Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 3 of 3 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARK MARINERS. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
We are informed that the eminent engraver employed on the large historical picture of the Installation of H . R . H . the Grand Master is making progress , so as to ensure the exhibition of a proof at the Anniversary Festival next year . Bro . E . J . Harty requests us to suggest to all
brethren who are entitled to a portrait in this interesting souvenir , that no time be lost ere they send a carle to him , or have one specially taken at the Gallery . Time is fleeting , and qualified brethren , whose portraits may be omitted ,
will have cause to regret their procrastination ; Avhile others will be able to point out their own likenesses in connection Avith the memorable event , and to hand them down to their childrens' children . The work will probably be hung in most buildings of importance throughout the country .
It is announced that the meetings of the St . Luke ' s Lodge of Instruction will be held , for the future , at the Commercial Tavern , King ' s Road , Chelsea , on Friday evenings at 7 o ' clock .
It is announced that General Sir James Alexander , K . C . B ., has joined the Board of Directors of the Briton Life Association , and that Dr . William Henry Pilkington , J . P ., Clayton-le-Moors , Lancashire , and Mr . James H . Clarke , Nottingham , have become Extraordinary Directors of the same Association .
The School for Scandal will be represented at the Gaiety Matinee , Saturday , 6 th November , for the annual benefit of Mr . George Coleman ( acting manager of the Olympic Theatre ) , with a very poAverful cast , including Mr . Phelps , Mr . Creswick , and Mr . Henrv Neville ; Mrs . Viner , Miss
Bufton , Miss Bessie Hollingshead , and charming Miss Fowler , Avho will essay , for the first time , and , judging by her past efforts in comedy , not for the last , the role of Lady
Teazle . Seats for this brilliant performance are already being secured . The patrons of the Olympic will thus have an opportunity of testifying the courtesy and attention of Mr . Coleman .
The consecration of the Elliot Lodge , No . 1567 , and the installation of the W . M ., will take place on Saturday , the 6 th of November , at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , Middlesex , Bro . J . Mason W . M . designate , F . Green S . W . designate , and W . Dunham J . W . designate . The
ceremonies of consecration and installation will be performed by Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , P . M . P . G . Warden , Middlesex , assisted by the Rev . P . M . Holden P . G . Chaplain , Middlesex , and the W . Bro . T . W . White , P . G . S . as D . C . The musical arrangements are under the direction of Bro . Knight Smith , Organist 1441 .
Tho regular meeting of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls AVHS held on Thursday , the 29 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Bro . J . Rucker V . P ., P . G . D . in the chair . Bro . Robert Went \ A orth Little , the Secretary , read the minutes of the former meeting . The
reports of the Quarterly General Court and the Audit Committee AA'ere read and confirmed , and authority Avas given to purchase , in the 3 per cent , consols , the sum of £ 2 , 500 out of the balance of £ 3 , 998 4 s 3 d . Four
candidates were placed on the list . There Avere present Bros . A . H . Tattershall , R . Webster , H . W . Hems worth , G . Kenning , F . Binckes , W . Wellsman , H . Dubosc , R . Spencer , T . Massa , Moore , S . Rosenthal , H . M . Levy , C . Moutrie , J , Boyd , T . Cubitt .
The following brethren will Avork the fifteen sections at the Faith Lodge of Instruction , at 2 Westminster-chambers , Vici ; oria-street , Westminster , 2 nd November , Bro . Mander W . M . 1201 in the chair : —
FIRST LECTURE . 1 st Rection by Bro . W . T . Morphew No . 1446 2 nd „ „ Bro . J . W . Wright S . W . No . 1298 3 rd „ „ Bro . A . Stewart No . 1158 4 th „ „ Bro . W . C . Parsons W . M . No . ISO 5 th „ „ Bro . J . H . C . Wat rs S . W . No . 1201 fith „ „ Bro . J . ft . Staccy P . M . No . ISO 7 th „ „ Bro . T . Cnll " I . G . No . 144 G
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section by Bro . D . M . Belfragc D . C . Nu . 179 2 nd „ „ Bro . G . Bnbb . ' . P . M . No . ISO 3 rd „ „ Bro . J . Wheeler No . 1146 4 th „ „ Bro . W . S . Leo No . 1201 5 th „ „ Bro . A . Boehr No . 1446 THIRD LECTURE . 1 st Section by Bro . F . Honeyman S . W . No . 1295 2 nd „ , ' , Bro . A . C . Bnrrell ... ... ... P . M . No . 1446 3 rd „ „ Bro . E . Farwig W . S . No . 180
Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons Of England.
