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Or The Causes Of The Decay Of Our National Morality, And On Some Modern Schemes For Its Renovation.
have a system of habits or a fashion for itself . The manners of the master influenced the man . The latter could indulge in intemperance of any species only as far as the former and his family encouraged him . Thus , the hired became an honest , industrious , and tolerably sober man ; and , as the labour was of value , he in many instances looked forward to a farm for himself , and married one of his employer ' s
daughters , who was , in fact , ivhen the farm was small , his equal . On his removal to a new home , the influence retained over him by his father and mother-in-law , and by his wife ' s brothers , remained still as far as might conduce to his moral character . And thus was formed the respectable character of the English yeoman . This is no imaginary picture . Every one who has lived in the country knows that it is an
exact description of the state of the agricultural population all over England about forty years ago ; slightly varying as farms happened to be larger or smaller , or where local peculiarities modified the ordinary customs . Formerly , the male and female agriculturists lived in the houses of their employers , under their immediate superintendence . The example and the authority of the master and the housewife were insensibly exerted in forming a domestic society not refined , not pure and Arcadian certainly , but at all events competent to create honest labourers
and cleanly , industrious wives . But all this has changed . A time came ( we enquire not how produced ) in which the value of capital rose prodigiously , and the . value of labour declined . The consequence was , the farmer ' s family and the farmer ' s servant ' s were separated , The separation was manifest , and it drew down upon him the ridicule of Ms superiors , but very unjustly . Why , when he had acquired money enough
to send his son to college , should he send him to plough ? And who but a clod in reality would stick himself down in a corner to smoke and drink ale , when he could mount a hunter , and ride to the races , and bet with my lord ? Nor coidd any thing else be reasonably expected than , that with the female part of the family , French and music should supersede milking and churning . To blame this were absurd . To imitate
our superiors when in our power is natural , and it is within certain limits perfectly proper—conducing in every state of life to exalt the character . However , by this alteration the hind and the maid became strictly servants , and were severed from all sympathy with their superiors , and from any hope of materially bettering their condition . The consequences to the latter may be learnt in the records of the poor law
commission . ? The former came to live out of the farm-house in a dirty hovel , married , careless of consequences , was not ashamed to accept parish relief , and became a drunkard , a poacher , or a rick-burner . The ^ same change took place , from the same cause , with the townspeople ; namely , the value of capital and the cheapness of labour sepe-
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Or The Causes Of The Decay Of Our National Morality, And On Some Modern Schemes For Its Renovation.
have a system of habits or a fashion for itself . The manners of the master influenced the man . The latter could indulge in intemperance of any species only as far as the former and his family encouraged him . Thus , the hired became an honest , industrious , and tolerably sober man ; and , as the labour was of value , he in many instances looked forward to a farm for himself , and married one of his employer ' s
daughters , who was , in fact , ivhen the farm was small , his equal . On his removal to a new home , the influence retained over him by his father and mother-in-law , and by his wife ' s brothers , remained still as far as might conduce to his moral character . And thus was formed the respectable character of the English yeoman . This is no imaginary picture . Every one who has lived in the country knows that it is an
exact description of the state of the agricultural population all over England about forty years ago ; slightly varying as farms happened to be larger or smaller , or where local peculiarities modified the ordinary customs . Formerly , the male and female agriculturists lived in the houses of their employers , under their immediate superintendence . The example and the authority of the master and the housewife were insensibly exerted in forming a domestic society not refined , not pure and Arcadian certainly , but at all events competent to create honest labourers
and cleanly , industrious wives . But all this has changed . A time came ( we enquire not how produced ) in which the value of capital rose prodigiously , and the . value of labour declined . The consequence was , the farmer ' s family and the farmer ' s servant ' s were separated , The separation was manifest , and it drew down upon him the ridicule of Ms superiors , but very unjustly . Why , when he had acquired money enough
to send his son to college , should he send him to plough ? And who but a clod in reality would stick himself down in a corner to smoke and drink ale , when he could mount a hunter , and ride to the races , and bet with my lord ? Nor coidd any thing else be reasonably expected than , that with the female part of the family , French and music should supersede milking and churning . To blame this were absurd . To imitate
our superiors when in our power is natural , and it is within certain limits perfectly proper—conducing in every state of life to exalt the character . However , by this alteration the hind and the maid became strictly servants , and were severed from all sympathy with their superiors , and from any hope of materially bettering their condition . The consequences to the latter may be learnt in the records of the poor law
commission . ? The former came to live out of the farm-house in a dirty hovel , married , careless of consequences , was not ashamed to accept parish relief , and became a drunkard , a poacher , or a rick-burner . The ^ same change took place , from the same cause , with the townspeople ; namely , the value of capital and the cheapness of labour sepe-