Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 3 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
and tho joining fee bo seven gmneas . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a banquet , provided by Bro . Francatelli . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . J . Boyd P . G . P . returning thanks for the toast of tho Grand Officers in his usnal genial and happy manner . The toasts of the Officers and Wardens was then given , and Bro . G . S . States P . G . S . returned thanks eloqently for the toast of the Socretary . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very harmonius evening .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —The usual weekly meeting of this Lodge was held at tho White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-lane , E . C . Bro . Collet in the chair , Abell S . W ., White S . W ., J . Constable Treasurer , J . K . Pitt Secretary , E . Gotthoil P . M . Preceptor , Ansell S . D ., Blackall J . D . and Turqnant I . G . A large number of brethren Avere present . The ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed . The working thereof Avas tolerably efficient in respect to fluency , but scarcely in conformity with the usual correot interpretation as practised in this Lodge , many of the phrases being rendered in a loose ungrammatical manner , which , in not fow instances , destroyed tho sense intended to bo conveyed in tho beautiful
ceremony . Brother Collet Avould do Avell to oorrect the unsightly excrescences of his work , and may rest assured that his evidently earnest endeavours will then be more fully appreciated . Some of the sections Avere then worked , after which the Lodge was closed and the brethren separated .
Zetland Chapter , No . 236 . —The regular meeting was held on Wednesday evening , tho 27 th instant , at the Masonic Hall , York . Tho following officers were present : —Comps . J . Todd P . Z . as Z ., C . Smith Z . asH ., T . Smurthwaite J ., T . B . Whitehead S . E ., G . Balmford S . N ., W . Lawton P . Z . P . S ., J . S . Walton 1 st A . S ., T . W . Wilson 2 nd A . S ., W . Cowling P . Z . Treasurer , and a large numbor of companions ,
members and visitors . The ordinary formal business having beon despatched , a ballot was taken for the following brethren : Augustus Gerald Duncombo , of the Falcon Lodge , Thirsk . the Hon . W . T . Orde-PoAvlett , of tho Lennox Lodge , Riohraond , Anthony Buckle , of the York Lodge , aud William Williams , of the Tudor Lodge , Oldham ,
which proved successful . Bros . Dnncombe , Orde-Po wlett and Williams being in attendance , wero thon oxalted to tho supreme degreo of the Holy Royal Arch . Tho mystical Lecture was delivered by Comp . Todd P . Z ., after Avhich tho Chapter was closed Avith solemn prayor and according to ancient form . The companions afterwards snpped together in the banquotting room attached to the Lodge .
Unanimity and Sincerity Lodge , No . 261 . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 20 th of October , at Clark ' s Hotel , Taunton . Present—Bros . Dr . F . E . Pearce W . M ., Arthur Villar S . W ., Woollen P . M . as J . W ., James Showers Secre . tary , J . Blizard Treasurer , Dr . Bown S . D ., G . Olding J . D ., Bailey P . M . D . C , J . G . Vile and Capt . Henry Adair Stewards , W . Adams
I . G ., J . Haberfield Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Channirs , Moyler , Goodman , Horseman , Woodfore M . D ., Smith . Visitors—V . W . D . S . G . Master of Somerset , Bro . Else , Bro . F . Wickenders , St . Kew , 1222 , Weston-Super-Mare . Business—To ballot for five candidates and one joining member , Avho were elected . Initiated Mr . T . Penny , contractor , and F . T . J . Haynes , Surveyor of Telegraphs .
Minerva Lodge No . 250 , Hull . —On Wednesday ovening last a suite of rooms , lately added to this Lodge , Avero nsed for the first time , on Avhich occasion there Avas a large and brilliant gathering of brethren belonging to this and sistor Lodges . The members of the Minerva , finding the space at their disposal somewhat circumscribed , purchased the old chapel lately used by the
United Presbyterians , iu Dagger-lane , and on its site they have erected a magnificent banquotting room and other convenient offices , with grand staircase and hall , which present a bold and commanding appearance . The banquetting room is 50 ft . in length by 24 ft . wide , the ceiling being divided into panels by an arrangement of beams of pitch pine , chamfered and moulded , the whole of the work being
carried out in the most approved style . Around tho walls of this spacious apartment are designs in statuary and emblems of the Craft , while the old decorated Avindows of the chapel have been inserted in the now walls . Adjoining the hall are comfortable retiring rooms , and other necessary offices , rendering the whole appointments of tho Lodge admirably complete . The design and
superintendence of the work Avas entrusted to Bro . F . W . Hagen , architect , of Parliament-street , Hull , and Mr . Alexander Stamp , of Barton-on-Humber , and tho Avholo of the work has been executed in a style that is highly satisfactory and creditable to all concerned . On the re-opening night there Avas a very large attendance , many brethren from the Humber and Kingston Lodges being present .
