in the region of the Aral and the Caspian , and which so changed tho original temperature to extreme cold that the remaining tribes wero compelled to separate in search of a more suitable climate . From the first separation proceeded an Accadian race who peopled
the Chaldean region , until some great tyrant was expelled by the Biblical Nimroil , who founded a dynasty of Kings of a worldrenowned empire . The substratum of his kingdom is shown to be Scythian , or Turanian , but at a later time included at least three different languages . This dynasty in tnm , after making great progress in Astronomy and Astrology , succumbed about 2200
years u . c . to Median followers of the system of the great Baetro-Aryan reformer , Zoroaster , whose opponents established Brahminism , Here it is to be observed that all nations of Aryan descent have a tradition of a great natural catastrophe , whilst tho same is absent amongst the Turanian and Chamitic races , whilst , had we the means of separating tho historical elements , we might perhaps find that the
Semitic version proceeded from the Median conquerors of Babylon , for the sacred volume is not intended to teach Science , but the ways of God and moral truth . Iu a similar way the Aryan Buddhists have introduced the Flood traditions into the religions of China . This brief preface will enable you to comprehend the general unity of religious ideas which we find amongst all nations . From the ancient cradle of our race tho branching tribes carried Avith them an
identical religion , which Avas more or less developed by them , according to their receptive capacities , which are perhaps influenced iu a greater degree by climate than we are aware of . The ancient cosmogonies all begin with tho Mnndane egg . The Chinese representation is divided by the line of beauty into male and female halves . At the beginning all things were in universal chaos , nntil ,
by the operation of the two principles , the grosser parts coagulated to form earth , whilst the more etherial part ascended upwards to form the heavens , and man came into being as the offspring of these two . The Chinese teach the immortality of the Soul in the worship of ancestors and deified sages . They have personified the elements , as Diodorus reports of the Egyptians , and they have , besides , a god of
Avar , a god of letters , and a supreme god , to all of whom the nation offers annual sacrifices through the Emperor , At their funerals they sacrifice a Avhite cock and a black hen , and their coffins are of a most durable nature . The Babylonians taught a cosmogonical system , commencing with chaos , and developing , by a gradual process , to spiritual
consciousness , through : —1 . Time and mind ; 2 . The Dimuirge j 3 . Creator of sun , moon and stars ; 4 . Creator of man , when the God Bel , or El , cuts off his own head , that the Baalim , or Elshini , or generative principle of nature , might mingle his blood with the dust of the earth , that created man might derive from the same essence as Divinity . The myth amongst the Phoenicians takes a different form , for it is a rebellious son that cuts off one of the members of his
father , aud from the deluged earth man arose . In the form used in the mysteries of Lamdthraco two gods murder a third ; whilst the legend of Osiris is so well known that it is almost unnecessary to remind you that Isis never recovered tho generative principle of the murdered aud re-born Osiris , for it became commingled with nature . From these svmbolical myths arose the initiatory ceremony of
circumcision , which the Ilabbis say is incomplete unless blood has been drawn . The Egyptian " Book of the Dead " says " The blood is that Avhich ]) roceeds from the member of the sun whilst he goes along cutting himself . " These bold expressions of youthful language embody the idea of a personal creator of all things , sacrificing his own life that man might
be born with a divine intellect aud comprehension of tho true and the holy . There are some ancient Babylonian legends , recorded iu arrowheaded characters , hundreds of years before the Christian era , in a sort of epic history regulated bv the twelve signs of the Zodiac , or
months of the year ; under the sign of Aquarius , or the rainy month , it is recorded that Izdubur , the Biblical Nirnrod , expelled a tyrannical power , and had an Astrologer of the name of Heabani , re-ident at his court , who was raised to heaven at tho command of the God Hca , tho ruler of Haclos and Ocean and the Pluto of the Greeks , lidubuv
The Egyptian Ritual Of The Book Of The Dead.
