Article HOLBORN BARS. FAMILIES FURNISHING will d... Page 1 of 1 Article Nearly forty years established, for the ... Page 1 of 1 Article DESTRUCTIVE ANIMALCULiE,— During the sum... Page 1 of 1 Article DESTRUCTIVE ANIMALCULiE,— During the sum... Page 1 of 1 Article C COVII-rrON, 10, Old Bailey, Lon-• don,... Page 1 of 1
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Holborn Bars. Families Furnishing Will D...
HOLBORN BARS . FAMILIES FURNISHING will do well to visit RIPPON'S Old Established Furnishing Ironmongery AVarehouse , Wellsstreet , Oxford-street . —Dish Covers , 6 s . 6 d . the set of six ; Patent shape ditto , 12 s . the set of seven ¦ Paper Teatrays , Gothic shape ,
the set of three , 60 s . ; Bronzed Fenders , 12 s . 6 d . ; Roasting Jacks , 7 s . 6 d . ; Plated Candlesticks , with silver mountings , 8 s . 6 d . per pair ; Ivory-handled Knives ancl Forks , with rimmed shoulders , 10 s . the set of fifty pieces ; Balance ditto , 3 iJs . ; Brass Stairrods , 3 s . per dozen ; Curtain Poles , 2 s . per foot ; Tea Urns to hold 1 quarts , 27 s .
Nearly Forty Years Established, For The ...
Nearly forty years established , for the sale of Shirting , Sheeting , H ousehold and Table Linen , manufactured without any admixture , from pure Flax , and sold in any quantity . AVhole Pieces at the Factor ' s Prices . AT 4 , HOLBORN SIDE OF BLOOMSBURY
SQUARE . THE IRISH LINEN COMPANY beg leave to state , that the above house is their onl y Establishment . Purchasers are requested to take notice that since the dissolution of the Irish Linen Board , vast quantities of Shirting , Bedand Table Linen
, , made from an admixture of Cotton ancl Flax , are constantly imported from Ireland into this country , and vended to the Public as genuine Linen Cloth . Such fabrications are not , ancl never will be , sold at this Establishment ; and the Public may rely on being supplied with real Flaxen Cloth , the
same as sold at this House for nearly forty years , at greatly reduced prices . The jmrchase money returned shoulcl any fault appear . Good Bills and Bank of Ireland Notes taken in payment , or discounted . Country ancl Town orders punctuall y attended to , by JOHN DONOVAN , 4 , BLOO . IISBURY SQUARE .
Destructive Animalculie,— During The Sum...
DESTRUCTIVE ANIMALCULiE , — During the summer months the larvse of destructive insects are propagated in infinite multitudes , and with amazing rapidity , ancl impregnate with millions of insects the very air we breathe , to the great injury of the young shoots of trees , vines , plants , ancl
every species of vegetation put into motion ancl growth by the genial influence of the season . J . READ begs to inform noblemen , gentlemen , nurserymen , & c , that he has recently invented a NEW HYDRAULIC MACHINE for the purpose of subduing these destructive insects , ivhich make such deadly havoc on a )] tlie fruit-trees and plants at this season of the year . These
Destructive Animalculie,— During The Sum...
machines are made of various dimensions ' suitable for every purpose of horticulture ' anel also for extinguishing fire at first breaking out . The valvular action is so constructed that they can never get out of repair , ancl are ready to act in an instant , ancl will keep up a constant stream at the distance
of . 50 feet . Price of the machine , containing o gallons , < U . Ditto , on three ivheels , 14 gallons , price 51 . Also Read ' s Patent Garden Syringe and Fumigating Bellows , 30 s . each , may be seen at the Patentee ' s , 35 , Regentcircus , Piccadilly .
C Covii-Rron, 10, Old Bailey, Lon-• Don,...
C COVII-rrON , 10 , Old Bailey , Lon-• don , REAL MANUFACTURER OF HATS , grateful for the encouragement he has experienced , begs to inform the Public that he has an extensive assortment of Hats now ready for inspection of the various shapes that are in fashion , likewise to
suit those Gentlemen who always wear what they consider the most appropriate or becoming . C . C . also begs to state that his Hats are prepared under his immediate inspection , the materials of the best quality , and purchased exclusively for cash , the first-rate
wejrkmen engaged , ancl sold at a much less price than what many wholesale houses are now charging to those who are only retailers .
The folloiving List of Prices , unequalled in the Trade , will prove his assertion : — Good Serviceable Hats , only 4 s . 6 cl ., have been worn b y hundreds , and given universal satisfaction ; Light Gossamer Hats for Summer , 6 s . 6 d ., drab , brown , or black , well worthy the attention of those who
study ease , comfort , ancl economy . They have the appearance of a hat at double the price , are waterproof , and have met with the decided approval of a vast quantity of purchasers . Superfine Beaver Hats , at 7 s . Gd ., 8 s . 6 ( 1 ., 10 s ., anel 12 s . The two latter qualitiesin consequence of their fine
, close naps , and the superior elegance of their shapes , will require the scrutinizing eye of a manufacturer to distinguish them from the best . The number of recommendations C . C . has had from those who have worn them , clearl y evinces that gentlemen may preserve the respectability of their
appearance , anel at the same time practise frugality , by visiting this establishment . The Best Beaver Hats , only 16 s . fid . The utmost exertions have been used to
manufacture this quality in a superior style . Give what price you will , you cannot obtain a hat superior in appearance , elegance of shape or durability ; in fact they must merit universal approbation .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Holborn Bars. Families Furnishing Will D...