The working of the Lodge , Avith Bro . John Brooke as W . M ., Bro . C . Newton as S . W ., and Bro . Richard Toogood as J . W ., was perfect , and elicited universal admiration from all present . At tho conelusion of the business a sumptuous banquet was pruvided , when the customary Craft and other toasts were honoured , and the officers and brethren of Minerva Lodge received the congratulations of all present
upon the completion of their very laudable undertaking . The W . M . acknowledged the flattering compliments paid to himself and those who were associated with him in the conduct of the Lodge , and a very agreeable and harmonious evening was enj > yed . Bro . C . H . Hunt ably presided at tho pianoforte , and some excellent songs were sung , including one composed expressly for the occasion by Bro . Pulham , and which Avas much appreciated .
Probity and Freedom Lodge , No . 367 . —The regular monthly meeting was held at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , Smallbridge , Rochdale , on 21 st October . Present—Bros . J . J . Ashworth W . M ., W . Schofield S . W ., C . M . Jones P . M . and Treasurer , VV . Beswick Secretary , W . J . Kinder S . D ., A . T . Shore J . D . Past Masters—T . B . Ashworth and A . Rigg . The Lodge was opened in due form by tho
Notices Of Meetings.
W . M . at 7 . 15 p . m . Minutes of last Lodgo meeting wero read and deolared truly recorded . The Lodge was opened iu the 2 nd degree , aud Bro . Henry Ashworth wu , s passed to the degreo of a Follow Craft by Bro . Jones P . M . The Lodgo was then opened to the 3 rd degree when Bro . Swift was raised to the sublime degree of a Mastor Mason by Bro . T . Baker Ashworth P . M . Tho Lodge was closed in peaco and harmony at 9 . 15 p . m ., by the Worshipful Master , after which the brethren sat down to banquet .
St . Barnabas Chapter , No . 475 . —This Chaptor held an emergency meeting on Thursday , the 14 th of Octobor , at tho Masonio Hall , Dunstable . Present—Comps . C . W . Soriven Z ., MuCabbin J ., Poynte H ., Cawdell E ., Howell P . S ., Morgan , Sloan , & c . Business—The Chaptor was called in emergency in order to lighten the work at the regular meeting in November , when the installation of officers
takes place . Bro . Randall , of No . 475 and 1470 , having been ballotted for , was duly exalted to the supreme degree , all the loeturoa being given . The M . E . Z . performed his very difficult portion of tho ceremony , for the first time , in a manner which called forth hearty expressions of admiration ; aud it may perhaps bo said that few country Chapters would show better working considering the comparatively small number of uierabors on tho rolls .
Windsor Castle Chapter , No . 771 . —The installation Con . vocation of this Chapter Avas held oti Thursday , 21 st instant , at the Masonic Hall , Windsor . Present—Comps . J . Stevens M . E . Z ., H . H . Hodges H ., J . Tolley J ., E . Grisbrook S . E ., G . W . Dixon S . N ., G . H . Powell 1 st S ., James Strange 2 nd A . S ., J . Deverenx P . Z ., J . Read P . Z ., W . S . Cautrell , J . H . S . Raid , R . G . Barton and others ; with
Comps . Rev . R . J . Simpson P . Z ., and Lewis Bryetc S . N . No . 19 as visitors . Bros . Stocken and Barton wore duly exalted into the Holy Royal Arch by the M . E . Z . Comp . J . Reid P . Z . then installed the following Principals for the ensuing year : —Comps . Hodges M . E . Z ., J . Tolley H ., E . Grisbrook J . The M . E . Z . then invested the following officers : —Comps . J . Devereux P . Z . Treasurer , G . W . Dixon S . E .,
G . H . Powell S . N ., F . Fleck P . S ., J . Strange 1 st A . S ., W . S . Cautrell 2 nd A . S ., Norvell Janitor . Comp . Devereux P . Z . thon rose and commented , in most appropriate terms , upon the zeal and assiduity with which Comp . J . Stevens had governed tho Chapter as M . E . Z . during the past three years , aud proposed that some suitable recognition be made to him , and that the sum of ten guineas be voted
from the mnd 3 of the Chapter for that purpose , also that a committee be formed , consisting of Comps . 'Hodges M . E . Z ., J . Tolley H ., Grisbrook J ., G . W . Dixon S . E ., and J . Devereux P . Z ., to decide as to the form of the testimonial , & a . Comp . Stoveus thanked the companions in very suitable terms , and assured them of his continued
interest in the Chapter . On the proposition of Comp . Stevens P . Z ., seconded by tho M . E . Z ., a cordial vote of thanks was given to Comp . John Pain for his services to the Chapter . Comp . Reid having thanked the companions for their expressions toward him , the Chapter was closod according to ancient rite .
