Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
for bis kindness in reopening the Lodge , and also for tho honour they had conferred upon him in admitting him a member . The Glasgoiv members of Kilwinning had held one of their annual festivals in St . John ' s Hall , and he shonld be most happy to place it at their disposal this year should they require it . Bro . Johnson also returned thanks . Bro . Wylie was proud to receive this invitation from No . 3 ,
a Lodge whose antiquity no ono could dispute ; ho had been in their handsome hall , and when he thought of that , and their Avell appointed furniture , and other surroundings , he Avas . afraid Bro . Bell Avould think very little of their primitive substitutes , and perhaps smile at their altar , but if they did not boast much of externals , he thought
they possessed the real qualifications of ancient Freemasonry . Bro . Balfour expressed the thanks of the visitors to Bro . Gibsen the J . W ., for the way in Avhich he had assisted in working the ceremonies , it reminded him of his own initiation in No . 13 , a Lodge that originally held its charter direct from Kihvinning . Bro . Gibson acknowledged , and the Lodge was then closed in time for the last train to GlasgoAV .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No 27 . —This Lodge of Instruction held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . Maidwell ' s , " The Hercules , " Leadenhall-street , on Thursday last , 28 th October , at 7 p . m ., Bro . Austin P . M . 933 presiding , supported by Bros . Horsley as J . W ., Williams as J . W ., and a numerous assemblage of the brethren , numbering upwards of forty , for the purpose of Avorking the
fifteen sections . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the sections of the First Lecture were Avorked by Bros . Brown , Calverley , Ellis , Brient , Hoare , Horsley and Barnes , after which the Lodge was opened in the second degree , and tho Sections of tho Second Lecture were Avorked by Bros . Crane , Musto , Barnes , HOAVO , and Lowe . The Lodge Avas then opened in the third degree , and the final sections
were worked by Bros . Burr , Webb and Williams . The Lodge Avas then resumed to the first degree , and after the usual business of the Lodge Avas transacted it Avas closed in ancient form , all the brethren having expressed their approbation of the excellent manner in which the various sections had been worked for tho first time in this Lodge of Instruction .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —This Lodge held its Aveekly meeting on Monday , the 25 th October , at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . Present : —Bros . Stock W . M ., Piercy S . W ., Tolmio J . W ., Kidder S . D ., Crawley J . D ., Hill I . G ., Christopher Tyler , Beckett Preceptor , Killick Hon . Sec . Visitors : —Bros . Powell 186 , Hall 898 , and Mitchell 1360 . The
ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Walker candidate . The W . M . worked tho 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections , and Bro . Beckett the 4 th of the 1 st lecture , and Avas very ably assisted by the members aud visitors . Bro . Mitchell 1360 was elected a momber , and Bro . Tolmio W . M . for the ensuing week , under whoso able presidency the fifteen sections Avill be worked , commencing at 7 o ' clock .
Cathedral Chapter , No . 67 . —This Chapter was visited by Prov . Chapter on 26 th Oct ., Avhen they congratulated Comp . Duthie on the continued prosperity of the Chapter ; they wished that all those iu the province wero Avorking as satisfactorily . The chair of
A . Avas filled by Comp . J . Duthie , that of H . by G . Pridio , and J . by D . Ranald , J . French Scribe K ., J . Mason N ., W . Wood T ., J . Dicker 1 st S ., R . Crawford Janitor . One brother of tho Glory Lodge Avas entered into the excellent degree , and afterwards exalted to the Holy Royal Arch degree in Comp . Duthie ' s well-known style .
_ Commercial Chapter No . 79 . —This Chapter held its Installation meeting on the 22 nd inst ., at 30 Hope-stroet , Glasgow , when the following officers were duly installed iu their respective offices : — D . LambM . E . Z .. B . Brodio J ., J . Munu Scribe E . Sec , J . Macpherson Treas . The board of Installed Principals consisted of J . Duthie Z . of 67 , G . W . Wheeler Z . of 73 , J . Brodie P . Z . of 79 . Visitors—J Mitchel
P . J . 50 , C . Mackenzie 1 st S . 50 , J . Oliver S . E . 69 . Comp . D . Lamb thanked the Chapter for the houour they had conferred upon him . He had always had two objects of ambition before him since ho had become a Mason , ono Avas to fill the chair of a blue Lodge , tho other to preside in a Chapter . He was proud to say that he Avas now 2 ud in tho Lodgo and , by their confidence , 1 st in tho Chapter . He had also
to think Comps . Dnthieand Wheeler for the assistance rendered , not only to-night but on several other occasions as well . Comp . Duthie exprsssed the pleasure he had felt in installing a young member of such ability as Comp . Lamb in tho chair , aud augured Avell for the prospects of the Chapter . Comp . AVheeler also suitably acknowledged the compliment .
