Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 20 of 25 →
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but deserved compliment . The toast Avas received Avith reiterated applause . Bro . the Rev . G . ROBERTS replied as follows : —I should indeed be one of the most insensible of beings , if I Avere not to thank you from my very heart for the most cordial reception , AA'hich you have given to one Avho has been Avell described by your W . D . Pr . G . M . as an old friend in Monmouthshire . ( Cheers . ) The reason AvhI
y undertook the office of Pr . G . Chaplain , Avas , that I might reneAv those ties Avhich formerly bound me so close to the Province of Monmouthshire , and that I might , though residing at a distance , have the pleasure sometimes of coming to see those faces Avhich ahvays smiled so kindly upon me , and to observe the Avarmth of those hearts , Avhich always extended their sympathy toAvards me . It has given me great pleasure to come to the toAvn of NeAvport
, Avhere I never saAV so large a concourse of the loAver orders so well behaved , under , perhaps , to them , very singular appearances . Of course , in some minds , such an occasion as this produces a strong degree of excitement ; but I never saAV a populace exhibit such decorous and quiet deportment . It SIIOAVS that Masonry is popular Avith the loAver orders of society ( cheers ) , and I believe it to be so for this reason , because they are aAvare that there is an electric spark of charity
and good-feeling amongst us , and while Ave all keep our proper places , still Ave all act upon the square and level . ( Cheers . ) I shall return to London Avith the hope that our worthy D . Pr . G . M . will give to me the opportunity of revisiting the Province , to enable me to gather together the links of good felloAVship and amity , which have shown themselves to-day , and to clasp the hands of those Brethren , with Avhom I have been associated through evil and good report . ( Cheers . ) Several other toasts folloAved , and the evening Avas spent in a spirit of most joA r ous hilarity .
STAFFORDSHIRE . —WALSALL . —Consecration of the Vernon Chapter , No . 786 . —This interesting event took place on Friday , the 11 th June , at the rooms occupied by the Chapter and the Lodge of St . Matthew , to which it is attached , in the presence of the Members and Visiting Companions from the Chapters of Birmingham , Wolverhampton , Dudley , and Longton . The ceremony AA-SS most ably performed by Comp . John Savage , P . Z . 7 , 25 , & 206 , to whom
the requisite authority had been delegated by the Prov . Grand Superintendent Comp . Henry C . Vernon , Avho Avas prevented by sudden and severe illness from attending . The principals appointed by the Warrant Avere installed in their respective Chairs , viz . : —Comp . Thos . James , Z . ; Jno . Barton , H . ; William James , J . ; as also the Principals of the St . Peter ' s Chapter , 607 , Wolverhampton , viz .: —Comp . Jno . Fox Warner , Z . ;
Thomas James , H . ; G . T . CasAvell , J . The exaltation of four Brethren- —John James , Jun . W . M ., 786 ; J . R . Robinson , J . W ., 786 ; F . A . Edwards , 786 ; J . D . Payne , 786 , —was most impressively performed by Comp . Savage , and the business terminated by the election of Comp . Savage as an honorary member , to mark the sense the Chapter entertained of the important services he had rendered . The Companions then sat doAvn to banquet , under the presidency
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but deserved compliment . The toast Avas received Avith reiterated applause . Bro . the Rev . G . ROBERTS replied as follows : —I should indeed be one of the most insensible of beings , if I Avere not to thank you from my very heart for the most cordial reception , AA'hich you have given to one Avho has been Avell described by your W . D . Pr . G . M . as an old friend in Monmouthshire . ( Cheers . ) The reason AvhI
y undertook the office of Pr . G . Chaplain , Avas , that I might reneAv those ties Avhich formerly bound me so close to the Province of Monmouthshire , and that I might , though residing at a distance , have the pleasure sometimes of coming to see those faces Avhich ahvays smiled so kindly upon me , and to observe the Avarmth of those hearts , Avhich always extended their sympathy toAvards me . It has given me great pleasure to come to the toAvn of NeAvport
, Avhere I never saAV so large a concourse of the loAver orders so well behaved , under , perhaps , to them , very singular appearances . Of course , in some minds , such an occasion as this produces a strong degree of excitement ; but I never saAV a populace exhibit such decorous and quiet deportment . It SIIOAVS that Masonry is popular Avith the loAver orders of society ( cheers ) , and I believe it to be so for this reason , because they are aAvare that there is an electric spark of charity
and good-feeling amongst us , and while Ave all keep our proper places , still Ave all act upon the square and level . ( Cheers . ) I shall return to London Avith the hope that our worthy D . Pr . G . M . will give to me the opportunity of revisiting the Province , to enable me to gather together the links of good felloAVship and amity , which have shown themselves to-day , and to clasp the hands of those Brethren , with Avhom I have been associated through evil and good report . ( Cheers . ) Several other toasts folloAved , and the evening Avas spent in a spirit of most joA r ous hilarity .
STAFFORDSHIRE . —WALSALL . —Consecration of the Vernon Chapter , No . 786 . —This interesting event took place on Friday , the 11 th June , at the rooms occupied by the Chapter and the Lodge of St . Matthew , to which it is attached , in the presence of the Members and Visiting Companions from the Chapters of Birmingham , Wolverhampton , Dudley , and Longton . The ceremony AA-SS most ably performed by Comp . John Savage , P . Z . 7 , 25 , & 206 , to whom
the requisite authority had been delegated by the Prov . Grand Superintendent Comp . Henry C . Vernon , Avho Avas prevented by sudden and severe illness from attending . The principals appointed by the Warrant Avere installed in their respective Chairs , viz . : —Comp . Thos . James , Z . ; Jno . Barton , H . ; William James , J . ; as also the Principals of the St . Peter ' s Chapter , 607 , Wolverhampton , viz .: —Comp . Jno . Fox Warner , Z . ;
Thomas James , H . ; G . T . CasAvell , J . The exaltation of four Brethren- —John James , Jun . W . M ., 786 ; J . R . Robinson , J . W ., 786 ; F . A . Edwards , 786 ; J . D . Payne , 786 , —was most impressively performed by Comp . Savage , and the business terminated by the election of Comp . Savage as an honorary member , to mark the sense the Chapter entertained of the important services he had rendered . The Companions then sat doAvn to banquet , under the presidency