New Concord Lodge , No . 813 . —This Lodge hold its regular moetiug on Thursday , the 21 st of October , at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Present—Bros . Henry John Gabb W . M ., J . R . Gallant S . W ., T . J . Cusworth J . W ., W . H . Main P . M . and Socretary , G . Sinclair Treasurer , R . Harper S . D ., G . Watkinson J . D ., S . George I . G ., and Speight Tyler . Past Masters—Bros .
Bartlett , J . J . Wilson and Salisbury , and a large assembly of brethren . Visitors—Bros . Williams , Osborn , MeekhamJOrd , Turner , C . J . Hill , Price , Sparks , Morrey and Anley . Business—Lodge opened , minutes read and confirmed , ballot taken for Messrs . Weodan , Jamieson and Tiddeman , who ware unanimously elected . Bro . Wright Avas raised , Bro . B . J . Keast was passed , Messrs . A . Keast
( whohad been previously elected ) , Weedon , Jamieson and Tiddeman initiated . Application from tho Benevolent Institution for a Steward . Bro . Gallant S . W ., undertook the duties . Lodgo closed . A capital banquet was provided by Bro . Gabb , the host . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The Visitors , responded to by
Bro . Meekham . The Charities , responded to by Bro . Cusworth . The P . M's ., by Bros . Bartlett and Main . The Officers , by Bro . Gallaut S . W . Each of the initiates respouded in feeling terms . A very pleasant evening , enlivened by excellent singing and recitation , by Bro 3 . Faucquoz , Ord , Baylis , Jamieson and Wicka .
Lily Lodge Of Instruction , No . 820 . —The annual banquet of this Lodge was held at tho Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , Surrey , on Saturday evening , the 23 rd October . Present—Sro 3 . H . Kyezor , in tho chair , E . Perkins W . M . 820 , W . H . Myers I . P . M . 820 , Kennedy P . M ., T . J . Barnes P . M . 933 , T . Austin P . M . 933 , J . Batoman S . W . 820 , T . Weaver J . W . 820 , E . Wells J . D . 820 , T . Lamb I . G . 820 , W . F .
