Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Freemasonry—and not tho least pleasant of my thoughts Avill be that I then won your good opinion . To Bro . Perkins , W . M . of the Mother Lodge , for his presence and support ; to Bro . Bateman , the S . W ., as the proposer of the testimonial ; to Bro . Weaver the J . W ., as the seconder ; and to yourself , worthy Sir , for the kind Avords yon have expressed in presenting it to me , I offer my most cordial thanks ;
likewise to the other brethren who have subscribed , and whose names are engrossed upon it ; and I should be wanting in gratitude if I failed to mention Bro . Hubbard ' s name ( although absent ) , and to thank him for the trouble he has taken in procuring so beantiful a design . Yet it is not to the brethren of this Lodge of Instruction alone that I wish to tender my thanks ; there are two brothers here this evening
to whom I am indebted for my knowledge of Freemasonry , and whom I thank for the trouble they have taken to instruct me . I need hardly mention their names , they are known to yon as having worked the 15 sections in the Lily Lodgo of Instruction on several occasions , I alludo to Bros . Barnes P . M . aud Austen P . M . I am sure that next to having the testimonial presented to themselves they mnst
feel that you have paid them a mark of respect , through me , in the presentation of that testimonial . In again thanking yon all for this magnificent proof of your esteem I will oonclnde by expressing a hope that the Lily Lodgo of Instruction will continue to prosper for many years to come . I shall attend the meetings as often as my health
Avill permit ; and I UOAV ask yon to drink to the health of our chair , man , Bro . Kyezor , Avho has so satisfactorily discharged the duties of the position he has been kind enough to take this evening . Bro . Kyezor responded , and proposed the health of Bro . Perkins , the W . M . of the Mother Lodge , which , with other toasts and songs , ended a most enjoyable evening .
Pinsbury Lodge , No . 861 . —This Lodge held its first meeting on Friday , the 22 nd of October , at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Islington . Present—Bros . Henry Thomas W . M ., F . Odell S . W ., E . Legg J . W ., Thos . E Purdy P . M . and Secretary , G . Leach P . M . and Treasurer , W . Groome S . D ., W . Lowles J . D ., W . Mackey
P . M . and D . C , W . Stokes P . M . and Steward , J . Dagley I . G ., Speight Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Bond , R . Leach , Nicholl , Meanwell and Hart . Visitors—Bros . R . Bruce , Flack , Macnamara , Hamlin , Best , Harper , Wooder , Marshall , Bell , and Walesby . Business—Initiated Messrs . W . Prevost and J . Carter . Banquot , & c .
Lodge Of Montefiore , No . 1017 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held in lieu of the regular meeting , on Monday , tho 25 th , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bro . Grunebanm W . M ., I . Blum S . W ., Hand as J . W ., L . Jacobs Treasurer , E . P . Albert P . M . A . G . P . Secretary , Gulliford S . D ., S . Albu J . D ., L . Salomons I . G ., and P . M . 's S . V . Abrahams S . Plbozer and A . Blnmenthal . Tho Lodge Avas opened , and Messrs . Louis Harutz , J . Syer and L . Sonn
were initiated . Bro . Cusel was passed to the second degree , and Bros . Hundler , Crum and Smith wero raised to the third degroo . The Lodgo Avas then closed and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet provided by Bro . Francatelli , and superintended by Bro . Knill . Tho W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , and in referring to H . R . H . . tho M . W . G . M ., wished him God speed and a safe return to his native land . Bro . E . P . Albert A . G . P . returned thanks for the toast of the Grand Officers . Tho toast , of the W . M . P . M . Officers , and Visitors followed .
Lewis Lodge , No . 1185 . —This Lodge held its Installation meeting on Saturday , the 10 th inst ., at Wood Green . Present—Bros . G . J . Row W . M ., A . Durrant S . W ., J . W . Berrie acting as J . W ., A . Leand P . M . Secretary , S . May P . M . Treasurer , G . H . Turner S . D ., W . Shipwright J . D ., E . C . Edwards P . M . D . C , C T . Conolly Steward ,
Notices Of Meetings.