HOLBORN BARS . FAMILIES FURNISHING will do well to visit RIPPON'S Old Established Furnishing Ironmongery AVarehouse , Wellsstreet , Oxford-street . —Dish Covers , 6 s . 6 d . the set of six ; Patent shape ditto , 12 s . the set of seven ¦ Paper Teatrays , Gothic shape ,
the set of three , 60 s . ; Bronzed Fenders , 12 s . 6 d . ; Roasting Jacks , 7 s . 6 d . ; Plated Candlesticks , with silver mountings , 8 s . 6 d . per pair ; Ivory-handled Knives ancl Forks , with rimmed shoulders , 10 s . the set of fifty pieces ; Balance ditto , 3 iJs . ; Brass Stairrods , 3 s . per dozen ; Curtain Poles , 2 s . per foot ; Tea Urns to hold 1 quarts , 27 s .
Nearly Forty Years Established, For The ...
Nearly forty years established , for the sale of Shirting , Sheeting , H ousehold and Table Linen , manufactured without any admixture , from pure Flax , and sold in any quantity . AVhole Pieces at the Factor ' s Prices . AT 4 , HOLBORN SIDE OF BLOOMSBURY
SQUARE . THE IRISH LINEN COMPANY beg leave to state , that the above house is their onl y Establishment . Purchasers are requested to take notice that since the dissolution of the Irish Linen Board , vast quantities of Shirting , Bedand Table Linen
, , made from an admixture of Cotton ancl Flax , are constantly imported from Ireland into this country , and vended to the Public as genuine Linen Cloth . Such fabrications are not , ancl never will be , sold at this Establishment ; and the Public may rely on being supplied with real Flaxen Cloth , the
same as sold at this House for nearly forty years , at greatly reduced prices . The jmrchase money returned shoulcl any fault appear . Good Bills and Bank of Ireland Notes taken in payment , or discounted . Country ancl Town orders punctuall y attended to , by JOHN DONOVAN , 4 , BLOO . IISBURY SQUARE .
Destructive Animalculie,— During The Sum...
DESTRUCTIVE ANIMALCULiE , — During the summer months the larvse of destructive insects are propagated in infinite multitudes , and with amazing rapidity , ancl impregnate with millions of insects the very air we breathe , to the great injury of the young shoots of trees , vines , plants , ancl
every species of vegetation put into motion ancl growth by the genial influence of the season . J . READ begs to inform noblemen , gentlemen , nurserymen , & c , that he has recently invented a NEW HYDRAULIC MACHINE for the purpose of subduing these destructive insects , ivhich make such deadly havoc on a )] tlie fruit-trees and plants at this season of the year . These
Destructive Animalculie,— During The Sum...
machines are made of various dimensions ' suitable for every purpose of horticulture ' anel also for extinguishing fire at first breaking out . The valvular action is so constructed that they can never get out of repair , ancl are ready to act in an instant , ancl will keep up a constant stream at the distance
of . 50 feet . Price of the machine , containing o gallons , < U . Ditto , on three ivheels , 14 gallons , price 51 . Also Read ' s Patent Garden Syringe and Fumigating Bellows , 30 s . each , may be seen at the Patentee ' s , 35 , Regentcircus , Piccadilly .
C Covii-Rron, 10, Old Bailey, Lon-• Don,...
C COVII-rrON , 10 , Old Bailey , Lon-• don , REAL MANUFACTURER OF HATS , grateful for the encouragement he has experienced , begs to inform the Public that he has an extensive assortment of Hats now ready for inspection of the various shapes that are in fashion , likewise to
suit those Gentlemen who always wear what they consider the most appropriate or becoming . C . C . also begs to state that his Hats are prepared under his immediate inspection , the materials of the best quality , and purchased exclusively for cash , the first-rate
wejrkmen engaged , ancl sold at a much less price than what many wholesale houses are now charging to those who are only retailers .
The folloiving List of Prices , unequalled in the Trade , will prove his assertion : — Good Serviceable Hats , only 4 s . 6 cl ., have been worn b y hundreds , and given universal satisfaction ; Light Gossamer Hats for Summer , 6 s . 6 d ., drab , brown , or black , well worthy the attention of those who
study ease , comfort , ancl economy . They have the appearance of a hat at double the price , are waterproof , and have met with the decided approval of a vast quantity of purchasers . Superfine Beaver Hats , at 7 s . Gd ., 8 s . 6 ( 1 ., 10 s ., anel 12 s . The two latter qualitiesin consequence of their fine
, close naps , and the superior elegance of their shapes , will require the scrutinizing eye of a manufacturer to distinguish them from the best . The number of recommendations C . C . has had from those who have worn them , clearl y evinces that gentlemen may preserve the respectability of their
appearance , anel at the same time practise frugality , by visiting this establishment . The Best Beaver Hats , only 16 s . fid . The utmost exertions have been used to
manufacture this quality in a superior style . Give what price you will , you cannot obtain a hat superior in appearance , elegance of shape or durability ; in fact they must merit universal approbation .