Reynolds Secretary 820 ; also Bros . Phillips , Coin , Gay , and several other brethren . After the banquet , the chairman presented to Bro . Myers a beautiful testimonal , illuminated , on vellum , and handsomely framed , for his efficient services as Preceptor to this Lodgo of Instruction . After some very appropriate remarks by the chairman , Bro . Myers responded as follows : —Worshipful Master and Brethren , it is
ivith some amount ot diffidence , and I may say , regret , that I now address you—diffidence , because I am aware that there are many brethren who aro more competent than myself to discharge the duties I have undertaken as Preceptor of this Lodge of Instruction , and because I am doubtful whether my services deserve so groat a mark of your esteem , although it is the consciousness of having endeavoured to do my duty as a Freemason Avhich enables me more fully to
appreciate that esteem ; aud regret because I am unablo to do juaticu in words to adequately thank you for the valuable present you have made me this evening—for it is valuable , morally and intrinsically . I shall ahvays look upon this testimonial with the greatest gratification ; and I hope that years hence , when most of yon , perhaps , will have P . M . added to your names , iG will bring to mind the time when wo met here on Saturday evening to instruct each other in tho ritual of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
and tho joining fee bo seven gmneas . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a banquet , provided by Bro . Francatelli . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . J . Boyd P . G . P . returning thanks for the toast of tho Grand Officers in his usnal genial and happy manner . The toasts of the Officers and Wardens was then given , and Bro . G . S . States P . G . S . returned thanks eloqently for the toast of the Socretary . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very harmonius evening .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —The usual weekly meeting of this Lodge was held at tho White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-lane , E . C . Bro . Collet in the chair , Abell S . W ., White S . W ., J . Constable Treasurer , J . K . Pitt Secretary , E . Gotthoil P . M . Preceptor , Ansell S . D ., Blackall J . D . and Turqnant I . G . A large number of brethren Avere present . The ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed . The working thereof Avas tolerably efficient in respect to fluency , but scarcely in conformity with the usual correot interpretation as practised in this Lodge , many of the phrases being rendered in a loose ungrammatical manner , which , in not fow instances , destroyed tho sense intended to bo conveyed in tho beautiful
ceremony . Brother Collet Avould do Avell to oorrect the unsightly excrescences of his work , and may rest assured that his evidently earnest endeavours will then be more fully appreciated . Some of the sections Avere then worked , after which the Lodge was closed and the brethren separated .
Zetland Chapter , No . 236 . —The regular meeting was held on Wednesday evening , tho 27 th instant , at the Masonic Hall , York . Tho following officers were present : —Comps . J . Todd P . Z . as Z ., C . Smith Z . asH ., T . Smurthwaite J ., T . B . Whitehead S . E ., G . Balmford S . N ., W . Lawton P . Z . P . S ., J . S . Walton 1 st A . S ., T . W . Wilson 2 nd A . S ., W . Cowling P . Z . Treasurer , and a large numbor of companions ,
members and visitors . The ordinary formal business having beon despatched , a ballot was taken for the following brethren : Augustus Gerald Duncombo , of the Falcon Lodge , Thirsk . the Hon . W . T . Orde-PoAvlett , of tho Lennox Lodge , Riohraond , Anthony Buckle , of the York Lodge , aud William Williams , of the Tudor Lodge , Oldham ,
which proved successful . Bros . Dnncombe , Orde-Po wlett and Williams being in attendance , wero thon oxalted to tho supreme degreo of the Holy Royal Arch . Tho mystical Lecture was delivered by Comp . Todd P . Z ., after Avhich tho Chapter was closed Avith solemn prayor and according to ancient form . The companions afterwards snpped together in the banquotting room attached to the Lodge .
Unanimity and Sincerity Lodge , No . 261 . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 20 th of October , at Clark ' s Hotel , Taunton . Present—Bros . Dr . F . E . Pearce W . M ., Arthur Villar S . W ., Woollen P . M . as J . W ., James Showers Secre . tary , J . Blizard Treasurer , Dr . Bown S . D ., G . Olding J . D ., Bailey P . M . D . C , J . G . Vile and Capt . Henry Adair Stewards , W . Adams
I . G ., J . Haberfield Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Channirs , Moyler , Goodman , Horseman , Woodfore M . D ., Smith . Visitors—V . W . D . S . G . Master of Somerset , Bro . Else , Bro . F . Wickenders , St . Kew , 1222 , Weston-Super-Mare . Business—To ballot for five candidates and one joining member , Avho were elected . Initiated Mr . T . Penny , contractor , and F . T . J . Haynes , Surveyor of Telegraphs .
Minerva Lodge No . 250 , Hull . —On Wednesday ovening last a suite of rooms , lately added to this Lodge , Avero nsed for the first time , on Avhich occasion there Avas a large and brilliant gathering of brethren belonging to this and sistor Lodges . The members of the Minerva , finding the space at their disposal somewhat circumscribed , purchased the old chapel lately used by the
United Presbyterians , iu Dagger-lane , and on its site they have erected a magnificent banquotting room and other convenient offices , with grand staircase and hall , which present a bold and commanding appearance . The banquetting room is 50 ft . in length by 24 ft . wide , the ceiling being divided into panels by an arrangement of beams of pitch pine , chamfered and moulded , the whole of the work being
carried out in the most approved style . Around tho walls of this spacious apartment are designs in statuary and emblems of the Craft , while the old decorated Avindows of the chapel have been inserted in the now walls . Adjoining the hall are comfortable retiring rooms , and other necessary offices , rendering the whole appointments of tho Lodge admirably complete . The design and
superintendence of the work Avas entrusted to Bro . F . W . Hagen , architect , of Parliament-street , Hull , and Mr . Alexander Stamp , of Barton-on-Humber , and tho Avholo of the work has been executed in a style that is highly satisfactory and creditable to all concerned . On the re-opening night there Avas a very large attendance , many brethren from the Humber and Kingston Lodges being present .