Caledonian of Unity Chapter , No . 73 . —On Tuesday , 26 th October , a deputation from the I ' . G . C . of Lanarkshire , consisting of Gimps . W . Smith P . G . J ., A . McTaggat M . A . P . G . S . E ., J . Frasor P . G S . N ., Jas . Balfour P . G . 1 st S ., G . " ThaiIon P . G . C ., G . McDonald P . G S . B ., and J . B . Hardio l' . l' . Janitor , attended at 73 , and after inspecting the books and seeing Chapter opened , the G . S . E . read the
minutes lie had prepared , expressing the entire satisfaction of the deputation Avith tho statoof the books , and the general working of the Chapter . Tho acting Grand Superintendent said indisposition had prevented Comp . F . A . Barron i ' . G . G . S . from attending , but he had requested him to say that he regretted this the less as the Chapter had already been known fur the excellence of its work and
the satisfactory way in which tlic books were kept , and he had only to add his own and the deputation ' s entire satisfaction with the state of the Chapter . Couip . Wheeler 1 st Principal , thanked Comp . Smith P . G . J . and the rest of the deputation for the kind eulogies they had been pleased to pass on tho work ; he did not wish to take all the
proiso to himself , for he thought a good deal of it was due to his predecessor in this office . In some Chapters he had funnel that after a Companion had passed the first chair ho seemed to lose his interest in the Order ; ho was then glad to be able to inform the P . G . Officer that he had the constant attendance and support of his three immediate predecessors in that chair ,
Notices Of Meetings.
so that if any of the subordinate officers were absent he had very little difficulty in getting their places filled , and one of them , Comp . Balfour , made a most efficieut S . E . as well as 1 st S ., AA-hen necessary , so that in justice he mnst attribute part of their success to this assistance , and , in common with tho rest of the Chapter , he regretted that it AVUS illness that had prevented Comp . Barron visiting
them . But they were deeply obliged to those who had attended . The members of tho Provincial deputation then Avithdrew , and the Chapter Avas closed , and a Lodge of Mark Masters opened ; G . W , Wheeler W . M . M ., W . McGregor S . W ., J . Keunard J . W ., J . Kay S . D ., when Bro . D . Broadfoot M . M . of St . John ' s , 3 , was advanced to that degree . A Lodgo of Excellent Masters was opened , when Bro .
Broadfoot and Bro . D . Anderson , also of St . John ' s ; 3 , were instructed in tho mysteries of that degree . A R . A . C . Avaa then opened , G . W . Wheeler Z ., G . McDonald P . Z . as IT . and R . Brodie J . of 79 as J ., J . Balfour P . G . 1 st S . as 1 st S ., J . Bannerman Treasurer , E . Arthur S . N ., W . McGregor 2 nd ., Y ual 3 rd , when the same two gentlemen wero exalted to that 2 nd degree , which concluded a lengthy evening ' s work .
Union and Crown Lodge , No . 103 . —Presentation to Bro . Bain P . M . P . G . B . B . —On Friday , 22 nd Oct . a large gathering of tho friends of Bro . Bain P . M . 103 was held . The Lodgo was opened by Bro . W . M . Wright R . W . M ., who was supported by Bros . G . Muir D . W ., D . Morrison S . M ., Wm . Thompson S . W ., R . Muir J . W ., J . Gilles P . M . Sec ., Wm . Cammeron Tyler . There Avere about 100 brothren
present , amongst whom we recognised Bros . J . Johnson , No . 0 , P . M . 449 , J . Fletcher I . P . M . 3 J , J . Sinclair P . M . 27 Treasurer of the Provincial Benevolent Fund , J . Morgan R . W . M . 219 , J . Thompson P . M . 863 , and J . Cunningham R . W . M . 847 . After full justice had been done to the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts the R . W . M . said the toast of the evening was " Long life and prosperity to their esteemed friend
and P . M ., Bro . Bain , " they all knew his Avorth and that he was a most indefatigable Avorker in the Craft . Not only had he filled the chair of that Lodge with honour to himself and credit to tho Craft , but he had also beon at all times Avilling to make himself useful to any other Lodgo . Any R . W . M . in tho province had only to say ho required help , and Bro . Bain had beon ahvays willing to render it .
