Article SEIDLITZ POWDERS. To Travellers , Mercha... Page 1 of 1 Article SEIDLITZ POWDERS. To Travellers , Mercha... Page 1 of 1 Article SI GHT RESTORED, NERVOUS HEAD-ACHE CURED... Page 1 of 1 Article T NSTANTANEOUS RELI EF.-BICK--"- NELL an... Page 1 of 1
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Seidlitz Powders. To Travellers , Mercha...
SEIDLITZ POWDERS . To Travellers , Merchants , Captains , Shippers , and Families , WRAY'S IMPROVED G E R M A N SEIDLITZ POAVDERS , prepared only at 118 Holborn-hillanel sold in boxes
, , ( containing powders for 12 glasses ) at 2 s . each . The various effects produced by the operation of the Seidlitz Powders , depend entirely on the different modes of preparation . The Improved Ge : man Seidlitz Powders , now recommended by the proprietorare
, brought to that state of perfection by ivhich the most uniform results will be experienced ; and in conjunction with their pre-eminence over all other aperient medicines , the proprietor flatters himself the low price at which they are now prepared ( being less than one half usually charged by druggists for the
common Seidlitz Powders ) will secure to them a decided preference . Prepared only by AV . O . AA RAY , Chemist , & c . 118 , Holborn-hill , London ; where also may be had ( in Boxes containing Powders for 12 Glasses , at 2 s . each ) Seidlitz PowdersIs doz 3 dozfor 26 d
, . per ., or . s . . ; Soda AA- " ater Powders , od . per doz ., or 3 doz . for Is . —Half Pint Bottle , containing sufficient for 18 Glasses , Ginger Beer Powder Is . 6 d ., or Pint Bottle 2 s . fid . ; Lemonade Powder Is . fid ., or Pint Bottle 2 s . fid . N . B . Be careful to have the "
Improved German Seidlitz Powders , " prepared by M . O . AVray , at 118 , Holborn-hill , as no others are genuine . " AVe have tasted the celebrated Improved German Seidlitz Powders , prepared b y Mr . AVray , Chemist , Holborn-hill , ancl can confidently recommend them to all parties
undertaking a long journey , as a pleasant ancl effectual remedy against ennui during their ' travels . "—Satirist , Sunday , May IS , 1 S 34 . j " It is not easy to speak in favour of such , preparations as these without incurring thei suspicion of puffing . AVe have given Mr . ! AVray ' s Powders a trial , however , and we are
bound to risk the imputation of a literary sin , most foreign to our taste ancl habits , in praising them . They are refreshing as Soda : Powders , and more aperient ; for removing that fulness of body and mental stupor which oppresses us all at this particular season of the yearwe knoiv of no surer or leasanter
, p remedy . "— Sunday Herald and United Kingdom August 3 , 1834 . I A large Stock of New English Honey , of the finest quality , retailing at is . 6 cl . par lb .,: and the best AVest India Tamarinds at the same price . ' :
Seidlitz Powders. To Travellers , Mercha...
* ,, '" ' The onl y Warehouse for Hall ' s Digestive or Dinner Pills , for preventing Indigestion , Flatulency , Heart-burn , ancl Disorders of the Stomach ; AA ray ' s Concentrated Essence of Jamaica Ginger , an invaluable Remedy for Flatulence , Pain in the Stomach , GoutRheumatism & cancl an excellent
, , , adjunct to Seidlitz Powders , for debilitated Constitutions , in bottles at 2 s , 6 d . each , duty included . A considerable Allowance made to Merchants ancl others taking a quantity of the above Articles for Exportation , & c .
Si Ght Restored, Nervous Head-Ache Cured...
SI GHT RESTORED , NERVOUS HEAD-ACHE CURED , and CHOLERA PREA ' "ENTED . —Under the Patronage of his Majesty and the Lords of the Treasury . —Dr . ABERNETHY used it , and by that gentleman it was termed the Faculty's Friend , and Nurse ' s Vade Mecum . Dr . ANDREWS also recommends its use as a
preventive . Mr . A . MACINTYRE , aged 65 , No . 3 , Silver-street , Golden-square , cured of gutta serena . Mr . P . SAUNDERSON , No . 10 , Harper-street , Leeels , cured of Cataract . Mr . H . Pluckwell , Tottenham House , Tottenham , Middlesex , cured of Opthalmia . Miss S . Englefield , Park-street , AAlndsor , cured of Nervous Head-ache . Oriinal
testig monials from medical gentlemen and families of the first respectability , proving the above , may be seen at No . 39 , Broad-street , Blooms- bury , and No . 24 , King-street , Long Aeree the ' high patronage GRIMSTONE'S EYESNUFF has attained is a testimonial beyond suspicion . This delightful herbacious compound is the most wholesome snuff taken , and
is highly recommended for its benign influence on all who use it . This delightful compound of highly aromotic herbs is sold in canisters , at Is . 3 d ., 2 s . id ., 4 s . 4 d ., and 8 s . each , or loose at Gd . per ounce . Letters , post paid , with cash orders on London Agents , to Mr . Grimstone , No . 39 , Broad-street , Bloomsbury .
T Nstantaneous Reli Ef.-Bick--"- Nell An...
T NSTANTANEOUS RELI EF .-BICK-- " - NELL and Co . ( late Savory ) , 26 . 9 , Strand , adjoining Exeter-hall , respectfully inform all persons who are subject to Indigestion anel Stomach Complaints ( especially those who find it expedient to resort to the assistance of opening medicine ) that
they are tbe SOLE MANUFACTURERS of Dr . SCOTT'S CLYSO PUMP , which is now universally adopted for obviating confinement of tbe bowels . The apparatus is constructed for domestic convenience , ancl will be found particularly commodious to females anel invalids , requiring no medicine to assist it . —Orders by post immediately dispatched .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Seidlitz Powders. To Travellers , Mercha...
