Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 16 →
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was installed as AA . M . Many distinguished Masons were present , and the banquet as usual was elegant and liberal . It is worthy of remark , that such is the flourishing state of the Lodge that it is inconvenient , from the number of members , for them to meet in their usual room . — A subscription has been entered into for the purpose of erecting a hand ? some Lodge room , with other conveniencies , on the ground belonging to the Essex Arms ; the amount already collected exceeds £ 300 .
HERTFORD , May 7 . —The Hertford Lodge was regularly opened at one o ' clock . Present , Bro . AA m . Lloyd Thomas , the AV . M . ; the Rt . W . the Marquis of Salisbury , Prov . G . M . ; Rowland Alstone , Esq ., S . G . AV . ; several Brethren from Stortford and London , and the members of the Hertford Lodge . Two gentlemen from Enfield and one from AVelwyn were initiated . The subject of attaching a Chapter to the Hertford Lodge was discussed , and it appeared desirable that a warrant should be obtained , from
the number of Brethren who are anxious to be exalted . It wasobserv that the Companions ofthe Stortford Chapter a rewilling to transfer their warrant to the Hertford Lodge , and that the members of the Hertford Lodge were desirous to accept such transfer ; the number of members in the former being only sixteen , some of whom are from London , and only attached to assist in working the ceremonies . But there is a wellgrounded expectation that forty members of the Hertford Lodge ivould be exalted , and the Stortford Companions would readily attend at Hertford . The matter was postponed to an especial Lodge .
THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF HERTFORD was held on the same day . Present , the Marquis of Salisbury , Prov . G . M ., Bro . Rowland Alston , M . P ., and several Provincial Grand Officers , with many Brethren from the AA ' atford , Stortford , and Hertford Lodges , as well as some London Brethren . After the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened , the Prov . G . M . made the following appointments : —
Bro . Stewart , M . P ., Deputy Prov . G . M . „ It . G . Alston , M . P . Prov . S . G . AV . „ AA " . Nunn , „ J . G . AV . „ Rev . J . Byde , „ G . Chaplain . „ AA . Lloyd Thomas , „ G . Secretary . „ Rogers , „ S . G . D . „ Crawley , Jun . „ J . G . D .
„ Thomas Univin , „ G . S . B . „ Randall , „ G . Pursuivant . Brother J . M . Carter was unanimously re-elected Prov . G . Treasurei The Grand Lodge then closed .
DINNER . —In the evening the banquet of the Hertford Lodge was attended by all the Brethren who had attended the preceding Lodge . — Brother AV . M . Lloyd Thomas in the chair . —The Marquis of Salishury in returning thanks on his health being drunk , expressed his sincere gratification at the large meeting he then addressed ; it was an indication of the high station the Craft held in the province , and he declared that nothing on his part should be wanting to increase its importance by any possible means in his power . The noble Marquis spoke in a
very animated manner , and was most enthusiastically cheered . Brother Alston , in reply to a similar compliment , also stated the pleasure he experienced in presiding over the Stortford Lodge ; that his exertions should be most strenuously directed to advance its interests
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was installed as AA . M . Many distinguished Masons were present , and the banquet as usual was elegant and liberal . It is worthy of remark , that such is the flourishing state of the Lodge that it is inconvenient , from the number of members , for them to meet in their usual room . — A subscription has been entered into for the purpose of erecting a hand ? some Lodge room , with other conveniencies , on the ground belonging to the Essex Arms ; the amount already collected exceeds £ 300 .
HERTFORD , May 7 . —The Hertford Lodge was regularly opened at one o ' clock . Present , Bro . AA m . Lloyd Thomas , the AV . M . ; the Rt . W . the Marquis of Salisbury , Prov . G . M . ; Rowland Alstone , Esq ., S . G . AV . ; several Brethren from Stortford and London , and the members of the Hertford Lodge . Two gentlemen from Enfield and one from AVelwyn were initiated . The subject of attaching a Chapter to the Hertford Lodge was discussed , and it appeared desirable that a warrant should be obtained , from
the number of Brethren who are anxious to be exalted . It wasobserv that the Companions ofthe Stortford Chapter a rewilling to transfer their warrant to the Hertford Lodge , and that the members of the Hertford Lodge were desirous to accept such transfer ; the number of members in the former being only sixteen , some of whom are from London , and only attached to assist in working the ceremonies . But there is a wellgrounded expectation that forty members of the Hertford Lodge ivould be exalted , and the Stortford Companions would readily attend at Hertford . The matter was postponed to an especial Lodge .
THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF HERTFORD was held on the same day . Present , the Marquis of Salisbury , Prov . G . M ., Bro . Rowland Alston , M . P ., and several Provincial Grand Officers , with many Brethren from the AA ' atford , Stortford , and Hertford Lodges , as well as some London Brethren . After the Prov . Grand Lodge was opened , the Prov . G . M . made the following appointments : —
Bro . Stewart , M . P ., Deputy Prov . G . M . „ It . G . Alston , M . P . Prov . S . G . AV . „ AA " . Nunn , „ J . G . AV . „ Rev . J . Byde , „ G . Chaplain . „ AA . Lloyd Thomas , „ G . Secretary . „ Rogers , „ S . G . D . „ Crawley , Jun . „ J . G . D .
„ Thomas Univin , „ G . S . B . „ Randall , „ G . Pursuivant . Brother J . M . Carter was unanimously re-elected Prov . G . Treasurei The Grand Lodge then closed .
DINNER . —In the evening the banquet of the Hertford Lodge was attended by all the Brethren who had attended the preceding Lodge . — Brother AV . M . Lloyd Thomas in the chair . —The Marquis of Salishury in returning thanks on his health being drunk , expressed his sincere gratification at the large meeting he then addressed ; it was an indication of the high station the Craft held in the province , and he declared that nothing on his part should be wanting to increase its importance by any possible means in his power . The noble Marquis spoke in a
very animated manner , and was most enthusiastically cheered . Brother Alston , in reply to a similar compliment , also stated the pleasure he experienced in presiding over the Stortford Lodge ; that his exertions should be most strenuously directed to advance its interests