G . H . Jordan I . G ., 0 . T . Speight Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Ringrose , Cover , and Binckes , together with a large number of members and several visitors , amongst whom was W . Bro . Merfcon P . G . D . Bnsiness—The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Messrs . F . C . Pelton , of 17 Cheapside , . and Douglas Clark , of Chepstow Villa , Notting Hill , having having been elected , were duly
initiated as E . A . Freemasons , and Bro . A . F . Roberts , of the St . Alban ' s Lodge , No . 29 , who Avas elected as a joining member , was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Bro . A . Durrant , W . M . olect , was duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months by W . Bro . E . 0 . Edwards P . M ., who though , comparatively speaking , a young Mason , is thoroughly up to his work , and performed the
ceremony in a most effective and masterly style . W . Bro . Dnrrant , though also young in the Craft , it is expected will make a good working Mason , and will , no doubt , be ably supported by the folloAving efficiout staff of officers , viz .: —W . Bros . S . May P . M . & c . S . W . and Treasurer , T . H . Tumor J . W ., Shipwright S . D ., Sayer J . D .,
Leand P . M . Secretary , Bone I . G ., Conolly Steward , Speight Tyler . The sum of fifteen guineas was voted for tho Steward's list at the next festival of the R . M . I . B ., which completed the business , aud the Lodgo was adjourned to the third Saturday in May next .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held on Monday , the 25 th , at tho Westbourno Restaurant , Craven Road , Bayswater . Bros . Side W . M ., Stiles S . W ., I . G . Unite J . W ., Read P . M ., Secretary , Gillion S . D ., Scales J . D ., F . J . Unite T . G ., Game P . M ., and Bros . Nicoll , Fowler , Cole , Death , G . Unite , Read , Savage and Langridge .
Tho Lodgo was opened , and the ceremony of initiation AA'as rehearsed , Bro . Fowler aoting as candidate . The second degree was worked , Bro . Read acting as candidate . The third degreo was given , Bro . Nicoll acting as candidate . Bro . Side , the acting W . M ., rendering tho ceremonies in a very perfect manner . Bro . Stiles was elected W . M . for tho ensniug Aveek , and the meeting was adjourned .
Chiltern Lodge , No . 1470 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 19 th of October , at the Town Hall , Dunstable . Present—Bros . F . Howell W . M ., Haselgrove S . W ., Randall J . W ., Middloton Secretary , Harris Chaplain , Cutler S . D ., Otway J . D ., Sinkwell I . G ., Day Tyler , and Bros . Gard , Saunders , Warren , & c . The visitors were Bros . Edgington 1337 , Haselgrovo and Osborn
< w 5 . Business—After confirmation of tho minutes , the ballot was unanimous in favour of Mr . Bullans , and that gentleman was initiated into Freemasonry in the most impressive manner by the W . M . A contribution to one of the Charities having been ordered , and a candidate proposed for tho next meeting , tho Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . Saunder ' s , " Sugar Loaf Hotel , " the proper toasts being given in due form after supper .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held on Friday , the 22 nd , at the Metropolitan Club , 262 Peti ^ onville-road . Bros . Berrie W . M ., Carter S . W ., Scales J . W ., Stiles S . D . aud Secretary , Read J . D ., Fowler I . G ., T . A . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor , and Bros . Fenner Tottenborn , Odell , Cox , & c . Tho Lodge was opened and the minutes , were confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation and passing Avere
rehearsed , Bros . Fenner and Fowler acting as candidates . The Lodge Avas resumed to the third degroe , and the first aud second sections of the first lecture Avore worked by the brethren , assisted by Bro . T . A . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor . The working of the W . M . and officers was very perfectly rendered . Bro . Carter was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , and the meeting was adjourned until the following Aveek .