THE following business will be transacted at the Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Wednesday , the 3 rd day of November next , at seven o ' clock in the evening , punctually : —
The Minutes of the last quarterly C invocation to be rear ! for confirmation . The Eeport ot * the Committee of General Purposes . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they "have examined the Accounts from the 22 nd July 1875 , to tho 19 th October 1875 , both inclusive , which thoy find to be as follows : —Balance Grand Chapter £ 308 2 d , unappropriated account £ 146 18 s lid ,
subsequent receipts £ 244 lis , total £ 399 10 s Id Purchase of £ 200 Consols at 94 i and commission £ 189 5 s , disbursements during the quarter £ 204 8 s 7 d , balance £ 139 10 s 7 d , balance in unappropriated account £ 156 5 s lid , total £ 699 10 s Id , which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer .
The Committee have likewise to report that thejhave received the following Petitions : — 1 st . From Companions Robert Margrave as Z ., Aaron Stone as H ., John Beavan Phillips as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Prince of Wales' Lodge , No . 671 , Llanelly , for a Chapter to be called " The St . Elliw Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Booms ,
Llanelly , in the County of Carmarthen . 2 nd . From Companions Benbow Backhouse Marson as Z ., Joseph Bell as H ., Eichard Brown as J ., and eight others , for a Chapter to be attached to the De Gray and Kipon Lodge , No . 1356 , Liverpool , to bo called "The De Grey and Bipon Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , Lancashire .
3 rd . From Companions Eichard Charles Else as Z ., Alfred Thrale Perkins as H ., Edward Bath as J ., and eight others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Benevolent Lodge , No . 4-46 , Wells , to be called " The Avalon Chapter , " and to meet at the Town Hall , Wells , in the County of Somerset . 4 th . From Companions Horatio Lloyd as Z ., John Chesworth
Robinson as H ., John Oswell Bury as J ., and seven others , for a Chap , ter to be attachod to the Cestrian Lodge , No . 425 , Chester , to bo called " The Cestrian Chapter , " and to meet at the Grosvenor Hotel , Chester . 5 th . From Companions Richard Arnaud Brooke as Z ., Sobert Hooker as H ., JMyles Haslam as J ., and eleven others , for a Chapter
to bo attached to the Hindpool Lodge , No . 1225 , Barrow-in-Fnmess , to be called " Tho Abbey Chapter , " and to meet at the Hartington Hotel , Barrow-in-Furness , Lancashire . 6 th . From Companions The Earl of Bective as Z ., William Dodd as H ., John Talbot as J ., and fourteen others , for a Chapter to be attached to tho Uuderley Lodge , No . 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale , to be
called " The Bective Chapter , and to meet at tho Masonio Rooms , Kirkby Lonsdale , in tho County of Westmoreland . 7 th . From Companions Edward Thomas Inskip as Z ., William Bui-bank Stocker as H ., Frederick William Fisher as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to bo attached to tho Royal Lebanon Lodge . No . 493 , Gloucester , to bo called " The Royal Lebanon Chapter , " and to meet
at the Spread Eagle Hotel , in the City of Gloucester . The foregoing Petitions being in all rospects regular , the Commit tee recommend that tho . Prayers thereof be respectively granted . ( Signed ) JonN SAVAGE , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . 20 th October 1875 .
Royal Ark Mariners.
AT the reqnest of the Holytown Chapter , 148 , Comps . G . W . Wheeler and Johnston , of the Royal Ark Mariners , No . 73 , attended to assist them to form a Lodge in connexion with the Chapter 143 . The Ark Avas accordingly unmoored , Comp . Wheeler as F . N ., H . J . Shields as S ., and J . Johnston as J . Petitions having been presented from Comps . McMurdo and Baker , Z . and H . of 143 , they were
received on board m due iorni , obligated and entrusted with the secrets of the degree . There being no other business , the Ark was again moored in safety , the companions feeling sure that this ancient Order will meet with a hearty welcome in the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire under the Officers left to command it , namely , Comps . Shields , McMurdo and Baker , as each are well-known as bright Masons in the other degrees .
Obituary .
With deep regret we have to announce the death of Brother Henry Dempster , late manager of the White Hart Hotel , Windsor . He Avas initiated in the Windsor Castle Lodge , 771 , on tho day of its consecration , February 1859 , and Avas installed W . M . in February 1867 , and Avas
presented -with a P . M . ' s jewel in 1868 . He died on the 20 th , and Avas buried on 25 th inst ., at Ifield Parish Church , followed by the members of his family . The Lodge Avas represented by Brothers Johnson and Tolley P . M . and
Secretary . Brother Dempster was hi ghly respected and esteemed by all who knew him ; his loss will be felt by a large circle of friends , and not the least by the brethren of his Lode'e .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
We are informed that the eminent engraver employed on the large historical picture of the Installation of H . R . H . the Grand Master is making progress , so as to ensure the exhibition of a proof at the Anniversary Festival next year . Bro . E . J . Harty requests us to suggest to all
brethren who are entitled to a portrait in this interesting souvenir , that no time be lost ere they send a carle to him , or have one specially taken at the Gallery . Time is fleeting , and qualified brethren , whose portraits may be omitted ,
will have cause to regret their procrastination ; Avhile others will be able to point out their own likenesses in connection Avith the memorable event , and to hand them down to their childrens' children . The work will probably be hung in most buildings of importance throughout the country .
