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Or The Causes Of The Decay Of Our National Morality, And On Some Modern Schemes For Its Renovation.
of being a direct incentive to spoliation , it has so irresistible a tendency to produce selfishness , that it frequently blunts the social affections , and renders character , appearance , and comfort , matters of no regard . But poverty has existed before our time , in its most appalling form ; famine and desolation long overspread the land , during the wars of York and Lancaster ; yet , with a bound as it were , all the social and refined emotions
sprung up , and flourished in the time of the Tudors . With all our distress , direct starvation is never the lot of our English population ; yet to this strait many foreigners have been reduced , without any material change thereby occurring in the character of their nation ; moreover , it is not to the very lowest of the populace , that all vicious courses are confined . Drinking , the parent of the other vices , is equally practised by
the well fed and well paid mechanic , and the small shopkeeper , as by the half fed Irishman . There is , and has been , ample employment for male domestic servants ; yet , how many thousand intelligent lads prefer picking pockets , and other similar pursuits , to menial service . Poverty then is one material cause of demoralization—but it is only
one . The cause we are seeking is evident enough in the eyes of the Clergy ; according to them , it is the spread of " Modern Infidelity . " Education is incomplete , because every thing is taught , but the " one thing needful . " Mechanics , chemistry , history , philosophy , —for the acquisition of these , there are facilities enough ; but religious instruction is wanted ; and without such instruction , the knowledge of sciences is not only useless , but , inasmuch as they are often the vehicles for infidel opinions , destructive to morals .
Of the accuracy of all this , we have doubts ; but if it be true , the clergy have pronounced a sentence savouring of self-condemnation . When it is remembered that they have all ithe education of our youth in their hands ; they have all appliances and means to boot for influencing the minds of our adult population ; they have the prejudice of our old people enlisted on their side ; furthermore , all masters of
colleges or of public schools are of their order ; not even a tailor or draper will send his son for instruction elsewhere than to a " Classical Academy , " where the Rev . presides . The discipline of charity schools is their own ; and there the Bible forms invariably and exclusively the basis of instruction . Then , what wealth and honour to stimulate talent and eloquence abound in our church , —what means
for the building , repair , and the decoration of noble temples ! Lastly , how firmly rooted in the minds of all aged people is the veneration for every person and thing connected with the protestant establishment ! Yet , ivith all these advantages , do our clergy confess that they are unable to make stand against the pernicious doctrines , which their predecessors so successfully combated , even when their antagonists
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Or The Causes Of The Decay Of Our National Morality, And On Some Modern Schemes For Its Renovation.
of being a direct incentive to spoliation , it has so irresistible a tendency to produce selfishness , that it frequently blunts the social affections , and renders character , appearance , and comfort , matters of no regard . But poverty has existed before our time , in its most appalling form ; famine and desolation long overspread the land , during the wars of York and Lancaster ; yet , with a bound as it were , all the social and refined emotions
sprung up , and flourished in the time of the Tudors . With all our distress , direct starvation is never the lot of our English population ; yet to this strait many foreigners have been reduced , without any material change thereby occurring in the character of their nation ; moreover , it is not to the very lowest of the populace , that all vicious courses are confined . Drinking , the parent of the other vices , is equally practised by
the well fed and well paid mechanic , and the small shopkeeper , as by the half fed Irishman . There is , and has been , ample employment for male domestic servants ; yet , how many thousand intelligent lads prefer picking pockets , and other similar pursuits , to menial service . Poverty then is one material cause of demoralization—but it is only
one . The cause we are seeking is evident enough in the eyes of the Clergy ; according to them , it is the spread of " Modern Infidelity . " Education is incomplete , because every thing is taught , but the " one thing needful . " Mechanics , chemistry , history , philosophy , —for the acquisition of these , there are facilities enough ; but religious instruction is wanted ; and without such instruction , the knowledge of sciences is not only useless , but , inasmuch as they are often the vehicles for infidel opinions , destructive to morals .
Of the accuracy of all this , we have doubts ; but if it be true , the clergy have pronounced a sentence savouring of self-condemnation . When it is remembered that they have all ithe education of our youth in their hands ; they have all appliances and means to boot for influencing the minds of our adult population ; they have the prejudice of our old people enlisted on their side ; furthermore , all masters of
colleges or of public schools are of their order ; not even a tailor or draper will send his son for instruction elsewhere than to a " Classical Academy , " where the Rev . presides . The discipline of charity schools is their own ; and there the Bible forms invariably and exclusively the basis of instruction . Then , what wealth and honour to stimulate talent and eloquence abound in our church , —what means
for the building , repair , and the decoration of noble temples ! Lastly , how firmly rooted in the minds of all aged people is the veneration for every person and thing connected with the protestant establishment ! Yet , ivith all these advantages , do our clergy confess that they are unable to make stand against the pernicious doctrines , which their predecessors so successfully combated , even when their antagonists