^ s- DYER'S WATCHES . / jy ^ jeST ^ Best and Cheapest in JSbt &^ SsIL ^ the World . ^ jj ^^ j ^^^^^ v T OWEST Whole-&/ S & L VII ^^ K ^ SSSL sa , ° casn Pricea : &/ ' -XASA All / xv \ KKl Aluminium , lUs lid ; fff / , 7 \\ JML J \ vNstk Sllver ' * SUver SlJMi . r , Vi > J J >& . \ B « l Levers , Ma ; Gold , Bl'l n' ^ i u » "u 0 ^" ViflSftSSs ; Levers , ( Ba . All # A 7 H ' y n TO kinds of Watches , Hr / H _/ l \ v \ ] M Clocks , and Gold tMUbxJ ( % - ^ EE 3 H \ MJewellery . Every } U fl ^* H * - " **» ^ r ^ < U IJft watch timed , tested \ \ n \\ . A i ^^** V fl « i ailc * warranted for * 5 n V \ vJ ^ v . eS &' iV ™ F yeflr * . Orders WL \&? ^^ . vJt ' ffl »» fe PCr P - Mco W > VT ? h V // SW lists " " 'Hiistra'S & . XS . J / 4 Tl V ^/ r MS t tionsfree . —DYEttJfc WN S ?< lA * Z < yJ % ff SONS . Watch Mai . u-^^^^^ Cz ca- ^^ r ^ f ^ r ^^ facturers , 90 llesent ^ gj »^ Si * IZ ^" ~~^ , ^ pfiy . Street , London , W ., IgJ ^&^ SuaJ ^ gSr it ucl Chaux •de -
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE , Hampshire , I . of Wight and Suaaex County Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . " The Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May's British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —151 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOIBKOOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
THE WESTMINSTER PAPEKS , Vol . 8 . No . 90 , for OcioBF . n , now ready . Sixpence , j Gauss , WHIST , GAMKS OK SKILL AM THIS LIIIAIU . W . W . MoBOAir , 67 Barbican , London , E . C . j
7 T 7 // shortly be ready , New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth . Price as . WAIFS AND STRAYS , cnrEFLY JJBOH TIIK CIIKSS BOA . UI ) , !> y Captain Hugh A . Kennedy , Vieo-l'residont of the British Chess Association . LONDOJT : W . \ V . MOBGAX , 07 B ABBI C AX .
Demy 8 vt > , Prico 7 s 6 d . POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . Loxo , B . A ., T . C . D ., Being a supplement to the " Key to the Chess Openings , " by the same author . LONDOX : W . W . MoaOAif , 67 BABBICAX E . G .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Freemasonry—and not tho least pleasant of my thoughts Avill be that I then won your good opinion . To Bro . Perkins , W . M . of the Mother Lodge , for his presence and support ; to Bro . Bateman , the S . W ., as the proposer of the testimonial ; to Bro . Weaver the J . W ., as the seconder ; and to yourself , worthy Sir , for the kind Avords yon have expressed in presenting it to me , I offer my most cordial thanks ;
likewise to the other brethren who have subscribed , and whose names are engrossed upon it ; and I should be wanting in gratitude if I failed to mention Bro . Hubbard ' s name ( although absent ) , and to thank him for the trouble he has taken in procuring so beantiful a design . Yet it is not to the brethren of this Lodge of Instruction alone that I wish to tender my thanks ; there are two brothers here this evening
to whom I am indebted for my knowledge of Freemasonry , and whom I thank for the trouble they have taken to instruct me . I need hardly mention their names , they are known to yon as having worked the 15 sections in the Lily Lodgo of Instruction on several occasions , I alludo to Bros . Barnes P . M . aud Austen P . M . I am sure that next to having the testimonial presented to themselves they mnst
feel that you have paid them a mark of respect , through me , in the presentation of that testimonial . In again thanking yon all for this magnificent proof of your esteem I will oonclnde by expressing a hope that the Lily Lodgo of Instruction will continue to prosper for many years to come . I shall attend the meetings as often as my health
Avill permit ; and I UOAV ask yon to drink to the health of our chair , man , Bro . Kyezor , Avho has so satisfactorily discharged the duties of the position he has been kind enough to take this evening . Bro . Kyezor responded , and proposed the health of Bro . Perkins , the W . M . of the Mother Lodge , which , with other toasts and songs , ended a most enjoyable evening .