SEIDLITZ POWDERS . To Travellers , Merchants , Captains , Shippers , and Families , WRAY'S IMPROVED G E R M A N SEIDLITZ POAVDERS , prepared only at 118 Holborn-hillanel sold in boxes
, , ( containing powders for 12 glasses ) at 2 s . each . The various effects produced by the operation of the Seidlitz Powders , depend entirely on the different modes of preparation . The Improved Ge : man Seidlitz Powders , now recommended by the proprietorare
, brought to that state of perfection by ivhich the most uniform results will be experienced ; and in conjunction with their pre-eminence over all other aperient medicines , the proprietor flatters himself the low price at which they are now prepared ( being less than one half usually charged by druggists for the
common Seidlitz Powders ) will secure to them a decided preference . Prepared only by AV . O . AA RAY , Chemist , & c . 118 , Holborn-hill , London ; where also may be had ( in Boxes containing Powders for 12 Glasses , at 2 s . each ) Seidlitz PowdersIs doz 3 dozfor 26 d
, . per ., or . s . . ; Soda AA- " ater Powders , od . per doz ., or 3 doz . for Is . —Half Pint Bottle , containing sufficient for 18 Glasses , Ginger Beer Powder Is . 6 d ., or Pint Bottle 2 s . fid . ; Lemonade Powder Is . fid ., or Pint Bottle 2 s . fid . N . B . Be careful to have the "
Improved German Seidlitz Powders , " prepared by M . O . AVray , at 118 , Holborn-hill , as no others are genuine . " AVe have tasted the celebrated Improved German Seidlitz Powders , prepared b y Mr . AVray , Chemist , Holborn-hill , ancl can confidently recommend them to all parties
undertaking a long journey , as a pleasant ancl effectual remedy against ennui during their ' travels . "—Satirist , Sunday , May IS , 1 S 34 . j " It is not easy to speak in favour of such , preparations as these without incurring thei suspicion of puffing . AVe have given Mr . ! AVray ' s Powders a trial , however , and we are
bound to risk the imputation of a literary sin , most foreign to our taste ancl habits , in praising them . They are refreshing as Soda : Powders , and more aperient ; for removing that fulness of body and mental stupor which oppresses us all at this particular season of the yearwe knoiv of no surer or leasanter
, p remedy . "— Sunday Herald and United Kingdom August 3 , 1834 . I A large Stock of New English Honey , of the finest quality , retailing at is . 6 cl . par lb .,: and the best AVest India Tamarinds at the same price . ' :
Seidlitz Powders. To Travellers , Mercha...
* ,, '" ' The onl y Warehouse for Hall ' s Digestive or Dinner Pills , for preventing Indigestion , Flatulency , Heart-burn , ancl Disorders of the Stomach ; AA ray ' s Concentrated Essence of Jamaica Ginger , an invaluable Remedy for Flatulence , Pain in the Stomach , GoutRheumatism & cancl an excellent
, , , adjunct to Seidlitz Powders , for debilitated Constitutions , in bottles at 2 s , 6 d . each , duty included . A considerable Allowance made to Merchants ancl others taking a quantity of the above Articles for Exportation , & c .
Si Ght Restored, Nervous Head-Ache Cured...
SI GHT RESTORED , NERVOUS HEAD-ACHE CURED , and CHOLERA PREA ' "ENTED . —Under the Patronage of his Majesty and the Lords of the Treasury . —Dr . ABERNETHY used it , and by that gentleman it was termed the Faculty's Friend , and Nurse ' s Vade Mecum . Dr . ANDREWS also recommends its use as a
preventive . Mr . A . MACINTYRE , aged 65 , No . 3 , Silver-street , Golden-square , cured of gutta serena . Mr . P . SAUNDERSON , No . 10 , Harper-street , Leeels , cured of Cataract . Mr . H . Pluckwell , Tottenham House , Tottenham , Middlesex , cured of Opthalmia . Miss S . Englefield , Park-street , AAlndsor , cured of Nervous Head-ache . Oriinal
testig monials from medical gentlemen and families of the first respectability , proving the above , may be seen at No . 39 , Broad-street , Blooms- bury , and No . 24 , King-street , Long Aeree the ' high patronage GRIMSTONE'S EYESNUFF has attained is a testimonial beyond suspicion . This delightful herbacious compound is the most wholesome snuff taken , and
is highly recommended for its benign influence on all who use it . This delightful compound of highly aromotic herbs is sold in canisters , at Is . 3 d ., 2 s . id ., 4 s . 4 d ., and 8 s . each , or loose at Gd . per ounce . Letters , post paid , with cash orders on London Agents , to Mr . Grimstone , No . 39 , Broad-street , Bloomsbury .
T Nstantaneous Reli Ef.-Bick--"- Nell An...
T NSTANTANEOUS RELI EF .-BICK-- " - NELL and Co . ( late Savory ) , 26 . 9 , Strand , adjoining Exeter-hall , respectfully inform all persons who are subject to Indigestion anel Stomach Complaints ( especially those who find it expedient to resort to the assistance of opening medicine ) that
they are tbe SOLE MANUFACTURERS of Dr . SCOTT'S CLYSO PUMP , which is now universally adopted for obviating confinement of tbe bowels . The apparatus is constructed for domestic convenience , ancl will be found particularly commodious to females anel invalids , requiring no medicine to assist it . —Orders by post immediately dispatched .