Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 22 of 25 →
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it , as they had a good Commander in Chief ( and they all knew that good officers made good soldiers ) , one Avho had the advantage of being Avell known to them and well respected , and hence great benefit must result to the Chapter ; he Avould therefore give the good health of the First Principal Comp . Thomas James , a health bound up Avith the Avelfare of the Chapter . The M . E . Z . then rose and adverted to the difficulty of his
position , in presiding for the first time in that capacity ; he had Avished that seat should be occupied by some experienced Past officer , as had been the case Avhen they established the Lodge ; but as the Companions engaged in the formation of the Chapter , had unanimously requested him to take it , he felt their kindness in doing so , and Avould do his best : they must not , hoAvever , expect to see him do so Avell as had been done that day ; he Avouldhoweverdo all he couldand trusted
, , , that with , their united efforts , the Chapter Avould prosper . They must bear in mind the honourable name it bore , one so Avell knoAvn and highly esteemed in Masonry ; and use all their endeavours to carry into effect the sentiments of the motto of that excellent family , " Vernon semper viret . " He hoped that they Avould evince that the Royal Arch AA as not only the essence of Masonry in name , but in true fraternal feeling .
The health of the Visitors was then given by H . and responded to by Comp . Empson , of the Chapter of Fortitude , 51 , AA-IIO gave the health of the Second and Third Principals , to Avliich II . replied . Afterwards , the neAvly exalted Companions and the Officers of the Chapter Avere appropriately honoured , and the meeting broke up in perfect harmony , at a little after 10 o'clock .
WARAVICK . —Some of the more active Brs . of the Shakespeare Lodge , 356 , considering it very desirable to found a R . A . Chapter , to be attached to their Lodge , have recently petitioned the Supreme Grand Chapter for that purpose . It is very satisfactory to announce that a Charter of Constitution has been granted for the Shakespeare Chapter , 356 , bearing date 5 th May , 1852 , and naming as the First Principals the Excellent Companions John W . Baughton LeihD . P . G . M . for
Waiwiekg , shire as Z . ; Henry Blenkinsop , W . M ., 356 , as H . ; and the Rev . W . Westhall , P . M ., S 5 G , as J . The Excellent Companions named in the Charter as members of the NBAV Chapter , are the Earl Howe , Pr . G . M . for Warwickshire ; W . H . Payton , John Lake , John Heritage , Wm . Jones , R . H . Fry , and others . The Masonic spirit and energy Avhich so happily prevail in the Shakespeare Lodge , added to the kind assistance of numerous
talented Companions in the neighbourhood , rendered in the most cordial and enthusiastic manner , bid fair to raise the Shakespeare Chapter to a proud position in the Holy Order of Royal Arch Masonry .
WORCESTER . —BROMSGROVE . —The annual meeting of the Masonic Brethren of the Province of Worcester Avas held on Wednesday , June 16 , at the ToAvn Hall , Bromsgrove , to transact the necessary business of the Province , and to elect and appoint officers for the ensuing year . The Clive Lodge , No . 819 , holds its meetings at the ToAA'n Hall , but as that room Avas required on this occasion for ban-
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it , as they had a good Commander in Chief ( and they all knew that good officers made good soldiers ) , one Avho had the advantage of being Avell known to them and well respected , and hence great benefit must result to the Chapter ; he Avould therefore give the good health of the First Principal Comp . Thomas James , a health bound up Avith the Avelfare of the Chapter . The M . E . Z . then rose and adverted to the difficulty of his
position , in presiding for the first time in that capacity ; he had Avished that seat should be occupied by some experienced Past officer , as had been the case Avhen they established the Lodge ; but as the Companions engaged in the formation of the Chapter , had unanimously requested him to take it , he felt their kindness in doing so , and Avould do his best : they must not , hoAvever , expect to see him do so Avell as had been done that day ; he Avouldhoweverdo all he couldand trusted
, , , that with , their united efforts , the Chapter Avould prosper . They must bear in mind the honourable name it bore , one so Avell knoAvn and highly esteemed in Masonry ; and use all their endeavours to carry into effect the sentiments of the motto of that excellent family , " Vernon semper viret . " He hoped that they Avould evince that the Royal Arch AA as not only the essence of Masonry in name , but in true fraternal feeling .
The health of the Visitors was then given by H . and responded to by Comp . Empson , of the Chapter of Fortitude , 51 , AA-IIO gave the health of the Second and Third Principals , to Avliich II . replied . Afterwards , the neAvly exalted Companions and the Officers of the Chapter Avere appropriately honoured , and the meeting broke up in perfect harmony , at a little after 10 o'clock .
WARAVICK . —Some of the more active Brs . of the Shakespeare Lodge , 356 , considering it very desirable to found a R . A . Chapter , to be attached to their Lodge , have recently petitioned the Supreme Grand Chapter for that purpose . It is very satisfactory to announce that a Charter of Constitution has been granted for the Shakespeare Chapter , 356 , bearing date 5 th May , 1852 , and naming as the First Principals the Excellent Companions John W . Baughton LeihD . P . G . M . for
Waiwiekg , shire as Z . ; Henry Blenkinsop , W . M ., 356 , as H . ; and the Rev . W . Westhall , P . M ., S 5 G , as J . The Excellent Companions named in the Charter as members of the NBAV Chapter , are the Earl Howe , Pr . G . M . for Warwickshire ; W . H . Payton , John Lake , John Heritage , Wm . Jones , R . H . Fry , and others . The Masonic spirit and energy Avhich so happily prevail in the Shakespeare Lodge , added to the kind assistance of numerous
talented Companions in the neighbourhood , rendered in the most cordial and enthusiastic manner , bid fair to raise the Shakespeare Chapter to a proud position in the Holy Order of Royal Arch Masonry .
WORCESTER . —BROMSGROVE . —The annual meeting of the Masonic Brethren of the Province of Worcester Avas held on Wednesday , June 16 , at the ToAvn Hall , Bromsgrove , to transact the necessary business of the Province , and to elect and appoint officers for the ensuing year . The Clive Lodge , No . 819 , holds its meetings at the ToAA'n Hall , but as that room Avas required on this occasion for ban-