being sick , repaired to the sea coast , where he met tie ngod saint Hasisadra , the Biblical Noah , from whom In received the account of tho deluge and the " secrets of purification , " aud these legends aro as old as 2000 years i ; . c . There is also found recorded there tho account of the fall of man , aud the rebellion amongst the gods , in a fuller history than that of Genesis . Under tho sign of Virgo it is
recorded that Queen Ishtar sought her dead husband iu Hades , whither ho had departed " to bo like the gods , " or , in the words of Scripture , " ho Avas not , for God took him . " On entering tho realm of spirits Ishtar had to pass through seven gates . Within the first the crown was taken from her head , in the second the earrings from her ears , in tho third the precious stones from hor head , in the fourth the
gems from her forehead , in the fifth tho girdle from her waist , in the sixth the golden rings from her hands and feet , iu tho seventh the last garment from her body . Beyond tho tomb arose the soul to new life , where wealth was naught , worth alone esteemed ; virtue was honoured , rank and wealth despised . The region of the blessed was named Samn , and presided over by the Supreme God Ana , whilst
Ifea presided over Arolli or Ifell . Tho seven gates , and tho descent into Hades , prevailed in the Egyptian mysteries , and wero symbolised by the Pleides , the seven planets , the seven worlds , aud the seven steps of tho throno of God ; they wei * e common to the Mythraic mysteries of seven caverns and seven degrees ; they are found iu the Brahminical doctrine of tho
seven lower and seven upper worlds , to which two others are added as tho residence of divinity , against whom an evil principle is continually contending . A planet was devoted to each day of the week , Saturday , the old Sabbath , being Saturius day , and a universal holiday . It is , however , in Egypt , to which wo now entirely turn , that Ave
hud the most perfect information in regard to the old religions , because of the care with which they are recorded to havo preserved ancient tradition , and because of the great antiquity of their manuscript aud monumental records , which providence has preserved to us for our instruction . This extraordinary race had a thoroughly developed religions
system 5000 years ago , at which time Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt into a single empire , and embodied a hieroglyphical representation of seven great cosmogonical and psychical deities whose worship had prevailed in the twenty-six Nomes of that already ancient country . This great Emperor , tho descendant of a race of prophets , priests and kings , built the Temple of Memphis , aud
advanced the worship of Heseri and Isis in the whole united empire . We learn from monumental sources , which are now as easily read as Greek inscriptions , that Pthah and Neith ( who as first cause havo other names ) , produced Ea ( or Helios ) , the life-giving property of the solar orb , which again produces Agathedasmon ( spirit , Kneph ) . After this , Chronos ( Saturn ) and Nu ( Rhea ) , representing time and
space , and the primal waters , necessary for the development of things , produced Heseri and Isis , Set ( Seth or Typhon ) ancl Nephthys ; and they , Horns , Anubis , ancl Ifermes , or Thoth , who as " the eighth , " or revealing God , makes known the others to mankind . Diodorus treats four of these gods as personifications of the four elements , by which initiates in the mysteries of Isis were tried and proved before reception .
AH notion that these gods were deified men has exploded . Heseri or Osiris is believed to be identical with the Phoenician Asar ( Asdar , great—Assyrian Ashur ) , the psychical God , the primitive man-soul , combining the qualities of all the cosmogonical gods , not deified man , but man deified in Osiris ; the Set , or Seth , of tho Semites , Avhose worship became an abomination amongst the Egyptians when
conquered by the Arabians , ancl made tributary to these Ifyksos , or Shepherd Kings , about 1500 years after Menes , aud hence became identified with the spirit of evil . The oldest known copy of the " Book of the Dead , " is about 4500 years of age , but at that date it had ceased to be intelligible to
educated priests without a commentary , which had been gradually extending , aud appears side by side with the text in papyrus and monumental inscriptions of this age ; so that several thousand years more must be , added for the ancient text , which Champollion well describes as a " mythical description of the progress of the human sonl in the future state . "
There are great difficulties in the translation of this book , owing to the mystical and esoterical nature of the subject , and there is evidence that , 5000 years ago , it was asdifficulttothe " wise Egyptians " themselves . Tho 101 st chapter refers to the Orientation of tho coffin , which was to bo so placed that the four winds blew upon its four sides . There are three supplementary chapters , with foreign names , which refer chiefly to the worship of Ammon-Ra , tho " hidden one . "
The principal orders of gods mentioned in the Kitnal , are the Nu , similar or associate gods ; the pu-t , or celestial cycle ; the gods Xetem ; aud the chiefs 0 ' cigct . Different dogmas prevail about the primal or celestial waters ; the principle one is thai , tb / .-y emanated from the Nu or celestial element , or rather from tho sycamore , tho emblem of that goddess . Oue chapter alludes to the building of a
house upon earth , whilst tho vignette refers to the drinking ot the waters of the sycamore of the goddess Nu . Besides the spiritual gods there arc the enemies of the deceased , the Kefti or accusers , the Mil or dead , ancl Vet mes or depraved . Two antagonistic beings appear throughout the llitnal ; Osiris and his triad , the supporters and prototype of the good or justified , and Set or Baba . and his devilsthe evil principle , always endeavouring to subvert the good principle ,
or Osiris and his followers . Physically they are divided into light aud darkness , rymbollca'ly they avc represented by the Sun and tho great dragon Apoplios . The Semitic book of . lob represents . Satan , or the destroyer , as having access to the preserving god , and wandering " to and fro iu the earth , " seeking to tempt and destroy . In the liitual the soul of man would appear to he 'ui uncreated being , but tho breath of life is the especial gift < f Turn , the Setting Sun , iuvi-ible iu darkness , U'lw uu iish'ological pliuso presents ; itself .