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those distinguished characters who had periodically preceded them on the same forlorn hope ; these undaunted young men , braving every danger and difficulty under the sun , have , by the aid of Divine Providence , and a determination of purpose unexampled in the annals of history , triumphantly succeeded in unlocking the portals of AVestern Africa , and accomplishing , in the space of a few short months , what had been the protracted ancl unsuccessful labour of by-gone ages !
A semi-circular range of platforms was erected on the spot , which accommodated several hundred respectable ladies ancl gentlemen . A vast concourse of persons stood around , consisting altogether of several thousands ; a spacious area was reserved for performing the ceremony . The officers , chairman , clergyman , & c , formed on the outer edge of the intended base , the foundation stone being placed in the north-east corner thereof , ancl in ivhich the P . G . S ., as Director of the Ceremonies ,
stood to give the accustomed signals . The whole was conducted with the strictest order and decorum . The clay was most auspicious , and an immense crowd of persons , from all parts , were in early attendance . The following is a copy of the inscription placed in the phial : — " This Column is erected to honour the enterprize ancl sufferings of the Brothers Richard and John Lander , natives of this town , and to commemorate the early fate of Richard , who perished on the Quorra , A . D . 1834 . iEtat 30 . "
Alter the brethren had returned from the ceremony , they conducted their annual business , distributed their charitable contributions , and then dined on good substantial fare at Stevens ' s Red Lion Hotel . — After the removal of the cloth , and their appropriate sentiments had gone round in the peculiar order of the craft , the ladies were admitted , and partook of wine and dessert ; an appropriate address was delivered to them b y the D . P . G . M ., and thanks returned on their behalf by the
P . S . G . W . brother Richard Pearse , of Penzance . The ladies shortl y after retired , and the healths of Mrs . Lander and her little child were enthusiastically drank , and the little girl was introduced to the assembly , and on the P . G . S . AV . ' s elevated seat partook of wine , made a return to the compliment paid , and retired . The memory of the late lamented and highly-esteemed brother , the Right Hon . Lord De Dunstanville , was drank in solemn silence—soon after which the secretary of the
committee , Brother Stokes , was ushered into the room as a deputation from the committee who dined at Pearce ' s Hotel , and acknowledged , on their part , the services so effectually rendered on the interesting occasion by the masonic body , in a speech of considerable ability . The D . P . G . M ., in the name of the craft , returned the compliment , ancl begged Brother Stokes to communicate the united good wishes of the craft . It is to be regretted that a small case of valuable coins from London
arrived too late iu the clay to be placed in the phial , but it is contemplated that the wishes of the parties may be carried into effect b y having them put into a separate phial and placed in the foundation stone of the pillar itself , which will be on the top of the pedestal .
LOUGHBOROUGH . June 2 nd . —A meeting of the Royal Rancliffe Lodge was held this clay at the King ' s Head , and was attended b y many highly respectable Brethren of the neighbourhood . The ceremonies of initiation , & c . were remarkably ivell performed . The Ri ght Hon . and It . IV . Lord Rancliffe , the Prov . . G . AI . for the county , and
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those distinguished characters who had periodically preceded them on the same forlorn hope ; these undaunted young men , braving every danger and difficulty under the sun , have , by the aid of Divine Providence , and a determination of purpose unexampled in the annals of history , triumphantly succeeded in unlocking the portals of AVestern Africa , and accomplishing , in the space of a few short months , what had been the protracted ancl unsuccessful labour of by-gone ages !
A semi-circular range of platforms was erected on the spot , which accommodated several hundred respectable ladies ancl gentlemen . A vast concourse of persons stood around , consisting altogether of several thousands ; a spacious area was reserved for performing the ceremony . The officers , chairman , clergyman , & c , formed on the outer edge of the intended base , the foundation stone being placed in the north-east corner thereof , ancl in ivhich the P . G . S ., as Director of the Ceremonies ,
stood to give the accustomed signals . The whole was conducted with the strictest order and decorum . The clay was most auspicious , and an immense crowd of persons , from all parts , were in early attendance . The following is a copy of the inscription placed in the phial : — " This Column is erected to honour the enterprize ancl sufferings of the Brothers Richard and John Lander , natives of this town , and to commemorate the early fate of Richard , who perished on the Quorra , A . D . 1834 . iEtat 30 . "
Alter the brethren had returned from the ceremony , they conducted their annual business , distributed their charitable contributions , and then dined on good substantial fare at Stevens ' s Red Lion Hotel . — After the removal of the cloth , and their appropriate sentiments had gone round in the peculiar order of the craft , the ladies were admitted , and partook of wine and dessert ; an appropriate address was delivered to them b y the D . P . G . M ., and thanks returned on their behalf by the
P . S . G . W . brother Richard Pearse , of Penzance . The ladies shortl y after retired , and the healths of Mrs . Lander and her little child were enthusiastically drank , and the little girl was introduced to the assembly , and on the P . G . S . AV . ' s elevated seat partook of wine , made a return to the compliment paid , and retired . The memory of the late lamented and highly-esteemed brother , the Right Hon . Lord De Dunstanville , was drank in solemn silence—soon after which the secretary of the
committee , Brother Stokes , was ushered into the room as a deputation from the committee who dined at Pearce ' s Hotel , and acknowledged , on their part , the services so effectually rendered on the interesting occasion by the masonic body , in a speech of considerable ability . The D . P . G . M ., in the name of the craft , returned the compliment , ancl begged Brother Stokes to communicate the united good wishes of the craft . It is to be regretted that a small case of valuable coins from London
arrived too late iu the clay to be placed in the phial , but it is contemplated that the wishes of the parties may be carried into effect b y having them put into a separate phial and placed in the foundation stone of the pillar itself , which will be on the top of the pedestal .
LOUGHBOROUGH . June 2 nd . —A meeting of the Royal Rancliffe Lodge was held this clay at the King ' s Head , and was attended b y many highly respectable Brethren of the neighbourhood . The ceremonies of initiation , & c . were remarkably ivell performed . The Ri ght Hon . and It . IV . Lord Rancliffe , the Prov . . G . AI . for the county , and