Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 16 →
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BATH . —AVe have received several communications from this city , some complaining that we did not give an account of the festival held in honour of the natal day of His Royal Hi ghness our M . AV . G . M . In reply , we can only state , that hoivever ubiquitous our thoughts may be , there is much personal inconvenience in being in several places at one time . It would however have been a very easy task , for one out of the many who participated in the pleasure of the day" to let those secrets
, be regularly communicated" by post . Other Brethren enquire about a very pleasing Lodge excursion to Box iu AVilts , and regret extremely that it has been discontinued . Some again have drawn our attention to the continued indisposition and necessary absence abroad of the R . AV . Prov . G . M . Brother Grosett ; in consequence of which , no Provincial Grand Lodge has been held for Six YEARS ! This province was till this unfortunate visitation of
pro vidence , one of the most zealous and active in the Craft ; apathy has succeeded . In all societies , the ruling authorities should remember how much their example determines the character of those over whom they preside . If the chief be active and courteous , the subordinates will be emulous and persevering . We earnestly , but respectfully call the attention of the deputy Grand Master of the province of AViltswhose private character has endeared
, him to all hearts , not to permit any longer delay ; but to summon his Brethren ; they await but that summons to evince their former zeal , and prove that although the Tyler ' s sword has been long in the scabbard , it may yet gleam in the sunshine . SiiEPTON MALLETT . —The Lodge has bestirred itself and promises
to equal the working and strength of its sister Lodges in the province . RYDE , May 30 . —Grand Masonic Ceremony . —On Monday , the foundation stone of the Royal A- 'ictoria Arcade was laid , with Masonic honors . The enterprising projector of this splendid addition to the elegant buildings of the town , AV . H . Banks Esq ., being a Brother of the ancient fraternity of Free and accepted Masons , received on the occasion the honour of the assistance of the Deputy Grand Master of
England , together with that of various Lodges , in laying the foundation stone of a building , which promises to be as distinguished an ornament to the town , as we hope it will be an attraction to visitors , and a source of emolument , not only to the respected proprietor of the building , but generally to tlie inhabitants of Ryde . For in buildings of this description , the gaiety of the promenade is made to contribute to the praiseworthy reward of industry and taste ; and the captivation of
the scene prolongs the residence of visitors , and produces an increased expenditure , generally beneficial to the town . The intended building ivill be situated in the centre of Union-street , on a most attractive site . During the early part of Monday , the town was on the qui vice ; numerous parties flocked in from different parts of the Island , and the adjacent coast ; steamers from Southampton , Portsmouth , and Lymington , brought the members of the different Lodges , who supported a
Brother Mason , on this appropriate occasion of exhibiting to the public , the celebration of a ceremony peculiar to their order . The different Lodges having met at Brother Sheridan ' s , in ivhose extensive establishment the best arrangements were made for their reception ; were there joined by the Earl of Durham , Deputy Grand Master of England . The noble Earl was in indifferent health , and on Siiturday evening when applied to , was apprehensive of not being able to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BATH . —AVe have received several communications from this city , some complaining that we did not give an account of the festival held in honour of the natal day of His Royal Hi ghness our M . AV . G . M . In reply , we can only state , that hoivever ubiquitous our thoughts may be , there is much personal inconvenience in being in several places at one time . It would however have been a very easy task , for one out of the many who participated in the pleasure of the day" to let those secrets
, be regularly communicated" by post . Other Brethren enquire about a very pleasing Lodge excursion to Box iu AVilts , and regret extremely that it has been discontinued . Some again have drawn our attention to the continued indisposition and necessary absence abroad of the R . AV . Prov . G . M . Brother Grosett ; in consequence of which , no Provincial Grand Lodge has been held for Six YEARS ! This province was till this unfortunate visitation of
pro vidence , one of the most zealous and active in the Craft ; apathy has succeeded . In all societies , the ruling authorities should remember how much their example determines the character of those over whom they preside . If the chief be active and courteous , the subordinates will be emulous and persevering . We earnestly , but respectfully call the attention of the deputy Grand Master of the province of AViltswhose private character has endeared
, him to all hearts , not to permit any longer delay ; but to summon his Brethren ; they await but that summons to evince their former zeal , and prove that although the Tyler ' s sword has been long in the scabbard , it may yet gleam in the sunshine . SiiEPTON MALLETT . —The Lodge has bestirred itself and promises
to equal the working and strength of its sister Lodges in the province . RYDE , May 30 . —Grand Masonic Ceremony . —On Monday , the foundation stone of the Royal A- 'ictoria Arcade was laid , with Masonic honors . The enterprising projector of this splendid addition to the elegant buildings of the town , AV . H . Banks Esq ., being a Brother of the ancient fraternity of Free and accepted Masons , received on the occasion the honour of the assistance of the Deputy Grand Master of
England , together with that of various Lodges , in laying the foundation stone of a building , which promises to be as distinguished an ornament to the town , as we hope it will be an attraction to visitors , and a source of emolument , not only to the respected proprietor of the building , but generally to tlie inhabitants of Ryde . For in buildings of this description , the gaiety of the promenade is made to contribute to the praiseworthy reward of industry and taste ; and the captivation of
the scene prolongs the residence of visitors , and produces an increased expenditure , generally beneficial to the town . The intended building ivill be situated in the centre of Union-street , on a most attractive site . During the early part of Monday , the town was on the qui vice ; numerous parties flocked in from different parts of the Island , and the adjacent coast ; steamers from Southampton , Portsmouth , and Lymington , brought the members of the different Lodges , who supported a
Brother Mason , on this appropriate occasion of exhibiting to the public , the celebration of a ceremony peculiar to their order . The different Lodges having met at Brother Sheridan ' s , in ivhose extensive establishment the best arrangements were made for their reception ; were there joined by the Earl of Durham , Deputy Grand Master of England . The noble Earl was in indifferent health , and on Siiturday evening when applied to , was apprehensive of not being able to