To slightly mark their appreciation of these services , a few friends had purchased a handsome gold watch and appendages , which , iu the name of the subscribers , he begged Bro . Bain to accept , and trusted he might be long spared to Avear it . Bro . Bain said he felt overpowered by the kindness of his friends ; he had only been trying to do his duty , first to his Mother Lodge and next to the Craft he loved , whatever he had done had been a labour of love , nevertheless he was extremely
obliged to the whole of his friends for this tangible expression of their goodwill , and ho would endeavour in the future to be more Avorthy of their kindness . Several other brethren addressed the Lodge , and Avith song and sentiment a pleasant evening Avas spent by all present . On Monday , 25 th inst ., the regular meeting of the Lodge Avas held for the nomination of tho officers for the onsuing year , after which one brother Avas passed , and another raised to the sublimo degreo of Master Mason .
Mount Sinai Lodge , No . 121 . —This Lodge held its quarterly meeting oti Wednesday , the 20 th of October , at the Masonic Hall , Public-buildings , Penzance . Present—Bros . Thomas J . llowe W . M ., W . C . Borlase ( pro ) S . W ., C . Cnrnow ( pro ) J . W ., Jas . Lovcll jun . Secretary , W . H . Kinsman S . D ., J . J . Taylor J . D ., G . Small ( pro ) I . G ., R . Reynolds Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Boaso , Gerry , Levin ,
Maxwell , and Mitchell . Visitors—Bros . Crotch , Bond , and Capt . Shepperd . Business—The Secretary was requested to send a letter of condolence to the family of their lato lamented brother , W . H . Longhurst I . G . The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony , Avhen the brethren adjourned to Bro . Mitchell's Western Hotel , for refreshment , Avhere an excellent repast was served , and the usual Masonic toasts given , under the presidency of Bro . Boasc P . M .
Industry Lodge , No . 129 . —This Lodge hold its monthly meeting on Thursday , the 21 st of October , at the Masonic Rooms , Graydon ' s Hotel , Dnndorau , Ireland . Prcseut : —Bros . Thomas Hyacinth Dickson W . M ., Charles E . Eccles S . W ., Capt . J . Nias Croke J . W ., Capt . R . W . Newburgh N . Jenkins 30 th degree Secretary , Francis Fawcett Treasurer , John Brooks S . D ., Richard Hamilton J . D ., J . Reynolds Dickson 18 th degree D . C , W . A . Graydon Steward ,
Capt . Lacelles Blake I . G ., Thomas Atkins Asst . Tyler . Past Masters , Bros . Capt . Dickson , Dr . Wm . Irwin , Hugh Tnthill , also Bros . James McFadden and Michael Drummond . The preliminary business having been transacted , Bro . M . Drummond Avas called up , and , everything proving satisfactory , he AVUS passed by Bro . J . R . Dickson , and subsequently , acting iu accordance Avith the laiv of ancient rite , he was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . After a short lecture by the W . M . the Lodge Avas closed .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 . —The first meeting of this ancient Lodge was held on Thursday , the 26 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . G . Purkiss W . M ., E . H . Thiellay S . W ., Moritt •T . W ., John Boyd P . G . P . Treasurer , G . S . States P . G . S . Secretary , Haslett S . D ., Lcggot J . D ., J . Last P . M ., and a numerous assemblage of the brethren . The Lodge was opened and the minutes wero
confirmed . Two brethren were passed to the second degree . Bros . Ryder , Randell , Chapman , Akhurst and Pican Avere raised to the third degree , and Messrs . W . Walker , L . Bamberger , J . Hill , W . Alexander and C . A . Woods were initiated , the work being Avell performed . Bro . John Boyd P . G . P . then proposed , and Bro . T . Bull P . M . seconded , that a petition be presented to H . R . H . the Prince of
Wales M . W . G . M . praying that the members of this Lodge be allowed the privilege of wearing a Centenary Jewel , subject to the usual regulations , this Lodge having completed its hundreth year . This was unanimously carried . Great credit is due to Bro . John Boyd for his exertions in tracing the history of the Lodge . It was then proposed [ and carried , " that iu future the initiation fee be 10 guineas
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
for bis kindness in reopening the Lodge , and also for tho honour they had conferred upon him in admitting him a member . The Glasgoiv members of Kilwinning had held one of their annual festivals in St . John ' s Hall , and he shonld be most happy to place it at their disposal this year should they require it . Bro . Johnson also returned thanks . Bro . Wylie was proud to receive this invitation from No . 3 ,
