Article THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. ← Page 7 of 7 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1
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The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
such meeting , it Avas fixed for Wednesday , the 7 th of July . During the Convocation , it Avas mentioned by an influential Brother that some general rule Avould probably shortly be come to as to Brethren being advanced from the 30 th to the 31 st Degree ; and it was intimated , that Brethren Avishing to obtain higher rank Avould be enabled to do so after they had become possessed of the 30 th Degree one year , and a similar time to elapse from taking the 31 st Degree , before they Avere entitled to claim the 32 nd ( or Sov . Prince of the Royal Secret ) . Nothing , hoAvever , was knoAvn to have been decided on the subject .
LODGE OF SINCERITY , NO . 203 . —The Brethren of the above Lodge , which is rapidly progressing in numbers , as also in Masonic knowledge , on Friday , the 18 th June , 1852 , proceeded to the Greyhound Inn , Duhvich , to celebrate its eighty-fourth anniversary , and , notwithstanding the unsettled state of the weather , the greater portion of the Brethren of the Lodge and their fair partners Avere in attendance . At three o ' clock they sat doAvn to a splendid dinnerwhich
, , together Avith an elegant repast provided for the ladies , Avas served up in the best style . The W . M . Bro . Louis La Roche presided , Avhile Bro . Terry , S . W ., performed the duties of the vice-chair . On the cloth being removed , and the usual Masonic and loyal toasts given , the ladies Avere introduced , Avhen the W . M ., after a short preface .
gave " Prosperity to the Lodge of Sincerity , " Avhich was responded to by Bro . W . Major , P . M . The W . M . next proposed " The health of the Ladies , " Avhich Bro . W . Oman , P . M ., responded to in a neat and appropriate speech . " The health of the SteAvards , " as also of " The W . M ., as Chairman , " Avas duly drunk , and responded to , after Avhich the W . M . left the chair ; and the company having partaken of tea and coffee , adjourned to the laAvn , Avhere they amused
themselves with dancing until dark , and at ten o'clock set off for town , Avell pleased with their day ' s festival . BetAveen the toasts , some excellent songs were given by Bros . BreAver , Brooks , Hicks , and Potts .
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The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
such meeting , it Avas fixed for Wednesday , the 7 th of July . During the Convocation , it Avas mentioned by an influential Brother that some general rule Avould probably shortly be come to as to Brethren being advanced from the 30 th to the 31 st Degree ; and it was intimated , that Brethren Avishing to obtain higher rank Avould be enabled to do so after they had become possessed of the 30 th Degree one year , and a similar time to elapse from taking the 31 st Degree , before they Avere entitled to claim the 32 nd ( or Sov . Prince of the Royal Secret ) . Nothing , hoAvever , was knoAvn to have been decided on the subject .
LODGE OF SINCERITY , NO . 203 . —The Brethren of the above Lodge , which is rapidly progressing in numbers , as also in Masonic knowledge , on Friday , the 18 th June , 1852 , proceeded to the Greyhound Inn , Duhvich , to celebrate its eighty-fourth anniversary , and , notwithstanding the unsettled state of the weather , the greater portion of the Brethren of the Lodge and their fair partners Avere in attendance . At three o ' clock they sat doAvn to a splendid dinnerwhich
, , together Avith an elegant repast provided for the ladies , Avas served up in the best style . The W . M . Bro . Louis La Roche presided , Avhile Bro . Terry , S . W ., performed the duties of the vice-chair . On the cloth being removed , and the usual Masonic and loyal toasts given , the ladies Avere introduced , Avhen the W . M ., after a short preface .
gave " Prosperity to the Lodge of Sincerity , " Avhich was responded to by Bro . W . Major , P . M . The W . M . next proposed " The health of the Ladies , " Avhich Bro . W . Oman , P . M ., responded to in a neat and appropriate speech . " The health of the SteAvards , " as also of " The W . M ., as Chairman , " Avas duly drunk , and responded to , after Avhich the W . M . left the chair ; and the company having partaken of tea and coffee , adjourned to the laAvn , Avhere they amused
themselves with dancing until dark , and at ten o'clock set off for town , Avell pleased with their day ' s festival . BetAveen the toasts , some excellent songs were given by Bros . BreAver , Brooks , Hicks , and Potts .