Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 19 of 25 →
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"The Queen and the Craft . " "Prince Albert , the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " "The M . W . G . M . —The Earl Zetland . " " The Dep . G . M . —The Earl of Yarborough , and the officers of the Grancl Lodge of England . " " The R . W . Pr . G . M . —Col . C . J . Kemeys Tynte . "
In proposing the last toast , the Chairman paid a high compliment to the Masonic abilities of the Pr . G . M ., and read a letter from him , expressing his regret at his unavoidable absence . Bro . DE BERNARDY then rose and said—The next toast was one
which fell to his lot ; it AA'as his peculiar privilege . He Avas exceedingly sorry that it Avas a toast of routine , although it Avas one they Avould readily understand and highly appreciate , ancl he felt that they would do it the most ample justice . Need he say that the toast he Avas about to propose was the health of their excellent D . Pr . G . M . ( Loud and reiterated cheering . ) The Avay , in which , they had received the announcement , was an ansAver to his former remarks . Where a man was sohihly appreciated and so Avell understood
. g , where his good equalities Avere so evident , they could easily get rid of the charge of merely paying an ordinary compliment . Their Bro . Rolls Avas a most popular and excellent ruler of this little Province ( cheers )—a Province , little if they took the number of Lodges , but large , if they looked at the Masonic energy and intelligence of their members , and their knowledge of Masonry . Although he Avas a member of one of those Lod himselfhe could not be accused of
ges , undue partiality ; for he must say honestly and fairly , that Monmouthshire was as energetic , Avell-meaning , and industrious a Province as any Avithin the scope of his knoAvledge . ( Cheers . ) Their Bro . Rolls took the lead in it Avith an earnest and sincere desire to promote its prosperity . ( Cheers . ) His actions spoke for themselves . Not onl y was he a good ruler of the Craft ; but his
estimable qualities in his other relations of life Avere most conspicuous . ( Cheers . ) He Avould ask them with all the cordiality and Avarm feeling they entertained towards him to drink the health of Bro . Rolls , wishing him long life , prosperity , and success . ( Masonic cheers . ) TheD . Pr . G . M ., in responding to the toast , took the opportunity of . thanking the Silurian Lodge for their kind reception of the Pr . G . L .,
. and also alluded to the excellent sermon preached by Bro . Roberts , by A \ diich he was assured they had all been deli ghted , edified , and instructed ( cheers ; , and no " t only they , but the hundreds of strangers by Avhom they Avere surrounded . ( Cheers . ) The speaker ¦ concluded by proposing " The Army and Navy . " Bro . LYNE briefly returned thanks on behalf of the Navy . The D . Pr . G . M . next proposed the health of the Visiting Brethren , which
- Avas responded to by Bro . Williams , of Swansea . The next toast was the health of Bro . De Bernardy , Avhich was received with uproarious enthusiasm . In responding , he referred to the reputation the Pr . G . Lodge of Monmouthshire had attained on the cont . nent , and to the proceedings at the installation of the G . M . of France , at which he was present . The D . Pr . G . M . next proposed the health of the Pr . G . Chaplain •—the Rev . G . Roberts ; to AA-hose eloquent sermon he paid a hi"h
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"The Queen and the Craft . " "Prince Albert , the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " "The M . W . G . M . —The Earl Zetland . " " The Dep . G . M . —The Earl of Yarborough , and the officers of the Grancl Lodge of England . " " The R . W . Pr . G . M . —Col . C . J . Kemeys Tynte . "
In proposing the last toast , the Chairman paid a high compliment to the Masonic abilities of the Pr . G . M ., and read a letter from him , expressing his regret at his unavoidable absence . Bro . DE BERNARDY then rose and said—The next toast was one
which fell to his lot ; it AA'as his peculiar privilege . He Avas exceedingly sorry that it Avas a toast of routine , although it Avas one they Avould readily understand and highly appreciate , ancl he felt that they would do it the most ample justice . Need he say that the toast he Avas about to propose was the health of their excellent D . Pr . G . M . ( Loud and reiterated cheering . ) The Avay , in which , they had received the announcement , was an ansAver to his former remarks . Where a man was sohihly appreciated and so Avell understood
. g , where his good equalities Avere so evident , they could easily get rid of the charge of merely paying an ordinary compliment . Their Bro . Rolls Avas a most popular and excellent ruler of this little Province ( cheers )—a Province , little if they took the number of Lodges , but large , if they looked at the Masonic energy and intelligence of their members , and their knowledge of Masonry . Although he Avas a member of one of those Lod himselfhe could not be accused of
ges , undue partiality ; for he must say honestly and fairly , that Monmouthshire was as energetic , Avell-meaning , and industrious a Province as any Avithin the scope of his knoAvledge . ( Cheers . ) Their Bro . Rolls took the lead in it Avith an earnest and sincere desire to promote its prosperity . ( Cheers . ) His actions spoke for themselves . Not onl y was he a good ruler of the Craft ; but his
estimable qualities in his other relations of life Avere most conspicuous . ( Cheers . ) He Avould ask them with all the cordiality and Avarm feeling they entertained towards him to drink the health of Bro . Rolls , wishing him long life , prosperity , and success . ( Masonic cheers . ) TheD . Pr . G . M ., in responding to the toast , took the opportunity of . thanking the Silurian Lodge for their kind reception of the Pr . G . L .,
. and also alluded to the excellent sermon preached by Bro . Roberts , by A \ diich he was assured they had all been deli ghted , edified , and instructed ( cheers ; , and no " t only they , but the hundreds of strangers by Avhom they Avere surrounded . ( Cheers . ) The speaker ¦ concluded by proposing " The Army and Navy . " Bro . LYNE briefly returned thanks on behalf of the Navy . The D . Pr . G . M . next proposed the health of the Visiting Brethren , which
- Avas responded to by Bro . Williams , of Swansea . The next toast was the health of Bro . De Bernardy , Avhich was received with uproarious enthusiasm . In responding , he referred to the reputation the Pr . G . Lodge of Monmouthshire had attained on the cont . nent , and to the proceedings at the installation of the G . M . of France , at which he was present . The D . Pr . G . M . next proposed the health of the Pr . G . Chaplain •—the Rev . G . Roberts ; to AA-hose eloquent sermon he paid a hi"h