It is announced that the meetings of the St . Luke ' s Lodge of Instruction will be held , for the future , at the Commercial Tavern , King ' s Road , Chelsea , on Friday evenings at 7 o ' clock .
It is announced that General Sir James Alexander , K . C . B ., has joined the Board of Directors of the Briton Life Association , and that Dr . William Henry Pilkington , J . P ., Clayton-le-Moors , Lancashire , and Mr . James H . Clarke , Nottingham , have become Extraordinary Directors of the same Association .
The School for Scandal will be represented at the Gaiety Matinee , Saturday , 6 th November , for the annual benefit of Mr . George Coleman ( acting manager of the Olympic Theatre ) , with a very poAverful cast , including Mr . Phelps , Mr . Creswick , and Mr . Henrv Neville ; Mrs . Viner , Miss
Bufton , Miss Bessie Hollingshead , and charming Miss Fowler , Avho will essay , for the first time , and , judging by her past efforts in comedy , not for the last , the role of Lady
Teazle . Seats for this brilliant performance are already being secured . The patrons of the Olympic will thus have an opportunity of testifying the courtesy and attention of Mr . Coleman .
The consecration of the Elliot Lodge , No . 1567 , and the installation of the W . M ., will take place on Saturday , the 6 th of November , at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , Middlesex , Bro . J . Mason W . M . designate , F . Green S . W . designate , and W . Dunham J . W . designate . The
ceremonies of consecration and installation will be performed by Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , P . M . P . G . Warden , Middlesex , assisted by the Rev . P . M . Holden P . G . Chaplain , Middlesex , and the W . Bro . T . W . White , P . G . S . as D . C . The musical arrangements are under the direction of Bro . Knight Smith , Organist 1441 .
Tho regular meeting of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls AVHS held on Thursday , the 29 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Bro . J . Rucker V . P ., P . G . D . in the chair . Bro . Robert Went \ A orth Little , the Secretary , read the minutes of the former meeting . The
reports of the Quarterly General Court and the Audit Committee AA'ere read and confirmed , and authority Avas given to purchase , in the 3 per cent , consols , the sum of £ 2 , 500 out of the balance of £ 3 , 998 4 s 3 d . Four
candidates were placed on the list . There Avere present Bros . A . H . Tattershall , R . Webster , H . W . Hems worth , G . Kenning , F . Binckes , W . Wellsman , H . Dubosc , R . Spencer , T . Massa , Moore , S . Rosenthal , H . M . Levy , C . Moutrie , J , Boyd , T . Cubitt .
The following brethren will Avork the fifteen sections at the Faith Lodge of Instruction , at 2 Westminster-chambers , Vici ; oria-street , Westminster , 2 nd November , Bro . Mander W . M . 1201 in the chair : —
FIRST LECTURE . 1 st Rection by Bro . W . T . Morphew No . 1446 2 nd „ „ Bro . J . W . Wright S . W . No . 1298 3 rd „ „ Bro . A . Stewart No . 1158 4 th „ „ Bro . W . C . Parsons W . M . No . ISO 5 th „ „ Bro . J . H . C . Wat rs S . W . No . 1201 fith „ „ Bro . J . ft . Staccy P . M . No . ISO 7 th „ „ Bro . T . Cnll " I . G . No . 144 G
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section by Bro . D . M . Belfragc D . C . Nu . 179 2 nd „ „ Bro . G . Bnbb . ' . P . M . No . ISO 3 rd „ „ Bro . J . Wheeler No . 1146 4 th „ „ Bro . W . S . Leo No . 1201 5 th „ „ Bro . A . Boehr No . 1446 THIRD LECTURE . 1 st Section by Bro . F . Honeyman S . W . No . 1295 2 nd „ , ' , Bro . A . C . Bnrrell ... ... ... P . M . No . 1446 3 rd „ „ Bro . E . Farwig W . S . No . 180
Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons Of England.