Pinsbury Lodge , No . 861 . —This Lodge held its first meeting on Friday , the 22 nd of October , at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Islington . Present—Bros . Henry Thomas W . M ., F . Odell S . W ., E . Legg J . W ., Thos . E Purdy P . M . and Secretary , G . Leach P . M . and Treasurer , W . Groome S . D ., W . Lowles J . D ., W . Mackey
P . M . and D . C , W . Stokes P . M . and Steward , J . Dagley I . G ., Speight Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Bond , R . Leach , Nicholl , Meanwell and Hart . Visitors—Bros . R . Bruce , Flack , Macnamara , Hamlin , Best , Harper , Wooder , Marshall , Bell , and Walesby . Business—Initiated Messrs . W . Prevost and J . Carter . Banquot , & c .
Lodge Of Montefiore , No . 1017 . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held in lieu of the regular meeting , on Monday , tho 25 th , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Bro . Grunebanm W . M ., I . Blum S . W ., Hand as J . W ., L . Jacobs Treasurer , E . P . Albert P . M . A . G . P . Secretary , Gulliford S . D ., S . Albu J . D ., L . Salomons I . G ., and P . M . 's S . V . Abrahams S . Plbozer and A . Blnmenthal . Tho Lodge Avas opened , and Messrs . Louis Harutz , J . Syer and L . Sonn
were initiated . Bro . Cusel was passed to the second degree , and Bros . Hundler , Crum and Smith wero raised to the third degroo . The Lodgo Avas then closed and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet provided by Bro . Francatelli , and superintended by Bro . Knill . Tho W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , and in referring to H . R . H . . tho M . W . G . M ., wished him God speed and a safe return to his native land . Bro . E . P . Albert A . G . P . returned thanks for the toast of the Grand Officers . Tho toast , of the W . M . P . M . Officers , and Visitors followed .
Lewis Lodge , No . 1185 . —This Lodge held its Installation meeting on Saturday , the 10 th inst ., at Wood Green . Present—Bros . G . J . Row W . M ., A . Durrant S . W ., J . W . Berrie acting as J . W ., A . Leand P . M . Secretary , S . May P . M . Treasurer , G . H . Turner S . D ., W . Shipwright J . D ., E . C . Edwards P . M . D . C , C T . Conolly Steward ,
Notices Of Meetings.
G . H . Jordan I . G ., 0 . T . Speight Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Ringrose , Cover , and Binckes , together with a large number of members and several visitors , amongst whom was W . Bro . Merfcon P . G . D . Bnsiness—The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Messrs . F . C . Pelton , of 17 Cheapside , . and Douglas Clark , of Chepstow Villa , Notting Hill , having having been elected , were duly
initiated as E . A . Freemasons , and Bro . A . F . Roberts , of the St . Alban ' s Lodge , No . 29 , who Avas elected as a joining member , was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Bro . A . Durrant , W . M . olect , was duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months by W . Bro . E . 0 . Edwards P . M ., who though , comparatively speaking , a young Mason , is thoroughly up to his work , and performed the
ceremony in a most effective and masterly style . W . Bro . Dnrrant , though also young in the Craft , it is expected will make a good working Mason , and will , no doubt , be ably supported by the folloAving efficiout staff of officers , viz .: —W . Bros . S . May P . M . & c . S . W . and Treasurer , T . H . Tumor J . W ., Shipwright S . D ., Sayer J . D .,
Leand P . M . Secretary , Bone I . G ., Conolly Steward , Speight Tyler . The sum of fifteen guineas was voted for tho Steward's list at the next festival of the R . M . I . B ., which completed the business , aud the Lodgo was adjourned to the third Saturday in May next .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held on Monday , the 25 th , at tho Westbourno Restaurant , Craven Road , Bayswater . Bros . Side W . M ., Stiles S . W ., I . G . Unite J . W ., Read P . M ., Secretary , Gillion S . D ., Scales J . D ., F . J . Unite T . G ., Game P . M ., and Bros . Nicoll , Fowler , Cole , Death , G . Unite , Read , Savage and Langridge .
Tho Lodgo was opened , and the ceremony of initiation AA'as rehearsed , Bro . Fowler aoting as candidate . The second degree was worked , Bro . Read acting as candidate . The third degreo was given , Bro . Nicoll acting as candidate . Bro . Side , the acting W . M ., rendering tho ceremonies in a very perfect manner . Bro . Stiles was elected W . M . for tho ensniug Aveek , and the meeting was adjourned .