a Lodge whose antiquity no ono could dispute ; ho had been in their handsome hall , and when he thought of that , and their Avell appointed furniture , and other surroundings , he Avas . afraid Bro . Bell Avould think very little of their primitive substitutes , and perhaps smile at their altar , but if they did not boast much of externals , he thought
they possessed the real qualifications of ancient Freemasonry . Bro . Balfour expressed the thanks of the visitors to Bro . Gibsen the J . W ., for the way in Avhich he had assisted in working the ceremonies , it reminded him of his own initiation in No . 13 , a Lodge that originally held its charter direct from Kihvinning . Bro . Gibson acknowledged , and the Lodge was then closed in time for the last train to GlasgoAV .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No 27 . —This Lodge of Instruction held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . Maidwell ' s , " The Hercules , " Leadenhall-street , on Thursday last , 28 th October , at 7 p . m ., Bro . Austin P . M . 933 presiding , supported by Bros . Horsley as J . W ., Williams as J . W ., and a numerous assemblage of the brethren , numbering upwards of forty , for the purpose of Avorking the
fifteen sections . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the sections of the First Lecture were Avorked by Bros . Brown , Calverley , Ellis , Brient , Hoare , Horsley and Barnes , after which the Lodge was opened in the second degree , and tho Sections of tho Second Lecture were Avorked by Bros . Crane , Musto , Barnes , HOAVO , and Lowe . The Lodge Avas then opened in the third degree , and the final sections
were worked by Bros . Burr , Webb and Williams . The Lodge Avas then resumed to the first degree , and after the usual business of the Lodge Avas transacted it Avas closed in ancient form , all the brethren having expressed their approbation of the excellent manner in which the various sections had been worked for tho first time in this Lodge of Instruction .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —This Lodge held its Aveekly meeting on Monday , the 25 th October , at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . Present : —Bros . Stock W . M ., Piercy S . W ., Tolmio J . W ., Kidder S . D ., Crawley J . D ., Hill I . G ., Christopher Tyler , Beckett Preceptor , Killick Hon . Sec . Visitors : —Bros . Powell 186 , Hall 898 , and Mitchell 1360 . The
ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Walker candidate . The W . M . worked tho 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections , and Bro . Beckett the 4 th of the 1 st lecture , and Avas very ably assisted by the members aud visitors . Bro . Mitchell 1360 was elected a momber , and Bro . Tolmio W . M . for the ensuing week , under whoso able presidency the fifteen sections Avill be worked , commencing at 7 o ' clock .
Cathedral Chapter , No . 67 . —This Chapter was visited by Prov . Chapter on 26 th Oct ., Avhen they congratulated Comp . Duthie on the continued prosperity of the Chapter ; they wished that all those iu the province wero Avorking as satisfactorily . The chair of
A . Avas filled by Comp . J . Duthie , that of H . by G . Pridio , and J . by D . Ranald , J . French Scribe K ., J . Mason N ., W . Wood T ., J . Dicker 1 st S ., R . Crawford Janitor . One brother of tho Glory Lodge Avas entered into the excellent degree , and afterwards exalted to the Holy Royal Arch degree in Comp . Duthie ' s well-known style .
_ Commercial Chapter No . 79 . —This Chapter held its Installation meeting on the 22 nd inst ., at 30 Hope-stroet , Glasgow , when the following officers were duly installed iu their respective offices : — D . LambM . E . Z .. B . Brodio J ., J . Munu Scribe E . Sec , J . Macpherson Treas . The board of Installed Principals consisted of J . Duthie Z . of 67 , G . W . Wheeler Z . of 73 , J . Brodie P . Z . of 79 . Visitors—J Mitchel
P . J . 50 , C . Mackenzie 1 st S . 50 , J . Oliver S . E . 69 . Comp . D . Lamb thanked the Chapter for the houour they had conferred upon him . He had always had two objects of ambition before him since ho had become a Mason , ono Avas to fill the chair of a blue Lodge , tho other to preside in a Chapter . He was proud to say that he Avas now 2 ud in tho Lodgo and , by their confidence , 1 st in tho Chapter . He had also
to think Comps . Dnthieand Wheeler for the assistance rendered , not only to-night but on several other occasions as well . Comp . Duthie exprsssed the pleasure he had felt in installing a young member of such ability as Comp . Lamb in tho chair , aud augured Avell for the prospects of the Chapter . Comp . AVheeler also suitably acknowledged the compliment .
