Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
CELEBRATION OF THE CENTENARY OF THE STRONG MAN LODGE . NO . 53 . JULY 3 d . —The Brethren of this Lodge celebrated their centenary this day , at the Star and Garter , Putney . ^ ^ The fine weather displayed the beautiful scenery on the banks of the Thames , to the greatest advantageand added considerabl to the hila
, y - rity and enjoyment of the Brethren . The arrangements for their accommodation were such as reflected the highest degree of credit upon their worthy host , Mr . Bachelor , whose urbanity and attention was the subject of general encomium .
The dining-room was decorated with the banners of the Grand Lodge of England , and the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch ( many of the Brethren being Royal Arch-masons ) , the banner of the Strong Man Lodge was suspended over the Master ' s chair in the east . The banners of the virtues and grand principles of Masonry were placed round the room , and a band of musicians was provided .
The Lod ge was opened by the Master , assisted b y his Wardens and Officers , in the presence of most of the Brethren , at one i » M The proceedings were commenced by the Master reading the warrant of con stotution dated 1734 ; and after other preliminary business was disposed of , the Brethren were called to refreshment , at three , i > . M ., when theyparlook of a splendid banquet prepared for the occasion . The
Worshi pful Master , Brother George William Turner , was caUed to the chair , supported on the left b y Brother Ward , Past Master and on the right by Brother Flaxman , Past Master . Brother Canham , Senior Warden in the west , supported b y Brother Lenard , as Junior Deacon ; and Brother Wheatley in the south as Junior Warden . After the cloth was removed , the Worshi pful Master rose , and addressed the brethren as follows ¦
" A century has elapsed since our Lod ge was constituted Death the peat destroyer , has , during that period , removed numbers of our brethren from this mortal state of existence . The memory of the founders of our Lod ge is entitled to our especial reverence , inasmuch as they were men who were considered by the brethren of that ao- worthv depositories of our principles and privileges : those principles they have transmitted to lisunsullied b
, y any dishonourable act , and thocenrivi leges we now enjoy , unimpaired by innovation . It is , therefore with the deepest feelings of respect and veneration that I now call upon you to honour their memory with your approbation . " The pious and immortal memory of James Lyon , kte Earl of Strathmore , and Grand Master of Masons when this Lodge was consti tuted , A . L . 5734 , A . D . 1734 . " Drank in solemn silence . " I'he pious memory of the JIaster , Officers and Brethren who first composed this Lodge . " Drank in solemn silence .
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Masonic Intelligence.
CELEBRATION OF THE CENTENARY OF THE STRONG MAN LODGE . NO . 53 . JULY 3 d . —The Brethren of this Lodge celebrated their centenary this day , at the Star and Garter , Putney . ^ ^ The fine weather displayed the beautiful scenery on the banks of the Thames , to the greatest advantageand added considerabl to the hila
, y - rity and enjoyment of the Brethren . The arrangements for their accommodation were such as reflected the highest degree of credit upon their worthy host , Mr . Bachelor , whose urbanity and attention was the subject of general encomium .
The dining-room was decorated with the banners of the Grand Lodge of England , and the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch ( many of the Brethren being Royal Arch-masons ) , the banner of the Strong Man Lodge was suspended over the Master ' s chair in the east . The banners of the virtues and grand principles of Masonry were placed round the room , and a band of musicians was provided .
The Lod ge was opened by the Master , assisted b y his Wardens and Officers , in the presence of most of the Brethren , at one i » M The proceedings were commenced by the Master reading the warrant of con stotution dated 1734 ; and after other preliminary business was disposed of , the Brethren were called to refreshment , at three , i > . M ., when theyparlook of a splendid banquet prepared for the occasion . The
Worshi pful Master , Brother George William Turner , was caUed to the chair , supported on the left b y Brother Ward , Past Master and on the right by Brother Flaxman , Past Master . Brother Canham , Senior Warden in the west , supported b y Brother Lenard , as Junior Deacon ; and Brother Wheatley in the south as Junior Warden . After the cloth was removed , the Worshi pful Master rose , and addressed the brethren as follows ¦
" A century has elapsed since our Lod ge was constituted Death the peat destroyer , has , during that period , removed numbers of our brethren from this mortal state of existence . The memory of the founders of our Lod ge is entitled to our especial reverence , inasmuch as they were men who were considered by the brethren of that ao- worthv depositories of our principles and privileges : those principles they have transmitted to lisunsullied b
, y any dishonourable act , and thocenrivi leges we now enjoy , unimpaired by innovation . It is , therefore with the deepest feelings of respect and veneration that I now call upon you to honour their memory with your approbation . " The pious and immortal memory of James Lyon , kte Earl of Strathmore , and Grand Master of Masons when this Lodge was consti tuted , A . L . 5734 , A . D . 1734 . " Drank in solemn silence . " I'he pious memory of the JIaster , Officers and Brethren who first composed this Lodge . " Drank in solemn silence .