Article EDINBURGH. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Next day , three of the Brethren went home with Brother Hogg , with whom they dined , returning delighted with his hospitality and agreeable family and fireside . May 15 . —The Right Hon . Lord Ramsay was duly passed anel raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The Brethren afterwards adjourned from labour to refreshment , ancl the rest of the evening
was spent in the most gratifying maimer . The It . W . M . Brother M'Neil took occasion to state the very handsome manner in which he was treated by the Brethren of the Grand Lodge of England at the late Grand Stewards' Festival , ancl how highly he was delighted with the excellent manner in which the proceedings of that distinguished assembly were conducted . He particularly expressed how much he was indebted to Brother Captain Deans , and concluded by informing the Brethren that he had the high honour of being , as their Master , admitted to a private interview with his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of England .
HADDINGTON . ST . JOIIN ' S KILWILLING LODGE , . 57 , Holding of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . OFFICE BEARERS . Robert Riddel ] , Esq . ( Sheriff Substitute of Haddingtonshire ) , Right
Worshipful Master . Hugh Fraser , Esq ., Depute Master . Henry M . Davidson , Esq ., Substitute Master . George Tait , Esq ., Senior AA arden . George Dickson , Esq ., Junior AA arden . The Rev . James Traill , Chaplain . George Dods , Esq ., Treasurer .
Henry Shiells , Esq ., Secretary . Messrs . A . Cowan and J . M'Donald , Stewards . Brother AAllliam Firth , Tyler . The Haddington St . John ' s Kilivinning Lodge holds a high station amongst the provincial Lodges , and has , at different periods , seen her members elected to the high ancl sublime office of Grand Master Mason for Scotland . Ancl the Brethren of that Lodge in general , being desirous to render every encouragement ancl support in their poiver to the "
Freemasons' Quarterly Review , have instructed one of their members to communicate with the Editor of that ably conducted ancl praiseworthy -periodical , with a view to strengthen his hands , and induce the different Lodges in Scotland to act upon the square with our editorial Brother , and to rally round the standard which he has unfurled , sacred to the Craft alone , and the motto of ivhich none can know " save such as Master Masons are . "
At a meeting of the Brethren , held upon the 5 th of February last it was unanimously resolved ancl agreed upon to send a friendly invitation to the Rig ht AVorshipful Master , AVorshipful AVardens , ancl worthy Brethren of the Dunbar Castle Lodge , between whom ancl the Haddington St . John ' s , the mystic tie of Freemasonry has for a long time existed ; always acting upon the square and within compass towards one another . The invitation was at once accepted , ancl the evening of Thursday the 12 th of March , fixed upon for the visit .
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Next day , three of the Brethren went home with Brother Hogg , with whom they dined , returning delighted with his hospitality and agreeable family and fireside . May 15 . —The Right Hon . Lord Ramsay was duly passed anel raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The Brethren afterwards adjourned from labour to refreshment , ancl the rest of the evening
was spent in the most gratifying maimer . The It . W . M . Brother M'Neil took occasion to state the very handsome manner in which he was treated by the Brethren of the Grand Lodge of England at the late Grand Stewards' Festival , ancl how highly he was delighted with the excellent manner in which the proceedings of that distinguished assembly were conducted . He particularly expressed how much he was indebted to Brother Captain Deans , and concluded by informing the Brethren that he had the high honour of being , as their Master , admitted to a private interview with his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of England .
HADDINGTON . ST . JOIIN ' S KILWILLING LODGE , . 57 , Holding of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . OFFICE BEARERS . Robert Riddel ] , Esq . ( Sheriff Substitute of Haddingtonshire ) , Right
Worshipful Master . Hugh Fraser , Esq ., Depute Master . Henry M . Davidson , Esq ., Substitute Master . George Tait , Esq ., Senior AA arden . George Dickson , Esq ., Junior AA arden . The Rev . James Traill , Chaplain . George Dods , Esq ., Treasurer .
Henry Shiells , Esq ., Secretary . Messrs . A . Cowan and J . M'Donald , Stewards . Brother AAllliam Firth , Tyler . The Haddington St . John ' s Kilivinning Lodge holds a high station amongst the provincial Lodges , and has , at different periods , seen her members elected to the high ancl sublime office of Grand Master Mason for Scotland . Ancl the Brethren of that Lodge in general , being desirous to render every encouragement ancl support in their poiver to the "
Freemasons' Quarterly Review , have instructed one of their members to communicate with the Editor of that ably conducted ancl praiseworthy -periodical , with a view to strengthen his hands , and induce the different Lodges in Scotland to act upon the square with our editorial Brother , and to rally round the standard which he has unfurled , sacred to the Craft alone , and the motto of ivhich none can know " save such as Master Masons are . "
At a meeting of the Brethren , held upon the 5 th of February last it was unanimously resolved ancl agreed upon to send a friendly invitation to the Rig ht AVorshipful Master , AVorshipful AVardens , ancl worthy Brethren of the Dunbar Castle Lodge , between whom ancl the Haddington St . John ' s , the mystic tie of Freemasonry has for a long time existed ; always acting upon the square and within compass towards one another . The invitation was at once accepted , ancl the evening of Thursday the 12 th of March , fixed upon for the visit .