The working of the Lodge , Avith Bro . John Brooke as W . M ., Bro . C . Newton as S . W ., and Bro . Richard Toogood as J . W ., was perfect , and elicited universal admiration from all present . At tho conelusion of the business a sumptuous banquet was pruvided , when the customary Craft and other toasts were honoured , and the officers and brethren of Minerva Lodge received the congratulations of all present
upon the completion of their very laudable undertaking . The W . M . acknowledged the flattering compliments paid to himself and those who were associated with him in the conduct of the Lodge , and a very agreeable and harmonious evening was enj > yed . Bro . C . H . Hunt ably presided at tho pianoforte , and some excellent songs were sung , including one composed expressly for the occasion by Bro . Pulham , and which Avas much appreciated .
Probity and Freedom Lodge , No . 367 . —The regular monthly meeting was held at the Bull ' s Head Hotel , Smallbridge , Rochdale , on 21 st October . Present—Bros . J . J . Ashworth W . M ., W . Schofield S . W ., C . M . Jones P . M . and Treasurer , VV . Beswick Secretary , W . J . Kinder S . D ., A . T . Shore J . D . Past Masters—T . B . Ashworth and A . Rigg . The Lodge was opened in due form by tho
Notices Of Meetings.
W . M . at 7 . 15 p . m . Minutes of last Lodgo meeting wero read and deolared truly recorded . The Lodge was opened iu the 2 nd degree , aud Bro . Henry Ashworth wu , s passed to the degreo of a Follow Craft by Bro . Jones P . M . The Lodgo was then opened to the 3 rd degree when Bro . Swift was raised to the sublime degree of a Mastor Mason by Bro . T . Baker Ashworth P . M . Tho Lodge was closed in peaco and harmony at 9 . 15 p . m ., by the Worshipful Master , after which the brethren sat down to banquet .
St . Barnabas Chapter , No . 475 . —This Chaptor held an emergency meeting on Thursday , the 14 th of Octobor , at tho Masonio Hall , Dunstable . Present—Comps . C . W . Soriven Z ., MuCabbin J ., Poynte H ., Cawdell E ., Howell P . S ., Morgan , Sloan , & c . Business—The Chaptor was called in emergency in order to lighten the work at the regular meeting in November , when the installation of officers
takes place . Bro . Randall , of No . 475 and 1470 , having been ballotted for , was duly exalted to the supreme degree , all the loeturoa being given . The M . E . Z . performed his very difficult portion of tho ceremony , for the first time , in a manner which called forth hearty expressions of admiration ; aud it may perhaps bo said that few country Chapters would show better working considering the comparatively small number of uierabors on tho rolls .
Windsor Castle Chapter , No . 771 . —The installation Con . vocation of this Chapter Avas held oti Thursday , 21 st instant , at the Masonic Hall , Windsor . Present—Comps . J . Stevens M . E . Z ., H . H . Hodges H ., J . Tolley J ., E . Grisbrook S . E ., G . W . Dixon S . N ., G . H . Powell 1 st S ., James Strange 2 nd A . S ., J . Deverenx P . Z ., J . Read P . Z ., W . S . Cautrell , J . H . S . Raid , R . G . Barton and others ; with
Comps . Rev . R . J . Simpson P . Z ., and Lewis Bryetc S . N . No . 19 as visitors . Bros . Stocken and Barton wore duly exalted into the Holy Royal Arch by the M . E . Z . Comp . J . Reid P . Z . then installed the following Principals for the ensuing year : —Comps . Hodges M . E . Z ., J . Tolley H ., E . Grisbrook J . The M . E . Z . then invested the following officers : —Comps . J . Devereux P . Z . Treasurer , G . W . Dixon S . E .,
G . H . Powell S . N ., F . Fleck P . S ., J . Strange 1 st A . S ., W . S . Cautrell 2 nd A . S ., Norvell Janitor . Comp . Devereux P . Z . thon rose and commented , in most appropriate terms , upon the zeal and assiduity with which Comp . J . Stevens had governed tho Chapter as M . E . Z . during the past three years , aud proposed that some suitable recognition be made to him , and that the sum of ten guineas be voted
from the mnd 3 of the Chapter for that purpose , also that a committee be formed , consisting of Comps . 'Hodges M . E . Z ., J . Tolley H ., Grisbrook J ., G . W . Dixon S . E ., and J . Devereux P . Z ., to decide as to the form of the testimonial , & a . Comp . Stoveus thanked the companions in very suitable terms , and assured them of his continued
interest in the Chapter . On the proposition of Comp . Stevens P . Z ., seconded by tho M . E . Z ., a cordial vote of thanks was given to Comp . John Pain for his services to the Chapter . Comp . Reid having thanked the companions for their expressions toward him , the Chapter was closod according to ancient rite .
