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of your kindness . I hope I shall have health spared me to see the work you have commenced this day , happily completed . I hope so , because in addition to the personal benefit to myself , I feel confident it will contribute to the prosperity of Ryde . I think that the intended building will be a convenience , as well as an ornament , to the town , and that it will be a testimony of the skill and judgment of the architect ,
on whom I rely in its construction . —( Applause . ) Before I set down , I am sure you will allow me to propose another toast . It is in connexion with the improvement of the town of Ryde . AVhat architecture has clone for Ryde , you can best appreciate from the style of the sacred edifice in which you have offered up your devotions this day . Other architects have also contributed to the embellishment of the town , but it is principally to the genius of the late lamented
Sanderson , that Ryde is indebted for her elegant buildings , and I trust that the mantle has fallen on the right shoulders—and that you will have many edifices of utility and beauty . — -Cheers . ) I beg to propose the health of " The Architect of the Royal Alctoria Arcade—William
AVestmacott , Esq . —( Loud cheering . ) AV . AA '" estmacott , Esq ., rose and expressed the great diffidence he felt in replying to the compliment just paid him , from his being almost a stranger among them . Dr . Ryan gave , " Success to the Royal Victoria Arcade , and Prosperity to the town of Ryde . " C . E . Deacon , Esq ., proposed the health of Brother Sheridan , and
eulogised the manner in ivhich the dinner had been got up . In the absence of Brother Sheridan , Brother Lieutenant Morris , R . N ., with much eloquence , returned thanks on behalf of Brother Sheridan , in a very brilliant speech . " The Corporation , " and many other toasts followed , which we regret our limits prevent us noticing . The whole arrangements of the evening were excellent , and we hope the wishes of the spirited proprietor of the Arcade may be fulfilled , that while the building shall be an ornament to the town , it may also add to its prosperity . —Hampshire Advertiser .
TAVISTOCK , June 24 . —A sermon was preached by the Rev . E . Bray , before a Masonic congregation , who walked in procession to the church . In the afternoon the Brethren dined at the Exeter-inn , ancl spent an evening very happily in social pleasure . TRURO . —THE LANDER PILLAR . —The foundation stone of the Column to commemorate that era in the progress of discoveries in the
interior of Africa by Richard and John Lander , and which terminated in the mournful result of Mr . Richard Lander ' s death , was laid in their native town of Truro , on Tuesday the 16 th of June , on a spot presented for the purpose , by the Lord of . the Manor , Sir C . Lemon , Bart ., M . P . The committee having determined to avail themselves of every circumstance within their reach to give effect thereto , solicited and obtained the aid of that respectable body the Ancient ancl
Honourable Society of Free ancl Accepted Masons , under the patronage of the venerable ancl highly respected Sir John St . Aubyn , Bart ., as Provincial Grand Master for Cornwall . The Ancient and Honourable Society of Free ancl Accepted Masons vol .. II . " 2 v
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of your kindness . I hope I shall have health spared me to see the work you have commenced this day , happily completed . I hope so , because in addition to the personal benefit to myself , I feel confident it will contribute to the prosperity of Ryde . I think that the intended building will be a convenience , as well as an ornament , to the town , and that it will be a testimony of the skill and judgment of the architect ,
on whom I rely in its construction . —( Applause . ) Before I set down , I am sure you will allow me to propose another toast . It is in connexion with the improvement of the town of Ryde . AVhat architecture has clone for Ryde , you can best appreciate from the style of the sacred edifice in which you have offered up your devotions this day . Other architects have also contributed to the embellishment of the town , but it is principally to the genius of the late lamented
Sanderson , that Ryde is indebted for her elegant buildings , and I trust that the mantle has fallen on the right shoulders—and that you will have many edifices of utility and beauty . — -Cheers . ) I beg to propose the health of " The Architect of the Royal Alctoria Arcade—William
AVestmacott , Esq . —( Loud cheering . ) AV . AA '" estmacott , Esq ., rose and expressed the great diffidence he felt in replying to the compliment just paid him , from his being almost a stranger among them . Dr . Ryan gave , " Success to the Royal Victoria Arcade , and Prosperity to the town of Ryde . " C . E . Deacon , Esq ., proposed the health of Brother Sheridan , and
eulogised the manner in ivhich the dinner had been got up . In the absence of Brother Sheridan , Brother Lieutenant Morris , R . N ., with much eloquence , returned thanks on behalf of Brother Sheridan , in a very brilliant speech . " The Corporation , " and many other toasts followed , which we regret our limits prevent us noticing . The whole arrangements of the evening were excellent , and we hope the wishes of the spirited proprietor of the Arcade may be fulfilled , that while the building shall be an ornament to the town , it may also add to its prosperity . —Hampshire Advertiser .
TAVISTOCK , June 24 . —A sermon was preached by the Rev . E . Bray , before a Masonic congregation , who walked in procession to the church . In the afternoon the Brethren dined at the Exeter-inn , ancl spent an evening very happily in social pleasure . TRURO . —THE LANDER PILLAR . —The foundation stone of the Column to commemorate that era in the progress of discoveries in the
interior of Africa by Richard and John Lander , and which terminated in the mournful result of Mr . Richard Lander ' s death , was laid in their native town of Truro , on Tuesday the 16 th of June , on a spot presented for the purpose , by the Lord of . the Manor , Sir C . Lemon , Bart ., M . P . The committee having determined to avail themselves of every circumstance within their reach to give effect thereto , solicited and obtained the aid of that respectable body the Ancient ancl
Honourable Society of Free ancl Accepted Masons , under the patronage of the venerable ancl highly respected Sir John St . Aubyn , Bart ., as Provincial Grand Master for Cornwall . The Ancient and Honourable Society of Free ancl Accepted Masons vol .. II . " 2 v