Caledonian of Unity Chapter , No . 73 . —On Tuesday , 26 th October , a deputation from the I ' . G . C . of Lanarkshire , consisting of Gimps . W . Smith P . G . J ., A . McTaggat M . A . P . G . S . E ., J . Frasor P . G S . N ., Jas . Balfour P . G . 1 st S ., G . " ThaiIon P . G . C ., G . McDonald P . G S . B ., and J . B . Hardio l' . l' . Janitor , attended at 73 , and after inspecting the books and seeing Chapter opened , the G . S . E . read the
minutes lie had prepared , expressing the entire satisfaction of the deputation Avith tho statoof the books , and the general working of the Chapter . Tho acting Grand Superintendent said indisposition had prevented Comp . F . A . Barron i ' . G . G . S . from attending , but he had requested him to say that he regretted this the less as the Chapter had already been known fur the excellence of its work and
the satisfactory way in which tlic books were kept , and he had only to add his own and the deputation ' s entire satisfaction with the state of the Chapter . Couip . Wheeler 1 st Principal , thanked Comp . Smith P . G . J . and the rest of the deputation for the kind eulogies they had been pleased to pass on tho work ; he did not wish to take all the
proiso to himself , for he thought a good deal of it was due to his predecessor in this office . In some Chapters he had funnel that after a Companion had passed the first chair ho seemed to lose his interest in the Order ; ho was then glad to be able to inform the P . G . Officer that he had the constant attendance and support of his three immediate predecessors in that chair ,
Notices Of Meetings.
so that if any of the subordinate officers were absent he had very little difficulty in getting their places filled , and one of them , Comp . Balfour , made a most efficieut S . E . as well as 1 st S ., AA-hen necessary , so that in justice he mnst attribute part of their success to this assistance , and , in common with tho rest of the Chapter , he regretted that it AVUS illness that had prevented Comp . Barron visiting
them . But they were deeply obliged to those who had attended . The members of tho Provincial deputation then Avithdrew , and the Chapter Avas closed , and a Lodge of Mark Masters opened ; G . W , Wheeler W . M . M ., W . McGregor S . W ., J . Keunard J . W ., J . Kay S . D ., when Bro . D . Broadfoot M . M . of St . John ' s , 3 , was advanced to that degree . A Lodgo of Excellent Masters was opened , when Bro .
Broadfoot and Bro . D . Anderson , also of St . John ' s ; 3 , were instructed in tho mysteries of that degree . A R . A . C . Avaa then opened , G . W . Wheeler Z ., G . McDonald P . Z . as IT . and R . Brodie J . of 79 as J ., J . Balfour P . G . 1 st S . as 1 st S ., J . Bannerman Treasurer , E . Arthur S . N ., W . McGregor 2 nd ., Y ual 3 rd , when the same two gentlemen wero exalted to that 2 nd degree , which concluded a lengthy evening ' s work .
Union and Crown Lodge , No . 103 . —Presentation to Bro . Bain P . M . P . G . B . B . —On Friday , 22 nd Oct . a large gathering of tho friends of Bro . Bain P . M . 103 was held . The Lodgo was opened by Bro . W . M . Wright R . W . M ., who was supported by Bros . G . Muir D . W ., D . Morrison S . M ., Wm . Thompson S . W ., R . Muir J . W ., J . Gilles P . M . Sec ., Wm . Cammeron Tyler . There Avere about 100 brothren
present , amongst whom we recognised Bros . J . Johnson , No . 0 , P . M . 449 , J . Fletcher I . P . M . 3 J , J . Sinclair P . M . 27 Treasurer of the Provincial Benevolent Fund , J . Morgan R . W . M . 219 , J . Thompson P . M . 863 , and J . Cunningham R . W . M . 847 . After full justice had been done to the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts the R . W . M . said the toast of the evening was " Long life and prosperity to their esteemed friend
and P . M ., Bro . Bain , " they all knew his Avorth and that he was a most indefatigable Avorker in the Craft . Not only had he filled the chair of that Lodge with honour to himself and credit to tho Craft , but he had also beon at all times Avilling to make himself useful to any other Lodgo . Any R . W . M . in tho province had only to say ho required help , and Bro . Bain had beon ahvays willing to render it .
