Article VIENNA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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$ 0 f WE are under the necessity of requesting our brother editors of tbe provincial press , and other friends who send us newspapers , that the same may be very conspicuously directed for the EDITOR OF THIS REVIEW . This caution is the more necessary , from tbe
circumstance of our esteemed friends ^ the publishers , receiving daily such a great number of papers on their own account , that unless those intended for our perusal are most conspicuously addressed , they may inadvertently be overlooked , as has been the case ,
To Correspondents.
A FIELD OFFICER shall be attended to . MASONICUS is in error : the Grand Lodge only can supersede the power vested in the Board of General Purposes , while it is acting in conformity with the book of constitutions . A HEBREW BROTHER ' S remarks do not offend us ; but why not at once use our pages—they are open to him . QUERIST should address his letter to a Higher Quarter ; we cannot insert it . "We can ,
however , undeceive him on one point—the motion for a revisal of the Constitutions was NOT withdrawn « * ne die , but postponed in compliance with a request to that effect , and courteously acknowledged by the M . \ V . G . Master at the June Quarterly Communication . Querist should attend in December , when in Grand Lodge he can speak to a subject upon which he writes too hastily . REV . G . OLIVER is sincerely thanked for his indulgence . BRO . LLOYD ' S communication came too late for our last number . DR . TYTLER must accept our best acknowledgments for many fraternal attentions which ¦ will not readily be forgotten . We heartily wish him a pleasant and speedy voyage to India , from whence his early despatches will be most acceptable .
A SHEERNESS correspondent is respectfully informed that no anonymous communication can be inserted ; but if the name and address had been appended , the insertion of the article would have been doubtful . He should bear in mind that no topic of a religious or political discussion should be entertained by us , and the present communication , although admirably penned , partakes a " wee-bit" of both . BRO . GUNTER , of Halesworth , will , we hope , be pleased with No . 3-MR . I-I . O'BRIEN should recollect that October approaches .
I . S . W . Wemustcater for the many , and not for the . // , '" > / hints from such friends , if a little sharp , gratify us in the motivc-cause . ~ The Knights Templars are not forgotten . A GRAND OFFICER . Many thanks for the present letter . A SUBALTERN B ROTHER will perceive that his suggestions have been observed . PrLRRiM was but just in time . His future notes ( as early as he can ) will be thankfully inserted .
Bno . FOOKS . Has lie quite forgotten us ? 13 i _ os . JEIIROLD AND KBnniEJUUiR . The letters fiom these friends' came luu late , but will appear in No . \ .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
$ 0 f WE are under the necessity of requesting our brother editors of tbe provincial press , and other friends who send us newspapers , that the same may be very conspicuously directed for the EDITOR OF THIS REVIEW . This caution is the more necessary , from tbe
circumstance of our esteemed friends ^ the publishers , receiving daily such a great number of papers on their own account , that unless those intended for our perusal are most conspicuously addressed , they may inadvertently be overlooked , as has been the case ,
To Correspondents.
A FIELD OFFICER shall be attended to . MASONICUS is in error : the Grand Lodge only can supersede the power vested in the Board of General Purposes , while it is acting in conformity with the book of constitutions . A HEBREW BROTHER ' S remarks do not offend us ; but why not at once use our pages—they are open to him . QUERIST should address his letter to a Higher Quarter ; we cannot insert it . "We can ,
however , undeceive him on one point—the motion for a revisal of the Constitutions was NOT withdrawn « * ne die , but postponed in compliance with a request to that effect , and courteously acknowledged by the M . \ V . G . Master at the June Quarterly Communication . Querist should attend in December , when in Grand Lodge he can speak to a subject upon which he writes too hastily . REV . G . OLIVER is sincerely thanked for his indulgence . BRO . LLOYD ' S communication came too late for our last number . DR . TYTLER must accept our best acknowledgments for many fraternal attentions which ¦ will not readily be forgotten . We heartily wish him a pleasant and speedy voyage to India , from whence his early despatches will be most acceptable .
A SHEERNESS correspondent is respectfully informed that no anonymous communication can be inserted ; but if the name and address had been appended , the insertion of the article would have been doubtful . He should bear in mind that no topic of a religious or political discussion should be entertained by us , and the present communication , although admirably penned , partakes a " wee-bit" of both . BRO . GUNTER , of Halesworth , will , we hope , be pleased with No . 3-MR . I-I . O'BRIEN should recollect that October approaches .
I . S . W . Wemustcater for the many , and not for the . // , '" > / hints from such friends , if a little sharp , gratify us in the motivc-cause . ~ The Knights Templars are not forgotten . A GRAND OFFICER . Many thanks for the present letter . A SUBALTERN B ROTHER will perceive that his suggestions have been observed . PrLRRiM was but just in time . His future notes ( as early as he can ) will be thankfully inserted .
Bno . FOOKS . Has lie quite forgotten us ? 13 i _ os . JEIIROLD AND KBnniEJUUiR . The letters fiom these friends' came luu late , but will appear in No . \ .