Chiltern Lodge , No . 1470 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , the 19 th of October , at the Town Hall , Dunstable . Present—Bros . F . Howell W . M ., Haselgrove S . W ., Randall J . W ., Middloton Secretary , Harris Chaplain , Cutler S . D ., Otway J . D ., Sinkwell I . G ., Day Tyler , and Bros . Gard , Saunders , Warren , & c . The visitors were Bros . Edgington 1337 , Haselgrovo and Osborn
< w 5 . Business—After confirmation of tho minutes , the ballot was unanimous in favour of Mr . Bullans , and that gentleman was initiated into Freemasonry in the most impressive manner by the W . M . A contribution to one of the Charities having been ordered , and a candidate proposed for tho next meeting , tho Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . Saunder ' s , " Sugar Loaf Hotel , " the proper toasts being given in due form after supper .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held on Friday , the 22 nd , at the Metropolitan Club , 262 Peti ^ onville-road . Bros . Berrie W . M ., Carter S . W ., Scales J . W ., Stiles S . D . aud Secretary , Read J . D ., Fowler I . G ., T . A . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor , and Bros . Fenner Tottenborn , Odell , Cox , & c . Tho Lodge was opened and the minutes , were confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation and passing Avere
rehearsed , Bros . Fenner and Fowler acting as candidates . The Lodge Avas resumed to the third degroe , and the first aud second sections of the first lecture Avore worked by the brethren , assisted by Bro . T . A . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor . The working of the W . M . and officers was very perfectly rendered . Bro . Carter was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , and the meeting was adjourned until the following Aveek .
^ s- DYER'S WATCHES . / jy ^ jeST ^ Best and Cheapest in JSbt &^ SsIL ^ the World . ^ jj ^^ j ^^^^^ v T OWEST Whole-&/ S & L VII ^^ K ^ SSSL sa , ° casn Pricea : &/ ' -XASA All / xv \ KKl Aluminium , lUs lid ; fff / , 7 \\ JML J \ vNstk Sllver ' * SUver SlJMi . r , Vi > J J >& . \ B « l Levers , Ma ; Gold , Bl'l n' ^ i u » "u 0 ^" ViflSftSSs ; Levers , ( Ba . All # A 7 H ' y n TO kinds of Watches , Hr / H _/ l \ v \ ] M Clocks , and Gold tMUbxJ ( % - ^ EE 3 H \ MJewellery . Every } U fl ^* H * - " **» ^ r ^ < U IJft watch timed , tested \ \ n \\ . A i ^^** V fl « i ailc * warranted for * 5 n V \ vJ ^ v . eS &' iV ™ F yeflr * . Orders WL \&? ^^ . vJt ' ffl »» fe PCr P - Mco W > VT ? h V // SW lists " " 'Hiistra'S & . XS . J / 4 Tl V ^/ r MS t tionsfree . —DYEttJfc WN S ?< lA * Z < yJ % ff SONS . Watch Mai . u-^^^^^ Cz ca- ^^ r ^ f ^ r ^^ facturers , 90 llesent ^ gj »^ Si * IZ ^" ~~^ , ^ pfiy . Street , London , W ., IgJ ^&^ SuaJ ^ gSr it ucl Chaux •de -
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE , Hampshire , I . of Wight and Suaaex County Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . " The Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May's British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —151 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOIBKOOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
THE WESTMINSTER PAPEKS , Vol . 8 . No . 90 , for OcioBF . n , now ready . Sixpence , j Gauss , WHIST , GAMKS OK SKILL AM THIS LIIIAIU . W . W . MoBOAir , 67 Barbican , London , E . C . j
7 T 7 // shortly be ready , New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth . Price as . WAIFS AND STRAYS , cnrEFLY JJBOH TIIK CIIKSS BOA . UI ) , !> y Captain Hugh A . Kennedy , Vieo-l'residont of the British Chess Association . LONDOJT : W . \ V . MOBGAX , 07 B ABBI C AX .
Demy 8 vt > , Prico 7 s 6 d . POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . Loxo , B . A ., T . C . D ., Being a supplement to the " Key to the Chess Openings , " by the same author . LONDOX : W . W . MoaOAif , 67 BABBICAX E . G .