To slightly mark their appreciation of these services , a few friends had purchased a handsome gold watch and appendages , which , iu the name of the subscribers , he begged Bro . Bain to accept , and trusted he might be long spared to Avear it . Bro . Bain said he felt overpowered by the kindness of his friends ; he had only been trying to do his duty , first to his Mother Lodge and next to the Craft he loved , whatever he had done had been a labour of love , nevertheless he was extremely
obliged to the whole of his friends for this tangible expression of their goodwill , and ho would endeavour in the future to be more Avorthy of their kindness . Several other brethren addressed the Lodge , and Avith song and sentiment a pleasant evening Avas spent by all present . On Monday , 25 th inst ., the regular meeting of the Lodge Avas held for the nomination of tho officers for the onsuing year , after which one brother Avas passed , and another raised to the sublimo degreo of Master Mason .
Mount Sinai Lodge , No . 121 . —This Lodge held its quarterly meeting oti Wednesday , the 20 th of October , at the Masonic Hall , Public-buildings , Penzance . Present—Bros . Thomas J . llowe W . M ., W . C . Borlase ( pro ) S . W ., C . Cnrnow ( pro ) J . W ., Jas . Lovcll jun . Secretary , W . H . Kinsman S . D ., J . J . Taylor J . D ., G . Small ( pro ) I . G ., R . Reynolds Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Boaso , Gerry , Levin ,
Maxwell , and Mitchell . Visitors—Bros . Crotch , Bond , and Capt . Shepperd . Business—The Secretary was requested to send a letter of condolence to the family of their lato lamented brother , W . H . Longhurst I . G . The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony , Avhen the brethren adjourned to Bro . Mitchell's Western Hotel , for refreshment , Avhere an excellent repast was served , and the usual Masonic toasts given , under the presidency of Bro . Boasc P . M .
Industry Lodge , No . 129 . —This Lodge hold its monthly meeting on Thursday , the 21 st of October , at the Masonic Rooms , Graydon ' s Hotel , Dnndorau , Ireland . Prcseut : —Bros . Thomas Hyacinth Dickson W . M ., Charles E . Eccles S . W ., Capt . J . Nias Croke J . W ., Capt . R . W . Newburgh N . Jenkins 30 th degree Secretary , Francis Fawcett Treasurer , John Brooks S . D ., Richard Hamilton J . D ., J . Reynolds Dickson 18 th degree D . C , W . A . Graydon Steward ,
Capt . Lacelles Blake I . G ., Thomas Atkins Asst . Tyler . Past Masters , Bros . Capt . Dickson , Dr . Wm . Irwin , Hugh Tnthill , also Bros . James McFadden and Michael Drummond . The preliminary business having been transacted , Bro . M . Drummond Avas called up , and , everything proving satisfactory , he AVUS passed by Bro . J . R . Dickson , and subsequently , acting iu accordance Avith the laiv of ancient rite , he was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . After a short lecture by the W . M . the Lodge Avas closed .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 . —The first meeting of this ancient Lodge was held on Thursday , the 26 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . G . Purkiss W . M ., E . H . Thiellay S . W ., Moritt •T . W ., John Boyd P . G . P . Treasurer , G . S . States P . G . S . Secretary , Haslett S . D ., Lcggot J . D ., J . Last P . M ., and a numerous assemblage of the brethren . The Lodge was opened and the minutes wero
confirmed . Two brethren were passed to the second degree . Bros . Ryder , Randell , Chapman , Akhurst and Pican Avere raised to the third degree , and Messrs . W . Walker , L . Bamberger , J . Hill , W . Alexander and C . A . Woods were initiated , the work being Avell performed . Bro . John Boyd P . G . P . then proposed , and Bro . T . Bull P . M . seconded , that a petition be presented to H . R . H . the Prince of
Wales M . W . G . M . praying that the members of this Lodge be allowed the privilege of wearing a Centenary Jewel , subject to the usual regulations , this Lodge having completed its hundreth year . This was unanimously carried . Great credit is due to Bro . John Boyd for his exertions in tracing the history of the Lodge . It was then proposed [ and carried , " that iu future the initiation fee be 10 guineas