THE following business will be transacted at the Quarterly Convocation of the Supreme Grand Chapter , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Wednesday , the 3 rd day of November next , at seven o ' clock in the evening , punctually : —
The Minutes of the last quarterly C invocation to be rear ! for confirmation . The Eeport ot * the Committee of General Purposes . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they "have examined the Accounts from the 22 nd July 1875 , to tho 19 th October 1875 , both inclusive , which thoy find to be as follows : —Balance Grand Chapter £ 308 2 d , unappropriated account £ 146 18 s lid ,
subsequent receipts £ 244 lis , total £ 399 10 s Id Purchase of £ 200 Consols at 94 i and commission £ 189 5 s , disbursements during the quarter £ 204 8 s 7 d , balance £ 139 10 s 7 d , balance in unappropriated account £ 156 5 s lid , total £ 699 10 s Id , which balance is in the hands of Messrs . Willis , Percival and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer .
The Committee have likewise to report that thejhave received the following Petitions : — 1 st . From Companions Robert Margrave as Z ., Aaron Stone as H ., John Beavan Phillips as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Prince of Wales' Lodge , No . 671 , Llanelly , for a Chapter to be called " The St . Elliw Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Booms ,
Llanelly , in the County of Carmarthen . 2 nd . From Companions Benbow Backhouse Marson as Z ., Joseph Bell as H ., Eichard Brown as J ., and eight others , for a Chapter to be attached to the De Gray and Kipon Lodge , No . 1356 , Liverpool , to bo called "The De Grey and Bipon Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , Lancashire .
3 rd . From Companions Eichard Charles Else as Z ., Alfred Thrale Perkins as H ., Edward Bath as J ., and eight others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Benevolent Lodge , No . 4-46 , Wells , to be called " The Avalon Chapter , " and to meet at the Town Hall , Wells , in the County of Somerset . 4 th . From Companions Horatio Lloyd as Z ., John Chesworth
Robinson as H ., John Oswell Bury as J ., and seven others , for a Chap , ter to be attachod to the Cestrian Lodge , No . 425 , Chester , to bo called " The Cestrian Chapter , " and to meet at the Grosvenor Hotel , Chester . 5 th . From Companions Richard Arnaud Brooke as Z ., Sobert Hooker as H ., JMyles Haslam as J ., and eleven others , for a Chapter
to bo attached to the Hindpool Lodge , No . 1225 , Barrow-in-Fnmess , to be called " Tho Abbey Chapter , " and to meet at the Hartington Hotel , Barrow-in-Furness , Lancashire . 6 th . From Companions The Earl of Bective as Z ., William Dodd as H ., John Talbot as J ., and fourteen others , for a Chapter to be attached to tho Uuderley Lodge , No . 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale , to be
called " The Bective Chapter , and to meet at tho Masonio Rooms , Kirkby Lonsdale , in tho County of Westmoreland . 7 th . From Companions Edward Thomas Inskip as Z ., William Bui-bank Stocker as H ., Frederick William Fisher as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to bo attached to tho Royal Lebanon Lodge . No . 493 , Gloucester , to bo called " The Royal Lebanon Chapter , " and to meet
at the Spread Eagle Hotel , in the City of Gloucester . The foregoing Petitions being in all rospects regular , the Commit tee recommend that tho . Prayers thereof be respectively granted . ( Signed ) JonN SAVAGE , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . 20 th October 1875 .
Royal Ark Mariners.
AT the reqnest of the Holytown Chapter , 148 , Comps . G . W . Wheeler and Johnston , of the Royal Ark Mariners , No . 73 , attended to assist them to form a Lodge in connexion with the Chapter 143 . The Ark Avas accordingly unmoored , Comp . Wheeler as F . N ., H . J . Shields as S ., and J . Johnston as J . Petitions having been presented from Comps . McMurdo and Baker , Z . and H . of 143 , they were
received on board m due iorni , obligated and entrusted with the secrets of the degree . There being no other business , the Ark was again moored in safety , the companions feeling sure that this ancient Order will meet with a hearty welcome in the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire under the Officers left to command it , namely , Comps . Shields , McMurdo and Baker , as each are well-known as bright Masons in the other degrees .
Obituary .
With deep regret we have to announce the death of Brother Henry Dempster , late manager of the White Hart Hotel , Windsor . He Avas initiated in the Windsor Castle Lodge , 771 , on tho day of its consecration , February 1859 , and Avas installed W . M . in February 1867 , and Avas
presented -with a P . M . ' s jewel in 1868 . He died on the 20 th , and Avas buried on 25 th inst ., at Ifield Parish Church , followed by the members of his family . The Lodge Avas represented by Brothers Johnson and Tolley P . M . and
Secretary . Brother Dempster was hi ghly respected and esteemed by all who knew him ; his loss will be felt by a large circle of friends , and not the least by the brethren of his Lode'e .