Article THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. ← Page 4 of 7 →
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The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
First . —A Grand Lodge of Perfection , which has jurisdiction over all the degrees , from the fourth to the fourteenth inclusive , and is itself subordinate to a Council of Princes of Jerusalem . This should , as far as possible , be a Representative Council , and be composed of those Avho are in authority , as being at the head of the Degrees over which it has control . Grand Lodges of Perfection Avere early taken from this country to the West
Indies ancl America , before the independence of the United States , and Ave find that one existed at Albany , A . D . 1766 . The statutes of the Order are those settled by the Sov . Princes of the Royal Secret , A . D . 1762 , subject of course to any alterations made by the Grand Constitutions of A . D . 1786 . The Sov . Inspector then read some of the statutes . Secondly . —A Grand Council of Princes of JerusalemAvhich
exer-, cises jurisdiction over the fifteenth and sixteenth Degrees , and all Grancl Lodges of Perfection . The body should be so composed as to represent fairly the Lodges and Chapters over which it has control . Thirdly . —A Sovereign Chapter of Rose Croix of PI . R . D . M ., Avhich exercises authority over the seventh and eighteenth Degrees . Any S . P . R . C . may make a direct appeal to the Supreme Council on any subject on Avhich he feels aggrieved . This full title is Knight
of the Eagle and Pelican . — S . P . R . C . of H . R . D . M . Kilwinning . It is one of the regulations of this Degree that it should never be conferred but " after the most satisfactory inquiries into the true masonic , as well as the civil qualifications of every candidate . " Fourthly . —A Sov . Grand Consistory of S . P . R . S ., Avhich confers from the nineteenth to the twenty-ninth Degree inclusive of its owii right ; subject of course to the Supreme Council , AA'hich exercises a controlling influence over all the governing bodies . The 30 th
, 31 st , and 32 nd Degree , are conferred by the Supreme Court itself . He had noAV stated in a summary form the constitution of the Ancient and Accepted Rite . It was one of the great objects of their Sov . Commander and his Council in taking the great trouble they had done , to elevate the character of Freemasonry in the provinces ; by discouraging all those from joining the higher Degrees except such as were entitled to be admitted by their masonic worth
and social position . In conclusion , he said he had the fullest confidence that those who had accepted the important offices to-day , Avould assist the Supreme Council by their able and energetic cooperation in furthering such a desirable object . The Convocation Avas then closed , and the brethren , accompanied by their distinguished visitors , proceeded to the banquet , Avhich , in the absence of the Sov . Commander , Avas presided over by the 111 . Grand Treasurer of the Order .
On the cloth being cleared , and the National Anthem sung , The 111 . GRAXD TREASURER said , he rose to propose the health of the Sov . Commander of the Order , Dr . Leeson ; all of them would regret his absence ; but it was unavoidable , as he had before explained . They however all knew , whether absent or present , then- 111 . Friend had at heart the good of the Order . The toast was given with all the honours . The 111 . GRAND TREASURER then rose and said , that the pleasing duty devolved on him to introduce to their notice "The health of then- distinguished guest , the Right Hon . the Earl of Donoughmore . " This was the first opportunity they had had to welcome their illustrious Brother amongst them , but he trusted it was only one of many such favours as would be conferred upon them .
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The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
First . —A Grand Lodge of Perfection , which has jurisdiction over all the degrees , from the fourth to the fourteenth inclusive , and is itself subordinate to a Council of Princes of Jerusalem . This should , as far as possible , be a Representative Council , and be composed of those Avho are in authority , as being at the head of the Degrees over which it has control . Grand Lodges of Perfection Avere early taken from this country to the West
Indies ancl America , before the independence of the United States , and Ave find that one existed at Albany , A . D . 1766 . The statutes of the Order are those settled by the Sov . Princes of the Royal Secret , A . D . 1762 , subject of course to any alterations made by the Grand Constitutions of A . D . 1786 . The Sov . Inspector then read some of the statutes . Secondly . —A Grand Council of Princes of JerusalemAvhich
exer-, cises jurisdiction over the fifteenth and sixteenth Degrees , and all Grancl Lodges of Perfection . The body should be so composed as to represent fairly the Lodges and Chapters over which it has control . Thirdly . —A Sovereign Chapter of Rose Croix of PI . R . D . M ., Avhich exercises authority over the seventh and eighteenth Degrees . Any S . P . R . C . may make a direct appeal to the Supreme Council on any subject on Avhich he feels aggrieved . This full title is Knight
of the Eagle and Pelican . — S . P . R . C . of H . R . D . M . Kilwinning . It is one of the regulations of this Degree that it should never be conferred but " after the most satisfactory inquiries into the true masonic , as well as the civil qualifications of every candidate . " Fourthly . —A Sov . Grand Consistory of S . P . R . S ., Avhich confers from the nineteenth to the twenty-ninth Degree inclusive of its owii right ; subject of course to the Supreme Council , AA'hich exercises a controlling influence over all the governing bodies . The 30 th
, 31 st , and 32 nd Degree , are conferred by the Supreme Court itself . He had noAV stated in a summary form the constitution of the Ancient and Accepted Rite . It was one of the great objects of their Sov . Commander and his Council in taking the great trouble they had done , to elevate the character of Freemasonry in the provinces ; by discouraging all those from joining the higher Degrees except such as were entitled to be admitted by their masonic worth
and social position . In conclusion , he said he had the fullest confidence that those who had accepted the important offices to-day , Avould assist the Supreme Council by their able and energetic cooperation in furthering such a desirable object . The Convocation Avas then closed , and the brethren , accompanied by their distinguished visitors , proceeded to the banquet , Avhich , in the absence of the Sov . Commander , Avas presided over by the 111 . Grand Treasurer of the Order .
On the cloth being cleared , and the National Anthem sung , The 111 . GRAXD TREASURER said , he rose to propose the health of the Sov . Commander of the Order , Dr . Leeson ; all of them would regret his absence ; but it was unavoidable , as he had before explained . They however all knew , whether absent or present , then- 111 . Friend had at heart the good of the Order . The toast was given with all the honours . The 111 . GRAND TREASURER then rose and said , that the pleasing duty devolved on him to introduce to their notice "The health of then- distinguished guest , the Right Hon . the Earl of Donoughmore . " This was the first opportunity they had had to welcome their illustrious Brother amongst them , but he trusted it was only one of many such favours as would be conferred upon them .