New Concord Lodge , No . 813 . —This Lodge hold its regular moetiug on Thursday , the 21 st of October , at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . Present—Bros . Henry John Gabb W . M ., J . R . Gallant S . W ., T . J . Cusworth J . W ., W . H . Main P . M . and Socretary , G . Sinclair Treasurer , R . Harper S . D ., G . Watkinson J . D ., S . George I . G ., and Speight Tyler . Past Masters—Bros .
Bartlett , J . J . Wilson and Salisbury , and a large assembly of brethren . Visitors—Bros . Williams , Osborn , MeekhamJOrd , Turner , C . J . Hill , Price , Sparks , Morrey and Anley . Business—Lodge opened , minutes read and confirmed , ballot taken for Messrs . Weodan , Jamieson and Tiddeman , who ware unanimously elected . Bro . Wright Avas raised , Bro . B . J . Keast was passed , Messrs . A . Keast
( whohad been previously elected ) , Weedon , Jamieson and Tiddeman initiated . Application from tho Benevolent Institution for a Steward . Bro . Gallant S . W ., undertook the duties . Lodgo closed . A capital banquet was provided by Bro . Gabb , the host . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The Visitors , responded to by
Bro . Meekham . The Charities , responded to by Bro . Cusworth . The P . M's ., by Bros . Bartlett and Main . The Officers , by Bro . Gallaut S . W . Each of the initiates respouded in feeling terms . A very pleasant evening , enlivened by excellent singing and recitation , by Bro 3 . Faucquoz , Ord , Baylis , Jamieson and Wicka .
Lily Lodge Of Instruction , No . 820 . —The annual banquet of this Lodge was held at tho Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , Surrey , on Saturday evening , the 23 rd October . Present—Sro 3 . H . Kyezor , in tho chair , E . Perkins W . M . 820 , W . H . Myers I . P . M . 820 , Kennedy P . M ., T . J . Barnes P . M . 933 , T . Austin P . M . 933 , J . Batoman S . W . 820 , T . Weaver J . W . 820 , E . Wells J . D . 820 , T . Lamb I . G . 820 , W . F .
Reynolds Secretary 820 ; also Bros . Phillips , Coin , Gay , and several other brethren . After the banquet , the chairman presented to Bro . Myers a beautiful testimonal , illuminated , on vellum , and handsomely framed , for his efficient services as Preceptor to this Lodgo of Instruction . After some very appropriate remarks by the chairman , Bro . Myers responded as follows : —Worshipful Master and Brethren , it is
ivith some amount ot diffidence , and I may say , regret , that I now address you—diffidence , because I am aware that there are many brethren who aro more competent than myself to discharge the duties I have undertaken as Preceptor of this Lodge of Instruction , and because I am doubtful whether my services deserve so groat a mark of your esteem , although it is the consciousness of having endeavoured to do my duty as a Freemason Avhich enables me more fully to
appreciate that esteem ; aud regret because I am unablo to do juaticu in words to adequately thank you for the valuable present you have made me this evening—for it is valuable , morally and intrinsically . I shall ahvays look upon this testimonial with the greatest gratification ; and I hope that years hence , when most of yon , perhaps , will have P . M . added to your names , iG will bring to mind the time when wo met here on Saturday evening to instruct each other in tho ritual of